Experiment No.3(Functional Group)

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Physical rr op er tie s :
(i) Physical stat~ - solid
(ii) C ol ou r - w hi te
(iii) O do ur - N o smell
luble in w at er
(iv) So lu bi lit y in w at er - So
· In fe re nc e
Observations -

s. Ex pe ri m en t
I. Na tu re of th e O rg an ic _
Compound-Put a Lit1nus pa pe r turns red
co m po un d is
crystal of the ac id ic in nature
co m po un d on m oi st m ay be·~ O O_H or .
bl ue litmus pa pe r
'> C·-O H
fu n.c tio na l group_._
v•·;_-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __:__ _ _ _ _ _ __
Experiment Observations · Inference

2. Burning Test : Take The compound bums.with non-sooty
some organic blue flame
Compound is
compound on copper
wire and bring it in to
the flame.
-3. Detection of element-
(i) Lassaigne Green ppt
$Olution + NaOH +
FeS04 (freshly
(ii) Add few drops of Solution does not turns green or blue N-absent
dil. H2S04
4. Test for Functional
Aqueous solution of Brisk effervescence colourless odourless, >C-OHgroup
compound + a pinch · gas evolved absent -COOH
ofNaHC03 group in present.
5. Ester test
Organic compound + Fruity smell evolved -COOHgroup
2-3 drops H2S04 + present
0.5 rilL C 2H50H .

Res'!lt - Carboxylic acid ~ H) group is present in the given organic ~ompoun~.

- - ·'.t.='
Physica_l Pr op er tie s-
(i) Physical sta te- liq ui d
(ii) Co lo ur -C ol ou rle ss·
(iii) Od ou.r -P un ge nt smell
· (iv) Solubility in water-soluble in wa
( f-lr<' ~~~o) -
s. Exper iment Obser vation s Infere nce
1 Nature of the compo und :
Put a drop of given liquid on
No action Organ ic compo und is
moist blue and red litn1us
papers separa tely
2. Bun iq tnt-Br ing a glass The compound bums Given compo und is -
rod dipped in the given liquid with non-sooty blue alipha tic.
into the flame. flame
3. Deted ioa or eleme nt- Green ppt
Lassai gne solutio n+ NaOH +
FcSO• solutio n
Add fe\Y drops of di l. H 2S04 Solution does not turns N-abs ent
blue or green
4. Test for Functional Group
(i) Comp ound + 2,4- Yellow ppt is formed. Carbon yl (>C=O ) group
dinitropheny I hydraz ine, is presen t may be -:CHO
shake or >C=O group.
( ii) Comp ound + Tollen 's Silver mirror is formed -CHO group is present
R~ent warm in water bath
(iii) Equal amoun t of Fehlin g's Red ppt is fonned ·-CHO presen t >C=O
solutio n A and Bin a test absent
tube and add to it 1mL given
compo und and heat
(iv) Schiff's reagen t and the given Red colouration Aldehyde group (-CHO )
o, )!,Auic liquid is present

Result : Aldeh yde group (-CHO ) is present in the given organic compound.
/ _·
- I

u &p

Physical Properties :
(i) Physical State - Liqui d
(ii) Colour - Brownish red (Colourless when pure)
(iii) Odour - Pungent smell
(iv) Solubility in water-Partly soluble in water
Observations Inference
s. Experiment
No.--1-- - - - - - -·___ _______ . _
blue-- - The-com-p<)und in basic in
1 Nature of the com pound :
Put a drop of given liquid on II nature.

moist _blue and red lit mus I

papers separately
2. Burning test-Bring a glass Compound burns with Given compound is 1

red dipped in the given liquid sooty flame aromatic.

3,- - --a-0: -: - --G--r-ee n_p_p_t _ __ ____ ,______

l- ~-n-; -:-~t-~-=-a;!_ _;~-f :--;:~ -- --- - -

freshly prepared FeSO4

+--- -
drops of dil. H2SO4 A Blue colour appears N is present
I---- - ----· - -· ·--- -- -- ·- - - -~ - -- -- - . ·- -·- ---- - - --- - .·
4. Test for Functional Group Orange-red dye is Aromatic amino (Ar-
Organic compound + few formed. NH2) group is present)
drops of cone. HCl + solid
NaNO2• Cool the soluiton.in
ice bath. Add alkaline P-
naphthol is cold

Result : Amino (-NH2) ·group is presen~ attached ~o aromatic ring ·i.e. Aromatic amine is
present. ·
st • 9 •t

Ph ysi cal Properties~ ·


.:zs gg &
(i) Phy sic al -sta te - Liq uid
(ii} Co lou r - Co lou rle ss
(iii) Od our -Pl eas ant'·(_ smell lik~ .that of Sprit
r _< , •

(iv) Sol ubi lity in wa ter - Soluble in wa ter

Observations Inference
s. \'\Ex per im ent

No. \

1. Na tur e of the .Organic comp. is

Compound-Put a No reaction
drop of liquid on :

blue litm. us
pap er and mo ist red
litmus pap er ,,

{Fmr -- oHJ
s. Experiment Observations Inference -·,,
No. ~~

2. Burning test - Bring The compound burns with non-sooty Compound is

a copper wire dipped blue flame. aliphatic.
in the given Iiquid
into the flame -
3. Detection of Green ppt
solution + NaOH +
freshly prepared
FeS04 solution
Add few drops of dil. Solution does not turns green or blue N-absent
4. Test for Functional !

(i) Sodium metal test-
Organic liquid+ Na Brisk effervescence with the evolution of - -OH (alcoholic)
piece H2 gas group is present
(ii) Ceric ammonium
nitrate test
Aqueous solution of Solution turns red --OH group is
the compound + eerie present
ammonium nitrate
(iii) Ester Test- Fruity smell evolved -OH group is ·
Compound + solid f present
CH3COONa + few r

drops of cone. H2S04

and heat

Result : The given organic compound as alcoholic (-OH) functional group in it:
-- --·--- ----- - - - -~-

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