Annotated-Best 20practices 20guide
Annotated-Best 20practices 20guide
Annotated-Best 20practices 20guide
Welcoming Learners to an
Online/Hybrid Learning Environment
Breakdown of Online/Hybrid Learning
Teaching online courses is a combined mixture of in-person and online experiences that revolve
around flexibility and accessibility. The pandemic pushed many educators out of their comfort
system to explore online learning. Here’s five tips that can serve as inspiration to instructors:
Make it a priority to welcome all learners prior to the beginning of the term and choosing to be
engaged on camera for the remote learners feel seen and heard. A great example of this would be
to use icebreakers for students and instructors to get to know one another. Interactive icebreakers
would be better especially when using platforms such as Zoom. The tone must be set in the
beginning by establishing guidelines and expectations that the instructor and remote learners
agree to.
2. Accessibility
The materials used will need to be uploaded to the educational platform along with where you
would post the syllabus for all students to have access to. The benefit of having made everything
accessible is that students will not have any issues or disruption with accessing the materials
needed to be successful in the course. Don’t be afraid to use instructional technology from a
previous year. The goal is to use what will work best for the instructor and the remote learners.
The platform needs to be user friendly and offer technology support.
Course materials should be versatile to keep students engaged throughout the term. Some
examples would include modules, instructional videos, discussion prompts, individual
assignments, group assignments, etc. All course materials should be created with the remote
learner in mind and be made accessible for all students. Class recordings are a great asset to be
incorporated to online learning environment because the student can go back and watch the
recording at any point during the term. Zoom, when used makes it easy to record sessions and
provide accessible links afterwards.
3. Engagement
When creating assignments/modules, plan out each to be shared for remote and in-person
environments so that you can easily shift to the information needed, if you course delivery
needed to shift or if you had to offer both during the same term. When speaking about
instructions and expectations, present the information in a way that each student fully
understands mission of the course.
For presentations, choose tools and activities that will support your teaching style, along with
collaborate with the overall mission of the course. Keep student engagement at the forefront of
your mind. Opportunities should be implemented for students to easily engage and to increase
their knowledge of the topic being taught. Recognize that all students learn differently, so don’t
be afraid to create time for questions to be asked and for students to chat amongst themselves via
the chat. A small group being created on the digital platform of your choosing is a great way of
creating opportunities for students to engage with their peers online.
Students need access to resources and the most important resource is the instructor.
Communication is key and an opportunity to eliminate confusion about course expectations and
guidelines. Share openly your teaching style and what your role is to the student. Hosting virtual
office hours will accommodate remote learners and it would be ideal to have set hours share at
the beginning of each term. Assess the needs of your students from end of the term survey and
don’t be afraid to check in with your students during the term to open the lines of
It’s so important to test out all platforms that you plan to use and introduce your remote learners
to. Keep in mind that this may be an adjustment for some, so not all will be aware of how certain
platforms work. Taking the time out to familiarize yourself and the students through recordings
will be a big help.
Test the sound and ensure that the location selected gives you the best connection for students to
hear and see what is going on in the virtual learning environment. Leave room for flexibility in
some cases where you know technology issues may present an issue. Post the contact
information for technology support on the platform where students will access
modules/assignments. Always arrive early and prepare to stay a few minutes after the course
ends to answer any questions.
According to Bonwell and Eison, active learning strategies involve students doing things and
thinking about what they are doing. This framework can assist instructors on having a better
understanding of how students:
1. Zoom
a. Share screen
b. Breakout Rooms
c. Polling
d. Nonverbal Feedback
2. Poll Everywhere
3. Google (docs, sheets, slides)
Active Learning Strategies
Strategy 1: Polling
Strategy 2: Think-Pair Share
Strategy 3: Minute Paper
Strategy 4: Small Group Discussions
Strategy 5: Short Student Presentations
Collaborative Learning
Collaborative learning is a type of active learning that involves several students working together
and sharing the workload. Research has shown that there’s a positive correlation between
collaborative learning experiences and students’ learning outcome achievements. Some of the
collaborative activities are designed for student to complete during instruction. In a virtual
learning environment, an online discuss board would suffice.
This is a wonderful way to increase engagement for your students enrolled in a virtual learning
environment. One of the end goals is that this will help foster a supportive community and help
students take part in the overall teaching/learning experience.
1. Google Suite
2. Google Docs
3. Google Slides
4. Google Jamboard
5. Course Works
Barkley, E.F., Major, C.H., & Cross, K.P. (2014). Collaborative learning techniques: A
handbook for college faculty, second edition. Jossey-Bass.
Bonwell, C.C. & Eison, J.A. (1991). Active Learning: Creating Excitement in the Classroom.
ASHE-ERIC Higher Education Report 1. Washington, D.C.: George Washington University.
Educause Learning Initiative. (2020). ELI 7 Things You Should Know About… The HyFlex
Course Model. EDUCAUSE.
Gannon, K. (2020). Our HyFlex Experiment: What’s Worked and What Hasn’t. The Chronicle of
Higher Education.
Harbin, M.B. (2020). Collaborative note-taking: A tool for creating a more inclusive college
classroom. College Teaching 68(4), 214-220.
Kelly, K. (2021). COVID-19 Planning for Spring 2021: What We Learned About Hybrid
Flexible Courses in Fall 2020. PilonEdTech.