The nursing care plan focused on improving the patient's airway and educating him about effective coughing exercises. Objectives included increasing fluid intake to help liquefy mucus, proper medical administration, and managing difficulty breathing when lying down. Interventions included educating the patient on coughing exercises, assisting an upright position, administering prescribed medications, and encouraging fluid intake. Upon evaluation, the patient successfully performed coughing exercises and saw an increase in fluid intake and breathing ability when lying down.
The nursing care plan focused on improving the patient's airway and educating him about effective coughing exercises. Objectives included increasing fluid intake to help liquefy mucus, proper medical administration, and managing difficulty breathing when lying down. Interventions included educating the patient on coughing exercises, assisting an upright position, administering prescribed medications, and encouraging fluid intake. Upon evaluation, the patient successfully performed coughing exercises and saw an increase in fluid intake and breathing ability when lying down.
The nursing care plan focused on improving the patient's airway and educating him about effective coughing exercises. Objectives included increasing fluid intake to help liquefy mucus, proper medical administration, and managing difficulty breathing when lying down. Interventions included educating the patient on coughing exercises, assisting an upright position, administering prescribed medications, and encouraging fluid intake. Upon evaluation, the patient successfully performed coughing exercises and saw an increase in fluid intake and breathing ability when lying down.
The nursing care plan focused on improving the patient's airway and educating him about effective coughing exercises. Objectives included increasing fluid intake to help liquefy mucus, proper medical administration, and managing difficulty breathing when lying down. Interventions included educating the patient on coughing exercises, assisting an upright position, administering prescribed medications, and encouraging fluid intake. Upon evaluation, the patient successfully performed coughing exercises and saw an increase in fluid intake and breathing ability when lying down.
24.09.23 Coughing up • Improvement of • Educated the Patient has mucus, airway. patient in successfully shortness of • Education about performing executed breath effective effective coughing especially coughing coughing exercises. when lying exercises. exercises, and There is a • Increased liquid how important significant down intake to help it is to cough increase in (Productive liquefy sputum. up secretions fluid intake, Cough) position of • Proper medical to avoid administration further client helped • Management of complications. with orthopnea or • Assisted the breathing difficulty client in a and oxygen breathing when sitting upright saturation is lying down. position to aid within 95%. with lung Medicine is expansion. continuously • Educated and administered administered , and the medications client is well prescribed by informed. an attending The client is physician. expected to • Encouraged be in good liquid intake physical and informed wellbeing if the client that interventions it helps liquefy are sputum which continuous makes it easy and stats are to secrete. monitored.
College of Nursing Related Learning Experience Plan Course Title: NCM 109: Sample of Alternative Activities For Clinical Practice (RLE Equivalent 8 Hours)
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