5 Reasons To Leave Your Job - Even in A Downturn
5 Reasons To Leave Your Job - Even in A Downturn
5 Reasons To Leave Your Job - Even in A Downturn
Reasons to Leave
in a Downturn Your Job —
by Marlo Lyons
January 04, 2023
Summary. In a tight labor market, especially when news of large and small-scale
layoffs continues to proliferate, it might seem inadvisable to look for a new job if
you’re employed. But if you’re not engaged in your work, that will eventually show,
which could put your career... more
When you’re not completely happy in your job, it’s hard to know
when enough is enough. Will your dissatisfaction pass? Is it worth
it to put the time and effort into searching for another job and risk
going somewhere new that may not be better?
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Before you start hunting for something new, look at your words
and actions to determine whether you’re contributing to the
toxicity. If you’re gossiping or complaining, seeing negative intent
behind every decision, exhibiting a bad attitude, or putting up
roadblocks that prevent others from accomplishing their goals,
then consider how you can change your own behavior first to see
if personal changes impact the behavior of others around you.
If you’re not doing any of those things, then try to figure out
what’s making the culture feel toxic and determine if it’s fixable.
If you feel like the issues are deep rooted and unlikely to change,
extricating yourself from the situation will be the best option.
When people know who you are and what you’re capable of
accomplishing, you’re creating awareness of your brand. As your
brand grows, you’ll be recognized as a thought leader and
successful contributor to business goals. That visibility combined
with stellar results could lead to new opportunities or a
promotion. If your boss is keeping you hidden away, never letting
you present to your managers or peers or participate in higher-
level meetings, then it’s impossible to build brand awareness of
who you are and what you can do, which will make growth in the
organization more difficult.
All of the above signs point to one thing: a lack of engagement in
your job. That will eventually show, which could put your career
at risk. Once you realize you’re spending 40 hours weekly feeling
unfulfilled, it’s always better to control your destiny than wait for
others to decide your fate for you. Consider what steps you can
take to reengage or whether a new job will make you feel more