1 Sastre - Detailed Lesson Plan in Ed 204
1 Sastre - Detailed Lesson Plan in Ed 204
1 Sastre - Detailed Lesson Plan in Ed 204
Prepared by:
Sastre, Aila Joy S.
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
A. Preliminary Activities
a. Prayer
Before we start our class today, please stand
up for the prayer.
Jonna, lead the prayer. Jonna (stands in front and leads the prayer):
Are you ready to pray classmates?
The rest of the class: Yes, we are.
In the name of the Father, of the Son, and of
the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Angel of God, my guardian dear, to whom
God's love commits me here, ever this day,
be at my side, to light and guard, to rule and
In the name of the Father, of the Son, and of
the Holy Spirit. Amen.
b. Checking of Attendance
Please take your seats. Before we start our
class, may I know who is absent today? None, ma’am.
Very good! Please keep up the good work!
c. Greetings
Good morning once again, class! Good morning, Ma’am.
Good morning, classmates! Good morning!
Please arrange your chairs and follow the (Will arrange their chairs, follow the right
right seating alignment. Also, pick up pieces seating alignment, and pick up pieces of
of paper or any garbage you see and throw paper.)
them in the correct garbage can.
d. Review
Everyone, please settle down.
e. Motivation
To start our lesson for today, I have prepared
an activity for you to guess.
B. Discussion
These are:
These are:
C. Application
D. Generalization
Very good!
Name one or more artist in the music industry whether local or international
which you want to show appreciation for on their contributions to music, or how their
music help or affects you. Write at least a minimum of 50 words, and a maximum of 100
words. For 5 minutes.
Choose your favorite lyrics/lyrics of a song, and write an explanation about it.
It will be presented in class next meeting time.