Supervised Machine Learning for Estimation of Total
Suspended Solids in Urban Watersheds
Mohammadreza Moeini, Ali Shojaeizadeh and Mengistu Geza *
The Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology,
Rapid City, SD 57701, USA; mohammadreza.moeini@mines.sdsmt.edu (M.M.);
ali.shojaeizadeh@mines.sdsmt.edu (A.S.)
* Correspondence: Stu.Geza@sdsmt.edu
Abstract: Machine Learning (ML) algorithms provide an alternative for the prediction of pollutant
concentration. We compared eight ML algorithms (Linear Regression (LR), uniform weighting
k-Nearest Neighbor (UW-kNN), variable weighting k-Nearest Neighbor (VW-kNN), Support Vector
Regression (SVR), Artificial Neural Network (ANN), Regression Tree (RT), Random Forest (RF),
and Adaptive Boosting (AdB)) to evaluate the feasibility of ML approaches for estimation of Total
Suspended Solids (TSS) using the national stormwater quality database. Six factors were used as
features to train the algorithms with TSS concentration as the target parameter: Drainage area, land
use, percent of imperviousness, rainfall depth, runoff volume, and antecedent dry days. Comparisons
among the ML methods demonstrated a higher degree of variability in model performance, with
the coefficient of determination (R2 ) and Nash–Sutcliffe (NSE) values ranging from 0.15 to 0.77. The
Root Mean Square (RMSE) values ranged from 110 mg/L to 220 mg/L. The best fit was obtained
using the AdB and RF models, with R2 values of 0.77 and 0.74 in the training step and 0.67 and 0.64
in the prediction step. The NSE values were 0.76 and 0.72 in the training step and 0.67 and 0.62 in the
prediction step. The predictions from AdB were sensitive to all six factors. However, the sensitivity
level was variable.
Keywords: stormwater quality; urban watersheds; machine learning algorithms; total suspended solids
Citation: Moeini, M.; Shojaeizadeh,
A.; Geza, M. Supervised Machine
Learning for Estimation of Total
Suspended Solids in Urban
1. Introduction
Watersheds. Water 2021, 13, 147.
https://doi.org/10.3390/w13020147 Urbanization causes the degradation of stormwater quality and limits the industrial,
agricultural, hydropower, and recreational use of water bodies [1]. Stormwater runoff con-
Received: 11 November 2020 tains suspended solids, nutrients, trace organic compounds, heavy metals, and pathogens
Accepted: 8 January 2021 discharged into natural water bodies, impairing ecosystems, and human health [2,3]. Total
Published: 10 January 2021 Suspended Solids (TSS) have an effect on water temperature, dissolved oxygen levels,
and clarity. The stormwater discharges that wash the surface of the construction site can
Publisher’s Note: MDPI stays neu- produce a massive volume of suspended solids [4]. Additionally, other pollutants such as
tral with regard to jurisdictional clai- heavy metals and phosphorus can be attached to TSS and be carried through stormwater
ms in published maps and institutio- runoff [5]. Thus, the significance of TSS concentration has led researchers toward the
nal affiliations. development of modeling approaches, such as empirical models, Physically Based Models
(PBMs), and data-driven models. PBMs involve complex numerical techniques and require
significant computational time. Whereas empirical models and PBMs may continue to
Copyright: © 2021 by the authors. Li-
be used in the near future, data-driven approaches will begin to play a significant role in
censee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.
the hydrologic and water quality analysis as big data become available and as computing
This article is an open access article
power improves.
distributed under the terms and con- Some of the models use an empirical approach to predict pollutant load. Source
ditions of the Creative Commons At- Loading and Management Model for Windows (WinSLAMM) is an example of an empirical
tribution (CC BY) license (https:// model for stormwater quantity and quality [6,7]. WinSLAMM requires a significant amount
creativecommons.org/licenses/by/ of information about the site’s geographic location, site development characteristics (e.g.,
4.0/). impervious or pervious area), soil type, land use, and rainfall amount. It also requires
specifics about the drainage system (e.g., grass swales, infiltration trench) and the fraction of
the area covered by the drainage system. Runoff should be estimated before the evaluation
of stormwater quality. WinSLAMM uses estimates of particulate solids concentration with
respect to the source area (e.g., paved parking) and land use type (e.g., residential and
commercial). Pollutant loads are estimated as a product of runoff volume and source area
concentration estimates [8,9].
Some of the PBMs that use a physically based approach for runoff estimation apply
empirical approaches to estimate pollutant concentration. An example of such a model is
the commonly applied stormwater management model (SWMM). SWMM can be applied
for both event-based and continuous simulation in urban watersheds [10,11]. Although
SWMM modeling is mostly applied for the prediction of stormwater runoff, it has also been
used to estimate pollutant concentration [12]. TSS concentration in SWMM is simulated
based on an empirical buildup and wash-off model or the Event Mean Concentration (EMC).
The buildup wash-off model involves the accumulation of TSS load during dry periods and
wash-off by the first storm [13]. The buildup process is described using exponential, power,
or saturation functions [10]. The lack of generally accepted parameters for the buildup and
wash-off functions leads to higher uncertainty in water quality prediction [14].
The investigations demonstrate that PBMs can provide guidance on the design and
management of water resources. However, these models have been criticized as overpa-
rameterized, overly complex, data-intensive, and difficult to use, limiting their broader use.
Also, PBMs require the prediction of runoff with reasonable accuracy before simulating
pollutant concentrations [5,15,16]. Pertaining to the novelty of Artificial Intelligence (AI),
researchers have attempted to take advantage of AI methods. The Machine Learning
(ML) technique, one area for the application of AI, is also increasingly implemented in
water resources and environmental engineering [17–20] and in many other areas such as
the medical and economic fields [21,22]. Given the limitations of empirical models and
PBMs, ML techniques should be considered as alternative approaches for the management
of urban stormwater and estimation of runoff and water quality. The use of empirical
approaches and constant concentration (EMC) for water quality prediction include as-
sumptions that could potentially limit the accuracy of such models. ML approaches are
relatively computationally efficient and cost-effective compared to empirical models and
PBMs [23]. ML algorithms work based on numerical or categorical relationships between
features and target values rather than physical relations between inputs and outputs. ML
approaches allow for the potential use of historical data on input features and target values
that have been collected over several years and move toward the data-driven prediction of
stormwater pollutants.
ML techniques have been frequently applied for the estimation of runoff based on
rainfall data. Their use for the prediction of water quality parameters such as TSS or nutrient
concentration has been very limited. The first step in applying ML methods is to identify
relevant variables, called features, and how these features affect the target value (e.g., water
quality). The authors of Refs. [24,25] investigated the possibility of using an Artificial
Neural Network (ANN) and Linear Regression (LR) to estimate TSS concentration. They
used Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Images (UAV) for extracting TSS data from water bodies.
The results demonstrated that the ANN estimated TSS with an R2 value of 0.84 during the
training step and 0.57 during the prediction step. The authors of Ref. [26] used multiple
ML algorithms, such as Multiple Linear Regression, Polynomial Regression, Random
Forest, Gradient Boosting Algorithm, and Support Vector Machines, to predict a Water
Quality Index (WQI) for various lakes. The best results were obtained using the Gradient
Boosting Algorithm, with an R2 value of 0.74 during the training step. The authors of
Ref. [27] used Regression Tree (RT) and Support Vector Regression (SVR) for the estimation
of specific indicators of stormwater quality. They estimated target parameters, such as
biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5), chemical oxygen demand (COD), total suspended
solids (TSS), and total dissolved solids (TDS), in the stormwater treatment network based
on features such as land use and volume of runoff. The SVR method predicted BOD5,
Water 2021, 13, 147 3 of 24
COD, TSS, and TDS with better accuracy (R2 > 0.8) than the RT algorithm (R2 > 0.7).
These studies demonstrate the potential for the application of ML techniques for the
management of urban water resources. The methods were used to estimate water quality
targets (e.g., TSS concentration) based on quantitative relationships between features and
targets. ML methods could provide important insights about the quantitative relations
between environmental factors or features (e.g., land use and antecedent dry days) and
target values (e.g., TSS or nutrient concentration), especially when there is an extensive
database [28]. Several of the previous studies have focused on the application of ML
algorithms to assess streamflow and water quality in the river network. ML methods have
rarely focused on pollutant concentration in urban stormwater runoff. In this study, we
attempted comprehensively investigate the development and application of data-driven
ML algorithms as an alternative to the physically based modeling approach to estimate
TSS concentration from urban watersheds. We implemented a new approach where we
used comprehensive supervised ML techniques with six single and two ensemble models
using six influential factors (drainage area, land use, imperviousness area, rainfall depth,
runoff volume, and antecedent days) and one target (TSS concentration). We introduced
a sensitivity analysis for evaluating the relevance of the six factors and their relative
contribution towards improving the prediction accuracy of the ML algorithms. We used
indices such as R2 , NSE, and RMSE to compare the performance of the ML algorithms and
identify the best fitting algorithm.
The collinearity among the features was evaluated. As shown in Table 2, the collinear-
ity among the features was generally low except for the rainfall depth and the runoff
volume. The runoff volume was directly related to rainfall depth.
Antecedent Runoff
Features Drainage Area Land Use Imperviousness Rainfall Depth
Dry Days Volume
Drainage Area 1 −0.14 −0.04 −0.12 −0.07 0.31
Land use −0.14 1 0.09 0.017 0 −0.08
Imperviousness −0.04 0.09 1 0.22 0.04 −0.28
Antecedent dry
−0.12 0.017 0.22 1 −0.03 −0.03
Rainfall depth −0.07 0 0.04 −0.03 1 0.46
Runoff volume 0.31 −0.08 −0.28 −0.03 0.46 1
The NSQD database has datapoints with respect to the six mentioned features. We
selected 530 datapoints with consistent features and the corresponding target value (TSS
Water 2021, 13, 147 5 of 24
concentrations) from 7 different states. The selection was based on whether that dataset
contained all the from
concentrations) six features and states.
7 different the target
The value (TSS
selection concentration).
was based on whether that dataset
contained all the six features and the target value (TSS concentration).
2.3. ML Model Structure
2.3.The ML algorithm
ML Model Structure within an open-source python-based software, named Orange
(VersionThe3.26), was implemented
ML algorithm within anfor the analysis
open-source after compiling
python-based the input
software, nameddataset.
Orange The
workflow in Figure 1 describes the three major stages involved in
(Version 3.26), was implemented for the analysis after compiling the input dataset. The running ML algorithms.
Stage 1 relates
workflow to the
in Figure input data,
1 describes in which
the three majorthe dataset
stages consisting
involved in runningof the
ML features
algorithms. (e.g.,
Stage 1 relates to the input data, in which the dataset consisting of the features (e.g., drain- as
area and land use) and the target value (TSS concentration) was compiled
and land Theuse) next step
and the in stage
target value1(TSSinvolved dividingwas
concentration) the compiled
data intoasthe an training
and prediction datasets. We used 66% of the dataset for the training
dataset. The next step in stage 1 involved dividing the data into the training and prediction step and 34% for the
prediction step. Stage 2 represents the core of the ML analysis, where
datasets. We used 66% of the dataset for the training step and 34% for the prediction step. ML algorithms were
represents thethe
core of the MLrelationships between
analysis, where the features
ML algorithms andused
were the target
to analyzevalue.
this stage, eightrelationships
quantitative different MLbetween
approaches were applied
the features and the to target
the input data.
value. AtDetails about
this stage,
eightML methodML
different areapproaches
presented in weresubsequent
applied to sections.
the input Stage
data.3 is the output
Details about step,
each where
the training
method are results
presented were tested using
in subsequent a 10-fold
sections. cross-validation
Stage 3 is the output step,approach. If reasonable
where the training
results were
estimates tested
of the target using
valuea 10-fold cross-validation
were obtained approach.
in the training stepIfbased
reasonable R2 , NSE,of
on theestimates and
the target
RMSE value
values, thewere obtained
trained in the training
ML models step based
were further on the
tested R2, NSE,
using and RMSE
a separate datasetvalues,
in the
the trained
prediction MLtomodels
step determine werethe
accuracytestedandusing a separate
ability of each dataset
ML method in thetoprediction step
make inferences
to determine the accuracy and ability of each ML method to make
or generalizations. If the training results did not demonstrate good performance, the inferences or generali-
internal If the training resultssuch
parameters, did not demonstrate
as weights, numbergoodofperformance,
nodes, number the internal specific
of neighbors, and
parameters, such as weights, number of nodes, number of neighbors,
depth of the tree, for each ML model were readjusted to obtain better results. Additional and depth of the
tree, for each
information ML model
about were readjusted
the evaluation process to obtain better
is included results.
in the resultsAdditional information
and discussion section.
about the evaluation process is
Figure 1 shows the workflow of the model. included in the results and discussion section. Figure 1
shows the workflow of the model.
Figure Schematicsof
of the
the modeling
modeling steps
steps in
Thus, this approach is traditionally divided into two different techniques: Simple and
multiple regression models [54,55]. LR methods describe the relationship between the de-
pendent and independent variables, referred to as a target value and features, respectively,
in the ML literature.
2. k-Nearest Neighbor (kNN)
The k-Nearest Neighbor (kNN) is a nonparametric ML method for regression prob-
lems [56]. The kNN model stores feature values from all the datapoints (target values) in
the input dataset and uses those values to find the similarities between the training dataset
and prediction dataset. It uses feature similarity between training and prediction datasets
to find similar datapoints (target values) and predict the target values for the prediction
dataset. The estimated target value is assigned based on how closely it resembles the values
of the training dataset. Two approaches are available for estimating the target value in
the kNN algorithm: A uniform weighting averaging approach (UW-kNN) and a variable
weighting approach (VW-kNN). In the UW-kNN method, the average of the target of
the k-Nearest Neighbors is calculated with the same weighting values. In the VW-kNN
algorithm, the inverse distance value is assigned as a weight for each of the k-Nearest
Neighbors, and the target value is obtained using a weighted average procedure [57,58].
The kNN regression algorithm uses distance functions, such as Euclidean, Manhattan, and
Minkowski, to calculate the distance between datapoints [3,59,60].
3. Support Vector Regression (SVR)
The Support Vector Regression (SVR) was developed based on the support vector
machine algorithm using the ε-intensive loss function. The ε-intensive loss function within
the SVR process ignores errors that are less than ε, which creates two margins for the
fitted function. The error refers to the difference between the calculated and measured
values [22,61]. SVR is able to account for any types of nonlinearity mapping using a limited
dataset and is able to make a good generalization based on the statistical theories. The
method has been frequently applied because of its performance and robust theoretical
principles [60]. The SVR method attempts to find the best linear regression for a nonlinear
mapping function with multiple features. This algorithm uses a kernel function to map all
input data to a high dimensional plane to find the hyperplane with minimum distances to
all available datapoints [62].
4. Artificial Neural Network (ANN)
The Artificial Neural Network (ANN) is a powerful computational method capable of
capturing nonlinear patterns in functional relationships between features and targets [15,63,64].
The ANN algorithms consist of three basic layers: Input, hidden, and output. Each layer
consists of a different number of neurons. The number of neurons in the input layer
depends on the number of features, while the number of neurons in the output layer
depends on the number of target values [65,66]. Therefore, changing the number of
features and target values in the dataset will affect the number of neurons in the input and
output layers. The number of hidden layers and neurons needs to be assigned. However,
there is no specific method for finding an optimum number of hidden layers and neurons
in the hidden layers [67]. Each layer in ANN consists of different numbers of neurons. The
neurons in different layers are connected to each other by weighted paths between layers.
The multiple layer perceptron (MLP) algorithm, one of the ANN procedures, was used to
perform a one-layer efficient neural network in this study [68,69].
5. Regression Tree (RT)
The Regression Tree (RT) is one of the well-known ML algorithms for solving regres-
sion problems [70]. The RT algorithm follows two main steps. The first step is a splitting
process to subdivide the dataset using a set of decision rules, and the second step is the
pruning process [3,71]. The start node in the splitting process, called the root node, consists
of all datapoints. Each node in the splitting process selects one of the input features. The
splitting process starts using one of the features for the root node and splits the dataset
Water 2021, 13, 147 8 of 24
to the left and right branches. Each of the branches indicates a range of values for the
selected feature. Thus, the left and right node (operational node) consist of datapoints
fitted to the range of each branch. This process continues by considering the least Sum of
Squared Residuals (SSR; between the measured and SSR, in which the minimum SSR refers
to the most efficient tree) [70,72]. The pruning process is the second method besides SSR,
which controls the growing process in the RT algorithm. Two of the well-known criteria for
pruning is assigning a maximum depth for the tree and considering a minimum number of
datapoints remaining in each node. The final estimation for the target value is the average
of datapoints remaining in the last nodes (prediction nodes) [72,73].
3. Results
3.1. Training and Prediction Steps
Supervised ML techniques were used for the prediction of TSS concentration in urban
watersheds. Supervised ML algorithms can be trained for specific datasets and used for
the prediction step. The study utilized a dataset obtained from NSQD. The dataset from
NSQD was divided into two subsets. We used 66% of the dataset randomly selected
by the Orange software (version 3.26) for the training step and 34% for the prediction
step. All eight algorithms were trained using 350 rows. Ten-fold cross-validation was
used for testing the results of the training step. The accuracy of the algorithms in the
training step was tested based on indices such as the Coefficient of Determination (R2 ) [45],
Nash–Sutcliffe (NSE) [14,87], and Root Mean Square (RMSE) [27,88]. Inference about the
ability of the algorithms for generalization and accuracy was tested further by applying the
trained model to the prediction dataset with 180 datapoints. If satisfactory results were not
obtained during the prediction step, the training step was rerun iteratively by changing
specific input parameters in each ML method. Indices, such as R2 , NSE, and RMSE, were
used to assess model performance in both the training and prediction steps.
The R2 is the square of the correlation coefficient (r) given by
k ∑ki=1 Pi Oi − ( ∑ki=1 Pi )( ∑ki=1 Oi
r = s , (1)
2 2
k 2 k k 2 k
k ∑i=1 Pi − ( ∑i=1 Pi k ∑i=1 Oi − ( ∑i=1 Oi
The RMSE, which was used to calculate the difference between the measured values
and calculated values, is given by
∑ki=1 (Pi − Oi )
RMSE = , (3)
where Pi is the predicted value for the ith row, Oi is the measured data, O is the average of
the measured values, and k is the total number of the datapoints in a dataset.
For each ML method, we generated four different plots where the first and the second
plot displayed the pattern between model predicted target values and measured data
obtained from NSQD for the training and prediction datasets, respectively. The third
and the fourth plots displayed the R2 , NSE, and RMSE values that demonstrated the
performance of each ML algorithm in predicting the target value (TSS concentration) for
the training and prediction steps.
Figure Correlation between
between thethe measured
measured values
values andand Multiple
Multiple Linear
Linear Regression
Regression (MLR)-pre-
Total Total Suspended
Suspended Solids
Solids (TSS) (TSS) concentration
concentration in (a) thein (a) the step
training training
and step and
(b) the (b) the prediction
prediction step.
3.2.2. k-Nearest Neighbors (kNN)
3.2.2. k-Nearest
Three Neighbors
neighbors (kNN)
were used for the uniform weighting method, while 45 neighbors
were used for the VW-kNN. Increasing
Three neighbors were used for the theuniform
of neighbors
method,in a uniform
while 45weighting
method could improve performance. However, the weighting approach
were used for the VW-kNN. Increasing the number of neighbors in a uniform weighting also has a signifi-
cant effect on the accuracy of the outcome. Figure 3a,b show the R 2 , NSE, and RMSE values
method could improve performance. However, the weighting approach also has a signif-
obtained using
icant effect on the
the two algorithms.
accuracy For the training
of the outcome. step,show
Figure 3a,b the uniform weighting
the R2, NSE, method
and RMSE val-
predicted the target
ues obtained usingvalue
the two R2 , NSE, and
withalgorithms. ForRMSE values of
the training 0.71,the
step, 0.70, and 160
uniform mg/L,
respectively. The R2 ,the
method predicted NSE, and value
target RMSEwithvalues
R2,for theand
NSE, variable
RMSE weighting
values ofmethod were
0.71, 0.70, 0.77,
and 160
0.75, and 110 mg/L, respectively.
mg/L, respectively. The R , NSE, and RMSE values for the variable weighting method
Figure 3. Correlation between the measured values and predicted TSS in the training step for
(a) uniform
Figure 3. Correlation between weightingvalues
the measured k-Nearest NeighborsTSS
and predicted (UW-kNN) and (b)step
in the training variable weighting
for (a) uniform(VW)-kNN.
weighting k-
Nearest Neighbors (UW-kNN) and (b) variable weighting (VW)-kNN.
Both models were able to capture the patterns in the prediction step. However, the
modelsmethod demonstrated
were able better
to capture the performance
patterns R2 value
with an step.
in the prediction of 0.56the
compared to the uniform weighting method with an R 2 value of 0.36. Thus, the VW-kNN
variable weighting method demonstrated better performance with an R value of 0.56
method could
compared toenhance the results
the uniform by method
weighting reducingwith
the an
effect of overfitting
R2 value in the
of 0.36. Thus, theuniform
weighting method. The UW-kNN method, with an NSE value of 0.34 and RMSE value of
method could enhance the results by reducing the effect of overfitting in the uniform
200 mg/L (Figure 4a), had lower accuracy compared to VW-kNN, with a higher value of
weighting method. The UW-kNN method, with an NSE value of 0.34 and RMSE value of
NSE (0.55) and a lower RMSE (170 mg/L) value (Figure 4b).
200 mg/L (Figure 4a), had lower accuracy compared to VW-kNN, with a higher value of
NSE (0.55) and a lower RMSE (170 mg/L) value (Figure 4b).
Water 2021, 13, 147 12 of 24
Water 2021, 13, x FOR PEER REVIEW 12 of 24
The SVR method was one of themethods
SVR method was one of the methodsused
was assigned as 1.4, and the ε value was 0.01. A nonlinear kernel function with a
was assigned as 1.4, and the 𝜀 value was 0.01. A nonlinear kernel function with a coeffi-coefficient
of 0.63of
cient was used
0.63 wasfor the for
used mapping process.process.
the mapping The scatterplots for training
The scatterplots for and prediction
training steps
and predic-
are presented in Figure 5a,b. The model had good performance across all indices
tion steps are presented in Figure 5a,b. The model had good performance across all indices in both
the training and prediction steps, with R2 and NSE values of 0.65 and 0.58, respectively.
in both the training and prediction steps, with R and NSE values of 0.65 and 0.58, respec-
The RMSE values were 140 mg/L and 160 mg/L, respectively, for the training and the
tively. The RMSE values were 140 mg/L and 160 mg/L, respectively, for the training and
prediction steps.
the prediction steps.
Water 2021, 13,
Water 2021, 13, 147
13 of
of 24
Figure 5.
5. Correlation
Correlation between the measured
between the measured values
values and
and Support
Support Vector
dicted TSS concentration in (a) the training step and (b) the prediction
TSS concentration in (a) the training step and (b) the prediction step. step.
Regression Tree Tree
Regression (RT) (RT)
Regression Tree Tree
Regression (RT) (RT)
is a widely usedused
is a widely ML method
ML methoddue todue itstosimplicity. This This
its simplicity. study study
implemented a pruning process to help the RT algorithm avoid overfitting
implemented a pruning process to help the RT algorithm avoid overfitting problems. problems.
Therefore, a maximum
Therefore, a maximumdepth value
depth of 10
value was
of 10 was assigned
assigned forforthe
trees. The
The RT method pre-
predicted 2
dictedTSSTSS concentrations with RR values
concentrations with 2 valuesofof0.61
0.61 and
and 0.34,
0.34, NSE NSE values
values of 0.53
of 0.53 and and
and 0.30,
and RMSE
of 160of 160 and
mg/L mg/L 210and 210for
mg/L mg/L for the and
the training training and the prediction
the prediction steps, respec-
steps, respectively,
tively, as shownasinshown
Figurein Figure
7a,b. The7a,b. The RTwas
RT method method
unable was unable
to make to make
a good a good
Thus, the method could not be regarded as a good algorithm for the estimationthe
Thus, the method could not be regarded as a good algorithm for of TSS
estimation of TSS concentration.
WaterWater 13, 147
2021,2021, 13, x FOR PEER REVIEW 15 of 15
24 of 24
3.3. 3.3.
Ensemble Modeling
Ensemble Modeling
3.3.1. Bagging Model—Random Forest
3.3.1. Bagging Model—Random (RF)(RF)
An model withwith
RF model three features
three (“m”
features try) try)
(“m” in each iteration
in each andand
iteration 500 500
learner RTs was used. Generally, increasing the number of basic learners after 100 did
learner RTs was used. Generally, increasing the number of basic learners after 100 did not
not change the result significantly. However, based on the literature, 500 basic learners
change the result significantly. However, based on the literature, 500 basic learners would
would be a reasonable number of single learners within the RF structure [76,81]. We did
be a reasonable number of single learners within the RF structure [76,81]. We did prelim-
preliminary testing to determine the number of basic learners using 100, 200, 400, 500, and
inary testing to determine the number of basic learners using 100, 200, 400, 500, and 1000
1000 basic learners. The best results were obtained for 500 RTs.
basic learners. The best results were obtained for 500 RTs.
The R2 values indicate that the algorithm can reasonably predict the target value at
The R2 values indicate that the algorithm can reasonably predict the target value at
both higher and lower TSS concentrations, as shown in Figure 8. The R2 , NSE, and RMSE
both higher and lower TSS concentrations, as shown in Figure 8. The R 2, NSE, and RMSE
values were 0.77, 0.76, and 110 mg/L, respectively, for the training step (Figure 8a) and
values were 0.77, 0.76, and 110 mg/L, respectively, for the training step (Figure 8a) and
0.67, 0.62, and 150 mg/L, respectively, for the prediction step (Figure 8b).
0.67, 0.62, and 150 mg/L, respectively, for the prediction step (Figure 8b).
Water 2021, 13, 147 16 of 24
Water 2021, 13, x FOR PEER REVIEW 16 of 24
Figure betweenthe
(RF)-predicted TSS
TSS con-
tration in (a)
centration training
in (a) step
training andand
step (b)(b)
prediction step.
prediction step.
3.3.2. BoostingModel—Adaptive
This study implemented an AdB algorithm that used 30 RTs as basic learners with a
This study implemented an AdB algorithm that used 30 RTs as basic learners with a
learning rate of 1, which used the results obtained from the last single learner. Additionally,
learning rate of 1, which used the results obtained from the last single learner. Addition-
it used an exponential regression loss function to fit the dataset. The model performed
ally, it used an exponential regression loss function to fit the dataset. The model per-
well across all indices, with R2 values of 0.74 and 0.64, NSE values of 0.72 and 0.62, and
formed well across all indices, with R2 values of 0.74 and 0.64, NSE values of 0.72 and 0.62,
RMSE values of 110 mg/L and 150 mg/L, respectively, for the training and prediction
and RMSE values of 110 mg/L and 150 mg/L, respectively, for the training and prediction
steps. However, TSS concentration estimates were relatively more accurate in the training
steps. However, TSS concentration estimates were relatively more accurate in the training
step, as shown in Figure 9a, compared to the prediction step, as shown in Figure 9b.
step, as shown in Figure 9a, compared to the prediction step, as shown in Figure 9b.
Water 2021, 13, 147 17 of 24
Water 2021, 13, x FOR PEER REVIEW 17 of 24
Figure9.9. Correlation
Figure Correlation between
between the
the measured
measured values
concentration in (a) training step and (b) prediction step.
concentration in (a) training step and (b) prediction step.
modelwas wasused
to estimate TSS concentration using six different features. Figure
to estimate TSS concentration using six different features. Figure 2a shows the2a shows the efficiency of
linear regression in capturing patterns in the measured values data in the training
of linear regression in capturing patterns in the measured values data in the training step. step. The
results demonstrate
The results that the
demonstrate Multiple
that Linear Regression
the Multiple model failed
Linear Regression model to failed
mimic to themimic
in the measured values of TSS concentration. This could be attributed to
patterns in the measured values of TSS concentration. This could be attributed to the un- the underfitting
derfittingthat arose from
problem the simplicity
that arose from theand linearityand
simplicity of the algorithm.
linearity of theThe MLR model
algorithm. was
not able to find the relationship between the features and the target during
model was not able to find the relationship between the features and the target during the the training
step. Thus,
training theThus,
step. modelthe could
modelnot could
notTSS concentration
predict in the prediction
TSS concentration step, as shown
in the prediction step,
in Figure 2b. These results indicate that MLR is not a robust model
as shown in Figure 2b. These results indicate that MLR is not a robust model for the estimation of
for the esti-
TSS concentration.
mation of TSS concentration.
Water 2021, 13, 147 18 of 24
Two different kNN methods were used: One with a fewer number of neighbors with
uniform weighting and one with a larger number of neighbors with variable weighting
based on the distance of each datapoint to its neighbors. Both approaches demonstrated
good performance in the training step, as shown in Figure 3a, mimicking the overall
patterns, particularly for high TSS concentrations. However, the performance of the
VW-kNN method in the lower concentration ranges was slightly better than the UW-
kNN. A fewer number of neighbors forced the algorithm to capture the details in the
training dataset. Therefore, this process was more likely to fall into an overfitting problem.
Moreover, in UW-kNN, the same weight was assigned to the farthest and the nearest
neighbor. Nevertheless, there might have been differences between the farthest and nearest
neighbor with respect to all the features. As a result, the algorithm could not mimic the
general pattern observed in the training dataset. This inability led to a poor fit in the
prediction step.
The VW-kNN process resulted in a relatively better fit than the UW-kNN approach
in both the training and prediction steps. Thus, using a larger number of neighbors and a
variable weighting approach helped the algorithm capture the general pattern observed in
the dataset in the training step. The scatterplots in Figure 4 show that the variable weighting
method performed better, not only in predicting low concentrations, but also in high TSS
concentrations when compared to the uniform weighting method in the prediction step.
The uniform and variable weighting kNN methods were compared using other statistical
measures (NSE and RMSE).
The SVR algorithm captured the general pattern in both the training and prediction
steps. The scatterplots for the training and prediction steps are presented in Figure 5a,b).
The model had good performance across all indices in both the training and prediction steps
in terms of R2 , NSE, and RMSE values. The SVR algorithm could have better performance
in high and mid-range TSS concentration compared to the lower value. Although the
SVR had higher R2 and NSE values in the prediction step compared to the VW-kNN, the
VW-kNN had better performance in the training step compared to the SVR. Despite the
relatively better performance in prediction steps compared to other models, such as MLR
and UW-kNN, the performance in the prediction step was not as good as the training step.
The ANN performed well on the training dataset. However, it could not accurately
mimic the pattern in the prediction step, which could have been due to an overfitting
problem in the training step resulting from the complexity of the ANN model structure.
Overfitting suggests that the ANN model learned and applied details in the training dataset
that might have been absent in the prediction dataset. Another factor contributing to the
overfitting problem could have been the limited number of datapoints. Having a larger
number of datapoints may have reduced the overfitting problem and may have led to
better performance in both the training and prediction steps [51].
The next algorithm that was utilized in this study was the RT method. The algorithm
captured the general pattern in both the training and prediction steps. However, RT could
not capture the pattern for several of the datapoints, especially in the prediction step, which
is attributable to an overfitting problem. The RT method can be used inside the structure of
ensemble bagging and ensemble boosting algorithm to improve the results obtained in the
training and prediction step.
The RF method, which was developed based on the RT, was one of the best-performing
algorithms implemented in this study in terms of estimating the TSS concentration. The
model was efficient and could capture the patterns in the measured values data for both
high and low TSS concentration ranges in the training dataset. In the prediction step,
the algorithm captured the pattern but not as accurate as it did in the training step. The
algorithm performed slightly better in lower and mid-range TSS concentration compared
to higher concentration values in both the training and prediction steps. The reason could
have been the relatively larger number of events in the lower and mid-range concentrations.
Furthermore, the results show that RF was more efficient than RT, which was used as a
basic learner in RF. These results demonstrate that ensemble modeling improved the
single learner.
As stated earlier, AdB can improve the results of single learners that failed to capture
patterns in the data due to an overfitting problem. The model was able to recognize the
patterns in both the training and prediction datasets. The scatterplots for the training and
prediction steps are presented in Figure 9a,b. The scatterplots demonstrate that the AdB
Water 2021, 13, 147 19 of 24
method predicted TSS concentrations, with relatively higher R2 and NSE values compared
to the single learners presented earlier. The algorithm did not perform with the same level
of accuracy across all the ranges of TSS concentration. The algorithm was able to capture
patterns in the
performance of TSS
the RTconcentration for the prediction
algorithm compared step for lower,
to the application of themid-level,
RT algorithm and high
as a
single learner. of TSS.
As the applied
AdB canin this study
improve the were
results compared by considering
of single learners the to
that failed relative
capture R2
patterns in the
and relative RMSEdatavalues
due toinan overfitting
the predictionproblem.
step, which Thedemonstrated
model was able the to recognize
benefits the
of using
both the training
The R2 and prediction
values datasets. The
were normalized scatterplots
by dividing for the
all the training
R2 values byand
maximum stepsR value
2 aretopresented in Figure
obtain values 9a,b.“0”
between Theand
“1.” A valuedemonstrate
of “1” for athatmodelthe refers
method predicted 2 and NSE values compared
to the highest levelTSS concentrations,
of accuracy. A valuewith relatively
near higher Rthe
“0” represents lower level of accuracy of
to the single
(Figure 10a).learners
The RMSE presented
valuesearlier. The algorithm
were normalized did not perform
by dividing the minimumwith theRMSEsame value
byaccuracy acrossvalues
all the RMSE all thetoranges
TSS concentration.
between “0” and The“1.”
A value was ablefor
of “1” to capture
a model
refers to in
thethe TSS concentration
highest for the
level of accuracy. prediction
A value near “0” step for lower,
represents themid-level,
lower level and high
of accu-
racy (Figure 10b). of TSS.
All 2
and RF methods
method in used
this study wereRT
multiple compared
algorithm byasconsidering the relative
its basic learner. The R RT
and relative
method wasRMSEunable values in the prediction
to perform well whenstep, which
applied demonstrated
individually. the benefits
However, of using
the boosting
and bagging modeling.
processThe R2 values were
considerably normalized
improved all the R2 values
by dividingcompared
the performance by the
to the perfor-
maximum R 2 value to obtain values between “0” and “1.” A value of “1” for a model refers
mance under the individual application. The ensemble structure in AdB and RF allowed
thethe highest levelof
establishment ofaaccuracy. A value near
robust correlation “0” represents
between the lower
a feature and targetlevelvaluesof in
the train-of
(Figure 10a). The RMSE values were normalized by dividing the minimum
ing step, which led to limiting overfitting and underfitting problems and better results in RMSE value by
thethe RMSE values
prediction step. to obtain values
However, the AdBbetween
method “0” performed
and “1.” A value
betterof “1”RF,
than for aattributable
model refers to
to the highest level of accuracy. A value near “0” represents the
the boosting process that helped to improve the limitation of each basic learner lower level of accuracy
and sub-
basic learners.
Figure 10. Relative comparison between (a) the coefficient of determination (R2 ) values (b) the Root
Mean Square Error (RMSE) values in the prediction step.
The AdB and RF method used multiple RT algorithm as its basic learner. The RT
method was unable to perform well when applied individually. However, the boosting and
bagging process considerably improved the performance compared to the performance
under the individual application. The ensemble structure in AdB and RF allowed the
establishment of a robust correlation between a feature and target values in the training
step, which led to limiting overfitting and underfitting problems and better results in the
prediction step. However, the AdB method performed better than RF, attributable to the
Water 2021,13,
Water2021, 13,147
Figure 10.process
boosting Relativethat
comparison between
helped to improve (a)the
the limitation
coefficient of
of determination (R2) values
each basic learner (b) the
and subsequent
Root Mean Square
basic learners. Error (RMSE) values in the prediction step.
4.2. Sensitivity
4.2. Sensitivity Analysis
Six differentfeatures
features were
were considered
considered for for the application
the application of supervised
of supervised ML algo-
ML algorithms
to to reproduce
reproduce the in
the pattern pattern in TSS concentration
TSS concentration observations
observations retrievedretrieved
from thefromNSQD. the
NSQD. Further
Further investigation
investigation was conducted
was conducted to assesstothe assess the relative
relative importance importance
of each of each fea-
feature on
tureperformance of the MLofmodel.
on the performance the ML Thus,
model.a sensitivity analysis was
Thus, a sensitivity implemented
analysis using one
was implemented
of the best-performing
using methods, the
one of the best-performing AdB method.
methods, the AdBWe developed
method. a methodology
We developed where
a methodol-
where we one feature one
excluded at a time during
feature the training
at a time during thesteptraining
and assessed
step and how the feature
assessed how
affected the performance of the model. Figure 11 shows the sensitivity
the feature affected the performance of the model. Figure 11 shows the sensitivity results results for the
for the six features used in the AdB algorithm. The significance of each feature was by
features used in the AdB algorithm. The significance of each feature was assessed as-
comparing the difference
sessed by comparing the in R2 values
difference inwith and without
R2 values with andthewithout
feature.the Then, the data
feature. Then,were
normalized by dividingbythe
data were normalized differences
dividing by the maximum
the differences by the maximum in R2 values
difference difference in to
R 2obtain
values between
to obtain values“0” and “1,”
between “0”with
withof a“1” for aoffeature
value “1” forindicating the highestthe
a feature indicating level of
sensitivity. A value near “0” value represents the lower level of sensitivity
est level of sensitivity. A value near “0” value represents the lower level of sensitivity of of the output to
output to a feature.
Figure 11.Sensitivity
ofof AdB.
The AdB
AdB outcomes
outcomes were were sensitive
sensitive toto several
several of ofthe
features. However,
However, there
there were
differencesininthe thelevel
sensitivity. TheThe
sensitivity. models
showedhigher sensitivity
higher to land
sensitivity to use
followed by an antecedent number of dry days and drainage areas.
data, followed by an antecedent number of dry days and drainage areas. The AdB out- The AdB outcomes
comes sensitive to both rainfall
were sensitive to both depth and
rainfall runoff
depth and volume,
runoff with a sensitivity
volume, higher to runoff
with a sensitivity higher
volume than rainfall depth. Runoff volume was more relevant to TSS
to runoff volume than rainfall depth. Runoff volume was more relevant to TSS concentra- concentration than
tion thandepth, likely
rainfall because
depth, runoff
likely is directly
because runofflinked to detachment
is directly linked to and transportand
detachment of
sediment [89]. Thus, when available, runoff volume data could be
transport of sediment [89]. Thus, when available, runoff volume data could be a better a better predictor of
TSS concentration
predictor that rainfall data.
of TSS concentration that The results
rainfall data.showed that AdB
The results showedoutcomes wereoutcomes
that AdB sensitive
to both land use and imperviousness, with a higher sensitivity to
were sensitive to both land use and imperviousness, with a higher sensitivity to land land use. Land use is
relatively more sensitive because of the greater potential for the generation
Land use is relatively more sensitive because of the greater potential for the generation of of relatively
more sediment
relatively moreload from pervious
sediment load fromareas than areas
pervious for wash-off
than forfrom the impervious
wash-off areas [89].
from the impervious
Percent imperviousness increases runoff volume, which is responsible
areas [89]. Percent imperviousness increases runoff volume, which is responsible for de- for detachment,
tachment,and transport.
wash-off, andThe AdB also
transport. Theshowed
AdB alsothatshowed
the results
thatobtained by this
the results modelbywere
obtained this
sensitive to antecedent dry days. The amount of solids deposited
model were sensitive to antecedent dry days. The amount of solids deposited over the over the impervious
area increases with an increasing number of dry days [89]. The drainage area is also
impervious area increases with an increasing number of dry days [89]. The drainage area
an important factor because it is directly related to the runoff volume and peak. The
is also an important factor because it is directly related to the runoff volume and peak.
sensitivity analysis demonstrated all of the factors used in our analysis were important to
The sensitivity analysis demonstrated all of the factors used in our analysis were im-
the prediction of TSS.
portant to the prediction of TSS.
Water 2021, 13, 147 21 of 24
5. Conclusions
This study investigated the application of supervised machine learning algorithms
for urban stormwater quality management. Version 4.02 of the National Stormwater
Quality Database (NSQD) was used to extract event-based data on TSS concentration, and
associated site features such as drainage area, land use, percent of impervious, antecedent
dry days, rainfall depth, and runoff volume. We compiled 530 datapoints from NSQD
containing all the features and target values with no missing data. We used 66% of the
dataset as input for the training step and 34% for the prediction step.
Eight different ML algorithms were compared: Linear Regression, Regression Tree,
Support Vector Regression, Random Forest, Adaptive Boosting, variable weighting k-
Nearest Neighbor, uniform weighting k-Nearest Neighbor, and Artificial Neural Network.
Linear Regression failed in both the training and prediction steps. However, all the other
methods showed a good performance in both the training and prediction steps except the
uniform weighting k-Nearest Neighbor and Artificial Neural Network algorithms. These
two methods (UW-kNN and ANN) had a good performance in the training step but failed
in the prediction step. The highest R2 and NSE and the lowest RMSE in both the training
and prediction steps, indicators of good performance, were obtained by the RF and AdB
algorithms. Moreover, a sensitivity analysis demonstrated that the prediction accuracy of
AdB was sensitive to all input features.
It was demonstrated that machine learning methods are plausible approaches to
the prediction of TSS concentration. A limitation identified in some of the models, poor
performance in the prediction step, is attributed to overfitting and underfitting problems.
Thus, these limitations can be addressed with the choice of appropriate models and the
use of sufficient data points. The approach could benefit from the expansion of the NSQD
dataset. Thus, with further enhancement of the ML methods and data sources, ML methods
have the potential for application across regions. Future efforts to enhance model accuracy
should consider the use of hybrid methods or ensemble models.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, M.M., M.G., A.S., methodology, M.M., A.S., M.G.; investi-
gation, M.M., Writing—original draft preparation, M.M.; writing—review and editing, A.S., M.G.
All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This work was supported by the South Dakota Board of Regents Competitive Research Grant
(CRG) and Civil and Environmental Engineering, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology.
Institutional Review Board Statement: This study does not involve humans, Ethical review not
applicable for this study.
Informed Consent Statement: There is no consent required for this study.
Data Availability Statement: The National Stormwater Quality Database used in this study is freely
available data source. The data is available at https://www.bmpdatabase.org/nsqd.html.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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