The purpose of this study is to measure the extent to which online learning
is being implemented at SMAN 1 Akabiluru based on the educational components
by Elfachmi. Those are : 1.) Goal which collected by asking the policy of the
scool related to the online learning. 2.) Students who is a subject of the research.
3.) Educators which has the rule as a teacher and as a subject of the research. 4.)
Educative interaction which is the implementation or teaching and learning during
online. 5.) Material as the learning object. 6.) Method and Tools that the teacher
used in English online learning. 7.) Educational Environment which is the school
and also infrastructure provided by the school related to online learning.
This research was designed by using qualitative descriptive method which
will describe the implementation of online learning especially in English subject
at SMAN 1 Akabiluru. Study case approach used in this research to desrcibe or
studying online learning phenomenon. By using interview with Google Form as
the media of collecting data, also doing observation and spread the questionnaire
form to ensure the data is validated based on triangulation. The indicators of the
instrument came from Elfachmi’ theory about education components and
groupped into 2 which policy and implementation and additional indicatators
about problem faced during online learning and how overcome the problems.
The result of this research concluded that 1.) due to the online learning
policy come from the gorvernment, school has provided Wifi and internet quota to
the students so they can use it during online learning and operator to help teachers
with several problems regarding error and other technical problems. 2.) In
implementing English online learning, teacher used Zoom, WA and YouTube to
provide the students with video and audio material, so they can also get their
speaking and listening skill improved. 3.) Difficulties faced by both side, using
the application and other arror occured during online learning is being a problem
by several teacher, but students face to face with internet signal and internet quota
problem during online learning. 4.) Operator provided by school to help teachers
with their probolems such as error and in understanding the use of application,
and free internet quota and requiring teacher to come to school and let the students
learn directly in school is problem solved provided by the school.