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Faith and Salvation

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Faith and Salvation

Translated by
Mohammed Abdul Hafeez, B.Com.
Translator: ‘Muslim Saints and Mystics’
(The Tadhkirah al-Awliya of Farid al-din Attar)
& the Hasth Bahist
Hyderabad, India
Email :hafeezanwar@yahoo.com

Published by
Mohammed Abdul Hafeez
First Published: 1445/2024

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be

re-produced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted
in any form or by any means, electronic or otherwise,
without written permission from the publisher.


i.Preface… ………………………… ….… .……… 04

2.Faith and salvation……………………………… ……..05


This book has been given title as "Faith and Salvation,"

which is a very new book and will be published in the
year 2024 in the English language.
This is a small book in which the details of teaching from
the Urdu book "Najat Ya Nar Jahannum" are added upon
its translation from Urdu into English lanaguae, and in
this book there are some great teachings written by
Hazrat Khursheed Aleem Chisti that are not yet known to
the general public. These are published in a very
interesting style, so for this reason, the readers will find
great interest and attention in this matter.
In this book, translation details from the Urdu book
"Najat Ya Nar Jahannum are added by me upon its
translation into English. And this is a well-known and
famous book that was written by Hazrat Khursheed
Aleem Chisti. And I am presenting this book in the
presence of the readers in the English version for the first

From the above facts and details, if the readers start

reading this book’s first chapter and do not stop reading
till they reach its last chapter.
Even though this is a small book, due to its importance, it
is so great due to the coverage of many interesting
events and positive information in it that it is like an
ocean of knowledge and information.

Faith and Salvation

Today we see in the world that around our four sides

atrocities, anarchism, injustice, and shameless acts are
spreading, and about it, everybody thinks it as a bad
thing and will make an objection to it. But nobody ever
did, not try to find out its reasons. But still, he will try his
best as per his sources and conditions to finish this bad
thing from the world, but there will be no success for him
in this matter because nobody thinks over it. For it, there
are two special reasons: first, we have forgotten our
Lord, and second, we have forgotten our death and
about the perpetual life that is going to come over after
the death, for which we do not have the information and
details in this matter. This matter is explained in some
detail as follows:
Allah has sent messengers and his holy books for
guidance of mankind since the beginning of time, so that
mankind should worship Allah only, and He has shown
the man the perpetual life after death in which the man
will be shown that whatever he did deeds in this world,
and as per his action of deeds, there will be judgement in

the other world for him, and accordingly there will be a

reward of heaven and punishment of hell.
Allah is the only real Lord of the worlds and who will
provide sustenance to all living things in the world, and,
other than Him, there is nobody else there who is eligible
for the worship.
For showing the straight path to mankind and for
spending the best style of life in the world, Allah has sent
down many books, and in the last Allah sent a holy book
of the Quran, in which there are rules and regulations of
life available for spending the whole life. The details and
information about other communities, death and rebirth,
and accountability of the deeds of mankind in the world
and details of heaven and hell and its complete
description are there in it.
Allah has mentioned in his holy book Quran, “He was
sent down first person, Prophet Adam (A.S.) on the earth
from heaven, and he was advised with him that for his
sons there will be sent down messengers of Allah and
who will be sent for their guidance in the world so that
they should accept their teachings. So then there will be
successful life for them in both worlds. By last Allah has
sent his last Prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him)
and who also said, ”To worship Allah alone and who is

the real Lord of the worlds and who will send rain from
the sky and grown grains from the earth which you eat as
your food. In the sky, the sun and the moon are all under
His control and power. In the whole world, His kingdom
is there, and He is a king in it, and you should not
worship the sun and the moon, but worship Allah alone
and who made all of them for you. If you worship any
others, so they are not your gods, and they are also
slaves of Allah, and for them in the earth and in the sky,
there is no little kingdom of them, nor are they partners
in the kingdom of the earth and the sky of Allah, and who
will give you life and give you sustenance, and who will
also give you life after death? Then how and why are you
wondering where it is not known? And why are you not
accepting Him as your Sustainer and God, and why are
you not accepting His religion of Islam.?“
The religion of Islam is not a new religion, but it is a very
old religion, and for it all the prophets of Allah have given
its teachings that worship only Allah and nobody is not a
partner in His worship.
If you think that your god and goddess are only your
lords, then for them present proof and any old research
book or such knowledge that proves it. Otherwise, you
should worship such a personality who created you, and
Allah also created the people before you. And who laid

the earth as a bedspread and made the sky as a roof?

And He will send down the rain from the sky. And
provided sustenance for you and who will give water for
the drinking for you. He was given life, and He will also
kill you, and in the other world, He will give you life again
there, and as per the deeds that were done by mankind
in the world, then He will give a reward of heaven or
punishment of hell.
Whether many of the lords are better or one god only
who is more powerful and great is Allah. And to whom
you are worshiping, only they are in names, and to whom
your elder persons have had, and for them there is no
proof available. And for them, Allah did not send down
any proof. You should worship only Allah, and it is His
commandment. ”Oh, people, the truth has come to you
from your Lord, and after that, it means that way; it
means one who follows the Islamic religion, which will be
better for himself. And one who was misguided, then for
this he will face the loss.”
"You could not defeat Allah on the earth or in the sky,
and except Allah, there is no helper for you. And Who
made the earth and sky? And in every sky, as per its
requirement, Allah was given commandments therein.
One Who made your face and which is made by Him very
beautiful. And who will provide all of your sustenance?

He is the Lord of the whole world. And upon knowing all

such information, if you did not believe in Allah, then
there is severe torment and punishment is there for
Where you were, Allah is with you, and whatever you are
doing, Allah is watching the same, and He knows the
secrets of your hearts. Even after knowing all these
details, why don't you accept your faith in him? The man
is in great loss except those who have faith in Allah,
worship Him alone, and do good deeds.
There is no force for the religion. From misguidance,
guidance has become famous. Except Allah, there should
be refusal of other gods and goddesses and have faith in
Allah. So, then one should hold strong support, and so
one should not leave from the hold of his hand.
In this world and in the skies, all are following the
commandments of Allah with happiness or unhappiness.
Why you alone did not become his obedient means, why
you did not accept the religion of Islam.? Except Islam
with Allah, there is no other religion, which is not
acceptable to Him. One who will not accept the religion
of Islam will face loss. In the other world, if he will want
to give gold full of the earth for his salvation, then it will
not be possible, and he will be sent to hell, where he will

be there forever and where he will not find any helpers

Allah will not accept anybody as the partner in His
worship, and He will not forgive any polytheist. For the
other sins other than this sin, Allah will forgive any sin,
but it is not possible that He will forgive it, so for such a
sin he will be thrown into the fire of hell, in which he will
be there forever.
The religion of Islam is the way of Allah, which is the
straight path, and except this way, do not follow other
ways because such ways will misguide you from the way
of Allah. For some people Allah was given guidance, and
some other persons became misguided people as they
followed the wrong way. And these are such people who
made Satan their friend, and they think that they are
following the straight path. So turn your direction
towards Allah and do not become among polytheist
people, and except Allah, do not worship such persons
who do not benefit you or do not harm you. If you make
anybody a partner of Allah, then all your deeds will
become useless, and there will be no benefit at all for
you. And then you will become losers in both of the
worlds. Allah is most pure and great for such things for
which you have made partners of Allah.

Allah has mentioned the condition of mankind,

describing the details of their engagement in the life of
this world. And they are engaged in the world as such
that they could not care about Allah and in the other
world. After the day of judgment in the plain of
resurrection, it will be asked of mankind whether any
prophets did not come from among your people and who
did not read for you the commandments of Allah, the
news of today, and the news of the other world.? And
they will accept that, due to the life of the world, they
have forgotten them in their hearts.
Allah will never send punishment on any habitation
unless He will not send them the messengers and books
of guidance, and with these sources will inform about the
religion of Islam, the good and bad deeds, another world,
and the day of judgement and resurrection. “Oh, people,
the truth has come to you from your Lord, and one who
will come on the straight path of Islam, then he will come
on this path for his own benefit, and one who does not
follow this path, then there will be a loss to himself, and
so for this reason he will be thrown headlong into the
fire of hell, and in which he will be burned there
Those who did not follow the commandments of Allah,
for this reason, will not be given the reward of their good

deeds in the world. And those good deeds will become

like such, as ash, which will be flown in the strong storm
and whose which are not known.? Those who have made
gods other than Allah and who all of them are not able to
create even one bee. Even if the bee will snatch
something from them, but then they cannot take it back
from her. So how these are weak gods, and how shall
these be weak worshippers.?
The infidels used to say that we live only for this world
and we will bear with the revolution of the time and die
for this reason only, and we will not be given rebirth in
the other world after our death. And for this reason they
will not obey the commandments of Allah. And they used
to spend their lives as per their wishes and desires. So for
this reason they will be at great loss. So in the other
world they will be sent to hell, and this is punishment for
which Allah gave you warning of it. For the desire and
wish of more and more wealth, properties, and luxuries
of the life, which were caused by your carelessness of
Allah, and as such that you have died and were buried in
the graves. So for this reason you will know the result of
the carelessness, and you will see the fire of hell soon in
the other world. And about wealth and properties and
worldly luxury and comfort that were given to you, it will
be questioned with you whether you have spent it as per

the command of Allah or as per your own desire and

Allah was given wealth and properties to his disobedient
persons in this world, and from this they should not think
that Allah is happy with them. But it is for them that they
should be involved in the wealth and properties of the
world and should forget Allah and the life of the other
world. They have not spent their lives according to the
order of Allah, and they have not done preparation for
life after death. So in the end, they will be thrown into
the fire of hell.
Allah will not give trail by giving difficulties, sorrow, and
grief, but He will also give the man wealth and
properties, as well as comfort and luxury of the life in this
world, and take his trial and examination in this matter.
“The life of this world is only play and show, which will
end one day. But the life is there, which is perpetually in
the other world. Oh wise people think it on this matter.”
Those people who do not obey the commandments of
Allah, and also they say falsely that there is no life after
death and there is no accountability of the deeds that
were done by them in the world, so they will never be
successful in this matter. They are in luxury and comfort
in the short life of the world. But at last they have to go

back to Allah. And where there is an available hell of fire

for them and where they will keep there for always. So
think upon it carefully that if Allah wants, He will give
anyone in the world as much as wealth and property for
luxury, comfort, and silver because with Him there is no
value at all for these things, and these things are plenty
with Him. But the luxury and comfort of the other world
will be permanent, and it will be there for them forever,
which will be rewarded to the persons who are obedient
to Allah. How the man is in carelessness so he did not
have thinking someone is there upon him as supervisor
and whatever deed he will do in his life of this world and
which is being checked and supervised and also there the
deeds are being recorded and this complete record will
be presented by the angels to Allah upon the death of
the man and according to this record he will be given
judgement. If one who will do good deeds, then he will
be rewarded with paradise, and if the one who will do
bad deeds, then he will be thrown into the fire of hell.
Allah knows the ideas that will come into the mind of the
man. And any deed of the man is not hidden by Allah.
And for this work, two angels are sitting in the recording
work of the details on the two shoulders of the man, and
if the man will do a small portion of good deed, then they
will record the same in the book of records with them.
After death, the mankind will be gathered on the plain of

resurrection, and there the record of deeds of the

mankind will be shown to the mankind, which will be
seen very clearly, and the man will think that before him
the complete film of his life is being shown there. The
angel will call to him to read the record of deeds of your
life and do accountability by yourself. In the plain of
resurrection, every group will be called there along with
their record of deeds. One who will get the record of
deeds in the right hand will become happy and read it,
and he will become eligible for heaven. At last the record
of the deeds of mankind will be placed before them, and
the disobedient persons, when they see it, will become
afraid, and they will be saying, “Alas, it is our unluckiness
that it is how this book is and in which there is a record
of every small and big deed of our life is in it.” They will
find every good and bad deed in it, which they have done
in the world and which is written in it. And with your Lord
of that, there will be no atrocity on anybody on that day.
Allah, by the source of the Quran, informed the man this
thing: this life is not first and last, but there is another life
upon the death that is there, and in which he will be
living there forever and always. And it will be his
perpetual life there. The disobedient persons of Allah will
say that when we die and will become bones and soil,
then whether we will be given again life.? So if you

become stone or iron or some other thing hard, which is

as per your thinking, and they question you, who will give
again life to them.? So I will tell them that Who will have
given life to them first time, and He will also give them
life again, like in the same way. The Allah who made the
earth, the sky, the sun, the moon, and the stars, and He
is having the power of rebirth for mankind. On the day of
judgment, all will be present before Allah, and nobody
will be hidden in the graves or in the ashes. Allah will
send the clouds towards dry areas of the earth and will
send rain fall and grow in the dry land grass, potherbs,
and vegetables. In the other world, all mankind will be
given a rebirth, just like in this way. And other than Him,
nobody is eligible for the worship. He will be given life,
and He will give death to mankind. And He will give
rebirth in the other world for all mankind. There will be
accountability for all deeds there that have been done in
this world. In spite of huge proofs, the disobedient
persons of Allah will say that they will not be given life
again. And its reply will be that it is sure that not you only
but your ancestors and forefathers will be given life in
the other world, and they will be able to watch the bad
deeds that they have done in the world.

Allah that was given life to the man with a drop of sperm
and then whether He could not give rebirth the man,
indeed, He can give life again to mankind in the other
The man wants continuous changes in his life, and he
needs to adopt the latest new methods and ways. If his
forefathers and ancestors used to wear shirts and
pajamas, then now he will wear shirts and trousers, and
if his forefathers and ancestors used to walk by foot or
used to travel with horses, but now he used to travel by
using the car or on the scooter. But in the name of
religion, Satan will deceive the man into believing that
the religion of the forefathers and ancestors, which will
be even older, and even it will not be understood, so do
not leave it. Because our forefathers and ancestors were
in this religion. Allah said, “In the past time there came
many messengers of Allah in the world and who said to
the persons you should worship Allah and who is alone
and follow His religion of Islam, which is liked by Him.”
And they replied, “Whether we should worship only
Allah, and it means gods and goddesses to whom our
forefathers and ancestors used to worship them, and we
should leave them upon your saying.” The Messenger
and prophets of Allah told them is there any proof or
certification is there and which is available to you, and

also whether any proofs of the wisdom or any advice of

the reliable person in this matter is available or any proof
of the books of the sky, then they show it. The reality in
this is that Satan is calling their ancestors toward the fire
of hell.
The messenger of Allah told them, ”He came to them
with better guidance than those on which you will find
their forefather and ancestors.“ They have given reply to
the prophet of Allah that they do not accept this
guidance which you have brought for them, and it means
the religion of Islam, so for this purpose Allah was taken
revenge from them, and in the other world they will be
thrown into the fire of hell.” Allah will send the
disobedient persons to hell upon death, and He is telling
about this matter, which is mentioned in the holy book of
the Quran. So that disobedient person will get advice and
will become an obedient person and will become Muslim
slaves. The man knows well about the past and the
present, but Allah knows well about the future, so in this
matter, there should not be any doubt that the future
has not come, but Allah has mentioned all its details
here. But we should have our perfect faith in this respect,
which is mentioned here, and that is surely correct and
will be happening.

So the man should be thankful to his Lord, as He

mentioned all these matters, which could not be known
to him by knowledge or wisdom. So that he should do
good deeds in this life. And he should become obedient
and a Muslim slave, so that in the other world he should
deserve and become a rightful person of heaven.
In the plain of resurrection, all mankind will be gathered
there upon rebirth and will be presented before Allah for
accountability of the deeds, and the disobedient persons
of Allah will be there with their sins that have been done
by them in the world and their bad deeds (it means who
have worshipped another god and goddess other than
Allah and who have opposed the religion of Islam.),
which will be seen by them there. Then they will desire
that there was a great distance between their deeds.
Because for their bad deeds the punishment is given to
them so they will desire, whether they would have been
pressed into the earth or if they will be sent again in the
world, so that they will do good deeds and will become
an obedient person of their Lord and Muslim slave
Allah’s disobedient persons say that their life in the world
is our life only, and we will not be given life after death.
You saw them at that time when they will be given
rebirth in the other world and will be sent to the plain of

resurrection before Allah. And Allah will say, “Whether it

is not right that and it is not reality that you have given a
rebirth, and Allah will say now for your refusal of rebirth
and for its refusal, suffer, and surely they are in great loss
for such people who did not believe in the life that will
be given them again in the other world. Till such that the
prescribed time was reached, and at that time they said,
“Alas and sad for our carelessness and negligence, which
is done by us in this matter. And their condition will be
such there that they will carry their sins on their
shoulders and from others than him, who will be a great
cruel person who has falsified about Allah and said that it
will not be given life after death. And there will be no
accountability for the deeds that have been done in this
world. Also refused the commandments of Allah.
In the world, the man will get wealth and properties,
luxury and comforts, and children as per his fate, and
after that he will be dying in the world. Then at that time
the angels of Allah took his soul, and those angels will ask
him, Where are your gods and goddesses to whom you
will worship other than Allah? They will reply to them
that “They have all disappeared. And now they are not
appearing anywhere. And we do not know about
addresses.” And they used to think of god and goddess,
Jin, fairies, as a source for their salvation in this world

and in another world. And for this reason, they used to

worship them throughout their lives." And with Allah,
they will be accepted that they were disobedient
persons. And Allah will say to enter into the fire of hell
along with your group. At that time nobody did not help
another person. In the fire of hell they will cry there, “Oh,
our Lord takes them from the fire of hell. Now we will do
good deeds against such bad deeds that they used to do
in the world. It means except You, we used to worship
the persons that are disliked by You, that is our god and
goddess, and did we not follow your commandments?"
And Allah will ask them, “Whether He was not given such
life in which, if you want to understand the world, then
he can know it. That the success in the other world’s
straight path is the religion of Islam. And with you our
messengers came to preach you and to give you warning,
and who has given you warning of the fire of hell,
heaven, and the other world? And they preached about
the Lord of all worlds and who is Allah, His orders, and
His religion of Islam, so for this reason now taste the
torment of the fire of hell. And here there is no help
available for you. ”
In the plain of resurrection, except Allah, there is no
kingdom of anybody who will be there. In favor of the
disobedient persons, there will not be acceptance of any

recommendation. There will be a reward for the deeds

that were done by the obedient people in the world. It
means the reward will be the same as per the deeds
done by the man in the world. And there will be no
atrocities against any person. Allah will make the
judgment there with justice. And for those who will call
in the world and to whom they used to worship and pray,
these things and persons will not be able to do justice for
any decision. Allah will see all things and hear all things.
In the plain of resurrection, the disobedient persons of
Allah will be called to the fire of hell. And where their
eyes and their ears and their skins for doing the bad
deeds who used to do in the world will witness, and
these persons will say to them why all of them are giving
witness against them. And they will reply to them that
for them Allah was given the power of talking to them
and who has given the power of talking to all mankind.
You were used to being afraid of the men while doing
sins, but you were not afraid of Allah, and there was no
fear of this matter to you that in the other world all their
body parts would not give witness against them. And you
used to think that Allah does not know about many of
your works and deeds, and this thinking was destroyed
and done great shortfall to you, and for this reason you
have become losers. Now have patience, and their place

of residence is hell of fire. And if they now repent, then it

will not be accepted by Allah.

There. it is sure that the sinners will be thrown into the

fire of hell and will live there forever. And their
punishment will not be decreased there, and they will
think that the life of the world in which they lived for a
period there, such as a day or half day, On the day of
judgment in the plain of resurrection, any friend will not
help any other person there. But that person on whom
there will be favor of Allah, then he can help there to the
needy persons. At that time everybody was involved in
his affairs there and with Allah on that day in exchange
for his sins. Then he will want to present his brothers,
sons, and wives and his whole family members and the
whole world so that they get rid of the punishment of
the fire of hell by Allah. But it will never happen, and he
will be thrown into the fire of hell, which will have flames
in it, where they will not find coldness or the taste of the
drinking water, and its taste will be very hot, and there
will be a discharge of pus and blood, and flowing of these
items will be there for them, and it is complete
punishment for them for going against the
commandments of Allah and for including others as
partners in his worship. When any group of disobedient

persons will be thrown in the fire of hell, then at that

time the supervisor of the hell will ask them whether the
messenger of Allah has not come to them in the world
with a warning of the day resurrection and in the other
world, and they reply to him that indeed he came to
them, but we has not come to them in the world with a
warning of the day resurrection and in the other world,
and they reply to him that indeed he came to them, but
we have not send down the Quran, and actually you are
also misguided and worshipping one god and leaving all
gods and goddesses, and at that time they will be saying
if they will have accepted the hearing the preaching of
those messengers of Allah and followed wisdom, then
they will not become eligible for going to be sent through
in the fire of hell. And they will accept their mistake in
this matter. Now those people of hell are very far and
away from the mercy of Allah. Where are their gods and
goddesses whom they used to worship in the world, and
they will not come there and clear them from Allah.?
Today the person who thinks themselves as very wise
and expert in the affairs of the world, the people who
have established their governments not in the world but
in the sky, and these people have been caught in the
world to such extent that they do not have any time to
think about their life in the other world. Or that their

thinking or attention did not turn toward that side, which

is a true reality in this matter and which is not a fictitious
and dreadful dream.
On the day of resurrection, which is reality, and for its
coming, there is no doubt. Every person, if he wants,
should then make the best abode with Allah, do good
deeds in this world, and spend the life of faith and
virtues. Allah was given a warning of fire from hell, which
is coming to you. On the day when the man will see of
good and bad deeds which were done by him in the
world. And at that time disobedient persons will say, “It
would be good that he would have become soiled, then
there will be no accountability for him.”
There is no doubt that whatever was mentioned above is
true in reality, and all are mentioned as real matters.
Allah has made this world, in which there is sun, moon,
stars, seasons, trees, and many of the moons were
created by Allah for them. There is an available one
system and arrangement that they are following, and for
it there is a willingness and desire that belong to them.
The sun, moon, and stars will rise in the sky at the
prescribed time. On the trees at the prescribed time,
there will develop the flowers and fruits. For the living
things also, there are systems and orders. The tiger eats
flesh and the cow eats grass, and for them also there are

systematic arrangements, and on them they are working

and following such systems and will also follow such
systems in the future. Allah was given them limited
wisdom and also gave them limited freedom. But Allah
made the man the most eminent of created beings, and
for him Allah was given unlimited wisdom and unlimited
freedom, and not only this, but the man was given
independence, and for him it was not left in the world
without any purpose or aim after his creation. So that he
should spend his life in the world as per his own wish and
willingness. But for spending a better life in the world
and for his guidance, Allah has sent the first messengers
and prophets and sent scriptures and books, and in the
last Allah sent Hadrat Mohammed (peace be upon him)
as his final prophet, and with him Allah has sent one
great book of guidance, the holy Quran. In the holy book,
Allah has mentioned the success of life in the world and
hereafter, which is only available in the religion of Islam.
But Allah was given freedom of this matter that whatever
religion he wants, then he can follow the same. And
there is no compulsion in the choice of the religion of
Islam. In the holy book Quran, Allah was told clearly to
the last prophet, Allah, that there is no compulsion in the
choice of the religion in the religion of Islam. Allah said,
“You do not ask for the people to accept Islam by force,
and it is your duty to convey the message of the religion

of Islam to them, and now it is their willingness to accept

it or not, and you are not the person to do compulsion in
this matter.”
Now it has left the decision of the readers of this article
to take a decision in the matter whether they want
salvation from the torment of the fire or not upon
reading all Quranic teachings and warnings on it?.

The End.

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