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Laboratory Report 2 - Carpio

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ME – 3108




SEPTEMBER 23, 2021

I. Introduction

Fluids play a big role in one's life and are an important aspect that is handled. Fluids are
used to refer to liquids and gases, as their behavior is similar to one another. For this to be
handled efficiently and flow smoothly, it is necessary to observe their behaviors alone and along
with the path set designed for it. Through knowing this, one would be able to make the fluid flow
the way they want, suiting the role they set for it. This aspect could be seen in varying
applications like how pipes are connected together or how the vents of a building are designed.
Working around the flow of fluids allows the establishment of a good path. With all of this, flow
measurement instruments had emerged and been used over a long period. Each instrument has its
own scenarios and circumstances in which they are applicable.

Flow measurement instruments are used to measure the flow rate of the fluids. There are
diverse types of meters to measure the flow of fluid such as the orifice meter, the venturi meter,
and the rotameter to name a few. The focus of this laboratory activity is set on only one of the
mentioned examples, which is the venturi meter. Venturimeter is a flow measurement instrument
that works based on the principle of Bernoulli's equation. Its behavior could be predicted
perfectly. Along with this, it is precise and could be used for a wide range of flows. It is could
also be installed vertically, horizontally, and as inclined. In this, the irreversible pressure loss is
low and the pressure drop that occurred is almost completely recovered. It is a good option in
measuring fluid flow, even though the initial costs to install this is high. It is commercially
available in many tube types and its components share generally the same roles. A venturi
meter's components could be divided into four: the entrance for the flow, the converging cone,
the cylindrical throat, the diverging cone, and then the exits for the fluid. To illustrate this, the
picture of a venturi meter with the parts is included.

The components previously stated are what comprise a

venturi meter. The one labeled with the Section 1 is the entrance where the fluid first flow. This
is the part that shares the same diameter as that of the pipe where it is attached. Along with this,
it has the biggest diameter among the venturi meter. The next component in which the fluid
flows from the entrance is the converging cone. By the term converging, from the diameter of the
entrance, the diameter for this part would be reduced and connected together at an angle of 15 to
20°. Due to the reducing size of the flow path, the velocity of the fluid increases as it passes
through this component. With the increased velocity, the static pressure of the fluid falls. From
here on, the fluid would then flow towards the throat. This is the component that has the smallest
diameter among the components and is usually half of the diameter of the entrance. Fluid
flowing received on this would have the velocity to the maximum and the pressure to the
minimum. As it passed through the throat, fluid would continuously flow out passing the
diverging cone. Contrasting of the converging cone is this whereas the diameter starts from the
smallest size to the biggest until it reaches similar of the diameter of the entrance. This is the part
where most of the kinetic energy is being converted back to pressure energy.

The point where 1 is labeled is where the characteristics of the fluid are with high pressure
and low velocity. As it flows through the venturi meter, it reaches the point 2, where the fluid
would then become low in pressure and have high velocity. It then goes back to its initial trait of
high pressure and low velocity as it exits the path it took. In the venturi meter, the pressure
difference is created by the reduction of the cross-sectional area by which the fluid flows. This
difference in pressure between point 1 and point 2 is the one measured with the aid of the
pressure measuring device, which is usually the manometer. With this, the rate at which the fluid
flows through could be determined. It was mentioned that the venturi meter is a flow
measurement that works along with the principles of the Bernoulli's equation. With this,
assuming incompressible flow and no frictional losses,

2 2
P1 V 1 P2 V 2
+ + Z1 = + + Z2
γ 2g γ 2g

combining like terms and using the continuity equation, Q= A 1 V 1= A 2 V 2 ,

[ ( )]
P 1+ P 2 V 22 A2
+Z 1−Z 2= 1−
γ 2g A1

( )[ ( )]

( P 1+ P 2
γ ) 2
+ Z 1−Z 2 (2 g)= V 2 1−
with the ∆ h= ( P1 + P2
γ )
+ Z 1−Z 2 ,

[ ( )]
( ∆ h ) (2 g)=( V 2 2
) 1−

using the equation to get the value for V 2,

( ∆ h )(2 g)
V 2= 2

With the components found, computing for the theoretical flow,

Qtheo= A 2 V 2

(√ ( ) )
( ∆ h ) (2 g)
Qtheo=(A ¿¿ 2) ¿
A2 2

2 g∆h
A2 A1
− 2
for the actual flow, with C d as the discharge coefficient,
Qact =C d Qtheo

(√ ( )
Qtheo=(C¿¿ d) ¿
A2 A1
− 2
Working around the venturi meter needs an understanding of how it works and how the
equations are adapted to it. Due to the situation caused by the global pandemic, having first-hand
experience of how this works would prove difficult. However, there are available data and
simulations on the internet that one can use in order to still learn and gain familiarity with it.
Throughout this laboratory activity, insights and steps on how the venturi meter works could be
gained. This is all possible through the online laboratory that was found through the provided

II. Objectives

For this laboratory activity, the listed objectives to be aimed are as follows:

1. To describe the materials involved and procedure taken in the involvement of the
venturi meter,
2. To conduct three trials on one chosen pipe diameter with the online laboratory,
3. To list the observation results of each trial done,
4. To determine the coefficient of discharge of the fluid which was run with the

III. Materials and Equipment

Venturi meters are made to be attached to a pipe setting. In this, the diameter of the pipe
and both ends of the venturi meter must be the same. As the fluid flows through it, the difference
of pressure would exist through the instrument and this would be measured. Data collected
would be analyzed together to solve for the coefficient discharge. An online laboratory link
was provided in the class. The link contained the theory involved with the flow measuring
instrument, the procedure to be taken, and a simulator. The simulator is where the trials
regarding the activity are to be done.

If this activity is to be executed, the materials necessary as cited on the link are as follows:
(1) Venturimeter, (2) differential manometer, (3) collecting tank, (4) piezometer, (5) stopwatch,
and (6) measuring scale. The set-up for the simulation provided on the same link is shown in the
image below.

IV. Procedure
After the discussion of the objectives and necessary apparatus needed, the site proceeded
by describing the steps to be taken to work around the online simulation. A separate file 1 of a
compilation of the laboratory, simulation was made and uploaded. Detailing the steps taken, in
accordance with what was included in the procedure guide,

1.) Open Venturimeter experiment, a window will appear as shown.

After the part where the venturi meter is introduced and discussed, the procedure is next
among the main tabs. Upon clicking on the simulation, the set-up of the apparatus is shown.
2.) Select the required diameter of the pipe, then click the NEXT button.
There was three pipe diameter to choose from; the 50 mm, 40 mm and the 20 mm. It was
described that when a pipe of required diameter is selected, the other two would be kept in a
close position. For a chosen diameter, a maximum number of three trials are to be done in
order to secure enough measurements. The chosen diameter of the pipe for this laboratory
activity was 20 millimeters.

3.) Click on the main inlet valve to allow the flow through it.
The online laboratory simulation was an interactive one. I found it unique that I had to
click on the part emphasized as the main inlet valve. Upon clicking, the pipe would then
seem to have fluid flowing through it. It was mentioned that the opening of the main inlet
valve allows the fluid (which was water) to flow through the selected pipe with the chosen

4.) Click on the pipe inlet valve to allow the flow through it.
Another valve is clicked in order to open the path by which the water needed to flow.
This one connects the pipe to the venturi meter. Opening this allows the start of the flow

5.) Click on manometer knot to change it from isolated position to air-vent position to remove
air bubbles and again click to change it to read position.
Clicking on the manometer knot was done to change the set-up from isolated position to
air-vent position. The site provides a text notice whether which position it was in. It was
indicated that this was done to remove air bubbles. After the air-vent, it was clicked once
again in order to make it into the read position.
6.) Here the manometer reading is noted down. The calculate the value of head loss.
The knot is kept as it is. With this, a manometer appears showing the water level on both
its left and right side. Its measurement is detailed in centimeters. There was an option to
compute for the head loss as well. (Image shown is the sample given along with the
procedure description.)

7.) Click on the tank outlet valve to close it to measure the discharge.
Another opening is to be clicked in order to close it. By that point, water already flowed
through the selected venturi meter size. It was included that the flow is made constant. Upon
clicking, an image of the venturi meter and its corresponding sizes are shown.
8.) Repeat the same procedure for other trials. The observation and calculations of the trial are
The number of trials for one chosen pipe diameter is set at 3. After each trial, there would
be detailed observations and calculations after each one. This would always appear at every
trial completion. The images shown below are the actual screenshots of when the online
simulation was done. Attached are from the last screen shown, which includes the
observations and calculations of the trial.

Trial 1 for 20 millimeters

Trial 2 for 20 millimeters

Trial 3 for 20 millimeters
9.) Calculate the actual discharge, theoretical discharge, and coefficient of discharge.
The chosen pipe diameter for this activity was at 20 millimeters, which when converted is
at 2 centimeters. With the site setting, its inner diameter was at 13.6 millimeters or 1.36
centimeters. The one listed along with the observation from the site, on the other hand,
seemed to decide to cancel ones among the formula as it would be redundant. Computing for
their corresponding areas,

π 2
A= d
for the inlet area,

( )
π 1 cm
A1= 20 mm ×
4 10 mm

A 1= ( π4 ) ( 4 ) cm
A1=4 cm
for the throat area,

( )
π 1 cm
A 2= 13.6 mm ×
4 10 mm

A 2= ( π4 ) (1.8496 ) cm
A2=1.8496 cm

Along with the areas, the head loss was also computed. The site included how to
calculate for the head loss and as follows:

h=( 12.6 ) (¿−RL)

for the Trial 1,
h1= ( 12.6 ) (53 cm−27 cm)
h1=327.60 cm
for the Trial 2,
h2 =( 12.6 ) ( 42cm−40 cm)
h2 =25.20 cm
for the Trial 3,
h3 =( 12.6 ) (55.2 cm−23 cm)
h2 =405.72 cm

Moving on, for the time required to fill the five (5) centimeters height of the tank by
water, the values recorded at the observations and the slides varied.

Trials Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3

Stopwatch Results 23 sec 87 sec 20 sec
Observation Records 12.40 sec 17.80 sec 11.76 sec
Time Used 23 sec 87 sec 20 sec
For the theoretical flow, the formula given by the site was also used. It is because it was
consistent with the one derived along with the introduction. Calculating for the theoretical

A 1 × A 2 × √ 2 gh
√( A 1
−A 2
in Trial 1,

Qtheo= √
4 cm2 ×1.8496 cm2 × (2)( 981
)(327.60 cm)

√(( 4 cm ) −(1.8496 cm ) )
2 2 2 2

Q theo =1672.386086

in Trial 2,

Qtheo= √
4 cm2 ×1.8496 cm2 × (2)( 981
)(25.20 cm)

√( (4 cm ) −(1.8496 cm ) )
2 2 2 2


in Trial 3,

Qtheo= √
4 cm2 ×1.8496 cm2 × (2)( 981
)( 405.72cm)

√ (( 4 cm ) −(1.8496 cm ) )
2 2 2 2
Q theo =1861.134704

Conversely, for the actual flow, the formula used for the computation was the one
provided by the site. Since there was no derived equation for this, the one used was based on
the units provided along with the observations and calculations of the site. Continuing in this

( A ) (h)
Qact =
( t)
in Trial 1,
(6750 cm )(5 cm)
Qact =
(23 s)
Qact =1467.391304

in Trial 2,
(6750 cm2 )(5 cm)
Qact =
(87 s)
Q act =387.9310345
in Trial 3,
(6750 cm2 )(5 cm)
Qact =
(20 s)
Q act =1687.50

With the actual flow and the theoretical flow computed, the coefficient of discharge could
be determined. For this,

Qact =C d Qtheo , thus ,

C d=

Using the values calculated along with Trial 1,

C d= 3
C d 1=0.8774237697
C d 1=0.88
with Trial 2,
C d= 3
C d 2=0.8363530695
C d 2=0.84
with Trial 3,
C d= 3
C d 2=0.9067049238
C d 2=0.91

For the averaged value of coefficient of discharge,

C d 1 +C d 2+ Cd 3
C d=
0.8774237697+ 0.8363530695+0.9067049238
C d=
C d=0.8734938968
C d ≈ 0.87

V. Results and Discussion

Venturimeter was the flow measurement device used and referred to heavily in this
laboratory activity. A site by which an online simulation of the activity is possible was used.
Within the site are the theory concerning the venturi meter, the procedure in conducting the
activity within the same site, and an option to simulate that activity. It was initially set that one
must conduct a maximum number of three trials for their chosen pipe dimension. In line with
this, the option for the 20 millimeters was chosen as the pipe diameter. Upon selecting, three
consecutive trials were done with the same choice. The data collected were from the
observations and calculations which were generated after each trial was completed. It was
provided along with the completed simulation. Along with this, shown below are the properties
of the experimental setup that were the same for all of the three trials.

Pipe Outer Diameter (d1): 2 cm

Pipe Inner Diameter (d2): 1.36 cm
Area of d1 (A1): 4 cm2
Area of d2 (A2): 1.8496 cm2
Area of Collecting Tank (A): 6750 cm2
Rise of water within the tank to be filled (h): 5 cm
Acceleration due to gravity (g): 981 cm/sec

The chosen pipe diameter for this activity was at 20 millimeters, which when converted is
at 2 centimeters. With the site setting, its inner diameter was at 13.6 millimeters or 1.36
centimeters. The one listed along with the observation from the site, on the other hand, seemed to
decide to cancel ones among the formula as it would be redundant. Hence, the values for the
areas using the inner and outer pipe diameters. Other values were constant values and/or
established by the site itself.

With the values detailed above, it could be inferred that the setup for the experiment was
consistent for each of the three trials. Aside from those, other results and computed values
varied from one another. Listing this, shown on the table below are the observations and
calculations for each completed trial.

Results Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3

Head Loss (H) 327.60 cm 25.20 cm 405.72 cm
Time take to fill 5 cm (t) 23 sec 87 sec 20 sec
3 3
Actual Flow (Qact) 1467.3913 cm /s 387.9310 cm /s 1687.5000 cm3/s
Theoretical Flow (Qth) 1672.3860 cm3/s 463.8364 cm3/s 1861.1347 cm3/s
Coefficient of Discharge (Cd) 0.88 0.84 0.91

Computed head loss from the one with the measuring and the one concluded along with
the observations and calculations tallied with one another. Using the site’s given formula, results
were the same and consistent with the equations. Moving on, for the time taken to fill the height
specified, the one used was the one along the stopwatch to be consistent on using the one which
first appeared. Upon more calculations, the one picked indeed suits with the computed actual
flow with the trials done.

For the formula for the theoretical and actual flow, the one used was the one provided by
the site. The basis for the decision lied along with the unit derivation and how close the given
formula is to the derived equation given by Bernoulli's principle application with the venturi
meter. Upon getting the needed flow rate values, the coefficient of discharge per trial was
determined. Afterward, they were averaged and the corresponding coefficient of discharge for
the simulation done resulted to,
C d=0.8734938968
C d ≈ 0.87

The coefficient of discharge is the ratio between the actual flow discharge and the
theoretical flow discharge. Its value varies for each fluid and is in line with the kind of
measurement of flow. It is also mentioned as dimensionless dependent on the mentioned flow
discharges. As such, the one computed satisfies these stated conditions.

VI. Conclusion
Flow measurement devices are used heavily in the industry working with fluids as it is an
efficient way to measure volumetric flow rate. Most of such devices work by producing a
difference in pressure within them. And, along with this difference would be the application of
the principle within Bernoulli's theorem. This laboratory activity set sole focus on one flow
measurement device, the venturi meter. A single site provided contained the introduction to the
device and was also the means for the online simulation. It was nice that an online simulation
was possible. It was an interactive one, which is why it felt close to the imaging that I was
actually doing a laboratory activity. The theories within the site were doable and easy to
understand. There were some confusing parts but it was resolve along the calculations done.
Upon this activity, grasping how the venturi meter works were possible and the principle
on how it works was understood, as well. A venturi meter has components by which there are
three components made to work together which are the converging cone, the throat by which the
diameter would be the smallest, and the diverging cone. As the fluid flows through it, changes
would occur in its velocity and pressure. Due to the reducing size of the flow path, the velocity
of the fluid increases as it travels towards the throat. With the increased velocity, the static
pressure of the fluid falls. Thus, fluid flowing would have the velocity to the maximum and the
pressure to the minimum. As it passed through the throat, fluid would continuously flow out
passing the diverging cone. This is the part where most of the kinetic energy is being converted
back to pressure energy. With the difference in pressure, it is clearly visible that the principle of
Bernoulli’s theorem is also applicable for venturi meters.
With Bernoulli's theorem and the continuity equation, the theoretical flow of the fluid could
be safely assumed. In line with this, the formula used for the theoretical flow rate was taken from
the two previously stated principles. On the other hand, the actual flow was measured as the fluid
flows through the pipe. It was computed using the time taken to fill the set height of the tank and
the volume it must fill. With the rate computed, the coefficient of discharge was derived lastly.
For the activity done, the coefficient of discharge using the values for the three trials was tallied
at an estimated value of 0.87. It is the ratio between the actual flow discharge and the theoretical
flow discharge. It is dimensionless dependent on the mentioned flow discharges.
VII. Recommendation

Due to the ongoing pandemic, there were a lot of limitations for activities needing hands-
on experience. One response was to make use of available resources online. Through this, one
could grasp how that certain experiment is set up if done actually. All in all, the site detailed
helpful pieces of stuff, However, there were still variables that were not consistent such as the
time taken to fill the tank. This one varied differently from one another, as one along with the
stopwatch and one along the observation was different. It would be better if the site used
provides consistent data as this could pose further issues since the time is an essential value to
compute for the actual flow rate. Along with this, if time permits, it would be better to do more
computations and compare them from one another. This additional step would provide assurance
and more pieces of data to contrast. Additionally, if possible, it would also be good to use the
other diameters in trials as well and associate or equate their results from one diameter to another

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