BDA Advice Sheet A11
BDA Advice Sheet A11
BDA Advice Sheet A11
radiationindentistry A11
contents page
Appointments 3
General requirements 4
Notify the HSE 4
Risk assessment 4
Training 4
Radiation Protection File 4
Patient Protection 4
Referral 4
Justification 4
Medico-legal exposures 5
Lead aprons and thyroid collars 5
Female patients of child-bearing age 5
Optimisation (ALARP) 5
Excessive exposure of patients 5
Quality assurance 5
Equipment 6
Controlled area 6
Dosemeters 6
Maintenance and testing 6
Intra-oral radiography 6
Extra-oral radiography 7
Digital detectors 7
Film processing 7
Coin Test 11
bda advice sheet A11 Radiation in dentistry
care. Compliance with IRR99 and only to be the same person. The distinction A dentist could therefore be the
IRMER will help minimise risks from
ionising radiation for both patients
radiation is important, however, where a
patient is referred to another dentist,
referrer, the IRMER practitioner
and an operator. Many dental nurses
and health care workers. The aim is to doses that practice or hospital for a radiograph. or other PCDs will also undertake
make sure that patients are exposed
only to radiation doses that are as low
are as low An IRMER practitioner is a dentist
some of the tasks of an operator.
All operators must be adequately
as reasonably practicable and as who takes responsibility for trained to undertake their
consistent with the intended clinical
reasonably justifying an individual medical
exposure to ensure that the benefit
individual duties.
practicable’ to the patient from the diagnostic A radiation protection adviser must
information outweighs the detriment be appointed in writing to provide
of the exposure (see page 4). advice on complying with legal
obligations including the periodic
The Regulations introduce some An operator is any person who examination and testing of all
new terminology to describe the carries out all or part of the practical radiation equipment, the risk
various responsibilities of those aspects associated with a assessment, contingency plans, staff
involved with taking radiographs radiographic examination including: training and the quality assurance
within the practice. programme. The person or
● patient identification organisation that provides routine
The legal person is responsible for radiation surveys would normally
implementing the requirements of ● positioning the film, the patient, act as the practice RPA. If appointed
the legislation and good working the x-ray tube head on an ongoing basis, advice from
practice. In general dental practice, the RPA is always available and the
the legal person would normally be ● setting the exposure parameters continuity of advice is assured. It is
the practice owner. Practices with possible, however, to appoint the
several dentists in partnership will ● pressing the exposure button to RPA on a temporary basis to obtain
have to decide who takes on this role. initiate the exposure specific advice.
and/or positioning the film, the protection
patient and the tube head: - statutory requirements
dental nurses undertaking these - quality assurance
Notify HSE duties should possess a Certificate - selection criteria (IRMER
in Dental Radiography and practitioners only).
The Health and Safety Executive hygienists and therapists should
must be informed of the use of have received an equivalent level Radiation Protection File
ionising radiation at the practice. of training. Operators must
If you have already done this under update their knowledge at least Your Radiation Protection File
the previous legislation, there is no every five years. should hold as much information as
need to do so again. HSE should be possible about the procedures in
re-informed if there is a change in As an interim measure, dental place to ensure radiation protection
ownership of the practice or if the nurses who were competently within the practice. It will include
practice relocates. undertaking radiography prior local rules and written procedures
to 13 May 2000 and had only for patient protection to provide a
Risk assessment received the 'core of knowledge' working framework for the practice.
training, may continue to take See page 7 for more information on
A risk assessment should be carried radiographs until 12 May 2005, what should be included in your
out, with the help of your RPA, to by which time they should have Radiation Protection File
identify the precautions necessary to obtained the Certificate in
restrict the exposure of those Dental Radiography. The legal
involved with taking radiographs person must record all the
and patients. If five or more training and relevant experience
employees are involved in taking or of dental nurses using this
processing radiographs, the risk ‘An up to interim measure.
assessment must be recorded date record Referral
(although it is good practice to ● Other operators whose duties
record the findings of the risk of training include film processing and If you decide to refer a patient to
assessment if there are fewer than
five employees).
must be quality assurance should
preferably possess the Certificate
another dentist or to a hospital for a
radiograph, you must provide
maintained’ in Dental Nursing or NVQ sufficient clinical information to
Your risk assessment should be equivalent. Failing this, they enable the person taking the
reviewed at least every five years and must have received adequate and radiograph to decide whether the
more frequently if there are changes documented training for the exposure is justified. As a minimum,
to working methods or new types of tasks that they undertake, which this information should include:
equipment are used in the practice. may be provided in-house.
Changes in legislation may also ● unique identification of the
require a risk assessment review. Dental nurses who 'press the patient
button' may only do so in the
Training presence of the operator who ● clinical information to justify
physically sets up the patient for the requested exposure
The legal person must ensure that a radiograph. They must have
every IRMER practitioner and received appropriate training, ● unique identification of the
operator has received adequate and which should be documented. referrer
appropriate training and undertakes
continuing education. An up to date ● Non-clinical staff may carry out ● if relevant, information
record of training must be some of the more straightforward on pregnancy.
maintained and be available for operator duties (patient
inspection. Female employees identification, for example) and You should establish guidelines for
involved in radiography must be be aware of the need to avoid referring patients for radiographs,
made aware of the risk to a foetus unnecessary personal exposure. which should be kept in your
should they become pregnant. Radiation Protection File.
● Appropriate training courses
● IRMER practitioners (dentists) for IRMER practitioners and Justification
should attend formal courses on operators would cover:
radiation protection as part of - the principles of radiation physics Before taking a radiograph you must
their five-yearly recertification - risks of ionising radiation assess whether an individual
cycle, providing at least five - radiation doses in dental exposure is justified - the benefit
hours of verifiable CPD. radiography should outweigh the detriment of
- factors affecting doses in dental the exposure. The radiograph would
● Operators whose duties include radiography normally provide new information.
In deciding to take a radiograph, you 'nothing abnormal diagnosed'. If the type of radiograph required
should take account of: means that the pelvic area might be
- previous radiographs Lead aprons and thyroid collars irradiated (the vertex occlusal
- the reason for taking the projection, for example) and the
radiograph In dentistry, there is no justification patient is or might be pregnant, you
- diagnostic benefit to the patient for the routine use of lead aprons should consider whether the radiograph
- the radiation risk where modern equipment and can be deferred until after delivery. If
- alternative techniques that might techniques ensure there is minimal you decide to take the radiograph,
achieve the same purpose. scatter towards the trunk of the the foetal dose must be kept to a
body. Furthermore, they do not minimum and a lead apron used.
The booklet Selection Criteria for protect against radiation scattered
Dental Radiography published internally within the body. Lead Excessive exposure of patients
by the Faculty of General Dental aprons only provide some protection
Practitioners (UK) and Guidelines for for the vertex occlusal projection Where a patient has received an
the use of radiographs and and should be used only if the exposure that is 'much greater than
orthodontics published by the British patient is, or may be, pregnant. intended', the legal person should
Orthodontic Society (2001) are consult an RPA without delay. 'Much
useful references for assessing Lead aprons should be provided for greater than intended' is suggested as
whether an exposure is justified. a member of staff or other person being 20 times the intended dose.
who assists a handicapped patient
Every decision to take a radiograph or child during radiography. The Where the cause of overexposure is
should be recorded in the patient's assisting person should not be due to a malfunction or defect in
notes. It should be clear who carried pregnant. The lead apron should equipment, the local Health and
out the clinical examination and have a lead equivalence of not less Safety Executive should be notified.
who authorised the radiograph. ‘Each than 0.25mm and, when not in use, Where the cause is the result of
radiograph should be stored over a suitable clinical or operator error, the IRMER
Medico-legal exposures hanger, not folded. The lead apron Inspectorate should be notified.
must be should be visually inspected annually.
You should consider the need for subject to a The detailed investigation will aim
and usefulness of radiographs Thyroid collars should be used in to establish what happened, identify
requested for medico-legal and other clinical those few cases where the thyroid the failure, decide on remedial
third-party purposes when assessing evaluation’ may be in the primary beam. action to minimise the chance of a
whether they are justified - there is similar failure and estimate the doses
often no direct health benefit to the Female patients of involved. The legal person must keep
patient. You should obtain the child-bearing age this report for 50 years.
patient's written consent before
undertaking these radiographs. It is not usually necessary to ask a Quality assurance
patient if she is pregnant before you
Optimisation (ALARP) take a dental radiograph because the Quality assurance programmes must
pelvic area is not usually irradiated be in place to ensure consistently
For every radiograph, the dose from and the dose involved is very small. accurate diagnostic information and
the exposure should be kept as low as You should explain that the risks to keeping radiation doses to the patients
reasonably practicable (ALARP) for the foetus are negligible and give as low as reasonably practicable.
the intended diagnostic purpose. the patient the option of delaying Page 9 gives more information on
Written guideline exposure settings the radiograph. developing your own QA programme.
must be in place for every type of
radiograph that can be taken at the
practice. These should be kept close
to the x-ray equipment; a copy can
also be kept in the Radiation
Protection File.
Controlled area
film when it cannot otherwise be kept The sensitivity of the detector stray light.
in position. If a film is to be held by system should be compatible with
anyone else, forceps or an alternative the x-ray set for which it is to be
appropriate holder should be used to used. Ideally the x-ray set should
Protection File
avoid irradiation of the fingers. have an effectively constant
operating potential with the ability
Extra-oral radiography to select sufficiently low exposure
settings to enable the full extent of Your Radiation Protection File
For panoramic and cephalometric available dose savings to be realised. should contain
radiography with manual control, Exposure settings should be reduced - Local Rules, which contain the
a range of tube potential settings to the minimum compatible with working instructions,
should be available, preferably from the diagnostic quality of the image. contingency arrangements and
60 to 90 kV. There should be ‘Dedicated dose investigation level
provision for the selection of a range Warning signals - written procedures for patient
of tube currents so that full advantage viewing protection.
can be taken of the sensitivity of facilities The control panel of the equipment
modern film/screen combinations. should have a light to indicate that Your Radiation Protection File
should be the main power is switched on. A might also contain information
For extra-oral radiography, the
fastest available film and intensifying
available’ warning light should be fitted to give
a clear indication that an exposure is
on the training and information
that each member of the practice
screen combination consistent with taking place and remain illuminated has received and any update
satisfactory diagnostic results should for the duration of the exposure. courses attended. You might
be used; the system speed should be Audible warnings should work in the decide, however, to keep this
at least 400. same way as the visual warning light. information with the individual
personal development folders, in
Panoramic equipment should have Film processing which case you should reference
patient positioning aids and this where relevant.
incorporate the use of light beams Film processing should consistently
to be effective. produce good quality radiographs Your Radiation Protection File
and avoid the need for radiographs should be reviewed regularly to
Field limitation can significantly to be repeated. Where automated ensure that it remains relevant and
reduce patient exposure when processing is used, the processor effective. Keep a log to show how
specific diagnostic information is should be properly cleaned and and when you reviewed or modified
required. New equipment should maintained. With manual it and make sure that everyone
have an automatic selection of beam processing, the temperature of the in the practice is aware of the File
limitation, although manual selection developer should be checked prior and any amendments that are
is acceptable. All primary beam to film processing and the relevant to them.
defining slits should be accurately development time adjusted.
aligned with the receiving slit. Local Rules
Dedicated viewing facilities should
If, with panoramic radiography, the be available so that the full diagnostic The Local Rules must contain at
rotational movement fails to start or information can be obtained from least the following information:
stops before the full arc is covered, the radiographic films. Suitable film
the exposure switch should be masking should be used to optimise ● name of the appointed
released immediately to avoid high, the viewing conditions by cutting out Radiation Protection Adviser
localised exposure of the patient.
Digital detectors
● an appropriate summary of
the working instructions - for
example, the need to stand
outside the controlled area or
behind protective panels
● identification or summary of
any contingency arrangements
- for example, failure of the x-
ray control to stop after a preset
there has been a case of Local Rules The legal person is also required
remain up ● identification of individuals
entitled to act as referrer or
to establish:
● a brief mention that the to date’ IRMER practitioner or operator ● guidelines for referral criteria for
following can be found radiographic examinations
elsewhere in the Radiation ● medico-legal exposures
Protection File: ● written protocols (guideline
- arrangements for the ● making enquiries of female exposure settings) for every type
maintenance and testing patients of child bearing of standard projection for each
of equipment age whether they are or may item of equipment
- the significant findings of the be pregnant
risk assessment ● quality assurance programmes
- staff instruction and training ● ensuring that quality assurance
- review programme to ensure programmes are followed ● diagnostic reference levels
Local Rules remain up to date
- arrangements for investigating ● the assessment of patient dose ● the method for authorising each
and reporting incidents. exposure, to ensure that there is
● the use of diagnostic reference a record that justification has
Model Local Rules can be found in levels taken place.
the BDA's Practice Compendium.
● the carrying out and recording Example protocols for patient
of a clinical evaluation of protection can be found in the
outcome of each exposure BDA's Practice Compendium.
You need to rate the image quality recorded. Your record should include
of the radiographs and compare this the date of the radiograph, why it is
against these targets. It is for you to unacceptable, the cause and the
decide how many radiographs to number of repeat radiographs taken.
assign quality ratings to but the larger This type of assessment can help to
the sample, the more accurately it will identify a range of problems
reflect the image quality of your including the need for equipment
radiographs. You might assign a maintenance, improvements in
rating to the radiograph as it is techniques or improved staff training.
viewed, recording the rating and then
analysing the results. Selecting a Patient dose and x-ray
representative sample from clinical equipment
records at regular intervals to assign
quality ratings would fail to take Patient radiation doses must be
account of rejected (unacceptable) kept as low as reasonably practicable
films and consequently gives and so should be monitored on
inaccurate results. a regular basis. Patient doses can
only be kept to a minimum if the
You should keep a record of each x-ray equipment complies with
analysis of the results together with a recommended standards for
record of any action arising from the equipment performance and
analysis. Corrective action should be diagnostic reference levels (DRL).
taken where the performance targets You should seek advice from your
are not being achieved. RPA for the level of the adopted
DRL. If the representative doses to
Unacceptable ratings should be patients are consistently above the
further assessed and the reason DRL a thorough review must be
Coin Test
This test is designed to show any problems with fogging of films, which makes films become progressively darker with reduced
detail and poor contrast. It is most likely to occur to films that are sensitive to light, such as cassette films.
Fogging can result from light contamination in a darkroom, daylight in the loading bay of an automatic processor or poor safelights.
You will need at least six coins and a piece of opaque card, large enough to cover the film completely.
Using the most sensitive type of film used in the practice (for example, a cassette containing a blank film), flash expose it by placing it
several feet from the intra-oral tube and exposing it to a lower incisor exposure setting; exposed film is more sensitive to light than
unexposed film.
For darkrooms:
· turn off all the safelights, remove the pre-exposed film from the cassette and place it on the work surface. Arrange the coins at
intervals across the film and then cover the film with opaque card
· turn the safelights on and move the card to reveal the first coin. Keep the first coin uncovered for 30 seconds and then reveal the
second coin. After a further 30 seconds reveal the third coin and so on until all the coins have been revealed (at 30-second
intervals). When the last coin has been revealed for 30 seconds cover the whole film with the opaque card
· turn off the safelights and process the film in complete darkness.
· remove the blanket and open the black-out window to reveal the red viewing window (if present). Move the opaque card to
reveal the first coin for 30 seconds, then the second coin for 30 seconds etc. Continue until all the coins have been revealed and
then return the card to cover the whole film / films.
· Cover the processor with the dark blanket and process the film / films in complete darkness.
If there are outlines of coins revealed for only 30 seconds or one minute, your available working time will be insufficient to prevent
fogging occurring. Safelights should be checked and/or light leakage identified.
British Dental Association
● 64 Wimpole Street ● London W1G 8YS ● Tel: 020 7563 4563 ● Fax: 020 7487 5232
● E-mail: ● © BDA June 2003