27 16 1808 Factsheet Health Effects Eng Web
27 16 1808 Factsheet Health Effects Eng Web
27 16 1808 Factsheet Health Effects Eng Web
of cannabis
There are both potential therapeutic uses for and potential ff disturbances in mood
health risks of using cannabis (marijuana). A chemical called ff psychotic symptoms
delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is responsible for the way
your brain and body respond to cannabis. While it is used by There is also evidence to suggest that combining tobacco
some for therapeutic purposes, there are short- and long-term with cannabis can increase:
physical and mental health effects that can be harmful.
ff the strength of some psychoactive effects2
ff the risk of poor mental health outcomes, 3
Short-term health effects including dependence
While cannabis may make you feel relaxed and happy, Effects can be felt within seconds to minutes of smoking,
you could experience unpleasant, unwanted or negative vaporizing or dabbing cannabis. These effects can last up
effects on your brain and body. to 6 hours or longer.
ff pay attention ff increased heart rate, which can be a danger for people
with heart conditions and can lead to an increased risk
ff anxiety, fear or panic of heart attack5
ff reduced ability to react quickly
Impairment can last for more than 24 hours after cannabis Effects on the body
use,6 well after other effects have faded. Some of the long-term effects of smoking cannabis on
the body are similar to the effects of smoking tobacco
People who use cannabis regularly may have trouble with
and can include risks to lung health, including:
certain skills needed to drive safely7 for weeks after their
last use. ff bronchitis
Combining alcohol with cannabis greatly increases the level ff lung infections
of impairment and the risk of injury or death from accidents. ff chronic (long-term) cough
Combining cannabis with other psychoactive substances, ff increased mucus buildup in the throat
especially ones that have sedative effects, such as opioids
and benzodiazepines, can increase the effects of the drugs.
This could increase the risk of injury or harm, particularly Potential therapeutic uses
with activities like driving. There is some evidence of potential therapeutic uses of
cannabis or its component chemicals (cannabinoids).
Chadwick et al. (2013) Cannabis use during adolescent development:
susceptibility to psychiatric illness. Frontiers in Psychiatry. 4: 129.
Volkow et al. (2016) Effects of cannabis use on human behavior, 12
Volkow et al. (2014) Adverse health effects of marijuana use.
including cognition, motivation and psychosis: a review. JAMA Psychiatry New England Journal of Medicine 370(23): 2219–27.
73(3): 292–7. www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26842658 www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24897085
© Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of Health, 2017
Cat.: H129-73/2017E (Print) • H129-73/2017E-PDF | ISBN: 978-0-660-08291-2 (Print) • 978-0-660-08290-5 (PDF) | Pub.: 170012