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Note:T. Dye test is given only by

2 Chemical reactions of dve test 21,0 NaCT

Benzene diazonium chloride

= N-CoH6OH
CH,N = NCI B-naphthol
Orange-red dye

14. Organic Analysis

of Functional Groups
Experimental Exercises.

1. confirmatory test is given in the exercise.
Only one

written acçording to the organic compoun

2. Observations of physical properties are

are written in record book and not of the
3. Tests for the functional group present
functional groups which are not present

Experimcnt No.
1ExpeineutNo =
Exercise : Identify the functional group present in the given organic compound.
Physical Properties
Physical state solid
Colour white
(ii) Odour No smell
Solubility in water Soluble in water
S. Experiment Observations Inference

Nature of the
Compound-Put a Litmus paper turns red Organic
compound is
crystal of the
compound on moist acidic in nature
may be -COOH
blue litmus paper
functional group

S. Experiment 125
Burning Test : Take Observations Inference
some organic
compound on copper blue compound
flame burns with non-sooty
Compound is
wire and bring it in to aliphatic.
the flame
Detectionyf element-
(GNassaigde Green ppt
soluion +NaQH +
FeSO eshly
(ii) Add few drops of
Solution does not turns
dil. HSO green or blue N-absent
Test for Functional
Aqueous solution of Brisk effervescence colourless
compound +a pinch odourless >C-OH group
gas evolved absent -COOH
of NaHCO3
Ester test group in present.
Organic compound + Fruity smell evolved -COOH group
2-3 drops H,SO4 +
0.5 mL CH,OH.
Result Carboxylic acid (-COOIH) group is present in the given organic compound
Structural formula- --Ö-H
Experiment No. 2 | experimeut no= /8
Exercise-ldentify the Functional Group present in the given organic compound.

Physical Properties-
i) Physical state - Liquid
(i) Colour Colourless
that of sprit
(iii) Odour-Pleasant smell like
(v)Solubility in water Soluble in
Observations Inference
S. Experiment
Nature of the Organic comp. is
No reaction
Compound-Put a neutral.

drop of liquid on
moist blue litmus
paper and moist red
litmus paper
S. Experiment Observations
The compound burns with non-sooty
Burning test - Bring
Compound is
a copper wire dipped blue flame. aliphatic
in the given liquid
intothe flame
Detectian of Green ppt
solution + NaQH +
freshly prepared
FeSO solution
Add few drops of dil. Solution does not turns green or blue N-absent
4. Test for Functional
i) Sodium metal test
Organic liquid + Na Brisk effervescence with the evolution of -OH (alcoholic)
piece H2 gas group is present
(ii) Ceric ammonium
nitrate teest
Aqueous solution of Solution turns red -OH group is
the compound + ceric present
ammonium nitrate
(iii) Ester Test- Fruity smell evolved -OH group Is
Compound+ solid present
CH COONa + few
drops of conc. HSO,
and heat
Result: The given organic compound has alcoholic (-OH) functional group in it

Structural formula-

Experimecnt No.
1 9
Exercise : ldentify the functional group present in the given organic compound.

Physical Properties
() Physical state-Solid

i) Colour-Light pink
(ii) Odour -Phenolic smell
(iv) Solubility in water soluble in water
eistry Practical-XI|

Experiment 127

NO. Nature of the Observations Inference

Compound-Put a drop
of liquid on moist blue Litmus paper turns red.
litmus paper
The given
compound is
acidic. May has -

Burning test - Bring a
>C-OH group
The in it.

flamecompound-burns with sooty

crystal of the compound
on glass rod in bring it in compound is
to the flame aromatic
Dtection of Element-
Lassagne solution +
Green ppt
NaOH +ReSO, solution.
Add few drops of dil.
Solution does not turns blue
HSO4 green or N-absent
Test for Functional
Group Solution turns green
FeCl, test- Aqueous Phenolic
solution of the compound >C-OH) group
IS present
+neutral FeCl; solution
5. Libermann Nitrsso Test
) Compound +solid
NaNO, +dilute H,SO4 blue coloured solution is obtained
() Dilute the solution with The solution becomes red Phenolic group is
HO present
(1n) Above red solution + The colour of the solution again
NaOH solution becomes blue
Result: Phenolic (>C OH) group is present in the given organic compound

Structural formula 0-H

Experimcnt No. 4 Exp 20
Xercise: Identify the functional group in the given organic compound.

Physical Properties
0) Physical state-liquid
Gi) Colour-Colourless
Qn) Odour-Pungent smell
v) Solubility in water-soluble in water
128 Chemistry Practical. y
Observations Inference
Nature of the compound:
No action Organic compound is
Put a drop of given liquid on neutral
moist blue and red litmus

Burning test-Bring a glass The compound burns Given compound is
rod dipped in the given liquid with non-sooty blue aliphatic.
into the flame flame
3 Defdction of element-
NaOH +
Lassaigesolution +

FeSO, soluhon
Add few drops&{ dil. H;SO4 Solution doès not turns N-absent
blue or green
Testfor Functional Group
(1) Compound +2,4- Yellow ppt is formed. Carbonyl (C-0) group
dinitrophenyl hydrazine, is present may be -CH0
shake or>C-O group
(11) Compound + Tollen's Silver mirror is formed -CHO group is present
Reagent warm in water bath
(ii1) Equal amount of Fehling's Red ppt is formed -CHO present >C-0
solution A and B in a test absent
tube and add to it ImL given
compound and heat
Schiff's reagent and the given Red colouration
(iV Aldehyde group (-CHO)
organic liquid is present

Result Aldehyde group (-CHO) is present in the given organic compound

Structural formula- -C-H

Experiment No. s es
Exercise: ldentify the functional group in the given organic compound
Physical Properties :
(i) Physical State Liquid
(ii) Colour - Colourless

(ii) Odour Smell like nail polish remover

(iv) Solubility in water-Insoluble in water
etistry Practical-XI[

Experiment 129
Nature of the compound: Observations Inference
Put a drop of given liquid on No action
moist blue and red litmus Organic compound is
Burning test-Bring a glass
rod dipped in the given liquid The compound burns
with non-sooty blue Given compoundis
intothe flame. aliphatic.
Detection of element- flame
Lassaigne solution +NaOH + Green ppt
freshlyprepared FeSO,
Add few dropsef dil. HSO Solution does notturns N-absent
Test for blue or green
Functional Group
() Given compound +2,4- yellow ppt is formed
dinitrophenyl hydrazine, C-0) carbonyl group is
present may be aldehyde
shake -CHO) or ketonic
(i) Tollen's test- (C-0) group
Organic compound + Tollen No reaction (silver mirror CHO group absent
reagent not obtained)
(11) Nitroprusside test
Organic compound +sodium A wine red colouration >C-O group is present
nitroprusside solution +
(IV) m-dinitrobenzene test- A violet colour appears C-0) ketonic group is
Organic compound + present
powdered m-dinitrobenzene
+dil. NaOH in excess, shakee
Kesult: The given organic liquid has Ketonic (>C=0) funcitonal group.

Structural formula -
Experiment No. 6 Cxp-22
in the given organic compound
EXercise: ldentify the functional group
Physical Properties :
) Physical State Liquid
when pure)
Brownish red (Colourless
Colour -

(ii) Odour -

Pungent smell
hemistry Practical. XI
iv) Solubility in water-Partly soluble in water
S. Experim ent Observations
No. Inference
Nature of the compound: Litmus paper turns blue The
Put a drop of given liquid on compound in basic in
moist blue and red litmus
papers separately
2. Burning test-Bring a glass Compound burns with Given compound is
red dipped in the given liquid sooty flame aromatic.
into the flame.
Det ectio Rof elem ent- Gren ppt
Ssaigne sôhtion + NaOH
freshly prepared eSO
Add few drops of dil. H,$e A Blue colour
4. Test for
appears Nis present
Functio na l Gro up Orange-red dye is Aromatic amino (Ar-
Organic compound +few formed. NH2) group is present)
drops of conc. HCI+ solid
NaNO2. Cool the sol uiton in
ice bath. Add alkal
ine B
naphthol is cold
Result: Amino (-NH,) group is present attached to aromatic ring i.e. Aromatic amine is

Structural formula

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