Deck Opt C16

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1. There has been an accident on board. Urgent medical advice is needed. The call is preceded
A. safety s gnal
B. urgency s gnal
C. Don't know
D. emergency signal

2. Which o the fo lowing should NOT be a reatment or a person who has rece ved a head njury
and is groggy or unconscious?
A. Treat or shock.
B. Elevate his head.
C. Give a st mulant.
D. Stop severe bleeding.

3. Another name for pain rel ever is

A. depressant
B. tranqu izer
C. hypnotic
D. ana gesic

4. What is considered a Ser ous Marine Incident?

A. ground ng of a vesse on a sandbar that does no
result in njur es and/or any
damage to the vessel
B. an njury to a crewmember, passenger, or o her person which requ res
professional medical trea ment beyond f rst a d
C. a co is on that results n $500 damage to a boat dock
D. None of he s a ed opt ons

5. Universal ant dote is used to neutral ze a sick person w th:

A. Hemorrhage
B. D arrhea
C. C ean wounds
D. Poison

6. There has been an accident on board. Urgent medical advice is needed. The call is preceded
A. MAYDAY (3x)
C. PAN PAN (3x)
D. Don't know

7. If a person is in a state of shock, what of the following is the correct thing of you to do?
A. Move the casualty as much as possible.
B. Be kind to the casualty and give anything to eat or drink at first opportunity.
C. Treat and reassure the casualty and stay with the person at all times.
D. Apply hot-water bottles to keep the patient warm.
8. When a person is suspected of having appendicitis, the pain should be relieved by:
A. Giving the patient morphine sulfate.
B. Giving the patient laxative.
C. Keep ng an ice bag over the ocation o the appendix.
D. Giving the patient aspirin w th a glass o water.
9. is the proper stimulant for an unconscious person?
A. tiger balm
B. dextran
C. Ammonia
D. water

10. A person suffering from possible broken bones and internal injuries shou d
A. be assisted in walk ng around
B. be examined then walked to a bunk
C. not be a owed to lie down where n ured but moved to a chair or bunk
D. not be moved but made comfortable until medical assistance arrives

11. A man has suffered a burn on the arm. There is extensive damage to the skin with charring
present. How is this injury classified using standard medical terminology?
A. Dermal burn
B. Major burn
C. Lethal burn
D. Third-degree burn

12. You receive a medical message that contains the code MSJ. This means " ."
A. The wound should not be stitched
B. Place patient in hot bath
C. The wound should be stitched
D. You should pass a stomach tube

13. Appendicitis symptoms include cramps or pain in the abdomen located in the
A. lower left side
B. upper right side
C. lower right side
D. upper left side

14. What is not a treatment for traumatic shock?

A. Have the injured person lie down.
B. Keep the patient warm but not hot.
C. Relieve the pain of the injury.
D. Massage the arms and legs to restore circulation.

15. You are treating a shipmate with a compound fracture of the lower arm. Which action should
you take?
A. Apply a tourniquet to control bleeding then align the bones and splint.
B. Apply traction to the hand to keep the bones in line, splint, and apply a
pressure dressing.
C. Force the ends of the bones back into line, treat the bleeding, and splint.
D. Apply a bulky, sterile, pressure dressing to control bleeding, then apply a
temporary splint, and obtain medical advice.

16. On board an accident happened. Urgent radio-medical advice is needed. We choose the
A. Safety
B. Routine
C. Urgency
D. Don't know

17. Narcotics is given to a patient when:

A. He is groggy
B. Unconscious
C. In great pain
D. Intoxicated
18. Stimulant is given to a peson who is .
A. intoxicated
B. poisoned
C. none of these
D. fainting

19. If one requires medical advice by means of an Inmarsat-C terminal one should use the
following address
A. Radiomedical
B. MED +
C. 32
D. Don't know

20. One of the sailors needs urgent medical assistance. The VHF-call starts with
A. PAN PAN (3x)
B. MAYDAY (3x)
C. Don't know
D. SOS (3x)

21. While operating off the coast of Greece, a seaman is injured. What indicator should be in the
preamble of a radio telegram asking for medical advice from a Greek station?
A. Radio medical
B. Medico ellas
C. Mayday
D. DH medico

22. What is the purpose of a Medico Message?

A. Calling the health department in the next port of call and ask for free radio
B. Call a hospital for professional medical assistance by radio when needed.
C. Medico is the certificate which permit the Master to be doctor onboard.
D. Giving a regular statement of the health of the vessel's crew.

23. While operating off Panama, a seaman is injured. What indicator should be included in the
preamble of a telegram requesting a medical advice from a Panamanian station?
A. DH medico
B. Med rad
D. Radio medical

24. An oiler was badly burned and you are communicating with a passenger sh p that has a doctor
and hosp tal on board. You want to rendezvous in a certain position so the o er can be
evacuated for medica treatment. Which code shou d your message conta n?

25. Crew has suffered a burn on the arm. There is a reddening of the skin but no other apparent
damage. This is an example of .
A. Minor burn
B. extremity burn
C. first degree burn
D. None of the stated options

26. After a person has been revived by artificial respiration, they should be
A. walked around until he is back to normal
B. given several shots of whiskey
C. kept lying down and warm
D. asked about the circumstances of the accident
27. In treating a person for extensive first or second degree thermal burns it is important to prevent
or reduce .
A. disfigurement
B. infection
C. pain
D. asphyxia

28. The treatment that is NOT for traumatic shock is

A. Have the injured person lie down
B. Massage the arms and legs to restore circulation
C. Relieve the pain of the injury
D. None of the stated options

29. The FIRST action in the treatment of a person suspected of having airway burns is to

A. move him to a cool location

B. confirm and maintain an open airway
C. apply cool damp dressing to his neck
D. have him drink cool liquids

30. A patient suffering from heat exhaustion should first be .

A. given mild seawater solution to drink to replace salt and fluids
B. kept standing and encouraged to walk slowly and continuously
C. given a glass of water and told to return to work after 15 minutes of rest
D. moved to a cool room and told to lie down

31. A person who gets battery acid in an eye should IMMEDIATELY wash the eye with

A. boric acid solution

B. water
C. baking soda solution
D. ammonia

32. What is the cause of heat exhaustion?

A. by excessive loss of body temperature
B. by excessive loss of water and salt from the body
C. by excessive gain in body temperature
D. None of the stated options

33. Proper effective warming treatment for a crew member suffering from hypothermia is
A. running or jumping to create heat
B. a warm water bath
C. mouth to mouth resuscitation
D. None of the stated options

34. To reduce mild fever the MOST useful drug is .

A. bicarbonate of soda
B. paregoric
C. aspirin
D. aromatic sprits of ammonia

35. What is the major cause of shock in burn victims?

A. increase in body temperature and pulse rate
B. massive loss of fluid through the burned area
C. all of these
D. None of the stated options
36. A rescuer can most easily determine whether or not an adult victim has a pulse by checking
the pulse at the .
A. carotid artery in the neck
B. femoral artery in the groin
C. brachial artery in the arm
D. radial artery in the wrist

37. Changing rescuers wh le carrying out artif cial resp ration shou d be done
A. at en minute ntervals
B. by no stopp ng the respiration or more than five minutes
C. only with the help of two o her peop e
D. without osing the rhythm of resp ration

38. When a rescuer discovers a burn victim in the vicinity of electrical equipment or wiring, his first
step is to .
A. remove the person from the vicinity of the electrical equipment or wiring
B. shutdown electrical power in the area
C. flush water over any burned area of the victim
D. apply ointment to the burned area of the victim

39. Which procedure should NOT be done for a person whom has fainted?
A. Revive the person with smelling salts.
B. Loosen the clothing.
C. Lay the person horizontally.
D. Give pain reliever.

40. When administering artificial respiration, it is of the utmost importance to

A. use the mouth-to-mouth method
B. clear airways
C. use rhythmic pressure method
D. know all approved methods

41. Better treatment of frostbite is to:

A. rub with ice or snow
B. wrap tightly in warm cloths
C. warm exposed parts rapidly
D. None of the stated options

42. Heat exhaustion is caused by excessive

A. loss of body temperature
B. loss of water and salt from the body
C. gain in body temperature
D. intake of water when working or exercising

43. A man has suffered a burn on the arm. There is extensive damage to the skin with charring
present. How is this injudry classified using standard medical terminology?
A. Dermal burn
B. Third degree burn
C. Major burn
D. Lethan burn

44. For a victim who is coughing and gagging, as a result of a partial obstruction of the airway by
a foreign body, a potential rescuer should .
A. immediately give four abdominal thrusts
B. wait for the victim to become unconscious then give four back blows followed
by four abdominal thrusts
C. encourage the victim to continue coughing. If the victim is unable to expel the
object, arrange for prompt transport to an appropriate medical facility
D. bend the victim over and give back blows
45. The most essential element in the administration of CPR is
A. to have the proper equipment for the process
B. the speed of treatment
C. the administration of oxygen
D. the treatment for traumatic shock

46. The most effective warming treatment for a crew member suffering from hypothermia is

A. running or jumping to create heat

B. lying in the sun
C. a warm water bath
D. laying prone under heat lamps to rewarm rapidly

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