EMT Competency
EMT Competency
EMT Competency
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Foreward………………………………………………………..….Page 3
Scoring………………………………………………………….….Page 4
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To qualify and get your EMS national certification, you must pass both the cognitive
exam AND the psychomotor exam. The psychomotor exam is administered by your
State EMS Office and follows the National Registry Psychomotor testing guidelines,
Before signing up for the exam, review the following skills testing forms as preparation
for the skills exam.
Below are PDF documents from the National Registry website, giving a comprehensive
checklist of each skill presented. Please note that “the following performance checklists
are a guide for the verification of required skills.
website: https://www.nremt.org/rwd/public/document/psychomotor-exam)
This workbook is made available to you well in advance of testing to allow for adequate
review and practice.
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(510) 452.1100 – www.project heartbeat.com – info@projectheartbeat.com
The purpose of a scoring checklist is to ensure that:
Scoring is accomplished by an evaluator approved by the local EMSA and will observe
the candidate’s performance. The evaluator will follow the checklist and will grade the
candidate’s performance as follows:
1. Each Station has 2 criteria for evaluation. Candidates must successfully meet
both criteria in order to successfully complete a station. The criteria are as
Project Heartbeat, LLC - 333 Hegenberger Rd, Suite 855 – Oakland, CA 94621 4
(510) 452.1100 – www.project heartbeat.com – info@projectheartbeat.com
Section 1:
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(510) 452.1100 – www.project heartbeat.com – info@projectheartbeat.com
Individuals applying for the Emergency Medical Technician national certification must meet the
following requirements:
Application Process
o change in mailing address (the best way to update a mailing address is by editing the user
profile page)
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(510) 452.1100 – www.project heartbeat.com – info@projectheartbeat.com
o any criminal conviction.
o disciplinary action taken by any state has resulted in suspension, revocation, or expiration of
state registration/licensure; termination of right to practice; voluntary surrender of state
registration/licensure while under investigation.
The National Registry considers the individual to be solely responsible for their certification.
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(510) 452.1100 – www.project heartbeat.com – info@projectheartbeat.com
Cognitive Exam Retest Information
If a candidate is not successful in passing the cognitive exam, the National Registry will provide a
candidate feedback on their performance. Candidates may apply to retest 15 days after the last
Candidates are given a total of six opportunities to pass the EMT cognitive examination, provided all
other requirements for National EMS Certification are met. After three attempts, candidates must
submit official documentation verifying completion of remedial training. Remedial training must be
completed by a state approved instructor or an approved CAPCE course. After remedial training is
complete, the candidate is given three additional attempts to pass the EMT cognitive exam, provided
all other requirements for National Certification are met. Candidates who fail to pass after a total of
six attempts are required to repeat the entire EMT course.
Note: Some states require the traditional refresher course and will not accept continuing education
hours. Please refer to your state's particular requirements. A maximum number of 10 hours can be
applied from Distributive Education towards this section and must be state or CAPCE approved.
You must also successfully complete a state-approved Emergency Medical Technician (EMT)
psychomotor examination. Speak with your instructor or State EMS Office about the format and
logistics of completing a state-approved Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) psychomotor exam.
Emergency Medical Technician psychomotor examinations are not administered by the National
Registry. All EMT psychomotor exams are administered by either the State EMS Office or at the
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(510) 452.1100 – www.project heartbeat.com – info@projectheartbeat.com
training institution (with approval and oversight provided by the State EMS Office). EMT course
instructors should provide candidates information regarding this examination.
The following performance checklists are a guide for the verification of required skills. The State
EMS Office or training institution may use different forms.
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(510) 452.1100 – www.project heartbeat.com – info@projectheartbeat.com
Section 2:
EMT Scope of Practice
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Excerpt from Title 22, Division 9, Chapter 2 of the California Code of Regulations
(a) During training, while at the scene of an emergency, during transport of the sick
or injured, or during interfacility transfer, a certified EMT or supervised EMT student
is authorized to do any of the following:
(2) Render basic life support, rescue and emergency medical care to patients.
(3) Obtain diagnostic signs to include, but not be limited to, temperature, blood
pressure, pulse and respiration rates, pulse oximetry, level of consciousness and
pupil status.
(D) Basic oxygen delivery devices for supplemental oxygen therapy including, but
not limited to, humidifiers, partial rebreathers, and venturi masks; and
(E) Manual and mechanical ventilating devices designed for prehospital use
including continuous positive airway pressure.
(7) Use various types of stretchers and spinal motion restriction or immobilization
(8) Provide initial prehospital emergency care to patients, including, but not limited
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(510) 452.1100 – www.project heartbeat.com – info@projectheartbeat.com
(C) Spinal motion restriction or immobilization;
(L) Set up for ALS procedures, under the direction of an Advanced EMT or
(b) In addition to the activities authorized by subdivision (a) of this Section, the
medical director of the LEMSA may also establish policies and procedures to allow a
certified EMT or a supervised EMT student who is part of the organized EMS system
and in the prehospital setting and/or during interfacility transport to:
(1) Monitor intravenous lines delivering glucose solutions or isotonic balanced salt
solutions including Ringer's lactate for volume replacement. Monitor, maintain, and
adjust if necessary in order to maintain, a preset rate of flow and turn off the flow of
intravenous fluid;
(2) Transfer a patient, who is deemed appropriate for transfer by the transferring
physician, and who has nasogastric (NG) tubes, gastrostomy tubes, heparin locks,
foley catheters, tracheostomy tubes and/or indwelling vascular access lines,
excluding arterial lines;
(A) Aspirin.
(c) The scope of practice of an EMT shall not exceed those activities authorized in
this Section, Section 100064, and Section 100064.1.
(d) During a mutual aid response into another jurisdiction, an EMT may utilize the
scope of practice for which s/he is trained and authorized according to the policies
and procedures established by the LEMSA within the jurisdiction where the EMT is
employed as part of an organized EMS system.
Note: Authority cited: Sections 1797.107, 1797.109 and 1797.170, Health and Safety
Code. Reference: Sections 1797.8, 1797.170, 1797.197 and 1797.221, Health and Safety
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(510) 452.1100 – www.project heartbeat.com – info@projectheartbeat.com
Section 3:
Psychomotor Examination
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State of California
EMT Skills Competency Verification Form
EMSA – SCV (01/17)
See attached for instructions for completion
This section is to be filled out by the EMT whose skills are being verified:
I certify that I have performed the below listed skills before an approved verifier and have been found competent to perform
these skills in the field.
This section is to be filled out by an approved Verifier (see instructions for information on approved Verifiers).
By filling out this section the Verifier certifies that they have, through direct observation, verified that the above EMT is
competent in the skills below.
Skill Verified Verifiers Information
1. Trauma Assessment Name of Verifier: Date of Verification:
1. A completed EMT Skills Verification Form (EMSA-SCV 01/17) is required for those individuals who are
either renewing or reinstating their EMT certification. This verification form must accompany the
2. Verification of skills competency shall be accepted as valid to apply for EMT renewal or reinstatement
for a maximum of two (2) years from the date of skill verification.
3. The EMT that is being skills tested shall provide their complete name as shown on their California EMT
certification, the EMT certificate number and signature in the spaces provided.
4. Verification of Competency
Once skills competency has been demonstrated by direct observation of an actual or simulated patient
contact, i.e. skills station, the individual verifying competency shall:
a. Sign the EMT Skills Competency Verification Form for that skill.
b. Print their name on the EMT Skills Competency Verification Form for that skill.
c. Enter the date that the individual demonstrated the competency of the skill.
d. Provide the name of the organization that has approved them to verify skills.
e. Provide their certification or license type and number.
5. In order to be an approved skills verifier you must meet the following qualifications:
Candidate: Examiner:
Date: Signature:
Scenario #
Possible Points
Actual Time Started: __________ Note: Areas denoted by “**” may be integrated within sequence of Primary Survey/Resuscitation
Points Awarded
Takes or verbalizes appropriate PPE precautions 1
Determines the scene/situation is safe 1
Determines the mechanism of injury/nature of illness 1
Determines the number of patients 1
Requests additional EMS assistance if necessary 1
Considers stabilization of the spine 1
Verbalizes general impression of the patient 1
Determines responsiveness/level of consciousness 1
Determines chief complaint/apparent life-threats 1
Airway 2
-Opens and assesses airway (1 point) -Inserts adjunct as indicated (1 point)
-Assess breathing (1 point) -Assures adequate ventilation (1 point) 4
-Initiates appropriate oxygen therapy (1 point) -Manages any injury which may compromise breathing/ventilation (1 point)
-Checks pulse (1point)
-Assess skin [either skin color, temperature or condition] (1 point) 4
-Assesses for and controls major bleeding if present (1 point)
-Initiates shock management [positions patient properly, conserves body heat] (1 point)
Identifies patient priority and makes treatment/transport decision (based upon calculated GCS) 1
Obtains baseline vital signs [must include BP, P and R] (1 point) 1
Attempts to obtain SAMPLE history 1
-Inspects and palpates scalp and ears (1 point) ** -Assesses eyes (1 point) 3
- (1 point)mouth**, nose** and assesses facial area (1 point)
-Checks position of trachea (1 point) -Checks jugular veins (1 point) -Palpates cervical spine (1 point) 3
-Inspects chest (1 point) -Palpates chest (1 point) -Auscultates chest (1 point) 3
-Inspects and palpates abdomen (1 point) -Assesses pelvis (1 point) 3
-Verbalizes assessment of genitalia/perineum as needed (1 point)
Lower extremities**
-Inspects, palpates and assesses motor, sensory and distal circulatory functions (1 point/leg) 2
Upper extremities
-Inspects, palpates and assesses motor, sensory and distal circulatory functions (1 point/arm) 2
Posterior thorax, lumbar and buttocks**
-Inspects and palpates posterior thorax (1 point) -Inspects and palpates lumbar and buttocks areas (1 point) 2
Manages secondary injuries and wounds appropriately 1
Demonstrates how and when to reassess the patient 1
Actual Time Ended: ___________ TOTAL 42
____ Failure to initiate or call for transport of the patient within 10 minute time limit
____ Failure to take or verbalize appropriate PPE precautions
____ Failure to determine scene safety
____ Failure to assess for and provide spinal protection when indicated
____ Failure to voice and ultimately provide high concentration oxygen
____ Failure to assess/provide adequate ventilation
____ Failure to find or appropriately manage problems associated with airway, breathing, hemorrhage or shock
____ Failure to differentiate patient’s need for immediate transportation versus continued assessment/treatment at the scene
____ Performs other assessment before assessing/treating threats to airway, breathing and circulation
____ Failure to manage the patient as a competent EMT
____ Exhibits unacceptable affect with patient or other personnel
____ Uses or orders a dangerous or inappropriate intervention
You must factually document your rationale for checking any of the above critical items on the reverse side of this form.
Candidate: Examiner:
Date: Signature:
Scenario #
Possible Points
Actual Time Started: __________
Points Awarded
Takes or verbalizes appropriate PPE precautions 1
Determines the scene/situation is safe 1
Determines the mechanism of injury/nature of illness 1
Determines the number of patients 1
Requests additional EMS assistance if necessary 1
Considers stabilization of the spine 1
Verbalizes the general impression of the patient 1
Determines responsiveness/level of consciousness (AVPU) 1
Determines chief complaint/apparent life-threats 1
Assesses airway and breathing
-Assessment (1 point) -Assures adequate ventilation (1 point) -Initiates appropriate oxygen therapy (1 point) 3
Assesses circulation
-Assesses/controls major bleeding (1 point) -Checks pulse (1 point) 3
-Assesses skin [either skin color, temperature or condition] (1 point)
Identifies patient priority and makes treatment/transport decision 1
History of the present illness
-Onset (1 point) -Quality (1 point) -Severity (1 point)
-Provocation (1 point) -Radiation (1 point) -Time (1 point) 8
-Clarifying questions of associated signs and symptoms related to OPQRST (2 points)
Past medical history
-Allergies (1 point) -Past pertinent history (1 point) -Events leading to present illness (1 point) 5
-Medications (1 point) -Last oral intake (1 point)
Assesses affected body part/system
-Cardiovascular -Neurological -Integumentary -Reproductive 5
-Pulmonary -Musculoskeletal -GI/GU -Psychological/Social
-Blood pressure (1 point) -Pulse (1 point) -Respiratory rate and quality (1 point each) 4
States field impression of patient 1
Interventions [verbalizes proper interventions/treatment] 1
Demonstrates how and when to reassess the patient to determine changes in condition 1
Provides accurate verbal report to arriving EMS unit 1
Actual Time Ended: ___________ TOTAL 42
____ Failure to initiate or call for transport of the patient within 15 minute time limit
____ Failure to take or verbalize appropriate PPE precautions
____ Failure to determine scene safety before approaching patient
____ Failure to voice and ultimately provide appropriate oxygen therapy
____ Failure to assess/provide adequate ventilation
____ Failure to find or appropriately manage problems associated with airway, breathing, hemorrhage or shock
____ Failure to differentiate patient’s need for immediate transportation versus continued assessment or treatment at the scene
____ Performs secondary examination before assessing and treating threats to airway, breathing and circulation
____ Orders a dangerous or inappropriate intervention
____ Failure to provide accurate report to arriving EMS unit
____ Failure to manage the patient as a competent EMT
____ Exhibits unacceptable affect with patient or other personnel
____ Uses or orders a dangerous or inappropriate intervention
You must factually document your rationale for checking any of the above critical items on the reverse side of this form.
You must factually document your rationale for checking any of the above critical items on the reverse side of this form.
Possible Points
Actual Time Started: __________
Points Awarded
Takes or verbalizes appropriate PPE precautions 1
Gathers appropriate equipment 1
Cracks valve on the oxygen tank 1
Assembles the regulator to the oxygen tank 1
Opens the oxygen tank valve 1
Checks oxygen tank pressure 1
Checks for leaks 1
Attaches non-rebreather mask to correct port of regulator 1
Turns on oxygen flow to prefill reservoir bag 1
Adjusts regulator to assure oxygen flow rate of at least 10 L/minute 1
Attaches mask to patient’s face and adjusts to fit snugly 1
Actual Time Ended: ___________ TOTAL 11
____ Failure to take or verbalize appropriate PPE precautions
____ Failure to assemble the oxygen tank and regulator without leaks
____ Failure to prefill the reservoir bag
____ Failure to adjust the oxygen flow rate to the non-rebreather mask of at lease 10 L/minute
____ Failure to ensure a tight mask seal to patient’s face
____ Failure to manage the patient as a competent EMT
____ Exhibits unacceptable affect with patient or other personnel
____ Uses or orders a dangerous or inappropriate intervention
You must factually document your rationale for checking any of the above critical items on the reverse side of this form.
Candidate: Examiner:
Date: Signature:
Possible Points
Actual Time Started: __________ Points Awarded
Takes or verbalizes appropriate PPE precautions 1
Applies direct pressure to the wound 1
NOTE: The examiner must now inform candidate that the wound continues to bleed.
Applies tourniquet 1
NOTE: The examiner must now inform candidate that the patient is exhibiting signs and symptoms of hypoperfusion.
Properly positions the patient 1
Administers high concentration oxygen 1
Initiates steps to prevent heat loss from the patient 1
Indicates the need for immediate transportation 1
Actual Time Ended: ___________ TOTAL 7
____ Failure to take or verbalize appropriate PPE precautions
____ Failure to administer high concentration oxygen
____ Failure to control hemorrhage using correct procedures in a timely manner
____ Failure to indicate the need for immediate transportation
____ Failure to manage the patient as a competent EMT
____ Exhibits unacceptable affect with patient or other personnel
____ Uses or orders a dangerous or inappropriate intervention
You must factually document your rationale for checking any of the above critical items on the reverse side of this form.
Candidate: Examiner:
Date: Signature:
Possible Points
Actual Time Started: __________ Points Awarded
Critical Criteria
____ Failure to take or verbalize appropriate PPE precautions
____ Failure to check responsiveness, then check breathing and pulse simultaneously for no more than 10 seconds
____ Failure to immediately begin chest compressions as soon as pulselessness is confirmed
____ Failure to demonstrate acceptable high-quality, 1-rescuer adult CPR
____ Interrupts CPR for more than 10 seconds at any point
____ Failure to correctly attach the AED to the patient
____ Failure to operate the AED properly
____ Failure to deliver shock in a timely manner
____ Failure to ensure that all individuals are clear of patient during rhythm analysis and before delivering shock
[verbalizes “All clear” and observes]
____ Failure to immediately resume compressions after shock delivered
____ Failure to manage the patient as a competent EMT
____ Exhibits unacceptable affect with patient or other personnel
____ Uses or orders a dangerous or inappropriate intervention
You must factually document your rationale for checking any of the above critical items on the reverse side of this form.
Candidate: Examiner:
Date: Signature:
Possible Points
Actual Time Started: __________ Points Awarded
Takes or verbalizes appropriate PPE precautions 1
Directs application of manual stabilization of the injury 1
Assesses distal motor, sensory and circulatory functions in the injured extremity 1
NOTE: The examiner acknowledges, “Motor, sensory and circulatory functions are present and normal.”
Selects the proper splinting material 1
Immobilizes the site of the injury 1
Immobilizes the bone above the injury site 1
Immobilizes the bone below the injury site 1
Secures the entire injured extremity 1
Reassesses distal motor, sensory and circulatory functions in the injured extremity 1
NOTE: The examiner acknowledges, “Motor, sensory and circulatory functions are present and normal.”
Critical Criteria
____ Failure to immediately stabilize the extremity manually
____ Grossly moves the injured extremity
____ Failure to immobilize the bone above and below the injury site
____ Failure to reassess distal motor, sensory and circulatory functions in the injured extremity before and after splinting
____ Failure to manage the patient as a competent EMT
____ Exhibits unacceptable affect with patient or other personnel
____ Uses or orders a dangerous or inappropriate intervention
You must factually document your rationale for checking any of the above critical items on the reverse side of this form.
Candidate: Examiner:
Date: Signature:
Possible Points
Actual Time Started: Points Awarded
Takes or verbalizes appropriate PPE precautions 1
Directs application of manual stabilization of the injury 1
Assesses distal motor, sensory and circulatory functions in the injured extremity 1
NOTE: The examiner acknowledges, “Motor, sensory and circulatory functions are present and normal.”
Measures the splint 1
Applies the splint 1
Immobilizes the joint above the injury site 1
Immobilizes the joint below the injury site 1
Secures the entire injured extremity 1
Immobilizes the hand/foot in the position of function 1
Reassesses distal motor, sensory and circulatory functions in the injured extremity 1
NOTE: The examiner acknowledges, “Motor, sensory and circulatory functions are present and normal.”
Critical Criteria
____ Failure to immediately stabilize the extremity manually
____ Grossly moves the injured extremity
____ Failure to immobilize the joint above and the joint below the injury site
____ Failure to immobilize the hand or foot in a position of function
____ Failure to reassess distal motor, sensory and circulatory functions in the injured extremity before and after splinting
____ Failure to manage the patient as a competent EMT
____ Exhibits unacceptable affect with patient or other personnel
____ Uses or orders a dangerous or inappropriate intervention
You must factually document your rationale for checking any of the above critical items on the reverse side of this form.
DATE: _________________________________________________________________
Competency Statement: All approved First Responder personnel will understand how to administer
Naloxone Intranasal.
Read Naloxone education materials. Review instructor led materials. Review video
1. After reading each of the skill checklist items, make a check mark either in the Met or No Met
2. When checking the "Met" column, this will signify that learning has been accomplished or
"Met" in this particular skill on the checklist.
3. Before making "Not Met", ask for instructions or any clarification that may be needed.
4. You may make a copy of the skills checklist for any review that you want to do in the future.
1 Intranasal (IN) Naloxone 2mg delivered by an intranasal Mucosal Atomized
Device is used in reserve the affects of opioid overdose.
2 Opioid overdose is potentially lethal condition that results in
accidental/intentional excessive use of narcotics with decreased level of
consciousness, pinpoint pupils, slow heart rate, slow breathing that can
sometimes stop, may have blue lips and nails from insufficient oxygen in the
blood, may have seizure, and may have muscle spasms. A person
experiencing an opiate overdose usually will not wake up even if their name
is called or if shaken.
3 Intranasal (IN) Naloxone 2mg delivered by an intranasal Mucosal Device
should only be used in adults and children (5 years or older 20kg/40lbs) in
4 Intranasal Mucosal Atomization device is a nasal device, a Naloxone filled
luer lock syringe can be attached to deliver Naloxone intranasally.
Project Heartbeat LLC | 333 Hegenberger Rd, Suite 855 Oakland, CA 94621
| (510)452-1100 Main (510)452-1110 Fax
| www.projectheartbeat.com
5 Naloxone 2mg filled luer lock syringes are filled with 2mg Naloxone
6 Emergency treatment for opioid overdose.
7 Blood born pathogen protection, scene safety, and be prepared to start CPR
and assist respirations if needed.
8 If a patient is experiencing the signs and symptoms of opioid overdose use
intranasal (IN) Naloxone 2mg to reverse the affects of opioid overdose.
9 Directions for using Naloxone 2mg intranasal mucosal atomization device.
10 Obtain Opioid Overdose Kit from ambulance.
11 Inspect Naloxone 2mg prefilled luer lock syringes for clarity and expiration
dates (5 syringes total of 10mg) and 1 Intranasal Mucosal Atomization
12 Twist Naloxone 2mg prefiled luer lock syringe onto Intransal Mucosal
Atomization Device.
13 Using your free hand to hold the back of the head for stability, place the tip
of the Intranasal Device snugly into nostril aiming slightly up and outward
(toward top of ear.)
14 Briskly compress the syringe plunger to deliver half (1mg) of the medication
into the nostril.
15 Move the device over to the opposite nostril and administer the remaining
medication (1mg) in the nostril aiming toward the top of the ear.
16 Repeat dosing every 5 minutes (1mg) each nostril if needed. Up to total of
17 If patient responds position patient in recovery position on their side (if
possible) to assist in independent breathing.
18 Transport to hospital with high dose oxygen, be prepared to repeat Naloxone
if needed and closely monitor vital signs.
Project Heartbeat LLC | 333 Hegenberger Rd, Suite 855 Oakland, CA 94621
| (510)452-1100 Main (510)452-1110 Fax
| www.projectheartbeat.com
1. Goal or purpose for this skill: To seal a puncture to the thorax to allow for inflation of the lung.
2. Equipment Needed
B. Vaseline gauze
C. 1” tape
____ Failure to initiate or call for transport of the patient within 10 minute time limit
____ Failure to occlude wound as quickly as possible
____ Failure apply occlusive dressing and tape on 3 sides
____ Failure to take or verbalize appropriate PPE precautions
____ Failure to determine scene safety before approaching patient
____ Failure to voice and ultimately provide appropriate oxygen therapy
____ Failure to assess/provide adequate ventilation
____ Failure to find or appropriately manage problems associated with airway, breathing, hemorrhage or shock
____ Failure to differentiate patient’s need for immediate transportation versus continued assessment or treatment at the scene
____ Performs secondary examination before assessing and treating threats to airway, breathing and circulation
____ Orders a dangerous or inappropriate intervention
____ Failure to provide accurate report to arriving EMS unit
____ Failure to manage the patient as a competent EMT
____ Exhibits unacceptable affect with patient or other personnel
National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians®
Paramedic Psychomotor Competency Portfolio Manual
N/A Not applicable for this patient
0 Unsuccessful; required critical or excessive prompting; inconsistent; not yet competent
1 Not yet competent, marginal or inconsistent, this includes partial attempts
2 Successful; competent; no prompting necessary
Critical Criteria
___ Failure to take or verbalize appropriate PPE precautions
___ Failure to identify or appropriately manage an abnormal presentation
___ Performs any dangerous activity during delivery (pulls on fetus, places fetus in a dangerous position,
pulls on umbilical cord to deliver placenta, handles newborn inappropriately)
____Failure to provide appropriate newborn care (correct sequence and within recommended time limits)
___ Failure to manage the patient as a competent EMT
___ Exhibits unacceptable affect with patient or other personnel
___ Uses or orders a dangerous or inappropriate intervention
___ Failure to receive a total score of 74 or greater
STUDENT SELF-EVALUATION (The examiner is to ask the student to reflect on his/her performance
and document his/her response to the following question:)
N/A Not applicable for this patient
0 Unsuccessful; required critical or excessive prompting; inconsistent; not yet competent
1 Not yet competent, marginal or inconsistent, this includes partial attempts
2 Successful; competent; no prompting necessary
STUDENT SELF-EVALUATION (The examiner is to ask the student to reflect on his/her performance
and document his/her response to the following question:)
Candidate: Examiner:
Date: Signature:
Possible Points
Actual Time Started: __________ Points Awarded
Takes or verbalizes appropriate PPE precautions 1
Directs assistant to place/maintain head in the neutral, in-line position 1
Directs assistant to maintain manual stabilization of the head 1
Reassesses motor, sensory and circulatory functions in each extremity 1
Applies appropriately sized extrication collar 1
Positions the immobilization device behind the patient 1
Secures the device to the patient’s torso 1
Evaluates torso fixation and adjusts as necessary 1
Evaluates and pads behind the patient’s head as necessary 1
Secures the patient’s head to the device 1
Verbalizes moving the patient to a long backboard 1
Reassesses motor, sensory and circulatory function in each extremity 1
Actual Time Ended: ___________ TOTAL 12
____ Failure to immediately direct or take manual stabilization of the head
____ Failure to properly apply appropriately sized cervical collar before ordering release of manual stabilization
____ Released or ordered release of manual stabilization before it was maintained mechanically
____ Manipulated or moved patient excessively causing potential spinal compromise
____ Head immobilized to the device before device sufficiently secured to the torso
____ Device moves excessively up, down, left or right on the patient’s torso
____ Head immobilization allows for excessive movement
____ Torso fixation inhibits chest rise, resulting in respiratory compromise
____ Upon completion of immobilization, head is not in a neutral, in-line position
____ Failure to reassess motor, sensory and circulatory functions in each extremity after voicing immobilization to the long backboard
____ Failure to manage the patient as a competent EMT
____ Exhibits unacceptable affect with patient or other personnel
____ Uses or orders a dangerous or inappropriate intervention
You must factually document your rationale for checking any of the above critical items on the reverse side of this form.
Candidate: Examiner:
Date: Signature:
Possible Points
Actual Time Started: __________ Points Awarded
Takes or verbalizes appropriate PPE precautions 1
Directs assistant to place/maintain head in the neutral, in-line position 1
Directs assistant to maintain manual stabilization of the head 1
Reassesses motor, sensory and circulatory function in each extremity 1
Applies appropriately sized extrication collar 1
Positions the immobilization device appropriately 1
Directs movement of the patient onto the device without compromising the integrity of the spine 1
Applies padding to void between the torso and the device as necessary 1
Immobilizes the patient’s torso to the device 1
Evaluates and pads behind the patient’s head as necessary 1
Immobilizes the patient’s head to the device 1
Secures the patient’s legs to the device 1
Secures the patient’s arms to the device 1
Reassesses motor, sensory and circulatory function in each extremity 1
Actual Time Ended: ___________ TOTAL 14
____ Failure to immediately direct or take manual stabilization of the head
____ Failure to properly apply appropriately sized cervical collar before ordering release of manual stabilization
____ Released or ordered release of manual stabilization before it was maintained mechanically
____ Manipulated or moved the patient excessively causing potential spinal compromise
____ Head immobilized to the device before device sufficiently secured to the torso
____ Patient moves excessively up, down, left or right on the device
____ Head immobilization allows for excessive movement
____ Upon completion of immobilization, head is not in a neutral, in-line position
____ Failure to reassess motor, sensory and circulatory functions in each extremity after immobilizing patient to the device
____ Failure to manage the patient as a competent EMT
____ Exhibits unacceptable affect with patient or other personnel
____ Uses or orders a dangerous or inappropriate intervention
You must factually document your rationale for checking any of the above critical items on the reverse side of this form.