Toaz - Info en PR
Toaz - Info en PR
Toaz - Info en PR
Issue 1 en
Work description
© Scania CV AB 1995-10
1 585 447
This work description covers the ELC control unit:
Scania part No. 1 374 464
Fault diagnosis
System faults
If the control unit detects a fault, a warning is
provided by the system fault lamp.
Fault are divided into two groups, serious and
other faults.
Serious faults
In the case of serious faults, the system fault
lamp flashes and a fault code is generated. System fault lamp
Serious faults are divided into two categories.
Serious faults, category 1:
- ROM malfunction. Fault code generated. Other faults
In the case of less serious faults, the system
- RAM malfunction. Fault code generated. fault lamp lights continuously.
Level control ceases and drive levels are
The following is considered as a less serious
locked. If any of these faults arises, try switch-
ing the power off and then on. If the lamp does
not stop flashing, the control unit must be - Faulty control feature. Control unit is unable
changed. to lower/raise the chassis to desired level.
Fault code generated.
Serious faults, category 2:
- Faults in wiring to level sensors and solenoid
valves (short/break). Fault code generated.
- Faults in level sensors and solenoid valves
(short circuit/break). Fault code generated.
- Incorrect parameters. Fault code generated.
- Incorrect calibration values. Fault code gen-
Level control ceases and drive levels are
locked. It may be possible to adjust chassis
level manually using the control box. Try
switching the power off and then on.
If the fault is due to defective contacts and cor-
rects itself, the control unit will return to nor-
mal level control. The fault code is stored in
the control unit.
Diagnostic feature
Fault codes are read using flashing codes on the
diagnostic lamp on the instrument panel.
1 Press the diagnostic switch beside the diag-
nostic lamp for at least 2 seconds.
2 The switch is released and the first fault
code is flashed.
3 The flashing code consists of tens and units.
Tens are flashed out first. The flashing sig- 1 2
nal for tens consists of slow flashes 10, 20,
30 etc.
Units are flashed out after the tens. The
flashing signal for units consists of quick
flashes 1, 2, 3, 4 etc.
4 The flashing signal is added up to a fault
code, which can be read on the fault code
list. ED C
5 If the diagnostic switch is again depressed
the next fault code is flashed out.
6 If you wish to read the first flashing code 1 Diagnostic switch
again, switch the power off and then on and 2 Diagnostic lamp
start again from the beginning.
No system faults
If there are no faults in the system, no flash-
ing codes can be read.
0 2 4 6 [s]
Fault codes
Fault code 02
Fault: Calibration fault in control unit.
Fault code 10 or 11 Fault: Break or short circuit in level sensor on driving axle.
Fault code 12 Fault: Break or short circuit in level sensor on front axle.
4x2B only
Fault code 14 or 15 Fault: Break or short circuit in level sensor on driving axle.
Fault code 16 Fault: Short circuit to earth in level sensor on front axle.
4x2B only.
Fault code 21 or 22
Fault: Loss of function, raising/lowering driving axle.
Action: Check air pressure. Check that air is reaching the bel-
lows, look for leakage, blocked air lines and seizing valves.
Check that the sensor link and lever have not been bent or
become detached.
Action: Check air pressure. Check that air is reaching the bel-
lows, look for leakage, blocked air lines and seizing valves.
Check that the sensor link and lever have not been bent or
become detached.
Cause: The rear level sensor has, for 30 seconds, been provid-
ing a level signal which is higher than that level to which the
control unit is attempting to adjust the vehicle.
Action: Look for blocked air lines. Check if the sensor link or
lever has become bent or detached. Check if the valve is seiz-
ing in raising position. Check that there is nothing mechanical
preventing lowering.
Action: Look for blocked air lines. Check if the sensor link or
lever has become bent or detached. Check if the valve is seiz-
ing in raising position. Check that there is nothing mechanical
preventing lowering.
Level sensors
When changing level sensors, the rotating lever
Fig. 1 The front level sensor is located
bracket should be turned as illustrated in figures
on the crossmember under the gearbox.
3 and 4 so that the sensor works correctly.
The front axle lever bracket is turned as illus-
trated in figure 3.
The rear axle lever bracket is turned as illus-
trated in figure 4.
In addition, level calibration must be done in the
control unit. See ”Level calibration” on page 23.
Fault diagnosis
Level sensors are of inductive type.
During fault diagnosis it is not possible to
measure any change in resistance when the
sensor is actuated.
Sensor coil resistance will be constant irrespec-
tive of how the rotating bracket on the sensor is
Coil resistance is 120 ohm.
Fig. 2 The rear level sensor is located on
Incorrect coil resistance can be due to sensor the right-hand side of the frame above
damage or moisture in the sensor or sensor the drive axle.
switch. This will give incorrect driving level.
If the sensor lever or link has been bent or
detached, truck driving level will be incorrect.
Fig. 3 Fitting front axle level sensor. N.B. The raised lugs (1) on the rotating
bracket are turned up in order to achieve correct sensor operation.
Fig. 4 Fitting drive axle level sensor. N.B. The raised lugs (1) on the rotating
bracket are turned up in order to achieve correct sensor operation.
When the control unit is changed, the new con-
trol unit should be configured for the vehicle.
The control unit is supplied from Scania with
correct basic configuration.
During calibration, the control unit itself real-
izes the difference between vehicles with rear
air suspension 4x2A and full air suspension
When changing control units and level sensors,
level sensors should be calibrated for the new
control unit. See page 23.
Level calibration
When changing control unit and level sensors,
three levels should be calibrated in the control
Driving level- the level at which the vehicle is 1
normally driven.
Max. level- the highest level which can be per-
mitted. If the chassis is raised too far the bellows
or shock absorbers may be damaged.
Lower mechanical stop- when the frame bump
stop is resting against the axle. Fig. 1 Measuring calibration levels, front axle (1)
The heights given in the table below are meas-
ured as in fig 1 and fig 2.
Chassis height Driving level Max. level Lower mechanical
Normal 142 mm 262 mm (42) mm
Calibration contact G9 is used for level calibra-
tion. This is located under the central electric
1 Place chocks behind the wheels and release
the parking brake
2 Switch off the voltage using the starter
3 Earth calibration contact G9.
Calibration contact G9
4 Switch on starter voltage using the starter
5 ELC now checks its lamps on the instru- 13 Finally, calibrate the lower mechanical
ment panel. This takes about 2 seconds. stop. Lower the chassis until it is resting
Within 5 seconds of the check being com- on the bump stop. Check that movement is
pleted, earth connection to the calibration not limited by the bellows becoming crum-
contact must be interrupted. pled.
6 If the calibration request has been under- 14 Earth calibration switch G9.
stood by ELC, the control unit level fault
lamp will light. The lamp will be on during 15 Interrupt the earth connection from calibra-
the entire calibration process. If the lamp tion switch G9.
does not come on, repeat points 1-4. 16 If calibration has been successful the level
7 Drive level is calibrated first. Chassis fault lamp will go out. The system fault
drive level at front and rear is set using the lamp lights to confirm that calibration has
control box. been successful.
If calibration has failed the level fault lamp
lights. Repeat points 1-14
Compressed air
components V51 V53
5 Manifold fitting, 9.3 bar
6 Test connection
LC 8
1 V53 V51
23 22 11
LU 12
3 6 4 2
Skeleton diagram for compressed air 4x2A, rear air suspension with ELC
Compressed air
8 Extra air tanks
9 Overflow valve, 10 bar
10 From compressor, 12.2 bar
11 Test connection
3 1 4 2
LAL 8 LC 8
LAK 8 23 22 11
LAJ 8 LU 12
3 6 11 5 2
3 8 9 10 1 4 2
LAL 8 LC 8
LAK 8 23 22 11
LBY 12 LBX 12
LZJ 6 LBW 12
LE 8
3 6 7 11 5 2
Skeleton diagram for compressed air 4x2B, full air suspension with extra compressed air tanks
Wiring diagrams
Wiring diagrams
Component information
Component Description Circuit
C56 Connectors 31
C67 Splice 4x2A 46
Splice 4x2B 63
C78 Connector, 9 pin 20
C163 Connector, 9 pin 20
C268 Connector, 12 pin 38-72
E18 Control unit 1-75
G9-4 Cable for level calibration. White cable with green insulation marked G9 under the central electric unit. 28
Scania CV AB 1995