Primitive Reflexes Cheat Sheet Final
Primitive Reflexes Cheat Sheet Final
Primitive Reflexes Cheat Sheet Final
Moro Reflex ● Considered the “fight or flight” response ‐ ac va on of the Begins to develop 2‐4 months of ● Hypersensi ve/reac ve
sympathe c nervous system 9 weeks in utero life ● Poor impulse control
● Triggered by sudden unexpected occurrence of any kind ● Ves bular related problems such as mo on sickness, poor coordina on
● Arms and legs move outwards with quick inhala on, then (no ceable in ball games)
freeze momentarily and then arms and legs tuck back in ● Physically mid
and the child exhales ● Oculomotor and visual percep on problems
● Accompanied by a possible outburst of cries ● Poor pupillary control (sensi vity to light) likely caused by adrenal fa gue
● Poor auditory discrimina on
● Dislike of change or surprise
Palmar Reflex ● Light touch or pressure in the palm of the hand will cause Begins to develop 2‐3 months of ● Poor manual dexterity/fine motor skills
the fingers to close 11 weeks in utero life ● Poor wri ng skills (messy wri ng or pressing too hard)
● Speech difficul es (hand and mouth rela onship via the Babkin response)
Asymmetrical Tonic ● Movement of baby’s head to one side will result in Begins to develop Approx. 6 ● Balance may be affected as a result of head movement to either side
Neck Reflex (ATNR) extension of the arm and leg to the side that the head is 18 weeks in utero months of life ● Homolateral, instead of normal cross‐lateral movements when walking,
turned and bending of the limbs on the other side of the marching, skipping etc.
body ● Difficulty crossing the mid‐line
● ATNR assists in a vaginal birth ● Poor ocular pursuit movements (eye tracking)
● Difficul es with hand eye coordina on
● Poor handwri ng and poor expression of ideas on paper
Roo ng Reflex ● Searching, sucking and swallowing reflex Begins to develop 3‐4 months of ● Hypersensi vity around lips and mouth
(Grasp Reflex) ● Light touch of the cheek or s mula on of the edge of the 24‐28 weeks in life ● Tongue may remain too far forward in the mouth (makes swallowing and chewing
mouth will cause the baby to turn the head toward the utero of certain foods difficult)
s mulus and open the mouth in prepara on for sucking ● Speech and ar cula on problems
● Poor manual dexterity (Babkin response)
Spinal Galant Reflex ● Assists in the birthing process Begins to develop 3‐9 months of ● Fidge ng
● While the child in in the prone posi on, s mula on of the 20 weeks in utero life ● Bedwe ng
back on one side of the spine will result in hip flexion ● Poor concentra on
(rota on) to 45 degrees towards the side of the s mulus ● Poor short term memory
● Unilateral or bilateral postural issues
Reflex Name Descrip on Age Age Signs and Symptoms of Reten on
Develops Inhibited
Tonic Labyrinthine ● Two parts to this reflex: flexion (forward) and extension Flexion: Begins to Flexion: ● Poor posture ‐ stoop (Flexion) walk on toes (Extension)
Reflex (TLR) (backwards) develop in utero Approx. 4 ● Hypotonus ‐weak muscle tone (Flexion), s ff jerky movements (Extension)
● Basis for head management and postural stability using Extension: months of life ● Ves bular problems (poor sense of balance, mo on sickness) ‐ ( Flexion and
major muscle groups Present at birth Extension: Extension)
● Reflex is elicited by either moving the head forward Up to 3 years ● Oculomotor dysfunc ons ‐ visual‐perceptual difficul es and spacial percep on
(flexion) or backwards (extension), either above or below old problems ( Flexion and Extension)
the spine ● Poor sequencing ( Flexion and Extension)
● TLR exerts a tonic influence on the distribu on of muscle ● Dislike of spor ng ac vi es (Flexion)
tone throughout the body ‐ helping the baby “straighten ● Poor sense of me (Flexion)
out” from the flexed posi on in the womb ● Poor organiza onal skills (Extension)
● Balance, muscle tone (balance between flexor and
extensor muscles) and propriocep on are all trained
during this process
Symmetrical Tonic ● Two parts to this reflex: flexion (forward) and extension Both flexion and Both flexion ● Poor posture
Neck Reflex (STNR)* (backwards) extension and extension ● Tendency to “slump” when si ng especially at desk/table
● When child is prone res ng on all four limbs, flexion of the emerges 6‐9 9‐11 months ● Simian (ape like) walk
head causes the arms to bend and the legs to extend months of life of life ● Poor hand‐eye coordina on such as copying from the board
● Head extension, on the other hand, causes the legs to flex ● Inability to sit s ll and concentrate
and the arms to straighten.
● Helps the child to defy gravity by ge ng up off the floor
onto hands and knees from the prone posi on
● Helps to inhibit the TLR and forms the bridge to the next
stage of development
Landau Reflex* ● Helps to inhibit the TLR and forms the bridge to the next Emerges 4‐5 3.5 years of ● Affects the development of balance and muscle tone in rapidly changing
stage of development months of life life condi ons
● Engages the extensor tone throughout the body in the ● Runs with s ff awkward movement
prone posi on if the baby is suspended in the air with ● Find hopping , skipping and jumping difficult
support under the stomach
● To assist with posture development