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(A Case Study of Student Sixth Grade in SDN Bogotanjung 02 in Academic
year of 2020/2021)
The Papers Submitted to Complete the English Lecturer in Metodologi Penelitian

Associate Professor : H. Zaenal khafidin, M.Ag.

BY :
NIM 1710510044




A. Background of the Problems
Listening is the natural precursor to speaking; the early stages of
language development in a person’s first language (and in naturalistic
acquisition of other languages) are dependent on listening. 1 So listening is
the first communication skill we engage in the moment we are born.
Listening is also called passive skill. It has wrong idea. Listening is one of
the most important skills to master. Listening is not only just hearing, but
also understanding. The success of speaking is measured in terms of the
ability to understand the words what is the speaker saying. As the main tool
of communication. One of the strategies that can be used by teacher is using
media to support the teaching learning process. There are some teaching
media available now, so 'the writer uses song lyrics to improve students’
listening skills. Listening skill is key to receiving messages effectively. It is
a combination of hearing what another person says and psychological
involvement with the person who is talking. Listening is one of skills of
Language. It requires a desire to understand another human being, an
attitude of respect and acceptance, and a willingness to open one's mind to
try and see things from another's point of view. It requires a high level of
concentration and energy. It demands that we set aside our own thoughts and
agendas, put ourselves in another's shoes and try to see the world through
that person's eyes. Music is powerful stimulus for students’ engagement
precisely because it speaks directly to our emotions while still allowing to us
to use our brains to. Analyze it and its effect if we so wish. 2 Music and song
are included in teaching media, the use of music and song in the classroom
can stimulate very positive associations to someone who study language. A
piece of music can change and prepare students for a new activity, it can
amuse and entertain and it can make a satisfactory connection between the
world of leisure and the world of learning.3

I.S.P Nation and J Newton, Teaching ESL/EFL Listening and Speaking,(New York : Roudlege,2009),p.
Jeremy Harmer, The practice of English language teaching (United kingdom Longman publishing ,
2002) p .241
Ibid, p.241
Songs are one type of listening activity that have a broad potential.
Music and songs are essential parts of growing and learning. Children love
to sing and teachers naturally use songs to teach them concepts and language
in a fun way. Some of the significant characteristics of songs are that they
are fun and can keep the students excited. However, the most important
feature of songs is repetition. They contain language patterns, but also
develop listening skills, pronunciation and rhythm, and provide a fun
atmosphere. Even if the teachers play songs multiple times a day, the
majority of students probably would not get bored. In addition, songs are
very beneficial types of activities. There are so many aspects of a language
that can be delivered and recycled through the use of songs. They can be
used at any stage of a lesson and there are many ways to incorporate them
into a lesson. Sometimes, they are used just as gap fillers and warm-ups,
sometimes as the main part of a lesson, but sometimes they are there to
provide a fun atmosphere. Considering all these benefits of songs in
language learning, this paper further discovers to what extent songs improve
vocabulary retention. It also covers whether audio-visual and textual
representation of language material provide better grounds for language
acquisition than audio alone. Moreover, it shows that songs have a strong
influence on young learners and their motivation to learn English. 4
Teaching English to young learners cannot be seen only as teaching
the language. This challenging process needs to consider the social and
cognitive development of learners. In order to do this, it is necessary to
create an atmosphere that resembles the one which is natural to children.
One of the best ways to create such a natural, anxiety-free environment is
through interesting activities. Songs certainly belong to the group of fun
activities which serve as useful tools for learning the language and which do
not put pressure on students to immediately produce the language but to start
doing it only when they are ready.
Principally, children are the plural of child and the definition child
itself is an individual who has not reached puberty. Children song is a group
of beautiful words in which there are a message to be conveyed to
individuals who have not reached puberty and presented with a beautiful
music so that they can get the message. But in fact, it can be enjoyed by
everyone. It can be enjoyed by teenagers, adults, and even old people.
Children's song may be a nursery rhyme set to music, a song that young
Nihada, Alisa pelic The Effect of Using Songs On Young Learners and Their Motivation for
Learning University of tuzla vol.1 no. 40 ,2016
children invent and share among themselves, or a modern creation intended
for entertainment, use in the home, or education. 5Based on the background
of the problems above, the researcher is interested in discussing more about
The Use of Children Song to Improve Student's Vocabulary Mastering Skill
For Sixth Grade Students of SDN Bogotanjung 02 2019.
B. The Focus of the research
This research is focused on the use of children song to improve
student's vocabulary mastering skill for sixth grade students of SDN
Bogotanjung 02 2019.
C. The Formulation of the Problems
According to the background the problems of the research was
formulated as follows objectives:
1. What is the planning of the use of children song to improve student's
vocabulary mastering skill for sixth grade students of SDN Bogotanjung 02
2. How is the use of children song to improve student's vocabulary
mastering skill for sixth grade students of SDN Bogotanjung 02 2019?
3. How are the results of the use of children song to improve student's
vocabulary mastering skill for sixth grade students of SDN Bogotanjung 02
D. The Objective of the Research
Based on the problems mentioned above, This research has the
following objectives:
1. To find out what plans are used in he use of children song to improve
student's vocabulary mastering skill for sixth grade students of SDN
Bogotanjung 02 2019.
2. To find out how he use of children song to improve student's vocabulary
mastering skill for sixth grade students of SDN Bogotanjung 02 2019.
3. To find out the results he use of children song to improve student's
vocabulary mastering skill for sixth grade students of SDN Bogotanjung 02
E. The Significance of the research
5 accessed on 12/10/2019/5.27
This research was expected to provide significant contribution both
theoretically and practically, which are as follows:
1. Theoretical significance
This research was expected to be useful for the language
development in department of English education at IAIN
KUDUS, especially in listening skills and also the results of this
research is useful as a basis for further research and the last can
be useful to add insight and develop knowledge related to student
listening skills and as an additional reference to provide
innovation in the use of learning methods, especially for
vocabulary mastering to increase student motivation.
2. Practical significance
Practically the results of this research was expected to be
useful, as follows:
a. For the teachers
Provide information in planning an interesting
learning process on the use children song to improve
listening skills. And give an illustration to the teacher in
choosing the most appropriate method for children in
learning. And the latter can add to the experience of
teachers to improve professional abilities as educators.
b. For the school
As input for all components of education to provide
an English learning process the using children song to
improve listening skills so as to produce improved
learning outcomes and quality education in the context of
fostering and improving the quality of teaching.
c. For the students
This research was expected to provide information for
students and can improve student learning outcomes in
English subjects especially in listening skills.

A. The General Concept of Vocabulary
In learning a language, vocabulary is one of important language aspects
that should be learnt. Good mastery of vocabulary is important for everyone who
learns the language, which is used in listening, speaking, reading, and writing.
While the language sub-skills consists of pronunciation, grammar, and vocabulary.
Sub-skills in learning English are also important in order to make the people easy in
communicating or using the sentence in conversation. Understanding the sub-skills
of vocabulary is also needed for everyone in learning language, because when we
want to use the language, we also need the words or the vocabulary. As a part of
teaching-learning as foreign language, vocabulary cannot be simply defined as a
group of words. Some experts have interpreted the meaning of vocabulary in
different points of view. The definitions have similarities and differences to each
other. It is good to look at some definitions that have been described as vocabulary.
According to Thomas “vocabulary is the focus of language. It is in word that sound
and meaning interlock to allow us to communicate with one another, and it is word
that we arrange together to make sentences, conversations, and discourse of all
kinds.6 In learning foreign language, vocabulary plays an important role. It is one
element that links the four skills of speaking, listening, reading and writing all
together. In order to communicate well in a foreign language, students should
acquire an adequate number of words and should know how to use them accurately.
Vocabulary is one of the problems confronted by English language teaching. As
Jeremy Harmer said “One of the problems of vocabulary teaching is how to select
the words to teach. 7

B. Song
Thomas Pyles and John Algeo, English an Introduction to Language, (New York:
Harcourt Brace Jovanovich,INC1968),p.96.
Jeremy, Harmer, The Practice of English Language Teaching, (London: Longman
Publiishing, 1991), p. 154.
1. Definition of Song
Song, based on the oxford dictionary, is a little part of music. In addition
Griffee states that song is a part of music which have words, and it has some
elements that make song differ from the poetry or speech although they are have
many similarity.16 Songs are a natural way to get children to pay attention to
rhymes and a fun way to learn. Schoepp added the song will be valuable if it can be
integrated with the language lesson.18 In other word, song will be a great media to
use in the classroom for teaching language, especially for foreign learner.

C. Teaching Vocabulary Through Song

Music or Song is modern trend society. Most of students want to learn
English in different style. They like to learn with fun activity such as singing and
listening to music. Songs are already very familiar to students. By using English
songs as medium in learning English they can increase their knowledge especially
in vocabulary. These songs provide the material of English that they want to
understand. They can sing that songs and also understand what the songs tell about.
Several techniques for presenting songs in the class:

a. Choosing the songs

Before introducing the song in class, it is be better to fulfill the

criteria to choose the songs such as:

1) Songs should be popular with the students whenever possible
2) Songs should be clear and understandable
3) Songs should have an appropriate theme. There’s enough bad
news, negativity and violence in the world already. Songs with
any type of negative theme should be avoided.
Based on the steps in presenting the songs, the writer believes that
teaching vocabulary can be implemented by using songs, because songs provide
entertainment as well as insight into language skills.

D. Teaching Vocabulary by Using Songs

The first step is pre-elementary study, the teacher opens the class by

greeting the students and asking how they are doing. Before learning the new words,
the teacher applies several fun activities such as asking the students’ favorite singer
and song, guessing the title of song The second activity is core study. The teacher
use songs to increase students’ vocabulary. In this case, the teacher has already
designed the material before she teaches in the classroom. The teacher plays the
song and gives them the lyrics of the song. When the students get the lyrics, the
teacher asks the students to understanding the meaning of the song. To build up
their vocabulary the teacher asks them to find out the synonym or antonym of the

E. Advantages of Popular Songs in Teaching Listening

There are many advantages using songs in the classroom, such as:
1. Songs and music can be used as a relaxation in the classroom before or
while students learning.
2. It can improve listening skill and pronunciation, acquiring vocabulary.
F. Disadvantages of Popular Songs in Teaching Listening
1. Popular songs is not something that “live longer”8it makes the teacher
should choose carefully.
2. Most popular songs in recent years did not have good content to be use as
material learning for Indonesian young learners
3. The speed speech of the singer is mostly too high for junior high school
Andy Bennett, Culture of Popular Music, (Buckingham: Open University Press, 2001),
p. 10
G. Conceptual Framework
Listening skill is one of important skill in English Language. Most of the
information got by learners comes from listening. Listening skill can help the
learners receiving much data and input in language learning such as; structure,
vocabulary, pronunciation, etc.

H. Previous Related Study

Relating to this study, there are some previous study that using songs in general or
popular songs for specific on listening skill. First, the research conducted by Abdul
Muhit. The aim of his study is he wanted to know whether the techniques he used
can improve students’ listening skill or not. The technique used by him also using
some popular songs and it mentioned on his study. The result of his study shows
that his technique use is effective. 9Second research conducted by Mutia Mutmainah
entitled “The Correlation between Students’ Habit in Listening Songs and their
Listening Ability”.10 Although the form of the research does not similar, the use of
song and the basic skill she used is similar. She has an aim for her study that she
wanted to find is there any correlation between two variables. Her study that she
conducted was giving a result that there is a correlation between her studies’


Abdul Muhit, “The use of Missing Lyric Game to Improve Students’ Listening Skill: A
Classroom Action Research at Second Grade of SMA Bakti Mulya 400 Jakarta”
UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, Jakarta, 2012, p.2,
Mutia Mutmainah, “The Correlation between Students’ Habit in Listening Songs and
Their Listening Ability”, Skripsi, pada UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, Jakarta, 2014,

In this chapter the researcher discusses the research methodology covering research
design, setting of the research, subject of the research, technique of collecting data,
data analysis.

A. The Research Design

The writer chooses qualitative data research to conduct the final project of this
research. Although the writer chooses qualitative data research, the writer still uses
the action research to do this observation about this case. Besides to know the real
output from observation, the writer also wants to know the effect of the applying
Song Lyric Methode in the sixth grade in elementary school.

Qualitative research is aimed to get deep understanding about organization or

particular event rather than describing in surface of large sampling from population.
Furthermore, Qualitative research is aimed to reach the basic understanding through
researcher experience that is directly processed and integrated with the subject and
location that is in the form of real report with no additional or reduction, and factual
field note. This research includes qualitative research, because it is relying on the
collection of qualitative data. In contrast with quantitative data research, qualitative
research tends to emphasize meaning and context more than specific findings in the
form of facts or particular element of knowledge. The different between quantitative
and qualitative research is the interest of researcher in the context and completeness
of the interpretation and description rather than the relativity narrower focus on
dependent and independent variables and hypothesis testing under controlled
condition that categorized much qualitative research.1

In this research, the researcher used classroom action research design. Surachmad
gives statement that “a classroom action research is a method in which the
researcher collects, classifies and then analysis the data”. The researcher used
classroom action research research design to obtain the answer of researcher
question. It means that researcher want to give about the improving students
vocabulary mastery using Song Lyric
method for students’ of the sixth years students of SDN Bogotanjung 02 by
describing it in details. The main characteristic of this research is giving attentions
to the present time of an event or the actual problems that are investigate,
accompanying, with an adequate rational interpretation.

B. The Aim of the Study

This research is aimed to know whether the using of songs under Total Physical
Response can improve the students‟ vocabulary mastery and to describe what
happens during the implementation of using songs to improve vocabulary mastery
in class sixth grade SDN Bogotanjung 02.

C. The Setting of the Research

This study is conducted at SDN Bogotanjung sixth grade, and Carried in 2019
during the students‟ regular class. It lasted for two months. It is from August to
October 2019.

D. The Model of Action Research

The model of classroom action research used in this study is based on the model
developed by Kemmis in which he represented from Lewin‟s action research cycle
model 2.
According to the model, the process of action research includes four elements,
namely: 1) identifying the problems and planning the actions; 2) implementing the
actions, observing and monitoring; 3) evaluating and reflecting the result of the
observation; and 4) revising the plan for the following steps.

E. The Procedure of Action Research

The model of action research above is the set of principles, frameworks in
undertaking a classroom action research. Furthermore those six steps are taken in
each procedure that forms one cycle. The procedures in this research are as follows.

1. Identifying the problems

The teacher identifies the problems first before planning the actions. The problem
refers to the kindergarten students‟ vocabulary mastery that is still low. The
problem is caused by the technique of delivering material which makes the students
feel bored. They have no interest in the lesson and they walk around in the
classroom. Some of them are laughing and talk with their friends, and become
noisy. It causes their attention to the material given to decrease. As the result the
target of teaching learning process cannot be reached.
2. Planning the action
The teacher prepares anything related to the actions that will be implemented such
as the material, the pictures that are used and the evaluation. The teacher also
prepares the steps of teaching and learning process.
3. Implementing the action
The teacher implements learning activity of English vocabulary using song to
4. Observing or monitoring the action
The researcher observes and monitors all activities in learning process while the
technique of using songs is being carried out. Besides, she also creates conductive
atmosphere in the classroom.
5. Evaluating and reflecting the result of the observation
After doing some activities, researcher gives the students test to measure the
students‟ motivation in learning vocabulary. Before starting to teach, she gives pre-
test and at the end of every cycle, students are given a post-test. Having conducting
the test, the writer analyzes the result of the test to make sure whether there is an
improvement in student‟s vocabulary mastery after they are taught using songs. The
teacher makes an evaluation based on the observation to find the weaknesses of the
activities that have been carried out and the weakness can be refined in the next
cycle. She also notes the students, the score in every cycle.

6. Revising the plan

Based on the weaknesses found from the previous activities, the teacher revises the
plan for the next cycle. It takes two cycles based on the topic to improve the
students‟ vocabulary mastery.

F. Technique of Collecting Data

In collecting data, the writer uses observation and test.The researcher observes all
the students‟ activities during the learning process by using observation sheets. The
researcher takes some information from the field notes; it is the written records of
participant observers 3
. It is also a way of reporting observations, reflections and reactions to classroom
problem Then the researcher scores the test by looking for the mean score. After the
mean of score is found from the tests, and it is supported by the data taken from the
field note, the teacher can find out how children songs can improve the vocabulary
G. The Technique of Analyzing the Data
The classroom action research analyzes data from the observation that are taken
from field notes and the result of the test. The observation describes how teaching
and learning process of vocabulary runs in the classroom through qualitative
methodology, and the tests are used for finding out the mean of the scores using
quantitative methodology. From the analysis, the teacher is able to notice whether
the implementation of the technique can improve the students‟ vocabulary mastery
or not.
In analyzing the data in the form of numbers, the writer uses the mean score of
every test (pre-test and post-test). These are to find out whether there are any
improvements between the students‟ achievement before and after the actions. The
formula is stated as follows.
The mean score of pre- test and post-test can be calculated with the formula:

X = means of pre-test score


Y = means of post-test score

N = number of sample

After the mean score is found from the tests, and it is supported by the data taken
from field notes, the teacher knows the improvement of the students‟ vocabulary
mastery after they are taught songs.
Richards, J. C and Rodgers, T. Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching.
USA,2001, Cambridge University Press.
Allen, Virginia French, Techniques in Teaching Vocabulary.1983 Oxford: Oxford
Burns, Anne. Workshop Penelitian Tindakan Kelas: An Introduction to
Action Research .2005 Surakarta.
Brumfit, Christoper et al. Teaching English to Children: from Practice to
Principle. 1997,England

I.S.P Nation and J Newton, Teaching ESL/EFL Listening and Speaking,New
York : Roudlege,2009,p. 37

Jeremy Harmer, The practice of English language teaching, United kingdom

Longman publishing , 2002p .241

Nihada, Alisa pelic The Effect of Using Songs On Young Learners and Their
Motivation for Learning University of tuzla vol.1 no. 40 ,2016 accessed on 12/10/2019/5.27

Thomas Pyles and John Algeo, English an Introduction to Language, New York:

Harcourt Brace Jovanovich,INC1968p.96.

Jeremy, Harmer, The Practice of English Language Teaching, London: Longman

Publiishing, 1991, p. 154.

Abdul Muhit, “The use of Missing Lyric Game to Improve Students’ Listening Skill:

A Classroom Action Research at Second Grade of SMA Bakti Mulya 400 Jakarta”

UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, Jakarta, 2012, p.2,

Mutia Mutmainah, “The Correlation between Students’ Habit in Listening Songs


Their Listening Ability”, Skripsi, pada UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, Jakarta,

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