1 Sastre - Detailed Lesson Plan in Ed 204

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Prepared by:
Sastre, Aila Joy S.


Ma’am Jonahlee Catalbas


Tuesday - Thursday / 10:00 am – 11:30



Our Pride, Our Hope, Our Future.
ED 204 - MUSIC
At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
a. name a gifted and talented learner/learners in the music industry;
b. writes the characteristics of gifted and talented learners in a concept map; and
c. appreciates the gifted and talented learners in music through writing an appreciation


a. Topic: Learners who are gifted and talented: Music
b. References: https://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/ED491926.pdf
c. Materials: Digital Instructional Materials

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
A. Preliminary Activities
a. Prayer
Before we start our class today, please stand
up for the prayer.

Jonna, lead the prayer. Jonna (stands in front and leads the prayer):
Are you ready to pray classmates?
The rest of the class: Yes, we are.
In the name of the Father, of the Son, and of
the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Angel of God, my guardian dear, to whom
God's love commits me here, ever this day,
be at my side, to light and guard, to rule and
In the name of the Father, of the Son, and of
the Holy Spirit. Amen.

b. Checking of Attendance
Please take your seats. Before we start our
class, may I know who is absent today? None, ma’am.
Very good! Please keep up the good work!
c. Greetings
Good morning once again, class! Good morning, Ma’am.
Good morning, classmates! Good morning!

How are you today, class? We are feeling good, ma’am!

That’s good to hear.

Please arrange your chairs and follow the (Will arrange their chairs, follow the right
right seating alignment. Also, pick up pieces seating alignment, and pick up pieces of
of paper or any garbage you see and throw paper.)
them in the correct garbage can.

d. Review
Everyone, please settle down.

To continue our discussion, let’s do some

review. What was the topic that was
discussed the previous meeting?
Learners who are gifted and talented in
Visual Arts.
Very good! Today we’re going to proceed to
another classification of learners who are
gifted and talented.

e. Motivation
To start our lesson for today, I have prepared
an activity for you to guess.

This is called GUESS ME BY MY PARTS!

I’m going to play a 5 second portion of a

song, and you are going to guess what is the
title of the song. Or you can also provide its
Uh-huh, Uh-huh!
Ready na? Ready na?
(Answer may vary.)
First song! (Answer: Photograph by Ed
Second Song! (Answer: Blank Space by (Answer may vary.)
Taylor Swift)

Third Song! (Answer: Night Changes by One (Answer may vary.)


Fourth Song! (Answer: It Might Be You by

Stephen Bishop)

Wow! Thanks for participating. I guess most

of you guess the song correctly!
Now, do you know what will be our topic
It’s about music!
Yes, our topic for today is about music. To be
specific, these are learners who are gifted and
talented in music.

B. Discussion

Are you familiar with the quote

“Where my words fail, music speaks.” Yes, ma’am.

Can all of you relate to this? Yes, ma’am.

I would like to hear your own interpretation on

this quote. Can I hear from Miss S. (Answers may vary.)

Okay. For normal listener like us, music is

like a bridge connected to our souls. Music is
everywhere, and we love music!

For someone to create music, he/she possesses

musical intelligence.

Today, we’re going to tackle one typology of

special needs which is the learners who are
talented and gifted in the music category.

First let’s define music. What is music for

you. Who wants to share what is music for
you? Somebody raises hand:
(Answers may vary.)

Thanks for sharing. Yes, music is everything.

- Refers to a person who is musically gifted
or musically intelligent.
- General attitude to music or how he/she
communicates to music.

According to Da Capo Academy of

Music, there are following Characteristics or
Signs that a Child is Musically Gifted.

Before proceeding to these characteristics, in

your own perspective, what do you think are
the characteristics or signs that a child is
musically gifted?
I would like to hear from Miss A. (Answers may vary.)

These are:

1. You often catch your child humming

or singing they heard before.
2. Your child appears to notice when an
instrument is out of tune or a song is
played in the wrong key.
3. Your child tends to spend extensive
periods of time fiddling around on a
musical instrument.
4. Your child often talks about music or
asks to listen to music.
5. Your child can identify a song after
hearing only few notes.
6. Your child seems to have a natural
and effortless understanding of

After knowing these characteristics, there

are ways on how we can handle these
naturally talented, and gifted learners
according to the Edmentum Blog.

Since we’ve already discussed the following

characteristics, what do you think are the
ways to handle these kinds of learners? Do
you have
any idea everyone? I want to hear your
opinions on this. I would like to hear from
Miss J. (Answers may vary.)

These are:

1. Treat students as individuals.

2. Let students explore their passions.
3. Infuse enrichment into activities.
4. Build in time for flexible learning groups.
5. Embrace creative questioning.
6. Encourage self-directed learning with your

Class, always remember that our role as an

educator is to facilitate our learners on how
they can cultivate their talents and abilities
more. It is also our duty to facilitate them
well so they can develop holistically as an
overall improvement. Yes, ma’am.

In the Department of Education Handbook

(2004) in Columbus, Ohio, USA, the
Identification of Children who are gifted in
Music comes in nomination.

In their nomination form, a learner can be

identified as gifted individual in music if
he/she possess;

o Matches pitches accurately

o Can duplicate complex rhythms
o Demonstrates unusual ability on an
instrument including voice
o Has a high degree of aural
memory/musical memory
o Displays compulsive musical pursuit
Did you like our topic today? Students answer in chorus: (Yes, ma’am. No,
Thanks for the feedback. Some of you like
the topic, and I guess some don’t. Well, to
test if you really understand the topic, I want
you to do this activity.

C. Application

In this activity, I will group you into 3

groups. I have here an unfinished concept
map. You are task to provide characteristics
or signs that a Child is Musically Gifted and
paste it here. You can write simple terms, or
words that is suitable in this topic. I’ll give
you 3 minutes to do this activity. (Answers may vary.)

D. Generalization

To wrap up our discussion, we’re going to

recall what you have learned today. As a
future educator in the future, what are the
ways to handle these gifted, and talented
learners? 1. Treat students as individuals.
2. Let students explore their passions.
3. Infuse enrichment into activities.
4. Build in time for flexible learning groups.
5. Embrace creative questioning.
6. Encourage self-directed learning with your

Very good!

Can you name some artist in the music

scene/industry right now that is musically Students answers in chorus: Ed Sheeran,
gifted and talented? Taylor Swift, Charlie Puth, Yeng
Constantino, etc. (answers may vary.)
Essay. (10 points)

Name one or more artist in the music industry whether local or international
which you want to show appreciation for on their contributions to music, or how their
music help or affects you. Write at least a minimum of 50 words, and a maximum of 100
words. For 5 minutes.


Choose your favorite lyrics/lyrics of a song, and write an explanation about it.
It will be presented in class next meeting time.

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