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International Journal of Electronics and Communications: S. Anand, R. Theetharappan

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Int. J. Electron. Commun.

(AEÜ) 166 (2023) 154667

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International Journal of Electronics and Communications

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Regular paper

Metamaterial and SIW inspired isolating fences for lateral de-coupling in

MIMO antenna
S. Anand *, R. Theetharappan
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Mepco Schlenk Engineering College (Autonomous), Sivakasi, India


Keywords: This paper proposes seven isolating fences (IF) for MIMO using novel rotated complementary split ring resonators
MIMO (RCSRR) and half-mode substrate integrated waveguides (HMSIW) for decoupling. The removing mutual
DGS coupling, especially in the lateral direction that is mainly due to surface and space waves is challenging in MIMO.
The proposed method involves the RCSRR, HMSIW, and defected ground structure (DGS) to reduce the lateral
mutual coupling. In terms of S parameters, radiation pattern, envelope correlation coefficient (ECC), diversity
Isolating Fence (IF)
Decoupling gain (DG), channel capacity, mean effective gain (MEG), and efficiency the performance of the MIMO antenna is
ECC examined. The proposed MIMO has the size of 35 × 48 × 1.6 mm3 is made of FR4 substrate material with a
DG centre frequency of 10 GHz, a bandwidth (BW) of 12 GHz, and a gain in the range of 3.7–4.3 dBi.
Channel capacity

1. Introduction which are outlined in [1–2]. For examples, decoupling networks [3–6],
engraved parasitic elements [7–9], neutralisation lines [10–12], DGS
MIMO is the integration of multiple antennas into a single wireless [13–15], frequency-selective surface (FSS) [16], SIW [11,17], meta­
device to increase data transfer rates and improve overall signal per­ surface, electronic band gap (EBG) structures [18–22], dielectric reso­
formance. In MIMO systems, reflection coefficients are similar and nators [23–24], and characteristic modes [25–27] are recently
transmission coefficients are the same. All wireless products support published works used to reduce the coupling. Besides the aforemen­
MIMO to reach higher speeds. MIMO technique, however, suffered from tioned decoupling methods, metamaterial (MMT) is widely used to in­
lack of isolation between antennas. For instance, when a microstrip crease isolation [28–35]. The DGS is frequently used as a band-stop filter
patch antenna (MSA) is adopted as the MIMO element with a separation to suppress the coupling current. In order to enhance the radiation
less than a wavelength, mutual coupling occurs. Smaller spacing be­ properties of MSA, DGS has been applied to enhance the BW and gain as
tween antenna parts is now a frequent requirement in modern antenna well as to lower the higher mode harmonics, mutual coupling between
designs, which gradually reduces the available area for antenna loca­ neighbouring elements, and cross-polarization. DGS, however, may
tion. In MIMO designs with antenna elements located near together, adversely affect antenna radiation by, for example, decreasing realised
mutual interaction between antenna elements cannot be minimised. If peak gain and increasing backward radiation. Also, utilising the neu­
the level of isolation falls, three aspects of MIMO performance are tralisation line as the decoupling circuit will provide high isolation.
affected: (i) a dependable channel capacity; (ii) a lack of spatial corre­ However, the above techniques will increase the impedance mismatch.
lation; and (iii) a high signal-to-interference-pulse-noise ratio. The addition of parasitic decoupling structures between the elements is
Surface currents, surface waves, and free space radiations all another successful remedy. By reducing space-wave coupling, the ma­
contribute to mutual coupling in MIMO antennas. The first two are jority of parasitic decoupling structures can increase isolation; however
relevant to all types of MIMO antennas, whereas the third is the char­ surface-wave suppression is ineffective because of their current leakage.
acteristic of MSA-based MIMO. Decoupling has been proven using a MIMO has made extensive use of MMTs such the EBG structure, SRR,
variety of methods. Even more research has been done on mutual and modified SRR to increase isolation by reducing surface-wave
coupling techniques, as well as its reductions and isolation approaches, coupling. The majority of MTMs can only conduct negative

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: sanand@mepcoeng.ac.in (S. Anand).

Received 20 December 2022; Accepted 13 April 2023
Available online 23 April 2023
1434-8411/© 2023 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.
S. Anand and R. Theetharappan AEUE - International Journal of Electronics and Communications 166 (2023) 154667

Fig. 1. Left: Mutual Coupling in 2 element MIMO Systems, Right: Equivalent Circuit Model for lateral Coupling.

coupling is shown in Fig. 1. An isolation structure called an “isolating

Table 1
fence,” abbreviated as ‘IF’ made up of a radio frequency (RF) entity
List of developed IFs.
derived from its attributes like MMT, DGS, SIW, VIA, etc., can be used to
Sl. Horizontal Stack Layout of Proposed IF Acronym Refer reduce these lateral couplings. The goal of this paper is to perform
No designs Geometry
multipurpose tasks in a MIMO (such as isolation, ultra wideband (UWB),
Stack#1 Stack#2 Stack#3 gain, and less correlation) efficiently using simple combinations of RF
RCSRR HMSIW RCSRR CR-S-CR Row 1 Fig. 8 attributes. This paper introduces the seven different IFs listed in Table 1
HMSIW RCSRR HMSIW S-CR-S Row 2 Fig. 8 can be placed between the MIMO antenna elements.
Zig Zag RCSRR Zig Zag ZS-CR-ZS Row 3 Fig. 8 These IFs deflect the lateral coupling wave passing through the
Air VIAs HMSIW Air VIAs AV-CR- Row 4 Fig. 8
fences and prompt the antenna to radiate with the desired parameters.
AV The fences used in between the antennas not only affect the physical size
Hexagonally arranged VIAs HVIA Row 5 Fig. 8 but also constrict the radiation of the antennas. So, optimised fences are
Interleaved Zig Zag HMSIW IZS Row 6 Fig. 8 needed to obtain the UWB, gain, and high efficiency.
Air holes SRR Air holes AH-R-AH Fig. 12
The contributions and advantages of this work include,

(i) A novel elliptical patch antenna used as a MIMO element

(ii) MIMO elliptical patch antennas with asymmetrical port locations.
One port is in one direction, and the other port is exactly opposite
to the first port
(iii) DGS usage to obtain a broader BW from 4 to 16 GHz
(iv) Introduction of a rotated complementary split ring resonator
(RCSRR) (v) HMSIW loading to reduce the surface wave coupling
effect between antennas, and
(v) Development of seven IFs using RF attributes for MIMO system
isolation by the combinations of DGS, MMT, VIA, and HMSIW.

2. Development of MIMO systems and isolation fences

This work presents and investigates a high-isolation, two-element

MIMO antenna that resonates in the 4–16 GHz frequency. The two
elliptical MSAs are employed as antenna elements because of their low
profile, low cost, and ease of fabrication intrinsic advantages. RF IFs are
Fig. 2. Proposed MIMO. Left: Single antenna element, Right: Top view and positioned between the antenna elements to limit lateral wave propa­
bottom view. gation and improve the decoupling effect.
Antenna Configuration: The proposed high-isolation MIMO’s
permittivity, permeability, or both within a limited frequency band, configuration is depicted in detail in Fig. 2. A 42 × 38 mm2 FR4 sub­
which is the main cause of the narrowband problem. In addition to their strate with a relative permittivity of 4.4 and a thickness of 1.6 mm is
larger size design, challenging manufacturing process, and detrimental used to print the suggested MIMO antenna’s shape. Two identical an­
radiation effects, MTMs for decoupling have a narrow range of appli­ tenna elements that are asymmetrically positioned on the top layer of
cations. As a result, an efficient way to reduce both surface wave cou­ the substrate constitute the MIMO system. The novel MIMO antenna
plings and interactions between space waves and antenna surface elements consist of (i) an elliptical-shaped patch in which a triangle-
simultaneously in MIMO is still lacking. Research is still ongoing, shaped slot is loaded, and (ii) a circular ring formed inside the
particularly in the areas of wide BW and lateral coupling reduction. elliptical-shaped patch described in Fig. 2. The ring-shaped patch and
In the majority of instances, radiation efficiency, gain, and radiation slots ensure radiation in almost all directions. The elliptical patch of
pattern are all negatively impacted by surface-wave coupling and space- semi major axis Rm = 16mm and semi minor axis RM = 14mm is printed
wave coupling. Surface waves and space waves are primarily limited to on the FR-4 substrate εr as shown in Fig. 2. A circular ring forming
the inside and exterior of the substrate, respectively. These waves are triangular slot surrounded by three circular slots in the elliptical patch is
further grouped into lateral waves Sl that propagates horizontally (XOY printed. The entire geometry described in Table 2. The resonant fre­
plane) inside the substrate Ss and nearer the antenna surface (i.e. part of c q
quency is given by fr = πRmxe√̅̅̅ εr where c is velocity of light, ‘e’ is ec­
the near field like at the surface) Sn defined as Sl = Ss +Sn as depicted in √̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅
( RM )2
Fig. 1. In addition, it is necessary to design an independent isolation centricity of elliptical patch e = 1 − Rm . In this paper, the q is the
structure (without much more influencing the MIMO characteristics) to approximated Mathieu function of the given mode TM11 . For the e =
control the mutual coupling. The equivalent circuit model for lateral 0.48 value,q11 = − 0.0064e + 0.8838e2 − 0.0696e3 + 0.082e4 . Here, the

S. Anand and R. Theetharappan AEUE - International Journal of Electronics and Communications 166 (2023) 154667

Table 2
MIMO geometry and their sizes in mm.
Antenna Elements S1 RM Rm Wf Lf Ra Rc D2 -

12.7 14 16 3 13.5 3.7 2 1.5 -

MIMO Ws1 Ws2 Ls1 Ls2 As – – – –

2.7 2.5 1 4 22.5 – – – –
IF & DGS W Wg1 Wg2 L Li Lg Lg1 Ee Ei
CR-S-CR 35 23 12 44 14 15 5.5 0.5 0.5
S-CR-S 35 22.5 12.5 40 10 15 5.5 0.5 0.5
ZS-CR-ZS 35 23 12 42 10 16 6 1 1
AV-CR-AV 35 22.5 12.5 36 5 15.5 5.75 1 0.5
HVIA 35.5 23 12.5 36 5 15.5 5.75 1 0.5
IZS 35.5 23 12.5 36 5 15.5 5.75 1 0.5
AH-R-AH 35 23 12 36 5 15.5 5.75 1 0.5

Fig. 3. (a) Step wise evolving of proposed MIMO, Step 1: Non DGS symmetrically located ports, Step 2: DGS symmetrically located ports, Step 3: Non DGS
asymmetrically located ports and Step 4: DGS & asymmetrically located ports. Step 5: Slit in DGS & asymmetrically located ports as in Fig. 2. (b) S11 of evolving the
steps 1 to 5 (c) 3D radiations pattern of step 1 to step 4 (d) S12 of evolving the steps 1 to 5.

‘e’ of 0.49 is chosen and the centre frequency is taken as 10 GHz. The size moderate isolation (S12 < − 20 dB) in the band of 4 GHz to 16 GHz.
of the elliptical patch can be estimated by changing the values of the Although this step improves the impedance BW, it provides less isolation
centre frequency and eccentricity in the equations above. By carefully than the first step. In the third step, both elements are etched with full
designing the geometry of the circular ring forming the triangular slot ground in the opposite phase. This arrangement is simply an extension of
encircled by three circular slots in the elliptical patch and the feed point the first step, and it covers extremely low impedance BW and resonates
of the probe, the multi-frequency resonance can be achieved. By similarly to the first step, with the exception of some mismatching at 15
combining the modes, this parametric research significantly contributes GHz. The fourth step is an extension of the second, with the DGS
to the optimisation of the operating frequency as well as the BW. remaining on the antenna’s feed port side. The reflection coefficient
Elliptical shapes and those deriving from them, including rings and slots, curve shows that the overall impedance BW has significantly increased.
are proven very useful for enhancing BW. The design has a higher degree Table. 2 provides the MIMO antenna’s optimised dimensions. These
of design flexibility than antennas with circular or rectangular geome­ MIMO are separated by an IF and a slit in the DGS to increase isolation
tries, making it a study topic with great potential. DGS is included in and radiation characteristics, as shown in Fig. 3.
antenna elements, which are situated in the substrate’s bottom layer. Fig. 3(c) shows the MIMO antenna’s 3D radiation patterns when two
The proposed antenna in this design is examined using a full-wave EM ports are excited. When the ports are evenly spaced, it is obvious how
modelling called the high-frequency structure simulator (HFSS). the 3D patterns of the MIMO antenna elements interact with one
MIMO System Evolution: As shown in Fig. 3(a), the proposed another. By including DGS, the antenna’s maximum emission is directed
MIMO design evolves from two antenna elements. In the first step, as away from the other antennas, lowering mutual coupling. As a result,
shown in Fig. 3(a), two antenna elements with full ground plane reso­ the pattern diversity feature is enhanced. It is further improved by
nance at 7 GHz, 13 GHz, and 16 GHz with narrow BW are used. This locating the ports’ asymmetrical phases (opposite’s position). In addi­
configuration provides very good isolation, S12 < − 30 dB, in the band of tion, Fig. 3(c) demonstrated that the decoupling is more effective when
2 GHz to 16 GHz. In the second step, the antenna elements are backed by both (i) DGS and (ii) asymmetrical port location are incorporated
partial ground (DGS) etched in the feed side and have UWB with simultaneously.

S. Anand and R. Theetharappan AEUE - International Journal of Electronics and Communications 166 (2023) 154667

Fig. 4. Rotated complementary SRR (RCSRR) Geometry and its characteristics (a) Geometry (b) Extracted permittivity and permeability (c) Reelection coefficients
(d) Transmission Coefficients.

Lateral Mutual Coupling: When an antenna is operational, the The incident plane wave’s vector sums with some of the re-scattered
mutual coupling in a MIMO antenna often refers to the energy drawn wave as it moves to the nth element. As a result, the wave that an
through a nearby antenna. It modifies the radiation patterns, input im­ element receives is the vector sum of the waves from other elements that
pedances, and reflection coefficients. An effective empirical model are laterally related to it. The mth element should be shielded so that the
which describes all mutual coupling as, GMCmn = SPMCmn +SRMCmn laterally re-scattered wave is muted in order to minimise the lateral re-
where SPMCmn is the mutual coupling of space wave and SRMCmn is the scattered energy.
mutual coupling of surface wave. LMCmn = LSPMCmn ∪ LSRMCmn Lateral Decoupling Concept: According to the theory of electro­
where LSPMCmn and LSRMCmn are the waves which are propagates magnetic propagation, the suitable y-component of an electric field
( )
laterally. LMCmn = exp − 2dλmn (α + jπ) , m ∕ =n and LMCmn = connected to a surface wave travelling in the y direction can be
∑ ∑ described as follows. E(y; t) = Eo ejky .ejωt assuming the time convention
1 − N1 m m ∕ MC are the basic models, where LMC indicates the √̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅
=n mn mn
ejωt , Eo is the surface wave’s amplitude. k = ω. μe εe is wavenumber in
space between and the lateral mutual coupling. the mth and nth antennas
the medium, w is the travelling wave’s angular frequency, μe is effective
is defined by dmn . N and α, represent the quantity of antennas and the
permeability of media and εe is effective permittivity related to medium,
factor affecting the degree of coupling, respectively. Practically, the
respectively. Since the permeability and permittivity of natural EM
isolation level is related to the stimulations of the antenna elements as
media are both positive, the wavenumber k is a real number that an EM
well as other elements, such as the element topology. Understanding the
wave may typically travel. On the other hand, MMT is capable of
transmitting and receiving modes will inevitably be related to the
achieving negative effective permeability and permittivity at a specific
mutual coupling and separation methods.
resonant frequency. Therefore, as the EM wave travels through MMT, it
Lateral coupling in the transmitting and receiving modes: As
will dramatically vanish. The EM wave energy is reflected when it passes
seen in Fig. 1, two antenna elements m and n are taken into consider­
through MMT due to its back-wave propagation property. Briefly stated,
ation to simplify effects. Assuming a source is affixed to element n, the
the lateral wave between antenna elements may be suppressed by
energy produced radiates laterally and in the direction of element m.
effectively utilising the EM property of MMT. The device’s performance
The remaining energy is directed into the generator while some of the
is significantly impacted by the thickness of the dielectric substrate. The
energy picked up by the mth antenna scatters towards space. The nth
relation t≪λ guarantees the elimination of substrate modes in micro­
element will take in some of the re-scattered energy. The radiated and
wave circuits, reducing radiation losses and dielectric losses as a result.
re-dispersed fields in the lateral directions are added together to form
Because of this, the substrate modes trap the energy produced above a
the total lateral field. As a result, the lateral mutual coupling has the
critical angle. A significant portion of the radiated power may be trap­
tendency to change the antenna self-impedance as well as the antenna
ped in the substrate depending on the thickness. Therefore, propagating
design and mutual impedance. Assume that a plane wave hits the MIMO
structures can only be printed on extremely thin substrates to achieve
elements while in the receiving mode, hitting the mth element first. The
modest losses.
mth element experiences a current first as a result. While most of the
Equivalent Circuit Model: For a better understanding of the design
incident wave is scattered into space, some of it does enter the receiver.
scheme, the 1-D equivalent circuit model, which has been divided into

S. Anand and R. Theetharappan AEUE - International Journal of Electronics and Communications 166 (2023) 154667

Fig. 5. HMSIW and VIA Hole geometry h = 1.6 mm d = 1 mm, S = 1.5 mm.

Fig. 6. Field charaeristics of proposed MIMO with IF and without IF. (a) Experimental set up to measure the E field (b) E field between antenna elements (c) Near and
far E field magnitude (d) Near and far E field phase.

three sections, namely the MSA, lateral coupling, and the IF, is presented angular frequency of the lateral wave and the fractional volume that the
in Fig. 1 in order to further highlight the band stop property of the IF. metallic pattern in the fence occupies. It is obvious that the RF charac­
Cp1, Lp1, Rp1, Cp2, Lp2, and Rp2 the metal patches of MSA that teristics of IF are correctly related with the effective permeability and
correspond to standard equivalents. Lateral coupling is a simple mutual permittivity. In any case, as previously stated, the individual movements
equivalent circuit formed by both sides’ antenna elements forming a or their combinations will suppress the surface wave (i.e., band stop,
series LC resonant circuit. The 1-D equivalent circuit model in Fig. 1 has negative permeability and permittivity of MMT, or varying permittivity
been simplified, and the IF can be depicted as an analogous parallel due to perforated dielectric HMSIW).
resonant LC circuit. The resonance frequency, where Lf and Cf are the Framing of RF IF: In most cases, a fence is a structure that separates
equivalent inductance and capacitance, determines the resonant an area, and is usually constructed from various components without
behaviour that the lateral wave between antenna components will having a solid foundation along its whole length. The phrase “RF IF”
display as it travels through the IF. Additionally, it is influenced by the describes a collection of RF devices that can be used to block, absorb, or

S. Anand and R. Theetharappan AEUE - International Journal of Electronics and Communications 166 (2023) 154667

Fig. 7. Illustration of field suppression (a) Near Field without IF (b) The contours of the electric field without IF (c) 3D radiation pattern of MIMO system without IF
(d) Bottom view of near Field in (a) with IF (e) The contours of the electric field with IF (d) 3D radiation pattern of MIMO with IF (g) Field view XOZ plane without
and with IF.

steer the RF waves as well as enhance the regular operation of any RF IF.” It’s difficult to describe a design’s characteristics when one
components in an enclosed space. A probable list of RF IF’s technical approach is used in conjunction with another. (i.e., SIW paired with
compositions may include SIW, resonators, AMC, FSS, EBG, PBG, DGS, MMT may not always produce the same results, and it is entirely
coplanar waveguide, slots, parasitic elements, PIN diode, varactor dependent on many physical and EM aspects.) This paper considers
diode, neutralisation lines, etc. Each of the design combinations has its seven different RF IFs using DGS along with HMSIW, rotated MMT unit
own set of advantages and disadvantages, depending on the application. cells, and substrate-perforated air VIA. The IF formed by these combi­
To attain the best performance in specific applications, antenna design nations contributes to improved isolation by controlling the lateral
experts combine two or more approaches in a single design. In MIMO mutual coupling between the MIMO elements by reducing surface waves
applications, the antenna elements and the IF are separate components and some far-field and near-field interactions.
with distinct properties that can be defined as “with IF” and “without RCSRR Design: An effective method is to use MMT in order to

S. Anand and R. Theetharappan AEUE - International Journal of Electronics and Communications 166 (2023) 154667

Fig. 8. Configurations and charaeristics of propsed MIMO with new isoaltion fences. Row 1: CR-S-CR, Row 2: S-CR-S, Row 3: ZS-CR-ZS, Row 4: AV-CR-AV, Row 5:
HVIA, Row 6: IZS. Column 1: Patch (metal), Column 2: Substrate (inset:Ground), Column 3: 3D Radiation pattern, Column 4: surface current.

S. Anand and R. Theetharappan AEUE - International Journal of Electronics and Communications 166 (2023) 154667

Fig. 9. Scattering characteristics of various IF (a) CR-S-CR, (b) S-CR-S, (c) ZS-CR-ZS, (d) AV-CR-AV, (e) HVIA, (f) IZS.

improve the antenna’s radiation performance in terms of isolation be­ constants. Periodically, the substrate’s air-VIAs are perforated. Zoair is
tween MIMO elements. A MMT is essentially the regular positioning of the characteristic impedance (377 O) of the air, and Zs is the radiation
unit cells at predetermined intervals. The unit cell in this work has a impedance Zoair ≫Zs of HMSIW antenna. As a result, air-VIAs will pro­
4–15 GHz design frequency. As shown in Fig. 4, the unit cell is made up vide intense reflection that can be estimated by Zoi = ∊μi . The HMSIW is
of two rotated square complementary split ring resonators with a square 2 2
geometric pattern in the centre. Investigating integral factors like to be designed on Weff = WHM − 0.95S
; Leff = LHM − 0.95 d
S . VIA holes
permittivity and permeability will help to further explain how the MMT with a diameter of ‘d’ and a spacing of ‘S’ are scattered throughout the
unit cell behaves. The unit cell’s permittivity and permeability plots are patch’s left and bottom sides.
shown in Fig. 4(b). Zero refractive indices are shown by the observation These VIAs pass through the dielectric plate to connect the radiating
that permittivity and permeability both tend to zero from negative patch to the ground and satisfy d/S ≥ 0.5. d < 5g ; S < 2d. Additionally,

values in the 4–15 GHz range. The zero crossing of both parameters the array of VIA can be thought of as an electric wall to efficiently
occurs at or near 40 GHz, which is well above the operating range of this suppress lateral coupling. This paper uses VIA configurations connected
antenna and has been ignored. The RCSRR is employed to not only with upper metal layer and not connected. Also, instead of using linear
suppress but also steer the EM wave. Such substances exhibit LC reso­ array of SIW VIAs this paper uses nonlinear grouping of SIW VIAs as
nant circuit behaviour when stimulated by an EM source. With a band shown in Fig. 5(d), (e) and (f).
stop BW chosen between 2 and 18 GHz, the applied boundary conditions DGS decoupling method: A DGS is a ground plane imperfection on
through floquet ports in the y and z directions and the effective are an MSA that has been intentionally introduced. The openings created on
presented in Fig. 4(b). These conditions are retrieved from the reflection the ground plane of the antenna are introduced by DGS and it has a big
and transmission coefficients using the Kramers-Krong relation. The unit impact on isolation. For decoupling, shifting frequency, footprint area
cell’s reflection coefficient curve in Fig. 4(c) sufficiently proves that it is degradation, and multiband operation, various DGS are carved on the
resonance at the requisite BW. Additionally, Fig. 4(d) transmission co­ ground. The printed slit acts as a band-stop filter and suppresses in­
efficient plot demonstrates that the unit cell loss is almost nil at the terferences between adjacent parts to regulate the current on the ground
resonant frequency, guaranteeing full transmission at the required band. plane.
In order to further elaborate on the behaviour of the MMT unit cell, the
angle of the excitation plane wave is changed from θ = 0 to 90 degree
3. Experimental analysis of IF and MIMO systems
and found that at θ = 90 degree excitation, the MMT behaves well.
Design of HMSIW and Air VIAs: As shown in Fig. 5, a SIW is a
Field charaeristics of proposed MIMO with new isoaltion fence:
synthetic EM waveguide created in a dielectric substrate by densely
As shown in Fig. 8, six different IF configurations are utilised to solve the
arraying the VIA holes that link the substrate’s upper and bottom metal
MIMO antenna’s unsatisfactory decoupling performance. The seventh IF
plates. The rectangular resonant cavity of the SIW is folded to create the
configurations is shown in Fig. 13. IF is loaded in between the two
HMSIW. The resonance frequency stays the same, the working mode is
radiating patches to enhance isolation. Clarification on the decoupling
unaltered, but the antenna size is reduced. Drilling air-VIAs into the
achieved through IF is provided by the accompanying sections: (i) To
substrate allows for the realisation of various effective dielectric
analyse the far and near field (space wave); (ii) the field nearer to the

S. Anand and R. Theetharappan AEUE - International Journal of Electronics and Communications 166 (2023) 154667

Fig. 10. Radiation pattern characteristics of various IF (a) CR-S-CR, (b) S-CR-S, (c) ZS-CR-ZS, (d) AV-CR-AV, (e) HVIA, (f) IZS.

surface between the radiating patches; (iii) the surface wave through the this, IF loading has a considerable chilling effect on the reciprocal
substrate. To more clearly explore the decoupling, an experimental coupling in the lateral direction. The effect of mutual coupling can be
arrangement is set up to measure the E field, as shown in Fig. 6 (a). mitigated by inserting IFs between the two radiating devices in a
Measurement at boundary line #1 provides E field intensity before the IF configuration and with a design that are appropriate to the situation.
(i.e., without the IF), and field measurement at boundary line #2 pro­ Additionally provided here are the equivalent field distributions on the
vides E field intensity after the IF (with the IF). Fields interact with other same segment both without and with IFs. In order to make the field more
elements and move laterally. Fig. 6(b) shows that the E field intensities understandable, the simulated distributions on a cutting surface for the
are comparatively low in the case of ‘with IF’ and decrease with dis­ MIMO in the XOZ plane have been provided. The substrate wave moves
tance. Similarly, far-field and near-field magnitudes are measured and laterally and couples with other elements until it is totally suppressed.
plotted in Fig. 6(c), which clearly indicates that the lateral field cou­ This continues until the wave is no longer detectable. This may be seen
plings are completely reduced. Phase changes in Fig. 6 (d) show the by the comparison of the fields in the XOZ plane “with IF” and “without
lateral E fields are diverted. IF,” as shown in Fig. 7. (g). The values on Line#2 are virtually exactly
Fig. 7 (a) illustrates the contours of the electric field between ele­ the same, whereas the fields on Line#1 have a somewhat different value
ments on the XOY plane that do not have IF and elements that do have due to the greater spacing between them and a significantly different
IF. Antenna #1 is activated under these circumstances, whilst antenna value due to the addition of IF. The findings that are presented in Fig. 6
#2 is rendered inoperable by means of a matching load of 50 O. As can are in agreement with those shown in Fig. 7.
be seen in Fig. 7(a) and (b), the linked region is the location where the MIMO System with Proposed IF designs: A great way to improve
electric field from antenna #1 radiates to antenna #2. As IF is loaded, wireless throughput (the amount of data transmitted per second) is to
the field above antenna #2 diminishes, as seen in Fig. 7 (d), and this make a MIMO system capable of transmitting and receiving multiple
change can be seen in both Fig. 7 (d) and (e). Fig. 7 (c) and (f) depict the data streams simultaneously. The antennas’ isolation is therefore good,
3D radiation pattern with and without IF, respectively. These figures and their emission patterns are not closely coupled. The creation and
demonstrate that when IF is present, the radiation patterns are entirely integration of the seven various IF setups using a new MIMO and Fig. 8
distinct from one another. As illustrated in Fig. 7 (c) and (f), the energy displays the IFs, substrate plane, top patch plane, and ground plane of
from antenna #1 spreads out in the three-dimensional space. As a result, the MIMO elements. The arrangements vary in three planes for each IF.
mutual coupling develops between the linked elements because the The top view of the MIMO is given in the first column of Fig. 8, and the
energy flows from antenna #1 to antenna #2. After that, the interme­ ground plane and substrate plane are shown in the second column. The
diate frequencies (IFs) are loaded between the two antennas, which ground plane and substrate plane are shown inset. The third column
results in a significant reduction in the coupling energy (as seen in describes the 3D radiation plot of MIMO systems and ensures that ra­
Fig. 7). (f). When antenna #1 is in its excited condition, there is a smaller diation is almost evenly distributed in all directions. The surface current
amount of energy that is emitted into antenna #2. As a consequence of distributions of each MIMO antenna are displayed in the fourth column.

S. Anand and R. Theetharappan AEUE - International Journal of Electronics and Communications 166 (2023) 154667

Fig. 11. ECC and DG of the Proposed antenna (a) ECC of Each evolution steps and step#5 indicates the MIMO without IF (b) ECC (ρs ) of MIMO with various IF (c) Far
field ECC (ρf ) of MIMO with various IF (d) DG of MIMO with various IF.

In all cases, it can be seen that the IF either deflects or absorbs the field when they are orthogonally (i) polarised (ii) and radiating energy in the
energy, which then suppresses the coupling from one element to same direction. Assume the radiation pattern mathematically in spher­
another. ical coordinates. The radiation pattern can be written as F1 (θ, φ) =
To begin, the scattering parameters S11 and S12, both without and F1θ (θ, φ).aθ + F1φ (θ, φ).aφ . aθ , aφ unit vectors in elevation (θ), azimuth
with IF, are shown in Fig. 9. As can be seen in Fig. 9, the results of the (φ) directions. The far field ECC is written mathematically ρf =
simulation indicate that the coupling coefficient can achieve a value of ⃒ ⃒
⃒∬ F1 .F*2 dΩ⃒2
less than − 25 dB at the centre frequency while still maintaining a ∬ |F | dΩ . ∬ |F |2 dΩ .
2 . ECC less is considered pretty well for MIMO appli­
1 2
satisfactory impedance match. Simultaneously, it is shown that adding cations. In general, correlation can be decreased through (i) having
the IFs will not have much more influence on the BW as well as distinct polarization of antenna elements (ii) increasing separation be­
impedance at low frequencies and high frequencies. So, adding the tween antennas. ECC can be related with and isolation S12 and
decoupling structure (i.e. IF), this is independent of the performance of completely determined without measuring the antennas’ radiation
the MIMO antenna except for field coupling in the lateral directions. As patterns. The formula for ECC in terms of isolation scattering parameters
expected in all cases, S12 and S21 are exactly the same, and isolation is |S* S12 +S* S22 |

< − 20 dB. is ρs = (1− |S |2 − 11|S |2 )(1−21 |S |2 − |S |2 ). ECC is the most common technique
11 21 22 12

Radiation Pattern: During the process of analysing the radiation utilised by MIMO antenna designers. Its purpose is to handle the pattern
patterns, one of the antennas will have a broadband load of 50 O con­ correlation of two antennas in terms of their covariance, which affects
nected to it. Fig. 10 depicts the results of a simulation carrying out the E the diversity gain of a mobile device that uses multiple antennas. Fig. 11
and H plane patterns at a frequency of 10 GHz. The pattern of radiation depicts the change that occurs in the ECC of the MIMO antenna as a
that was modelled turned out well. In addition, the radiation pattern of function of frequency. In the case of this study, the value of ECC in the
the proposed antenna with all six IFs is shown in Fig. 10 in two planes, operational bands is below 0.004, which is significantly lower than the
the E-plane and the H-plane, as co-polarization and cross-polarization at permitted limit of ECC, which is<0.4. As a result, the MIMO antenna
a frequency of 10 GHz. These patterns are shown as co-polarization and parameter assures good performance of spatial multiplexing, which in
cross-polarization. According to the radiation patterns, the suggested turn ensures an increased data rate. According to the findings of the
antenna with all IFs has a stable radiation pattern and a low cross- investigation, the design that was suggested is not only incredibly
polarization. This is the conclusion drawn from the radiation patterns. compact but also displays equivalent levels of performance. The per­
On the H-plane and E-plane, the radiation pattern, on the other hand, is formance of MIMO antennas can be analysed in terms of the ECC and DG
almost completely omnidirectional. parameters, both of which are very essential. It has been determined that
ECC: All the antenna elements in a MIMO system need to be inde­ the suggested MIMO has a good impedance BW and very high isolation,
pendent in order to transmit simultaneous and independent data which is due to the fact that these two factors guarantee the good MIMO
streams. ECC tells us how independent two antennas’ radiation patterns performance. ECC has been retrieved from S-parameters in operating
are. Two antennas with good isolation would have a correlation of zero frequency bands, as shown in Fig. 11. ECC using far field pattern (ρf ) is

S. Anand and R. Theetharappan AEUE - International Journal of Electronics and Communications 166 (2023) 154667

Fig. 12. CCL, DG, efficiency and channel capacity of the proposed MIMO antenna with various IFs (a) CCL (b) MEG (c) efficiency (d) Far field ECC.

Fig. 13. Characteristics of prototype model of the proposed MIMO.

found to be<0.4 from 6 GHz to 16 GHz and is shown in Fig. 11(c). ρf and description of the influence that diversity scheme has on the radiated
ρs ECC values that are well below 0.4 in the wide frequency bands en­ power. Element-specific evaluations of the antenna diversity attributes
sures good diversity performance. This has been done in order to test the (ECC, and DG, and total efficiency) have been performed, and the results
diversity qualities that the MIMO antenna possesses. The DG is still are presented in Fig. 11 and Fig. 12. It was determined that all of the
another important criterion that must be satisfied in order to validate the criteria had been met satisfactorily in order to fulfill the MIMO re­
dependability of the communication channels. It is possible to obtain it quirements, which ensures that the proposed antenna design is a
√̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅ workable option for MIMO applications.
by applying the equation DG = 10 1 − ECC2 , and it provides a
Fig. 12 shows how the proposed MIMO antenna’s channel capacity

S. Anand and R. Theetharappan AEUE - International Journal of Electronics and Communications 166 (2023) 154667

Table 3
Performance Comparison.
Reference No Frequency of operation BW Dimension in mm Gain ECC Isolation
of elements GHz GHz dBi dB

[35] 4 2.5–4.0.0 1.35 42 × 42 − 0.6 < 0.035 < − 30

[34] 2 28 and 38 2 5.5 × 5.4 × 0.508 <5 < 0.0001 < − 39
[32] 2 4.04–5.48 1.5 100 × 50 × 0.8 4 < 0.0005 < –23
[31] 4 4.23–4.85 0.5 98 × 33 7 < 0.0015 < − 24
[25] 2 1.7–2.7 1 145 × 60 7 NA < − 20
[6] 4 2.6/3.5/4.8 0.4 39 × 39 × 1.6 4 < 0.012 < − 20
R-S-R 2 4.9–18 12 35 × 44 × 1.6 1.65 <0.0021 < − 30
S-R-S 2 4.8–18 12 35 × 40 × 1.6 1.60 <0.0029 < –22
ZS-R-ZS 2 4.9–18 12 35 × 42 × 1.6 1.65 <0.0039 < –32
AV-R-AV 2 4.2–17 12 35 × 36 × 1.6 1.54 <0.0041 < –22
HVIA 2 4.9–17 12 35.5 × 36 × 1.6 1.58 <0.0031 < –23
IZS 2 4.8–17 12 35.5 × 36 × 1.6 1.59 <0.0038 < − 25
AH-CR-AH 2 2–16 12 35 × 36 × 1.6 1.58 <0.0042 < –23

BW for Port-1 and Port-2 excitations spans from 4.00 to 15.9 GHz. After
Table 4 that, the ECC and DG features are taken into consideration, and as shown
Antenna Parameters of the Proposed MIMO with various IF. in Fig. 13, the MIMO antenna with IF possesses the superior ECC (0.004)
Sl. No MIMO with IF Peak Gain Directivity FBR and DG (>6 dB) values. There is also a slight disparity between the re­
sults of the experiment and those of the simulation, which may be due to
R-S-R 1.65 2.01 1.08
S-R-S 1.60 1.94 1.06 human error during the antenna test or to inaccuracies connected to the
ZS-R-ZS 1.65 1.99 1.03 process of constructing the antenna.
AV-R-AV 1.54 1.85 1.85 A comprehensive comparison of the proposed MIMO antenna with
HVIA 1.58 1.90 1.84
some other current MIMO antenna designs can be found in Table 3. The
IZS 1.59 1.92 2.01
AH-CR-AH 1.58 1.90 1.84 proposed MIMO elements, which are divided by several developed IFs,
Without IF 1.43 1.72 1.22 are compared in this table. It should be emphasised that the proposed
design offers excellent isolation across the antenna’s full BW. Table 3
demonstrates that the proposed approach has a significant size reduction
losses (CCL), MEG efficiency, and channel capacity change with advantage. Additionally, this proposal offers a BW that is wider at > 12
different IFs. The CCL tells how fast a message can be sent over a GHz. Based on their size, isolation, and ECC, it demonstrates the inno­
communication channel without being lost. In theory, the number of vation and superiority of the suggested MIMO antenna system above the
antennas in a MIMO system can be used to improve the channel ca­ antenna literature cited. As a result, the proposed antenna outperforms
pacity. Nevertheless, the presence of Rayleigh-fading MIMO channels the available literature. Furthermore, in terms of ECC, the isolation
will cause a loss in channel capacity. This loss can be calculated from the effectiveness of MIMO with and without developed fences differs. The
correlation matrices. In the case of a 2 × 2 MIMO system, assuming that proposed MIMO has an ECC of 0.4, as shown in Fig. 3 and Fig. 11,
only the receiving antenna patterns are correlated and assuming the whereas without it, the same has an ECC of 0.04 as shown in Figs. 11,
worst scenario where a high signal-to-noise ratio is occurring, the CCL and 13. When Figs. 11 and 13 are compared, all developed IF have
can be evaluated as in [8]. The suggested MIMO antenna produces significantly lower ECC than MIMO without a fence.
acceptable CCL values, as shown in Fig. 12(a); ideally, CCL should Table 4 describes the other antenna parameters, like peak gain, ra­
be<0.4 bps/Hz in the operating frequency 6 GHz to 16 GHz. MEG is an diation efficiency, directivity, and front-to-back ratio (FBR) of the pro­
essential factor to examine while analysing diversity performance. The posed MIMO. With and without the inclusion of all six newly developed
average power received at the antenna divided by the total of the IFs, the parameters of the MIMO are extracted. Though the isolation
average powers of the vertically and horizontally polarised waves fences are included in the basic MIMO, there are not many more de­
received by an isotropic antenna is what is referred to as the ratio. viations in the antenna parameters. In all cases, the peak gain and the
Simulation may be carried out using S-parameters MEG1 and MEG2 for directivity are enhanced due to the increase in the current length due to
each port as calculated in [8], and Fig. 12 (b) clearly demonstrates that IFs that have resonators. At the same time, it is observed that the
|MEG1 − MEG2| is almost equal to 0 at the operating frequency bands. isolation fences with resonators influence the FBR less and improve it,
Channel Capacity: Using the mathematical method, the channel while the IFs have only VIA holes. Despite the inclusion of the IFs for
capacity of a typical MIMO communication system can be determined by greater decoupling, the MIMO’s radiation efficiency stays steady.
( )
C = Nlog2 1 +nρ (1 − rij ), where N is the number of antennas, ρ is the Specific absorption rate (SAR): For wireless devices (mobile
signal power, n is the noise power, and r is the envelope correlation phones, laptops, etc.) used close to or against the body that operate at or
coefficient between ith and jth antenna elements. Assuming that the below 6 GHz, the FCC’s permissible SAR limit is 1.6 W/kg. These gadgets
transmitting antenna elements are independent to one another, the frequently use GSM, WiFi, Bluetooth, cellular and other antenna types.
channel capacity for the proposed antenna elements with various IFs Using human head and hand models, the MIMO-SAR was assessed when
was computed in this situation. In addition, independent channels with a the two ports were excited simultaneously with an acceptable power of
10 dB signal-to-noise ratio were expected to exist between the trans­ 0.125 W at each port. MIMO-SAR results were then extracted and
mitting and receiving antennas. Fig. 12 (d) shows the simulated channel analyzed over 1 g tissue. For the proposed antenna, the MIMO SAR is
capacity graphs for the proposed antenna for various IFs. The suggested 1.85 W/kg in head model and 1.61 W/kg in hand model. The reason for
2 × 2 MIMO’s computed channel capacity is around 6 bps/Hz over the the higher SAR is the close antenna spacing and relatively high ECC in
operational BW. the 2–6 GHz band. This high SAR highlights the limitations of geometry
Fig. 13 depicts the simulated and measured values for the S-param­ and size of the proposed MIMO that are not appropriate for mobile or
eter of the MIMO antenna that was fabricated with an isolation AH-R-AH laptop environments. In addition, the fluctuations in the parameters like
fence. Within the band, the measured port isolation is never higher than antenna efficiency, far field ECC, ECC, and DG in the frequency band
–23 dB, as can be seen from the fact that the measured –10 dB impedance 1–6 GHz are not supporting the SAR limit. The proposed MIMO antenna

S. Anand and R. Theetharappan AEUE - International Journal of Electronics and Communications 166 (2023) 154667

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