Cap 10
Cap 10
Cap 10
Duplex Assessment of
Upper-Limb Arterial Disease
Introduction, 179 Palmar Arch and Digital Arteries, 184
Anatomy of the Upper-Extremity Arteries, 179 Ultrasound Appearance, 185
Symptoms and Treatment of Upper-Limb Arterial Normal Appearance, 185
Disease, 181 Abnormal Appearance, 185
Practical Considerations and Patient Positioning for Thoracic Outlet Syndrome, 187
Duplex Assessment of Upper-Extremity Arterial Maneuvers for Assessing TOS, 189
Disease, 182 Duplex Assessment of TOS, 190
Scanning Techniques, 182 Aneurysms, 190
Subclavian and Axillary Arteries, 182 Other Disorders of the Upper-Extremity
Brachial Artery, 184 Circulation, 191
Radial and Ulnar Arteries, 184 Reporting, 192
180 Chapter 10 Duplex Assessment of Upper-Limb Arterial Disease
Right common carotid artery Left common carotid artery 1st rib (projecting
Axillary artery Clavicle back into page)
Right vertebral artery Left subclavian artery
Anterior and posterior artery
Right subclavian Left vertebral artery humeral circumflex
artery arteries
Brachial artery
Aortic arch
Fig. 10.1 The arterial anatomy of the aortic arch and subclavian
artery. Radial recurrent
artery Ulnar recurrent artery
to as the mammary artery), which is frequently used for
coronary artery bypass surgery.
Common interosseous
The axillary artery becomes the brachial artery as it artery
crosses the lower margin of the tendon of the teres major Radial artery Ulnar artery
muscle, at the top of the arm. The diameter of the axil-
lary artery ranges between 0.6 and 0.8 cm. The brachial
artery then runs distally on the medial or inner side Deep
of the arm in a groove between the triceps and biceps palmar arch
muscles. The deep brachial artery divides from the main
trunk of the brachial artery in the upper arm and acts
as an important collateral pathway around the elbow Superficial palmar arch
if the brachial artery is occluded distally. The brachial
artery runs in a medial to lateral course over the inner Common palmar
aspect of the elbow (cubital fossa) and then divides, 1 to Proper digital digital arteries
2 cm below the elbow, into the radial and ulnar arter- arteries
ies. However, the bifurcation can be quite variable in Fig. 10.2 The arterial anatomy of the arm and hand.
position and can sometimes be seen in the upper arm.
The ulnar artery dives deep beneath the flexor tendons
in the upper forearm before becoming superficial in the The radial artery supplies the deep palmar arch in the
mid-forearm. The radial artery runs along the lateral hand, and the ulnar artery supplies the superficial pal-
side of the forearm toward the thumb and is palpable mar arch. There are usually communicating arteries
at the wrist. The ulnar artery runs along the medial side between the two systems. In some people only one of
of the forearm and is sometimes the dominant vessel the wrist arteries will supply a palmar arch system. The
of the forearm. The common interosseous artery is an fingers are supplied by the palmar digital arteries. There
important branch of the ulnar artery in the upper fore- are a number of anatomical variations in the arm that
arm as it can act as a collateral pathway if the radial and are shown in Table 10.1. The arms normally develop
ulnar arteries are occluded. The hand is comprised of good collateral circulation around diseased segments.
a complex vascular network formed from the branches The major collateral pathways of the arm are summa-
and distal continuations of the radial and ulnar arteries. rized in Table 10.2.
CHAPTER 10 Duplex Assessment of Upper-Limb Arterial Disease 181
Objectives of an Upper-Limb
Arterial Scan
• Locate, identify, and grade the severity of atheroscle- Fig. 10.3 Scanning position for imaging the distal axillary, bra-
rotic disease chial, radial, and ulnar arteries. To image the mid-axillary artery
from the axilla (blue arrow), the arm can be abducted (direction
• Identify the level of acute occlusions due to embolus
of curved black arrow).
or thrombus and assess the impairment to distal cir-
• Identify dilations and aneurysms, including false
maneuvers. The scanner should be configured for a
aneurysms caused by arterial cannulation
• Assess for arterial thoracic outlet syndrome
peripheral arterial examination, and in the absence of
• Half an hour should be sufficient for most upper-limb a specific upper-limb preset, a lower-limb arterial preset
examinations. would be an appropriate alternative. The color scale is
set for detecting medium-to high-velocity pulsatile flow
in the SA and axillary artery, typically between 20 and
There is no special preparation required prior to the 30 cm/s. For the radial and ulnar arteries, the scale often
scan, although the patient will have to expose the shoul- needs to be lowered to 15 to 20 cm/s.
der and upper arm for scanning of the distal SA and
axillary arteries. The examination room should be at a
comfortable ambient temperature (>20°C) to prevent
Scanning Techniques
vasoconstriction of the distal arteries. It is possible to A mid-frequency linear array transducer is the most suit-
scan the arm vessels with the patient in a sitting position able probe for scanning the SA and axillary arteries. A high-
or lying supine. When scanning the patient in a supine frequency linear array transducer produces the best images
position, the head can be supported on a pillow for com- of the brachial, radial, and ulnar arteries, particularly as the
fort and the SA and proximal axillary artery scanned radial and ulnar arteries are very superficial at the wrist. A
with the operator sitting at the side of the patient or at hockey-stick probe can be useful at this level. Imaging of the
the end of the examination couch behind the patient, digital arteries is easier with a hockey-stick probe. In addi-
similar to a carotid scan. To image the distal axillary and tion, a mid-frequency curvilinear array transducer can be
brachial arteries, the patient should be examined from useful for imaging the proximal SA at the level of the supra-
the side of the examination table and the arm should clavicular fossa, as it fits more easily into the contour of this
be abducted, externally rotated, and resting on an arm region. The transducer positions for imaging the upper-
board or a suitable rest (see Fig. 10.3). The distal bra- extremity arteries are shown in Fig. 10.4. A color flow mon-
chial, radial, and ulnar arteries are imaged with the hand tage of the upper-extremity arteries is shown in Fig. 10.5.
in a palm-up position (supination), resting on a support.
Scanning the patient in the sitting position is particularly Subclavian and Axillary Arteries
useful for thoracic outlet examinations, as this enables The SA is initially located in a transverse plane in the
full freedom of arm movement during provocation supraclavicular fossa, where it will lie superior to the
CHAPTER 10 Duplex Assessment of Upper-Limb Arterial Disease 183
subclavian vein. The transducer is turned to image the left SA origin is normally difficult to image with a stan-
artery in longitudinal section and followed proximally. dard linear array transducer, as the vessel arises from the
On the right side, it can often be possible to image and aortic arch. It can sometimes be tracked toward its ori-
investigate flow in the distal brachiocephalic artery. The gin with a low-frequency phased array or mid-frequency
curvilinear transducer. This type of transducer can also
be useful for imaging the proximal and mid-section of
Supraclavicular fossa
the brachiocephalic artery, as it has a small footprint that
allows access to the limited imaging window. Sometimes
the origin of the right SA can be difficult to image, espe-
cially if the patient has a large or short neck or if there
Infraclavicular fossa is significant respiratory movement. Extra gel may be
needed to fill the depression of the supraclavicular fossa
Axillary artery Subclavian
to enable good contact with a linear array transducer.
The SA should then be followed distally in longitudinal
section, where it will disappear underneath the clavicle.
There will be a large acoustic shadow below the clavicle
Brachial artery
(see Fig. 10.5). A mirroring artifact of the SA is often seen
due to the chest wall beneath the artery (see Fig. 4.23).
The SA reappears from underneath the clavicle
and is followed distally, where it becomes the axillary
artery. Two positions may be used to image the length
of the axillary artery. The first is the anterior approach,
in which the axillary artery will be seen to run deep
beneath the shoulder muscles. A low-frequency curvi-
Radial artery Ulnar artery linear transducer can sometimes be useful for following
the distal axillary artery from this position as the axil-
lary artery can lie quite deep in the image at this point.
The second approach images the axillary artery from the
axilla (armpit), with the arm abducted, where it can be
followed distally to the brachial artery (Fig. 10.3).
It is worth noting that the proximal segment of the
internal thoracic artery, a branch of the SA, can often
be imaged from the supraclavicular fossa. This artery
is frequently used in coronary bypass surgery and is
surgically grafted to the heart. It divides at a 90° angle
from the inferior aspect of the SA to run down the chest
wall. Beyond its origin it runs behind the upper ribs and
Fig. 10.4 Transducer positions for scanning the upper- is only visible in the spaces between them. It is possi-
extremity arteries. ble to confirm graft patency by identifying flow in the
Fig. 10.5 A color flow montage of the left upper-extremity arteries demonstrating the subclavian artery (SA),
axillary artery (AA), brachial artery (BA), deep brachial artery (DB), radial artery (RA), and ulnar artery (UA). A
large acoustic shadow is seen due to the clavicle (C).
184 Chapter 10 Duplex Assessment of Upper-Limb Arterial Disease
Fig. 10.6 A Doppler waveform recorded from a left thoracic
artery grafted to a coronary artery following heart bypass sur-
gery. The systolic phase is shown by the arrows.
Fig. 10.9 A high-grade stenosis of the proximal brachial artery. (A) Color flow imaging demonstrates the
severe stenosis. The proximal deep brachial artery is seen in this image. (B) B-mode imaging demonstrates
mainly low echogenicity atheroma (arrows). (C) A diagram showing the transducer positions of recorded Dop-
pler waveforms, (D) proximal to the stenosis, (E) across the stenosis and (F) distal to the stenosis. The corres
ponding Doppler waveforms are shown in parts D, E, and F. Note the damped monophasic flow seen in F.
Fig. 10.10 A severe stenosis of the left subclavian artery. (A) MRI scan demonstrating the stenosis (arrow).
(B) Color flow image demonstrating the stenosis (arrow). (C) Doppler recordings across the stenosis indicate
an abnormally high velocity of 452 cm/s. (D) There is marked damping of the brachial artery waveform distally,
indicating the hemodynamic significance of the stenosis.
CHAPTER 10 Duplex Assessment of Upper-Limb Arterial Disease 187
Fig. 10.11 (A) A stenosis of the proximal left subclavian artery is demonstrated by marked color flow dis-
turbance and aliasing. High peak systolic velocity (282 cm/s) is recorded in the region of the stenosis. (B)
Doppler waveforms from the ipsilateral vertebral artery demonstrate a systolic dip (arrow) due to the proximal
subclavian artery stenosis (see Ch. 8). This figure represents the real-life difficulty when attempting to image
and grade subclavian artery disease, as this stenosis was difficult to image in B-mode. The presence of a color
bruit and mirroring artifact due to the chest wall makes positioning of the sample volume and angle correction
difficult. A low-frequency curvilinear or phased array transducer may have helped.
occur due to trauma of the vessel wall following catheter collapses with transducer pressure. A low color flow
access. It may be possible to see flaps, dual lumens, or scale is required to demonstrate flow in these lesions.
acute obstruction.
Acute occlusions of upper-extremity arteries are fre-
quently caused by embolization from the heart and occur
Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
most commonly in the brachial, radial, and ulnar arter- The vascular laboratory is frequently asked to assess
ies. The arterial lumen may appear relatively clear, but patients with suspected TOS. The thoracic outlet is
there will be an absence of flow in the vessel, as demon- defined by an area through which the subclavian vein,
strated by color flow imaging (Fig. 10.12). Requests can SA, and brachial plexus all emerge as a neurovascular
be made for repeat scanning of acute occlusions follow- bundle. Anatomically, the outlet is defined superiorly
ing anticoagulation therapy, as there can be no, partial, and inferiorly by the clavicle and first rib, respectively;
or full recanalization of affected vessels. Some acute this area is called the costoclavicular space. The SA and
occlusions occur as a result of embolization from the SA brachial plexus leave the chest and pass between the
due to damage caused by TOS. anterior and middle scalene muscles over the first rib
The SA and axillary artery are also sites of large- and underneath the clavicle (Fig. 10.13). This is a com-
vessel arteritis (see Ch. 8). Lesions are characterized by pact anatomical area, and compression on the nerves or
enlargement of the media layer that has uniform echo- arteries by a number of mechanisms can produce sen-
genicity around the circumference of the vessel. Investi- sory symptoms in both the hand and arm. Compression
gation of the arm arteries for arteritis occurs for patients can occur in three main areas. The first is at the point
with upper-limb symptoms (for example, poor radial where the SA passes between the scalene muscles and
pulses) and as part of protocols for investigation of giant can be caused by muscle hypertrophy or fibrous bands
cell arteritis. or may be due to the presence of an additional acces-
Large arteriovenous malformations will be imme- sory rib originating from the seventh thoracic vertebra,
diately obvious with color flow imaging as a region of termed a cervical rib (Fig. 10.14). Accessory ribs occur
high vascularity. Spectral Doppler will demonstrate in less than 1% of the population (Makhoul & Machleder
low-resistance, high-volume flow waveforms within 1992). The second area of compression occurs as the
the malformation and often the artery proximal to the artery runs between the first rib and clavicle. Fibrous
malformation. In venous malformations, multiple dark bands or fibrosis due to injuries in this region, such as
spaces may be seen in the mass that is often soft and fractures of the clavicle, can also cause compression.
188 Chapter 10 Duplex Assessment of Upper-Limb Arterial Disease
Fig. 10.12 An embolus from the heart has acutely obstructed the distal brachial artery and bifurcation. (A)
B-mode imaging shows the embolus (straight arrow) in the artery. The origin of the ulnar artery (UA) is vis-
ible (curved arrow). (B) A transverse image following initial anticoagulation shows an eccentric area of flow
(arrow). (C) This longitudinal image shows an improving situation a day later, with some areas of recanaliza-
tion. The radial artery (RA) is patent.
The third, less common area of compression occurs in compression of the brachial plexus alone (this accounts
the subcoracoid region, where the axillary artery runs for approximately 90%–95% of cases). Neurogenic TOS
under the pectoralis minor muscle and close to the cora- often produces abnormal nerve conduction recordings
coid process of the scapula. and can be associated with muscle weakness and wast-
Typically, the vessels and nerves are compressed ing in the lower arm or hand.
when the arm is placed in specific positions. The symp- Arterial and venous TOS is less common and
toms include intermittent pain, numbness, and tingling, accounts for less than 10% of cases, although there is
“pins and needles” in the hand, hand weakness, sensory sometimes a combination of neurogenic and vascu-
changes, and other neurological disorders on the ipsi- lar compression. Aneurysmal dilations of the SA are
lateral side. It can be difficult to distinguish these from sometimes seen just distal to the point of compression
other causes such as disc disorders or complex regional due to poststenotic dilation. These aneurysms can be
pain syndrome. TOS can be purely neurogenic, due to the source of distal emboli in the fingers, which can
CHAPTER 10 Duplex Assessment of Upper-Limb Arterial Disease 189
Roos Test
In this test, the patient raises their arms to 90° of abduc-
tion in the frontal plane of the body with the arms fully
externally rotated so the palms of the hands are pointing
forward and the elbows at 90° of flexion (surrender posi-
Subclavian artery
tion). The patient then opens and closes their hands for
2 to 3 minutes.
Hyperabduction Test
The patient should be sitting comfortably, and the arm
should then be slowly extended outward (abducted).
Fig. 10.14 The presence of a cervical rib originating from the
seventh thoracic vertebra can cause compression of the bra-
With the arm fully abducted, the forearm is rotated so
chial nerve plexus and subclavian artery. that the palm faces upward and the elbow downward
(external rotation). The arm should be raised and low-
be the initial presentation of a patient with TOS. There ered in this position and the patient’s head turned away
is still considerable debate about the assessment and from the side under investigation. This test can indicate
treatment of TOS, which often involves surgical resec- compression between the clavicle and first rib or cora-
tion of a cervical rib and sometimes the first rib, with coid region.
the division of any fibrous bands to relieve the com-
pression (Illig et al. 2016). Although the majority of Costoclavicular Maneuver
patients who have undergone surgery show improve- The patient is asked to push the chest outward while
ment in symptoms, a few show no signs of improve- forcing the shoulders backward with deep inhalation,
ment and may return to the vascular laboratory for the so-called military position, as this may reveal arte-
further assessment. rial compression between the clavicle and first rib.
190 Chapter 10 Duplex Assessment of Upper-Limb Arterial Disease
Fig. 10.15 Provocation maneuvers used for the assessment of thoracic outlet syndrome. (A) Adson’s test.
(B) Roos test. (C) Hyperabduction test.
Deep Inspiration Maneuver position if the arm is abducted due to movement of the
During deep inspiration the patient is asked to extend shoulder. Any changes in the flow pattern or areas of sig-
the neck and rotate the head to the affected side and then nificant velocity increase in the SA during provocation
to the other side while the pulse is checked at the wrist. tests should be recorded. Typically, most high-velocity
A positive test indicates possible compression between jets are recorded in the region of the clavicle (Fig. 10.16).
the scalene muscles or the presence of a cervical rib. There are no clearly defined criteria as to the point at
Finally, the patient should also be asked to place the which TOS is indicated, but a doubling of the peak sys-
arm in any position that provokes symptoms, such as tolic velocity at one location is indicative of a hemody-
raising it above the head. In some cases, this will lead to namic effect. Patients with severe vascular symptoms
a positive result even though the maneuvers above may show complete occlusion of the SA during provocation
have been negative. Any change to, or loss of, the Doppler maneuvers, posing less of a diagnostic dilemma. Many
signal during these maneuvers suggests compression of clinicians request examination of both arms, as both
the SA. The patient should also be asked to indicate any sides could be positive but only one symptomatic, and
symptoms that occur during arm maneuvers, as a nor- this may suggest that treatment of the symptomatic side
mal Doppler signal in the presence of symptoms may may be less beneficial.
indicate a nonvascular cause for the complaint.
Fig. 10.16 (A) A color flow image of the subclavian artery as it passes underneath the clavicle (C) with the
arm at rest and the artery widely patent. (B) Following arm abduction, there is marked compression of the
subclavian artery associated with color aliasing (arrow), indicating thoracic outlet syndrome. Note the large
acoustic shadow below the clavicle.
Fig. 10.17 A power Doppler image of a distal subclavian and proximal axillary artery aneurysm that has devel-
oped in a patient with thoracic outlet syndrome.
carotid artery, and proximal SA (see Ch. 8). Occasionally, Raynaud’s phenomenon can be a primary disorder
pulsatile swellings are seen in the area of the radial or related to vasospasm in the fingers or a rarer and more
ulnar artery at the wrist, and this can be due to a ganglion serious secondary disorder associated with connective
lying adjacent to the artery and distorting its path. tissue diseases such as scleroderma or CREST syn-
drome (Calcinosis, Raynaud’s phenomenon, Esophageal
Other Disorders of the Upper- dysfunction, Sclerodactyly, Telangiectasia). Primary
Raynaud’s phenomenon produces symptoms of digital
Extremity Circulation ischemia in response to changes in ambient temperature
Some hand and arm symptoms are due to microvascular and emotional state. This is observed as color changes
or neurological disorders. Duplex scanning can exclude of the fingers, causing blanching, or bluish discolor-
large-vessel disease, but patients suffering from these ation due to cold. The blanching is followed by a period
types of abnormalities are best evaluated in specialist of rubor (redness) caused by hyperemia as the fingers
microvascular units. warm. These signs may be mistaken for the presence
192 Chapter 10 Duplex Assessment of Upper-Limb Arterial Disease