CDS English Full Length Mock Test 05
CDS English Full Length Mock Test 05
CDS English Full Length Mock Test 05
Direction: Each of the following sentences has word/words underlined. Read the sentences carefully
and find which word class the underlined word/words belongs/belong to. Indicate your response on
the Answer sheet accordingly.
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(a) Noun
(b) Verb 7: Which word class does the word "conjure"
(c) Adjective belong to?
(d) Adverb
(a) Noun
3: Which word class does the word "mitigate" (b) Verb
belong to? (c) Adjective
(d) Adverb
(a) Noun
(b) Verb 8: Which word class does the word
(c) Adjective "whimsical" belong to?
(d) Adverb
(a) Noun
4: Which word class does the word "quixotic" (b) Verb
belong to? (c) Adjective
(d) Adverb
(a) Noun
(b) Verb 9: Which word class does the word "precipice"
(c) Adjective belong to?
(d) Adverb
(a) Noun
5: Which word class does the word (b) Verb
"imperceptibly" belong to? (c) Adjective
(d) Adverb
(a) Noun
10: Which word class does the word
"deliberately" belong to?
(a) Noun
(b) Verb
(c) Adjective
(d) Adverb
Direction: Each of the following sentences in this section has blank space and is followed by four
choices. Select the most appropriate choice to fill in the blank space.
11. I purposely ……… meet you during my (a) circular (b) circumscribed
last visit to Kashmir.
(c) longest (d) circuitous
(a) didn’t (b) won’t
16. The team was well trained and strong, but
(c) hadn’t (d) wouldn’t somehow their ……… was low.
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members can only ……… the image of the
society. (c) consciousness (d) morale
(a) spoil (b) improve 17. The ……… brought against the ministry
was rejected by a vast majority in the Lower
(c) degrade (d) defame House of Parliament.
13. Our friends are not able to take us in their (a) bill (b) motion
car; we must make ……… arrangements to go
to the airport. (c) decree (d) suit
(a) alternative (b) another 18. Owing to the power cut in the area,
factories are being forced to ……… men.
(c) alternate (d) possible
(a) throw away (b) send off
14. Many ……… decisions were taken at the
meeting. (c) put off (d) lay off
(b) progressively, increasingly (d) dispatched, control
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Direction: Each of the following items in this section consists of a sentence, chunks of which have
been jumbled up. These chunks have been labeled as P, Q, R and S. Each sentence is followed by four
sequences, namely (a), (b), (c) and (d) indicating the rearrangements of the chunks. You are required
to select the most appropriate option.
(a) PQRS (b) SRPQ S: could not attend
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R: over the weather
(a) PQRS (b) RSPQ S: among many people
Direction: Given below some idioms/phrases followed by four alternative meanings to each. Choose
the response (a), (b), (c) and (d) which is the most appropriate meaning and mark your response on
the Answer Sheet accordingly.
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every detail
(d) a day of significance (d) A rapid decline of business leading to
its closure
34. Go hot and cold
39. By hook or by crook
(a) get angry
(b) get irritated (a) In a completely insane manner
(c) get out of cold (b) In whatever way one can
(d) sudden feeling of fear and anxiety (c) Being very evil and destructive
(d) To be very tenacious
35. Gird up one’s lions
40. Chock-a-block
(a) get ready for a job
(b) leave bag and baggage (a) Filled to capacity
(c) hunt for lions (b) Not being able to fulfil one’s desires
(d) a lion cloth (c) Blocking somebody’s path to progress
(d) Suffocation caused due to living in a
36. Pocket an insult
congested area
Direction: Each items in this section has a sentence with three underlined parts labeled as (a), (b), and
(c). Read each sentence to find out whether there is any error in any underlined part and indicate your
response on the Answer sheet against the corresponding letter, i.e., (a) or (b) or (c). If you find no
error, your response should be indicated as (d).
41. He doesn’t need (a)/ your help because (b)/ 46. To perform this experiment (a)/ drop little
he is too intelligent. (c)/ No error (d) sugar (b)/ into a glass of water. (c)/ No error (d)
42. I can’t help to sneeze as (a)/ I got drenched 47. It is written in Gita (a)/ that God incarnates
yesterday (b)/ and have a bad cold. (c)/ No himself (b)/ in times of trouble. (c)/ No error
error (d) (d)
43. I have lived (a)/ from the hand to the 48. Troy was taken by Greeks; (a)/ this formed
mouth (b)/ for all these fifty years though the basis of a story (b)/ which has become
nobody knows it. (c)/ No error (d) famous. (c)/ No error (d)
44. As soon as the teacher entered (a)/ 49. These facts make it very clear (a)/ that he
everyone fell (b)/ in a silence. (c)/ No error (d) had hand in the murder (b)/ though he still
pleads innocence. (c)/ No error (d)
45. As he had taken only a few sips (a)/ there
was still little water (b)/ left in the glass. (c)/ 50. A nationwide survey has brought up an (a)/
No error (d) interesting finding (b)/ regarding infant
mortality rate in India. (c)/ No error (d)
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Direction: Each item in this section consists of a sentence with an underlined word followed by four
words/group of words. Select the option that is nearest in meaning to the underlined word and mark
your response on the Answer Sheer accordingly.
Direction: In this section, each item consists of six sentences of a passage. The first and sixth
sentences are marked as S1 and S6. The middle four sentences in each have been jumbled up and
labeled as P, Q, R, and S. This is followed by four options each suggesting a sequence of the
sentences. Identify the most appropriate option.
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S6: The God moulded the first people eight pesos.
out of clay according to his own image P: The value of the money of one
and mind. country in relation to the money of
P: The leading God fought the other countries is agreed upon.
monster, killed it and chopped its body Q: These rates of exchange vary from
into two halves. time to time.
Q: A terrible monster prevented the R: For instance, an American dollar or
Gods from separating the land from a British pound sterling is worth
the water. certain amounts in the money of other
R: The God made the sky out of the countries.
upper part of the body and ornamented S: Sometimes, a United States dollar is
it with stars. worth 12 pesos in Mexico.
S: The God created the Earth from the
lower part, grew plants on it and The proper sequence should be
populated it with animals.
(a) PQRS (b) QPRS
The proper sequence should be
(c) PRQS (d) RPQS
(a) PQRS (b) PQSR
(c) QPSR (d) QPRS
S1: Jawaharlal Nehru was the greatest
62. plan-enthusiast.
S6: Nehru himself became the S1: There is difference between
Chairman of the commission. Gandhiji’s concept of secularism and
P: Under Nehru’s advice, the pre- that of Nehru’s.
independent Congress set-up National S6: Instead of doing any good, such
Planning Commission in 1938. secularism can do harm instead of
Q: But he forgot that what could be good.
achieved by force under the P: Nehru’s idea of secularism was
communist\ dictatorship of Russia was equal indifference to all religions and
not possible under the democratic set- bothering about none of them.
up of India. Q: According to Gandhiji, all religions
R: He took the idea from Russia where are equally true and each scripture is
Five Year Plans transformed a very worthy of respect.
backward country into a top power of R: Such secularism which means the
the world. rejection of all religions is contrary to
S: No free government can call for our culture and tradition.
compulsory sacrifice and suffering S: In Gandhiji’s view, secularism
from the whole people. stands for equal respect for all
The proper sequence should be
The proper sequence should be
(a) PSQR (b) SRQP
(a) SQPR (b) PSQR
(c) QPRS (d) RQSP
(c) QSPR (d) PRSQ
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S1: What are the causes of our chronic
food shortage? S1: A ceiling on urban property
S6: This unprecedented growth can S6: Since their value would exceed the
drag us to the doors of starvation very ceiling fixed by the government.
soon. P: no mill-owner could own factories
P: To feed for these growing new or mills or plants
millions is desperate task. Q: and mass circulation papers
Q: Every year, we add more than a R: would mean that
crore of persons to our population. S: no press magnate could own
R: Despite stupendous efforts by our printing presses
government, the population is growing
unabated. The proper sequence should be
S: The chief cause is the population
(a) QSRP (b) RPSQ
(c) SRPQ (d) QPSR
The proper sequence should be
(a) QRSP (b) SQPR
S1: This weather-vane often tops a
(c) QPRS (d) PSQR
church spire, tower or high building.
65. S6: The weather-vane can, however
give us some indication of other.
P: They are only wind-vanes. S6: Am I not a smart, intelligent
Q: Neither alone can tell us what the elephant?
weather will be. P: They also fear that I will flip them
R: They are designed to point to all away.
direction from which the wind is Q: But children wonder why I flap
coming. them so.
S: Just as the barometer only tells us R: I flap them so to make sure they are
the pressure of air, the weather-vane safely there on either side of my head.
tells us the direction of wind. S: But I know what I am doing.
68. 70.
S1: Most of the universities in the S1: A father having offered to take the
country are now facing financial crisis. baby out in a perambulator, was
S6: The government should realise tempted by the sunny morning to slip
this before it is too late. into a pub for a glass of beer.
P: Cost benefit yardstick thus should S6: She waited for him, anticipating
not be applied in the case of the white face and quivering lips
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universities. which would soon appear with the
Q: The current state of affairs cannot news that the baby had been stolen.
be allowed to continue for long. P: Indignant at her husband’s
R: Universities cannot be equated with behaviour, she decided to teach him a
commercial enterprises. lesson.
S: Proper development of universities Q: She wheeled away the pram.
and colleges must be ensured. R: A little later, his wife came by,
where to her horror, she discovered
The proper sequence should be her sleeping baby.
S: Leaving the pram outside, he
(a) QRPS (b) QSPR
disappeared inside the bar.
(c) QRSP (d) QPRS
The proper sequence should be
(a) SRPQ (b) RQPS
S1: I keep on flapping my big ears all
(c) SPQR (d) PQSR
Direction: Each item in this section consists of a sentence with an underlined word followed by four
words or group of words. Select the option that is opposite in meaning to the underlined word and
mark your response on the Answer Sheet accordingly.
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(c) Resolute (d) Different (a) Bad-tempered(b) Sleepy
Direction: In this section, there is a passage having some blank spaces with four words or groups of
words given. Select whichever words or group of words you consider the most appropriate for the
blank apace and indicate your response on the Answer Sheet accordingly.
Once there was an old woman who …(81)… in a shoe. This must have been very cramped and
difficult because living …(82)… a shoe is not very comfortable, I expect. One day, she went out and
there …(83)… some children playing in the street nearby where she lived. They began
shouting …(84)… her. “You silly old woman, why do you live in a shoe?”. They shouted and other
things like that. They were very insulting …(85)… the old woman.
I don’t know, why the old woman had to live in a shoe, but she …(86)… have been very poor and it
was not nice to …(87)… fun of the poor woman because she was so hard up that she had
nowhere …(88)… to live. But children can be very cruel sometimes and this case was …(89)…
exception. However, on this occasion the old woman didn’t just …(90)… their insults meekly, but
became very angry and shouted “I will teach you a lesson”, she chased them with a cane.
81. 86.
82. 87.
83. 88.
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(a) were (b) was (a) instead (b) from
84. 89.
85. 90.
Direction: Each of the following sentences in this section has a blank space with four options. Select
whichever preposition or determiner you consider the most appropriate for the blank space and
indicate your response on the Answer Sheet accordingly.
91: Choose the correct preposition to complete 95: Choose the correct determinant to
the sentence: complete the sentence:
She apologized ____ her behavior at the ____ of the students passed the test.
(a) Most
(a) on (b) Every
(b) for (c) Few
(c) by (d) Some
(d) with
96: Choose the correct preposition to complete
92: Choose the correct preposition to complete the sentence:
the sentence:
He stood ____ the crowd and waved.
The cat jumped ____ the table and landed
on the floor. (a) inside
(b) below
(a) over (c) among
(b) above (d) between
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(c) through
(d) into 97: Choose the correct preposition to complete
the sentence:
93: Choose the correct preposition to complete
the sentence: The keys are hidden ____ the drawer.
94: Choose the correct determinant to ____ of the cake was eaten by the guests.
complete the sentence:
(a) All
____ of the books on the shelf are mine. (b) Many
(c) Some
(a) Each (d) None
(b) Both
(c) Neither 99: Choose the correct preposition to complete
(d) None the sentence:
(a) with ____ cars in the parking lot were blue.
(b) about
(c) to (a) Few
(d) by (b) Several
(c) Most
100: (d) Many
Direction: Each of the following items features one part of a sentence followed by four alternatives.
Complete the sentence by choosing the correct atlernatives
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102. Due to security reasons, we were ……… (c) believes (d) seems
entry to the assembly hall.
107. Namrata was found to ……… the
(a) stopped (b) denied required qualifications for the job.
103. ……… the arrival of the police, nobody (c) posses (d) acquire
went near the victim.
108. I purposely ……… meet you during my
(a) Unless (b) Although last visit to Kashmir.
104. The car in which the minister was (c) hadn’t (d) wouldn’t
travelling ……… with an accident.
109. The non-cooperative attitude of the
(a) hit (b) drove members can only ……… the image of the
(c) crashed (d) met
(a) spoil (b) improve
105. Divya always ……… the permission of
her father before going for movies. (c) degrade (d) defame
110. Our friends are not able to take us in their (a) alternative (b) another
car; we must make ……… arrangements to go
to the airport. (c) alternate (d) possible
Direction: In this section, you have two short passages. After each passage, you will find some items
based on the passage. First, read a passage and answer the items based on it. You are required to
select your answers based on the contents of the passages and the opinion of the author only.
Passage - I
The simplest method of welding two pieces of metal together is known as pressure welding. The ends
of metal are heated to a white heat—for iron, the welding temperature should be about 1300°C— in a
flame. At this temperature the metal becomes plastic. The ends are then pressed or hammered together
and the joint is smoothed off. Care must be taken to ensure that the surfaces are thoroughly cleaned
first, for dirt will weaken the weld.
Moreover, the heating of iron or steel to a high temperature causes oxidation, and a film of oxide is
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formed on the heated surfaces. For this reason, a flux is applied to the heated metal. At welding heat,
the flux melts, and the oxide particles are dissolved in it together with any other impurities which may
be present. The metal surfaces are pressed together, and the flux is squeezed out from the centre of the
weld. A number of different types of weld may be used, but for fairly thick bars of metals, a vee-
shaped weld should normally be employed. It is rather stronger than the ordinary butt weld.
111. The simplest way of welding two pieces (a) flames turn from white to blue
of metal together is (b) chemical reaction starts
(c) oxide film is found on its surfaces
(a) heating the metal (d) it turns into steel
(b) holding it in a flame
(c) coating the metal with plastic 114. The flux is used to
(d) hammering heated pieces
(a) make the metal plastic
112. Unless the surfaces are cleaned first, (b) cool the heated metal
(c) cover up any dirt
(a) the metal will not take white heat (d) dissolve oxide and other impurities
(b) the resulting weld will be weak
(c) the joint will be rough 115. For fairly thick bars of metals
(d) the metal will be less plastic
(a) a vee-shaped weld should be used
113. When iron is heated to about 1300 degree (b) an ordinary butt weld should be used
centigrade, (c) a number of different types of weld
may be used
(d) a pressure weld may be used
Passage - II
To avoid the various foolish opinions to which mankind is prone, no superhuman brain is required. A
few simple rules will keep you, not from all errors, but from silly errors. If the matter is one that can
be settled by observation, make the observation yourself. Aristotle could have avoided the mistake of
thinking that women have fewer teeth than men, by the simple device of asking Mrs Aristotle to keep
her mouth open while he counted. Thinking that you know, when in fact you do not, is a bad mistake
to which we are all prone.
I believe myself that hedgehogs eat black beetles, because I have been told that they do; but if I were
writing a book on the habits of hedgehogs, I should not commit myself until I had seen one enjoying
this diet.
Aristotle, however, was less cautious. Ancient and medieval writers knew all about unicorns and
salamanders; not one of them thought it necessary to avoid dogmatic statements about them because
he had never seen one of them.
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116. The writer believes that (c) Aristotle proved that women have
fewer teeth by counting his wife’s
(a) most people could avoid making teeth
foolish mistakes if they were clever (d) Aristotle may have thought that
(b) through observation we could avoid women have fewer teeth because he
making many mistakes never had a wife
(c) Aristotle made many mistakes because
he was not observant 118. The writer says that if he was writing a
(d) all errors are caused by our own error book on hedgehogs,
in thinking
(a) he would maintain that they eat black
116. With reference to the passage, which one beetles because he had been told so
of the following is the correct statement? (b) he would first observe their eating
(a) Aristotle was able to avoid the mistake (c) he would think it unnecessary to
of thinking that women have fewer verify that they ate black beetles
teeth than men (d) he would make the statement that they
(b) Aristotle thought women have fewer ate black beetles and later verify it
teeth than men
119. The writer is of the opinion that
(a) unicorns and salamanders were (e) only those who had observed the
observed by ancient and medieval habits of unicorns and salamanders
writers but were unknown to modern wrote about them
(b) ancient and medieval writers wrote 120. A ‘dogmatic statement’ in the context
authoritatively means a statement which is
(c) about unicorns and salamanders
(a) convincing
though they had never seen them
(b) proved
(d) unicorns and salamanders do not exist
(c) unquestionable
(d) doubtful
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01 - c 02 - a 03 - b 04 - c 05 - d 06 - a 07 - b 08 - c 09 - a 10 - d
11 - a 12 - a 13 - a 14 - b 15 - d 16 - d 17 - b 18 - d 19 - b 20 - d
21 - a 22 - b 23 - b 24 - d 25 - d 26 - b 27 - b 28 - a 29 - d 30 - d
31 - d 32 - a 33 - b 34 - d 35 - a 36 - a 37 - c 38 - c 39 - b 40 - a
41 - c 42 - a 43 - b 44 - c 45 - b 46 - b 47 - a 48 - a 49 - b 50 - a
51 - a 52 - d 53 - c 54 - a 55 - a 56 - a 57 - c 58 - d 59 - a 60 - a
61 - d 62 - c 63 - d 64 - b 65 - a 66 - b 67 - d 68 - a 69 - b 70 - a
71 - d 72 - d 73 - a 74 - b 75 - c 76 - b 77 - c 78 - a 79 - c 80 - a
81 - c 82 - b 83 - a 84 - d 85 - b 86 - d 87 - a 88 - d 89 - a 90 - c
91 - b 92 - a 93 - c 94 - d 95 - a 96 - c 97 - b 98 - a 99 - c 100 - d
101 - d 102 - b 103 - d 104 - d 105 - d 106 - d 107 - c 108 - a 109 - a 110 - a
111 - d 112 - b 113 - c 114 - d 115 - a 116 - b 117 - b 118 - b 119 - b 120 - c
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