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Drug Educ Qa

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The amount of drug that produces untoward effect or symptoms

of poisoning.
A. Minimal Dose C. Abusive Dose
B. Toxic Dose D. Maximal Dose

275. Which among the following responsible for producing almost 60%
of Opium in the world.
A. Golden triangle C. Golden Crescent
B. Sliver Triangle D. White Christmas
276. What countries constitute the Golden Crescent?
A. Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, India
B. Peru, Columbia, Bolivia
C. Burma, Laos, Thailand
D. Myanmar, Laos Thailand

277. It is the most important alkaloids and constitutes about 10 % of

the use raw opium
A. Morphine C. Heroin
B. Codeine D. opium
278. The drug taken from the coca bush plant Ertyroxylon coca.
A. Cocaine C. Marijuana
B. Papaver Somniferum D. claviceps

279. Drug trafficking, according to Comprehensive Drug Act of 2002,

A. cultivation, culture and delivery,
B. Administration, dispensation, manufacture, sale and trading,
C. Use, consumption, addiction and tolerance
D. Transportation, distribution, importation, exportation and
280. A laboratory examination is only required to an apprehended
offender within 24 hours if the person arrested has:
1. Visible manifestation that suspect was under the influence of drugs
2. Physical sign of drug abuse
3. Psychological manifestation of drug addiction
4. Symptoms of Drug abuse
A. 1, 2 and 3 C. 2, 3 and 4
B. 1, 2 and 4 D. 1, 2, 3 and 4
281. Considered by the Assyrians as a “Sacred Tree” planted by the
Incas of Peru. It is considered as the world’s oldest cultivated plant
which is the source of dangerous drug.
A. Papaver Somniferum C. Coca Plant
B. Cannabis Sativa D. Ephedrine

282. A person who is applying for Professional Driver’s license is

required to undergo Mandatory Drug Testing.
A. True C. False
B. Partially True D. Partially False
283. Known as the “Big Four Drugs” trafficked in the global drug
I. Heroin and Cocaine
II. Shabu and Ecstasy
III. Marijuana and Methamphetamine
IV. Narcotics, Hallucinogens, Stimulants and Depressants
A. I and II C. II and III
B. I and III D. V
284. Hallucinogen or psychedelic drugs are Natural or synthetic
psychoactive drugs that produce reactions such as perceptual
alterations and changes in the state of consciousness. Which among
the following is the most potent form of hallucinogen?
A. LSD C. Cocaine
B. Barbiturates D. Methadone
285. Which of the following is not false?
A. R.A. 9165 gives a single definition of dangerous drugs
B. R.A. 9165 did not remove the distinction between regulated and
prohibited drugs
C. R.A. 9165 defers dangerous drugs from prohibited drugs
D. R.A. 9165 defined regulated drugs as dangerous drugs

286. The opiates family of drugs was derive from?

A. Claviceps purpurea C. Opium poppy
B. Psilocybin Mexicana D. Peyote cactus
287. Brando was found guilty under the Section 70 of RA 9165,
therefore Brando is ______.
A. Qualified to apply for probation
B. Disqualified to apply for probation
C. Allowed to apply for probation
D. Not allowed to apply if the sentence is more than 6 years and 1 day

288. National campaign strategy against illegal drugs, focus of which is

through law enforcement, prosecution and judicial actions.
A. Demand reduction C. Inter-agency coordination
B. Supply reduction D. International cooperation
289. How many grams of SHABU does an individual must possess to
render him ineligible to post bail?
a. 100 grams c. less than 500 grams
B. half kilogram D. 50 g or more

290. PO3 Jun planted 0.5 grams of SHABU to their suspect and PO2
Jack planted 1 gram of SHABU. Is their penalty the same?
A. No C. It depends
B. Yes D. True
291. The DDB can issue subpoena duces tecum relative to the conduct
of investigation involving the violations of RA 9165.
A. True C. Partially True
B. False D. Partially False
292. The drug crystal methamphetamine (shabu) originated from what
A. Korea C. Japan
B. China D. Mexico
293. What penalty is provided for a Drug user for its 2nd violation?
A.6 Months Rehabilitation
B.12 Months Rehabilitation
C. 6 years and 1 Day to 12 Years
D. 12 years and 1 Day to 20 Years
294. Hashish is 8 to 10 times stronger than the commercial trade
marijuana because ___________.
A. It is a concentrated resin extracted from marijuana
B. Dried flower of marijuana
C. Fruiting top of the plant cannabis sativa
D. Finest and high-grade leaves of marijuana plant
295. What is the primary component use in the production of
Methamphetamine Hydrochloride?
A. Claviceps C. Ertyroxylon coca
B. Ephedrine D. papaver somniferum
296. What part of the globe is the principal source of all forms of
A. South East Asia C. South America
B. Middle East D. South West Asia
297. Drug in gaseous form enter the lungs and are quickly absorbed by
the rich capillary system, it is probably the second most commonly
used route of drug administration.
A. Snorting C. Inhalation
B. Injection D. Oral Ingestion
298. Heroin is Blanco; Codeine is School Boy; psilocybin is Magic
Mushroom; Cocaine is ________.
A. Hearts C. Uppers
B. Crack D. Speed

299. Which of the following does not carry a capital punishment?

A. possession of 20 grams’ morphine
B. possession of 100 grams of marijuana
C. possession of 15 grams MDMA
D. possession of 60 grams SHABU
300. Ms. Tina Moran cannot function without drugs in his system and if
she do not take drugs, she develops withdrawal signs such as
restlessness, pain, or convulsions.
A. physically dependent on drugs
B. mentally dependent on drugs
C. psychologically dependent on drugs
D. socially dependent on drugs

301. The world’s transshipment point of all forms of illicit heroin?

A. Taiwan C. Japan
B. China D. Hong Kong
302. A situational users are persons who abused drugs to acquire
additional energy and to perform well in their job. The example of
these are athletes who uses which type of drug?
a. Opium c. steroid
b. LSD d. Demerol

303. What is the number one abused drug in the Philippines?

A. SHABU C. Marijuana
B. MDMA D. All of these
304. The following statements are true pertaining to drugs:
1. Any chemically active substance rendering a specific effect on the
human brain
2. A chemical substance that affects the processes of the mind and
3. Any chemical substance that by virtue of its chemical nature alters
the structure and functioning of a living organism
4. The use of any chemical substance that alters physiological and
psychological functioning
a. 1 and 2 c. 3 and 4
b. 1, 2 and 3 d. 1, 2 and 4
305. Drugs may be harmful to a living organism when, except:
a. Taken in excess amount than what is advisable
b. Consumed in dangerous combination
c. Administered in physician’s supervision and prescription
d. Unusual frequency

306. A category of drugs which involves those which are legally sold or
dispensed without prescription. A user is prone to self-medication
a. Prescriptive drugs c. over the counter drugs
b. Illicit drugs d. unrecognized drugs
307. When the organism is too accustomed with a certain chemical, it
will no longer react to such particular substance. The need for
additional amount to achieve the desired effect is necessary.
a. Addiction c. tolerance
b. Habituation d. Abstinence
308. This statement is not true when referring to family problems as
factor that pushes a person to be involved in drug using.
a. Domestic violence; liberal parentage
b. Parents who are irresponsible giving less attention to their children
c. Broken family and lack of parental values
d. Drug using friends encourage and pressure a certain individual
309. Drug trafficking generally refers to the sale and distribution of
illegal drugs. Which of the following do not supports this statement?
a. It refers to the illegal process through which narcotics and other
illegal drugs are produced, transported, and sold.
b. It refers to the illegal cultivation, culture, delivery, administration,
dispensation, manufacture, sale, trading, transportation, distribution,
importation, exportation
c. Includes possession of any dangerous drug and/or controlled
precursor and essential chemical.
d. It refers to the use and consumption which led to the addiction,
tolerance and habituation
310. An opiate which was synthesized by Alder Wright of purposes of
morphine addiction treatment. This drug is considered as the most
potent type of depressant.
a. Codeine c. heroin
b. Methadone d. Darvon

311. Which among the following is not a route of administration of a

drug shabu?
a. Oral c. smoking
b. Inhalation d. snorting
312. Selling, distributing, supplying or transporting of legitimately
imported, in-transit, manufactured or procured controlled precursors
and essential chemicals, by the manufacturer of medicine to the drug
trafficker is called:
A. Drug trafficking C. Chemical diversion
B. Sale D. Chemical smuggling
313. Robert “Bob”Marley uses drugs. This drug produces sensations
such as distortion of time, space, sound, color and other bizarre
A. Opiates C. Narcotics
B. Heroin D. Hallucinogens
314. Aklas uses amphetamines to make him capable of observing
himself during the night. What are the symptoms of the use of
A. Sensation of distortion of time, space, sound and color
B. False perception of object and experience
C. Excitement,, alertness and wakefulness
D. Initial relaxation, drowsiness and sleep
315. Marijuana has been one of the most abuse hallucinogens in the
Philippines and its control becomes difficult according to some
authorities due to the fact that:
A. It is easy to smoke secretly C. It is easy to cultivate
B. It is sellable in the market D. It is in demand
316. Drugs that affect sensation, thinking, self-awareness and emotion:
A. Hallucinogens C. Stimulants
B. Sedatives/Depressant D. Narcotics

317. A form of physical dependence characterized by severe craving for

the drugs even to the point of interfering with the person’s ability to
function normally.
A. Tolerance C. Habituation
B. Addiction D. Psychological dependence
318. The prevention of drug addiction is primarily a responsibility of
what institution so as to prevent its members from being hook to
A. Church C. Barangay
B. Family D. School

319. What group of drugs is used medically as pain killers?

A. Opiates C. Shabu
B. Track D. coke
320. The source/s of most analgesic narcotics is/are:
1. Opium 4. Heroin
2. Morphine 5. Ephedrine
3. Cocaine 6. Cannabis
A. 1, 2 and 3 C. 3, 4 and 5
B. 1, 2 and 4 D. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6
321. Consider the following:
I. Addiction is an overpowering compulsion to continue taking drugs
II. Addiction provide tendency of drug tolerance
III. Addiction has a detrimental effect to the individual and society
A. I and II are correct C. I and III are wrong
B. II and III are correct D. I, II and III are correct
322. To administer illegal drug means __________.
A. To introduce any dangerous drug into the body of any person, with
or without his/her knowledge
B. To use drug through injection
C. To consume dangerous drug through inhalation
D. To introduce any illegal drugs into the body through snorting
323. Mind altering drugs that gives the general effect of mood
A. Hallucinogens C. Hypnotic
B. Sedatives D. Narcotics

324. The major transhipment point for international drug traffickers in

Europe and known to be the “Paradise of Drug Abusers” in this
A. Portugal C. Germany
B. Spain D. Turkey
325. What is this process of removal of toxic substances from the body
of a person as a result of drug abuse?
A. Detoxification
B. Wellness treatment
C. Cleansing process
D. Rehabilitation Program

326. In the Philippines, the most abused hallucinogenic drugs that

contain Tetrahydro-cannabinol is ___________.
A. marijuana C. ecstasy
B. LSD D. Shabu
327. The facility used for the illegal manufacture of dangerous drugs is
A. drug laboratory
B. laboratory equipment
C. drug den
D. clandestine laboratory

328. Which of the following is referred to as the Golden Triangle

wherein 80% of illicit drugs of the world originate?
A. Thailand – Laos – Myanmar C. Iran – Afghanistan – India
B. Peru – Columbia – Bolivia D. Thailand – Laos – Burma
329. Which of the following does R.A. 9165 provides when a person
discharged from confinement as a drug dependent under voluntary
submission programs?
A. Deserving of a suspended sentence for a period of 6 years.
B. Entitled to a mitigating circumstance for his criminal liability.
C. Considered pardoned of his criminal liability.
D. Exemption from serving criminal liability.
330. The following acts of law enforcement officers are, in relation to
the enforcement of R.A. 9165, penalized ________.
A. of dismissal through patent laxity, inexcusable neglect or
unreasonable delay
B. failure of the immediate superior to notify the court of the transfer
or reassignment of a witness during the pendency of the case to
another territorial jurisdiction
C. failure if the immediate superior to exert reasonable efforts to
present the witness in court
D. failure or refusal after due notice, to appear as witness for the
331. One of the significant drug education programs is one hinges on
the belief that even if there is an over-supply of drugs if there is no
demand, there will be no drug addiction. The BEST approach to curb
drug addiction under this belief is to ____________.
A. control the supply of illegal drugs
B. jail all users without benefit of probation or parole
C. implement legislation and imposition of severe penalty
D. conduct seminars to all sectors of society
332. Euphoria is the feeling experienced by a person who is taking
illegal drugs means ______.
A. state of sleepiness
B. feeling of exhaustion
C. state of well being
D. feeling hyper happiness
333. Which of the following is NOT CORRECT regarding treatment and
rehabilitation of drug dependents?
A. Charges can be filed against a drug dependent who is not
rehabilitated under the voluntary submission program.
B. The Dangerous Drugs Board shall order the confinement of a drug
dependent who refuses to apply under the voluntary submission program.
C. A drug dependent discharged as rehabilitated but does not qualify
for exemption from criminal liability shall be placed on probation.
D. Temporary release of drug dependent subject to after-care and
follow-up treatment from DOH shall be for a period of not exceeding 18
334. The following are the most popular plants as source of dangerous
drugs EXCEPT
A. opium poppy C. coca bush
B. indian hemp D. ephedra
335. Aware of number of arrests and cases filed in court, experts
propose that hearing of illegal drugs cases should be tried and heard
A. RTC Courts designated as Heinous Crime
B. Special Court designated by the SC among existing RTC
C. Sandiganbayan
D. Special Court designated by the SC
336. When a person who is known as drug addict, by his own
volition ceased from taking illegal drugs, he/she is
A. in abstinence C. in self-healing
B. into wellness D. in self-medication

337. A minor who is convicted for the possession of illegal drugs is

entitled to
A. suspended sentence C. custody by the DSWD
B. suspension of judgment D. suspended enforcement
338. Without a supply of illegal drugs, it will be difficult for drug addicts
A. be happy and feel good
B. sustain their habit of drug abuse
C. undergo rehabilitation
D. have easy access to illegal drugs

339. The withdrawal symptoms produced by a drug is manifested by

A. withdrawal symptoms that are usually severe and incapacitating
B. withdrawal symptoms which are psychological in nature
C. a person who is always seen with alcohol but never with heroin
D. symptoms which are usually opposite to the effects of the drug
340. Which of the following is NOT considered as drug trafficking
pursuant to the applicable provisions of R.A. 9165?
A. Cultivation, culture and delivery,
B. Transportation, distribution, importation, exportation and
C. Use, abstinence, consumption, addiction
D. Administration, dispensation, manufacture, sale and trading,
341. Pleasure or reward is that part of the brain affected by pain,
thus, the motivation why people used drugs and alcohol is to
A. forget their problems C. get high
B. feel good D. spend money
342. Which of the following is NOT a condition precedent before
an arrested person may be required to undergo a laboratory
examination within 24?
A. The person is manifestly showing symptoms of drug abuse.
B. There is a clear showing that the suspect was under the
influence of drugs.
C. There person is showing physical signs of drug abuse,
D. The person is showing psychological drug addiction,
343. Mandatory drug testing is NOT required by R.A. 9165 for
A. applicant for firearms license and for permit to carry firearms
outside residence
B. all persons charged before the prosecutor's office with a
criminal offense having an imposable penalty of not less than six
(6) years and one (1) day
C. officers and members of the military, police and other law
enforcement agencies
D. officers and employee of public and private offices
344. Primarily R.A. 9165 is different from previous laws on illegal drugs
because R.A. 9165:
A. gives a single definition to dangerous drug
B. included in the definition of regulated drug the dangerous drugs
C. prefers the classification of dangerous drug to prohibited drug
D. did not remove the distinction between regulated and prohibited

345. Which of the following gives the feeling of a need for more
and more of illegal drugs to achieve the same level of effect?
A. Physical dependency C. Toxicity
B. Psychological dependency D. Tolerance

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