SRS 2 School Age Form
SRS 2 School Age Form
SRS 2 School Age Form
Male Female
School or clinic Child’s age in years Grade
Instructions: For each question, please circle the number that best describes this child’s Almost
Not Sometimes Often Always
behavior over the past 6 months. True True True True
4. When under stress, he or she shows rigid or inflexible patterns of behavior that 1 2 3 4
seem odd.
5. Doesn’t recognize when others are trying to take advantage of him or her. 1 2 3 4
10. Takes things too literally and doesn’t get the real meaning of a conversation. 1 2 3 4
13. Is awkward in turn-taking interactions with peers (for example, doesn’t seem to 1 2 3 4
understand the give-and-take of conversations).
15. Is able to understand the meaning of other people’s tone of voice and facial 1 2 3 4
Copyright © 2012, 2015 by Western Psychological Services. Permission is granted to qualified individual users of the WPS Online Evaluation
System to reproduce this form for the sole purpose of collecting a client’s SRS-2 responses. No other use—including and not limited to
adaptation and/or translation—may be made without the prior written permission of WPS ( All rights reserved.
Instructions: For each question, please circle the number that best describes this child’s Almost
Not Sometimes Often Always
behavior over the past 6 months. True True True True
18. Has difficulty making friends, even when trying his or her best. 1 2 3 4
20. Shows unusual sensory interests (for example, mouthing or spinning objects) or 1 2 3 4
strange ways of playing with toys.
24. Has more difficulty than other children with changes in his or her routine. 1 2 3 4
25. Doesn’t seem to mind being out of step with or “not on the same wavelength” as others. 1 2 3 4
28. Thinks or talks about the same thing over and over. 1 2 3 4
31. Can’t get his or her mind off something once he or she starts thinking about it. 1 2 3 4
38. Responds appropriately to mood changes in others (for example, when a friend’s or 1 2 3 4
playmate’s mood changes from happy to sad).
44. Doesn’t understand how events relate to one another (cause and effect) the way 1 2 3 4
other children his or her age do.
45. Focuses his or her attention to where others are looking or listening. 1 2 3 4
49. Does extremely well at a few tasks, but does not do as well at most other tasks. 1 2 3 4
Copyright © 2012, 2015 by Western Psychological Services. Permission is granted to qualified individual users of the WPS Online Evaluation
System to reproduce this form for the sole purpose of collecting a client’s SRS-2 responses. No other use—including and not limited to
adaptation and/or translation—may be made without the prior written permission of WPS ( All rights reserved.
Instructions: For each question, please circle the number that best describes this child’s Almost
Not Sometimes Often Always
behavior over the past 6 months. True True True True
51. Has difficulty answering questions directly and ends up talking around the subject. 1 2 3 4
52. Knows when he or she is talking too loud or making too much noise. 1 2 3 4
53. Talks to people with an unusual tone of voice (for example, talks like a robot or like he 1 2 3 4
or she is giving a lecture).
55. Knows when he or she is too close to someone or is invading someone’s space. 1 2 3 4
58. Concentrates too much on parts of things rather than seeing the whole picture. 1 2 3 4
For example, if asked to describe what happened in a story, he or she may talk only
about the kind of clothes the characters were wearing.
63. Touches others in an unusual way (for example, he or she may touch someone just 1 2 3 4
to make contact and then walk away without saying anything).
Copyright © 2012, 2015 by Western Psychological Services. Permission is granted to qualified individual users of the WPS Online Evaluation
System to reproduce this form for the sole purpose of collecting a client’s SRS-2 responses. No other use—including and not limited to
adaptation and/or translation—may be made without the prior written permission of WPS ( All rights reserved.