Obstetrics GynecologyCurriculum
Obstetrics GynecologyCurriculum
Obstetrics GynecologyCurriculum
January 6, 2006
theory and basical practice is the basis of family planning, women &
only they point out the emphatic contents and introduce new home &
1. Objective:
3) To know the relationship between genital organs and the neighbouring organs.
1) Emphatically explain the structure and shape of pelvis: The pelvis is made of
sacrum, coccyx and coxae. Three joints are contained, which is pubic symphysis,
sacro-iliac joint and sacro-coccygeal joint. Sacro-tuberous lig and sacro-spinous
lig are two ligs in pelvis.
2) Emphatically explain the genital organs: including vagina, uterus, oviducts and
ovaries. There are four ligs which are round lig, broad lig (ovarian lig and
infundibulopelvic lig), cardinal lig and uterosacral lig supporting the uterus. The
fallopian tube is divided into four parts: interstitial portion, isthmic portion,
ampulla and infundibulum.
3) Emphatically explain four shapes of pelvis: gynecoid type, platypelloid type,
anthropoid type and android type. The anatomical characteristic of pelvis related
to labour.
, rectum
and appendix .
3. Question:
4. Practice
1. Objective:
reproductive organs.
3) To know the control of menstrual cycle.
2. Content:
corpus luteum and the secreted sexual hormone including estrogen, progesterone
and androgen.
4. Practice:
1. Objective:
13) .
2. Content:
I. Gas exchange.
including changes
3. Question
4. Practice
2) Viedo:
XV. .
2. Content:
1) The course of pregnancy is divided into three stages: early pregnancy(before the
end of 12 weeks), second trimester(from 13 to the end of 27 weeks) and late
pregnancy(from 28 to the end of 40 weeks). Explain the diagnosis of each
phase,especially early pregnancy.
2) Emphatically explain the definition and classification of fetal lie, fetal
presentation and fetal position.
3) Emphatically explain contents of the first prenatal care and repeated prenatal
visit including history, physical examimation, obstetric examimation, pelvimetry
, mornitoring for fetus and maturiy, fetal bio-physiological score and so on.
3. Question:
1) The definition and classification of fetal lie, fetal presentation and fetal position.
4. Practice:
1. Objective:
2. Content:
1) The progress and final outome of labour are influenced by four factors①the
passage,②the powers,③the passenger, ④the psyche. Emphatically explain the
passage and the powers.The powers is the main factor. The passage includes
bony pelvis and pelvic soft tissues.
2) Elaborate the mechanism of normal labour in the vertex presentation.
4) Elaborate the diagnosis and total stage of labour. Labour commonly is divided
into 3 stages:
I. The first stage begins with the onset of labour and ends when dilatation of
the cervix(10cm) is complete.
II. The second stage of labor extends from full dilatation of the cervix to the
birth of baby.
III. The third stage of labor is the period from the birth of the infant to delivery
of the placenta.
5) Explain the clinical course and management in each stage.
3. Question:
4. Practice
1. Objective:
4) To understand the main problems and their management during abnormal labor.
2. Content:
maternal & infants of abnormal bony birth canal. Pelvic contractions are
4. Practice
1. Objective:
complicating pregnancy.
2. Content:
4. Practice
1) Case discussion.
1. Objective:
2. Content:
4. Practice
1. Objective:
I. Expectant management.
3. Question:
4. Practice
1. Objective:
1) To understand the definition, etiology, pathogenesis and clinical findings of
placental abruption.
2) To know the main points of diagnosis and guideline for treatment.
3. Questions
4. Practice:
1)Case discussion.
2)Viedo:Demonstration of the etiology, classification, clinical findings, axillary
examinations and treatment of placental abruption.
1. Objective:
placenta previa.
2) To know the main points of diagnosis and guideline for treatment of placenta
3) To
3. Question:
4. Practice:
postpartum hemorrhage.
2) To understand the precautions of postpartum hemorrhage.
3) To
2. Content:
III.Prevent infection.
3. Question:
4. Practice:
1) Case discussions.
1. Objective:
Chapter10 Medical Conditions Complicating Pregnancy
1. Objective:
2. Content:
3. Question:
Point out three stages of heart failure usually occur in patient with heart disease
complicating pregnancy.
4. Practice:
Case discussion.
Section2. Acute Hepatitis Virus
1. Objective:
2. Content:
1) Generally explain the interaction between pregnancy and acute hepatitis virus.
4) Emphatically explain the influence to maternal and fetus of acute hepatitis virus.
1. Objective:
2. Content:
3. Question:
4. Practice
1. Objective:
2. Content:
2) Explain involution of the uterus: especially the height of fundus diminishs daily.
3) Explain advantages of breast-feeding.
4) Explain three lochia: lochia rubrua, lochia serusa and lochia alba.
3. Method:
1. Objective:
2. Content:
3. Homework:
4. Practice:
1. Objective:
3) To understand the etiology and common pathogen of acute cervicitis, master the
principles of treatment.
4) To master pathological changes, clinical findings and treatment of chronic
2. Content:
1) Generally explain the origion of normal vaginal secretions and the normal
vaginal circumstances.
2) Generally explain clinical findings, diagnosis and treatment of non-specific
vulvitis, Bartholinitis, Bartholin cyst, senile vaginitis, and infantile vaginitis.
3) Emphatically explain the etiology, transmitted methods, clinical findings,
diagnosis, differential diagnosis and treatment of trichomonal vaginitis,
vulvovaginal candidiasis and bacterial vaginosis.
3. Homework:
4. Practice:
1. Objective:
2) To master the etiology, pathological changes and clinical findings of acute pelvic
inflammatory diease. To know the guideline for therapy and importance of
proper precaution.
2. Content:
4. Practice:
1)Case discussion.
1. Objective:
2. Content:
10) Generally explain diagnosis and guideline for treatment of cervical cancer
complicating pregnancy.
3. Homework:
4. Practice:
1. Objective:
2. Content:
3) Elaborate the guideline for surgical treatment and non- surgical treatment of
4) Generally explain relationship between pregnancy and myma, differential
diagnosis and guideline for treatment of myoma complicating pregnancy.
3. Homework:
4. Practice
1)Case discussion.
1. Objective:
2. Content:
3. Homework:
4. Practice:
1)Case discussion.
1. Objective:
3. Homework:
4. Practice
1)Case discussion.
1. Objective:
1) To master the definition, pathology, clinical findings, diagnosis and
4. Practice:
1)Case discussion.
4. Practice:
1)Case discussion.
1. Objective:
4. Practice:
1)Case discussion.
2)Viedo:diagnostic laparoscopy for endometriosis.
Chapter 21 Infertility
1. Objective:
2) To know the diagnositic procedures and the guideline for treatment of infertility.
1) Generally explain the definition of infertility, as well as the female factors and
male factors related to infertility.
2) Emphatically explain the examinations and diagnositic procedures of infertility.
g. Endometrial biopsy.
i. Laparoscopy.
3) Elaborate the treatment of infertility, especially assisted reproductive
3. Homework:
4. Practice
1)Case discussion.
1. Objective:
4. Practice: