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Elaj Al-Salikin

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Elaj al-Salikin

The mausoleum of Hazrat Abul Hasnat Syed Abdullah Shah


Translated by
Mohammed Abdul Hafeez, B.Com.
Translator of
(The Tadhkirah al-Awliya of Farid al-Din Attar)
& Hasth Bahist
Email: hafeezanwar@yahoo.com
Hyderabad, India.

Published by

First Published 1437/2015

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be
reproduced or stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any
form or by any means, electronic or otherwise, without written
permission from the publisher.


This is a very old book which was written by Hazrat Abul

Hasnat Syed Abdullah Shah Sahib about the speeches
(Malfuzat) of the advice and discourses of his disciples in the
small magazine and the first time I have translated this magazine
into English in the global edition.
This translation of the most ancient and celebrated Urdu old
book on Sufi’ism will, I hope, be found useful not only by the
number of students familiar with the subject at first hand but
also by many other readers.
This is a very small magazine and it is available in one
volume as stated above and in which there are advises and
instructions, especially available for Taleb (student) and it refers
to a person who is committed to a Murshid (spiritual master) in a
Tariqa (spiritual path) of Sufism and it is also known as a Salik
(Arabic: ‫)َس اِلك‬, a mureed is an initiate into the mystic philosophy
of Sufism and all these details of advice by the spiritual master
Abul Hasnat Syed Abdullah Shah is added in this book. And
also in this book, there are some great achievements which are
not yet known to the general person are published in a very
interesting style so for this reason, the readers will find great
interest and attention in this matter.

From the above facts and details, if the readers will start
reading this book’s first page and will not stop its reading till
they will reach its last page as in this book some interesting
events and as well as other great miracles and endeavours of
holy saints are added and these holy saints have passed away
from the world some 100 years ago.
Even though this is not a very long book, but due to its
importance it is so great due to coverage of many interesting
events and positive information in it so it is like an ocean of the
knowledge and information of the holy saints and who have
passed away from the world upon doing their great endeavours
and many hard tasks for the preaching and propagation work of
Islam in the foreign lands so this book is not very lengthy, but it
will present the ocean of knowledge and information for the
guidance of people towards the right path of Islam.
This book is edited and formatted as per the great book
‘Muslim saints and Mystics’ (Tadhkirtal Aliyah by Farid al-Din
Attar) which is very famous in the Western world among the
English knowing persons. So, for this reason, there will be some
small differences in it while comparing with the Urdu books and
its literature. The aim of this book is to present in the Western
world where there are great search and demand of the books of
Sufism and biographies of holy saints who lived and spent their
entire lives for the preaching and propagation of the Islamic
religious mission in all corners of the world as per tradition and
practice of Allah’s last prophet.

Hazrat Abul Hasnat Syed Abdullah Shah Sahib, in brief, was

a great Saint of his time in the Indian sub-continent and who did
many great endeavours for the preaching and propagation of
Islam in Hyderabad city and he did the endeavours for the
Islamic mission with the hopes of its expansion to other
adjoining and distant territories and there was no such
personality during his time.
It is my great honour and pleasure to translate this book from
Urdu to English first time, so I request the readers to read this
book because in it there are many revelations of the secrets
which are added in this book for which I shall be highly obliged
to all of its readers in this matter.
In the preface of the book ‘Tadhikra al-Awliya’ (Muslim
Saints & Mystics), Attar mentions three books which he
recommends for those ambitious to attain a full understanding of
the pronouncements of the Sufis but in this book also there are
many revelations of the secrets which are available for the
students of the Tariqa (spiritual path) of Sufism.

Books by Mohammed Abdul Hafeez - Goodreads

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sort by « previous 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 next » * Note: these are all the
books on Goodreads for this author. To add more books, click
here . Mohammed Abdul Hafeez has 161 books on Goodreads
with 309 ratings. Mohammed Abdul Hafeez’s most popular
book is Biography of Hadrat Baba Farid al-Din Gun...

Author’s introduction

My Guinness World Record

Claim ID: 287230

Membership Number: 252956
Dear Mr. Mohammed Abdul Hafeez,
Thank you for sending us the details of your recent record
proposal for 'The world record of translation of two episodes
We are afraid to say that we are unable to accept this as a
Guinness World Record.
The details of two episodes
Owaise of Qarni.
Tipu Sultan.

Unfortunately, we do already have a record for this category

and what you have achieved does not better this. The current
world record is:
A six page document entitled Universal Declaration of Human
Rights, produced by the United Nations in 1948, was translated
into 321 languages and dialects from Abkhaz to Zulu.
We realize that this will be disappointing to you. However, we
have considered your application carefully in the context of the
specific subject area and that of records as a whole and this is
our decision.Guinness World Records have absolute discretion
as to which Guinness World Record applications are accepted
and our decision is final. Guinness World Records may at its
discretion and for whatever reason identify some records as
either no longer monitored by Guinness World Records or no
longer viable.
As your record application has not been accepted, Guinness
World Records is in no way associated with the activity relating
to your record proposal and we in no way endorse this activity.
If you choose to proceed with this activity then this is will be of
your own volition and at your own risk.

Once again thank you for your interest in Guinness World


Yours sincerely,
Ralph Hannah
Records Management Team

An appreciation of work of the author by Iftekhari Silsila

This note shows as an appreciation of Iftekhari Silsila for the

work of the translation of the below book by the author and
adding of this book ‘Muslim saints and Mystics‘ (Tadhkirtal
Aliyah by Farid al din Attar) which is very famous in the
Western world among the English knowing persons and on their
The link is as follows, which showing the author’s name in
the book as Mohammed Abdul Hafeez R.A., on their website. Its
link is as follows


This is the Official site of Iftekhari Silsila. ... Mohammed

Abdul Hafeez R.A; Sirat Faqr-ul-Arifeen Maulana Hakeem
Sayyed Sikandar Shah R.A; Swaneh-e-Maulana Room Shaikh
Shibli Nomani R.A; Sufi


About the Author HAFEEZ ANWAR

Is a well-known author, some of his books are a fascination for

readers like in the Hadrat Khaja Shamsuddin Turk & Hadrat Bu
Ali Qalandar book, this is one of the most wanted HAFEEZ
ANWAR author readers around the world.

Dear All


Please find the link as follows



Hafeez Anwar
Email hafeezanwar@yahoo.com



1.Elaj al-Salikin………………...........................................…..35

The verse Fateha (The opening)

It is difficult Your praise and it is hidden Your virtues in all

You are visible there in all and You are there in everything
For every particle, you are created from the beginning to end
You are Sustainer of all not in this world, but in another world
You are Lord of the worlds and you are forgiver of the worlds
You are kind to all and Your kind favor is there for all persons
Those who are pious then You are merciful to such persons
Your special favour is there for them and You are kind to them
You are the owner everyone settle deeds on judgment day
In your hands is a penalty and a prize and you are the owner
All our worship is for Your sake, oh Lord of the two worlds
All slaves belong to you from the origin, if he is big or small
For all our needs you are essential and Your personality is kind
You give all one who calls you as You are a kind helper to all
Guide us such right path now, on which path who went away
With Your graces and all passed away on such path indeed
But there will be no such way never, which is ignored by You
So who lost and misguided on such way due to your anger
This is the prayer of your slave and its is request of your lowest
Accept the prayer of Sahwi as you are an owner of two worlds
Translated by
Mohammed Abdul Hafeez
Translator ‘ Muslim Saints and Mystics’
(The Tadhkirah al-Awliya of Farid al-Din Attar)
And “Hasth Bahist”
Email: hafeezanwar@yahoo.com, Hyderabad, India.


Author’s Introduction

The publication note in the Second Episode by Mr. David

Rosenbaum of New York Times

Farid Al- din Attar is considered one of the preeminent

mystical poets of the Persian Literary tradition. The duration
of his life is uncertain, though he can be placed in the 12th and
13th centuries c. e. born in Nishapur in what is today Iran,
Attar apparently was a pharmacist, but little information about
his personal life is known. During his lifetime he is believed to
have written approximately 9 books, including such famous
works as the Manteq Al- Tayr ( the conference of the birds)
and the Ilahi- Nama (the book of god) . Muslim Saints and
Mystics is an abridgement, translated by A. J. Arberry, of
Attar' s only known prose work: Tadhkirat Al- Auliya ( the
memorial of the saints) , which he worked on throughout much
of his life and which was available publicly before his death.
In what is considered the most compelling entry in this book,
attar relates the story of the execution of Hallaj, the mystic
who had uttered the words “ I am the truth” in a state of
ecstatic contemplation. Arberry's translation is an
abridgement; the entry on Owaise Al- Qarani translated by
Mohammed Abdul Hafeez, B. Com. , Hyderabad, India,
omitted in Arberry' s text, is included in the following link:
Owaise al- Qarani.
Kindly note this episode is very popular on the internet and no
other article of the same title is not meeting the reader’s

requirement and giving full details. So for the reason in many

countries, this article is very popular and added on many web
sites for the public reading as well for the reference and
research purpose. The detail on U.S.A. website on which the
second episode is available as follows.

Owaise of Qarni
113k - adobe pdf - view as html
On him, which were explained by the prophet. Then Owaise of
Qarni . . . Translated from Urdu to English by Mohammed A.
Hafeez, B.Com. Hyderabad, India. , reference book . . .

Tadhkiratal-Auliya’ by Farid-AL-Din Attar

Farid Al-din Attar is considered one of the preeminent
mystical poets of the Persian literary tradition. The duration of
his life is uncertain, though he can be placed in the 12th and
13th centuries C.E. born in Nishapur in what is today Iran.
Attar apparently was a pharmacist but little information about
his personal life is known. During his lifetime he is believed
to have written approximately 9 books, including such famous
works as The Manteq Al-Tayr (The Conference of the Birds)
and The Ilahi-Nama (The book of God) Tadhkiratal-Auliya
(Muslim Saints and Mystics) is considered world famous

classical book of Persian literature which printed and re-

Printed in many countries.

An abridgement, translated by A.J. Arberry, of Attar's

only known prose work Tadhkirat Al-Auliya (The Memorial
of the Saints) which he worked on throughout much of his
life and which was available publicly before his death.
Arberry's translation is an abridgement. The entry on Owaise
of Qarani translated by me which was omitted in Arberry's
text is added to the above web site. In Tadhkiratal-Auliya
Sheikh Farid-Al-Din Attar wrote many chapters and in those
chapters there is full information and details of the titles are
available . His style of writing is most interesting and for this
reason the readers will remember the chapters from the above
great book for a longer time .
Due to many great chapters this book is very famous in the
world and it translations are available in many languages of
the world. Mr. David Rosenbaum’s email message about the
publication of the episode ‘Owaise of Qarani’ on the
website www.omphaloskepsis.com of U.S.A.
On Jun 8, 2005, at 9:24 AM,
David Rosenbaum <lijphart@mac.com> wrote:

Attention : Mr. Hafeez,

I have received the RTF file.
Thank you.
Will post it during the next update of the site.

David Rosenbaum


Thanks to Mr. David E. Rosenbaum of New York Times

The second chapter Owaise Al-Qarani was published on

the following web site by Mr.David E. Rosenbaum as he was
the editor of the web site below. Mr. David E. Rosenbaum's
publication note about the entry on Owasie of Qarni. Muslim
Saints and Mystics is an abridgement, translated by A.J.
Arberry, of Attar's only known prose work: Tadhkirat al-
Auliya (The Memorial of the Saints), which he worked on
throughout much of his life and which was available publicly
before his death. In what is considered the most compelling
entry in this book, Attar relates the story of the execution of
Hallaj, the mystic who had uttered the words "I am the Truth"
in a state of ecstatic contemplation.
Arberry's translation is an abridgement; the entry on
Owaise al-Qarani translated by Mohammed Abdul Hafeez,
B. Com., Hyderabad, India omitted in Arberry's text, is
included in the following link: Owaise al-Qarani.
2. Owaise of Qarni (PDF)
will create 70,000 angels same as Owaise of Qarni
(Clone) and when ... Owaise of Qarni told him to stay
there and he went away and ...
www.omphaloskepsis.com/ebooks/pdf/Owaise.pdf - 113k -
View as html - More from this site –Save.

New York Times reporter Mr. David E. Rosenbaum was

robbed and dispatched to his death

On the Friday night of Jan. 6, 2006 in Northwest Washington,

when New York Times reporter Mr. David E. Rosenbaum was
beaten,robbed and dispatched to his death. But in history of
the book TadhkiratAl-Auliya ( Muslim Saints & Mystics ) the
name of Mr. David E. Rosenbaum will be remembered
always as he had published the above article with the special
note with the following details. 1. Some details about the life
of Farid Al-din Attar . 2. The details of the works by Farid
Al-din Attar . 3. He also introduced the translator
( Mohammed Abdul Hafeez B.Com. ) and his work of
translation of the second main chapter Owaise of Qarni from
the above book. The above second episode is from Tadhkirat
Al-Auliya (Muslim Saints & Mystics ) by Farid Al-din Attar.
My works.
Some of my English translation works include the following
1. Tadhkirtal Auliya (Muslim Saints & Mystics) - A.S.
Noordeen Malaysia.
2.Muslim Saints of Hyderabad
3.Gulzar Auliya
8. Hasth Bahist
9.200 kid books
10.The 100 names of Madina city
11. The Muslim Saints of of Bider
12. The Muslim Saints of of Bejapur

14.Tadhkirtal Auliya (Muslim Saints & Mystics)

15.Biography of Hadrat Syed Shah Ghulam Afzal Biabani
16. Khair Majalis the advices of Hazrat Nasiruddin Chirag
17. Biography of Hazrat Khaja Usman Haruni
18. Biography of Hazrat Baba Tajuddin Nagpur
19. Anis Arwa by Hazrat Khaja Moinuddin Chisti
20. Biography of prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him)
21. Biography of Hazrat Mashooq Rabbani Warangal
22. Biography of Hazrat Shah Shah Afzal Biabani
23. Biography of Hazrat Syed Shah Sawar Biabani
24. Muslim Saints of Warangal
25.Muslim Saints of Chennai
25. Muslim Saints of Aurangabad

An Ad for my book

Muslim Saints and Mystics’

Episodes from the Tadhkirat
al-Awliya of Farid al-Din Attar

Is already released and its selling price is RM 35.00 per copy

and which can be had directly from Malaysia from the below

Published by
P.O.BOX 42-Gombak,
53800 Kuala Lumpur
Tel: 03-40236003
Fax 03-40213675
E-mail :asnoordeen@yahoo.com

An Ad for my another book

Muslim Saints and Mystics’
Episodes from the Tadhkirat
Al-Awliya of Farid al-Din Attar
(Supplementary version)

This book is already released by Amazon books U.S.A.

during the year 2014 and its selling price is USD 5.00 per copy
and which can be had directly the from the below address.
In this book three lengthy episodes of Farid al-Din Attar’s
book ‘Muslim Saints and Mystics’are added and in which
world famous episode about Sheikh Abul Hasan Qarqani is
available and it is informed of the general public and other
learned persons of knowledge of saints and mysticism that the
biographical details of Sheikh Abul Hasan Qarqani are not
found except in this episode of this book. Address is given as
follows from which this book can be had directly.


The Bio Links of the author

My name is Mohammed Abdul Hafeez and I have graduated

in commerce from Osmania University, Hyderabad, India.
I am a Translator of Islamic books and interested in Sufi books
and have translated 58 chapters from the famous Sufi book
‘Tadkiratal Awliya’ by Farid El din Attar in the year 2009
from Urdu to English and some chapters of the book were
published on the below web site and due to kind grace and
help of Allah there is good response from its readers in large
numbers on so many web sites. I am a retired secretary and
worked in a Gulf country for many years and having one son
and his name is Mohammed Abdul Wasi Rabbani , who was
studying in St. Domnics school Salimnagar colony Hyderabad
and at K.B.N. Engineering college Gulbega and he is an IT
Engineer and working abroad . We are having four little
grandchildren and their names are as follows and among them
Shehzan is very smart boy and my wife’s name is Ather
Fatima and my daughter in law’s name is Juhi Yasmeen and
she was educated in St. Domnics school Salimnagar colony
Hyderabad , Vani Girls College and Madina Girls college as
an extra-ordinary and brilliant student of these educational
institutions.1. Mohammed Sulaiman 2. Mohammed Osman 3.
Mohammed Shehzan 4. Sahrish Fatima
I enjoy doing translation of Sufi works and my translated first
episode are available with the following publication note of
Mr. David Rosenbaum of New York Times which is available
on the above mentioned famous U.S.A. website.

My three poems
Please find my three poems which are as follows and these
are well known and famous since my college days and which
were already published in the A.U. College Magazine of
Hyderabad and now I have added these poems in this book.
The Taj Mahal
In the darkness of night
I visited the tomb of white
Full beautiful in the glorious moon light
Shah Jahan’s love and Mumtaz’s beauty
Making fun of today’s love and poverty
No-one leaves without feelings of beauty
After seeing the Taj Mahal’s majesty
The Taj was reminding me the duty of love
And showing the king’s power of love
Even today in the darkness of strife
The Taj is preaching a lesson of love and life.
By Mohammed Abdul Hafeez, B. Com.
In Thy memory
Her death day came with the fragrance of loving memories
Which shaken the depth of our saddest loving memories
Even the seasonal changes and other worldly affairs
Could not diminish away her saddest loving memories
Due to the saddest grief, our souls are broken
We are worldly losers and our hearts are broken
Oh : her saddest memories you must not die
Guide us to cover the deliverances of the world
Oh : the heavenly Lord takes Thou care of this beloved soul

Who never faced any worldly peace and pleasure.

By Mohammed Abdul Hafeez, B. Com.
The Dim flame
When the flame of her life was going to dim
No one of us not there to say goodbye
It is how painful for our whole lives
That we cannot see her at death time
Death is sure for every human beings
But how her strange death was indeed?
Her loving relatives were far from her
And they cannot reach for the last visit
We should believe in the heavenly Lord
Who made our vast and great human land
Sure she has gained a position in the grave land
So, We should not worry Allah is great and known.
By Mohammed Abdul Hafeez, B. Com.

The author wept very much at the Kazipet grave yard

The author upon his return from his service of the foreign
country visited Kazipet after a gap of many years the grave of
his grandfather and grandmother at Kazipet recently in the
month of May 2014.
When he visited the grave of his grandfather, which is under a
big Neem tree and its shed is spread over large areas of the
graveyard and my grandmother’s grave is situated beside the

grave of my grandfather. Both graves are well maintained so

are available in the good condition.
As the both graves are under the big old Neem tree so there is
too much shade as well as so much cold and peaceful
atmosphere and comfort is available there. So an atmosphere
of peace and comfort is available there too much due to the
coolness of the branches of Neem tree which is prevailing in
the grave yard. For this reason an atmosphere of coolness and
peace condition is there and due to this reason there will be
thinking arise in the mind of the author that both of them
living in the peaceful condition.
However the author wept too much there because his
grandfather who was administrator of the shrine of Kazipet for
many years and his grandmother who lived in Kazipet village
for many years and she did many endeavour there and she
helped many needy women and children there so now both of
them are buried in the graveyard of Kazipet shrine and
nobody is not there in the village to visit them from their
lineage but many unknown visitors are visiting their graves
there and the author have personally seen many flowers on the
graves which were placed by those unknown persons.

Connection of the author’s family members with Kazipet.

When my grand dad Sheikh Dadan reached Kazipet Jagir on

his transfer from another place and he was attracted by the
teachings of Sufi Center at Kazipet Jagir during the period of
Hazrat Syed Shah Sarwar Biabani Radi Allahu anhu the
successor and son of great Sufi master Hazrat Syed Shah Afzal
Biabani Radi Allahu anhu. When my grand dad became his
disciple and he left immediately the following things.

1 .He left his superior job in the police department. 2. He left

his native place of Medak. 3. He left his big house in Medak.
Due to the kindness and favour of Hazrat Syed Shah Ghulam
Biabani Radi Allahu Anhu my granddad had got the job of
estate administrator of Dargah Sharif and a plot of land of
1000 yards from the center of Kazipet village. On this plot my
granddad had constructed a big house (Gulshan Manzil) on
500 yards and one big garden on 500 yards.

An event of the theft during the service of period of my

grandfather at Kazipet shrine

During the period of Syed Shah Ghulam Afzal Biyabani this

event was happening. At that time there was a grant of Rupees
fifty towards the salaries of the staff of Noban Khana (the
place from where time is announced by the beat of the drum)
in which there were some staff members used to work there
and it was headed by the supervisor. By the government of
H.E.H.The Nizam of Hyderabad there was every month the
royal grant which was used to reach to the custodian of the
Qazipet shrine through the supervisor from the government
treasury. From there it will reach to the administrator of the
estate and who will used to distribute the amount of salaries to
all concerned staff.
As per reference by Tufazal Hussain advocate that one

month the supervisor of Nobat Khana who was obtained the

amount of Rupees fifty towards the salaries from the Royal
treasury office and he was fled to Hyderabad. But in the shrine
building the staff members were waiting for him to receive
their salaries from him and but at last they were able to know
that the supervisor was fled from Kazipet and he was reached
to Hyderabad.
At that time the custodian of the shrine of Kazipet was in
Hyderabad. So the estate administrator Sheikh Dadan, who
was grandfather of the translator of this book was informed
the details of this case to Tufazal Hussain advocate and this
event was mentioned by Syed Khaja Sadat Hussain Biyabani
in his Urdu book ‘Lemat Biyabani’ (This book was already
translated by me with the title of Biographyof Hazrat Syed
Shah Ghulam Afzal Biabani and has been posted by in the
paperback and electronic book formats on amazon.com) and
he was mentioned the details of this event on the pages 110-
111 of his book and he was requested to take action against the
supervisor of the police department. In his reply Tufazal
Hussain advocate wrote him that as the custodian of the shrine
is present in Hyderabad and if we start action against him, so
due to kindness if the culprit will be forgiven by him then it
will be not proper in this matter to initiate the case against
him. So it is better to take the approval of the action from the
custodian of the shrine first so that it is proper to take further
action in this matter.
It was learnt by me that the estate administrator Sheikh
Dadan was sent the letters by the post to Hyderabad for the
kind perusal of the shrine custodian there.
The estate administrator Sheikh Dadan who is the grandfather
of this translator and in whose memory this event was

especially translated from the following book for the

information of the readers of the International Internet
Libraries in U.S.A. especially for the readers of these two
websites as follows. www.calmeo.com and www.scribd.com
Upon this it was happened that supervisor of Nobat Khana
after spending of the amount was reached to see the custodian
and he told him all details in this matter and he requested him
to forgive his mistake and he made loud and cry in this matter
and he requested him to allow him to join back in his post.
It was learnt later that the custodian of the shrine was kept the
supervisor at his residence in Hyderabad for a period of three
days. During that period the letters of the Estate Administrator
and the advocate was reaching for him. Upon this he was
given the travel expenses from Hyderabad to Kazipet to the
supervisor of the Nobat Khana and was sent him from
Hyderabad to Kazipet and he was given the instruction to the
estate administrator which is as follows.
“ That the supervisor was presented in his service and he
ashamed of his bad deed so he was forgiven his mistake in this
matter.So you also forgive him and allow him to join on his
duty. Otherwise, he is poor person having small children with
him so they will become economically poor and will be
destroyed in this matter. Arrange the salary of Nobat Khana
staff members from another fund.”
So after some days the supervisor was coming back to Kazipet
from Hyderabad and he was allowed to join in his post as per
order the custodian of the shrine of Kazipet and the staff
members of the Nobat Khana was paid their salaries from the
other fund by the administrator of the estate.
Reference: from the Urdu book ‘Lemat Biyabani’

By Syed Khaja Sadat Hussain Biyabani

Translated by
Mohammed Abdul Hafeez, B.Com.
Translator ‘ Muslim Saints and Mystics’
(The Tadhkirah al-Awliya of Farid)

In the last I request the readers of this article to pray for our
grandmother and grandfather for which the author will be
obliged to them for their kind help and cooperation in this
matter. I am also obliged to the unknown visitors of the graves
of the my grandfather and grandmother at the graveyard of
Kazipet Dargah for their kind visits and placing of the flowers
on the graves and for which I could not forget this favour and
attention so I will pray for them in this matter to extend my
heartfelt thanks in this matter.

Mohammed Abdul Hafeez, B.Com.

Translator ‘ Muslim Saints and Mystics’
(The Tadhkirah al-Awliya of Farid)

Mr. Hafeez Sahib

Wa alaykum Assalaam,

Jazakallah for your sincere time and efforts it is an impressive

contribution Indeed, it is a nice English Translation and will
help us to share with English speaking people. There are

certain places need to be updated in your translation. May

Allah swt bless you with the spiritual support of Hadrath Syed
Jalaluddin Jamalul Bahar Mashooq Rabbani.
I believe we should enhance the compilation done by Hazrath
Syed Aulia Quadri RA around some 55 years ago-- there are
other historical books (should be available in
A.P. Archaeology and State Central Library and
other libraries .I know some books such as Mishkat un
Nubuwwah by Hazarath Syed Ghulam Ali Shah R.A.,
Mahboob-zil-Menon - Tadkiray Aulia Deccan page 248 and
Tawariqul Auliya second part page 528.
Insha Allah, Ali pasha will gather the information on Hadrat
Mashooq Allah R.A from above mentioned books and from
other sources and we will print a revised edition soon.
Once again, thank you and our heartfelt appreciation for your
translation work.
Kind Regards,
Syed Jalal Quadri
5873 E Beverly Circle
Hanover Park IL 60133
Cell# 847-436-8535

In the loving memory of my mother

Oh mother you lived a long life and left in the year 2016
And showed us a life by drawing a good road map of life

You have protected us since childhood to our old period of life


So for this we cannot ignore you during our period of life

Your life mission was not at all any time dull always
But it was an example of hardworking for the happy life

Your determination power was so great to fight the life

With such fine thinking so good benefits you have gained

You not only acted in world, but very active in the religion
Your presence in our house was due to the kindness of God

After your demise, there was such a great loss in the house
Her name was Akhter, she was a star of the luck in her life

Her life journey was ended only in 6 days in the hospital

Left upon us an impression and cannot be removed from us

Oh God, you have given her a position in the mortal world

Kindly bestow mercy and blessings on her final resting place.

Mohammed Abdul Hafeez
Email: hafeezanwar@yahoo.com
Translator ‘ Muslim Saints and Mystics’

(The Tadhkirah al-Awliya of Farid Al-din Attar)

& Hasth Bahist, Hyderabad


This is a very old book which was written by Hazrat Abul

Hasnat Syed Abdullah Shah Sahib about the speeches
(Malfuzat) of advice and discourses of his disciples in the small
magazine and the first time I have translated this magazine into
English in the global edition.
This translation of the most ancient and celebrated Urdu old
book on Sufi’ism will, I hope, be found useful not only by the
number of students familiar with the subject at first hand, but
also by many other readers.
This is very small magazine and it is available in one volume
as stated above and in which there are advises and instructions,
especially available for Taleb (student) and it refers to a person
who is committed to a Murshid (spiritual master) in a Tariqa
(spiritual path) of Sufism and it is also known as a Salik (Arabic:
‫)َس اِلك‬, a mureed is an initiate into the mystic philosophy of
Sufism and all these details of advices by the spiritual master
Abul Hasnat Syed Abdullah Shah is added in this book. And
also in this book there are some great achievements which are
not yet known to the general person are published in a very
interesting style so for this reason the readers will find great
interest and attention in this matter.
From the above facts and details, if the readers will starts
reading this book’s first page and will not stop its reading till
they will reach its last page as in this book some interesting
events and as well as other great miracles and endeavours of
holy saints are added and these holy saints have passed away
from the world some 100 years ago.
Even though this is not very lengthy book, but due to its
importance it is so great due to coverage of many interesting
events and positive information in it so it is like an ocean of the

knowledge and information of the holy saints and who have

passed away from the world upon doing their great endeavours
and many hard tasks for the preaching and propagation work of
Islam in the foreign lands so this book is not very lengthy, but it
will present the ocean of knowledge and information for the
guidance of people towards the right path of Islam.
This book is edited and formatted as per the great book
‘Muslim saints and Mystics’ (Tadhkirtal Aliyah by Farid al din
Attar) which is very famous in the Western world among the
English knowing persons. So for this reason there will be some
small differences in it while comparing with the Urdu books and
its literature. The aim of this book is to present in the Western
world where there is great search and demand of the books of
Sufism and biographies of holy saints who lived and spent their
entire lives for the preaching and propagation of the Islamic
religious mission in all corners of the world as per tradition and
practice of Allah’s last prophet.
Hazrat Abul Hasnat Syed Abdullah Shah Sahib in brief, was a
great Saint of his time in the Indian sub-continent and who did
many great endeavours for the preaching and propagation of
Islam in Hyderabad city and he did the endeavours for the
Islamic mission with the hopes of its expansion to other
adjoining and distant territories and there was no such
personality during his time.
It is my great honour and pleasure to translate this book from
Urdu to English first time, so I request the readers to read this
book because in it there are many revelations of the secrets
which are added in this book for which I shall be highly obliged
to all of its readers in this matter.
In the preface of the book ‘Tadhikra al-Awliya’ (Muslim

Saints & Mystics), Attar mentions three books which he

recommends for those ambitious to attain a full understanding of
the pronouncements of the Sufis but in this book also there are
many revelations of the secrets which are available for the
students of the Tariqa (spiritual path) of Sufism.

Elaj Al-Salikin

The hymn of Allah

Oh my God, oh my great Sustainer

You are the goal of my heart, no doubt.
Oh, demand of my heart and my soul
Give me the sign where you will be found.
Oh, my beloved, oh, my dear friend
Due to separation, I am nearly at death.
Till what time, oh Lord, should I be away?
To show manifest and not separate from me
Oh God to keep me away from myself
I can see one look on You from Yourself
I do not demand anything from the two worlds
I ask from You so give me my demand soon
You are the medicine of incurable of patients
For every desire, You will fulfill my demand

You are the medicine of my every disease

You are ointment of my every wound
Be award ecstasy for me due to Your love
With which there be down every thinking
Give me such consciousness to such an extent
I should become obedient in 8th parts of the day
Your remembrance then it will be there always
It will be Your thinking then it will be there always
Unrelated of You which will be away from the heart
With your love, the heart will be full and occupied
Made me the dust of the way of sympathetic people
Made my life to die and weeping my eye in Your love
Remove grief from the heart and made me happy
So that comes to the rosy cheek to visit there
After finishing this hymn and seek intercession
Of the personality of the last messenger in the world
You get the upper hand with recovery from Allah
So hold the edge of shirt of the prophet of Allah
Who is the source of the helpless persons?
But also he is the only source of all persons
But it is very sad and sorry for uncountable that
There are fine veils on you from all four sides
You did not look with your eyes
And not even hear from your ears
You are held in the marsh of carelessness
And do not move with your foot toward truth
Ride on the conveyance of repentance with a staff of the pain
Then come out from the marsh and take the way
Bring thinking of the pain of love in your heart
So that illness of carelessness becomes coupled with love
To make free from the oil of carelessness of the ears

Afterward, hear this complaint of the pain

The complaint
Oh, the people you are searching for Allah and you have
searched Allah in every place. Where you have made the rounds
and come back from the difficult places, but in such places, you
could not able to find Him there.
Come on we will show the place where you can find Him,
then you will be able to get Him. He will be found him so listen
that the place of finding Him is the heart. The heart is such a
throne and which is called the Empyrean of Allah and know the
heart is such a place and which is called omnipresent. The heart
is the name of that house and which is without signs. Allah has
given such dimension to the heart that all things will be
accommodated in it. Allah has given it such largeness that due to
it there is the capacity of all things into it and there is nothing
which could not be accommodated in it and there is nothing is
there which could not be entered into it.
Leave the discussion about things and leave also other
objects. And He will be entered into it and who could not be
accommodated in anywhere and He will be there in it and who
will not be available anywhere and but He will be seen there and
who will not be seen anywhere. And He will be staying in it and
who will not stay anywhere. And one who could not be

accommodated on the earth and in the sky and who are

accommodated in the heart.
Moulana Rom says
It means there is no capacity to accommodate in the earth as
well as in the sky and there is such breadth which is available in
the heart of the believer and if you want to search Me then
search in those hearts.
Oh, the people of searchers of Allah, whatever you have
heard this is true, but it is not the dignity of that heart which is
available in our rib and which have been ruined and who is
drowned day and night in the carelessness. His age is passed in
controversies and always is fixed in new shackles then still there
is the same thinking with him that he should be taken towards
fixation of the new shackles. He was forgotten the way and he is
in the sleep of carelessness. And he is in such intoxication of the
love of unrelated God and that intoxication is still there and so
still he is drinking more and more so then how there will get
conscience of the other world to him.?
“ Be regret oh heart: oh sad heart and my dear heart up to
what time I will call you and you are not hearing my call. When
that day will come when you make way round and leave all and
turn out to be belonging to one.”
“What to do this heart who did not remain to do for any work
and it has left God and it has made God for his desires of the
soul. So burnt this heart into the fire.”
Before searching God first search such a heart in which there
will be the possibility of accommodation of God and if his

Sustainer is there, then it should be Allah only. And if he’s there

is his beloved then it should be Allah only and if there is his goal
then it should be Allah only.
Oh nightingale comes on we together do weep
You call oh flower and I will call oh my heart

The different kinds of diseases which have mutilated the

heart and this matter is not known to the man that he is ill.
Listen, oh heart that you are ill and it is difficult to make a
diagnose your disease because you did not understand that you
are ill due to disease and there will come one time when you
understand it, but at that time there was no benefit of
understanding and so now it will good to understand by you so
you take notice of it.
Whether you accept or not that you have the option of heart
We show you gentleman good and bad in your service
Everything is identified by the signs and the signs of your
illness are as follows.
First sign
Every part of the human body is made up for performing
some special work and if such work may not be done with it for
that work for which the part is made and if there is done by the
interruption, then it should be understood that the part is ill. For
example hand for holding, foot for walking, the ear for hearing
and eye for seeing, if the hand will not hold and foot will not
walk, the ear will not hear, and the eye will not see then it will
be understood that these parts are not working well and are ill.

In the same way, the heart is made for Allah's love and
knowledge as well as for pleasure in the worship of Allah and if
such things are not there in the heart, then that heart is called not
healthy and it is said that it is not working well and ill.
Oh dear heart, the stomach for which the soil is dearer than
bread, then for it, we will be ready to call as ill and not working.
If such is there and if things are dearer than Allah to you so
when whether we will not tell you ill as Satan and the soul has
kept you in deceiving and he is understanding that he is having
the love of Allah and he is in good health.
See in this matter and little fix your love on the touchstone of
love and then you will get information that till then you are in
the fraud and but understanding another thing.
The touchstone of love
This is that touchstone for which there is an order of the
beloved of the world in this matter and which was given in the
world. And there is a command of Allah against it. Now see
where the heart will bend and if there will be fondly towards the
command of Allah and which shows that there is overpowering
of love of Allah and this is a sign of health of love of the heart
and if it is bent towards the fondly of the world and the world's
beloved then understand that it on him there is overpowering of
love of the world. There is no love of Allah is there in it and it is
only deceiving and it is a sign of illness of the heart. For God
sake, take a precautionary measure and take care, the urgent
course of action for recovery of the health of the heart.
Increase and decrease of the heart disease

See the standard of increase and decrease of the disease of

the heart is that, except the love of Allah is there and if there
will be the love of anything about the world and so as per its
extent there will be a disease of such degree. If there will be
more love then the disease will be hard. If there will be less
love, then the disease will be light. Yes, if there will be the love
of these things someone who has kept it in the heart so that if
these things will help in the love of Allah, then do not think this
as disease and this is also a sign of health.
Second sign
The heart is king of the body. And the body is the subject of its
kingdom. When the subject is parts like eyes, ears, tongue, etc.,
so then it is required there should be parts of the kingdom. Sight
is the eye of the heart and mention is the tongue of the heart.
Meditation is hearing of the heart it means its ears. When Allah
wants to do a favour to any person due to his good deeds, then
He will open the eyes of his heart. Then he will look at
everything from the look of serving as a warning. Day and night
he will be engaged in the remembrance of Allah and also with
remembrance Allah, he will also engage in thinking about it.
And also he will open the tongue of the heart and there will be
always an available remembrance of his beloved in his heart.
And there will be the ability of memory and there will be
possible hearing of the ear of his heart. He will be always in
meditation. It is a sign of healthy heart and against it when Allah
wants with any slave due to his disobedience will intend to do
bad with him, then He will put the seal on the eyes of the heart

and his ears. So that there will be no regret for him at any time
and also there will be no thinking in this matter. When there will
be a situation of meditation come then there will be a stoppage
of talking so there will no remembrance by forgetfulness and
day and night will pass in the carelessness. And this is a sign of
illness or disease of the heart.
The healthy signs of the heart
The heart should be clear from big sins and to be away from
hypocrisy and from it big sins and in which there will be the
demand of willingness of Allah. It means to do any work for the
willingness of Allah so that to get connection of innermost or
there should be memory of recital and remembrance as such that
there will be no carelessness at any time and there will be no
forget fullness, as well as there, should be no difficulty in this
matter and for there should be obedience of the truth and it
means to follow the orders of Islamic law (Sharia) by inclination
of the heart and there should be hate from illegal and prohibited
things and the greed of the world should not be there in heart.
To become a live picture of the Quran and this is a sign of
connection of the innermost.
The matters of heart diseases
2.Love of the world
3. To follow human desire and wishes of soul and love and
4.Pride and greed

The above all are matters of diseases of the heart and from it,
all disease caused to establish in the heart.
The prevention for the heart patients
1.Persistence on sins
2.Company of careless persons
3.Loneliness with strange women and conversation with them
4. A company of the wealthy persons who are proud of their
5. To follow the human desire of the soul
6.Small or big sins which will be done by heart, tongue, hand or
foot or eyes.
The useless conversation is unlawful and to look with lust on
anyone and the thinking of it in the heart, improper or
moderation of more anger and with bad manners and with
hardness to treat anybody are such carelessness and which will
cause effects on the worldly relations because such carelessness
which will not be finished due to cause of renewal of
remembrance of Allah. So heart will be attracted a number of
times to them. Or to establish friendship or enmity with
somebody. The friends will cause of gathering with him and
waste his time and enemies will cause him difficulties and put
him in troubles.
In the same way, the affairs which will put the heart in trouble
and in anxiety for each for himself and these are not necessary
and all these things are poison for the heart so to keep it away
from all these things always.
The doctors of the heart disease

The prophets and their deputies who are great pious persons
are pulse checkers of the heart and they are called the doctors.
Those who are deputies of the prophet are doctors of heart
and their signs are as follows.
The perfect spiritual master is one whose signs is that who
will have knowledge of religion as per requirement, whether he
was acquired by learning or in the company of learned persons.
In the believe, action and manners who should follow Sharia
(Islamic law). He should be pious one and it means he should be
away from sins and not insist on small sins. Who should be a
continuance on obedience in the manifest and innermost. He
should not have the greed of the world. He should look for the
other world. And should not claim for the perfection and this
branch belongs to the world and who was with some master for
some days and who got favour and blessing from him. For him,
the learned of persons of justice and Mashaiq (venerable
persons) of time think him as a good person. By comparing the
general person the special persons, it means wise pious people
attract him more. The disciples of that person in which there will
be overpowering of the following of Islamic law and were in
them there will be less of the greed of the world and who take
care of his disciples. If he finds or heard anything from them
against Islamic law or mystic way, then he will correct them in
this matter. And he will not leave everybody on his willingness.
While sitting in his company, there will be a decrease in the love
of the world and there will be a feeling of the increase in the

love of Allah. He should be engaged in the remembrance of

Allah so that without it there will be no blessing in his teaching.
If you find all these signs in any person then do not see in
him that for him there will be performed any miracle or not.? Or
is there any available to him revelation or not.? Whether
whatever he will do is accepted or not.? Or whether is he is a
person from possessing or not.? Because these things are not
required for the perfect master and in this way it should not see
in him that due to his attention whether the people will be
restless or not.? Because it is also not required for the perfect
person. In reality, it is psychological possessing and which is
increased by exercise. And the even un-pious person or non-
Muslim can do this. And from it, there is not as much benefit
because there is no perpetual effect for it.
Analysis of cure of the heart
Oh, people of seekers of Allah up to what period you will
have kept on ill-heart in your rib. See that the illness is being
increased. The result of illness in death. If the heart dies, then
what you will do with the dead heart and the felicity of the other
world is attached to the live heart. There is the command of
Allah that " Where wealth will not give benefit or children and
where there will be the help of the heart and which will be free
from diseases of the heart."
Oh, my dear heart you did not see any patient so there is no
information with you that what is done in the illness.? And you
are being patient what you are doing.? Suppose there is one
independent king of the world and he can fulfill all his desire

and wishes and there is no pleasure which is not available to

him. By chance, he became ill so tell oh heart truly what he will
do.? He will call doctors and will gather the druggists. Even
most bitter drugs, whether he will use to take even though it will
be not tolerable with unpleasant tastes and he will tolerate it
with happiness. And with this, he will become a lean person. But
due to it day by day his illness will begin decreasing and his
health condition will be improved. During this period if his soul
wants to break prevention then there will be turned away by the
beginning of an illness and difficulties will be there and there
will be death in the eyes of the patient. There will be thinking of
rejoicing at the distress by enemies, then he will blame his soul
in this matter and he never breaks his prevention. Always he will
think about the cure of the health of the body, rest and comfort
of the life will encourage him to take most bitter drugs and then
leaving of tasty things and to be patient with unpleasant things
will become easy for him.
Oh, my dear heart sees it that the patient used to be a cure in
this way.? Whether you have ever had shown your pulse to the
spiritual doctor and whether you have consulted with the learned
persons of Allah and have you used bitter medicines as per their
prescription. And whether you have thought at that time above
prevention. When you have not done such then tell me truly how
your illness will go away in which way.?
Oh, my heart your symptoms are not good and whether it is
true that you want to be called as a person of the dead heart. You
also do not think about rejoicing at the distress of Satan, so how

long you sit with folded hands.? So stood now do not do laziness
in the treatment of disease. And be courageous and as with
courage, most difficult work will become easy work. If there
will be courage with the man then the birds of the air, fishes
from the rivers, silver from inside of the hard mountains, wild
animals from desolate jungles, beasts from their caves will take
out from the caves. When he will have the courage then he will
catch poisonous snakes and then he will make a play with them
and for them, he will prepare an antidote.
It is the result of courage, of the man and from the leaves of
small mulberry the man will nourish insects of silk and from
such insects, he will prepare many pieces of silk cloth and which
will come before us.
Good God it is the courage of the man that while living on the
earth he will fly in the skies and he will determine the journey of
the stars. The man will solve hard and hard problems of
knowledge of astronomy.
Where there is will, then what then man cannot do it.?
Headstrong horse allows him to ride on his back and wild dog
and the flying falcon will bring hunting for him. Oh, careless
man, you do all things with the help of courage and what one
thing which is not done by you is the treatment of your heart.
See your carelessness which will show you one-day a bad day.
If there will be a cure for 1,000 medicines, but there will be the
death of the body. Despite this, you engage with the doctor of
the body always. The heart, which will till eternity with you and
for it, but you do not care in this matter. You never refer the

doctor of heart for the cure of your heart. So what is there matter
in it.?
The medicines of heart diseases
The medicines of heart diseases are manufactured in the
clinic of Islamic law and for them, there will be an arrangement
of the prophets.
The details medicines of heart diseases are as follows.
2.Good Deeds
4.Remembrance of Allah
6.To weep by the fear of Allah
7.Thanks for the grace of Allah
8.To hear the discourse of learned persons of Allah
9.In every act to follow the practice of the prophet of Allah
10. Always to perform Tahjud (supererogatory prayers
performed in the early hours of the morning) prayer.
Causes of heart disease
There are many kinds of heart diseases are there than body
diseases and its causes are as follows.
First reason
That patient of the body understands his disease, but the
patient of the heart will not know about that he is patient. So for
this reason illness will go on increasing and from such illness,
there will be established many other diseases.
Second reason

Its second reason is that the result of disease of the body can
be seen before the eyes in the shape of death and against it the
result of the heart disease will not be seen in this world so, for
this reason, the patient will be live without care and the disease
will be worn out inside and inside.
Third reason
The real reason of heart diseases is that which are those
speeches and which always show hopefulness and while
showing the dignity of the mercy of Allah again and again to the
patients of the heart which made them careless from the disease.
If they did not cure their diseases then they should not have
increased their diseases of the heart.
Rules relating to the cure of heart diseases
Oh, the patients of heart if you want a cure, then you should
believe in some affairs by heart and if there will be instability
then do not hope for the cure.
First, you should believe that as for body illness and health
there are causes and for health, disease and its health and unless
you do not believe in this matter, then you will never do not pay
attention for the treatment because to keep away the name of
cause of reason of disease and which is called treatment. When
there will not believe in the cause, then there is what will be
there cure.?
Secondly, as per doctor of the body if there will be any
perfect master spiritual doctor is appointed for his treatment
then, in that case, the patient should believe that, the person is a
spiritual doctor and who is having knowledge in this matter and

he is perfect and an expert and he is perfect in checking the

disease and of superior position in prescription and for running
his clinic he is not habituated mixing false with the truth.
Because to believe in the cause of the disease is in original to
believe in the science of medicine. Then only this believe will
not give any benefit unless is regarding specially appointed
doctor there should believe in the connection that he is perfect in
matters of chest relating disease.
Thirdly, to hear everything of doctor of expert (spiritual
master) with the utmost attention of the heart. Whatever the
bitter medicines will be given to him, then he should have drunk
it. Whatever prevention he will be advised then he should act
upon it strictly.
Fourthly, there are available many such patients who did not
declare pulse beating and urinal (for medical examination) to the
doctors. So, for this reason, the doctor should be given full
information and details of the disease. In the same way a patient
on the heart you can be known the disease of the heart. For all
such, you should inform the details of the perfect spiritual
Oh, it is sad that nowadays the patient even after knowing his
disease, he will conceal it with the spiritual doctors. If the doctor
will declare disease in that patient, then he will become angry
with him so for this reason how he will become healthy.?
Rules of treatment for spiritual doctors
It is requested in the service of spiritual doctors as per
method and their practice of ancestor people first before giving

them recitals of Allah, they first used to correct the manners of

the disciples and for such diseases of the heart, it means bad
manners which will be there with them and to care for them.
Then advice for daily recital and endeavors. For example, if you
see any disciple appear tidiness and in the condition of
decoration himself, then they used to give him an order for
sweeping in the mosque. The condition of the sweeper will not
be kept available in good condition. If there will be pride is there
is any disciple then they will ask him to set right the foot wears
of the persons who prayers in the mosque.
When daughter of Sheikh Khaja Bahuddin Naqshbandi
became adult then there arise an idea into his mind to marry her
so he went into Islamic school and he looked into the condition
of all boys and their heart and from among all of them he was
selected, one student and who told him that he is poor boy and
he told him " Oh boy if you are poor then there is no matter, but
your heart is wealthy, oh boy we are searching a loving person
of Allah and in your heart there is capacity of it." In short the
Sheikh married his daughter with that student and when he
became his disciple then he was put a basket of apples on his
head and ask him to sell in the city and after some time he told
him that oh boy the apples which we sold were not to earning
money but to take out the pride and arrogance of Muslim priest
(Mavlavi) from you. It is the oldest method of cure for spiritual
doctors. The reason of it says that when the cauldron will want
to be tinning then first it will be removed its filth with the help
of sand or like a such thing and doctor of the body first they

with an easy going attitude they take away the corrupt matter,
and they are given medicine to drink to the patient or when it is
required to decoration of the house or to wear the best dress to
anybody when he will have a bath first and filth and grim is
removed and in this way he is cleaned. And this is called
Taqliya (privacy) process. Then he will be advised for daily
recitals and endeavours. It means first bad manners are removed
and then the colour of good manners are painted on him. It was a
method and practices of the companions of the last prophet of
Allah and also they have been given practice by this method by
the last prophet of Allah. When the previous spiritual doctors
were seen that there is no courage and time for the people like
previous persons so for this reason, they say that due to some
helplessness first to spread a carpet in the house than to take care
of cleaning slowly. So to advise recital in the beginning slowly
to check disease of the heart it means they try to remove bad
manners. Now you people also after making disciple for God
sake do not become careless in this matter. There are two
methods before you so apply any of the methods and to continue
to the cure diseases of the heart.
The training of the companions of the last prophet of Allah
was done like children and in every matter, there was watching
was done for them. Whatever effective method of training was
there and such a method was used for their training and
teaching. First, they were trained by reciting to them the Quran
and sayings of the prophet of Allah. Then the last of the prophet
of Allah used to show them by doing such instruction in a

practical way. There will be a watch of them always. If they

were found anything against them, they were corrected on this
matter. Due to its result wild, murderer, bloody shooter, cruel
people were becoming wholly as light and favour and come out
from there and have given light in the whole world with their
light of knowledge and wisdom. You are also as a deputy of the
prophet of Allah so follow such method of training and teaching.
Then see that soon there will be great changes will be appearing
there in this matter. Now the generally people are thinking that
to become a disciple is like that to learn some matters of secret
and to go to the extent that of daily some recitals so it is the
purpose of their becoming disciple. And in this way mysticism
is passing in this way and for this reason disease of the heart is
remained in the heart as it is. So, for this reason, there is a
request with respectfully that if there is no beginning of Taqliya
(privacy) but it should be done with Taqilya (Taqliya). It is a
synopsis of the mystical method way of life that when you take a
hand in making disciple then think that you are checking the
pulse of the disciple. Like expert doctor from the different
activities and conditions as well as from circumstantial evidence
to come to know the hidden illness and then think about a
disease that what are its causes and how it is developed then to
think the medicine to remove that illness. And what is its
prevention? .When you know this then advises such action
which is required to remove such disease. With knowledge of
benefit to weight in lawfully in an inexpensive way and made
the compound and ask to use it.

Address of the patient of heart diseases

Come on, oh the patient on the heart if by fate and if you
were not getting a spiritual doctor then, in that case, this my
magazine will work as an expert in your home. And it will check
your every disease and it will tell you the causes of the disease
and show you its prevention methods and prescribed specific
medicines for you. When there will be health then do not forget
this humble person with good prayers. Then, if you get any
spiritual doctor and he will also continue these prescriptions
then the story will become easy. And if he will prescribe other
medicines then the patient of heart should follow those
prescribed medicines which that spiritual doctor will advise him
in this matter.
The honey of prescriptions of spiritual doctors
Like usually in the prescription of Unani (Indigenous system
of medicine based on ancient Greek science) medicines, there is
the main part is honey in it and, in the same way, the base of
prescription of the spiritual doctors is as per methods of previous
pious persons who were passed away from the world.

The nature of the remembrance of Allah

It is possible that somebody will say one time Allah and think
it that it is the remembrance of Allah. So, for this reason, it
requires clarification in this matter that as the part of the
prescription is the remembrance of Allah and which is as
The method of reciting

One who is not free from the engagement of livelihood and

rights of human beings, then there is no requirement of this
necessity for them, but they should not waste their lifetime in
wasteful activities. And after getting time from necessary
business work and fulfilling duties of he should use the
remaining time in the remembrance of Allah. Do not think
useless things as necessary things. Usually, we used to busy in
useless works while thinking of it as very necessary work. So
the time of such unwise people will not remain with them and,
for this reason, they will excuse of lapse of remembrance of
Allah. And it is the fraud of the soul so be careful of it. And take
time for a recital in the remembrance of Allah. And engage more
in the remembrance of Allah as the recital is the main part of the
prescription of heart disease patients as per the method of the
pious persons who were passed away from the world.
Oh, persons who demand Allah do not be sorrow for what you
have lost and if there will do sorrow for those moments who
were passed away without the remembrance of Allah.
The translation and interpretation of Persian poetry
1. If there will not available dress of satin and in its place old rag
dress is enough to cover the body.
2. If not, get a mix of sugar candy and musk of the sweetness of
a saffron colour dish of rice and in its place buttermilk, onion
and dry bread are enough.
3.If there will be not available glass made of gold and in its
place, the hand with full water can be drunk.

4. If there will be no rush of servants at the front and back side

and in its place hate of mankind is enough who say to go by side
and move.
5.If there is not available golden bridle of the horse and in its
place to take the work of the horse on the foot.
6. If there will be a not available house of golden work, then
there is no matter and in its place to spending life in the corner
of the cave.
7.If there will be no bedspread of silk and in its place old mat in
a mosque where can be lived there.
8.If there will not be available comb for the hairs then in its
place to take the work of the comb with fingers.
9.In short, in the world, there is an available exchange for
10.The thing for which there is no exchange for it does you have
information in this matter what is that thing.? My friend that is
age. The age is such a thing for which there is nothing for in an
exchange. So for those things which are not exchangeable so
take care of such things.
It means for everything there is available its replacement
thing for it. But in the world dear age's exchange of its one
moment not available. In exchange for everything with another
thing work can be done, but the time which has been passed
away, then for its compensation is not possible from another
thing. Oh, patients with the heart so such incomparable dear age
should be given care with heart. After necessity, there will be
left work and for such time should be spent in the remembrance

of Allah. Some time to visit the graveyard of general Muslims

and the mausoleum of the holy persons and after Maghrib
(sunset) prayer to be engaged in the meditation of death for half
an hour or one hour till there will be interested in it. Due to the
very much remembrance of Allah, there will find the love of
Allah and with the meditation of death, there will find hate of
the world and so it is possible for making the work of love and
hate by the will of Allah. There are required daily recitation of
the Quran to some extent and recitation of blessings on the last
prophet of Allah will be enough. If along with piety for some
period of time one should follow this kind of the remembrance
of Allah and be firm and continue then by the will of Allah he
will not be deprived. As a matter of fact, there will be seen
benefits from the beginning time. But he will not understand that
there will come such time, then such a person will understand
this. But one should not worry and do not make haste in this
matter. And there should be no laziness and not diminish the
work because of it there is time limit is not prescribed and
nobody is not responsible for it. But we can keep good hope in
this matter.
The method of reciting of Imam Abu Ali Farmadi Tousi
One who is free from thinking of livelihood and rights of
human beings and for him the method of the recital is that he
should think the company of spiritual doctors as good for him.
The straight talk is that nearness of the patient with the doctor
and to be away from and in both of them, there is a difference
between earth and sky.

So, for this reason, one should be in his presence and stay in
the nearby mosque or shrine room in separately in the loneliness
and except the prayer of congregational, he should not go
outside of the room. This is called Khilwat (privacy) of Kubra
(big). And if this is not possible, then held coverlet on the head
as such that he should not know the information on his right and
left side. This is called Khilwat (privacy ) Suqra (small). In
short, anyone should be in loneliness. Oh people by searching
Allah, for this reason, you have adopted this mourning so first of
all you should break all relations of the world and should
become belong to only about one. By leaving of thinking of the
country and its people, relatives and friends and all such
thinking should be washed away from the heart. Then there will
be thinking of the friendliest in the heart. There should be
removed of name and sign of the un-related thing. Also to leave
the demand for the status and engagements of knowledge. These
are such engagements and endeavours which will not make the
heart to engage towards Allah. Unless you will not leave all the
above such things, then you will not get Allah.
It is running in the heart, the love of hope
When will accommodate in its light of Allah?
It is running in the heart, worldly thinking
Then how there will be the light of the Lord?
With others, there will be high pride
Which will not be gathering oh unwise man?
If you want the meeting with your friend
Then empty unrelated from the house at once

Spare much time in service for the waiting

So that you can get the person who is waiting
Has anyone seen such smart and good?
Who sat with the second wife with face to face
He is wealthy from all your partnering gods
He wants a friend to be separate from all
His majesty is not found with anyone so my son
So you cut the neck of the other
Is there any care of this way for you
If which is not true, so put soil on it
In disposition, there will be thinking on all sides
It is this for disturbance in the way of meeting
And also except obligation and practice of the last prophet of
Allah you leave reading of all these blessings on the last prophet
of Allah, recitals and Quranic recitation and its exegesis, reading
of sayings of the prophet of Allah and to clear the heart from
doubts and go and sit in the loneliness say "Allah, Allah" with
attention of heart say these always. Without this holy name, the
reality, and examples and without Arabic and Persian words,
etc., then the holy meaning may be understood and while
keeping it in the mind as such, it should not preserve that
another thing except Allah's holy meaning whether it is pious or
bad against it cannot come into the mind. With full attention and
with the full power the holy meaning of Allah should appear
with the help of power and in which in between there is no
thinking of another idea and which should not be allowed. In the
beginning, there will be difficult to understand. Then the holy

meaning of Allah will be there always in the heart. Like that, it

is related with each other and as such light will not be separated
from the sun and, in the same way, the holy meaning of Allah in
any condition will not be separated from the heart. In the case of
apprehensions and dangers of soul and Satanic, it will have
safety from these things and always you should use to save its
Up to hear it is under your control and ahead what will be
going to happen for which you have waited for it. If it is as per
willingness of Allah and your intention is true and your love is
perfect and of this act if you are firm and lust of soul and the
relation of the world it will not attract him towards them and not
engage in them, then in your heart there will be a manifestation
of the secrets of angelic world will be started on and at this
beginning like lightning it will be frolicking in it and there will
be firmed and continue while there. And afterward it will be
staying for some period of time and when it will vanish away,
then it will be coming back immediately and sometime it will
come back late and afterward, whatever will be happening,
which will not be happening in one type like there will be
countable of status and positions of holy persons is the same as
this condition. And what will be happened which will be coming
before you. The method of this recital's synopsis is that, first of
all you should clear the heart from the filth of engagement and
the endeavor of the world to bring full attention and then recital
of "Allah, Allah" and its holy perseverance it lost while
cleansing the heart by giving burnish so that qualification and

capacity to accept and produce manifestation then go on for

Some important things for heart patients
Oh, heart patients the requirement and condition which are
beyond the control even they are praiseworthy and not is the
goal. Never try and think to get it and should not become sad if
it does not get it.
If it is happening any things against anybody against
temperament, then in that condition it requires patience. Do not
say and hear soon. Especially in the condition of anger, it is
required to take care in this matter to the extent it is possible to
enter into a group of reciters (Zakirin) and be attached to them
and due to this there will be light and determination and
fondness and with all them, there will be power.
Do not increase the worldly relations. As for possible to spend
the life in the loneliness of the house. Without necessity and
expediency do not meet the people and at the time of the
meeting, meet the people with good manners. After fulfilling the
necessity to leave the people soon. Especially known of the
worldly people and from them be away from them. To search
company of the holy persons or meet un-known people and from
them, there will be less damaged will be caused there.
If there will some condition or knowledge will be revealed
then inform to the Sheikh in this matter and except the Sheikh
not to inform anybody. Do not be untrue to one's word. But if
there will be proved your mistake, then immediately accept your

mistake. In every condition keep trust on Allah and keep the

faith and from him apply to a request for the firmness.
When there are fewer potentate temperatures then this man
will be involved in many kinds of diseases which will become
compulsory. The potentate heat of the heart is the love of Allah.
Oh, heart patients your heart's potentate heat is less even it is
lost so, for this reason, there are found many kinds of heart
diseases are established. So get up and obtain the love of Allah.
So that the potentate heat of heart will come back on its
condition. Take, this is it is five parts prescription and continue
to use it. Slowly the heat of the potentate love of Allah will be
After pure repentance to follow the commandments of Allah
completely and do obedience because of whom you will accept
his advice then there will be the love of him surer and which
will begin increasing and there should be done strong intention
so in any way you must to get the love of Allah. In time and
without in time start for praying for Allah giving His love. Daily
sit in loneliness place to think over about the graces of Allah and
remember about the perfection of attributes of Allah. From
beneficent, there is a must to have love with him and in the same
way for people of perfection, there will be getting love.
To have a connection with friends of Allah
The tree of the mangoes of the seed will bring fruits lately,
but the engrafted tree will bring fruits of the mangoes very soon.
And in the same way, the connection of friends of Allah will

bring soon result from the love of Allah. If you will not find
friends of Allah, then continue in their search and till their find a
comprehensive Islamic law (Sharia) and the mystic way of the
life and biographies of holy, pious persons and advises and see
them or hear them and these are in exchange of their company.
When you will get such persons, then attend their meeting
places. If it is not possible, then write them letters and have
contact with them. Do not take with them the problems of the
world. Do not visit them with the intention to get worldly
benefits. But see them with the intention of the love of Allah and
to find out a way of Allah and cure with them diseases of the
Daily sit in loneliness and say "Allah, Allah". If you do not
get more time then for some time without interruption engaged
in the daily recital with the intention that there will be a creation
love of Allah in the heart. Usually, people engage in the recitals
with different intentions and, for this reason, there will be no
benefit for them.
" LaIilaha Illala Mohamedur Rasul Allah."
"There is no God save Allah and Mohammed is his messenger."
Which is a great compound in which there are all parts of
medicine are in it. For every patient, it is suitable as per for their
temperament. And for all diseases, it is very beneficial and best.
This is such compound and for making such another compound
all doctors are becoming helpless in this matter. And the wisdom
of the spiritual doctors is lost in its shape and this is such

compound and which is organized by doctors of Allah. Oh, heart

patients there is no other medicine than this medicine and as
much as its uses and, in the same way, there are benefits in this
The details of the treatment of heart diseases


The disease of Isyan (disobedience of Allah)

This is a very wicked and impure disease when this
pernicious disease's matter will become strong, then there will
damage to heart as such that like to the body from disease of
lunacy it meant at the time for the mad person there will be
overpowering of madness, then, for this reason, there will no
distinction for modesty for him and about in the good and bad
things so he will tear his clothes and in live in the naked
condition. And he will not away from filth, etc., and the same
condition will prevail with his heart, which will involve
sinfulness and disobedience of Allah while ignoring his honour
and he will run for fulfilling the desire of the soul's craziness
and he will think defect as skill and for this at least he will face
disgrace and disrespect. This complaint will enter into the heart
and do damage to the heart and will accept less cure in that case
and it will stop to obeying commands of Allah completely. Due
to the heat of lust, there will be found illness in the heart and
which will be established there. Due to its exciting, which will
cause blindness of the eyes of the heart and make the ears deaf.

So such a patient will be running away from Allah and will

become friends of Satan. In between him and in the Allah day
by day there will be increased distance and there will begin the
effect of the sin of the poison in the heart of the person. But it is
regret in this matter that the patient will not be aware of this. In
the last, this disease will become incurable and from its wisdom,
the safety of nature will be destroyed completely.
Causes of the disease
This illness is caused due to less of the piety and modesty, it
means the prevention is health's main rule and when on
prevention there will be not done carefully than this illness is
caused and overpowering of the desires of the soul will cause
this illness to be increased by giving it power. It's beginning will
be started with Satanic apprehensions and its main reason is that
this patient has forgotten Allah so for this reason the patient was
involved in the illness of Isyan which is called disobedience of
Cure of the disease
The cure for this illness is that there should be done
opposition to the desires of the soul. And there should be regret
for sins and get modesty for it and this course of action for this
disease will be that it should be removed. If this illness will
become strong, then its cure will be with mediation of death
with a facilitating of a mix of melancholic should be taken away
and with remembrance, of Allah's strong compound to be given
power to parts of the mind which are connection of heart and he

will be sent to visit of Garden of worship of Allah for excursion

so that he will be recovered complete health.
In the causes of the disease, it is known that this illness is
caused due to forgetfulness of Allah and cure of stubbornness is
done and if there will be illness due to heat of the heart, then the
cure should be done by the cure of coolness and if there will be
available coolness then there will be cured by heat so in this way
here treatment is done in the method of cure of stubbornness.
The opposite of forgetfulness is recital and treatment of sins is
the remembrance of Allah. Or it may be said in this matter that
every treatment of the illness is done as per causes of illness
whether it is done by the method of the stubbornness or like,
resembling, but it must for the removal of illness to take away of
the cause is a must. And it is proved that the illness of Isyan is
causing is forgetfulness so its cure is to take away forgetfulness
and removal of forgetfulness (Nisyan) is necessitating for the
existence of recital then it will happen same that the cure of sins
is the remembrance of Allah. Now hear that to remove
forgetfulness and to the remembrance of Allah is easy method is
that as there will happen sins and to leave of all at once it is not
easy for everybody. But the patients of Isyan you should do it
little that to fix some time for loneliness and in which do a
remembrance of Allah and remembrance should be done that
tongue and heart both should share in this work and only by oral
remembrance will not cause effective in this matter. And the
remembrance of Allah which will bring results soon which will
be done by both tongue and heart. So oh, gentlemen, I did not

say to you not to do any sin the whole day and I would say if
you not away from sin, but for God sake do only that for one
time sit and engage in the remembrance of Allah for half hour or
one hour and made it for yourself as your schedule. When you
sit for saying the name of Allah by intention and do not bring
anything in the heart and if anything will come automatically,
then allow it to come for which there is no damage you from it.
Oh patient of Isyan at, least take daily one hour and spare for it
for remembrance of Allah and after this whatever will be your
life passed, which I shall show you that after a few days there
will be a feeling of shyness at the time of doing sin and
something from your inside will stop you for doing the sin. If
you follow shame and shyness in this matter and get the benefit,
then you have achieved the goal. If you did sin by overpowering
of soul and Satan then inside of heart there will be less of light
and from which there will be worrying so he will bend towards
repentance and next day for this action at the time taking off the
name of Allah there will be shyness and there will be severe
shock there. And what I will say what things will be happening
in this matter.? If you will want to complete your daily recital
and thinking of sin, then at that time it will hold stop by your
tongue. In short, with daily continue of remembrance of Allah
first for you there will be not done sins by you. If it is done, then
in such condition that after it there will be running of sawing on
your heart. From this, due to the willingness of Allah, there will
be this effect that one by one all sins will be away from you.
And when there will be a false step, then there will rip at the

heart and there will be divine help of repentance and without

repentance, there will be no comfort available to you. Take, this
is a very easy formula and from this easy formula, there will be
not possible available another formula. If it does not, this course
of action by anybody then for him it can be said "Inna lillahi in
ilayhi raji'un "(Arabic ‫ ) َر اِج عوَن َلْيِه ِإ َو ِإَّنـا ِهللَ ِإَّنـا‬is a part of a
verse from the Qur'an which translates to "We surely belong to
Allah and to Him we shall return The phrase is recited by
Muslims when a person experiences a tragedy in life, especially
upon hearing news that a person has died. The phrase is also
recited in a situation that involves the risk of some sort.
One part of this formula
Began thinking daily. As a minimum at the time of sleeping
at least, one should think that today what mischievous have been
with him. After thinking about what, this will be the punishment
he is going to get for this. Then about that what course of action
was done by him to escape the punishment. When not able to
understand anything, then do repentance and weep very much
and do such thing daily and see after one Chilla (retire forty days
in seclusion) that how there will be changes are there. After this
try for this so that know with the complete list of sins and which
help you to leave the sins.
One more part
At the time of doing every work to think about that the work
which is he is doing or anything which he is talking and whether
this will cause harm or it will benefit in the other world and
from this, there will be getting salvation or not.? Every time take

care of this meditation. Even at the time of walking began

thinking about this also and at the time of eating food and
drinking water and at the time of talking and even at the time of
grief and sadness your work should not be without meditation.
By willingness of Allah, your wishes will be under control and
there will not be done sins. If due to anger and overpowering of
desire if there will be done sins then at that time you will be like
a wakeful sinner. And you will not be as a careless sinner. This
is also a great wealth that at the time of doing sin man will know
or understand that he has done such work of sin. Due to this,
there will be like a wound in the heart. Its example will be like
that to mix some cold water in hot water and from this, that
water will not become cold and but it will remain hot like before
then in the same way with the meditation the condition of sin
will be same. For example, at the time of this meditation if you
will do backbite then there will be no taste to the heart. If there
will backbite with tongue then there will regret in the heart, oh
what he was doing.? When there will be a practice of this
meditation, then after this there will be the desire of repentance
and regret in the heart. When you will leave from the world
upon becoming like light and bright and if there will be no
success in a few days, then, there should be no worry and do not
go down become hopeless because this is not the work of one
day, but it is the work of a whole life so to be engaged in it and
continue your endeavours and if the will of Allah will be there
then one day you will become successful and this grief will end
and your heart will become happy and pleasant.

One more part

The hearts of repentant and sinner persons will be very soft
and always there will shivering for them and so by living in their
company and their company will turn into you one day as a
repentant person.
One more part
If there will do sin then do immediately repentance and which
should be done as per method and which is mentioned in the
sayings of the last prophet Allah that first to pray two Rakats of
prayer with intention of repentance and after this do repentance
and in this method of repentance then soul will be worry
because prayer will be disliked to the soul and hard so when,
after every sin, praying of two Rakat prayer made it compulsory
for yourself so for this reason the soul will be worried that from
this fault was came to him so Satan will stop for helping to do
sin because he will see that if he will assist him for ten sins then
he will pray for twenty prayers. And with repentance sins will be
going away and these two Rakats of prayers will be there with
him in a benefit. So, for this reason, he will stop for assisting in
doing sins of man. Because Satan will use to help for sins by
man for his loss and but there will be beneficial in the sins so he
is not foolish that he will help you with your benefits. So he will
keep away from putting the man in danger of sins so man should
not pray such number of Rakat.
The therapeutic medicine for the disease of Isyan
(disobedience of Allah)

In the last degree, I am showing one cure in which there will

be no loss of status and income and there will be no decrease of
them and which is this that brother whatever you are earning
you can earn and in the condition you are living with the same
condition you can live. There is no my intention is that I am
giving you the permission of the doing sins. But I am postponing
although true repentance so that if there will no complete reform
and if which is not there so that on you there will not be there
condition of hesitation and to consider for any change and if you
did not drink such medicine but follow prevention and if you do
not follow prevention then have to take a therapeutic medicine
What will be done brother if the patient is having a less
courageous person so, for this reason, it will be given some
concession by that kind doctor and who can do such that he can
postpone the use of medicine for some days and at present he
should show him some method with which there will be no
increased of the illness. Even though with this there will no
improvement in health and but illness will not be increased.
Afterward, by the will of Allah at some time, there will be an
improvement in health. Take such cathartic salt of which I am
showing you and which will not disturb in your world and that
salt is this that whatever you do daily those works and at the
time of sleeping do this that even not in mosque but at the place
of sleeping where there should be loneliness and there to put off
the lamp so that nobody could see and there should be no
disturbance where you pray two Rakats of repentance and after
prayer make supplication that " Oh: Allah, I am your hard

disobedient slave and now making intention for obedience and

with my intention nothing will happen and with Your intention it
will be happening everything. I want my reform, but I do not
have the courage. It is at Your option so do my reform oh Allah,
I am a very inefficient person and hard wicked and hard sinner
and I am helpless, so help me and my heart is weak and there is
no power in it to save from sins so give me the power of it. I do
not have things of salvation with me. You give me by invisible
source of the things for my salvation, oh Allah those sins which
I have done till now forgive them due to Your mercy. But I did
not say that I will not do those sins in the future and know that I
will do with the again sins next time but I will request for
getting for Your forgiveness. So say very many bad things to
yourself before Allah only for ten minutes daily.
See brother does not drink medicine and do not, leaving
prevention and only by using this some salt at the time of
Oh, gentleman, you will see that in some days by an invisible
source there will be happening things with which there will be
courage and there will be no difficulties for repentance.
Gentleman, if there will be nothing but it will find there some
such benefits that if there will be daily such repentance, then
there become weights of sins light and whatever which will be
remaining which will be finished away and perhaps there will be
a condition of the repentance which will prevail at the time of
Moderating drug

This prescription is that in which to understand the heart that

oh my heart naturally as per felicity of another world is your
demand, whether do you not know it that your sins which you
kept away from desire and goal but even though you are
committing such sins.
How long you will persist in sins, perhaps you did not have
in your fate the pleasant life of the other world. So you are
committing sins and you keep it up and your carelessness is
making you negligence on sins, but remember it that they're
your sins cause of your death of eternally. For God, sake
becomes be careful and you have kept understanding deceive of
life of this world, soul, and Satan how long will keep you be
under deceiving.? One pious person said that “When there will
appear an angel of death of any person and he will inform him
that this is the last period of your life and there one second
cannot be come back and go again and which is not possible.”
So there will be regret for dying person and that person wants
that worldly thing which he had wanted to give and take back
time of respite and in such time to do repentance for his sins
which was done in his whole life's redress of carelessness, but it
is said that the disease of heart will not be removed from the
heart and there will be not given chance for it. My dear heart did
you want to go from the world within such condition of regret
and see that still time is there and there is rusting of the sins of
the heart and one time will become and this rust will damage the
heart and there will be put seal on it or then it will cause of
death. Then there will be nothing possible. So before you were

coming into the world you were given a pure and clean heart,
which was kept with you and there was a command " Oh my
salve takes this heart as custody and this custody should return
back same as pure and clean which have given you and it will be
back taken from him in as same pure and clean condition."
How much will be the time when you will be going from the
world and after doing defalcation in custody and while making
the heart unclean and impure and at that time there will
command " To give back Our custody and to see Our custody
how you have kept it." So how you will give a reply in this
matter so think of it.
Oh, a patient of illness of Isiyan (disobedience of Allah)
whether the king will accept presents of unclean and impure
heart so think some time in this respect. When you will
understand the heart then at that time there be fire of regret will
be there and there will pain in the heart like that somebody who
is there in the darkness and at once there is a rise of sun there
and he will see in him and his desire there is something which is
become hindrance there so you will try to remove that thing and
in the same in the light of fire of regret the patient of sins will
see that in him and in his desire and aim and felicity of other
world sins were become hindrance like barrier of Alexander
(Zul Qar-Nain) is there then you will want to do repentance to
remove those sins and determine not to do such in the future
To Hadrat Shibli, one mad person told medicine of sin

With humility of vulva and leaves of regret and bark of patient

take it to mix in the mortar of repentance and pound it to put on
it water of truth and boil it on the fire of the love and cool down
it with air of prevention and prayer of humility and drink it and
say oh Allah forgive my sins and hope that with repentance of
aperient, matter of sinister will come out from there.
Oh patients of illness of Isiyan (disobedience of Allah) with
this prescription take food of piousness like in the dark night
will not stay in the presence of daylight and with soap and soda
filth cannot stay so in the same way in the next time when you
will go about doing good things and against such good deeds
darkness of your previous sins will not stay in the heart there
and day by day your heart will become clean and pure. So Then,
with the clean heart, you will leave the world and meet your
Lord of the worlds.
Oh, a patient of illness of Isyan to be taken prevention of
meeting with the people except in the time of necessity of the
two worlds.
Illegal and doubtful food will cause to increase illness of
Isiyan and if this illness is not found in any person then it will
become the cause to grow this illness in him. So it is required to
be kept away from it.
To take the prevention of talking untimely and for too much
talking usually there will be causing of happening sins so for
this reason which causes of sins so he should be away from it.

The healthy signs

The healthy sings from the recovery of illness of Isyan is that
from it carelessness will be away. And the heart will be alarmed.
The world's original shape will come before and its durability
and instability, faithlessness will come into his eyes. And for
this reason, he will hate the world and try to start preparations
for the journey of the next world. Instead of doing bad deeds he
will prefer to do good deeds. Those acts which are not required
he will not do and those acts which are possible to do like
prayer, fasting, Zakat (Islamic tax), etc., is performed by him
and in this way, he was freeing his responsibility for it. If rights
of human beings which are not performed and now he is
performing his rights to deserving persons and asking
forgiveness for them and he is in fear to involve in sins which he
was repenting already and there is fear in him like that of a
person who is patient of body illness which caused to him due to
not taking preventive measures so in such case he will afraid of
such contravention measures.
He is thinking many times about remaining on repentance till
last time of his life so he is trying the best as per as he can do
and he is doing the best in this matter. In spite of such
prevention if there will be mistakes will be done, then there will
be too much regret and sadness will be available there that and
it's limit will not be there. For keeping away such sin, he is
taking determination in this matter. By the tearing cloth of
repentance and in its places of sin by doing good deeds making

its patch there on the cloth. He is suspicious of the soul and not
keeping faith on it and seeing it everything as disbelieving.
The love of the world
In spiritual diseases, love of the world is a dangerous and
worst disease. The innermost diseases of hearts are caused due
to this reason. When this dangerous disease's matter will become
strong, then there will be caused such damage to the heart,
which is caused by Jaundice disease to the body. When there
will overpower of disease of Jaundice then that patient will
become weak and will become less courageous and bad
tempered and there will change the colour of the eyes as yellow
and due to this reason everything will become to see the yellow
and taste of tongue will become sour and at last there will appear
bones and there will be etc., like worthless signs will be created
and the patient will be dying soon.
The same condition will prevail with such heart who will
become in the involved in the disease of the love of the world
and he will become less courageous in the deeds of the other
world. And will become such a weak person that even for small
worship will become like a mountain for him. Due to
engagement with the mankind and the relation of the existing
things and due to all problems and worries of the world and for
trying for earning too much than needs and endeavors attached
to him in this matter and which will faced by him by different
kinds of difficulties and then for this reason his temperament
will become worse and in the temporary works he will fix
himself such that he will not have information of behind him

about the next world. His both innermost and manifest will
become belonging to the world. The heart will become engaged
in the love the world. And his body will try and engage in its
reform work. Upon seeing that person, it will be confirmed that
he is involved in the illness of the love of the world like upon
seeing of Jaundice patient's eye it will be known that he is
involved in this disease. The world will be occupied in the heart
that so, for this reason, he will do everything for the world's
sake. And his worship also done for the world. Like during the
illness of Jaundice everything will be seen in yellow color and in
the same way with the illness of the world in every place, and in
everything in the world is seen there.
If this illness is not controlled and he will not take care of
himself then the taste of his heart will be damaged. So, for this
reason, the worship and obedience which are sweet things will
become sour for him. At last, there will appear bones and
worthless signs are created. As written by Saadi of Shirazi that
one night he was with one merchant by chance and with him
there was a large stock of merchandise and he was having a
large number of slaves with him and he was disturbed him
throughout the whole night that he is having such and such stock
of goods and such and such partner is there in the country of
Turkistan and some goods are in India and such and such land
title deeds is with me and such and such a person was given the
guarantee of the goods. And sometimes he says that he is
thinking to go Alexandria and weather condition of that place is
good. And sometimes he says that the river of that place is very

dangerous. Then he said that "Saadi he has to go on one more

journey and if it will be completed then he will spend his
remaining life in a content way in the loneliness." I asked him
"Which is that journey.?" He said, "He wants to take the sulfur
of Persia to be exported to China because it was coming to know
that the value of sulfur is more there and want to export China
glass to Rome and brocade of Rome into India and, irons of
India into the Syrian city of Halab in Syria. And Halb glass in
Yemen and coverlets of Yemen in Persia and after disbanding
his journey he will sit down in one shop and but still there is no
idea of leaving of the world and there is an intention to sit in the
In short, in this way, he was making castles in the air and
when there will be such delirium world of the patient and if
there will not be done treatment, then illness of delirium will
reach the last stage. The patient of delirium in this degree of
illness, he will be mocking of the other world and events of
another world. He will be laughing about heaven and the fire of
Kind of diseases
There are two kinds of diseases. And one is that in which
there will be information about the disease to the patient. And
another in which there will be no information about the disease
to the patient. This disease is very dangerous.
At this time, there is a discussion about diseases and its brief
list is available in the mind of everybody. But some diseases of
the innermost are such that which are the root cause of all such

diseases. So first of all in the list of diseases and their names will
be added and which is must but we are not having an inclination
from them and in our list of diseases of innermost and there is
not mentioned about them and so it is great careless in this
That is a hidden disease for which there is no information to
the patient about that he is having the love of the world it means
his engagement in the world. You can inquire with everybody
and you will come to know that nobody did not understand this
disease, even though it is a general disease in which almost all
persons are involved in it. And it is such strong that all other
diseases of innermost are its branches.
Mistake in consultation
For the cause of not understanding the disease of the love of
the world, the people have made mistakes in its consultation.
They could not find a distinction in between the love of the
world and endeavours of the world so for this reason they
understand that the spiritual doctor will prohibit us to take a
share in the world completely and they want that we should
become a priest and sit in the mosque and become homeless,
whatever there with us should be destroyed. As a matter of fact,
spiritual doctors do not have such an intention. But they say that
earn worldly earning but do not involve completely in the world
and leave its love and become unrelated from it. Otherwise, if
you began thinking about the world as your house and in that
case, then you will forget the other world. To involve in the
world or to say the love of the world which is the same in which

there will be left of the other world is there and this is a spiritual
disease. Now, regarding endeavours of the world and said it's
not the love of the world and also it is not called in the
involvement in the world and this is not called disease. So
earning of the world is legal. And involvement in the world is
prohibited. Like scavenge of the stool is not bad and eating of it
is bad. So there is just a difference of endeavour and love. Or
understand it that one who goes to the toilet as per the necessity
and sit as per natural call of the requirement and the other are
going to the toilet and by understanding the stool as lime does
fall into it attentively and sitting there.
And one of the above things is legal and another thing is not
legal. And in this way earning of the world is legal, but to think
the world desirable and the agreeable is illegal. And again I will
say spiritual doctors did not prohibit work of the world, but they
say that does not involve in the world and do all works, but there
should be loose favour in this matter. As the involvement in the
world is poison and such calamity and from this, there is a doubt
that at the time of death if there will overpower about it so then
it will become the cause of un-relating the name of Allah and his
prophet. So as per possible, try its best not to involve the heart in
the world and the heart should involve in the love Allah and do
work with hands, but there is no problem in this matter.
So take out the world from the heart and do not take out the
hands of the world and not to taking out the hands of the world
did not by the spiritual doctors in this matter.

How this strange example is that if the boat is at the bottom

of the water and what is the reason of its running ?, and if the
water is not there, whether it cannot go and the water if it will
enter into the boat then it will destroy the boat. The worldly
possessions are an example, like water and if it is out of the
heart, then it will be helpful in the religion and which will enter
into then there will be the possibility of the death. So to be
engaged in the world is such disease is that due to this there will
be carelessness from Allah and again if there will not be done
bad work which is less.
The patient of this disease will get the world as just as which it
comes into his hands, he will take it and for disobedience of
Allah, he will not take care of it. And there will no thinking of
religion to him. In spite of confirming of the other world, he will
not remember about the other world in the deeds and he will not
think about preparations of the things of the other world.
If there will be thinking about the other world and it will be
there till such time that till the world benefits will be safe for
him. If there will be a loss for him for the world for any reason,
then he will leave the other world. It is such patient who does
obedience and worship only for the reason of flattery, so that
there will be the decoration of his world and if he will act upon
religion, then at that time if there will be damage to his world by
chance, then he will become upset with Allah. Always he will
prefer the world than the religion. Even though this disease is
not higher grade, but whatever he belongs to any degree that is
not ordinary matter but it is a very hard thing. Because of its

lower degree which will increase and what is their hindrance in

it and so it is possible for becoming more.
Cold and a cough first appear in an ordinary degree of nature
and the same complaint slowly will develop in the shape of
tuberculosis and pulmonary tuberculosis when it will be ignored
as thinking as ordinary complaint and in the same way opium
and tobacco in the beginning its less quantity is taken and its
quantity will be increased till such that person who used to take
this in the quantity of Ratti ‘arbus precatorius’ its seed used as
weight equivalent to eight barley-corns which is a little quantity
and after period of one year he will have to take the weight in
the quantity of Ma’shah and which is equal to 16 grains because
in the intoxicated things it will have quality that it will increase
its quantity automatically and there is intoxication in the love of
the world is like that which is famous that in the bottle of one
hundred Rupees there was enough of intoxication which will be
done and, for this reason, the love of the world will be going on
increasing so for this reason even though disease of love of the
world if it will be there at any level which should not be thought
as ordinary type.
Oh, patients of lovers of the world you think by yourself and
see that in your meeting place there will be a discussion about
the world from morning till the evening time. There will be no
discussion about religion.
The man who will discuss more the thing which he has more
love with that thing. From this, you cannot guess that you are a
patient of the love of the world. Oh man, it is sad what will be

happening to you as you are patient of disease of the love of the

world. Oh man, it is sad what will be happening to you as you
are a patient, but you think like a healthy person. As such you
have the love of the world, but he did not have such love of the
other world and there is no such fondness of it in his heart. So
check your heart and see that about the existence of the world
what is your thinking are there with you. That we will like that
and we will spend in this way. Marriage will be performed and
there will be property and there will be an appointment in the
service and for us, there will post for us, etc.
Now see by justice that whether you have thought about the
other world such desires and wishes that I will die then will
approach before Allah and their heaven will be there in which
will be gardens and houses will be available and there will be
such Houries available there in the heaven. Perhaps there will be
no such desire and wishes in this matter. So if there is such level
love of the world is there and if it the love of the other world
will be there at the same level so, then thinking about the life of
the this world in heart will be created and for which he tries for
it and do endeavor and in the same way about life of the other
world there will be thinking, then he will try it and do endeavor
in this matter. When it will not be there so it is known that he is
involved in the disease of the world. Oh man, it is very sad that
your native country is another world, but you have made your
country of native as this world so for this reason, for yourself
and your every dear person you only want the world and the
world only. And you have such close relationships with the

world as such that you will live in the world for always and turn
away your face from Allah and you have increased your relation
more with the people and involved in the problems and
difficulties and so you are becoming careless from Allah. And
upon those, you did not think that you are not a patient of the
disease of the world. It is very sad what you are raging and you
are doing like a patient of the disease of the love of the world
now we show you one more sign of illness that when you do any
work of the world and that work will be against Islamic law and
from doing such work there will be worldly benefit from you. So
Islamic law prohibits it and you are not an inconsistency in
religion and the world and if you ignore the benefits of the world
and opted for religion, then it will be thought that upon you
there is overpowering of the love of Allah.
And if you opted for the world and ignore the Islamic law,
then it will be understood that there is over powering of the
world upon you. Oh, a patient of disease of a lover of the world.
Now see your condition that then there will be dealings of the
world happened then what you will you do many things in this
matter. You will give preference to the world, whether there will
be a loss of the other world. By telling tales and by giving
arguments you will leave the religion and opt for the world. So
is this not a sign of your patient of disease of the love of the
world.? It is very sad that when you will understand your disease
and when you will try for the cure of your disease.?
Causes of the disease

This disease is caused due to the desires of the soul and

making it as god and due to overpowering of lust and for this
carelessness of affairs of the other world which will give it
power and strength. And its beginning will start by the increase
of wasteful expenses. Its main cause of this disease is that his
connection with Allah is not firm so his link with Allah with
special quality and effects is empty. And the heart is not made
for emptiness and it isn't there so instead of this love of the
world created.
Cure of the disease
The cure of disease is that to remember the death because
recover from the disease there is required to decrease the desire
of the soul and to remember death is such thing from which the
desire of souls will be decreased. And things of luxury will be
finished with him. The easy method is to remember of about
death, it is that to fix one time for meditation of death, which
should be done that one day he should die and go and face Allah
and one day he has to give his account of deeds. If there will be
good condition then he will get great graces there in the other
world otherwise there will be severe punishment for him for this
After a death in the grave, there will be questioning with him
and if there will well reply, then he will be in peace and comfort
for always will be there otherwise there will be perceptual
punishment for him.
Again on the day of judgment I have to be raised from the
grave and on the day there will be hearing of record of deeds

will be there and there will be a weighting of the deed in the

scale. God forbid if my un-decent deeds will be found more
there than the angels by giving suffering will take me towards
the fire of the hell. I have to pass through the pathway of the
paradise. Ahead there is heaven or hell. In short, all worlds are
engaged in their work it means somebody is in busy with work
and another person doing some other endeavours. And if nobody
did remember that one day he will not find himself in this world.
From mediation of death, if Allah wills, there will be a decrease
of disease of the love of the world. He will be remembered that
one day he will leave this world and there will be established a
connection with the other world and there will become heart
cold from the world.
One part of this prescription
To think the end of the world and to remember its instability
always. We know that the world is also beautiful. There is
available every type of comfort in it. There are all skills in it, but
in this world, there is one defect which is such that which has
destroyed all good qualities in the earth. Which is that the world
is going to be finished. You see how big buildings are in the
deserted condition. The dwellers of these houses and what were
they had desires and what their wishes.? All such desires and
wishes have been destroyed in the soil of the earth. So their
world is finished.
All lust which will give me temptation in this way
Russian country is good and good land of Touse
If available comfort, then pass, life with its help

One side is natural to call and the other side is shunned sound
From morning to evening there is the rose color period
In the night engaged in kissing and hugging of the beloved
Upon hearing this regret, told her display one show
To follow me to see prisoners who in the imprison
Taken toward me soon by the side of the graveyard
Where their desires of the soul are hopeless in 100 ways
Upon showing two, three graves she told me that
This is Alexander and this Dara, this Kakavis
Ask with their rank and dignity of the world know
Whatever is there with them is regret and sorrow
These persons Dara and Alexander, who had ruled all over the
But it is regretted that in them there is no such power now that
they could not remove the urine in the grave passed by of the
persons there
And oh lover of the world hears one couplet in this connection.
Yesterday came down one bowl of the head, under foot
Which was found in the condition of entirely broken bones?
Who told to walk carefully, oh careless one
I was once the of pride of some on his head

One day the last prophet of Allah said to Abu Huraira that "
Abu Huraira come on I will show you the world." The 1ast
prophet caught his hand and took him one such place and stood
him there where their skulls and excrement and some piece of
clothes, and bones of animals were lying there. Upon showing

this scene, he said oh: Abu Huraira in those skulls there was
such greed and there were many kinds of desires were there as
there are in your head. All lost, today skinless bones remain
there and which will become ashes tomorrow. The excrements
are many kinds of foods which they have obtained from many
places with much hardship. One night these were on their
stomachs, and today, which were turned such thing that from
them the people hate them and run away from there. These old
pieces of cloth are that costly piece of the cloth from which they
made the dress and wear it and walk in pride.
Today they are in a helpless condition. The wind is blowing
them here and there and there are bones of those animals on
which they used to as their conveyance with pride and they did
not remain in the world and their animals used for their
conveyance. Abu Harare this is the world and its result of this
world." Oh, patients of the love of the world, whether you have
heard this is the reality of the world and when that day will
come then you will come to know the reality that it is nothing.
Oh, patients of the love of the world you did not recognize
the world otherwise you will take care of it. Even you did not
know the world otherwise you did not turn towards it. So
understand the world and think about it.
If you understand the whole reality of the world then did not
call its unclean name. You have become a lover of the world
then see it less and its example, like excrement on which there is
silver covering available and somebody wants to take it and is
waiting for an opportunity while thinking it as sweet dishes. Or

any witch old woman to whom red silk dress was worn on her
and she covered her face with a veil and someone will love her
while thinking her the most beautiful woman and when the veil
will be out then that person will come to know reality in this
The story
One pious person has seen the world in a dream that and he
finds it is an old woman, but still she is a virgin woman and that
person asked her what this matter that you have married so
many husbands but still you are virgin. She said those men did
not love her and those who were her lovers were not men but
were impotent persons and to them, she did not love them. So
she is still a virgin.
Oh, patients of the love of the world you have seen the world
upon its veil and you have become her lover. The people of
Allah have seen her by removing her veil so for this reason they
hate her.
If you little open veil of both worlds, then you will begin to
hate the world and you will demand of the other world.
The world in apparently is decorated with good things, but in
its inside, in it there is excrement, urine, snake, scorpion are
fully in it. But the other world, in apparently unpleasant and full
of difficulties but its inside is very beautiful and lovely beloved
and against its one look Kingdom of the seven climes (Clime
(kešvar), an ancient division of the earth's surface. According to
Iranian mythology the earth consists of seven concentric
climes.) is nothing.

When the condition of the world is like that when you look its
unfaithful and instability then the disease of the love of the
world will be no more in you.
One more part
Do not think anything for yourself. Always keeping thinking
of the other world in the mind and be kept in its care and from
this you will not be away from the way and if you will be away
then immediately you become cautious and come back on the
One more part
Began thinking about the affairs of paradise and the grace of
heaven and from which there will be a demand of the other
world and there will be a diversion of thinking of the world.
Always there will be coming off thinking again and again that
on our some demand Allah will give heaven bigger than the
horizon. On the demand of the world, there is no promise, then
what’s there will be results in the engagement with the world.
One more part
Try to have a love of Allah. This is not available from the
books, but its method is that and one poet says which is very
good and which as follows.
Not from the books, sermons and wealth, it is found
The religion is found with the help of look of pious persons

For this reason, it requires the company of lovers of Allah

so live in the company of pious people. Meet them some time
and sit with them and hear their conversations. And keep a

connection with them. If this is not possible, then read the

biographies of pious persons and which are acting like as their
companies so listen and see them. Due to their company one day
it will be created with you the love of Allah surely.
The moderating drug
To understand this prescription to the heart is like that oh
heart comes on, oh lover of the world one day you will leave this
world and life is short which was deceived you. This is life for
some days and comfort and luxury of the world, comparable to
other world's punishment and difficulties it is like a wet dream
of the prisoner of life imprisonment.
Oh, heart, then for this there is such pride and carelessness at
last till when and whether you will become again young after
old-age. You did not have thinking of the other world. You are
not caring for the provision of the other world. See now that
time is going on and one day that time will come when you will
fall in the pit of the grave. For the world and see of the world
and for seeing it by changing its look will be remembered by
you and then you will weep in this matter. Oh my dear heart,
whether you did not know in this matter that Israfil (name of the
angel who will sound the trumpet on the day of the resurrection)
is standing by taking trumpet in his mouth while hearing of his
ears and looking in a matter that upon receiving a command to
be blown of trumpet on doomsday.
Oh, my heart when there is such a condition than how you
get comfort and peace with you. When there will be then
everybody will remain in the same condition that if one will

have taken the morsel in his mouth which will not be swallowed
into his throat and one who will be wearing the cloth will not be
wearing it. Others who will be drinking will not drink. On the
other side, everything will begin breaking soon. Whatever is
there in the world will be destroyed everything. Except for
Allah, everything will be finished. At that time, Allah will say "
Leman Almulk al-Yaum." Where are those who act against
Him? Who was dying for the world and were forgotten the
religion? Then He will say " Allah al-Wahid al-Qahar". Then the
second time trumpet will be blown then at that time all mankind
will be waking up from their graves and will stand in the plain
of resurrection. Everybody will say each for himself and nobody
will not help to any other person.
At that time, one old woman came there in bad shape with
blue eyes with a big tooth, which will be found out of her mouth
and all the mankind will say we seek refuge in God who is that
bad woman and will turn their look from her.
There will be commanded that “ Today, why you are turning
your eyes from her. This is the world on her you used to die for
her and for this wicked woman you used to do with lust and
enmity among all of you and for her there will be bloodshed and
there will be no respect of relations among you and not there
will be care of friendship among all of you.”
At that time, all will remember that our Lord used to say
" No doubt the life of the world was kept us in deceiving." It
is sad we could not understand anything that what the world is
there and when the world will be thrown into the hell and she

will tell my friends will also be sent there and her request will be
accepted there. The lovers of the world also will be sent into the
fire of hell.
Oh my dear heart, whether you are waiting for such day and
you want to live in the world in the hell. If it is not such then
you are involved in the world and forget about the other world.
My dear heart for God sake be careful and check your condition.
The world's unfaithfulness and its instability are causing the
warning and waking you up, but you are not waking up. If you
wake up then before there will be news among the people that
person is in illness and from all sides, doctors are coming to see
him for his treatment and there is no hope of recovery for him.
Again, there is a discussion about you that such and person is in
illness and his condition is very critical and he made his last
advice. And wealth and properties were distributed and he is
looking everything with regret and his tongue was stopped
talking. And his recognition is lost and with his eyes, he is
watching the roof the house. His relatives are standing around
him. You are showing that this is your son and this is your wife
and there is the seal on the tongue so he will not say anything.
Suddenly there is spread the news in the city that you left from
the world and from parts of the body angle is taking out your
soul and your body is in the hands of the persons without the
shroud and which is brought there and then your was given
corpse laving and you were wearing shrouds. The persons of
greed were now in a condition of comfort and relief.

The persons of a successor are planning for the distribution

of your wealth and properties in their hearts and you are
approached in the grave yard and facing punishment for deeds
done by you in the world. Oh, my dear heart before the coming
of such time does whatever you want otherwise you will face
regret in this matter. What is the benefit there for such regret at
that time.?
The patient of this disease should keep away from the
company of those persons who are engaged in the world and the
person who have forgotten Allah.
The healthy signs
The signs of health from the disease of the love of the world
is that this patient of the world will think and make the world
also as a religion. The affairs of the world he will do with the
intention of another world. When there will be competing of
religion and the world, then he will give preference to the
religion instead of the world. From the world, his heart will
become cold and fear of Allah always will cover his heart. All
his deeds will be corrected and he will be busy always in the
preparation of the journey of the world.
The pledge (Baith) and its instructions
For the pledge, it is seen usually that due to oral instructions
which are not being fully memorized so there will find some
misunderstanding on this matter. So it is proper that important
instruction relating to pledge should be explained. The pledge is
taken by disciples in two chains it means Quaderia chain and

Naqshibandiya chain. And the method of mystic way is first

completed in the chain of Naqshibandiya and in this method first
by subtle which will be cleared by the remembrance of Allah in
the following way.
First lesson
This chain of Naqshibandia and as well as Quaderia chain's
first lesson is called "Laifa Qalab" and at the place of Latifa
which is on the right side of the chest towards nipple two
fingers down in slanting down to the ribs side and on this place
keep your thinking while closing the tongue and to say in heart "
Allah Ho, Allah Ho" ‘s recital in a such way that and it seems
that Allah, Allah is being said from that place and should not be
said with the tongue. This recital should be continued always
while sitting, walking and sleeping and with or without the
condition of ablution. And may be hand and foot will be
engaged in other works. But there will be thinking of placing of
"Latif Qalab" and in the heart, there will be thinking of other
matters and, in the same way, think of Allah, Allah there. So by
this method, it will happen that hands and foot will be engaged
in their work and heart will be engaged in the remembrance of
Allah. This type of recital is such worship that in which there is
no doubt available of the show in it. And there is no information
about it to anyone except Allah.
At the beginning as there will no practice so there will be
difficult to some extent and some time there will be
forgetfulness so there is no problem in this mater. So whenever

it will be remembered then start its recital and make it recital of

all time.
The method of reciting
At the time of satisfaction and spare time in any place of the
mosque or in the house sits undisturbed there and closed the
eyes and also closed mouth. And while not moving tongue think
this that my master is against my face and favour of Allah from
the heart of the master is coming to my the heart and with this in
the heart start glorification of Allah, Allah and tell ones beads
and in this way at least two rosary it means 2000 times do this
glorification in the heart in this way on a daily basis and do not
leave it. And not decrease the number of rosaries. And if there
will be increased then it will be good that if this rosary will be
more then it will be good in this matter. This first lesson will be
cleared soon. Yes, if due to any reason, if it is not completed in
one time sitting its number of glorification of God, then there
will be no problem and it may be completed this rosary in two or
three sittings.
At the time of the rosary, it should care that as there will be
a practice of tongue for talking fast and in the same way, then
the heart will become very fast at doing this rosary. But this is
not any good quality. In the glorification of God, it should be
taken care that it should be done with satisfaction and peace and
do it slowly and completely pronounce every word and if there
will be hurry in rosary then there will be no effect at all. This is
the first lesson and which is called "Latif Qalab" and upon its
clearing then next the lesson is given. During the time of

glorification of God, there will be a condition and some

experience which will prevail on the disciple which should not
be told to any person except the spiritual master and in which
there is some special expediency.
Thinking of Sheikh and apprehensions
At the time of glorification of God to keep heart and mind
free from all kinds of thinking and there should be attention on it
and with the remembrance of Allah keeps inhabited heart and
mind. And during this time if there will be thinking of the
spiritual master in the mind, then there will be no apprehensions
there. Then upon this there will be thinking of apprehensions
then do not care about it and there will no harm caused in this
matter. But it should be taken care that the apprehension should
not be created from his side. If there will be a creation of the
apprehensions automatically without intention, then there will be
no problem. Due to too much recital and thinking about master
there will be a decrease in the apprehensions. Thinking about the
master is a must at the beginning of the mystic way because due
to its thinking it will help in removing all false thinking of
matters of worlds. In the last the thinking of the master will be
removed and thinking of Allah will become easy. About
thinking about master some persons think it as suspicion of shirk
(polytheism) and in which there is no reality in it and the people
of knowledge, advise as thinking of a master as a cure for the
beginners in a mystic way and they think it as must for them.
Due to the excess of recital and thinking about master there
will be a decrease in the apprehensions automatic. This thinking

about the master is not meaning that to see the face of the master
in incarnate will appear there or it is not such like Allah, that
master should be thinking that he will be there every time and in
every place present and seen and its only purpose that it is only
thinking about the master. There is such power in thinking that
when a man will think anything, then such a thing will appear as
it is. So by thinking of the master there will well help and get
the favour and blessing,
The purpose of the pledge and need of recital
The pledge in original is that which is done on a hand of the
person of realization. And its purpose is to remember Allah and
to know the way of agreeable condition of Him because Allah
says "Azkar Allah Zikar Kasiran " " You do My remembrance
then I will do remember you at that time." And for obeying this
command of Allah, there is required the guidance of any Salik
(mystic initiate) and pious person of reality, and in this below
saying of the last prophet of Allah in which there are known
excellence of recital " Ana Jalasa Min Zikarni " and its
translation and interpretation is that “ I am companion of that
person one who will remember him.” The purpose of reciting of
Allah and from it there will be created a pure love of Allah and
in this matter, there should be no desire of the world there in the
pledging. And to think about the spiritual master as a source to
reach towards Allah. And in this connection, there will be right
and duties are required in this matter and so to fulfill them with
a great level of the endeavors of perfection. At the time of recital
with so much humility to say in the court of Allah that "Oh my

Lord for your remembrance and for your love I am doing your
remembrance and this is my only goal for your kindness and
mercy and grant me your willingness and love and your
First, advise
In this way after taking the pledge in matters of Islamic law
and all other command and prohibition matters Salik (especially
available for Taleb (student) and it refers to a person who is
committed to a Murshid (spiritual master) in a Tariqa (spiritual
path) of Sufism and it is also known as a Salik (Arabic: ‫)َس اِلك‬, a
Mureed is an initiate into the mystic philosophy of Sufism)
should be given instruction to act upon all these things strictly.
By following the practice of the last prophet of Allah, the
mystic way of life will be completed soon. And there will be an
improvement in this work. In all these things, the first thing is
prayer (Namaz) to be performed on a regular basis. For Salik
(mystic initiate), the first advice is that he should perform five
prayers regularly. And every prayer, he should try to perform in
the congregation. The women can perform five prayers regularly
in the houses.
The second advises
Which is sending of blessing (Darud) on the last prophet at
least every day 200 times? In its method, it is mentioned that to
send blessing with manners and attention upon sitting and while
sending of blessings, while walking and in movement and in
these places it is prohibited and against of its manners to send a

blessing. It is not necessary to send blessing with recitals and up

to the time of sleeping one can read it and send at any time.
The blessing which can be read any kind of it. Here we are
writing one short blessing. And which had its meaning due to
excellence. While keeping its meaning in the mind, it is proper
that we should read this blessing.
" Allahumma Sala Ala Sayedina Mohamadin Wala Alehi Wa
Asbahi Afzal Salwatik Wadad Malumatik Wa Barik Wa Salam."
Its meaning and interpretation are that " Oh: Allah send a
blessing on our leader Mohammed ( peace be upon him ) and on
his progeny and on his companions and to all of them sends
excellent blessing and in such number as per your knowledge
and information. Send blessing and peace."
The recital and engagements
1.It is seen generally that every person has a habit of some of the
recital, etc. For Salik (mystic initiate), there should have the
option of only three things and leave other things. First used to
read the whole Quran then again repeat it such recitation. One or
more verse from Quran reciting in between is not enough.
2. To send blessing very much, at least 200 times on a daily
basis as Dail Khirat is a book of the best collection of blessings
and after the recitation of the Quran it is good always read a
blessing from this book and it is the practice of pious and
learned persons.
3. Some persons in one place sit together while thinking about a
spiritual master like that from his heart favour of Allah, may
come into his heart and while thinking this recital "Allahu,

Allahu " a number of times and for this, they can increase it as
per they can do it. In the beginning stage, its number is
mentioned as 2,000 times. But the mystic way is passed away by
the increase of the recitals. When recitals reached up to 6,000
numbers, then at that time, then it shows its effects. This
method's foundation is on the basis of a large number of recitals
and company of the Sheikh (spiritual master).

Abul Hasanat Syed Abdullah

The End.

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