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QVR Source Evaluation Audit

供應商 QCR 考績評鑑表
General Information 一般資料

QVR Score Follow-up Audit Required 需

Date Completed 完成日: 10/8/03
得分 要繼續考評

Supplier Name 供應商

Address 住址:
City State Zip
城市: 州: 郵遞
Email 住址:
Phone #電話:
Fax #傳真:

Key personnel completing this survey Title 職稱

Name 名字
Supplier 供應商:

DRA: HC Kim Assistant Manager

John R. Gilbert Manager

Date Established 工廠建立日期

Commodity/Service Provided 提供的商
Number of facilities at this location 考 Square footage 面積?
Is this location ISO or QS-9000 有 ISO ISO QS-9000 Expiration Date
或 QS-9000 認證? 到期日
Does the supplier offer any competitive advantages?
(Quality, Cost, Technology, Delivery…)供應商有提供競爭優勢嗎(品質 成本
技術 出貨)

Are there in house prototype capabilities?廠內有提供產前樣的能力

Is the Company Public or Private?公司是國有或私有
What are the company’s annual sales for this location?在考評工廠的年銷售額
What are the manufacturing capacity utilization?總產能
How many shifts per day? Days per week?每周工作天數
Number of employees at this manufacturing location? 在考評工廠的員工人數
Manufacturing 製造
Engineering / Design Is the work force union affiliated?工作人
Yes No
工程/設計 力是否為工會組織
Quality (Non-inspection)品
Purchasing 採購
Tool Makers 模具製造 If applicable:如果有的話
Management / Office
Name of Union?組織的名稱
Total 總人數 Contract expiration date?契約到期日

A. Management Responsibility 管理 Pts Rating

1. 公司有書面品質政策或是陳述品質目標嗎?(Does the company have a written quality policy or statement
identifying the company’s objectives and commitment towards quality? )
供應商必須在公司明顯可見之處陳述這些宣示(The supplier must have a written vision, mission, or
quality statement for the company.)
2. 有書面宣示以削減/排除/預防為方向而非發現產品不良 Is the written statement oriented towards
reduction, elimination, and prevention rather than detection of product defects?
 這些宣示必須特別包含削減/排除/預防等目標且為最高管理者簽名 The statement or statements 1
must specifically contain reference to defect reduction, elimination and prevention ideals. The
statement must be signed by a representative of top management.
3. 品質政策有效的傳達所以整個組織都了解並會維持品質要求 Is the quality policy effectively
communicated so that is understood and maintained throughout the organization?
包括品質訓練 Included in Quality training. 1
員工簽名表示知道品質政策 Employee signed acknowledgment.
品質政策有固定在容易看到或取得的位置 Quality Policy Posted in Accessible Areas
4. 有文件證明下面的管理有投入開發/檢討/維護品管系統 Is there documented evidence, supported by
appropriate records, that upper management is proactively involved in developing, reviewing, and
maintaining the quality system?
品質操作系統 Quality Operating System (QOS).
品質認知訓練 Quality Awareness Training.
發行品質目標 Published Quality Goals.
品質改進計畫 Quality Improvement Program.
客戶滿意度(PPM 記錄卡隔開小時電話號碼?問題回覆客戶滿意調查 Customer Satisfaction (PPM report
card, off hour phone numbers, problem response, customer satisfaction survey).
的說明活動品項的形式,如負責實現活動品項的人或團體,完成日等,每個人或團體針對負責的活動品 1
包含內部監督,訓練計畫,內部/外部拒絕,準時出貨等等 A documented management review process
must be developed and implemented that measures the effectiveness of the overall quality
programs. The management review process needs to set internal measurement benchmarks
which will measure the overall quality system. This will also allow for a measurement of
improvements. Documented corrective actions must be assigned during the
Management review process in the form of precise statements of the action items, who is responsible
for accomplishing the action items, due dates for implementation, etc. Each person or team
member responsible for their assigned action items must document what is being done in the form
of a forma report for review to illustrate progress on what is being made.
Management reviews should also include a review of internal audits, training plan, internal/external
rejects, on-time delivery performance, etc.
5. 品質責任是否有清楚的定義並適當的分配給合格的且有經驗的員工以確保不但有效的完成品質政策,而且 1
達成品質目標 Are quality responsibilities clearly defined and adequately staffed with qualified and
experienced personnel to assure effective implementation of quality policies as well as the achievement
of quality objectives?
ASQC 証明(不需要,但是是進一步證據來支持這個問題)不 ASQC Certification (not required, but is further
evidence to support this question).
工作描述是用來描述責任工作經驗跟教育需求 Job descriptions that describe responsibilities, work
experience, and educational requirements).
用重頭到尾的調查資料做總結一個答案-朝著調查終止的目標 Use overall survey information to
summarize an answer - towards the end of survey.
6. 是否清楚的界定供應商代表物包括保證客戶標準的元素有實行並維護 Is there a clearly identified
supplier representative whose function includes ensuring that the elements of customer standards are
implemented and maintained?
程式管理者銷售工程師或品管者(程式特定日常預防活動 Program Manager, Sales Engineer or Quality
Engineer (program specific routine preventative
文件證明應該包括一個工作描述或步驟的活動 Documented evidence would include this activity
identified in a job description or procedure.
工程,變更通知,和組成圖變更,以確保有符合客戶標準的能力 Position must be responsible for
ensuring that all customer requirements are incorporated into the suppliers quality system and
properly maintained. Activities would include the review of quotes, drawings, specifications,
engineering change notices, and component drawing changes to assure capability of meeting
customer standards.
Section A Total 8
B. Quality System 品質系統
是否有足夠的程序品質系統文件可以符合客戶要求 Is there a documented comprehensive quality system
capable of meeting customer requirements?
供應商應該 有品質手冊(計畫)或有一套程序使品質系統文件化,有合適的供應商代表簽名 The supplier 5
should have a quality manual (plan), or set of procedures documenting the quality system, signed
off and approved by the appropriate supplier representative(s).
Section B Total 5
C. Contract Review 契約再檢討
的能力範圍內 Does the supplier conduct a documented contract review per internal procedure(s) to
ensure that all requirements are thoroughly understood and are within the supplier’s capability prior to
order acceptance?
There must be a documented procedure identifying the responsible persons with sign-off required for
all receipts of customer RFQ's, drawings, and specifications to ensure that all requirements are
acknowledged and incorporated into the suppliers manufacturing and quality systems.
圖面再检討修定須求應該尋求三本的同意 Print review revision requests should be submitted to DRA for
應該有書面表示認知三本的圖面規範並且連同採購訂單回傳三本 There must be written
acknowledgment of DRA drawings, specifications, and/or purchase orders returned to DRA.
立的可行性,參考在 APQP 手冊的 AIAG 检查表 The supplier should have documented evidence of
feasibility studies and/or reviews (with sign-off by appropriate personnel) that have been conducted
on new and/or changed products to assure design, manufacturing, and assembly feasibility. See
AIAG checklist in APQP manual.
Section C Total 2
D. Design Control 設計控制
有發展計畫以介定適當的活動並且負責每個設計跟發展活動 Are plans developed that identify the
appropriate activities and responsibility for each design and development activity?
建立 PPAP,客戶認可等 Program schedule, work plan, Gantt chart. Activities to be scheduled may
include Feasibility analyses, tool design, process design, process documentation, production
validation or PPAP build, customer approval, etc.
供應商是否有足夠的資源和能力例:電腦輔助設計工程分析等 Does the supplier have adequate resources
and facilities available for use, i.e., computer aided design, engineering analysis, etc.?
可能包含但不限於:CAD 系統,模型流程分析,有限的元素分析,VSA 等 May include, but not be limited to;
CAD systems, mold flow analysis, finite element analysis, VSA, etc.
Section D Total 2
E. Document Control 文件控制
供應商是否有建立程序的文件或是控制文件或資料的步驟 Has the supplier established and documented a
procedure or procedures for controlling documents and data?
 步驟應該控管供應商跟客戶文件,如圖面規範,流程文件(工作/檢查指令,流程圖,製程失效模式與效應分
析,PFMEA,控制計畫等 Procedures should be available for controlling supplier and customer
documents, i.e., drawings, specifications, process documentation (job/inspection instructions,
process flow diagrams, PFMEA’s, Control Plans, etc.).
析 Are all changes (revisions) identified on each document and do these revision notes indicate the 2
purpose/reason for the change?
This includes control plans, process flow diagrams, and FMEA’s.
特殊的標示符號有用在流程控制計畫跟其他恰當的文件如控制表,製程指令等 Are special characteristic
symbols, where applicable, shown on process control plans and other pertinent documents such as
control charts, in-process instructions, etc.? 1
 步驟或指令應該可以解釋客戶使用並且供應商標出重要尺寸 Procedures or instructions should be
available that define the use of customer and supplier designated key/critical characteristics
Section E Total 4
F. Purchasing 採購
是否有文件賦予次供應商包含教育訓練政策跟步驟嗎必須有文件顯示次供應商是經過核可的 Is there a
documented procedure for the qualification of sub-suppliers which includes an evaluation of their
business practices, policies, and procedures?
There must be written sub-supplier requirements for their selection and approval.
是否下單前針對次供應商有調查或估價其製造位置並表 格化結果:品質,出貨,成本跟技術支援 Is an on-site
survey or assessment conducted at the sub-supplier's manufacturing location prior to the issuance of a
purchase order and does it include a performance evaluation based on quality, delivery, cost and
technical support?
審查應該在供應商工廠,分開或公司員工 Audits/survey should be performed by the supplier’s plant, 1
division, or corporate personnel.
調查商業的原料次供應商也就是,GE 塑膠可能可以不需要
Surveys of commercial raw material sub-suppliers, i.e., GE Plastics, may be exempt from this
Section F Total 2
H. Product Identification and Traceability 產品界定跟追蹤
1. 資料是否有指出每批貨的特性並且在製造跟運送過程都能確保貨物的正確且可追蹤使用的材料跟生產過
程 Do records indicate that lot identity and disposition are maintained throughout the supplier’s
manufacturing and delivery process to assure lot integrity and traceability to materials used and
processes performed? 5
供應商應該在製造流程裡有針對每批貨物跟材料的控管方法 The supplier should have a procedure
describing the controls to assure that lot and material identification are used throughout the
manufacturing process.
2. 供應商針對崇供貨檢查的退貨是否都有標示特殊符號以為追蹤 Does the supplier identify parts returned
from the field for rework or sort with a unique lot number for traceability?
退貨的授權號碼,客戶退貨的報告號碼等 Return material authorization number, customer rejected
material report numbers, etc.
重工或全檢後出給客戶的或應該都要有追蹤號碼 Reworked or sorted parts shipped back to the
customer must be traceable to a unique number.
Section H Total 6
I. Process Control 流程控管
將詳細的工作指令留給每個操作者或貼在每個操作流程以界定操作的特性 Are individual operations specified
by detailed work instructions on the traveler or posted at each operation?
做 The instructions must be readily available, i.e., posted in a conspicuous location so as to be
accessible to the operator for reference, and must be east to follow as well as sufficiently detailed
to prevent errors in the work being performed.
供應商的流程是否需要操作者認可,設定後的流程跟設備模具變更等,都要在使用前確認嗎?Does the
supplier's procedures require approval of the operator, process and equipment after set-ups, tool
changes, etc., prior to actual use?
員工應該適當的訓練用文件證明有操作能力 People should be properly trained to perform the operation
through a documented certification process. Personnel should be trained in the operational and
functional aspects of their assignments.
這包括知曉品質品質保證程序檢查技術跟非正式的材料管控 This includes familiarity with quality
assurance procedures, inspection techniques, and nonconforming material control.
必須有文件去批准在模具改變重設後的流程 There must be a documented procedure for approval of the
process and equipment after set-up stool changes, etc.
是否用書面設定正常/不良品的標準如規範照片和/或標籤在樣品使操作者知道作業標準 Are workmanship
standards defined to accept/reject criteria by written specifications, photographs, and/or labeled limit
samples for operators?
板上包含照片和/或樣品讓操作者知道標準,如供應商希望的,可接受的跟退貨的 Boards containing
pictures and/or limit samples to depict typical cosmetic anomalies which have been agreed to by
the customer as preferable, acceptable, or reject.
用視覺較具決定有符合標準或超過標準 Visual aids to determine if standards are being met or
Section I Total 5
J. 進料管控 Incoming Purchased Materials Control
有無在生產前對生產所需之材料管控、檢驗材質之程序並且有證明嚴守步驟(Is there a procedure for the
control and verification of purchased material prior to release to production and is there evidence of
adherence to the procedure?_)
安全庫存(Minimum requirements include:)
驗收退貨之界定有無批量抽樣或可參考判定之表單 Sample size per lot or reference to a specification
table that rejects on 1 non-conformance.
檢驗参數、尺寸、或特性(Parameters, dimensions, or features to check.) 1 1
料號(含版次)、說明、供應商之批號、供應商(Part number (including revision), description, supplier lot
number, and supplier identification.)
檢測程序或實驗室步驟(Test procedure, or lab procedure.)
檢驗教育或計劃(Inspection instruction, or blueprint.)
有界定可使用的量具設備/測試設備並在工作中使用 (Measuring equipment and/or test equipment
specified, available, and used.)
2. 材料有無良好的存放空間及良好的系統規劃及預防毀損、污染和原料來源標示標籤之維持 Is the 1 1
material storage area clean, well organized, and sufficiently maintained to prevent damage,
contamination, and/or loss of traceability on raw materials or components?
材料待驗要有適當辨別並跟已驗收材料隔離(Materials awaiting inspection must be properly identified
and segregated from accepted production materials.)
拒收材料或有爭議材料必須適當地標示隔離及控制以預防誤用(Rejected or suspect material must be
adequately identified, segregated and controlled to prevent its use.)
Section J Total 2 2
K. 製程中檢驗和測試 In-Process Inspection and Testing
1. 每次更換機器設定模具製程有依正式的品質計畫或文件去檢驗首件?Is first piece inspection (set-up
approval) required after each machine set-up, tool change, or process change per a formal quality plan
or documented procedure?
2 2
首件檢查必須詳細記載結果、生產條件設定需有文件詳細記錄後才可投入量產 First piece inspection
should be performed and documented to assure adherence and compliance to set-up instructions
and specifications prior to a production run.
2. 首件及調機品有無明確與量產品做好區隔避免混料出貨至客戶 Are set-up parts identified and
segregated from production parts to prevent their inadvertent shipment to the customer?
 調機品要適當使用標籤標示或顏色標示或裝袋移出生產線避免混入量產品而出貨 Set-up 5 5
parts/material can either be tagged, labeled, color coded or destroyed and must be moved out of
the process flow to prevent inadvertent mixing with acceptable production material.
3. 供應商是否有依 PPM 或其他相似方法追蹤製程中不良品的原因跟不良率 Does the supplier track in-
process rejection trends and rejection rates in Parts Per Million (PPM) or by any other acceptable
means? 3 3
供應商對不良品退貨必須有 PPM 統計或其他相似方法 The supplier must track rejection rates in PPM or
other acceptable means
Section K Total 10 10
L .成品檢驗及測試 Final Inspection and Testing
成品檢驗及測試是否跟品質計畫或文件一致以證明成品是否符合需求 Is final inspection and testing
performed in accordance with the quality plan or documented procedures to verify conformance of the
final product to the specified requirements?
操作者跟檢查教學或控制計畫是否界定應使用的檢查設備樣品數量檢查頻率跟/或應有的測試也必須包括 1 1
100%測試報告(如有做的話)Operator and inspection instructions or control plans that identify
test/inspection equipment should be used. The sample size, frequency of inspections and/or tests
to be performed must also be identified including 100% testing if performed
是否有記錄指出供應商依 PPM 或其他相似方法追蹤出品的不良原因跟不良率 Do records indicate that the
supplier tracks outgoing rejection trends and rejection rates in Parts Per Million (PPM) or by any other
acceptable means? 3 3
 供應商必須依 PPM 或其他相似方法追蹤出品的不良率 The supplier must track rejection rates in
PPM or other acceptable means.
Section L Total 4 4
M.檢驗測量跟試驗設備 Inspection, Measuring and Test Equipment
1. 供應商是否有安排或文件去控管測定跟維護檢驗測量跟試驗設備 Does the supplier have a program or
documented procedures to control, calibrate and maintain inspection, measuring, and test equipment?
供應商的程序或檢具必須衡量其有效性 The supplier’s procedure for gage control must be evaluated for
its effectiveness.
所以的測定檢具都必須來自國家標準跟技術組織(NIST)或相當的機構 All calibration masters must be 1 0
traceable to the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) or equivalent recognized
當不使用時是否有適當存放跟維護檢/測設備 The procedure must detail the proper care and
maintenance of inspection/test equipment when not in use.
Section M Total 1 0
O. 控管不良品 Control of Non-Conforming Product
供應商是否有文件可立刻讓客戶知道不良品有被發現或出貨 Does the supplier have a documented
procedure for immediate customer notification in the event that non-conforming material is suspected
of being shipped?
提供界定的能力並且包含所有有問題的材料在有聲的追蹤系統裡 The supplier must have a 5 0
documented plan or procedure delineating responsible personnel and specific actions (customer
notification, etc.) required if suspect or non-conforming material has been shipped. The procedure
must provide for the ability to identify and contain all suspect material based on a sound traceability
2. 供應商是否依 PPM 或其他相似方法追蹤退貨的不良率 Does the supplier track the rejection rate of
returned goods from his customers in Parts Per Million (PPM) or by any other acceptable means?
供應商必須依 PPM 或其他相似方法追蹤不良率 The supplier must track rejection rates in PPM or other
acceptable means.
Section O Total 6 1
Q. 處理保管包裝維護跟出貨 Handling, Storage, Packaging, Preservation and Delivery
1. 供應商是否有處理保管包裝跟產品出貨的流程 Does the supplier have a procedure for handling,
storage, packaging, and delivery of product?
處理保管包裝跟產品出貨方法必須能有效的預防不良品進入出貨流程 Handling, packaging, storage, and 1 1
delivery of the product methods must be adequate to prevent non-conforming material from
entering the shipping process.
2. 假如出貨時間不能 100%依預計時間是否有適當的分析決定主要原因並預防再發生 If delivery
performance is not 100% to schedule, are there appropriate analyses to determine root causes and
corrective actions to prevent recurrence? 5 5
 確認步驟包含用 5 phase, Ford 8-D, Chrysler 7-D 等 Recognized procedures include the use of DRA
5 phase, Ford 8-D, Chrysler 7-D, etc
3. 供應商是否有庫存管理系統以有效管理庫存流動進出 Does the supplier have an inventory management
system to optimize inventory turns and stock rotations?
 可能包含但不限於用 Kanban ,及時出貨, 提貨製造系統,QOS 目標等 May include, but not be limited 1 1
to the use of Kanban, just in time shipping schedules, pull manufacturing systems, QOS Goals,
Section Q Total 7 7

S. 內部品質稽核 Internal Quality Audits

是否有文件去引導內部稽核衡量以決定品質系統的有效性是否達成指定的品質目標 Is there a documented
procedure for use in conducting internal audits or evaluations to determine the effectiveness of his
quality system in achieving stated quality objectives? 1 1
 內部稽核計畫應該再檢查整個品質系統以確保程序是適用的 The audit program should review the
overall quality program to assure the adequacy of the program.
Section S Total 1 1
T. 教育訓練 Training
1. 是否有建立跟用文件去界定員工不間斷的訓練需求並且達到要求 Is there an established and
documented procedure for identifying the on-going training needs of employees and are the needs
being met?
1 1
質管理,錯誤試驗,實驗設計等,都要知道基礎 All employees, including management, should be
provided training. Training in statistical techniques is recommended for all employees. Additional
training in other areas such as total quality management, mistake proofing, design of experiments,
etc., is to be conducted on a need to know basis
Section T Total 1 1
U. 統計技術 Statistical Techniques
1. 是否運用統計技術控制流程縮小產品間變異性並確認流程參數的生產量及產品特性 Are statistical
techniques being used to control processes, minimize part-to-part variation, and verify the capability of
process parameters and product characteristics?
 對不穩定管控尺寸做 X bar R charts 管制表 X bar R charts for variable data. 5 0
 用 P charts 管制不良品比 for percent non-conforming.
 用 PPM 圖管制 PPM 的不良率 charts for PPM non-conforming.
 平均移動跟區域圖管控每批量產 Moving average and range charts for batch control.
2. 針對有新的或變更流程在開始生產樣品前是否有先做短期能力研究 Are short term capability studies
conducted on all new or changed processes prior to running initial sample parts?
 在新的或改變流程必須建立流程能力以了解 DRA 重要尺寸特性 Process capability must be
established on new or changed processes for DRA key product characteristics.
 流程能力研究在最小 1.67 的 CPK 是必須的以了解 DRA 重要尺寸特性 Process capability studies are
required with a minimum CpK of 1.67 for DRA significant characteristics. 1 1
 在 1.33 跟 1.67 間的 CPK 將需要改善計畫 A CpK of between 1.33 and 1.67 will require a plan for
improvement. 小於 1.33 的 CPK 值將不會成為不良品的原因然而對重要尺寸會需要 100%全檢直到
CPK 大於 1.33 A CpK of less than 1.33 will not normally be a basis for rejecting material, however,
100% inspection will be required on all DRA key product characteristics until the CpK is greater
than 1.33.
3. 生產員工是否擁有足夠的統計技術跟知識以了解控制表的需求,分析資料,跟假如須要時針對所監控的流 1 0
程做必須改正 Do production personnel possess adequate statistical skills and knowledge to understand
Control Plan requirements, analyze data, and make the necessary corrections (if required) to the
processes which they are monitoring?
控制表,紀錄跟步驟應該指出當控制外情形或發現不良品應採取的活動這些包括 Control charts, records,
and procedures should indicate actions taken when out of control conditions occur or non-
conforming material is detected. These include:
有一或多點超過控制範圍 One or more points outside the control limits.
7 或多點超過控制範圍 Seven or more points outside the control limits.
8 點顯示固定的增加或減少走向 Eight points showing a consistently increasing or decreasing trend.
有超過 4 點以上或以下的流程平均 More than four points above or below the process mean.
Section U Total 7 1
V. 預先品質計畫 Advanced Quality Planning
1. 是否對所有新的或變更產品/流程有文件步驟顯示交付使用預先品質規劃技術 Is there a documented
procedure and/or stated commitment to use advanced quality planning techniques on all new or
changed products/processes?
 供應商應該有步驟或文件程序使用預先品質規劃技術步驟或程序,應該劃出在組織內有的預先品質規
劃技術的內容跟責任 The supplier should have a procedure or procedures documenting the use of
advanced quality planning techniques. The procedure or procedures should delineate the
involvement and responsibilities of each function in the organization involved in advance quality
planning for new or changed products/process. 1 1
 部門如製造工程,業務跟行銷,跟品質確保都被希望參加品質規劃技術 Departments such as
manufacturing, engineering, sales & marketing, and quality assurance are expected to participate
in advanced quality planning.
 品質規劃技術流程應該包括報價圖面規範工程改變標示構成圖面變更跟次供應商能力的再檢討以確
保能力符合特定供應商的需求 The advanced quality planning process should include a review of
quotes, drawings, specifications, engineering change notices, component drawing changes, and
sub-supplier capabilities to assure capability of meeting specified customer requirements.
Section V Total 1 1
W. 生產產品認可程序 Production Part Approval Process
1. 所有量產的產品是否有完整的組織跟資料並且跟每個產品放一起 Is there complete organized and
supporting data for all production part submissions and is the supporting data filed together for each
part? 1 1
 供應商必須依最新的 DRA 工程有一份送 PPAP 通過的 DRA 資料 The supplier must have on file a
copy of the DRA approved PPAP submission to the latest DRA engineering release level
Section W Total 1 1
X. 持續改善 Continuous Improvement
供應商是否有持續投入在品質成本跟出貨和提供服務的改進 Is the supplier involved in activities for the
purpose of continuously improving the quality, cost, and delivery of products and services provided?
 這應該包括工廠出版/部門目標,由下面的管理者再檢討跟改善,一個健全清晰跟履行品質操作系統,完 1 1
成品質系統的成本 This should include the publishing of plant/department goals that are reviewed
and approved by upper management, a well defined and implemented quality operating system
(QOS), and/or the implementation of a cost of quality system.
Section X Total 1 1
Y. 製造能力 Manufacturing Capabilities
1. 供應商的工廠是否乾淨有效率有組織並且有證據顯示在工廠製造流程中有被訓練要達道”良好的管理
”Is the supplier's plant layout clean, efficient, organized, and well lighted with demonstrated evidence
of “good housekeeping” being practiced throughout the manufacturing process?
標示必須有效率的使用目視工作跟在/接近活動的記錄 Lighting should be sufficient to carry out visual
work and recording at or near the activity. 5 5
操作應該組織化使生產流程容易並減少損壞發生 Operations should be organized to facilitate good
material flow and minimize the potential for handling damage to occur.
未辨識或不良品不應該到處放 Unidentified or rejected materials/parts should not be lying around.
每件物品都應該放在適當的地方 Everything should be in its proper place.
2. 設備的數量大小跟廠房是否跟增加的產能對稱而不會嚴重的損傷到全部操作跟產品品質 Is the quantity
of equipment, size and physical plant layout capable of handling increased production volumes without
serious detriment to overall operations and part quality? 5 5
現存產能應該用 40 小時 2 班每週 5 工作天去評估 Current capacity should be examined based on a 40
hour, 2 shift, 5 day work week.
3. 供應商是否有資源能支持模具跟檢具設計跟製造 Does the supplier have resources available for the
support of tool and gage design and fabrication?
1 0
電腦輔助設計系統 Computer Aided Design System.
模具房, EDM 能力等 Tool Room, EDM capabilities.
4. 供應商是否有資源能檢查完成的模具跟檢具尺寸 Does the supplier have resources available for tool and
gage complete dimensional inspection?
1 0
Gage crib, etc.
Section Y Total 12 10
Z. 預防維護系統 Preventative Maintenance
所有的機器模具跟生產設備包含產品清理設備是否有針對有計畫的一般維護列維護表 Is there a schedule of
planned regular maintenance on all machinery, tooling and equipment used to produce products
including parts cleaning equipment?
必須在產品製造的設備跟模具旁放維護的時刻表 There must be a documented timetable for the events 1 1
which are to be performed on all equipment and tooling used in the manufacture of product.
 必須有證據顯示工廠有依時刻表維修如記錄維護時間 There must be evidence of adherence to the
documented schedule of events, i.e., records that the maintenance is performed by the schedule.
是否有記錄可看出工廠(有規律的表格跟非預期的緊急)是否有外部或公司員工執行維修保養工作 Are records
available for all maintenance conducted within the facility (both regularly scheduled and any
unscheduled emergencies) whether done by outside contractor or company employees?
 有記錄資料顯示所有設備維修,潤滑油,檢查跟調整 A log or data base which records all equipment
repairs, lubes, inspections, and adjustments is required. 1 1
 機器故障跟維修如果不是預期發生的,必需包含根本原因跟改正行動的文件 Machine interventions
and/or maintenance that is unscheduled must include root cause analysis and documented
corrective action
供應商是否有監控真正的機器操作時間以衡量維護計畫的有效性 Does the supplier monitor uptime/down 1 1
time on a real time basis as a measure of maintenance program effectiveness?
 供應商應該有機器操作時間系統不管是手冊或用電腦控制 The supplier must have an
uptime/downtime measurement system, either manual or preferably computer controlled and
2 區得分 Section Z Total 3 3
品質系統再檢討-可用的總分 Quality System Review - Total Points Available 89
實際得分 Actual Points Scored 74
產品圖面再檢討 Part Print Review
被推薦供應商將生產的產品須依以下的項目用目前現有再檢討 The proposed parts that the supplier will produce must be
reviewed with representatives present from the following functional areas:
 供應商的製造代表 Supplier’s  DRA 生產工程 DRA Production Engineering
Manufacturing Representative  DRA 供應商品質 DRA Supplier Quality
 供應商的品質工程 Supplier’s Quality  供應商的材料跟次供應商 Supplier’s Raw Material
Engineering and Sub-Suppliers
AA. 產品圖面再檢討 Part Print Review Pts Rating
1. 所有的尺寸跟特性供應商的製造能力都符合 Is there consensus that ALL dimensions and features are 1
例外備註 Note
2. 所有尺寸都有適當的公差 Is there consensus that all dimensions are properly toleranced? 1

例外備註 Note
3. 產品設計的材料跟流程都是最理想的 Is the part designed optimally for the process and material? 1

例外備註 Note
4. 產品的尺寸都是正確的以允許事當的檢具 Is the part dimensioned properly to allow for proper gaging? 1
(正確的資料跟基本尺寸 correct datums and basic dimensions)
變更需求 Changes
5. 檢具是否衡量所有圖面特性 Is gaging available to measure all features shown on the print? 1

例外備註 Note
6. 是否清楚的了解所有的 KPC 尺寸都需要 CPK 值 為 1.67 或大於 1.67Is there a clear understanding that all 1
KPC items will require a CPK of 1.67 or greater?
7. 是否知道針對 KPC 將用在檢具的 GR& RIs GR&R known for gages that will be used for KPC’s? (必須小 1
於或等於 10%must be less than or equal to 10%)
例外跟 GR&R 值 Exceptions
& GR&R value:
8. 供應商是否達到實際規範 Does the supplier have access to the applied specifications (塗料材料電鍍熱處理 1
等 Paint, Materials, Plating, Heat Treatment Etc)
他們需要什麼 What
do they need?
9. 設計失效模式與效應分析是否供應商再檢討了 Have the DFMEA items for this part been reviewed with 1
the supplier?
列項目 List Items:
10. 供應商是否有建立初始流程有被 DRA 接受嗎?Does the Supplier have a preliminary process flow 1
established? Is it acceptable to DRA?
11. 供應商是否了解產品的特性並且在生產中管控 Does the supplier have a clear understanding of the
features required for control during production?
 控制表裡要有型號 Items that must be included in the Control Plan (per DRA)
 檢查尺寸的方法 Methods used to gage these features 6
 樣品數量 Sample Sizes to be used
 抽樣次數 Frequency of sampling
 是否需要 100%全檢以符合客戶要求 Items requiring 100% gaging to maintain customer or DRA requirements
 需要 GP12 控制表 GP12 Control Plan requirements
12 供應商是否清楚了解 PPAP 的須求 Does the supplier clearly understand PPAP requirements for this
(these) part(s)?
授權 Warrant
工程文件(圖面跟規範)Engineering Documents (Prints and Applied Specifications)
工程變更文件(要求允許跟圖面變更)Engineering Change Documents (Requests for Permits and Print changes)
外觀報告 Appearance Report
材質測試 Material Tests
寄樣 PPAP 供客戶測試 Sample Parts to be delivered for PPAP and Testing at DRA 14
LAY-OUT 需求 Lay-out requirements
產能研究 Capability Studies
用來檢查的特殊檢具(依圖面規定)Special Gages and / or fixtures used to gage the parts (prints for same and calibration)
GP12 跟生產控制表 GP12 and Production Control Plan
給客戶的 PPAPPPAP for Sub-Tier Suppliers (the supplier must include PPAP for Sub-tier suppliers)
13. 包裝需求 Packaging Requirements for delivery to DR facilities
 維護時期定義(注意界定長度給供應商)Preservation period defined (Note length specified to supplier )
 維護方法的建立(注意使用方法)Preservation method established (Note Method to be used ) 4
 紙箱尺寸重量產品數量的建立 Container Size, Quantity of parts, single container weight established
 用包裝可接受的圖面再檢查 Drawing of package available for review
Print Review Section - Total Points Available 總分 34
Actual Points Scored 得分
Part Print Reveiw SCORE 再檢查得分

Note: All Questions Not Otherwise Designated Have a One (1) Point Rating.
Questions Designated With Higher Point Ratings Will Score Total Points Only!
No Partial Credit Will Be Allowed !

Question Number Surveyor's Comments On Item Rating (*)調查員的意見
There was no KPC symbols on control plan.(*1) but the KPC is on drawing for other

M1 There was not the records for the calibration of thread gage.(*1)

The case of nonconforiming parts shipped should be documented for customer

notification procedures(*5)

U1 The statistical techniques was not being used.(*5)

U3 Production personnel do not understand SPC.(*1)

Y3 There was no resources available for the sypport of the tool fabrication.(*1)

Y4 There was not full resources for all dimension inspection.(*1)

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