Group 4 - Flooding - Caribbean IA
Group 4 - Flooding - Caribbean IA
Group 4 - Flooding - Caribbean IA
Candidate Numbers:
Topic: The impact of flooding on residents in the Manzanilla/Mayaro area, Trinidad and
Table of Contents
Conclusion…………….. Page 16
Flooding has been proven to be one of the most dangerous natural disasters. It occurs
when excessive water collects in areas. The situation has been intensified by both natural and
human factors. The natural factors are prolonged rainfalls and rise in sea level due to climate
change while human factors are urbanisation, devastation of floodplains and wetlands by
man. Trinidad and Tobago has not been spared by flooding, which has impacted
infrastructure, agriculture, education and even sanitization. “Every year thousands of people
to day lives continue to be severely affected. Hence, this study will examine and discuss the
Problem Statement
and Tobago.
Purpose of Research
and Tobago.
Research Questions
2) What are the hazards and risks of flooding that residents of Manzanilla/Mayaro are
faced with ?
Educational value
The concluding results of this study will benefit the residents of Manzanilla/Mayaro and the
Member of Parliament for that constituency. The residents will have a clearer understanding
about the causes of flooding in that area and measures that can be used to minimise the
problem. This research can assist the Ministry of Rural Development and Local Government
to understand what are some problems faced by the residents of that constituency and allow
them to develop ways in which they can assist them during flooding.
Technical terms
1. Flood- is a body of water which rises to overflow land, which is not normally
2. Preparedness -The knowledge developed by individuals to effectively anticipate and
A Flood is a body of water which rises to overflow land, which is not normally submerged.
Ward, R.C.(1978).Trinidad and Tobago always had instances of severe floods, however
recently it has become much more serious with longer lasting consequences for citizens.
Sholihah et al (2020) analysed the causes of flooding and its impacts on the environment.
Flooding can occur because of prolonged rainfall and the torrents of water from higher areas.
The main factors are natural conditions and phenomena like rainfall and the topography of an
area( para14). The article goes on to mention that the cause of the flood was due to erosion
and sedimentation, slums along rivers and improper flood control systems (para15).
Additionally, human activity such as pollution and urbanisation is a major cause of flooding.
Urbanisation is where spaces that should not be utilised, are utilised. The reduced open green
spaces in cities, the amount of infiltration in the city regions then decreases, therefore
resulting in increased surface flow velocity and discharge. When heavy rains fall for a long
time, most of the rainwater will flow over the soil or land surface with great velocity and
Awopetu et al (2013) examined a study on the impact of flooding on the socio- economic
status of the residents of Wadata and Gado-Villaa communities in Nigeria (para 1). The
study was conducted among five hundred and two (502) displaced residents consisting of
males and females. The results showed that health and sanitation were a huge problem due
to the fact that many people didn’t have time to take up their belongings when the flood
occurred(para 12). Women and children were greatly affected rather than men as the men
took baths outside. (para.12). Moreover, the age group of (26-40 years ) was generally
affected by the floods which affected the productive age of the economy. (para 13).
Additionally, 48% of the residents had direct and indirect damage to their infrastructure
resulting in their home collapsing (para 15). Similarly, this study aims to investigate all the
struggle even though the flood waters are gone. This study indicates that flood victims’
quality of life declines due to development of asthma and in general poor health due to mould
or mildew growth. It continued to state that persons who have experienced flooding show
signs of psychological problems such as stress, anxiety and depression. Furthermore, the
need for mental health services for flood victims is still prevalent in most affected countries
Mohamed Yusoff et,al (2018) explores measures that are used to manage flooding in
Malaysia by the National Security Council Directive. These guidelines and policies include
prevention, preparedness, response and recovery (para 10). The study indicated that flood
prevention is used to reduce the impact of the flooding which can be seen in two forms,
the dams, canals, seawalls, revetments, levees and embankments (para 11). Additionally, non
structural measures involve pre-disaster planning and regulation of human activities in order
to reduce the damage of properties and flood warning and forecasting systems (para 12).
Flood preparedness is an early flood warning system which involves the process of providing
relevant flood information to the public (para 13). The study concluded that an effective
preparedness requires the relevant authorities to have sufficient data and knowledge on
previous floods and the ability to anticipate the impending flood. Mohamed Yusoff et,al
(2018) stated that flooding response focuses on the emergency action that will take place
during the flood. It can be argued that during the flood communication can be affected as
well as medical supplies. Flood recovery, focus on the relief and rehabilitation support to the
flood victims which include both material and moral supports (para 15). Moreover, the study
pointed out that it is not only the responsibility of the government but required the assistance
Conclusively, it has been discovered that if these steps are undertaken by residents who are
twenty-six open ended and closed ended questions which were distributed via a random
sampling to the population of the Mayaro/Manzanilla area. Recently, this area has been
adversely affected by trenchous flood waters during the rainy season of May to December
hence, making them a valuable sample. The questionnaire was distributed via a google form
to residents of Mayaro and Manzanilla on 3/01/23. This method of data collection was
chosen as it allowed rapid data collection, negligible cost and easy distribution. The data will
The secondary sources selected were in the form of research articles as well as local notices.
Sholihah et al (2020) outlined that the weather patterns, geographical area and human activity
such as urbanisation and pollution are the main causes of pollution. Awopetu et al (2013)
and Akpinar-Elci, Muge, et al(2018) assessed the impact flooding has on residents whether it
completion of the Literature Review and assisted in the development of the research
This map displays the areas in which respondents are located. It is observed that they are
Figure 2: bubble chart showing percentage of what residents consider to be the
In this bubble chart, it is seen that 43.9% of the population selected poor drainage as the
cause of floods in November 2022, whereas 18.7% selected heavy rainfall as the cause
of floods. Another 18.7% selected pollution as the cause of floods and finally the
Figure 3 : represent a bar graph on the impact of the flood in November 2022
According to the bar graph above, 17.6% experienced no extensive damages. 17.6%
selected 2 on the scale of the damages sustained by the floods, 35.3% selected 3 as the
rating of how extensive the damages they sustained were. 5.9% chose 4 to determine
the extent of their damages. Lastly, 23.5% selected 5 to indicate the extent of damages
Figure 4 : a line graph displaying estimated cost of damages due to flooding in
The mind map above displays persons’ responses when asked how they felt
Figure 6: 3D pie chart showing who residents think should be responsible for
According to the above pie chart, 40% of the respondents believe that the government
(improper planning and infrastructure) should be held resp9nsible for floods in their
area. 35% selected citizens (polluting waterways) for who they think should be held
According to the bubble chart above, 41% responded with proper infrastructure/damage when
asked what measures they would like to see implemented to reduce flooding. 25% responded
with cleaning/banking rivers, where as 17.4% with proper maintenance and 16.6% with
Figure 1 displays a dot map of Trinidad. This indicates red dots which represent the location
of each respondent. The respondents are all located within the Manzanilla/Mayaro area,
Secondly, Figure 2 is a bubble chart which displays the percentage of residents who stated
their opinion on the main causes of flooding in that region. The majority of residents (43.9%)
stated that improper drainage was the main cause of flooding while the remainder of residents
evenly attributed heavy rainfall, the overflowing of the river and pollution to the flooding in
Mayaro/ Manzanilla.
Figure 3 shows a bar graph highlighting the extent of damages succumbed by residents by the
flood in November 2022. Of the 17 participants who were affected, 23.5% were affected very
badly. This data obtained corresponds to figure 4 which is a line graph of the cost of repairs
after the flood, emphasising the severity of damage residents endured. Persons shared that the
Furthermore, Figure 5 is a mind map which displays the emotional reaction of residents after
the flood. Many felt devastation, sadness, and anxiety just to name a few.
Additionally, when questioned about who the residents felt is responsible for the flooding,
Figure 6 highlights that 40% of the respondents felt that the government is accountable due
the lack of infrastructure and improper planning. Furthermore, 35% indicated that the
citizens should accept some responsibility since they themselves contribute to pollution,
Finally, in Figure 7, residents stated which measures they would like to see implemented to
alleviate flooding in the area. Most residents (41%) called for proper infrastructure (drainage)
to be installed. 25% of residents stated cleaning/ banking the rivers would alleviate flooding.
This study displayed that respondents were well aware of the causes of flooding.Both this
study as well as Sholihah et al (2020) agreed that climate change(18.7 %) was a major cause
of flooding, however, the poor drainage system (43.9%) in the area also added to the
overflow of water. The contrasting finds may be due to the fact that the area chosen is
situated on the coastline (figure 1) which has a known history of high tides. However, this
does not account for the fact that pollution (18.7%) was another reason for flooding. The
Ortoire river is the widest and deepest in the nation making it the prime waterways which
contributed to flooding in the manzanilla/mayaro. The link between pollution and drainage
can be sustained as the respondents expressed that littering and clogging of drains have added
to flooding.
The primary data found that the residents suffered from property damage (93.8%) , loss of
appliances(93.8%), loss of income and inability to attend school (14.2%) due to the flooding.
This was also similar to the secondary data, Awopetu et al (2013), where the 48% residents
of Nigeria underwent damage to infrastructure and the productive working age could not
fulfil their duties. Subsequently, the predominance of residents' estimated cost of property
damage was $60,000(figure 5) and rated the intensity of the damage as 3in the bar graph
(figure. Moreover, the psychological impacts of the flooding were anxiety, stress and
that feeling depressed and stressed were caused during and after the flooding. It can be
withdrawn that the cost of repairs as well as destruction of homes can advance these feelings.
The residents that are affected by the devastating floods suffer from mental and psychological
issues after the flood. Most persons affected mentally and psychologically can get help
through friends and family. A multi-sector approach that can involve all the communities and
organisations can be a way to promote wellbeing and recovery for a person suffering with
these issues caused by the devastating flooding. Another way for these flood victims to cope
would be the use of crisis counselling. This kind of counselling is where the therapists can sit
and listen to the victims talk about the stresses and depression that comes with being affected
by floods. According to figure 5, the mind map shows the different emotions persons affected
by. Some felt exhausted and drained, sad, overwhelmed and stressed. All of these feelings if
kept bottled up by these persons can lead to different mental health issues and psychological
In conclusion this data shows the necessity for more research as it proves that persons in
Mayaro/Manzanilla are experiencing flooding and there are physical and psychological
impacts. 76.5% of the persons that responded to the questionnaire indicated that they have
experienced flooding on their property and 75.1% have experienced flooding 2 or more times
for the rainy season with damages up to $60,000. Thus further research is needed to find
offered to the residents that experienced flooding as data found psychological impacts of the
This study investigated the impacts of flooding on the residents of the Manzanilla/Mayaro
area. It has been concluded that the residents of the Manzanilla/Mayaro experience
Additionally, urbanisation contrasted greatly in this study as it is not the cause of flooding
this area. Respondents indicated that poor drainage is the major contributor to flooding.
The investigation sample size was small and the finding that is presented cannot be
generalised to all the residents who may experience flooding in the Manzanilla/ Mayaro area.
The reliability of the answers given by the respondents can be questioned. Since the level of
honesty could not be measured due sensitivity of particular questions such as coping
mechanisms during the flooding.. Furthermore, there was a lack of respondents via email,
The Ministry of Rural Development as well as Works and Transport can use this study to
reinforce measures that can be used to manage flooding in the Manzanilla/ Mayaro area.
Although flood management is not only a government responsibility, residents can establish
community agencies that can work with the Local Government to focus on relief and
rehabilitation. These activities will consist of cleaning of drains to allow for better drainage
which will reduce the levels of flood experienced. Enforcing a “no pollution” policy will also
While there may not be documentation to support mental health, it has impacted on the
resident mental state of mind during the flooding. Local leaders should integrate coping
measures to safeguard and improve the quality of life among those affected.
Akpinar-Elci, M., Rose, S., & Kekeh, M. (2018). Well-being and Mental Health Impact of
Household Flooding in Guyana, the Caribbean. Marine Technology Society Journal, 52(2),
Awopetu, R. G., Awopetu, S. O., & Awopetu, M. S. (2013). The impact of flood on the
metropolitan area of Benue State, Nigeria. WIT Transactions on the Built Environment.
Mohamad Yusoff, I., Ramli, A., Mhd Alkasirah, N. A., & Mohd Nasir, N. (2018). Exploring
the managing of flood disaster: A Malaysian perspective. Malaysian Journal of Society and
Sholihah, Q., Kuncoro, W., Wahyuni, S., Puni Suwandi, S., & Dwi Feditasari, E. (2020). The
analysis of the causes of flood disasters and their impacts in the perspective of environmental
law. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 437(1), 012056.
World Bank Group. 2014. Turn Down the Heat : Confronting the New Climate Normal.
Appendix A: Questionnaire
Good day! We are Form six (6) students of St. Joseph’s Convent San Fernando, currently
conducting research for our Caribbean Studies Internal Assessment. The purpose of this
residence in Mayaro/ Manzanilla. The questionnaire consists of twenty (27) open and closed
questions. Answers to all questions and complete honesty are mandatory. We intend to keep
● Under 18
● 18-25
● 26-35
● 36-45
● 46-55
● 56-65
● Over 65
● Male
● Female
● Other
3. Where in Manzanilla/Mayaro is your home located?
● Yes
● No
● 5 to 10 years
● 10 to 15 years
● 15 to 20 years
6. During the X years of living at this location, has there been any historic flooding on
your property/workplace?
● Yes
● No
During the rainy season how often did you experience flooding?
● once
● Twice
● Three times
● Yes
● No
● Yes
● No
● Yes
● No
12. State the type or types of waterways. Give names if possible, please.
● Yes
● No
14. What are some impacts of flooding in your home? (Choose your answer or answers)
● Property/infrastructure damage
● Lost/Damaged appliances
● Loss of Income
● Yes
● No
16. On a scale of 0-5 how extensive are the damages.
● 0- None
● 1- Very little
● 2- Little
● 3- Moderate
● 4- Bad
● 5- Very bad
● A few hours
● A day
● 2 days
19. Have you taken precautions to prevent the effects of flooding at your residence?
● Yes
● No
20. What have you done or are doing to prevent flooding in your workplace ?
21. Do you think more can be done by the government to alleviate the risk of flooding in
Manzanilla/ Mayaro?
● Yes
● No
22. Can you give examples of some of your coping strategies during the flood?
23. How did you feel emotionally after the flooding in November 2022?
24. Have you received any assistance during or after the flood?
● Yes
● No
25. If yes, please state what kind of assistance was provided and by whom.
26. Do you think more can be done by the government to alleviate the risk of flooding in
Manzanilla/ Mayaro?
● Yes
● No
27. If yes, please state what measures you would like to see implemented.
Appendix B: Images