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International Journal of GEOMATE, May, 2022, Vol.22, Issue 93, pp.

ISSN: 2186-2982 (P), 2186-2990 (O), Japan, DOI: https://doi.org/10.21660/2022.93.j2363
Geotechnique, Construction Materials and Environment



Habib Musa Mohamad1, *Nurmin Bolong2, Ismail Saad3, Lillian Gungat4, Janus Tioon5, Rosman Pileh6 and
Mark Delton7

Faculty of Engineering, Universiti Malaysia Sabah, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia;
Likas Vocational College, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia

*Corresponding Author, Received: 21 Oct. 2021, Revised: 16 Feb. 2022, Accepted: 27 March 2022

ABSTRACT: Flexible surface treatment for exterior pavement applications and the particular requirement to
be specific pedestrian walkway design and parking areas are the fundamental feature of paver block
identification. The use of conventional materials such as cement, aggregate, and sand is no longer such a
priority. Under those circumstances, the production of research-based pavers block has been done to ensure
the sustainability and usability of new building materials is expanded. Henceforth, this research is conducted
to study and investigate the potential of using waste materials as a partial substitute for aggregate in producing
concrete paving block (CPB). In essence, the application of waste materials in concrete paver blocks is highly
potential. The innovations in recycling technologies expanded the usage of waste materials to produce paver
block products. On the whole, in the manufacturing of concrete, the paper improves and enhances the usability
of waste materials. The application of various waste materials such as plastic, steel slag, and crumb rubber is
excellent. Compressive strength of paver blocks with different rates of waste steel aggregates and utilizing
elastic cushions shows paver blocks give up to 50% more strength quality than customary paver blocks. In
terms of the use of industrial waste materials, as a substitute material by reducing the percentage amount of the
weight of the cement with the composition ratio varies based on the comparative volume category of the paving
block aggregate such as 0%, 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, and 25% are more applicable.

Keywords: Concrete, Paver, Block, Waste Material, Crumb Rubber

1. INTRODUCTION and recovery option. Safe disposal is put as the last

option. Malaysia now produces about 23,000 tons
In whatever form or categorization solid, liquid, of waste per day. However, by 2022, this Fig.1 is
or poisonous, Wastes have become a significant anticipated to grow to 30,000 tonnes. Due to the
consequence of modernization and economic rising population and industrialization, the quantity
growth, according to events in the twentieth and of waste produced is rising, yet only around 5% of
early twenty-first centuries and compendia of waste it is recycled [2].
investigations. Global waste generation rates are
increasing at a faster rate than it has ever been,
approximated at around 1.3 billion tonnes per year
in 2015 and expected to rise to roughly 2.2 billion
tonnes per year by 2025, with 15-year projected per
capita waste generation rates ranging from 1.2 to
1.42 kilograms per person per day [1]. As a result,
experts have warned that growth will continue
unless society changes how they utilize and reuse
natural resources.

Malaysia is said to generate a massive quantity

of municipal solid waste, estimated to be
approximately 33,000 t/d, or 1.17 kg per person Fig.1 Waste minimization hierarchy
each day. Fig.1 shows the order of waste
management hierarchy from most to least favored. As a result, waste management is an important
The hierarchy explained waste prevention options aspect of a country's economic condition and
as a guideline in managing generating, sorting, and population's lifestyle. Solid waste management is a
processing of waste materials. Reduction in early- discipline concerned with the regulation of solid
stage as a preventive action by reducing the amount waste creation, storing, gathering, transporting,
of generated waste. Followed by reuse, recycling, treatment, and disposal [3].

International Journal of GEOMATE, May, 2022, Vol.22, Issue 93, pp.9-19

Industrial by-products or wastes are quickly increasing in acceptance [4].

becoming important components for aggregate The decrease of solid waste disposal in landfills
substitution in concrete, for both environmental and reduces the environmental impact, and the usage of
economic reasons. For sustainability reasons, it such solid waste also improves the quality-of-life
became a growing demand in finding ways to natural elements that would otherwise be utilized in
recycle or reuse waste materials from the concrete production. In recent years, the quantity of
construction sector. Using industrial by-products coal ash generated by power stations in Japan has
and solid wastes in roadway constructions is one risen to over 27,000 tonnes per day [5]. As a by-
approach. Waste management has become an product produced from milling waste, fly ash is
essential concern in several Asia such as Hong classified as manufacturing waste and claimed to be
Kong, Japan, and Thailand, as the urbanization reused and utilized as a fine aggregate substitute in
process and economic growth accelerate, resulting the manufacture of CPB.
in increasing volumes of waste materials requiring However, the use of fly ash is only acceptable if
effective treatment. Waste reduction, reuse, it achieves the production aim value with a 25
material recycling, and also energy recovery are percent fly ash replacement ratio. Aside from
encouraged rather than landfill disposal. construction and demolition waste, other types of
waste might contribute to sustainability, such as
2. RESEARCH SIGNIFICANCE plastic waste [5]. Plastic waste was also looked at
as a possible aggregate or cement substitution to
The study focused on explaining the usage of create a concrete block with additional value.
recyclable materials including many kinds of glass, Recycled plastic may be incorporated into
crumb rubber, and various materials to develop concrete without affecting its characteristics or
paver block. The finding of this study will redound weakening it significantly. Although waste
to the benefit of society considering that recycled materials can be usefully included in concrete,
material plays an important role environment today. either as part of the cementitious binder phase or as
The production of specially designed paver aggregates, not all waste materials are appropriate
products with a mixture of waste is believed to for this application. As a result, civil engineers must
further brighten the potential of product generation. research suitable materials that can completely or
Specifically, the development of recycling partially replace traditional concrete constituents.
technology can be considered as a sustainable As an alternative to aggregates, a variety of
method for the development of paver products with waste materials can be utilized in the production of
practical production technology. It is larger and concrete. Block paver is a form of concrete brick
seen to be able to generate better potential in line that is used for exterior flooring and road work
with the objectives of this study as a comparison instead of being utilized in walls. Although some
and accumulator of knowledge assets for the paving blocks have reversible surfaces, most
development of technology for the production of concrete paver blocks have one smooth and one
paper from waste. The greater demands for paver rough face where both sides can be used.
blocks with renewable and recycled material justify Paving blocks' long-lasting performance makes
the need for more effective, life-cycle waste them ideal for heavy-duty applications since they
managing approaches. Thus, this study reviews can sustain large weights and resist shearing and
various approaches derived in the forms of available braking pressures.
waste and methods of constructing paver blocks Block of pavers, also known as interlocking
from previous works. Production of paver block paver blocks, have been widely used for a long time
will be guided on what should be emphasized by in a range of international as a specialized problem-
focusing material composition in paver block solving strategy for offering pavement in locations
design. at which classical paving systems might be less
sturdy due to a variety of technical and
3. PAVER BLOCK TYPE environmental limitations. A concrete paver block
was originally used to substitute paver bricks [6],
A series of research studies were undertaken in which had grown popular at the time due to its wide
these nations in the field of employing industrial by- application potential. Paver blocks are rectangular
products or solid wastes in Concrete Paving Block and have a size that is similar to that of bricks. The
(CPBk) manufacturing. There have been several paver block and block form have progressively
types of research on the use of construction and changed over the last five decades, from non-
demolition wastes as fine and coarse aggregates, interlocking to partially interlocking to completely
demonstrating the feasibility of using large volumes interlocking to multiple interlocking designs.
of construction and demolition in concrete. The Concrete paving is made up of small, solid,
utilization of recycled aggregates in CPB unreinforced pre-cast concrete paver blocks that are
manufacturing has been proven to work and is laid on a thin, compacted bedding material that is

International Journal of GEOMATE, May, 2022, Vol.22, Issue 93, pp.9-19

built over a properly designed base course and Fig.2 Shapes and Classification of Paver Blocks
secured with edge restraints/curbstones. The four forms of paver blocks correspond to
By using a suitable fine material, the space or four generic forms of paver blocks:
gap between the paver block is then filled by it.
When used in places where conventional systems 3.1 Type A
have a shorter service life due to geological, traffic, Paver blocks with straight vertical sides which do
environmental, and operational restrictions, a well- not interlock when laid down in any arrangement.
planned and manufactured interlocking paver block This shape provides access to the underground
provides outstanding performance. Light, medium, utilities and prevents the shape from damage due to
heavy, and extremely heavy traffic conditions have any works carried out on it.
all been used in different ways across the country.
This research paper only included the use of paver 3.2 Type B
blocks for non-traffic areas. When tiled in any design, paver blocks with
Walkways, Shopping centers, Pedestrian Plazas, alternating plain and curved/corrugated vertical
Landscapes, Monuments Premises, Premises, faces lock into each other across the
Public Gardens/Parks, Commercial Centres, Bus curve/corrugated faces.
Stations Parking Areas, and Railway Platforms are
all examples of this sort of block. Over the last 30 3.3 Type C
years, small element paving has progressed from its When paved in any design, paver blocks with all
initial usage as a surface for footpaths and roads to curved or corrugated faces slot into each other as
become a structural component of heavy-duty well as all vertical faces.
pavements. Numerous geometric components, such
as the ‘X', ‘L', and ‘Y' forms [6] as shown in Fig.2, 3.4 Type D
have been introduced to the basic rectangular shape When paved in any design, 'L' and 'X' shaped paver
during this time. These different forms were stones with all faces curved or corrugated lock into
designed to improve the mechanical laying capacity each other as well as all vertical faces and provide
of pavers by increasing the ‘interlock' between them slip-resistant and skid resistance.
The respective advantages of rectangular and 4.0 PAVER MATERIALS COMPONENT
shaped pavers have been the subject of much
discussion and scientific study, but neither side has The sorted suitable waste materials used in the
been able to establish definitively that one is production of the paving blocks were collected from
preferable to the other. The innovative paver the municipality's nearby garbage collection sites.
concept presented in this study is designed to These used plastics, for example, were cut apart,
address many of the recognized issues with small cleaned to eliminate any contaminants, then dried in
element paving [7]. Paver blocks can be used for the open air until no moisture remained. The
different categories of traffic such as Non-Traffic, processed materials (polythene bags, sachet water
Light-Traffic, MediumTraffic, Heavy-Traffic, and bags, wrappers, etc.) were packaged and delivered
Very Heavy-Traffic [8]. to the lab for testing [8]. The thermoplastic
characteristics of the repeated plastic working
(RPW) employed imply that it may be molded and
remolded recursively when heated. It also has many
side chains, which increase the distance between the
major CC chains, as well as tight packing and
intermolecular interaction, since it is a very flexible
material. Its density ranges between 0.91 and 0.94
Aside from plastic waste, there have been recent
studies that have employed rubber crumb,
especially from old tires, as a coarse aggregate
substitute. Ordinary Portland cement (OPC), natural
aggregate, water, superplasticizer, crumb rubber as
shown in Fig.3, and SBR latex were utilized in the
research study to produce crumb rubber CPB
Continuous grading, according to the Cement &
Concrete Institute, helps compaction. As a result,
paving blocks manufactured from semi-dry mixes
with chunky particle shapes will compress faster.

International Journal of GEOMATE, May, 2022, Vol.22, Issue 93, pp.9-19

bags are all made of the same plastic. Considering

plastic is a major component of municipal solid
waste (MSW), efforts to recycle it have resulted in
extensive research projects, such as concrete blocks.
Plastic waste was studied for potential use as an
aggregate or cement substitute in the production of
a concrete block with value-added performance, in
addition to improving sustainability.
Recycled plastic can be incorporated into
concrete without affecting its characteristics or
weakening its strength significantly. Although
waste materials can be usefully included in concrete,
either as part of the cementitious binder phase or as
aggregates, it is important to note that not all waste
materials are appropriate for this application. As an
alternative to aggregates, several forms of waste
plastics can be utilized in the production of concrete.
Researchers have employed expanded polystyrene
Fig.3 Re-cycled crumb rubber material (EPS) waste, high-density polyethylene (HDPE),
PET waste bottles, polypropylene fibers, and
4.1 Development of Paver Block Containing polyethylene bags in various forms in concrete.
Recycled Plastic Several sorts of studies on creating paver blocks
made from recycled plastics have been conducted in
For CPB projects, local mining silica sand as recent years. LDPE-bonded sand block by
fine aggregate and quarry dust with specific combining Low-density polyethylene (LDPE)
gravities of 2.64 and 2.68 are utilized. For each test, water sachets with sand, which is now utilized in
the quarry dust samples were oven-dried for one Ghana to make paving blocks for hard standing
week before being quantified to get the appropriate areas and pavements. In comparison to cast in situ
proportions. The ensuing laboratory experiments concrete, a concrete paver block constructed in a
employed quarry dust particles of 0/4.75 mm via BS rural setting provides an excellent aesthetic view
(British Standard) sieve size. [15]. Recycled plastic may be utilized to improve
As a result, if the material is insufficiently the abrasion, skid, and freeze-thaw resistance of
graded for its intended application, excellent concrete paving blocks [16]. In terms of
grading can be accomplished by mixing two or compressive strength, the usage of plastic trash has
more components. Ghacem Super Rapid class decreased significantly, but it is still appropriate for
CEM II /B-L PLC 32.5R is an OPC with a specific use as a pedestrian paver block in parks, footpaths,
gravity of 3.15 and meets the requirements of BS and yards.
EN 197-1.
The primary oxide compositions in this type of 4.2 Pavement Derived from Palm Oil Eco
cement are CaO, SiO2, Al2O3, Fe2O3, with minor Processed Pozzolan (EPP) Material as Partial
oxides of MgO, Na2O, K2O, MnO, TiO2, P2O5, Cement Replacement
and SO3 [12][13]. Molding of the specimens that
adhered to BS EN 1008 for the study was done with To reduce environmental impact, a siliceous
clean and pure stand tap pipe water. and aluminous substance known as pozzolan has
By using a weight or volume batching method, been proposed as a partial alternative for cement.
the mix proportions of Cement, Sand, Quarry Dust, Pozzolan is a finely powdered pumice or flies ash
and RPW components were determined. Individual that, in the presence of moisture, chemically
components needed for paving block preparation interacts with calcium hydroxide to create silicate
were weighed until the appropriate masses were or aluminate compounds having cementitious
reached [14]. characteristics [17]. Due to its pozzolanic
However, nowadays, there is a lot of characteristics, fly ash has been shown to offer
innovations that already have been introduced to several advantages when used as a cement
give an environment-friendly purpose. Hence, there replacement in concrete, including better
are a few examples of innovation for the paving workability, decreased permeability, and higher
block. Plastic is one of the most widely used compressive strength [18].
materials in almost every community on the planet. However, in the palm oil business, spent
Plastic manufacturing is expanding daily as it bleaching earth (SBE) is generated as solid waste
becomes more widely utilized. Polyethylene and is generally disposed of in landfills [19]. SBE
terephthalate (PET) bottles, containers, and grocery is further extracted and refined before being

International Journal of GEOMATE, May, 2022, Vol.22, Issue 93, pp.9-19

calcined by heat treatment, resulting in calcined while claiming that using slag in high-strength
compounds known as EPP. concrete improves the building sector by ensuring
The use of EPP as a cement substitute in the higher safety and attaining long-term infrastructure.
manufacture of paving blocks can help to lessen the Steel slag may be utilized as a green material in
manufacturing industry's reliance on cement. It will the manufacturing of paver units [25]. Steel slag
cut CO2 emissions and fossil fuel use in the long pavers have better abrasion resistance, according to
run. The EPP paving block's longevity can also help the study. Steel slag aggregates will react and create
to decrease the amount of maintenance required. a strong link with the hardened cement paste under
Because EPP produces a thick cement paste, high temperature curing conditions [26], leading the
chloride ions are limited in their penetration, and concrete to have greater compressive strengths.
steel reinforcements are less rusted. It will also Also, according to [27], on the impact of steel
improve the surface quality of the paving stones and slag types on the shrinkage property of concrete,
minimize the number of pores. slag may be utilized to improve concrete
Furthermore, since EPP allows for a better yield performance by minimizing cracking caused by
in the concrete mix, it requires less EPP than various early age shrinkage of the concrete mix. When the
cement alternatives. EPP's pozzolanic amount of steel slag in the concrete mixture is
characteristics and high silica content make it an increased, the dry shrinkage of the concrete rises
excellent choice for precast concrete and [28].
construction materials. A silica-rich material is A study of the long-term performance of alkali,
converted to a calcium silicate with excellent activated concrete mixes comprising steel slag as
cementing properties by the pozzolanic reaction. coarse particles, finding no evidence of strength
When calcium hydroxide (Ca (OH)2) reacts reversal after one year of testing [29][30]. However,
with silica, calcium silica hydrate (C-S-H) paste is as compared to ordinary concrete, alkali-activated
formed, which acts as a binding glue to strengthen concrete with steel slag aggregate has a high-water
any cement-based materials. The C-S-H paste will absorption rate.
also aid in the reduction of pores and the
enhancement of paving block strength and 4.4 Crumb Rubber Concrete Paving Blocks with
durability. Styrene-Butadiene Rubber (SBR) Latex

4.3 Reusing of Steel Slag Aggregate in Eco- An ideal concrete paving block should have
Friendly Interlocking Concrete Paving Blocks great tensile strength and toughness, according to
Production experts. As a result, concrete with great strength and
hardness must be designed. For typical concrete, it
Slag recycling lowers costs and improves has been discovered that the higher the strength, the
material conservation, decreasing pollution from lesser the toughness. So, developing high strength
non-biodegradable slag wastes [20]. As been and high toughness concrete without innovation is
mentioned in a previous study [21], highlighted challenging.
some of the many forms of steel slags and their Because of the great toughness of waste tires, it
physicochemical properties. Further mentioned that is predicted that adding crumb rubber to a concrete
slag can serve as an excellent substitute for natural mix will significantly enhance the toughness of the
aggregates, conserving the environment and natural concrete [31][32][33]. Previous laboratory studies
resources [22]. Much research has been published have shown that adding waste tire rubber to
on the advantages of using slag as a concrete concrete can improve toughness, impact resistance,
aggregate. These studies discovered that slag-based and plastic deformation [34][35][36].
concrete possesses compressive, splitting tensile, This means that it has a lot of potential for use
and flexural strengths, as well as a modulus of in sound barriers, retaining structures, and
elasticity, that is equivalent to or slightly greater pavement structures. Because of the poor bonding
than concrete made with conventional aggregates. between the paste and aggregates, the strength of
Also, a previous study investigated the use of paving blocks with crumb rubber is assumed to be
blast furnace slag as a coarse aggregate substitute in lower than those without crumb rubber. Polymers
concrete production, finding that compressive like styrene-butadiene rubber (SBR) latex, on the
strength improved by 61 percent after 7 days and 78 other hand, might increase the strength, hardness,
percent after 28 days [23]. and bondability of the cement matrices [37].
In addition, a study [24] found that employing Compressive strength is one of the most
steel slag aggregates in concrete is a concept that important criteria in paver block that have to take
gets results that have a greater influence on concrete seriously to give a better paver block. Compressive
strength than natural aggregate. It was also noted strength is the maximal compressive stress that a
that compressive strength increased until it reached solid material can withstand without cracking under
50% replacement, after which it began to decline a continuously applied force.

International Journal of GEOMATE, May, 2022, Vol.22, Issue 93, pp.9-19

A compressive strength test is a method to see compressive strength at 28 days is higher than
how the paver block's compressive strength shifted mixture A's. At 25 % and 30 % RP, there is a small
over time at 0, 7, 14, and 28 days. Specimens were improvement in compressive strength. At 0%
cured for 28 days by spraying water on them every replacement, the greatest strength was 32.29 MPa,
day. The compressive strength test should be followed by 22.98 MPa at 5% replacement. The
conducted following MS 76:1972 [38]. There are a minimum strength criterion for the usage of
few example studies of compressive strength tests pedestrian walkways (15 N/mm2) was met by all
for paver blocks that have been innovated. specimens. This suggests that the improved ratio
improves the adherence of paver block materials.
BLOCK 5.1 Compressive Strength of Pavement Derived
from Palm Oil Eco Processed Pozzolan (EPP)
The weight of batching technique yielded 1:2:3 Material as Partial Cement Replacement
(mixture A) and 1:1:2 (mixture B) mix proportions
of cement, sand, and soil in the compression method. The maximum compressive strength achieved
Recycled Plastic (RP) was used to replace sand at a from the pavement block without EPP showed that
percentage of 0%, 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25% and the tricalcium silicate (Ca3SiO5) composition in
30% by weight sand. So, there are two results of OPC cement has a role in the pavement block's
compressive strength which are for mixture A and strength. Cement is made up of 50% tricalcium
mixture B respectively in Fig.4. silicate, which gives the pavement its strength.
Another 25% comes from dicalcium silicate
(Ca2SiO4), which also contributes to the
pavement's strength.

Fig.4 Compressive strength for mixture A

The greatest compressive strength obtained was

13.67 MPa which is a sample of 28 days with 5%
RP as shown in Fig.5, according to the compressive
test findings in Fig.1. The previous study has linked Fig.6 Compressive strength of paving blocks at
the use of RP in paving concrete blocks to a different EPP percentage
reduction in compression strength [39][40]. The
loss in compressive strength is related to the smooth The amount of tricalcium silicate in the
surface of plastics, which weakens the adhesion pavement may be lowered as a result of the cement
between the RP fine particle and cement paste [41]. reduction, which might have a major impact on the
The minimum strength required for pedestrian pavement's strength. According to this research, the
walkways is 15 N/mm2 [42]. highest amount of EPP which might be used as a
cement alternative in this pavement composition is
20%. Given that the minimum compressive strength
for pavement is 30 MPa [44], paving blocks with
20% EPP are suitable for use with a specified
compressive strength of 32.4 MPa. The
compressive strength of paving blocks increased
from 40 % EPP to 90 % EPP, they are classified as
weak for paving block application. This is because
when a little load is given to a material with a
compressive strength of less than 30 MPa, it can
quickly break.
Fig.5 Compressive strength for mixture B
5.2 Compressive Strength of Reusing of Steel
The inclusion of RP lowers the compressive Slag Aggregate in Eco-Friendly Interlocking
strength, as seen in Fig.6. All specimens' Concrete Paving Blocks Production

International Journal of GEOMATE, May, 2022, Vol.22, Issue 93, pp.9-19

The compressive strength increased when sand

was replaced with WSF by 20% and 40%,
respectively, as seen in the diagram. However, as
the quantity of WSF content in the interlocking
concrete paver units exceeds 40% replacement, a
decrease in the characteristic compressive strength
of the interlocking concrete paver units was
recorded. As a result, regardless of the combination
refraction, growing WSF concentration results in a
substantial loss of strength. at 7, 14, and 28 days
after curing, the interlocking concrete pavers'
compressive strength was reduced by 60%, 80%, Fig.8 Compressive Strength Test with lime
and 100% replacement, respectively.
Furthermore, while the interlocking concrete Silica gives the effect as a filler on the
pavers have considerable mean compressive manufactured paver block [47]. This shows that the
strength values for 60 %, 80 %, and 100 % WSF particle size of waste material has played an
content, the values are below the predicted strength. important role in developing paver block strength.
At 20 % and 40 % WSF, the compressive strength Compared to the waste marble study, waste marble
of the concrete mixes rose by 4.76 % and 14.57 %, is well usable instead of the usual aggregate in the
respectively, whereas the compressive strength of concrete paving block production [48]. A study on
the mixtures (60, 80, and 100 %) decreased by the lime as filler material [49] showed in Fig.8, the
6.24 %, 22.62 %, and 25.57 % as shown in Fig.9, compressive
respectively. The data show that adding WSF to the strength value of a mixture of 10% lime with
mixes improved the toughness of the interlocking curing of time 28 days is 42.27 Mpa. On the whole,
concrete pavers when less than 40% of the sand was the use of Sinabung ash and lime as a cement
replaced with WSF. This is due to the strong bond substitution material can increase the compressive
between the slag aggregate and the cement paste. strength of the paving block. Overall, waste
A study has been conducted in producing paver material with the specific treatment and use of
block by using ash. The result showed in Fig.7. In certain methods is seen to be able to technically
effect, the highest compressive strength value is produce paver blocks compulsively
obtained on the use of 15% Sinabung ash with Table 1 shows the Tabulation of the previous
curing [46]. The mixture was designed in the range study on the development of paver block. In a recent
of 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, and 25%. study [50], pet bottles were used to develop a paver
Referred to the normal concrete (with curing) called Hatthe block and have an equal ratio of
without the addition of sinabung ash and lime has a plastic waste and quarry dust.
compressive strength value which is equal to 35.96 This technique developed by melting the
Mpa. The increase of paving block quality is caused plastics to the highest point at 140 oC and has
by the use of Sinabung and Lime ash. which is increased the compressive strength. LDPE and
known as Sinabung ash has a Silica content of Bakelite waste used by [58] and [49], the usage of
73.4% and Lime has CaO content equal to 51.8%. these materials as a replacement to the cement and
create an achievable characteristic of paver that
required as high strength gained, less wastage and
invented recycles product. Researchers [49] [50]
and [50] have demonstrated cement replacement
techniques with various usage of waste materials
from HDPE and Polyethylene (PE), Crusher dust,
and waste from glass.
Provided that, these results obtained show a
significant characteristic which is desirable design
for paver block. From compressive strength
characteristics to the features of the paver, these
materials relatively responded to the mixes and
produces paver with their characteristic. In general,
the recommended cast-off materials can be used and
Fig.7 Compressive Strength Test with Sinabung mixed with paper products. The consistencies of
Ash mixture measured and compared in compressive
strength [56].

International Journal of GEOMATE, May, 2022, Vol.22, Issue 93, pp.9-19

Table 1 Tabulation of the previous study on the development of paver block

Researcher Description Outcomes

Kaviya et. al., The main objective of this investigation hatthe block having an equal ratio of plastic
2017 [50] is to recycle plastic waste into pavers and waste and quarry dust possess high
to analyze its characteristics based on the compressive strength than that of other
recent developments in industrial needs. mixtures and all the test blocks melt again at
The material used is pet bottles. a temperature greater than 140 OC. Since these
blocks have low compressive strength, they
can be used in walking pavements where there
is no action of heavy load.
Koli, 2016 Evaluating the influence of coarse The compressive strength of paving blocks
[51] aggregate on the mechanical and made with LDPE plastic and aggregate
physical properties of paving blocks approaches the compressive strength of an
made using melted Low-Density ordinary C20 concrete paving block. LDPE
Polyethylene (LDPE). plastic waste paving blocks present a better
resistance against the aggressive effect of
water than concrete paving blocks.
Anusha et al. This study helps to develop a waste The 20% replacement was considered to be an
2021 [52] Bakelite for fine and coarse aggregate to appropriate mix proportion to have higher
minimize the disposal of plastics which compressive strength than a conventional one.
creates a waste management problem But waste bakelite mortar is less preferred for
(waste Bakelite). plastering work in the construction field
rather it can be used as bricks, pavers, blocks,
Poonam and Utilized the waste plastic in the The compressive strength of mix ratio 1:4 has
Ramesh, 2016 manufacturing of paver block by using proven to be more strength and increases its
[53] High–density polyethylene (HDPE) and fire resistance property compared to
Polyethylene (PE) bags at various conventional block. Moreover, the water
percentages with sand and aggregate. absorption rate decreases with an increase in
Materials used are waste plastics, sand, waste plastic content.
fly ash and red oxide, etc., with a mixed
proportion of 1:2, 1:3, 1:4, 1:5, 1:6
representing plastic and river sand
Hastuty and Manufacturing paving blocks with The results show that replacing sand with
Sembiringand, crusher dust is studied. Paving blocks are crusher dust has a minimal reduction in
2018 [54] replaced with crusher dust by various weight and also leads to the economy. Since
percentages and its properties have also the availability of sand is reducing nowadays
been studied. (Crusher dust) using crusher dust will reduce polluting the
environment since it is being dumped in many
Osman et al.,
The feasibility of waste glass inclusion The results obtained show clearly that glass
2021 [55]as partial FA replacement systems. enhances the compressive strength properties
Properties of concrete incorporating of the final concrete product. The study
waste glass as a partial substitution for indicated that waste glass can effectively be
FA amounts of 15%, 30%, and 45% used as a fine aggregate replacement (up to
were investigated. The waste glass 45%) without substantial change in strength.
material used was obtained from waste
collectors (Glass waste)
developed from waste material. Specifically,
paving blocks classified as

Ultimately, paver blocks are used for exterior

pavement applications with various esthetical precast solid products made out of cement-based.
functions. This study was carried out to investigate The products are available in various sizes, shapes,
the available material and method in the colors, textures, and patterns as per the requirement
implementation of paver products that are available with interlocking key design. Based on the

International Journal of GEOMATE, May, 2022, Vol.22, Issue 93, pp.9-19

available method and materials currently, the cement substitution material can increase
application of waste products turned to paver block the compressive strength of the paving
is greatly acceptable. The production met certain block.
9. Steel slag aggregates in concrete is a
concept that gets results that have a greater
influence on concrete strength than natural
10. Eco-Processed Pozzolan (EPP) allows for
a better yield in the concrete mix, it
requires less EPP than various cement
alternatives and has the potential to be
used in producing paver block.


Fig.9 Compressive Strength of Interlocking The authors gratefully acknowledge financial

Concrete Paver Units at Different Crushed Waste support from the Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS),
Furnace Slag (WSF) Percentage under Dana Inovasi Sekolah (DIS) research grant no.
DIS0005-2020 and Kolej Vokasional Likas, KV
criteria and characteristics such as compressive Likas for their contribution and cooperation
strength, itself. The amount of waste material towards the innovation project.
mixed with cement or by-products showed a
significant and advantageous pattern. The major 8. REFERENCES
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