Estate Project
Estate Project
Estate Project
APRIL, 2015
I hereby certify that all field work and information contained in this project report were
obtained as a result of the observation and measurements carried out by me and that the survey
was executed in accordance with the survey laws and departmental instructions
I hereby declare that he has conducted himself with due diligence, honesty and sobriety
on the project.
DATE OF APPROVAL:-………………………………………
This project is dedicated to the Almighty GOD.
My profound gratitude goes to the Almighty God for his unfeigned admiration towards
me, for his grace, guidance and opportunity given me to move forward against all odds. Also for
his supporting grace that led to successful completion of this project.
My special ovation goes to my dearest, energetic, hardworking, caring and living father
Mr. Adegoke Abdulazeez for his unflinching support, moral advice and their unrelenting effort
toward my education.
Also, I express my sincere appreciation to my supervisor, Surv. Z.O. Ajayi for his
assistance and precise guidance given during the course of this project, even on its tight
Also to my beautiful mother Mrs. Adegoke Silifat for her comforting words, prayers,
financial assistance and advice through the rough and tough of this project.
I will never forget the entire family of Adegoke at large for their patient, love and care.
Both at home and away, I pray God Almighty gives us better understanding than this to be one
My appreciation also goes to my friends in school and at home Alabi Jeleel, Tijani
Mukail, Adegbola Ismail, Njoku Daniel, Okoroafor Mathew, Tiamiyu Tajudeen and others
whom words cannot comprehend their love for me.
Also I will not forget all my colleagues for their cooperation, believe and understanding
towards the successful completion of this project. I wish all of us success.
Table Of Contents…………………………………………………………………………...vii
List Of Figures………………………………………………………………………..….…viii
List Of Tables………………………………………………………………………….……...x
CHAPTER ONE……………………………………………………………………….……...1
1.0 Introduction…………………………………………………………………..………..1
1.1 Background To The Study................................................................................................1
1.2 Statement Of Problem……………………………………………………………...….3
1.3 Aim And Objectives Of The Study…………………………………………………….3
1.3.1 Aim Of The Study………………………………………………………………………3
1.3.2 Objectives Of The Study…………………………………………………………….….4
1.4 Project Specifications…………………………………………………………….…….4
1.5 Scope Of The Project…………………………………………………………………4-5
1.6 Personnel………………………………………………………………………………..5
1.7 Study Area…………………………………………………………..………….…….5-6
CHAPTER TWO………………………………………………………………………….…….7
2.0 Literature Review…………………………………………………………………..…7-12
CHAPTER THREE……………………………………………………………………….........13
3.0 Methodology…………………………………………………………………………….13
3.1 Reconnaissance…………………………………………………………………………..13 Leveling………………………………………………………………………………...21 Astronomical Observation………………………………………………………………22 Detailing…………………………………………………………………………………22
CHAPTER FOUR………………………………………………………………………………..23
4.0 Data Processing Result Analysis………………………………………………………...23
4.1 Field Books Reduction…………………………………………………………………..23
Bookmark not defined.
4.2.1 Forward Computation…………………………………………………………Error!
Bookmark not defined.
4.2.2 Back Computation……………………………………………………………..Error!
Bookmark not defined.
4.2.3 Area Computation......................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
4.2.4 Levelling Computation And Adjustment.................Error! Bookmark not defined.
4.2.5 Azimuth Computation...............................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
4.3 Result Analysis........................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
4.4 Extract Of Result......................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
4.5 Information Presentation (Analog & Digital).........Error! Bookmark not defined.
CHAPTER FIVE....................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
5.0 Summary And Conclusion.......................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
5.1 Summary....................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
5.2 Problems Encountered...............................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
5.3 Conclusion.................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
5.4 Recommendations......................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
References...............................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
Appendices.............................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
3.0 Reconnaissance
Surveying can be defined as the art, science and technology of making measurements of
relative position of points above, on and beneath the earth surface and plotting of these
measurements to some suitable scale to form a map or plan (brinkler et al 1977).
Surveying is also defined by (Wilson, 1977) as the art, science of making measurement of
the relative position of points of natural and artificial features on the earth surface and plotting of
such measurement with suitable scale on a sheet to form a plan or map.
Surveying is a mathematical aspect of science which is used to determine and delineate
the form, extent and position of features on or beneath the earth surface. It also controls major
construction work for engineering project such as bridges, railways and roads.(Encarta
encyclopedia, 2004)
With surveying, it helps man to:
(i) Improve his environment in a way that has brought constant development to life and
(ii) It also serves as the bed rock of socio economic development. In all part of
environmental development, surveying is usually the beginner and the final profession in
the development.
Generally, the process of surveying is always expected to cover the following stages:
i. Planning: which involves knowing the purpose of the survey, deciding the best method to
be adopted, the equipment to be used, the scale to which the plan is to be drawn, costing
and personnel. Also planning involves having an overall view of the site on which the
survey is to be carried out.
ii. Data acquisition: which involves obtaining all necessary measurements and observations
on the field to determine the relative position and size of natural and artificial features of
the interest area.
iii. Data processing: which is the computational aspect based on the recorded data from the
field to determine the location area and direction of the survey.
iv. Data presentation: which is the graphical representation of the information on a plan,
chart or map with suitable scale.
Surveying consists of different operation and techniques. Underlying these techniques are
some principles which provide unity and discipline basis for conducting survey. The principles
i. Working from whole to parts
ii. Choosing the method of surveying most suitable to meet the desired result.
iii. Provision of adequate checks to all survey operation (Ramsey, 1977)
The members involved in the execution of the project exercise are as follow:
The project site is L.A primary school jabata, Oyo. Oyo East Local Government Area,
Oyo, Oyo State. Which lies between latitude 07° 50’ 40.66”N and 07°50’36.95”N and longitude
03°56’49.14”E and 03°56’48.80”E. To the north and west of the study area are other parts of
jabata community, the east of the study area is the Anglican Church jabata, the south of the study
area is durowoju community and Oyo-Ogbomosho express road.
Higgins, (1970) stated that leveling is the art of determining the difference in elevation of
points on the earth’s surface for the purpose of tracing contour line, plotting vertical sections to
represent the configuration of the surface and establishing points giving the elevation of
construction project.Leveling is the operation connected with the presentation of relative
difference in altitude between various points on the earth surface. The basic equipment required
for leveling are the level instrument and the graduated staff.Detailing is the process whereby the
features on the ground are surveyed to be represented with a suitable scale on a plan. The
procedure to be chosen for the detailing of a project depends on the surveyor, the available
equipment and tshe applicability to the project. The accuracy must also be put into consideration
(Higgins, 1970).Consequently, Reconnaissance is a rapid and rough survey conducted to
examine the territory through which the alignment lines have to pass.It should not be regarded as
elementary because mistakes made in the selection of station will greatly affect the main project.
To this effect for an expert surveyor reconnaissance must be carried out.
Reconnaissance is the most important aspect of every survey. It entails the general view of the
project site in order to have an overall picture of the terrain. It involves decision making and
proper planning for a successful project execution. Reconnaissance is of two stages:
i. Office Planning
This involves the use of available records such as previous plan and any other relevant
information to define the area. Also to suggest the problems that are likely to occur during field
work as well as knowing the scale at which the map is to be produced, the accuracy required in
carrying out the work and the most importantly, the basic control points for orientation are
ascertained. Office reconnaissance also entails determining how the work could be best carried
out economically.
Below are the coordinates of the control points used which are collected from SIWES and
practicals office of Federal School of Surveying, Oyo.
It involves the actual visitation to the project site which is L.A Primary School Jabata.The
boundaries were demarcated using bottle corks and nails. These pegs were placed at the
boundary stations in such a way that they will not be displaced.
The accessibility of the station was duly ascertained. Subsidiary points were also fixed within the
project site in order to aid the fixing of details.
The final stage of field reconnaissance is drawing of a sketch diagram of the project area known
as recce diagram.
Fig. 3.1 Recce diagram
This is the process of establishing boundary station with temporary or permanents
structures. Bottle corks and nails were used in the course of this project.
This is the next stage after reconnaissance. This was done on the field which include the angular
and linear measurements by the application of theodolite and electromagnetic distance
measurement equipment respectively also, the difference in elevation along the boundary lines
were acquired using the level instrument and the detailing were acquired through chain method.
The following instruments were made use of during the execution of project work.
i. One (1) Digital Theodolite zipp 02 (910718) and its accessories
ii. One (1) Analog Theodolite TH42(123420) and its accessories
iii. One (1)Automatic Level Sokkia DS 20 () and its accessories
iv. Two (2) Plumb bobs and strings
v. One(1)Total Station (TC 600) and its accessories
vi. One (1) Linen tape (50m)
vii. Two (2) Targets with tripods
viii. Two (2) Leveling staves with footplates
ix. Two (2) Ranging poles
x. One (1) Field book and writing pen
xi. Nails and bottle corks
xii. One (1) Digital watch
xiii. One (1) Dark glass
xiv. One (1) Steal tape (100m)
The theodolite was tested for the horizontal and vertical collimation error and was found to be in
good working condition before being used.
The theodolite was mounted on the tripod while a target was set at a reasonable distance from the
theodolite. All temporary adjustments were carried out on the instrument. The target was then
bisected on both faces (left and right). The horizontal and vertical readings were read and
Fig 3.3; theodolite test
B R 316° 23’ 35” 180° 00’ 15” 265° 44’ 30” 360° 00’ 30"
The result above showed that the instrument is in good working condition since the vertical
collimation error falls within the least count of the instrument.
Two peg test was carried out on the instrument to ensure that the line of sight is truly
horizontal and that the instrument is in good working condition.
Two points (A and B) of 30m apart were selected on a fairly flat terrain, two level staves were
held vertically at both ends with the level instrument set up mid-way (15m).
Observation was made to the staff at point A as back sight and fore sight to point B, the
readings were read and recorded.
The differences in height between the two points were determined by subtracting the fore
sight reading from back sight reading. The instrument was then shifted from its initial point to
another point which was 10m away from point A, the staff readings were made and recorded and
the difference in height was deduced in order to know whether the instrument is in good working
Staff A A Staff B
15m 15m
Fig. 3.4(a): Leveling Instrument Set Midway Between Staff A and B
Staff A A Staff B
10m 20m
Staff Back Dist. Fore Dist. Staff
H Dist Diff.
Station sight (m) sight (m) Station
= 1.045m
= 1.048m
= 0.003m
The collimation error discrepancy is 0.003m which shows that the instrument is in good
working condition.
Since the accuracy of project cannot be better than the quality of the ground control
upon which its production is based, therefore there is need to confirm whether the control
pillar to be used were still intact and in good condition, the angular and linear checks have
to be carried out on this control beacons. The angular measurements have to begin from
previously established controls before any survey operation.
The theodolite was set on FSS 2/GPS/10, temporary adjustments was carried out
before it was first focused to the target on FSS2/GPS/09 as back sight. The horizontal
reading was taken and recorded. Thereafter station FSS 2/GPS/11 was sighted as fore sight,
the horizontal reading was also recorded. The distance FSS 2/GPS/09 to FSS 2/GPS/10 and
FSS 2/GPS/10 to FSS 2/GPS/11 were measured and also recorded in the field book. The
readings are as shown in the table below. Also astro was observed on the control to check
the bearing of the line FSS2/GPS10 and FSS2/GPS/11. Where FSS2/GPS/11 serve as our
reference object (RO) and FSS2/GPS/10 serve as our instrument station.
FSS 2/GPS/09
FSS 2/GPS/10
FSS 2/GPS/11
Table 3.4: Result of Control Check. The readings and result obtained from control check
FSS1/09 235° 15’ 26’’.7 418.051 -238.243 -343.521 865881.513 602959.909 FSS2/GPS/10
FSS1/10 249° 35’ 11’’.3 447.153 -155.964 -419.072 865725.549 602540.837 FSS2/GPS/11
These are the measurements and observations made on the project site. It include the following:-
i. Angular measurement
ii. Linear measurement
iii. Perimeter Leveling
iv. Detailing by chain method
v. Astronomical observation
Angles between the instrument stations, the back station and the fore station were measured
on both faces of the instrument so as to cancel the error in collimation of the instrument.
The theodolite was set up on FSS2/GPS/11 with all temporary adjustment performed on it
while two targets were set on FSS2/GPS/10 and Nail1 (the back sight and fore sight station
respectively). The target on control FSS2/GPS/10 is bisected on the face left and the horizontal
and vertical circle reading were observed and booked.
The instrument was then turned clock wisely in order to bisect the nail 1on face left. Then the
necessary readings were taken and recorded.
After the booking, the telescope was transited to face right of the theodolite to bisect the
target on nail 1 and after which the instrument was moved clock wisely to bisect the target on
FSS2/GPS/10 on face right. All necessary bookings were done and the procedure was repeated
on each of nails and the boundary pegs.
The length of each traverse line were measured with the electronic distance measurement
instrument (EDM) and a reflector made of glass prism, due to longer distance of the control and
traffics congestion along road. The instrument was mounted on its tripod well set over a mark,
and then the reflector was on another station. The reflector was bisected with the instrument, the
instrument was on and the reading was display on the screen of the EDM and it was recorded in
the field book. Hence, the distances between consecutive stations were obtained.
Leveling is the process of determining the difference in heights or elevation between points
on the project site.
A level instrument (automatic level) was used in executing the project. The leveling
operation commenced with a leveling staff held vertically on FSS2/GPS/11 and the second staff
held on another station. The adjustments were carried out on the instrument before any
observation was made. The back sight, intermediates sight and fore sight readings were recorded
into the field book.
The procedure above was followed throughout the stations. The leveling was closed back on
the same control point which is FSS2/GPS/11.
This is the process whereby all details as shown in the reconnaissance diagram were fixed by
offset and tie line methods. Chain method is the process of fixing details by steal tape, linen tape
and ranging pole. This method were adopted for detailing in this project. The process involves
fixing of natural and artificial features that existed on ground into record. Examples of such
feature are buildings (complete and uncompleted one), trees, road, well etc. as such, necessary
details along the traverse lines were relatively fixed. The ranging pole, the steel tape were in
alignment, the linen tape was drawn from the steal tape to the edge of each details. The linen tape
form right angle with the steel tape when fixing the details. ASTRONOMICAL OBSERVATION
The instrument and the target were set on FSS2/GPS10 and FSS2/GPS11 (R.O) respectively,
then all necessary station adjustments were carried out, that is centering, leveling and focusing.
The reference station was observed on face left and horizontal circle reading was booked, the
telescope was turned to bisect the sun on face left in the first quadrant of telescope cross hair,
then horizontal, vertical circle, bubble and time readings were recorded in the field book. The
telescope was transited to sight the sun on face right following the above procedure in the third
quadrant and all necessary readings were recorded. Then the telescope was rotated to sight the
reference object (FSS2/GPS11). This sun were observed in the evening (west) observation of
different day, due to bad weather condition.
Fig. 3.7: Diagram of sun being in the first and third quadrant
All data collected from the field were reduced by deducing the face left readings taken to the
back station in order to obtain the measured angle. The procedure above was adopted to obtain
the second angle from the face right observation. The initial back bearing was computed from the
coordinates of the controls.
The horizontal angles were reduced by subtracting the observation on the face from each
other like wise the observation on the face right. The mean horizontal angle was obtained by
adding the two results and dividing it by 2 i.e.
All the horizontal angles obtained on the field were reduced to obtain the final horizontal angles.
Nail 2 R 154 21 30 179 46 30 179 46 30
The vertical angles were reduced by subtracting 900 from the angle observed on the face left and
2700 from the face right circle readings. The angles which were lesser were subtracted from 90 0
and 2700 on the face left and right respectively.
The mean vertical angles were obtained by adding up the results and dividing them by 2
The vertical angles derived from this process are regarded as the slope angle and they are used
for calculating slope correction for the elevation of the true horizontal distance.
Nail 2 R 268 37 10 01 23 00 01 23 27.5
This is the operation carried out after obtaining the data from the field. The data obtained from
the field were processed in order to obtain the final results from which the plan were produced.
The various computational procedures carried out are as analyzed below.
The initial bearing (IB) used for the reduction of the forward bearing was calculated from
the coordinates of the initial controls while the uncorrected forward bearing for each line was
obtained using the formula
ΔE = L sin Ø
ΔN = L cos Ø
ΔN = Difference in Northings
Ø = Corrected bearing
L = Length or distance
The latitude and departure were applied to the coordinates of the initial control. The
computed coordinate of the closing control is then compared with the known coordinates of the
control to obtain the linear misclosure. The misclosure is then distributed to all the uncorrected
coordinated of these formulas
√∆N)2 + (∆E)2
∆E = misclosure in easting
Σ D = total distance measured
Accuracy = 1
√(-0.050)2+0.099 )2
= 1
√ 0.012301
= 1
= 1 : 14,000
In carrying out back computation, the adjusted coordinates which were the final
coordinates of each traverse station were used to obtain the corrected bearing and distance of the
traverse line.
i Bearing = tan-1∆E/∆N
In this back computation, the table below should be put into consideration.
4th quadrant 1stquadrant
∆N+ve ∆N+ve
∆E-VE ∆E +ve
Bearing=360 - Ø Bearing= Ø
3rdquadrant 2ndquadrant
∆N -ve ∆N -ve
∆E-ve ∆E +ve
Bearing=180° - Ø Bearing=180° - Ø
Peg 1 282 39 12.6 39.570 8.668 -38.609 866000.714 602583.792 Peg 2
Peg 2 292 11 0.99 47.018 17.753 -43.538 866018.467 602540.254 Peg 3
Peg 3 319 31 42.9 30.718 23.368 -19.938 866041.835 602520.316 Peg 4
Peg 4 291 10 20 39.147 14.139 -36.505 866055.974 602483.811 Peg 5
Peg 5 11 19 0.7 111.881 109.706 21.955 866165.680 602505.766 Peg 6
Peg 6 91 18 8.43 30.051 -0.683 30.043 866164.997 602535.809 Peg 7
Peg 7 88 42 20.77 84.298 1.904 84.276 866166.901 602620.085 Peg 8
Peg 8 98 25 33.97 55.707 -8.163 55.106 866158.738 602675.191 Peg 9
Peg 9 1970 34’ 21.2” 174.851 -166.692 -52.790 865992.046 602622.401 Peg 1
The area computation was carried out using the coordinate method and double latitude
method for check.
Table 4.4: Area Computation By Coordinate Method.
∑L=30981024.660 ∑R=30933596.300
2A = ΣL Product – ΣR product
2A = 30981024.660 – 30933596.300
2A = 47428.38
A= 47428.36
= 23714.18m2
= 2.3714hectares
NOTE: When multiplying the coordinates, the first two digits on northings and first three
digits on easting were removed to aid easy and fast multiplying. Since they are the same all
= 2.3714hectares
The leveling was done in order to produce the height of all the boundary station. The
method used is the height of instrument method.
H.I - F/S = RL
The following used for the leveling accuracy was ±24mm√K where “K” is the total
distance in kilometer.
= 24 x √1.16094
= 0.024 x √1.16094
= 0.026m
The levelling misclosure was distributed commulatively throughout each staff station. To
Total distance
The error was found out to be 0.017m and it was distributed across all the stations
to obtain the final forward bearing.
The mean altitude (corrected) and the mean time was deduced from the field book. Refraction
was applied using the formula -58 cot Hn, where Hn is the mean altitude (uncorrected) of the sun.
Parallax correction was also applied using the formula 8.8 cos Hn.
The basic formulae that was used to determine the azimuth of the sun was:
Cos Ø cos H
Z = Azimuth of sun
δ = Declination of sun at universal timeδ
Where ∑L = summation of plate bubble displacement towards left side of the observer
n = number of station
Convergence is the angular difference between the grid and the true north
bearing.This was obtained as a result of the observation carried out along two controls for
comparison of observed values.
Convergence = W”Sinθ
Where W” =CM - λ
CM = Central meridian
Allowable Accuracy
Operation Formula Remark
Accuracy Obtained
Angular Accuracy 30”√n 00 02 10.77 00 00 45.46 Acceptable
Linear Accuracy √∆N)2 + 1 : 5,000 1 : 14,000 Acceptable
This is the graphical representation of all the processed information with a suitable scale
using appropriate conventional signs and symbols.
The information were represented both manually and digitally to produce the final desired
The grid method was used in plotting. The sheet was gridded at a suitable scale with a
desired grid interval and the grid lines were correctly numbered. In plotting the northing and
easting coordinate, each point were read from the grid line and then intersection point represents
the position of such point.
The plan produced digitally with AutoCAD software. The following are the procedure
Press enter and type in your coordinates, start with eastings coma then northings
Select SAVE AS, and type the file name with the extention (.scr) and click on save.
Look for your file you save on note pad and click OK.
Press enter twice, then Z enter E enter. The diagram will appear.
After the plotting of the main plan, the details were properly plotted in their right position. Also
text was clicked on to write all necessary text on plan,the height of each boundary point were
used to plot the contour.
The information represented showed the detailed plan with the connection to the controls and
also a plan showing the contour.
This project report contains the procedures for producing an Estate survey plan, in line with
this, the report had focused on traversing, leveling, and detailing. Traversing was done in order
to determine the horizontal coordinates of the boundary points, while leveling was done to obtain
the vertical coordinates (heights) of points on the ground. Also to determing the contour on the
terrain of the place (site) and also offset method was used to fix details existing along or within
the boundary lines and subsidiary traverse lines.
There was delay in executing the project because of the traffic congestion along the
expressway as well bad weather condition in observing the astronomy. Also another
problem encountered was that the graduation of the leveling staff had faded off in some
parts. The survey party had to aid the leveling staff by the use of red and black pen.
From the result of the assignment carried out so far, it could be deduced that the aim and
objectives of the project have been realized. There is no doubt that the exercise has greatly
exposed the student to surveying challenges and has equipped and enriched us with the needed
knowledge to face such challenges in future.
I hereby recommend that the authority in charge of the instruments should purchase new ones so
as to reduce the problem of insufficiency of instruments.
The school authority should encourage the use of more digital surveying and Geoinformatics
instrument like total station and GPS for ND students because of the advancement in the
technology of surveying.
Bannister and Raymond (1997): Surveying, S.I metric,3rd edition,Pitman, England pp 127, 139.
Bamford, G. (1984): Geodesy 4th edition Oxford University press, Gly House, London, pp 1-7
Brinkler et al (1997): Elementary Surveying 6th edition I.E.P.A Domsely, New York.
Clark D. (1992) Plane and Geodetic Surveying for engineers Vol. 1, pp 1-3.
Fajemirokun, Francis A (1998); “Surveying Training in Nigeria in the next millennium” text
of the 90th Anniversary 15th Graduation Lecture, Federal School of Surveying, Oyo 19th
Higgins, A.L. (1970); Elementary Surveying, 3rd edition, Longman London, pp72
Oxford Advance Learning Dictionary, published (2001): 6th edition; Oxford Universities press
Ramsay, J.P. (1977); Land Surveying 2nd edition, Macdonald and Evans London pp113.