Teaching Internship Portfolio

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I. More Content Doesn’t Equal More Learning
Nicki Monahan, MEd

With access to a world of information as close as our phones, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed by
all there is to teach. New material continues to emerge in every academic discipline, and teachers feel
a tremendous responsibility not only to stay current themselves, but to ensure that their learners are
up to date on the most recent findings. Add to this information explosion the passionate desire by
faculty members to share their particular areas of expertise and it’s easy to see why content continues
to grow like the mythical Hydra of Greek legend. And like Hercules, who with each effort to cut off one
of Hydra’s nine heads only to have two more grow in its place, faculty struggle to tame their content

The two most common strategies for managing course content rarely yield positive results.
Cutting back or trimming content leads to agonizing decisions but does not produce substantive
changes. Adding content to an already jam-packed syllabus puts us in a race to the course finish line—
talking a mile a minute and leaving exhausted students in the dust. Learners in these scenarios liken
the experience to trying to drink water from a fire hose. Hoarse, exhausted faculty and drowned,
resentful students are not representative of the type of deep and meaningful learning that most of us
aspire to. Perhaps it’s time to rethink the role of content in teaching and learning. A fresh perspective
on this problem includes thinking about our role as faculty and that of our students, as well as
reconsidering the nature of curriculum design. The role of “content expert” is a familiar and
comfortable one for most of us, and the many years spent gaining expertise in a discipline may make
us reluctant to relinquish this position. Yet a narrowly defined role as content expert invariably leads
to a “content coverage” model of teaching that puts information transmission at the heart of what we
do. And while accessing knowledge is essential in learning, it is not the end of learning. What our
students need from us is assistance in navigating the waters in an ocean of information. We can
become “content curators” who judiciously select the best “artifacts” for learning, much like the
museum curator analyzes and documents all the materials available before selecting the best
representations for any given collection. Our students also need to learn the skills necessary to review
and evaluate various sources of information—and be able to differentiate what’s relevant, accurate,
and reliable, and why. If we teach research and critical thinking skills, our learners will develop the
capacity to cope with information overload, a problem that is unlikely to disappear in the near future.
With a shift in focus from covering content to using content, curriculum design also becomes less a
matter of determining “what” to teach and more a matter of “how” to facilitate learning. A
realignment of our role from content expert to content curator also puts content itself into a new
perspective. Rather than “covering” content, we use carefully selected content to help students
develop the skills of their discipline or their profession. So, for example, students of history learn how
to use primary sources to think like historians, or biology students use a scientific approach for testing
a hypothesis. Critical decisions about content still need to be made, but from a different perspective.
One approach is to consider the scenario that Maryellen Weimer suggests in her piece “Diversifying
the Role Course Content Plays.” Imagine that you meet a student five years after he or she took your
course. What would you like to have that student remember from the course? Rather than being able
to cite specific facts or information, I think we’d all much rather prefer that our former students
remember key concepts, ones that transformed their thinking. Often referred to as “threshold
concepts,” these critical ideas can become the cornerstones on which we organize our curriculum. In
addition to recognizing the importance of understanding threshold concepts, students might also look
back and recognize that it was not knowledge itself that had the greatest impact, but the ability to
apply that knowledge. They might remark on the capacity to utilize a formula to solve a problem or
adopt a theoretical model to produce a finished product. If we begin with these demonstrated
outcomes when designing our curriculum, then content becomes a vehicle by which we help students
apply what they have learned.

This forward-thinking, backward-planning approach to curriculum development that

incorporates an understanding of threshold concepts is a vital tool in the battle against content
dominance. If we look to the future and carefully consider what we want our students to understand
deeply by the time they successfully complete our course, then we can take a backward-design
approach to create the learning experiences that will help them achieve that. If we continue to view
content as that which needs to be covered rather than the fuel for meaningful learning, then we are
destined to fight a losing battle.

In this digital age where we live in a modern world, everything is under controlled by
technology. It makes our life easier than before. New and modern technologies continue to emerge
and because of this, we are overwhelmed by all there to use. However, anything that is too much can
be dangerous.

This article tackles the continuous emergence of new and updated learning contents and
materials that affect the teaching-learning process in this present time. On the first hand, these are
very helpful since they make the students’ life easier compared to the past generations. They broaden
the sources of information to keep the students up to date to the recent findings. On the second hand,
it becomes harder for teachers since they felt the need to keep up with the trends and changes to stay
relevant. It doesn’t provide substantive changes and it just complicates more the learners’ learning
progress. More content doesn’t equal more learning. Students still need the support, assistance and
guidance of their teachers in navigating waters in an ocean of information. Student-centered approach
is an effective one, but we cannot be so sure that learners are really learning. To ensure that there’s a
meaningful teaching-learning process, teachers should go deep down in the students’ level of
knowledge even if it means spoon-feeding. Moreover, teachers should also be “content curators” in
this world full of “content experts”. Teachers should prioritize the learning progress of students – what
they need in order to learn – rather than coming up with bunches of new learning materials. They
should focus on helping the students to learn the skills necessary to review and evaluate various
sources of information—and be able to differentiate what’s relevant, accurate, and reliable, and why.
Through these, learners will be able to learn how to deal with dominance of overloaded information.

In fact, the emergence of new learning contents and materials is an advantage especially in
the 21st century education. It keeps the information needed by the students up to date in this new
generation. However, the problem is it can cause confusions due to overloaded information. I think
the best intervention to this problem is utilization. If the teachers know how to utilize and manage
these new learning contents and materials, the would be a great help in achieving a meaningful
teaching-learning process. These can also make a big difference and impact in today’s education that
can lead to a better future.


II. Introduction of teaching and learning

Teaching is the purposive process. Different activities of teaching are conducted only for the
attainment of a specific purpose by someone. Teaching means to teach someone while aiming.
Teaching has been considered a tri-polar process. For teaching, we need a student, a teacher and a
course. For this reason, teaching has been considered as a tripolar process. In the article, introduction
of teaching and learning will be understood.

The process of teaching and learning interact in a way that learners work for their goals, and
they learn new knowledge, behaviors, and skills that enhance their learning experiences. For the
century, the learning process has been seeing various perspectives such as cognitive (learning as a
mental operation) and constructivist (knowledge as a constructed element resulting from the learning
process). Both of these theories together work great and learning them separately does not make any
profit. For learning integration of these theories are necessary and while integration processes, it is
crucial to consider some other factors such as cognitive style, the multiple natures of intelligences,
learning style, and learning for special needs and for people from diverse cultural backgrounds. Thus,
learning and teaching go hand in hand.

Teachers have one of the most important roles in our society. Our future depends on their
hands – they can choose to destroy it or to mold it beautifully. Their primarily role is teaching and
when we say teaching, it doesn’t evolve in delivering lessons and classroom instructions.

This article focuses on teaching as a tri-polar process in which we need a teacher, students and
a course, and its importance in educative process. Teaching serves different purposes depending on
how the teachers wanted to portray their roles and as long as they achieve a meaningful teaching-
learning process. In order to achieve an educative process, both teachers and students must play their
role. Teachers should set their goals and use different effective teaching methods and techniques to
provide quality education. They should also assist and guide their learners while these are working for
their goals as well to attain rich knowledge and enhance their skills.

This article also discusses the importance cognitive and constructivist theories that has a big
impact in one’s education. It also pinpoints the disadvantage if these two are being learned together
which does not make any benefits. Because of this, teachers should not just focus on the acquired
knowledge of learners. Teachers should also enrich the innate knowledge of learners for them to have
a wide level of understandings. Through these teachers can help the learners apply their learnings in
real life situations. Moreover, both parties can achieve their goals together.

Truly, teaching and learning go hand in hand. It is a process that includes many variables and
each variables played a significant role in attaining a purposive education. This nation, the present and
future generation futures depend on the education that our teachers and the school provide. To ensure
a great future for everyone, we must focus on providing a meaningful teaching-learning process and a
quality education.


III. Teaching and Learning Process to Enhance Teaching Effectiveness
Teaching and learning process can be defined as a transformation process of knowledge from
teachers to students. It is referred as the combination of various elements within the process where
an educator identifies and establish the learning objectives and develop teaching resources and
implement the teaching and learning strategy. On the other hand, learning is a cardinal factor that a
teacher must consider while teaching students. The paper evaluated various academic journals,
pedagogy, and inclusive practices to assess the teaching effectiveness within the higher education

The objective of the research is to assess the teaching effectiveness in a higher education
setting. The research used experimental research methods (primarily reflection) using literary forms
to analyze the theory with the reinforcement of the practice from the university experiences. The
research findings suggest that providing positive and adequate formative and developmental
feedback, introduction of role-play has a profound positive impact on the students' confidence and
self-esteem. It was also revealed that, active learning environment promotes inclusivity and improve
the faculty and student academic performances.

The research findings will enable the educators to help create and implement an inclusive
teaching and learning environment to improve the learner's expectation and academic performance.

In teaching and learning process, teachers are like captains in a ship. They are the one who
navigates the voyage of learning in an ocean of information. They played a very important role in one’s
education since they are the primary source of knowledge and information. Anything that they say will
be acquired by their learners.

It takes a lot of hard work in achieving an effective teaching and learning process. This article
is all about the study of teaching effectiveness in a higher education setting. It used experimental
research methods in identifying the problem and in assessing the needed interventions to achieve
teaching effectiveness. It also focused on the various elements that has a great effect in teaching and
learning. In achieving teaching effectiveness, the first thing that a teacher must consider is his/her
learners. Teachers should establish a safe, healthy, and inclusive learning environment. Also, forming
a harmonious connection and relationship is also a great help. Through these, teachers can be able to
identify what teaching strategies are effective to use in achieving teaching effectiveness. This will also
result in improvement of teacher and student academic performances. Moreover, in higher education
setting, it is very important that the focus is on the learners since they are already starting to plan their
future. They will use their learnings and experiences in embarking the journey of life.

Meaningful teaching-learning process do not just evolve in teacher’s mastery of subject

matter. Teaching would be meaningless even if the teacher delivers her lesson very well if there is no
progress in the learners’ learning process. Learning is a cardinal factor that a teacher must consider
while teaching students. If there is no learning, then there will be no teaching effectiveness.
Furthermore, in order for us, teachers, to be considered effective, we must make a positive and leave
remarkable impacts in our students’ lives that will help them in becoming better individuals.


WEEK 1: March 14-17, 2023
I considered this week as one of the most nerve-wracking weeks of my life because it is my
first week of teaching-internship in Malilipot National High School where I am deployed. On the first
day, the school coordinator oriented us first about the school rules and regulations and assigned us to
our cooperating teachers and classes that we will be handling. My cooperating teacher is Mrs.
Salvacion Bueza and I will be handling the Grade 9 (Oxygen, Nitrogen, Hydrogen and Helium) students.
However, my partner and I will teach the same topic consecutively, so I’ll be handling two sections
only. On my second and third day, I observed first my CT, my students, and the school. Moreover, my
CT already given to me and my partner the class schedules, list of students and the topics that we will
be teaching. My first three topics are Types of Stages, Logic, Facts and Appeal, and Literary Devices.
Thereafter, she introduced to us the 4A’s approach of lesson plan and its parts and she taught us how
to make it. It was hard for me at first, but I needed to adjust quickly to the changes that is happening
to me. On the same week, I teach my first topic–types of stages–already. I was very anxious since I
didn’t get enough time to adjust and prepare unlike the other student-teachers who will be teaching
next week but still, I am thankful because I got to teach already and overcome my fears and worries.
Also, I already met my lovely students. I finished my first week productively and knowledgeably.

“Orientation of School Rules and Regulations”

“My First Day of Teaching”

WEEK 2: March 20-24, 2023
This is my second week of internship; I am still nervous but I’m slowly getting used to talk in
front of my students. On the first hand, this week, I resumed teaching my first topic to Nitrogen and
Helium which I didn’t get to finish last week. We also check the assessments that I gave. After I finished
my first topic, I proceeded with my second topic, and I got to finish it within the week. Moreso, my CT
let me teach and finish her delayed lessons to the two remaining sections. She let me use her lesson
plan and teaching materials. On the second day, our CT changed our teaching routines and schedules
because she wanted us to meet all her students. Because of this, my partner and I will be teaching
consecutively. This week, I finished teaching three topics which are the Types of Stages, Logic, Facts or
Appeal and Voice and Voiceless ‘th’. I thought my second week of internship would be as hard as last
week, but I was wrong, it becomes easier and lighter although I teach the whole week. I am slowly
getting to know my learners and I am starting to fully embrace my role. In addition, English teachers
of MNHS together with all English majors of SJCC had a meeting because one of the English teachers
proposed an activity which will be headed by us. In the meeting, we talked about the details of the
activities that we will conduct. We, STs, are also the coordinators of the said event. It was challenging
for us since it is our first time organizing such huge school activity, but we will do our best to execute
it successfully.

“Distinguishing Voice and Voiceless ‘th’ Sounds

WEEK 3: March 27-31, 2023
This is already my third week of teaching-internship. I’m still struggling but I can say that I am
becoming better. This teaching-internship is filled with uncertainties, and it will really test our
capabilities. This week, my partner wasn’t feeling well so I was the only one who handled the four
sections. This week, I teach my new topic which are the Literary Devices used in the play Romeo and
Juliet. I discussed six literary devices (Simile, Foreshadowing, Rhyme, Repetition, Oxymoron,
Metaphors) and since it is long topic, it lasted for two days. Furthermore, because my partner is absent,
I am also the one who discussed her topic on the spot. It was very challenging since I wasn’t prepared,
and I have no idea about her topic but with the help and guidance of my CT, I was able to deliver my
lesson well. This week, I teach two topics which are the Literary Devices and Infinitives. Moreover, my
CT and I already chose our participants for the upcoming culminating activity which will be held on
April 19-20, 2021. My partner and I were the in-charge of practicing our participants so during our free
time, we would practice since we don’t have enough time to prepare. This week had been very tiring
and challenging. I was pulled to the extent of my capabilities, but I am proud to say that I overcome it.
I believe that this experience is just the beginning of my journey and I still have a long way to go, and I
know that it will help me become stronger.

“I discussed some of the Literary Devices used in the play ‘Romeo and
Juliet’ by William Shakespeare.”
WEEK 4: April 4-5, 2023
This is already my fourth week of teaching-internship, and I can say that I already learned so
many things. The past few weeks had been draining but it was full of helpful learnings and experiences.
This week, my partner was the one who teach so I just facilitated the practice of our participants for
the upcoming “English Interclash 2023”. We have four solo participants in declamation, oration, spoken
poetry and interpretative reading while in speech choir competition, we have 30 participants. While
facilitating their practice, I get to know more my students despite of their diverseness. I observed more
how they behave and how they handle situations. It was hard yet fulfilling handling these learners
because they really tested me not just as a teacher but also as a better individual. I became more
passionate and dedicated to my chosen field because of them.

“Preparation for the upcoming ‘English Interclash 2023’”

WEEK 5: April 11-14, 2023
This week had been very busy and productive. Despite the pressure of the upcoming school
activities for both teachers and students, we still prioritize the academic since it is already the end of
the quarter, and we still have so much to discuss. This week, I discussed another Literary Devices that
were used in Romeo and Juliet. These literary devices are Apostrophe, Metaphor, Personification,
Hyperbole and Understatement. I discussed it for two days in order for my learners to fully understand
my lesson. While teaching, I realized that this topic and the previous one which I found hard to
understand before are very simple. It just depends on the teacher’s teaching strategies and techniques.
Moreso, my CT also teach me how to make the School Form 2. At first, I thought it was complicated
since there’s a computation however upon knowing the format and formula, I realized that it was very
easy. I also realized that it is important because it helped the teacher monitor the performance of their
students every month. I am very thankful for my CT because she is really helping and preparing me to
the reality of teaching. Furthermore, since the exam is approaching, my CT instructed us to create
table of specifications that will serve as our guide in making test questions. After we finished the TOS,
we proceed in making test questions. We prepared 60-item questions for both long quiz and quarterly
exam. This week is filled with great learnings. Surely, these experiences will be of great help as I
become a teacher in the future.
“My Cooperating Teacher taught me how to make the School Form 2”
WEEK 6: April 17-20, 2023
There were lots of happenings this week. Students were busy multitasking with their
academics and tasks performances. Teachers and STs were also busy preparing for the upcoming
quarterly exams. However, it was busier for us, English majors since we led the two-day “English
Interclash 2023” culminating activity that we’ve been preparing for the past few weeks. During
preparations, we would stay late at the school to ensure that everything is prepared and ready. We
also made sure that our respective participants are all ready because the result of this activity will
reflect in our performances as student-teachers. Moreover, we prepared different contests and
activities such as essay writing, spelling bee, speech choir, declamation, oration, interpretative reading
and spoken poetry. On the first day, we conducted the essay writing and spelling bee contest, and the
remaining activities were conducted on the second day. This activity was full of fun experiences. I am
also very happy because my handled class won second place in speech choir which is the highlight of
the activity. We also won first place in spoken poetry and second place in oration. After the event, we
also prepared foods for those who helped and participated. The two-day event went out successfully.
We were very happy and fulfilled because it is our first time facilitating a huge event and all our efforts
were paid off. This week may be very draining, but I learned so much from it and I know that it can
contribute a lot for me to become an effective teacher.
“English Interclash 2023”
WEEK 7: April 24-28, 2023
This is a very busy week because it the schedule of the 3rd quarter exam. This week, I continued
with my unfinish discussion last week since it was included in the exam. Further, I also finished the
needed tasks that our CT requires us to do. On Wednesday, we administered the 60-item long quiz.
The long quiz served as their review since most of the questions there are also included in the exam.
On 27 and 28, the 3rd quarter exam occurred. Our CT let us (my partner and I) facilitate the exam.
Before we gave the test papers to our students, we implemented first our dos and don’ts while taking
the exam for them to be aware. While facilitating and observing the learners, I can’t help but to look
back at my experiences in my younger years and I saw my younger self through these students. I
realized that I made it far although I still have a very long way to go. This week is full of memorable
learnings and experiences that I can use when I already become a teacher.

“3rd Quarter Examination”

WEEK 8: May 2-5, 2023

The fast few months have been difficult for both teachers and students because of the very
hot climate due to climate change. This very hot weather is affecting and hindering us in achieving an
effective teaching-learning process. This week is the start of transition of face-to-face classes to
blended learning. This transition is the intervention that every school must do to ensure the safety of
every student. Because of this transition, there are changes and adjustments in class routines and
schedules. Classes will only be from Monday to Thursday and from whole day classes, it changes into
half day (7:30-11:45). This intervention is a good idea because it prioritizes the well-being of everyone.
Since everyone is still adjusting to the changes, the highlight of this week is the checking of exams and
the item analysis.

“New class schedule in blended learning”

WEEK 9: May 8-12, 2023
This week we conducted the general assembly for the 3rd quarter recognition rites and card
distribution of the students. Because of this, we were busy computing the grades. We required
students who have incomplete outputs to comply already in order for them to pass the quarter. While
computing the grades, I realized that teachers had the hardest jobs since we need to fail those students
who aren’t really complying and who lacks interest and motivation in studying even though we don’t
want to. I also experienced begging my students to comply in order for them to pass. During the
general assembly, all student-teachers helped in facilitating the meeting. We prepared the venue, and
we were in-charge of the attendance sheets of parents. It was tiring but it is a great experience since I
got to witness my students received their awards and recognitions together with their proud parents.
It is very fulfilling seeing the smile in their faces because I know that they work and strive hard for it. I
am also very proud of myself at that moment because I know that I am part of that milestone in their
lives. However, our advisory class didn’t get to participate because they don’t have yet their grades in
science. It is saddening but our CT told us that we will just be having a classroom recognition rite when
their grades are already complete. This week is very productive. I encountered different people, and I
witnessed memorable moments of my learners. I will forever cherish the experiences that I gained this
“General Assembly and 3rd Recognition Rites”
WEEK 10: May 15-19, 2023
This is my tenth week of teaching internship in Malilipot National High School, and I realized
that we are almost done. It feels surreal since it seems like I just started yesterday – very nervous and
doubting myself if I can do this. I am just thankful that I made it this far already. This week is the
schedule of our final demo teaching and supposedly, the observers will just enter our class surprisingly.
However, due to conflict in schedules, I was not observed this week. It is just saddening since I already
prepared all the materials that I will be using in demo teaching, and I mastered my topic already.
Anyway, the topic that I prepared is the two voices of the verb which is Active and Passive Voice.
Honestly, it is just a very simple topic but since we focused on the tenses of the verb, it became
complicated to the students. Nevertheless, I am sure that they understand because they got high
scores in my evaluation. On the other hand, this is a sad week for me because one of my students lost
his loved one. We, my CT, partner, and our students went to his house to pay visit and respect. Reality
is very harsh on me because I wasn’t ready to experience and encounter such things, not in this
journey, but I’ll just look at the bright side of life. I’ll consider this as another experience that will help
me become stronger especially in facing and dealing with the reality of life.

“We paid visit and respect to the funeral of our student’s grandmother.”
WEEK 11: May 22-26, 2023
Time flies so fast because it is already our last week in Malilipot National High School. My stay
in this school has been great and I learned so much from this journey. This journey tested me at the
extent of my capabilities, and I wouldn’t be more grateful because finally, I’m one step closer to the
finish line. In my final week, I’m done with my final demo teaching. I was very nervous at first, but I
mustered all the courage that I have to get through it. I set to my mind that it is just another ordinary
day that I’ll be facing my students but with extra challenge. I proceeded with my final demo teaching
and at last, I made it! Anyway, my topic is Modals. I also received positive comments from my observer
that extinguished all my self-doubts. She said that I know my subject matter very well, I have a good
command of English language and she is confident that my students understood my lesson. This
experience boosted my confidence knowing that I was able to teach effectively. Moreso, this is a sad
week but becomes extra special because I received letters from my students. This is the last week that
I’ll be meeting my students who became a big part and left remarkable impact in my life. I am very
grateful for them because they made me feel that I’m worthy, valued and loved. I am beyond grateful
to the people who made huge contribution and help me accomplish it successfully. Lastly, on May 26,
we conducted the classroom recognition and card distribution day. My partner and I facilitated the
activity with the help of our CT.
“My Final Demonstration Teaching”
WEEK 12: June 1-2, 2023
This is my last two days in Malilipot National High School. On June 1, we went to school to
prepare for the school-based seminar the next day. All student-teachers helped in cleaning and
decorating the venues that we will be using in seminar and kick-off party. On June 2, it is the day of the
seminar and as a future teacher, I learned so much from it. This seminar is like an open forum because
we were allowed to talk and share our experiences. It went out smoothly thanks to our very versatile
and fun speaker, Mrs. Jones Catherine B. Barogo. She shared her learnings and experiences as a 21st
century teacher. She said that teacher doesn’t need to know everything because we are not perfect,
and we are still learning. This seminar helped me appreciate more the importance of teacher especially
in 21st century education. She introduced us to the reality of teaching – the goodness and harshness
of it. After the seminar, we also had a small gathering together with our CTs and all the teachers of
MNHS. We also received a certificate of appreciation for attending and seminar and on the same day,
we received our certificate of completion, which is a proof that we completed, and we were done with
our practice teaching internship. We also thanked our CTs for guiding us in this journey and showed
our appreciation through giving of tokens. This last two days are eventful and filled with great learnings
and experiences. I considered my stay in this school as one of the greatest experiences in my life. I
learned so much from this journey and the experiences that I gained here will surely of a huge help
me for me to become a quality teacher someday and be the better person that I always aspire to be.

“Student-Teachers’ Forum and Kick-off Party”

Lesson plan is one of the most essential requirements in teaching. It is a guide on how we are
going to deliver lessons and instructions to our learners. As a teacher, it is important to know how to
write an effective lesson plan and connects every part of it to execute a clear teaching and learning

My teaching-internship journey was quite challenging, and I needed to go through so many

adjustments for me to be able to face and survive it. There are lots of things that I need to learn
because of the learning gaps brought to us by the pandemic. At first, I didn’t know what teaching
approach or strategy to use in order for me to deliver my lesson well and awaken my learners’ attention
and interest. One thing that I also had difficulties in doing is lesson plan. I find it hard connecting my
learning competencies and objectives to my activities in application and assessment. In addition, I only
knew two approaches of lesson plan – Story Related Framework (SRF) and Classroom Based Instruction
(CBI), until my cooperating teacher introduce to me the 4A’s (Activity, Analysis, Abstraction,
Application) approach. For me, this approach is much easier to use because it has the smooth flow of
the lesson plan. It asserts that a learner gains and builds knowledge through experience. It recognizes
that life experiences are rich resources for continued learning. It helps the learners learn and
experience things at the same time. Furthermore, I used the student-centered approach which is the
advised teaching method. This approach focuses on the students learning on their own but still with
the teacher’s guidance. This approach lets my students discover and experience things first-hand. Also,
it is an advantage that I handled Grade 9 because they are determined and already responsible on
their own, although there are learners who lacks interest in studying. This approach obliged these
learners to use and apply their learnings not just in assessments or evaluations but also in real life
situations. With the use and help of these approaches and with the guidance of my CT, I was able to
pull off successfully my lesson every day.

This domain made me realize that “it always seems impossible until it’s done”. I thought that I
wouldn’t be able to survive this phase of my life. However, if we are always determined and goal-
driven, we are capable to accomplish things may it be step by step. My teaching-internship learnings
and experiences are of a great help for me to become an effective and quality teacher someday.
4A’s Approach (Activity, Analysis, Abstraction, Application)
May 22-24, 2023
MW: 9-Oxygen (7:30-8:30)
9-Nitrogen (8:30-9:30)
TTH: 9-Helium (9:45-10:45)
9-Hydrogen (10:45-11:45)

EN9G-IVd-23: Express permission, obligation, and prohibition.

1. Express permission, obligation, and prohibition.
2. Identify the modals expressing permission, obligation, and prohibition.
3. Communicate more clearly and effectively through proper use of modals in the activities.


Lesson: Modals
Materials: Visual aids, Manila paper, Pentel pen, Chalk
References: A Journey Through Anglo-American Literature Learner’s Material (pp. 497, 515-
Online References


Greetings “Good morning, class!” “Good morning, ma’am!”
Prayer “Let us pray first.” (One student leads the prayer.)
Checking of “Now, I will check the attendance. Please say present
Attendance once I call your name.”
INTRODUCTION “How should we express ourselves when we are asking “It is very important that we
permission? How about when we are obliging or are polite and formal when we
prohibiting someone?” are asking for permission.
Meanwhile, in obliging and
prohibiting someone, it is
important to use strong and
firm words to impose the rules
“Before we start our new lesson for today, let us recall properly.”
first what we’ve discussed yesterday. Any volunteer?”
“The last topic that we
“Okay, thank you class!” discussed was all about
PRELIMINARY Task 1: Rules and Obligations
ACTIVITY Observe the rules that were implemented during the
(The teacher lets the students read the rules.)
Possible Answer:
“What “These are just some of the
can you rules that we practice and
observe follow up to this day to ensure
with the our safety from the contagious
rules?” disease, and they are


A modal is a type of auxiliary (helping) verb that is used

to express: ability, possibility, permission, or obligation.

The modal verbs that we often use to give and ask
permission are can, could, and may.

When we talk about obligation in English, we can use
must, have to, should, and ought to.

These modal verbs for prohibition are used when we
want to say that something is not allowed or permitted.
The modal verbs used are may and can, and they are
used as negatives:
• Can’t/Cannot
• Mustn’t/Must not
• May not
(The teacher groups the class into two and let them read (The students read the text.)
the text.)

A: Let’s go shopping. I have got quite a number of
things to buy, and I believe I can get them all in this
shop. You see, I ought to buy a present for my friend.
She has invited me to her birthday. What shall we look at
B: Gloves, I think. They must be on the ground floor.
Yes, here we are, and I can see just the kind I want.
A: Well. That didn’t take us long, now let’s go up by the
escalator to the third floor.
B: We’ll just take a quick look around to see if there is
anything we could take back as presents for the family.
A: I like these books, and do you? Shall we ask how
much they are?
B: I want to get a comb and some hair clips. Where do
you think I can find them?
A: Oh, you must go to the haberdashery department.
That’s on a lower floor, I believe. We’ll get them on our
way out.
B: How do you like those white shoes just over there, on
the right?
A: I like them very much, indeed. They are perfect for
summer wear.
B: Do you think they’re my size? They look just about
A: You should try them on.
ABSTRACTION Task 4: Identify the modals used in the text. (Oral

1. I have got quite a number of things to buy, and I 1. Can/Ought to

believe I can get them all in this shop. You see, I ought 2. Must
to buy a present for my friend. 3. Could
2. They must be on the ground floor. Yes, here we are, 4. Can
and I can see just the kind I want. 5. Must
3. We’ll just take a quick look around to see if there is 6. Should
anything we could take back as presents for the family.
4. Where do you think I can find them?
5. Oh, you must go to the haberdashery department.
6. You should try them on.
APPLICATION Task 5: Model Your Modals
Fill in the blank with the correct modal.

1. Children _______ obey their parents.

2. You _______ wear shirts but you _______ wear jeans
in the pool. 1. Must
3. Maybe you _______ go for a coffee or lunch and see 2. Can, Mustn’t
how you feel? 3. Should
4. _______ you open the door, please? 4. Could
5. I’m sorry, but you _______ not enter the premises. 5. May
ASSESMENT Task 6: Let’s Practice!
Choose the correct modal that expresses permission,
obligation, or prohibition in each sentence. Choose the
letter of the correct answer.

1. Which one of the pair expresses an obligation.

a. I must go to the dentist. 1. a
b. I will go to the dentist. 2. a
2. Which one of the pair expresses polite way of asking 3. a
permission to do something? 4. a
a. Could we go home now? 5. b
b. Can we go home now?
3. Which one of the pair expresses more formal or polite
way of saying that someone has permission?
a. Students may travel free.
b. Students can travel free.
4. Which one of the pair expresses a stronger
a. You must not leave the house.
b. You can’t leave the house.
5. Which one of the pair expresses weak obligation?
a. He must see a doctor.
b. He should see a doctor.
Learning environment plays a big role in learner’s learning progress. It has a great impact in
learner’s growth and development. Malilipot National High School is a student-friendly school. It has
a healthy and nurturing learning environment. The basic school necessities and other important
learning needs and materials can be found there although they weren’t enough to fill the learners’

All the teaching and non-teaching staffs and students have a great relationship with each other.
This school is very welcoming and accommodating. Teachers and other personnels are passionate and
dedicated to their jobs and the learners are respectful. My stay in this school is one-of-a-kind
experiences that I will always cherish wherever I go. My students treated and recognized me like a real
teacher. They gave me the same amount of respect that they are giving to the real teachers. They
helped and left a great impact in my journey. We already formed a deep relationship that made it
difficult for me to leave them. They helped me stay motivated to my goals and dedicated to my passion.
Also, they made a big positive change in my beliefs and perspectives as a teacher. Furthermore, my
cooperating teacher made my internship journey an easy one. She taught me a lot of things – not just
school things related but also about life experiences. I learned so much from her – from classroom
managing, lesson planning, teaching strategies and so much more – that will surely help me become
an effective teacher in the future.

In terms of facilities and utilities, MNHS have the necessities however there’s a shortage
especially in terms of classroom due to the disturbance of the typhoons that wrecked our region.
Because of this, there’s a conflict in schedule so they came up with splitting of schedule in order for
them to accommodate all the learners. Grade 7 went to class in the morning while the Grade 8 went
in the afternoon, but the rest of the students have their regular classes. This situation brings learning
gaps and deficiencies to the learners, but the school is doing their best to fill the gap and to give what
the learners needs.

This school brought so many changes in my life. It challenged me at first, but it made me wiser
and stronger. The learnings and experiences that I attained from all the people here made me feel in
love with teaching more. I will use it to be the person that I aspire to be and be a quality teacher in the
In every classroom and school setting, students vary in terms of personalities/characteristics,
behaviors, status, level of knowledge and understandings, and many more.

As a pre-service teacher, at first, it was a challenge for me encountering diverse types of learners
during my internship journey. It felt like going into the battlefield with no enough weapon. I’ve
encountered learners who were active and participative, learners who lack interests and motivations,
learners who had their own worlds, learners with different qualities and experiences, and many more.
In fact, I have this one student in one of the sections that I handled who speaks English fluently as her
first language or mode of communication, and I couldn’t do the code-switching while discussing in
order for her to understand and catch up with our discussion. I also had hard time maintaining order
and managing classroom rules and routines. These differences hindered my capabilities to deliver an
effective teaching and delivering instructions. Therefore, I came up with different teaching strategies
and techniques – with the help of my cooperating teacher – to establish a learning environment that
is responsive to the learner diversity. I used different approaches considering their differences to catch
my learners’ interest and attention. I am providing different visual materials while reading and
discussing it for them at the same time so that I can address my two types of learners’ (visual and
aural) needs. Every discussion, I am giving cut out emoticons to those students who recited and
participated and that serves as their recitation for the day. Moreso, I formed a harmonious relationship
while maintaining the teacher-student boundaries that resulted to a healthy communication with
them. Through these, there’s an active interaction between me and my learners that leads to
responsive teaching-learning process.

This domain is very important to experience by pre-service teachers because it helps prepare us
in the real field. The experiences that we gained here will be a great help for us to become effective
and a global quality teacher. With the help of my cooperating teaching and with the participation of
my students, I’ve learned the extent of my capabilities in handling different situations specifically inside
the classroom setting. I also learned how to facilitate and manage the classroom instructions well.
This domain is essential because it serves as a guide of a teacher to achieve a meaningful
teaching-learning process. This domain is probably one of the most crucial and requisite parts of
teaching. It will measure the teacher’s ability to translate curriculum content into learning activities
that are relevant to learners and based on the principles of effective teaching and learning.

In my internship journey, I find this domain hard to accomplish because everything that a
teacher does must be according to the Department of Education (DepEd) orders. In this domain, I’ve
got to encounter and experience the basics of teaching. I did lesson planning – which I already
encountered in the first domain alongside with the teaching approaches and strategies – and
classroom structuring, and created table of specifications, summative assessments, school form 2, and
test questions. At first, I thought that classroom structuring is just posting instructional and
educational posters and materials, but I learned in Prof Ed 11 and 12 that as a teacher, I must involve
my learning in doing this for them to become aware especially to the rules that we are implementing.
Second, I got to create my own table of specification and test questions for long quiz and quarterly
exam. TOS is very important to learn because it helped us frame the decision-making process of test
constructions. Moreover, it helped organize the test questions according to the Bloom’s Taxonomy
skills since we cannot ask every question we wish to ask. Lastly, I also learned how to make the school
form 2 (SF2) which shall be accomplished by teachers every end of the month. In the section that I
handled, there are 2 students that had been listed as NLPA or No Longer Participating in Learning
Activities in the month of April due to absences and lack of interests of these two. These are just some
of the basic skills that I learned during my internship which will be useful for me in the future.

As a future teacher, it is great to be able to witness and experience first-hand the teacher’s
roles and responsibilities. My learnings from this domain will surely be of a big help especially if I am
already in the actual teaching and learning environment.
This domain is the result of the effective curriculum and planning in the domain 4 that can
help to achieve a meaningful and responsive teaching-learning process.

During my internship journey, I just didn’t teach but I also participated in different school
activities and events. Firstly, I got to lead and beat twice during flag ceremony. This experience helped
me boost my confidence – since I am very shy standing in front of many people – because I need to
show to the students that I am their teacher at that moment, and they must follow my lead. Secondly,
I witnessed how teachers successfully organize activities like general assembly for parents and
recognition rites. I, together with the other student-teachers, joined in facilitating the event and it was
a great experience knowing that I will go through the same things in the future. As a student-teacher,
it was also fulfilling seeing learners together with their proud parents being recognized and awarded
for their hard work and great performance last quarter. However, my advisory class wasn’t able to join
the awarding because they don’t have yet their grades in one subject. A week after, we just held the
recognition rites, card distribution and homeroom meeting inside the classroom. Thirdly, the school’s
English department together with the English major student-teachers from SJCC conducted a two-day
culminating activity titled “English-Interclash 2023” that were participated by all grade levels. All
English majors were tasked to lead and facilitate the said event. We prepared lots of activities like quiz
bee and essay writing contest that was held on the first day. On the second day, we held the speech
choir, declamation, oration, interpretative reading and spoken poetry competition wherein learners
were able to showcase their talents and skills. It was very challenging since it was our first time
conducting a real event in the actual learning environment, but it was fulfilling at the same time since
it was successfully accomplished. On the other hand, in my handled classes (Grade 9), my CT obliged
me and my partner to choose our participants and facilitate them during practice. It was challenging
since we need to do my best as trainers for our participants to win. Thankfully, our participants won
2nd place in Oration, 1st place in Spoken Poetry, and 2nd place in Speech Choir which is the highlight of
the event. I learned so much from these experiences and I am sure that it will help me improve more.
After the “English-Interclash”, the MAPEH department also had their activity called MAPEH-stival of
talents wherein students performed different genres of dances. Lastly, in our last day in MNHS, our
coordinator and us, student-teachers administered a school-based seminar with a theme “Extra
Challenge: Defying Problems Faced by the Young Teachers of 21st Century” before we leave. The activity
includes an open forum for student-teachers wherein our thoughts were heard, and our problems
were given interventions. It was very fun and knowledgeable since we were introduced to the reality
of our chosen field.

My teaching-internship journey was filled with great experiences that I will cherish wherever
I go. I learned so much from this and I still can’t believe that I successfully accomplished the things that
I was so afraid of in the beginning of my journey. The knowledge that I gained here shape me for what
I am right now not just as a student-teacher but also as a person that I always aspire to be.
Meaningful teaching and learning process don’t just evolve in effective teaching and good
management of classroom settings. Establishing a good and healthy relationship with the learners and
people in the community is also beneficial in the educative process. It can contribute a lot in
enrichment of safe and nurturing environment for learners.

During my internship, I participated in different school activities and events of Malilipot

National High School. Because of these, I encountered different types of people who made a great
impact and contributed great learnings in my journey.

My stay in MNHS is filled with fun and sad surprises. On the first hand, it was fun since I got to
meet new people – students, teachers and most especially parents, who teaches and inspires me and
whom I can share my knowledge with. I got to associate with parents every meeting or assembly and
awarding ceremonies who were the number one supporters of the students. As I witnessed and met
these people, I observed and realized lot of things. There are parents who don’t know how to write or
even spell their names. It is very saddening, and it made me realized the true essence of education.
However, it is gladdening knowing that they are sending their children to school in order to give their
children the education that they need and deserve. On the second hand, it was sad because I got to
witness my learner’s suffering. I experienced attending a funeral because one of my learners lost his
grandmother which is his one and only guardian. As a student-teacher, I wasn’t ready to experience
such things but I’m still grateful knowing that I became part of their happy and sad moments in life. I
will forever carry all the moments that we shared together.

MNHS is also conducting a feeding program every Friday and the grantees are the
malnourished and less fortunate students. This program is very helpful because it provides the
learners’ basic needs which is the food. We all know the importance of foods in our daily lives and
through this program, learners who are deprived of eating healthy and nutritious foods due to poverty,
can have and eat it in school. Furthermore, it is also a great help in fostering a conducive learning

At first, I thought that being a teacher is just all about teaching but this whole internship helped
me appreciate its real definition. It helped me see the reality of my chosen field that teaching is so
much more than what I always see and believe. It was fulfilling that I got to experience so many things
that can contribute a lot to my growth not just as a student but also as a better individual. Furthermore,
as an introvert, it also helped me improve my social skills in so many ways.
My teaching-internship journey contributed a lot to my personal growth and professional
development. It brought the best out of me not just as a student-teacher but also as an individual. This
journey helped me accentuate my strengths and overcome my weaknesses. I’ve also learned and
discovered so many things about myself.

Teaching is the noblest profession and teachers have the most challenging roles in our society.
Teachers carry the future of one’s life – they can choose to destroy it, or they can mold it beautifully.
Teaching isn’t really my first dream and choice that is why I considered this internship as one of the
biggest challenges in my life. I have lots of doubts in myself and I don’t think I can be an effective
student-teacher. I am afraid of the changes and uncertainties that life would bring. Moreover, being
surrounded with people and standing in front of a crowd are one of my weaknesses and something
that I am afraid of. These qualities shouldn’t be practice by teachers that is why my first few days in my
internship was so difficult. However, I have a very strong personality and I just set to my mind that I
can do things step by step. After all the doubts and setbacks, I am proud to say that I was able to instill
knowledge and inspire my students. In teaching, the most important thing that we should always
remember is knowing what we are going and need to do. The first thing that I learned from my
internship journey is knowing and mastering my subject matter. It is very important for us to know our
lesson, objectives or what goals we wanted to achieve at the end of the lesson, and what teaching
materials, strategies and methods/approaches. It is also important that as teachers, we must always
be well-prepared in order for us to accomplish a meaningful teaching-learning process. Moreover, I
established a good and healthy relationships with my learners that is still present up until now even
though my internship was already done. It is important so that we can be able communicate, connect,
and most importantly understand them. It also helps in addressing my learners’ needs. My journey
was quite challenging, but it helped me become a better individual. I can now see my growth and
development not just in the field of teaching but also in handling life’s circumstances. I can now deal
and socialize with people, and I wasn’t afraid of changes anymore for I already accept that it is
constant. Moreover, I find teaching as one of most fulfilling things to do and I became more passionate
about it. While I was doing my internship, I became more and more excited everyday facing my learners
and sharing my knowledge with them.

At first, I thought that teaching is all about subject matter. I thought that if we deliver our
lessons very well, we can already be considered as effective teacher. Nevertheless, this journey made
me realized that the true essence of teaching and real purpose of teacher which is making a better
future in children’s lives. This journey led me the directions to my uncertain goals, and it helped me
find my purpose. It enhanced my capabilities and molded me into a better individual. It also became
an opportunity for me to become inspiration to my students which is the most overwhelming thing
that we can possibly achieve in our lifetime.

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