June 2014 To February 2015 Candidates Reviews
June 2014 To February 2015 Candidates Reviews
June 2014 To February 2015 Candidates Reviews
Bhav Vasudeva
Dear all,
Had a good interactive session today with candidates appearing for
As promised, here is my experience of the clinical exam. My centre was
Day 1: we were given time from 9am to 4.30pm and were allowed to take as
many breaks and for as long as we want. Even though we may not feel like it,
but to optimise your performance it is important to take breaks of at least 10
minutes and drink lots of water as stress makes you thirsty!
We were given a list of the tasks and we could do them in any order.
READ the tooth number carefully as many candidates ended up cutting the
wrong tooth and one of the criteria is that other teeth other than specified
for the tasks, should be intact. They also specified one practice tooth each
We were told to go to designated areas at specific times for rubber dam (30
minutes) and radio (15minutes) and communication (15minutes). Candidates
had radio and communication on one day and rubber dam the next day.
Task 1- I had rubber dam task on day 1, we were to isolate for MOD on 46.
We were also asked to make the putty impression for intact 15 on this day
for provisional for day 2. Many candidates didn’t realise and prepared access
for 16 and then made putty, so the first thing should be to make the putty to
avoid any unnecessary stress.
Task 2- Access prep for 16.
Task 3- full metal crown for 37
Task 4- MODLi amalgam restoration for 46 pre-prepared tooth
Task 5- class 2 composite restoration on 25 in prepared tooth
Task 6- infection control- they gave us a checklist of points they are looking
for to assess infection control. It was pretty straightforward like gloves and
masks worn properly, proper footwear and attire, not touching anything
other than amalgamator and manikin with gloved hands, gloves not torn etc
Day 2-
Task 1- radio- we had to take right posterior bitewing, 23 periapical and 36
periapical. We were given rinn device for bitewing, so try to familiarise
yourself with this. We had an option of snap a ray for periapical, but I opted
for using the finger.
Task 2- communication- we were given a scenario to read and the diagnosis
etc everything was mentioned. Mine was a vertical root fracture case and I
had to explain the treatment ie. Removal of the root. They specified not to
mention the replacement options.
Task 3- class 2 cavity prep for amalgam DO for 25. Some people asked me
whether I gave a dovetail, yes I did as my lesion and prep was big, I added
the feature for retention.
Task 4- class 3 prep for 12, I gave a palatal approach and some people gave a
buccal approach. So it depends on the extent of the cavit and it depends on
your judgement.
Task 5- class 4 composite build up for mesioincisal fracture of 11
Task 6- provisional crown 15
Task 7- pfm for 23
The exam is pretty straightforward. We were confused whether there will be
any vivas etc but now we know that all you need to do is focus on your tasks
when preparing for the exam.
Keep practicing, assess yourself and get someone else’s opinion as well so
that you don’t keep repeating the same mistake.
Take lots of breaks in between so that you don’t tire yourself and can
perform better.
Time yourself for each task and note it and compare with your earlier
timings. Candidates are asking me whether 3 months are sufficient for exam
preparation. I had only 8 weeks to prepare as I had just cleared my theory,
so there is ample time for those appearing for November session. Make the
most of this time! Arrange all the equipment required, most of it is available
on e-bay.
Most importantly, think positive! This exam is do-able with the right
preparation and frame of mind. Don’t put unnecessary pressure on yourself.
Have confidence as you all are already dentists and have achieved it with
hard work so take this exam as the next step to accomplish.
Here is a list of Instruments and materials required, hope it helps in guiding
1. Jaw set
2. Mounting pole
3. Columbia 860 teeth
4. Amalgamator
5. Curing light
6. Amalgam capsules
7. Composite packable and flowable
8. Tofflemire retainer and bands
9. Celluloid strips
10. Soflex polishing discs
11. Wedges
12. Polishing burs and strips
13. Enhance burs for polishing composite
14. Fender wedges
15. Crown prep and cavity prep burs
16. Root canal files
17. Gates glidden
18. Mandrel
19. Provisional crown material and gun and mixing tips
20. Abrasive metal strips
21. Mouth mirror, perio probe, tweezer, explorer
22. Xrays
23. Condensers, amalgam carrier, carvers, burnisher, flat plastic
24. Dental unit with high speed and slow speed hand pieces
25. Compressor unit
26. Endo teeth
27. Caries simulated teeth
28. Vaseline, floss and cotton tips
29. Putty
30. Rubber dam kit
If I can think of anything else or left out something, I will surely add it on. All
the best everyone!
Bhav Vasudeva
Hello everyone, with god's grace I cleared adc march 2014 part 1 and June
part 2 in first attempt. As requested, I will share my experience. I am a
periodontist and was doing purely laser and perio practice since 2009. I was
a bit scared to get back to general dentistry as I had not held a bur in years.
First time I made a class 2 prep in May 2014, I realised I am still doing
according to what we were taught at uni in 2000 and concepts have changed
drastically. My advice to adc candidates is to first and foremost 'have faith in
yourself' . Get your concepts and basics right . I was working as a dental
nurse and barely had time to study for part 1. I studied according to old
pattern and my prep was based on how I studied in 2005 for all India pg
entrance through which I managed to get a seat on merit. My old notes
which I prepared a few years ago helped me. I did bouchers but the new
pattern is very different. You need to get your basic concepts right which is
important. Go through your theory books and read basic relevant chapters
not the whole book as it is not possible to do so! You all have 1.5 months
which is ample time for sept part 1.
Do scenario based questions after brushing up your theory otherwise you will
feel discouraged when you can't answer. Again, each person is different , I
am only sharing what helped me. There is a lot more to type and share but all
are welcome to contact me if you need any help. Best of luck! Think like a
dentist and not a dental student in this exam....
Dentist Adc
Mohamed Saeed
Hi guys . first i want to say congratulations for everybody cleared this nightmare . i d
like t talk a bit about my experience after one old and one new system practical exam .
The 1st thing i noticed that the examiners invigilating the exam r very nice to u always .
2nd thing that the exam itself is not that hard , most of the tasks r easy and can be
done perfectly if u know how to do it or solve it . from those two things u always
believe that u we ll pass and any error small error wont count that much as long as u r
not doing a fatal mistake .
When everybody do the same thing and dont do that much fatal mistakes , the ADC
examiners correcting ur work has to decrease the rate of passing by exaggerating any
small mistake u did so they can fail u and pass only the pre determined no of
candidates which coul reach o not more than 20 % . And here comes the third thing i
noticed , the ADC stragey of being nice to u and that forgiving spirit in the exam is
hidden behind a monster who will try to always to get u in any wrong error u do in their
stricted marking .
U ve to know guys if u did preps and restos that are excellent , u ll definetly get an A ,if
u believe that did and B , believe me , u ll get and C or D . If u r good , u have to be
lucky too . People who passed can explain how did they get good grades but they cant
explain how they were lucky .
In conclusion , this is gambling more than an exam . who gambles knows how to play
cards but doesnt know how to bring luck . the old system was based on to be 30% a
good dentist and 70 % lucky one , while the new system is based on to be 30% a good
student and 70% lucky one . Finally , as an advice , dont rely all of ur hopes on this
exam . Life is not ADC . Dnt ignore imp things in ur life coz ur have an unguranteed ,
futile examination system that is based on 70% luck .Always consider it a secondary
thing in ur life . Start working , anything , live ur life ,have fun , now people and study
and practise too but dont let it ever control u coz if u didnt pass , u will really feel that u
spend two or three years of doing nothing .
Thank you
Akhtar Sayed
Ok here goes - I had started my prep with FGc. Started with the lower molars and just
did what I would do in a normal patient. I didn't stick with any measurements. Believe
me I worked on a lot of teeth before I was happy. Then I started to measure my
Started with my occlusal reductions with tapered short fat bur. later buccal and lingual
reduction with 170 bur. it has a tip or 0.5 and gives a very good chamfer. For inter
proximal reduction I used a very very fine inter proximal bur which doesn't create any
undercut. I did my palatal bevel last. Used red and yellow unodent finishing burs which
were high speed. And then lastly shofu polishing burs.
Word if advice. I think using old burs in exam, I had a better control on hand piece and
how the tooth was cutting. When I used a new bur felt that bur was cutting more than
I wanted. Their hand pieces were fibre optic and lot if water generated. And I couldn't
see the bur. it's very important to feel the bur. I also used so flex strips for final
I would advise everyone to work on 6,7 upper and lower ... A lot. I worked on upper a
lot and just used to play with lower. But got a lower 7 for FGc. I scored an A in it. Hope
this helps.
Neha Gupta
Hello friends . With god's grace , I have passed adc part 2 (clinicals )June in new
pattern . As requested , I am posting my experience. The sole focus of the new pattern
is achieving perfection in your preparations which I realised after going through the
handbook and figuring out that there are very small small points which might end up
getting you a C/D grade if you are not aware of them . I first made myself aware of the
points that need to be taken into consideration while practicing , then graded them
according to their importance in getting me a pass grade . I went about very
strategically in my preparation . I started off correcting my basics , assessed my preps ,
then focused on refinements , again assessed my work , and then focused on further
refinements acc to the handbook , again assessed my work and then focused on
achieving consistency in work . I totally believe that there is no rocket science in
clearing this exam . You need to have a systematic approach. What basically the adc is
looking for is perfection Which can only be achieved through practice in the right
direction . If we keep doing the same wrong things again and again , it won't help . You
need to stop , assess your work , take out your mistakes as critically as possible , write
them down , seek guidance , experiment with new techniques , new burs , or ask
someone who can help you out with correcting if you are not able to do it on your own
. There is no single way of doing a prep right . It depends on person to person , so
figure out what works best for you , assess your work , and if it meets the standard of
the handbook , stick to it and achieve consistency. And lastly , keep in mind that
working in the exam situation is different from working in the comfort of your house .
There Is stress and fear involved in the examination room, so you might take a little
more time in the exam scenario as compared to what you used to do at home . Beware
of the time ,even though people say time is enough , I was still short on it on the exam
. It took me a longer time to complete my prep in the exam as compared to what I
used to do at home . The jaws we got were brand new. But the most important thing is
maintaining your mental balance throughout the preparation . Don't loose heart if
something is not coming out well , try and retry , experiment with techniques and
instruments . We all know that dentistry is art and science and it depends upon the
correct use of instruments and technique in combination . Never never be afraid of your
mistakes, try to correct them. Don't take yourself easy on them as the examiner is there
to take out your mistakes only . Adc is totally achievable . I think i have summarised
quite a bit , but still if you have any queries , you can msg me. Thanks
Waleed El Dawlatly
I see a lot of people are asking for information regarding the new Clinical
Examinations...So this is just a brief rundown of the 3 days (including the Transitional
Exam)...and please keep in mind this is from my point of view and so it might conflict
with other candidates' outlook on it..
The single Mcqs were straight forward and not very challenging. The SBQs however
were a bit tricky and time consuming. We got about 5 or 6 cases:
Mostly repeated ones from March 2013 Preliminary:
Alcohol guy who got into a bar fight and fractured his jaw.
Lady who sees a naturopath and wanted to change all her amalgams into composites.
Lady with a severly resorbed ridge and you can see the incisive papilla, and wants a
Lady who had Rampant Caries and wanted to implants in the upper premolar area
Chipped Porcelain Case and how to fix it directly (Chairside)
Poorly controlled Diabetic lady with a very high level of HBA1c and had chronic perio.
(an OPG was provided).
As you can see, most if not all are repeated from March 2013 but i still had a bit of a
hard time with some of the questions because they weren’t all remembered and written
down from previous candidates. But overall the transitional wasn’t much of a problem in
this exam as the main emphasis was on the clinical component.
Time provided was enough for mini breaks an refining/reviewing your work (7 hrs 30
Conductors attended problems and complaints quickly and gave considerable time to
inspect them
Amalgam Restoration task: Class 2 MOD with a lingual cusp build up on a 4.6 (so pretty
much like the old system)
Class 2 Preparation: they stuck to the Cavit and we didn’t get the new black carious
teeth sold by One Dental. Some people don’t like the Cavit teeth because of its whitish
grey colour which can be easily overlooked in comparison with the black caries, but
overall it was a relief because these black carious teeth were a nightmare to work with.
Task was a 3.5 DO similar to the old system and of course supplemented with an X-ray
to show the extent of the caries
PFM crown on 2.3, similar to the old system, straight forward that one
Endo Access Task: As some of you know, there was major problem with an entire
production line in the lower Endo simulated molars by Columbia. The root canal
morphology was completely anatomically inaccurate in terms of location and number
even. It was no surprise that we got the upper 1.6 as the Endo access task. I do not
know if columbia will rectify this by the next examination…
Rubber Dam: 30 minutes (previous exam was 10 minutes!!). You can even prepare the
floss on your clamp before you head to the task. Time was plenty.
No record keeping task…it had caused a lot of confusion and so that was a relief
although it would’ve been an easy A or B
INFECTION CONTROL: They had a very relaxed and tolerant attitude regarding that
‘task’, they would let unimportant things slip but still demanded that the exam would be
carried out in a professional manner. At this point we don’t even know if we will be
graded on it (because overall we had 13 tasks and we are assessed on just 12)
No vivas,…………….a major source of stress in the old system. There is however a
Communication task where they assess your communication in a simulated patient
Full Gold Crown on 3.7, one major advantage of the old system’s in the crown
preparation task was that you usually had a gap (pontic) adjacent to the abutments to
prepare a bridge. Here there are contacts on either side, but then again with practice
this shouldn’t be a problem.. we were just surprised to see a 3.7. (but not major
problem of course)
Temporary Crown: this task caused a bit of a problem because of the following points :
1- You had to take an impression of the 1.5 the first day, you also had to prepare an
access cavity on the 1.6 the first day, so you had to be sure that you took the
impression before you drilled the 1.6 for Endo.. under stress you can forget that..if it
happens you will have to place a cotton in the access cavity or take an impression and
then relieve it where it extends into the access cavity on the 1.6. The cotton worked
fine for me but the whole ordeal of fixing it was just unnecessary stress and a waste of
time in an already stressful exam. 2- On the second day, we all got a prepared 1.5 with
sub gingival margins, an irregular palatal margin and some even got a bit of an
undercut on the distal side…the conductors said no modifications could be made to the
preparation to one student and when i complained i was told that ’this is a clinical
situation, you have to work with it’. Some candidates blocked the undercut out. i
personally had a very hard time with this task. But then again most of the candidates i
spoke to were able to get a satisfying temporary crown.
Communication Task: Simply because it is new and unknown to us.. but no complaints
X ray: Most of the complaints were regarding X ray. 2 reasons : 1- They requested 1
posterior bitewing and 2 periapicals, one of which was an upper canine..now if you
know, it is quite difficult to get that to meet their criteria on a manikin. But then again
thats just them raising the difficulty in a certain task and this is an exam after all. 2 -
This was a problem but could be avoided by just being aware of it.. the Films are digital
and have the big packets so you kind of lose your orientation of where the actually film
is when you are placing it inside the manikin.
Class 4: straight forward task on a 1.2, but i had to place retention grooves because it
kept falling out as one chunk…could waste a lot of time…
Time Management: Time is plenty but it does really go very very quickly, so just be
aware of your strong and weak points and start with whats easy for you to build
confidence and reduce stress.
This is based only on my experience and some of my colleagues’ too…and so other
candidates might have a different opinion of course…Good Luck
Navjot Kaur
March 11 2015
day 2 : 37 fmc
35 do caries ( caries was 3.5 mm deep and only 0.5 mm wide ) when i made a ditch i
thought there was no cavit or did i start with the wrong tooth but the cavit was very
minimal and deep. I made half occlusal extension
12 class 3 ( i used labial approach did not bevel it )
25 mo composite class 2
and 15 provisional crown ( it was supragingival but had about .3 reduction palatally
which kept breaking . at last i manged to make one in 20 minutes )
rubber dam : isolate 26 for mod composite
radio : 31 41 periapical
37 PA
right bite wing
communication task was the old one : explain rct .
hope this is helpful good luck
Anupama Moturi
March 11 2015
Hi guys navjot has already updated the tasks..I will tell you my experience. ...
Firstly don't overstress yourself...
Plan all your task
When you are practicing in home ,practice lik exams..all of u know that there will one
crown and filling and cavity perpetration ..prepare accordingly ..
Build up your stamina
Please please DON'T PRACTICE ALONE...u will never know where you are going wrong
..show your preps to each other..but at all times STRICT To CRITERIA
Keep Endo and Radiolgy for the last month..radiology last 4-5 days...
Read criteria after your every task..I might sound funny but try to read the criteria
when you feel bored...because I feel in exam...ur criteria is what makes u win..u will
know where you are going wrong..will try to avoid mistakes
Wat I have come across is they don't want u to have a great work..just fulfill their
Next...last 15 days before exam pack everything...lik u want to take for exam...make a
check list of all materials ...stick to your BURS..,don't change them...u will figure out
what you should take and way u don't want
TAKE All The Materials ...you will save a lot of time ..putty ..temp material gun
One more things practice with glasses and mask on at least at the end
Practice in steps....when you are practicing in home ..keep a time limit...at the same
time don't rush...give enough time
If you give 25. Minutes for class 3 ..give it..focus on one task..crown more than one
March 15 2015
Hello Everyone, Think my experience for ADC practical exam might be helpful for you.
Day 1: Its another big day for practicing My task in a different Location. I was little bit
tensed like everyone. Examiners introduced themselves and provided Day 1 Tasks,
afterwards everyone as a chance to raise any question regarding the tasks. Followed by
a tour around the clinic to know were the materials are exam rooms for radio and
rubberdam and tea room in case you need it. Then followed by Infection control
information for that particular center given by Dental Assistance ( Pls listen well, most
important is regarding clean and dirty areas and amalgam disposal, check if they use
Barrier films, etc)
For the Above ( My friend's as advised and informed only one thing. Its another day of
practicing task in a different place or different clinic ex: If someone is sick or going for
holiday in the clinic and you are covering a shift or locum only. Think examiners are like
Practice manager ro patients moving around you. SO that you wont be worried and can
concentrate on exam.)
Day one Task: As everyone know 23 PFM, Class 4 -11, Impression for Provisional crown
15, Amalgam restoration 46, Endo access for 16, Radiology Right Bitewing, 31-41 PA,
Left molar PA.
As everyone mentioned about the nerves in the Exam Even the easiest task you may
take more time than its required example: At home i try to finish PFM 23 in 45 mins but
in the exam it took me around 1hrs 40 mins. Because we think its an exam so we try to
overlook and ruin the prep. My freinds advised me ( If you finished your prep, if it looks
ok then dont use high speed just use slow speed, hand instruments and finishing kit
thats it)
Easiest Tasks can be ruined Like mine Rubberdam, Radiology, Infection control. This is
what i do everyday in my practice in Australia when i work.
Rubber dam Task. Please when you start please check the instruments. One of my
instruments Flat plastic was sharp ( Cement left over on the instrument was not cleaned
and they sterilized the instrument and the cement went hard and was sharp) at the end
of the rubberdam task i was trying to invert the dam i didnt see the instrument is sharp
and had tear in my rubberdam in the last 3 mins. need to use ora seal. Followed by
informing to the examiners about the sharp instrument. They check my rubberdam task
and said it was good. informed still if you want to make a complain then sign the form. i
have done it ( But they didn't consider) They have given Borderline for the Task.
Tips: I have used my Rubberdam sheet ( Flexidam: Please read material instructions
carefully its nt just like other dam you can use big size punch holes )
Radiology: Paralleling device are loose, Machine is loose and sliding. Phosphor plate is
loose fitting to the device
Complained and signed but no point Borderline.
Tips: Use sticky tape to hold the phosphor plate to device and when taking radiograph
if yo find machine moving then pls stretch the machine arm. it will help you.
Class 4: HIghly polished tooth most of the student complained there filling chipped of
when flossing.
Tip: Roughen the filling area, provide retention groves.
rest filling i think you can do it.
Endo: No issues
Provisional crown:
Tip: Take atleast 3 impression of the prep with Putty.
I liked Lab putty its sets hard and good.
Make sure it is mixed well and set hard. If not mixed well base or catalyst paste may
react with the provisional crown material and change the setting time for provisional
Day 2 for provisional:
Tip: Try this in the Home when you are timing the day
Start 1st thing in the morning get ready with provisional crown.
When injecting the Material in the putty key make sure, dont use the first material that
comes out let it waste and afterwards start injecting into the putty key. more important
keep the tip in side sinking in the material and fill. if you add just material having tip
hanging in the air there is high chance of air bubbles. Apply separating media for tooth
, prep, adjacent teeth and gingiva. Follow the manufacturer instruction Protemp 45 sec
mixing time. 1:45 sec intial set 1:45 - 5 final set. Most important: after 1:45 sec take
the putty key and crown out and dont touch it keep a side let it set hard. if you start
playing with it will play with you. This is the time you clean the excess material around
gums and adjacent teeth. sometimes when you use excess material it may spread into
the gingiva around the prep teeth and groves fissure. you cant see it please be carefull
and clean them.
And leave the crown a side and dont do anything start other task.
Before lunch if you are not confident in this task make another temp crown as you
know it will take only 5 min to set and 5 min to clean. so that you have 1 spare ready.
Reason behind: seen few friends were trying to do this task in the 1st thing in the
morning and not able to get the best and wasted 2 hrs or more. and stressed on the
other tasks. Consistence in the quality work is more important. Even though its Average
work ( Mine is not the best or wow factor work) am out of track let be back to track.
so you got 2 spare crown. last 1 hour is more than enough. before polishing or
trimming see the margins of the prep on the tooth and in the crown. then get an idea
were to end you polishing disc. i have used only discs. If the crown fits too tight please
check around contact area not the contact area. other thing is margins short or over.
short staright fail but slightly over by .5 its satisfactory. be carefull when you come
across the finish line of the margin. If the margin is short do play around adding
composite or anything thats the last option. use the other spare one. because when you
reline it will take atleast 3-4 min so its better use spare or do new one. But when you
dont have time then its your clinical judgement.
Infection control: Please dont drop your instrument. My friend dropped 4 times, she
informed examiners and given right answer's but she was unsatisfactory. when it come
to mine i dropped my instrument once and there were no examiners around me so i
need to remove PPE and went to informed the examiners and answered question.
followed by they asked to resume the task. Forgot that removed my gloves when i went
to infomr them. then i picked the instrument with my Bare hands no gloves nothing. Its
one of the silly and blunder mistakes in my life i felt shame on my self.
See all it comes to stress. when stressed you can ruin easy task too. please relax.
Composite fillings: i preferred Capsules all the time its easy and convenient. try it.
Used sectional matri . our center informed not to bring instruments except material i
brought my retainer and band but not forcep as i have used my fingers to stretched to
place the retainer its easy try it.
Make sure dont place excess material and think will adjust later dont do it. add what
you need. try use less burs or discs. tr to get anatomy when laying composite and clean
excess material with micro applicator or ball burnisher before curing.
For cavity prep: Try to find caries its a clinical decision whether its a Buccal approach or
palatal approach. sometimes i seen people discuss palatal is the best. but its all clinical
situation. were the cavit is palced how much deep it is. In our exam there cavit is not
deep enough it little shollow. Once you acces the cavity with bur in the 1st touch you
are in. used hand instruments and light touch with carbide finest burs.
For amalgam prep: I have done proximal box only. i felt the dip and check already the
cavit is removed in the first instance. i was confused and checked with probe were is
the cavit. as i said its only little bit placed.
i felt my why proximal box is good enough dimension then i followed by retention
grooves. and hand instruments followed by proximal strip to esss of the contact to
break ( Try this at home before the exam) make sure tech is right when use polishing
strip. As i said Clinical judgement is more important whether to extend occlusal or not.
Guys i may be wrong or right please check and discuss who knows better.
follow: inform the situation, check any underling medical condition if so discuss, how it
can affect tx plan. clear explain the present condition or how it happened, inform
treatment options, discuss the options how you will you do it, whether you use LA or
not example. treatment cost, how many appointments, time invloved. etc.
every time you say something raise an open question so that they have chance to talk
and express there expectation. ex: when you inform the cost. pt say i dont have that
much money can do each filling once a at a time instead of doing all in one go for 4
fillings in same quadrant. Then i infomred yes we can do it but here you need to inform
him it take 4 appts, 4 times Local anesthetic to much, give them an option payment
plan you can pay in installments. My examiner was happy. ok i will make an appt then i
said my staff is happy to make appt for that. and last let them know if you haveany
question please call us we are happy to help you out.
Hope i covered most of it. Guys am sorry am typing in my sleep pls ignore my English.
Good luck Friends.
Friends when some one is commenting on the work done. when you inform the
mistakes done in that particular work and please inform us the right technique too that
might be helpful. to rectify ...
Everyone has different techniques. some might be easy for you or other.
I wish Everyone will pass ADC.
Dont practice just by yourself, show your work to some who passed, some you think
confident. at the same time as them to show and ask the watch your work when you
do. Its can done by your freinds next to you.
I know course are expensive starts from $425 per day including flights charges for
some. to $25000 worst case. and material are too expensive too.
And one more thing am not selling my set up. For me i need to practice more and
more. i think in future i may need it.
I might sell some stuff which i wont use like Radiology Jaw set, rubberdam kit or excess
cavit teeth if some needs only and excess amalgam and composite capsules. PM me if
you want any. dont worry about the price pay what you think its right. I know how hard
during prepartion of Exam. i spent $$$$$$ on instruments, equipment and materials.
You will pass too. Good luck and God bless you all
Minoo Ghamari
March 2 2015
Ok so as I promised I will write to you regarding the exam days experience before we
get the results, as it wont change my judgment smile emoticon
1- if you are having the exam in another city be there at least one day before the
orientation! the flights can get delayed or cancelled you don't want to duel with your
2- Don't listen to people who tell you that this center has nicer people or the infection
control is stricter in the other center!!!!! I don't know why people do that how is it
going to help you? except stressing you out more!!
I had my exam in Perth and at least 10 people told me that "they strict with infection
control much more in Perth than any other place" or " the nurses are not friendly and
they wont help you ". non of them were true, the staff were lovely the nurses were
either super nice or just didn't care, but no one was un-kind or rude. the exam
coordinator was nice helping and understanding. So just ignore what you here
regarding these things.
3- on orientation day ask as many questions that come in mind, they wont answer you
on the exam dates! infection control protocols are different in different centers
remember that and ask them all questions you need to ask.
4- In instrument list there were not Hatchet but we asked for it on orientation day and
they provided it for us, so just ask! you never know what you might get.
Exam days:
First day _ it was half hour orientation in the morning and then half hour you have to
check everything! CHeck the teeth and the gingiva, specially the teeth you are working
on and the ones next to them, so many teeth were scratched or nicked! I called the
examiner and showed him, he said not to worry they know most of the teeth are
scratched! and these teeth are not the ones Im gonna work on so obviously I don't
need to worry. They said the same thing to everyone. But still show them just in case.in
that half an hour I also provided a clean zone and dirty zone for myself on the bench
and put all my materials that I brought with me out and ready. They have really good
materials so you can use what they have but each time you forget smg you gotta scrub
out and scrub in and I wanted to save time so I took my materials.
Exam started: I started with class IV as I was confident about it.It was suppose to take
maximum 45 minutes but it took me 1 hour and half to finish it and I was really
stressed out coz I though I wasted so much time! but at least I polished nicely, the
problem is what ever you do how nicely you work you'll never know if you'll pass or not
and all the time you are looking to find mistakes and correct it, its important to know
when to stop or you'll ruin your work.the class IV cavity was gingival 3mm from the
gingiva and incisally passed the midline, so it wasn't small.
Then I started with PFM, I knew I was great with PFM I practiced a lot, I was trained by
Dr. Raman which I talked about in last comment, she was an amazing teacher so I was
pretty confident about my work. Then I realized why everyone says : try to reach A in
practice because then at the exam you can hope for a B! its like you can only perform
60% of what you are! and that 60% better be great! anyways I think I over prepared
it, but we will see how the results would be. it always takes me 45 minute with that.
I put the Putty in before going for lunch.
After lunch I started with the Endo 16, anatomy was fine, fount the canals flared it a
bit, tried not to overextend, we never had a good teacher regarding end, everyone was
always in doubt so we will see how it goes.important is you do your best.
then I went for my Rubber dam, isolation of 27 for MOD I guess. I took my own sheet
but they didn't have the stamp so I used their sheet, it was good tic purple ones from
Henry Schiene. as I was stressed out I put one in and realized the floss the nurse gave
me is short!!! I scrubbed out and asked her for a longer one she told me no need to
wash out just call her if I need smg. I took a very long floss. and another sheet. This
time I punched it and realized I punched the mandibular 7 instead of maxillary again
removed every thing asked for another sheet the nurse gave me a look!! coz it was the
third sheet I asked for but I didn't care. I still had 15 minutes took deep breath told
myself I have more than enough time. did it right this time, didn't play with it too much
coz didn't want to tear it in the last minute. still had 5 minutes left when I told them I'm
done. and thanked the nurse smile emoticon
went back started with my Complex, which is a hard task for me but I had lots of
practice. so many problems with Complex! one is that amalgamator is common and not
in your cubical, they say you can leave for amalgamator wearing your gloves n mask
and everything but each time I left I kept my amalgam capsule above my head so they
see I taking amalgam and don't write my name for infection control, you never know!
so be careful and clear! other problem was that the amalgam would set much faster
than before when I was practicing and I took my amalgam with me! so it was weird!
instead of 2 capsules I had to use 4! coz they ale became hard like stone after 5
minutes! so not everything is in your control be prepared, and know its not only you
everyone has the same problems. DONT FREAK OUT! its easier said than done.
regarding Infection control they were nice, really nice, they would walk around bur
never disturb you, they never came into our cubical. once I dropped my instrument
called one of the examiners he said ok, Im your nurse what would you ask me?
and I replied I'll ask you to change your gloves and pick it up.
He asked: but why change my gloves? my gloves are dirty and the instrument is dirty
I said: coz if your hands are bloody I don't watt you to get it on the floor. (he seemed
then he asked: ok I pick it up (and he picked it up) now what?
I said: id kindly ask you to take it to sterilization room and bring me a new one.
He asked: when do I change my gloves?
I said: after you put the instrument in the dirty zone in sterilization room.
He gave me the instrument and seemed happy.
that was the first day. Ill write regarding the second day soon. hope it helped.
Guys one last word, no matter what people say the exam will still come as a shock and
a huge stress while you are there, of course try your best to stay the calmest possible
but know its not only you its like that for every single person.
Best of luck.
Hope it helped.
Minoo Ghamari
February 12 2015
So Im gonna write my Clinical exam experience hoping it makes it easier for people
who are starting this journey. have not got the results yet but I guess this is the best
time to write without the results changing my judgment and thoughts.
First Advice: I had around 3.5 months to practice and I feel even though you never feel
100% ready it was good enough time. I bought all the materials and a home set up,
here I need to mention to you all try to find a semi-silent compressor I bought the one
from bunnings and just wasted my time, it makes a hell of a noise like the world has
came to an end and unless you can put it 40 meters away and it wont bother your
neighbors it doesn't do any good.
second advice : there are lots and loft of courses and classes, try to chose wisely and
be smart! some of them are very expensive but they worth it, some of them are as
expensive but very poor! one reason can be so many students who pass want to
conduct a course for others right away, even though its very nice to share your
experience and thoughts people who have been trained for few months or even a year
cannot be your only teachers. Some of them charge same amount or even more than a
specialist would charge you, and then they have been out of touch with dentistry for
years before they started studying for this exam! so don't just go and pay to anyone for
classes, choose wisely ask past students and their experience and feedback about
third: if you can afford it try to take a course in which you can meet other ppl like
yourself, don't think you can do it at home all these months. usually if you are alone
you will either over estimate yourself or lose hope, both are very bad for this exam
there are lots of famous courses people say different things about each of them. if you
cant afford a course try to find a study group and share your experiences otherwise you
feel left out. also get help, you need your work to be assessed by someone who has
done it for years- again I have to mention not someone who just passed the last exam!
no offense to all of us but even if you have 40 years of experience in your own country
you need to know how they assess works here, in Australia. so don't just waste your
time and money, ask past students see where they have trained and how they think
about it.
Forth: talk to people who have passed the exam and people who have failed! both can
give you pretty good advices, try to find as many students as possible to ask from.
I took Aider course. It was good ,different teachers different opinions great classmates
and friendly staff, but it is not a guarantee that if you go to a course thats it! you will
pass! at least 90% of the job is still up to yourself! no one cares about your future more
than you, so be a though teacher for yourself!
example: we were told by so many people that for X rays they never ask lower
and we never tried it! it came for this exam and now I regret listening to them! I don't
understand how someone can claim something will NEVER come to the exam, and be
hold responsible for it! but blaming others wont help anyone so assume all the
possibilities in the exam, because no one knows what might or might not come! not
teachers and definitely not past students!
Fifth: consider costs! you are gonna pay a lot of money by the time you finish your
exam so consider where you are going to and how much it is! example: a teacher with
less than 1 year experience of teaching is charging more than $100 per hour on the
tother hand another teacher with years of experience of teaching in one of the Unis in
Au is charging $80 per hour, which would you go to?
check these things before choosing who you shall go to! because some teachers are
genuine great demonstrators who think about you and you passing your exam first then
the money they are paying! some see you as a money making opportunity! the more
you need them and go to them the more they make! this is the ugly truth! some people
want to swim in others blood to make up for all the cost they had when they were
doing this exam!
Sixth : Materials! guys! buy the materials from the companies directly! there are lots
and lots of companies who sell to students! AMALGADENT, ADAM DENTAL ,ONe
DENTAL etc. what most of us do : first buy it of past students (which is fine even im
gonna sell my materials if I pass) then buy it off someone who is buying them from the
suppliers directly himself! and selling it more expensive to you! they only difference
between you and them is that they think better coz they are less stressed than you are!
you are buying one Xray film of them for $1 -$2 ? buy a pack o 100 and share it with
one of your friends it will be 20 cents! and this goes for all the material I realized some
people are buying stuff from these companies that I mentioned and selling them 2 or 3
times more expensive! call the company they will usually send you the catalogue and
when you call and order you get your material by the next day usually! to your door!
Seventh: I also had some private couching, I went to Dr. Raman Oberio twice. She is a
prosthodontist and a teacher in Melb Uni, I learned how to do PFM and full gold crowns
like I have never known, she definitely turned on a light in my head! then I also went to
her for assessment and restoratives and I have to say not only she is a great teacher
but also she became a very good friend supporting me trough my exam till the very last
minute! I mention her email here if anyone wants to contact her.
I will write more soon and let you know about the exam experience I had and what
other courses I think are good. There are lots of people who helped me in my journey
hope I could have helped someone with this comment today.
best of luck