F30. Ulf-Pf-F06-0001-04-Js1137-Mec
F30. Ulf-Pf-F06-0001-04-Js1137-Mec
F30. Ulf-Pf-F06-0001-04-Js1137-Mec
FEED Block 3 and 4 Gas to Power Project
(Oman Branch) FEED Block 3 and 4 Gas to
Power Project
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(Oman Branch) FEED Block 3 and 4 Gas to
Power Project
Table of Content
ABBREVIATIONS ......................................................................................................................................... 5
2. INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................... 7
4. OPERATING PHILOSOPHY.............................................................................................................. 15
(Oman Branch) FEED Block 3 and 4 Gas to
Power Project
9. Purging Philosophy........................................................................................................................ 28
(Oman Branch) FEED Block 3 and 4 Gas to
Power Project
EPC - Engineering Procurement Construction
MEC - Muscat Engineering Consultancy LLC
PO - Purchase Order
RFQ - Request for Quotation
SOW - Scope of Work
EPF - Early Production Facility
SDV - Shut down Valve/ on/off valve
(Oman Branch) FEED Block 3 and 4 Gas to
Power Project
HOLD-1- Fuel Gas Cooler Process Data to be finalized based final Gas Engine Vendor
requirement on gas specification
HOLD-2- Fuel Gas Heater Process Data to be finalized based final Gas Engine Vendor
requirement on gas specification
HOLD-3- Chiller package details to be finalized during detail design by Chilled water package
HOLD-4- Pressure Regulating Valves Process Data inside Gas engine package
(Oman Branch) FEED Block 3 and 4 Gas to
Power Project
The purpose of this document is to define the operating, control and safeguarding philosophy
for the new Gas Conditioning Facility to provide the gas to the new gas engines in the ULFA
plant. This document covers the unit required for conditioning of the fuel gas to send to gas
engine package. The details of the Gas Engine operating, control and safeguarding philosophy
shall be referred to the final selected vendor document. For all philosophies related to the
power management system refer to the “Power Generation & Distribution Philosophy”
prepared under this project scope of work with document number: COM-XX-G04-2006-001.
CCED is the Operator of Blocks 3 & 4 situated in the south-eastern belt in Oman and covers an
area of approximately 29,000 square kilometres.
Currently, there are treatment facilities for produced fluids at FARHA, SAIWAN, SHB and SHF
and ULFA facilities.
Separated oil from all the other stations transported to SAIWAN storage facilities. From
SAIWAN, crude is transported to CCED’s custody metering at Qarn Alam via an 83 km 16” oil
pipeline and then to the PDO Main Pipeline System.
(Oman Branch) FEED Block 3 and 4 Gas to
Power Project
(Oman Branch) FEED Block 3 and 4 Gas to
Power Project
Within project early stage design and concept selected project will proceed with two power
plant and associated OHL power distribution one for block-3 and the other one for block-
4. The power plant for block-3 located at the vicinity of ULFA station and for block-4
adjacent to existing SHB EPF.
Fuel gas for power plant supplied from associated gas collected in each EPF. Generated
power distributed to the consumers via 33kV OHL based on concrete poles.
(Oman Branch) FEED Block 3 and 4 Gas to
Power Project
(Oman Branch) FEED Block 3 and 4 Gas to
Power Project
requirements calculated during the FEED. Existing stations shall be modified as required to
provide suitable fuel gas to the power plants. Each power plant shall comprise of suitably
designed black starting means and sufficient backup power generation to feed power to
EPF and sufficient number of high gas producing wells in order to reinstate all operations
in case of field total shutdowns lead to power black-out due to shortage of fuel gas. OHL
preliminary routing for each block is prepared based on GIS data. Route survey and relevant
studies are part of the scope of this Contract. Refer to the Figure 3.3 for the overall
schematic of the project.
(Oman Branch) FEED Block 3 and 4 Gas to
Power Project
The process description given below shall be read in conjunction with PFD and P&ID (latest
revision) of gas to power project in ULFA plant.
The existing gas header to flare and the existing fuel gas system is designed for 9 MMSCFD.
The fuel gas conditioning unit is designed with skid mounted for 3 MMSCFD per skid to
provide the fuel gas to the gas power units which involves gas engine generators trains in
3 skids (2 working + 1 standby).
As per estimations received from different gas engine vendors at FEED stage, total amount
of 4 MMSCFD fuel gas will be sufficient for the total about 13.36 MW power demand
produced in about 11 set of gas engine generators.
The required design capacity of the 3 MMSCFD in Ulfa is provided with 3 fuel gas
conditioning skids each of them with 3 MMSCFD capacity. In normal operating condition
all 3 skids will be in service. In case of any process trips and maintenance requirement
which required one skid to be out of service two other skids is designed to meet the total
gas required.
However, in the future when the gas forecast is there is possibility to relocate one fuel gas
conditioning skid as well as required gas engines from SHB station to the Ulfa. In this
scenario total installed fuel gas skid in Ulfa will be 4 skids (3 working +1 standby) which is
sufficient to provide 9 MMSCFD gas to power plant gas engines with total demand of 32.83
In the following process description and safeguarding and control philosophies all tag
numbers ended with A is indicated for the Skid A and will be the same for skids B and C
with letters B and C respectively.
The fuel gas inlet line will be tapped the existing gas header before entering to the existing
fuel gas drum (423-CM-001) at 3 barg.
The connection to the other skids is taken from upstream of the skid A inlet UZV’s.
The fuel gas is entering the fuel gas conditioning skid A via inlet UZV’s (903-SDV-001/002
The Gas Cooler will cool down the fuel gas temperature to a level around 20°C in case of
high temperature conditions in summer case. This will be done through a shell and tube
(Oman Branch) FEED Block 3 and 4 Gas to
Power Project
heat exchanger. The chilled water will be used as coolant from chilled water package (903-
XX-01 A/B/C) (HOLD-3). The minimum temperature of the chilled water is available at
chiller package is considered as 10°C. The Gas Cooler will not be in operation in the case of
winter case fuel gas temperatures from the header which is around 7-10°C.
The Fuel Gas Scrubber, 903-VS-01 A/B/C, is designed to remove any liquid droplets equal
to and larger than 10 microns. The separator is equipped with wired mesh demister pad.
The liquid from the scrubber is sent to the existing flare header via 903-UV-003 A/B/C.
Then Fuel gas will pass to the Gas Filter Coalescer, 903-FR-01 A/B/C. By going through the
cartridges from outside to inside any solid particles equal to and larger than 1 micron and
liquid droplet equal and larger than 3 micron will be separated from the stream which is
going the Gas Engines.
The liquid from the filter coalescer is sent to the existing flare header via 903-UV-004
The gas from filter coalescer enters the electric heater, 903-EH-01 A/B/C for heating the
gas such that the fuel gas temperature is maintained at minimum margin of around 10°C
(HOLD-2) above the HC dew point temperature and water dew point temperature,
whichever is the highest at the Engine battery limit.
The gas coming from all 3 fuel gas skids after heaters will collect in common header and
then send to the Gas Engine package
Fuel gas flowmeter, 903-FIRQ-001, is provided to measure the total flow rate going to the
power plant.
The fuel gas then will pass through the pressure regulator trains installed separately at
each engine inlet, to adjust the pressure for the inlet to the Gas Engines as per final vendor
requirements. The pressure regulators trains is considered inside the Gas Engine
Generators vendor package since it is final element before entering to the gas engine and
requires specific design parameter based on the Gas Engine operating envelope.
The relief valves and the manual vents and de-pressurizing lines inside fuel gas skids will
be connected to the existing LP flare system via a common header.
(Oman Branch) FEED Block 3 and 4 Gas to
Power Project
A new maintenance drain collection header from, Gas Cooler, Gas Scrubber, Gas Filter
Coalescer and Gas Heater will be sent to new drain collection pit ,903-VS-02 from all skids.
Draining shall be done manually from Gas Cooler, Gas Scrubber, Gas Filter Coalescer and
Gas Heater after depressuring of the equipment. Level gauge is provided on drain pit for
level indication. The drain pit (903-VS-02) will evacuate by vacuum truck via provided
Instrument air for the Fuel Gas Conditioning Unit will be provided from new dedicated
instrument air package (903-XX-05) considered for power plant project scope.
Utility water supply is required for make-up water for the chilled water system. This can be
supplied by truck since the chiller package (HOLD-3), 903-XX-01 A/B/C will have the
required storage tank for the chilled water circulation. The amount and quality of the
makeup water will be finalized during Detail Design stage after final Vendor data.
Make up water supply is required for each gas engine also. The amount and quality of the
makeup water will be finalized during Detail Design stage after final Vendor data.
(Oman Branch) FEED Block 3 and 4 Gas to
Power Project
This section highlights the operating philosophy for the Gas Conditioning Unit to send the
gas to the Gas Engines. For the gas engine generators, the vendor operating, and
maintenance manual shall be followed. The new facilities shall be manned and fully
designed to be operated remotely and started in fully automatic mode from control room as
well as locally (in case of any requirement).
Since the fuel gas conditioning unit is designed based on skid mounted philosophy to have
3 fuel gas skids in parallel, the following description is for the Skids A, B and C. In normal
operation, all 3 skids will be in the operation. However, the capacity of two skids together
shall be sufficient to provide the required gas to the Gas Engines in case of one skid is under
maintenance. For the same reason each skid capacity is selected for 3 MMSCFD.
However, in the future when the gas forecast is there is possibility to relocate one fuel gas
conditioning skid as well as required gas engines from SHB station to the Ulfa. In this
scenario total installed fuel gas skid in Ulfa will be 4 skids (3 working +1 standby) which is
sufficient to provide 9 MMSCFD gas to power plant gas engines with total demand of 32.83
Based on the received vendor requirements the fuel gas temperature at the inlet to gas
engine package shall a margin of around 10 °C above the hydrocarbon dew point or water
dew point whichever is higher. On the other hand, the maximum recommended
temperature of the fuel gas to the gas engines is around 50°C (some vendors
recommended around 35° C while the others recommend up to 55°C).
1- Winter Case (Fuel gas inlet temperature is around 10° C): since the gas is coming from
the production separators it shall be considered as saturated gas. It means the
Hydrocarbon/Water dew point will be around the same stream temperature. In this
case the cooler will NOT be in service, but the electric heater is required to be in service
to make a required margin on top of hydrocarbon and water dew points. The
temperature of 30°C is recommended to have at heater outlet in this case.
(Oman Branch) FEED Block 3 and 4 Gas to
Power Project
2- Summer Case (Fuel gas inlet temperature is around 52°C): since the gas is coming from
the production separators it shall be considered as saturated gas. It means the
Hydrocarbon/Water dew point will be around the same stream temperature. In this
case the cooler will be in service. If Gas Cooler is not in service in this case to meet the
margin required for fuel gas temperature above dew point the Gas Heater shall heat
up the gas to above 62°C which is not meeting the maximum recommended values for
the Fuel Gas Temperatures to the Gas Engines. Therefore, gas cooler at first should
cool down the fuel gas temperatures to a level of 20°C then electric heater is required
to be in service to make a required margin on top of hydrocarbon and water dew
points. The temperature of 30 °C is recommended to have at heater outlet in this case.
The operating and design conditions of this separator are summarized as below:
Parameter Value
(Oman Branch) FEED Block 3 and 4 Gas to
Power Project
are clogged shall be first completely depressurised and drained and shall be cleaned. The
frequency of the clogging demister pad is very low.
Parameter Value
Parameter Value
(Oman Branch) FEED Block 3 and 4 Gas to
Power Project
Parameter Value
One check valve is provided at the discharge line of each skid to prevent back flow from
the other skids and to read the correct pressure value through the pressure transmitters
in-side each skid.
Two modes of operation of foreseen in Gas Cooler section above is also applicable here for
heater also. Unlike cooler, heater operation is required in both winter and summer most
of the time.
A pressure gauge and temperature transmitter is provided on heater inlet line and outlet
line for local indication and indication in control system.
Heater shell shall be completely depressurised and purged before carrying out any
maintenance on heater package.
The operating and design conditions of the Electric Heater can be summarized as below:
(Oman Branch) FEED Block 3 and 4 Gas to
Power Project
Parameter Value
In addition, flow transmitter, 903-FT-002A, for each fuel gas conditioning unit is provided
and configured with low alarm to DCS.
(Oman Branch) FEED Block 3 and 4 Gas to
Power Project
5.1 Gas Cooler, 903-HA-01 A/B/C
Temperature controller, 903-TICA-002 A/B/C, with high alarm is provided at Fuel Gas line
outlet of the cooler to control of the outlet temperature in the summer case at 25° C by
sending signal to Chiller package to turn on the circulation pump the chilled water supply
line. The controller will send turn on signal to duty chiller package if the gas temperature
is 25° C and turn off signal on 20° C.
High alarm 903-DPIT-004 A/B/C is provided for monitoring the differential pressure across
the filter elements.
High and low temperature alarms, 903-TIA-004 A/B/C H and L, (55°C and 20°C).
The temperature controller, 903-TICA-004 A/B/C, with high alarm, is located at the outlet
of Fuel Gas Heater. This controller controls the temperature by sending signal to thyristor
control panel inside heater vendor package.
The set point of the temperature controller, 903-TICA-004 A/B/C, is 30 °C, which has been
decided based on the increasing temperature above inlet to heater and the operating
pressure at the inlet to the Gas Engine. Low temperature alarm (set at 20 °C) is also
provided on the temperature controller to alert operator that gas temperature is reaching
the dew point condition. Moreover, the operator can change the set point at any time
during operation based on different gas composition in summer or winter.
(Oman Branch) FEED Block 3 and 4 Gas to
Power Project
In addition, new flow transmitter with low alarm, 903-FT-002 A/B/C, is provided in the
outlet line of heater and connected to DCS.
6.1 High High Pressure Protection of the System
Since design pressure of the upstream system of the fuel gas system is 47.5 barg in
production separators at the inlet of the Gas Conditioning Unit 2oo3 pressure transmitters
are considered to act as high high pressure protection of whole skid. The set point of the,
903-PZITHH-001/009/010 A/B/C transmitters will be considered as 8 barg which is 1 bar
lower than system design pressure of 9 barg. This Pressure transmitters will close IPF
valves, 903-SDV-001/002 A/B/C at inlet of each skid. The basis of the selecting of this design
pressure and IPF valve are:
- Design pressure of the upstream system of the fuel gas header is 47.5 barg at
production separators while the PZAHH set points on the same separators are
somewhere about 18 barg and PCV’s on production separators vapour outlet lines
discharging to the fuel gas header are set at 5 to 7 barg.
- Existing RV’s on the existing fuel gas KOD set at 8 barg. The tie-in for the new fuel gas
conditioning unit is taken upstream of the existing Fuel gas KOD.
- If new IPF valves, 903-SDV-001/002 A/B/C, which sets at 8 barg, for all pressure relief
valves inside the fuel conditioning gas unit are not provided then all relief valves inside
the fuel gas skid shall be evaluated for the PCV’s failure case from upstream production
separators with maximum operating pressure of 18 barg at upstream of the PCV’s
located on production separators. This will cause higher relief load to the flair and
hydrocarbon loss.
(Oman Branch) FEED Block 3 and 4 Gas to
Power Project
- Design pressure inside fuel gas conditioning unit is selected 9 barg (1 bar margin on
top of the IPF valves set point) to have flexibility in case of lower maximum allowable
pressures values requirement at inlet to the pressure regulators by other GE vendors
no need to re-evaluate again all pressure relief valves inside fuel gas conditioning unit.
- Refer to the design review discussion and action number No. 9 at FEED stage it is
decided finally to have IPF valves at inlet of each skid having set pressure of 8 barg as
well as design pressure of the 9 barg for the fuel gas conditioning skid.
- Refer to the FEED stage HAZOP action N1-1 There is one PSV on existing FG header.
423-PSV-002, with set point of 8 barg; Therefore, it is decided to add new PSV, 903-
PSV-004, as standby for the existing PSV. keeping set point of new PSV-(903-PSV-004 )
on the FG header on 17.5 barg will not eliminate the hazard for the existing FG
downstream system which is designed for the 8 barg , 423-PSV-002, on the existing FG
header, because of the limitation of the existing flare header for the upstream PCV
failure scenario from production separators. Hence It is decided to do the separate
HAZOP review meeting out of the current project scope to evaluate the potential
hazards on FG existing system from upstream high pressure production separators.
Considering the existing flare package capacity limitation.
(Oman Branch) FEED Block 3 and 4 Gas to
Power Project
valve is considered for the fire case in this equipment. Design conditions are established
not just based on operating conditions but upset conditions also.
The cooler is linked with plant safeguarding chiller trip on inlet PZAHH and plant ESD.
High high level protection, 903-LZIT-005 A/B/C, is provided to protect the downstream
equipment as well as the gas engines by closing inlet ESD valves, 903- SDV-001/002 A/B/C,
to prevent sending liquid to the gas engines. This type of safeguarding shall be finalized
after final selected vendor requirement and tolerance on liquid receiving in the fuel gas in
upset condition.
Safeguarding logic for package shall be implemented in plant safeguarding system and
vendor shall provide required signal to/from package. Number of transmitter (initiators)
(Oman Branch) FEED Block 3 and 4 Gas to
Power Project
required for package safeguarding shall be decided by Vendor According to SIL assessment
and SIL verification.
After a process trip, the heater should be able to be reset from Field / Heater Local Control
Panel and Control Room (DCS).
High-high gas temperature. 903-TZA-007 A/B/C in vendor package trip set point shall be
set at 50 °C to not send the high temperature gas to the engines which will trip the duty
heater (HOLD-2).
Heater ESD Push Button is also provided for Emergency trip along with ESD reset.
The Fire and Gas Detection system is designed to provide an effective early warning of a
fire or gas event in process facilities and buildings.
The following Fire & Gas detectors/devices considered for new facilities:
• Open path/line of sight (LOS) infra-red flammable gas detector;
• Infrared hydrocarbon gas detectors (point type);
• Triple IR flame detectors;
• Optical type smoke detectors for fire detection within buildings;
• Hydrogen (H2) detectors for battery room;
• Manual Alarm Call (MAC) point for manual activation;
• Siren; Beacon;
• Fire Bell.
F&G mapping study is conducted to identify the quantity fire and gas detectors in the field.
H2S detector will be provided throughout the facility as per F&G Philosophy.
As per Fire, Gas Dispersion, and Explosion Assessment results, proposed separation
distance between each gas conditioning units (31 m) adequate (i.e. radiation exposure is
below 37.5 kw/m2) to avoid escalation between one gas conditioning unit to the other.
Fire duration assessment has been calculated to less than 5 minutes assuming each gas
condition unit can be separately isolated. Therefore, Isolating each gas inventory is
(Oman Branch) FEED Block 3 and 4 Gas to
Power Project
- to ensure the availability of the system – i.e. the other two gas conditioning units can be
As pe above the shutdown valves, 903-SDV-005 A/B/C are considered at each skid outlet
Activation smoke alarm in the building will automatically initiate an alarm, raised through
the FACP, displayed on the DCS HMI shall initiate the alarm and trip of AC unit. Smoke
detection in building shall trip the HVAC.
Refer to FEED design review action no. 15 each fuel gas conditioning skids are considered
separate fire zones. Confirmed fire detection from each skid will close the same skid inlet
ESD valves not the other skids. Also separate ESD (solenoid shut off valve to be supplied by
vendor as loose item) at each Gas Engine Inlet shall be considered for F&G protection and
segregation of each engine from the other engines.
(Oman Branch) FEED Block 3 and 4 Gas to
Power Project
The depressurization shall be carried out after proper shutdown. Depressurization of any
one system/equipment shall be carried out at one time.
The vent line from Gas Cooler, 903-HA-01 A/B/C, Fuel Gas Scrubber, 903-VS-01 A/B/C, Gas
Filter Coalescer, 903-FR-01 A/B/C, Electric Heaters, 903-EH- 01A/B/C and all piping are
connected to the existing Flare header at SHAHD B station. Minimum Slope of 1:500 will
be maintained for the new vent lines.
For the relief valves downstream of the pressure regulators trains since their set pressures
will be very low shall route to the safe location to the atmosphere.
Initial start-up:
It is ensured that the pre-commissioning activities are complete, and the systems have full
mechanical and functional integrity.
The new facility is connected to existing facility and total facility is as per project P&ID’s.
The system is purged with Nitrogen to ensure the system is hydrocarbon gas free.
Start-up pressurisation activity is done to introduce the hydrocarbon gas into the system.
After the initial start-up, subsequent starts shall be from a condition wherein the system is
not depressurised and with hydrocarbon inventory; hence purging may not be required.
It shall be ensured that all the utility systems are available, and the system shall be re-
pressurised to stabilize the hydrocarbon gas flow through the system.
Planned Shutdown: A planned shutdown may occur for one of the following reasons:
Preventive and periodic maintenance, for modifications.
(Oman Branch) FEED Block 3 and 4 Gas to
Power Project
Emergency Shutdown: The main cause which is required a Fuel Gas Skid ESD is each skid
fire and gas system which will initiate only that particular skid by closing inlet/outlet shut
down valve. The entire plant ESD in the cause of existing plant IA header pressure low low
and existing flare KOD level high high will not initiate shutdown of the fuel gas conditioning
on direct shutdown signal. Hence no need direct signal from entire existing plant ESD to
new fuel gas conditioning skid.
ESD signal from new dedicated Instrument Air package header low low pressure will cause
all 3 fuel gas conditioning skids.
Operational Shutdown: can be done automatically due to one of the following reasons:
• Fuel gas high high pressure at inlet of the unit (unit process shutdown), 903-PIZA-
001/009/010 A/B/C_HH
• High high heater outlet temperature (Equipment shutdown), 903-TIZA-007
• High high level in the fuel gas filter coalescer (unit process shutdown), 903-LIZA-
005 A/B/C_HH
• New dedicated IA package header low low pressure signal , 903-PIZA-11 A/B/C
(common for all skids)
In case of Power Plant shutdown, production wells go off and consequently no fuel gas will
be available in the station for Power Plant start up. In this situation new emergency diesel
generator package in power plant shall brought to the service. Once the available gas in
header identified as available the normal start up procedure shall be followed for the fuel
gas conditioning unit.
Start-up checks
Instrument air lines are connected to instruments from instrument air header.
(Oman Branch) FEED Block 3 and 4 Gas to
Power Project
The first commissioning is a crucial operation which shall be carried out by specialized
team. Detailed commissioning procedure will be developed by commissioning team.
System Pressurization
The source of Gas for the initial pressurization of Gas Conditioning Unit is from the 8” gas
header from production separators connected to the existing fuel gas system.
Pressurization of individual equipment’s shall be done by opening the main isolation valves.
In case of ESD, all shutdown valves (UZV’s) will close. However, the pressure in the system
will be contained unless the operator decides to depressurize the facilities. After identifying
the cause of ESD and rectifying the problem, the UZV’s are to be reset locally and re-
pressurization of facilities shall follow the same philosophy described as above.
2” purge connections are provided at the inlet of the Gas Conditioning Unit, Fuel Gas Scrubber
Vessel, Gas Filter Coalescer and Electric Heater.
Nitrogen purging will be done by connecting the existing mobile nitrogen skid to the purge
Nitrogen purging ensures that all dead pockets are cleared and free from hazardous process
medium. Purging shall be performed prior to handover of the equipment to maintenance
activity. System shall be depressurized, drained and purged with neutral/inert medium for
ensuring inertness.
(Oman Branch) FEED Block 3 and 4 Gas to
Power Project
For maintenance of the equipment in fuel gas conditioning unit the equipment shall be isolated,
depressurized and purged with nitrogen. Utility connections are provided on the piping around the
equipment for purging purposes. Manual isolation valves are provided on the each equipment inlet
and outlet lines to provide isolation from upstream and downstream systems in case of any
maintenance. For more details refer to the separate “Operating and Maintenance Philosophy”
prepared under scope of this project with document number: COM-XX-G01-2000-
(Oman Branch) FEED Block 3 and 4 Gas to
Power Project
Drain pit ,903-VS-02, is considered common without spare for all skids.
Enough spare shall be considered for gas engines considering that there will be numbers of
gas engine cells based on required power demand and final selected vendor arrangement.
(Oman Branch) FEED Block 3 and 4 Gas to
Power Project
1- FEED Project Design Basis, COM-XX-G04-2005-001_01_JS1137,
2- Project P&ID’s:
- ULF-FL-F02-0007-001-01-JS1137-MEC ULF-FL-F02-0009-001-01-JS1137-MEC,
ULF-PF-F01-2001-001-01-JS1137-MEC, ULF-PF-F01-2002-001-01-JS1137-MEC,
ULF-PF-F01-2003-001-01-JS1137-MEC, ULF-PF-F01-2004-001-01-JS1137-MEC,
ULF-PF-F01-2005-001-01-JS1137-MEC, ULF-PF-F01-2006-001-01-JS1137-MEC,