Reminder B4
Reminder B4
Reminder B4
Element H, O C, H, O C, H, O C, H, O, N
Basic unit Glucose, fructose Fatty acid and glycerol Amino acid
Function Regulate temperature Stored energy source in liver Form cell membrane Form cell membrane
Good solvent to transport the (glycogen) A great source of long Enzyme, muscle
molecules around a body Quick energy source (glucose) term energy supply
supply energy energy
starch ( a large carbohydrate) is made up of lots of simple sugars (for example, glucose)
sucrose, maltose
(both short carbohydrates) is made up of two simple sugars
b. Why is water essential for living organisms?
a. - Protein is formed from amino acids and carbohydrate is formed from simple sugars;
- Carbohydrates are often made from one kind of simple sugar and proteins are made from
many different kinds of amino acid
b. Water is essential because it is a solvent in which many substances that are found in cells
Q5. 2018-Nov-qp11/4
A food substance was tested with various reagents. The results of the tests are shown.
Q6. 2016-Nov-qp12/4
A student wants to find out if a solution contains an enzyme. Which chemical should the student
a. Benedict’s solution
b. Biuret solution
c. Ethanol
d. Iodine solution
Solution: b
Q7. 2017-June-qp11/4
The table shows the results when four foods are tested with Benedict’s solution and biuret
reagent. Which food contains protein but not reducing sugar?
Solution: B
Q8. 013-Jun-qp11-3
A test-tube contains a solution of an enzyme. Which colour is obtained when the biuret test is
carried out on this solution?
a. Blue
b. Blue-black
c. Orange
d. Purple
Solution: d
Q10. 2017-Jun-qp32/1
a. When many glucose molecules join together, large molecules are formed.
Fig. 1.1 shows a glucose molecules and part of a larger molecule.
Fig. 1.1
Draw a circle around two examples of the larger molecules formed when glucose molecules join
b. A student adds an enzyme to a solution and incubates it at 37°C for 10 minutes. He wants to
find out if the enzyme causes reducing sugar to be produced.
Give the name of the test he can do to find out if reducing sugar is produced. State the positive
result of this test.
Test …..
Positive result………
a. Glycogen, starch
b. Benedict’s (test)
Red color produced.
Plan an investigation to test this hypothesis:
Milk from cows contains a higher concentration of protein than milk from goats.
a. First, describe how you would do the biuret test
b. Now think about how you could use this test to test hypothesis
i. What variable would you change in experiment?
ii. What would you keep the same?
Try to think of at least three variables you would keep the same
iii. What would you measure in your experiment?
iv. How would you measure it?
v. If the hypothesis is correct, what results would you expect to obtain?
a. Add an equal volume of biuret solution to the milk.
A purple colour indicates the presence of protein.
b. i.) The variable to be changed is the type of milk – cow’s milk and goat’s milk
ii.) The most important variables to be controlled are:
+ the volume of milk,
+ the temperature of the milk,
+ the volume and concentration of reagents added to it.
iii.) The quantity to be measured is the intensity of the colour produced after the biuret test
has been carried out on the milk.
iv.)This could be measured by comparing the colours visually
v.) If the hypothesis is correct, the purple colour formed in the cow’s milk will be more
intense than the colour in the goat’s milk.