Nursing Care Plan Date Cues Objectives Interventions Evaluation 24.09.23

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24.09.23 Coughing up • Improvement of • Educated the Patient has
mucus, airway. patient in successfully
shortness of • Education about performing executed
breath effective effective coughing
especially coughing coughing exercises.
when lying exercises. exercises, and There is a
• Increased liquid how important significant
intake to help it is to cough increase in
liquefy sputum. up secretions fluid intake,
Cough) position of
• Proper medical to avoid
administration further client helped
• Management of complications. with
orthopnea or • Assisted the breathing
difficulty client in a and oxygen
breathing when sitting upright saturation is
lying down. position to aid within 95%.
with lung Medicine is
expansion. continuously
• Educated and administered
administered , and the
medications client is well
prescribed by informed.
an attending The client is
physician. expected to
• Encouraged be in good
liquid intake physical
and informed wellbeing if
the client that interventions
it helps liquefy are
sputum which continuous
makes it easy and stats are
to secrete. monitored.

Name: John Age: 46 y/o Sex: M

Health Record No.: Ward: Room No.: Bed No.:

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