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Listening (11)

~This module is same for AC and GT

~In this module, the test taker gets a pair of headsets
~An audio is played on those and questions related to the audio are asked
~The test taker has to listen to the audio and answer the questions asked
~The test has 40 questions and each question carries one mark
~The audio is self-paced
~The audio is only played once
~All the questions are objective in nature
~There can be fill in the blanks, multiple choice questions, match the content,
map etc.
~The test is divided into 4 sections – Each section has 10 questions
~The first 10 and the last 10 questions are always fill in the blanks and the rest
are matching the content, MCQ, Map or Fill in the blanks
~The difference between the first 10 and the last 10 blanks is that the first 10 are
a dialogue and last 10 are a monologue
DIALOGUE – conversation between two people
MONOLOGUE – one person speaking
~You can control or change the volume of the audio
What is CDT listening and what is PDT listening?
CDT: Computer delivered test – the test is about 35-37 min long
PDT: Paper delivered test – PDT listening is 40 minutes long (30 min of audio
and 10 extra min to transfer the answers to the answer sheet at the end)

Basic tips for listening

~Should I write in UPPER CASE or sentence case?
It is the choice of the test taker whether to go by UPPER CASE or sentence
case, both are allowed. Either one can be used. Do not mix those.
Suggestion: UPPER CASE
The capital of India is ________new delhi_________. – Punctuation error –
New Delhi is a proper noun – initials should be capital
The capital of India is NEW DELHI.
3. _________Meditation_______ is the best way to focus.
~Do I have to be careful of the spellings?
Yes. Even if your answer is correct, if the spellings are wrong – you get no
There are no partial credits in IELTS.
Beleive – half score? NO.
~Do I have to be careful about singular and plural while answering?
Go by what the audio says. If the audio says singular, go singular. If the audio
says plural, go plural. Stick to the audio.
~Is it important to take note of word limit while doing fill in the blanks?
Yes. Your answer has to be according to the word limit. If it isn’t, you get no

~How are words and numbers counted in IELTS

Every word separately placed is counted individually
Book – 1 word
A book – 2 words
A new book – 3 words
Every number separately placed is counted individually
1 – one number
11 – one number
111 – one number
11111111111111111111111111111111111111111 – one number
As long as it is continuity, even if a number is very long – it is counted as one
1 pen and 2 pencils – 3 words and 2 numbers
Hyphenated words are counted as one
Mother-in-law: 1 word
Self-paced: 1 word
~What are some of the frequently asked word/number limit instructions in
One word only: You have to write exactly one word (nothing more)
One word and a number: You have to write a word and a number both together
One word or a number: You can either write a word or a number but not both of
them together
One word and/or a number: You can write a number alone/ You can write a
word alone/ You can write a number and a word together
Two words only: You have to write exactly two words (nothing less, nothing
No more than two words: You can write one word or two words but not more
than two
No more than three words: You can write one word or two words or three words
but not more than three
Paper delivered
~While transferring the answers to the answer sheet, please be careful of the
answer and the box – make sure you transfer the answer in the right box
~While marking the answers for MCQs in the answer sheet, do not write the
entire answer – just write the alphabet against it
What is the capital of India?
A. Mumbai
B. Pune
C. Bangalore
D. New Delhi
D – correct
Strategy for multiple choice questions
*There is a lot of content to read. I can’t read it in 25-30 seconds. What should I
Based on the content and your speed of marking keywords – figure out whether
you will be able to read it all or not
If the content is very lengthy, do not attempt at reading everything – simply go
by keywords – underline keywords from the content
While marking keywords/reading, first of all – underline keywords from ONLY
QUESTIONS – after this is done, underline keywords from the options in
whatever time you are left with

*All the options that are in the question are mentioned on the audio and I can’t
finalize the answer. If I finalize the answer anyway, it turns out to be incorrect.
What should I do?
There are three common ways that traps are plotted and understanding them can
help you find out the answer accurately even with all the options being
mentioned in the audio.
Flip words
These are certain words using which the audio flips the answers –
However/but/not really/no/although etc.
When is Jamie planning to meet her best friend?
A. In the morning
B. In the afternoon
C. In the evening
D. At night
Clue words
These are certain words that are placed in the question itself and give you a
clue/hint on what the possible answer can be in the audio
Surprising/shocking/original etc.
What did Becky find the most surprising in her home town?
A. The number of hospitals
B. The new schools that have opened
C. The growth of population
D. The advancement in public transport
Usage of a keyword without the entire information
A lot of times, the audio mentions the keyword in a particular option but either
doesn’t put forward the entire info or uses the opposite info or different info
related to that keyword
Strategy for fill in the blanks
~Take note of the heading/title
~Take note of the word limit/number limit instructions
~Underline any subheading if it is given
~Underline keywords from the content. Keywords are basically proper nouns,
numbers and any other prominent word that can help you sync the information
when the audio plays

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