Dynamic Young's Modulus, Shear Modulus, and Poisson's Ratio For Advanced Ceramics by Impulse Excitation of Vibration

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Designation: C 1259 – 01

Standard Test Method for

Dynamic Young’s Modulus, Shear Modulus, and Poisson’s
Ratio for Advanced Ceramics by Impulse Excitation of
This standard is issued under the fixed designation C 1259; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.

1. Scope celain Enamel and Glaze Frits and Fired Ceramic Whitew-
1.1 This test method covers determination of the dynamic are Products by the Dilatometer Method2
elastic properties of advanced ceramics at ambient tempera- C 623 Test Method for Young’s Modulus, Shear Modulus,
tures. Specimens of these materials possess specific mechani- and Poisson’s Ratio for Glass and Glass-Ceramics by
cal resonant frequencies that are determined by the elastic Resonance2
modulus, mass, and geometry of the test specimen. The C 747 Test Method for Moduli of Elasticity and Fundamen-
dynamic elastic properties of a material can therefore be tal Frequencies of Carbon and Graphite Materials by Sonic
computed if the geometry, mass, and mechanical resonant Resonance3
frequencies of a suitable (rectangular or cylindrical geometry) C 848 Test Method for Young’s Modulus, Shear Modulus,
test specimen of that material can be measured. Dynamic and Poisson’s Ratio for Ceramic Whitewares by Reso-
Young’s modulus is determined using the resonant frequency nance2
in the flexural mode of vibration. The dynamic shear modulus, C 1145 Terminology of Advanced Ceramics3
or modulus of rigidity, is found using torsional resonant C 1161 Test Method for Flexural Strength of Advanced
vibrations. Dynamic Young’s modulus and dynamic shear Ceramics at Ambient Temperature3
modulus are used to compute Poisson’s ratio. C 1198 Test Method for Dynamic Young’s Modulus, Shear
1.2 Although not specifically described herein, this test Modulus, and Poisson’s Ratio for Advanced Ceramics by
method can also be performed at cryogenic and high tempera- Sonic Resonance3
tures with suitable equipment modifications and appropriate D 4092 Terminology Relating to Dynamic Mechanical
modifications to the calculations to compensate for thermal Measurements on Plastics4
expansion. E 6 Terminology Relating to Methods of Mechanical Test-
1.3 Where possible, the procedures, sample specifications, ing5
and calculations in this test method are consistent with Test E 177 Practice for Use of the Terms Precision and Bias in
Methods C 623, C 747, C 848, and C 1198. ASTM Test Methods3
1.4 This test method uses test specimens in bar, rod, and E 691 Practice for Conducting an Interlaboratory Study to
disc geometries. The rod and bar geometries are described in Determine the Precision of a Test Method6
the main body. The disc geometry is addressed in Annex A1. 3. Terminology
1.5 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as the
standard. 3.1 Definitions—The definitions of terms relating to me-
1.6 This standard does not purport to address all of the chanical testing appearing in Terminology E 6 should be
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the considered as applying to the terms used in this test method.
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro- The definitions of terms relating to advanced ceramics appear-
priate safety and health practices and determine the applica- ing in Terminology C 1145 should be considered as applying to
bility of regulatory limitations prior to use. the terms used in this test method. Directly pertinent definitions
as listed in Terminologies E 6, C 1145, and D 4092 are shown
2. Referenced Documents in the following paragraphs with the appropriate source given
2.1 ASTM Standards: in brackets.
C 372 Test Method for Linear Thermal Expansion of Por- 3.1.1 advanced ceramic, n—a highly engineered, high-
performance, predominately nonmetallic, inorganic, ceramic

1 2
This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee C28 on Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 15.02.
Advanced Ceramics and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee C28.01 on Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 15.01.
Properties and Performance. Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 08.02.
Current edition approved April 10, 2001. Published June 2001. Originally Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 03.01.
published as C 1259–94. Last previous edition C 1259–98. Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 14.02.

Copyright © ASTM, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.

C 1259
material having specific functional attributes. (C 1145) in the material. Advanced ceramics are considered isotropic on
3.1.2 dynamic mechanical measurement, n—a technique in a macroscopic scale, if they are homogeneous and there is a
which either the modulus or damping, or both, of a substance random distribution and orientation of phases, crystallites,
under oscillatory load or displacement is measured as a components, pores, or microcracks.
function of temperature, frequency, or time, or combination 3.2.7 nodes, n—a slender rod or bar in resonance containing
thereof. (D 4092) one or more locations having a constant zero displacement. For
3.1.3 elastic limit [FL–2], n—the greatest stress that a the fundamental flexural resonance of such a rod or bar, the
material is capable of sustaining without permanent strain nodes are located at 0.224 L from each end, where L is the
remaining upon complete release of the stress. (E 6) length of the specimen.
3.1.4 elastic modulus [FL–2], n—the ratio of stress to strain 3.2.8 out-of-plane flexure, n—for rectangular parallelepiped
below the proportional limit. (E 6) geometries, a flexure mode in which the direction of displace-
3.1.5 Poisson’s ratio (µ) [nd], n—the absolute value of the ment is perpendicular to the major plane of the test specimen.
ratio of transverse strain to the corresponding axial strain 3.2.9 resonant frequency, n—naturally occurring frequen-
resulting from uniformly distributed axial stress below the cies of a body driven into flexural, torsional, or longitudinal
proportional limit of the material. vibration that are determined by the elastic modulus, mass, and Discussion—In isotropic materials, Young’s Modu- dimensions of the body. The lowest resonant frequency in a
lus (E), shear modulus (G), and Poisson’s ratio (µ) are related given vibrational mode is the fundamental resonant frequency
by the following equation: of that mode.
µ 5 ~E/2G!– 1 (1)
3.2.10 slender rod or bar, n—in dynamic elastic property
testing, a specimen whose ratio of length to minimum cross-
(E 6) sectional dimension is at least 5 and preferably in the range of
–2 20 to 25.
3.1.6 proportional limit [FL ], n—the greatest stress that a 3.2.11 torsional vibrations, n—the vibrations that occur
material is capable of sustaining without deviation from when the oscillations in each cross-sectional plane of a slender
proportionality of stress to strain (Hooke’s law). (E 6) rod or bar are such that the plane twists around the length
3.1.7 shear modulus (G) [FL–2], n—the elastic modulus in dimension axis.
shear or torsion. Also called modulus of rigidity or torsional
modulus. (E 6) 4. Summary of Test Method
3.1.8 Young’s modulus (E) [FL–2], n—the elastic modulus in 4.1 This test method measures the fundamental resonant
tension or compression. (E 6) frequency of test specimens of suitable geometry by exciting
3.2 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard: them mechanically by a singular elastic strike with an impulse
3.2.1 antinodes, n—two or more locations that have local tool. A transducer (for example, contact accelerometer or
maximum displacements, called anti-nodes, in an uncon- non-contacting microphone) senses the resulting mechanical
strained slender rod or bar in resonance. For the fundamental vibrations of the specimen and transforms them into electric
flexure resonance, the anti-nodes are located at the two ends signals. Specimen supports, impulse locations, and signal
and the center of the specimen. pick-up points are selected to induce and measure specific
3.2.2 elastic, adj—the property of a material such that an modes of the transient vibrations. The signals are analyzed, and
application of stress within the elastic limit of that material the fundamental resonant frequency is isolated and measured
making up the body being stressed will cause an instantaneous by the signal analyzer, which provides a numerical reading that
and uniform deformation, which will be eliminated upon is (or is proportional to) either the frequency or the period of
removal of the stress, with the body returning instantly to its the specimen vibration. The appropriate fundamental resonant
original size and shape without energy loss. Most advanced frequencies, dimensions, and mass of the specimen are used to
ceramics conform to this definition well enough to make this calculate dynamic Young’s modulus, dynamic shear modulus,
resonance test valid. and Poisson’s ratio.
3.2.3 flexural vibrations, n—the vibrations that occur when
the displacements in a slender rod or bar are in a plane normal 5. Significance and Use
to the length dimension. 5.1 This test method may be used for material development,
3.2.4 homogeneous, adj—the condition of a specimen such characterization, design data generation, and quality control
that the composition and density are uniform, so that any purposes.
smaller specimen taken from the original is representative of 5.2 This test method is specifically appropriate for deter-
the whole. Practically, as long as the geometrical dimensions of mining the modulus of advanced ceramics that are elastic,
the test specimen are large with respect to the size of individual homogeneous, and isotropic (1).7
grains, crystals, components, pores, or microcracks, the body 5.3 This test method addresses the room temperature deter-
can be considered homogeneous. mination of dynamic moduli of elasticity of slender bars
3.2.5 in-plane flexure, n—for rectangular parallelepiped (rectangular cross-section) and rods (cylindrical). Flat plates
geometries, a flexure mode in which the direction of displace-
ment is in the major plane of the test specimen.
3.2.6 isotropic, adj—the condition of a specimen such that 7
The boldface numbers in parentheses refer to the list of references at the end of
the values of the elastic properties are the same in all directions this test method.

C 1259
and disks may also be measured similarly, but the required 6.1.4 The test method is not satisfactory for specimens that
equations for determining the moduli are not addressed herein. have major discontinuities, such as large cracks (internal or
5.4 This dynamic test method has several advantages and surface) or voids.
differences from static loading techniques and from resonant 6.2 This test method for determining moduli is limited to
techniques requiring continuous excitation. specimens with regular geometries (rectangular parallelepiped,
5.4.1 The test method is nondestructive in nature and can be cylinders, and discs) for which analytical equations are avail-
used for specimens prepared for other tests. The specimens are able to relate geometry, mass, and modulus to the resonant
subjected to minute strains; hence, the moduli are measured at vibration frequencies. The test method is not appropriate for
or near the origin of the stress-strain curve, with the minimum determining the elastic properties of materials that cannot be
possibility of fracture. fabricated into such geometries.
5.4.2 The impulse excitation test uses an impact tool and 6.2.1 The analytical equations assume parallel and concen-
simple supports for the test specimen. There is no requirement tric dimensions for the regular geometries of the specimen.
for complex support systems that require elaborate setup or Deviations from the specified tolerances for the dimensions of
alignment. the specimens will change the resonant frequencies and intro-
5.5 This technique can be used to measure resonant frequen- duce error into the calculations.
cies alone for the purposes of quality control and acceptance of 6.2.2 Edge treatments such as chamfers or radii are not
test specimens of both regular and complex shapes. A range of considered in the analytical equations. Edge chamfers on
acceptable resonant frequencies is determined for a specimen flexure bars prepared according to Test Method C 1161 will
with a particular geometry and mass. The technique is particu- change the resonant frequency of the test bars and introduce
larly suitable for testing specimens with complex geometries error into the calculations of the dynamic modulus. It is
(other than parallelepipeds, cylinders/rods, or discs) that would recommended that specimens for this test method not have
not be suitable for testing by other procedures. Any specimen chamfered or rounded edges. Alternately, if narrow rectangular
with a frequency response falling outside the prescribed specimens with chamfers or edge radii are tested, then the
frequency range is rejected. The actual modulus of each procedures in Annex A2 should be used to correct the calcu-
specimen need not be determined as long as the limits of the lated Young’s modulus, E.
selected frequency range are known to include the resonant 6.2.3 For specimens with as-fabricated and rough or uneven
frequency that the specimen must possess if its geometry and surfaces, variations in dimensions can have a significant effect
mass are within specified tolerances. in the calculations. For example, in the calculation of dynamic
5.6 If a thermal treatment or an environmental exposure modulus, the modulus value is inversely proportional to the
affects the elastic response of the test specimen, this test cube of the thickness. Uniform specimen dimensions and
method may be suitable for the determination of specific effects precise measurements are essential for accurate results.
of thermal history, environment exposure, etc. Specimen de- 6.3 The test method assumes that the specimen is vibrating
scriptions should include any specific thermal treatments or freely, with no significant restraint or impediment. Specimen
environmental exposures that the specimens have received. supports should be designed and located properly in accor-
dance with 9.3.1, 9.4.1, and 9.5.1 so the specimen can vibrate
6. Interferences freely in the desired mode. In using direct contact transducers,
6.1 The relationships between resonant frequency and dy- the transducer should be positioned away from anti-nodes and
namic modulus presented herein are specifically applicable to with minimal force to avoid interference with free vibration.
homogeneous, elastic, isotropic materials. With noncontacting transducers, the maximum sensitivity is
6.1.1 This method of determining the moduli is applicable accomplished by placing the transducer at an antinode.
to composite ceramics and inhomogeneous materials only with 6.4 Proper location of the impulse point and transducer is
careful consideration of the effect of inhomogeneities and important in introducing and measuring the desired vibration
anisotropy. The character (volume fraction, size, morphology, mode. The locations of the impulse point and transducer should
distribution, orientation, elastic properties, and interfacial not be changed in multiple readings; changes in position may
bonding) of the reinforcement and inhomogeneities in the develop and detect alternate vibration modes. In the same
specimens will have a direct effect on the elastic properties of manner, the force used in impacting should be consistent in
the specimen as a whole. These effects must be considered in multiple readings.
interpreting the test results for composites and inhomogeneous 6.5 If the frequency readings are not repeatable for a
materials. specific set of impulse and transducer locations on a specimen,
6.1.2 The procedure involves measuring transient elastic it may be because several different modes of vibration are
vibrations. Materials with very high damping capacity may be being developed and detected in the test. The geometry of the
difficult to measure with this technique if the vibration damps test bar and desired vibration mode should be evaluated and
out before the frequency counter can measure the signal used to identify the nodes and antinodes of the desired
(commonly within three to five cycles). vibrations. More consistent measurements may be obtained if
6.1.3 If specific surface treatments (coatings, machining, the impulse point and transducer locations are shifted to induce
grinding, etching, etc.) change the elastic properties of the and measure the single desired mode of vibration.
near-surface material, there will be accentuated effects on the
properties measured by this flexural method, as compared to 7. Apparatus
static/bulk measurements by tensile or compression testing. 7.1 Apparatus suitable for accurately detecting, analyzing,

C 1259
and measuring the fundamental resonant frequency or period of
a vibrating free-free beam is used. The test apparatus is shown
in Fig. 1. It consists of an impulser, a suitable pickup
transducer to convert the mechanical vibration into an electri-
cal signal, an electronic system (consisting of a signal
conditioner/amplifier, a signal analyzer, and a frequency read-
out device), and a support system. Commercial instrumentation
is available that measures the frequency or period of the
vibrating specimen. See Note 1.
NOTE 1—One such instrument is the Grindosonic instrument, manufac-
tured by J. W. Lemmens, Inc., 10801 Pear Tree Lane, St. Louis, MO
7.2 Impulser—The exciting impulse is imparted by lightly
striking the specimen with a suitable implement. This imple-
FIG. 2 Diagram of Typical Impulser for Small Specimens
ment should have most of its mass concentrated at the point of
impact and have mass sufficient to induce a measurable
signal to the signal analyzer. The signal analysis system
mechanical vibration, but not so large as to displace or damage
consists of a frequency counting device and a readout device.
the specimen physically. In practice, the size and geometry of
Appropriate devices are frequency counter systems with stor-
the impulser depends on the size and weight of the specimen
age capability or digital storage oscilloscopes with a frequency
and the force needed to produce vibration. For commonly
counter module. With the digital storage oscilloscope, a Fast
tested geometries (small bars, rods, and discs) in advanced
Fourier Transform signal analysis system may be useful for
ceramics, an example of such an impulser would be a steel
analyzing more complex waveforms and identifying the fun-
sphere 0.5 cm in diameter glued to the end of a flexible 10–cm
damental resonant frequency.
long polymer rod. (See Fig. 2.) An alternate impulser would be
7.5 Support System—The support shall serve to isolate the
a solid metal, ceramic, or polymer sphere (0.1 to 1.0 cm in
specimen from extraneous vibration without restricting the
diameter) dropped on the specimen through a guide tube to
desired mode of specimen vibration. Appropriate materials
ensure proper impulse position.
should be stable at the test temperatures. Support materials can
7.3 Signal Pickup—Signal detection can be via transducers
be either soft or rigid for ambient conditions. Examples of soft
in direct contact with the specimen or by non-contact trans-
materials would be a compliant elastomeric material, such as
ducers. Contact transducers are commonly accelerometers
polyurethane foam strips. Such foam strips would have simple
using piezoelectric or strain gage methods to measure the
flat surfaces for the specimen to rest on. Rigid materials, such
vibration. Non-contact transducers are commonly acoustic
as metal or ceramic, should have sharp knife edges or cylin-
microphones, but they may also use laser, magnetic, or
drical surfaces on which the specimen should rest. The rigid
capacitance methods to measure the vibration. The frequency
supports should be resting on isolation pads to prevent ambient
range of the transducer shall be sufficient to measure the
vibrations from being picked up by the transducer. Wire
expected frequencies of the specimens of interest. A suitable
suspension can also be used. Specimens shall be supported
range would be 100 Hz to 50 kHz for most advanced ceramic
along node lines appropriate for the desired vibration in the
test specimens. (Smaller and stiffer specimens vibrate at higher
locations described in Section 8.
frequencies.) The frequency response of the transducer across
the frequency range of interest shall have a bandwidth of at 8. Test Specimen
least 10% of the maximum measured frequency before -3 dB 8.1 The specimens shall be prepared so that they are either
power loss occurs. rectangular or circular in cross section. Either geometry can be
7.4 Electronic System—The electronic system consists of a used to measure both dynamic Young’s modulus and dynamic
signal conditioner/amplifier, signal analyzer, and a frequency shear modulus. Although the equations for computing shear
readout device. The system should have accuracy and precision modulus with a cylindrical specimen are both simpler and more
sufficient to measure the frequencies of interest to an accuracy accurate than those used with a rectangular bar, experimental
of 0.1%. The signal conditioner/amplifier should be suitable to difficulties in obtaining torsional resonant frequencies for a
power the transducer and provide and appropriate amplified cylindrical specimen usually preclude its use for determining
shear modulus.
8.2 Resonant frequencies for a given specimen are functions
of the specimen dimensions as well as its mass and moduli;
dimensions should therefore be selected with this relationship
in mind. The selection of size shall be made so that, for an
estimated modulus, the resonant frequencies measured will fall
within the range of frequency response of the transducers and
electronics used. For a slender rod, the ratio of length to
minimum cross-sectional dimension shall have a value of at
FIG. 1 Block Diagram of Typical Test Apparatus least 10. However, a ratio of approximately 20 ' 25 is

C 1259
preferred for ease in calculation. For shear modulus measure- 9. Procedure
ments of rectangular bars, a ratio of width to thickness of 5 or 9.1 Activate all electrical equipment, and allow it to stabi-
greater is recommended for minimizing experimental difficul- lize according to the manufacturer’s recommendations.
9.2 Use a test specimen established as a verification/
8.3 All surfaces on the rectangular specimen shall be flat.
calibration standard to verify the equipment response and
Opposite surfaces across the length and width shall be parallel
within 0.01 mm or 60.1%, whichever is greater. Opposite
surfaces across the thickness shall be parallel within 0.002 mm 9.3 Fundamental Flexural Resonant Frequency (Out-of-
or 60.1%, whichever is greater. The cylindrical specimen shall Plane Flexure):
be round and constant in diameter within 0.002 mm or 60.1%, 9.3.1 Place the specimen on the supports located at the
whichever is greater. fundamental nodal points (0.224 L from each end; see Fig. 3).
8.4 Specimen mass shall be determined within 0.1% or 10 9.3.2 Determine the direction of maximum sensitivity for
mg, whichever is greater. the transducer. Orient the transducer so that it will detect the
8.5 Specimen length shall be measured to within 0.1%. desired vibration.
Specimen thickness and width shall be measured within 0.1% Direct Contact Transducers—Place the transducer
or 0.01 mm at three locations and an average determined. in contact with the test specimen to pick up the desired
8.6 Porous materials and those susceptible to hydration vibration. If the transducer is placed at an antinode (location of
should be dried in air at 120°C in a drying oven until the mass maximum displacement), it may mass load the specimen and
is constant (less than 0.1% or 10 mg difference in measured modify the natural vibration. The transducer should preferably
mass with 30 min of additional drying). be placed only as far from the nodal points as necessary to

FIG. 3 Rectangular Specimens Tested for In-Plane and Out-of-Plane Flexure

C 1259
obtain a reading (see Fig. 3). This location will minimize the width (the torsional nodal planes) (see Fig. 4).
damping effect from the contacting transducer. The transducer 9.5.2 Locate the transducer at one quadrant of the specimen,
contact force should be consistent, with good response and preferably at approximately 0.224 L from one end and toward
minimal interference with the free vibration of the specimen. the edge. This location is a nodal point of flexural vibration and Non-Contact Transducers—Place the non-contact will minimize the possibility of detecting a spurious flexural
transducer over an antinode point and close enough to the test mode (see Fig. 4).
specimen to pick up the desired vibration, but not so close as
9.5.3 Strike the specimen on the quadrant diagonally oppo-
to interfere with the free vibration (see Fig. 3).
9.3.3 Strike the specimen lightly and elastically, either at the site the transducer, again at 0.224 L from the end and near the
center of the specimen or at the opposite end of the specimen edge. Striking at a flexural nodal point will minimize the
from the detecting transducer (see Fig. 3). possibility of exciting a flexural mode of vibration (see Fig. 4).
9.3.4 Record the resultant reading, and repeat the test until 9.5.4 Record the resultant reading, and repeat the test until
a recommended ten readings are obtained that lie within 610 a recommended ten readings are obtained that lie within 610
% of the mean. The round-robin interlaboratory study (12.2) % of the mean. The round-robin interlaboratory study (12.2)
showed that data points significantly (>10 %) out of range were showed that data points significantly (>10%) out of range were
measurements of spurious vibration modes or secondary har- measurements of spurious vibration modes or secondary har-
monics. If ten readings cannot be taken, a minimum of five monics. If ten readings cannot be taken, a minimum of five
readings that lie within 610 % of the mean shall be required readings that lie within 610 % of the mean shall be required
for estimating the mean. Use the mean of these readings to for estimating the mean. Use the mean of these readings to
determine the fundamental resonant frequency in flexure. determine the fundamental resonant frequency in torsion.
9.4 Fundamental Flexural Resonant Frequency (In-Plane
Flexure): 10. Calculation
9.4.1 This procedure is the same as that above (9.3), except
that the direction of vibration is in the major plane of the 10.1 Dynamic Young’s Modulus (2, 3):
specimen. This measurement can be performed in two ways. In 10.1.1 For the fundamental flexure frequency of a rectan-
one case, move the transducer and impulser 90° around the gular bar (2),
long axis of the test specimen to introduce and detect vibrations E 5 0.9465~mff2 / b!~L3 / t3 ! T 1 (2)
in the major plane (see Fig. 3). In the alternate method, rotate
the test bar 90° around its long axis and reposition it on the where:
specimen supports. Transpose the width and thickness dimen- E = Young’s modulus, Pa,
sions in the calculations. For homogeneous, isotropic materi- m = mass of the bar, g (see Note 2),
als, the calculated moduli should be the same as the moduli b = width of the bar, mm (see Note 2),
calculated from the out-of-plane frequency. The comparison of L = length of the bar, mm (see Note 2),
in-plane and out-of-plane frequency measurements can thus be t = thickness of the bar, mm (see Note 2),
used as a cross check of experimental methods and calcula- ff = fundamental resonant frequency of bar in flexure, Hz,
tions. and
T1 = correction factor for fundamental flexural mode to
9.5 Fundamental Torsional Resonant Frequency:
account for finite thickness of bar, Poisson’s ratio, etc.
9.5.1 Support the specimen at the midpoint of its length and

FIG. 4 Rectangular Specimen Tested for Torsional Vibration

C 1259
T1 5 1 1 6.585 ~1 1 0.0752 µ 1 0.8109 µ2! ~t / L!2 — 0.868 ~t / L!4 (3) Substitute the dynamic shear modulus and Young’s
– F 8.340 ~11 0.2023 µ 1 2.173 µ2!~t / L!4
1.000 1 6.338 ~1 1 0.1408 µ 1 1.536 µ2! ~t / L!2 G (3)
modulus values calculated in steps (1) and (2) into Eq 12 for
Poisson’s ratio satisfying isotropic conditions. Calculate a new
value for Poisson’s ratio for another iteration beginning at Step
µ 5 Poisson’s ratio (2).
(4) Repeat Steps (2) and (3) until no significant difference
(2 % or less) is observed between the last iterative value and
NOTE 2—In the modulus equations, the mass and length terms are given
in units of grams and millimetres. However, the defined equations can also
the final computed value of the Poisson’s ratio.
be used with mass and length terms in units of kilograms and metres with (5) Self-consistent values for the moduli are thus obtained.
no changes in terms or exponents. If the rectangular specimen is narrow and the four If L / t $ 20, T1 can be simplified to the following: long edges of the rectangular bar have been chamfered or
rounded, then the calculated Young’s modulus, E, should be
T1 5 @1.000 1 6.585 ~t / L!2# (4) corrected in accordance with Annex A2.
10.1.2 For the fundamental flexural frequency of a rod of
and E can be calculated directly. circular cross section (2): If L / t < 20 and Poisson’s ratio is known, then T1
E 5 1.6067 ~L3 / D4!~mff2!T18 (5)
can be calculated directly from Eq 3 and then used to calculate
E. where: If L / t < 20 and Poisson’s ratio is not known, then D = diameter of rod, mm (see Note 2), and
an initial Poisson’s ratio must be assumed to begin the T18 = correction factor for fundamental flexural mode to
computations. An iterative process is then used to determine a account for finite diameter of bar, Poisson’s ratio, etc.
value of Poisson’s ratio, based on experimental Young’s
T18 5 1 1 4.939 ~1 1 0.0752 µ 1 0.8109 µ2! ~D/L!2
modulus and shear modulus. The iterative process is flow-
–0.4883 ~D/L!4

charted in Fig. 5 and described in paragraphs (1) through (5)
below. 4.691 ~1 1 0.2023 µ 1 2.173 µ ! ~D/L!4
– (6)
(1) Determine the fundamental flexural and torsional reso- 1.000 1 4.754 ~1 1 0.1408 µ 1 1.536 µ2!~ D/L!2
nant frequency of the rectangular test specimen, as described in If L / D $ 20, then T18 can be simplified to the
Section 9. Using Eq 8 and Eq 9, calculate the dynamic shear following:
modulus of the test specimen for the fundamental torsional
T18 5 @1.000 1 4.939 ~D/L!2# (7)
resonant frequency.
(2) Using Eq 2 and Eq 3, calculate the dynamic Young’s If L / D < 20 and Poisson’s ratio is known, then T18
modulus of the rectangular test specimen from the fundamental can be calculated directly from Eq 6 and then used to calculate
flexural resonant frequency, dimensions and mass of the E.
specimen, and initial/iterative Poisson’s ratio. Care shall be If L / D < 20 and Poisson’a ratio is not known, then
exercised in using consistent units for all of the parameters an initial Poisson’s ratio must be assumed to start the compu-
throughout the computations. tations. Final values for Poisson’s ratio, dynamic Young’s

FIG. 5 Process Flowchart for Iterative Determination of Poisson’s Ratio

C 1259
modulus, and dynamic shear modulus are determined, using a = average linear thermal expansion (mm/mm · °C)
the same method shown in Fig. 5 and described in paragraphs from room temperature to test temperature (Test
(1) through (5) in, but using the modulus equations for Method C 372 is recommended), and
circular bars (Eq 5, Eq 6, and Eq 11). DT = temperature differential in °C between test tempera-
10.2 Dynamic Shear Modulus (4): ture T and room temperature.
10.2.1 For the fundamental torsional frequency of a rectan- 10.5 Use the following stress conversion factor for English
gular bar (4): units.
4 Lmft2 1 Pa 5 1.450 3 10–4 psi (14)
G5 bt @B/~1 1 A!# (8)

G = dynamic shear modulus, Pa,
ft = fundamental resonant frequency of bar in torsion, Hz.

B5 F b/t1t/b
4 ~t / b! – 2.52 ~t / b!2 1 0.21 ~t / b!6 G (9)

A = an empirical correction factor dependent on the width-
–to–thickness ratio of the test specimen (5). This
correction factor has an effect of less than 2 % and can
be omitted, unless accuracies of better than 2 % are
desired. (See Fig. 6 for a plot of A as a function of the
width–to–thickness ratio.)

An empirical equation fitted to the points from Fig. 6 is FIG. 6 Plot of the Shear Modulus Correction Term A
given in Eq 10.
@0.5062 – 0.8776 ~b / t! 1 0.3504 ~b / t!2 – 0.0078 ~b / t!3#
A5 11. Report
@12.03 ~b / t! 1 9.892 ~b / t!2#
(10) 11.1 Report the following information:
11.1.1 Identification of specific tests performed, a detailed
10.2.2 For the fundamental torsion frequency of a cylindri- description of apparatus used (impulser, transducer, electrical
cal rod (3): system, and support system), and an explanation of any
deviations from the described test method.
G 5 16 mft2~L/pD2! (11) 11.1.2 Complete description of material(s) tested stating
10.3 Poisson’s Ratio: composition, number of specimens, specimen geometry and
µ 5 ~E/2G! – 1 (12)
mass, specimen history, and any treatments to which the
specimens have been subjected. Include comments on dimen-
where: sional variability, surface finish, edge conditions, observed
µ = Poisson’s ratio, changes after cryogenic or high-temperature testing, etc.,
E = Young’s modulus, and where pertinent.
G = shear modulus. 11.1.3 Specimen temperature at measurement, number of
10.4 If measurements are made at elevated or cryogenic measurements taken, numerical values obtained for measured
temperatures, the calculated moduli must be corrected for fundamental resonant frequencies, and the calculated values
thermal expansion effects using Eq 13. for dynamic Young’s modulus, dynamic shear modulus, Pois-
son’s ratio for each specimen tested.
MT 5 M0 @fT/f0#2 @1/~1 1 aDT!# (13)
11.1.4 Date of test and name of the person performing the
11.1.5 Laboratory notebook number and page on which test
MT = modulus at temperature T (either Young’s modulus E data are recorded or the computer data file name, or both, if
or shear modulus G), used.
M0 = modulus at room temperature (either Young’s modu-
lus E or shear modulus G), 12. Precision and Bias
fT = resonant frequency in furnace or cryogenic chamber 12.1 An evaluation (6) was conducted and published in
at temperature T, 1990, by Smith, Wyrick, and Poole, of three different methods
f0 = resonant frequency at room temperature in furnace or of modulus measurement of mechanically alloyed materials.
cryogenic chamber, As part of that evaluation, the impulse modulus measurement

C 1259
method,8 using a commercial instrument, was used. With that cients of variation for individual laboratories ranged from
instrument, the precision of the impulse method was measured 0.001 to 0.6 % among the ten test sets. For the silicon nitride
using a NIST Standard Reference Material 718 (alumina bar, the range of coefficients of variation was 0.001 to 1.0 % for
reference bar No. C1) in flexural vibration. The NIST standard the individual laboratories.
had a measured and specified fundamental flexural frequency 12.2.5 Based on this intralaboratory study of the impulse
of 2043.3 Hz. The fundamental flexural resonant frequency of test method, the repeatability and reproducibility coefficients at
the NIST reference bar was measured by the impulse method the 95 % confidence level are listed in Table 1.
and reported by Smith, Wyrick, and Poole as 2044.6 Hz. This
was a percentage error of +0.06 %, indicating the level of bias 12.3 A propagation of errors analysis of the equations for E
that is achievable with the impulse method. and G using the stated tolerances for dimensions, mass, and
12.2 An intralaboratory round-robin test was conducted in frequency measurements in this test method has shown that a
1993 to measure the precision of frequency measurement on 0.1 % error in the measurement of the key variables produces
two monolithic ceramic test bars. A bias test was not conducted a range of errors in the calculation of the modulus based on the
because suitable standard reference bars were not readily variable exponent in the equations. Table 2 gives the calcula-
available. tion error effects of errors in the different experimental vari-
12.2.1 The tests were conducted with an alumina test bar ables.
(10 g, 83.0 by 6.9 by 4.8 mm) and a silicon nitride bar (2.0 g, 12.4 It is expected that the major sources of experimental
50 by 4.0 by 3.0 mm). The silicon nitride bar was machined to variation in modulus values for this test method will be in two
Test Method C 1161 tolerances; the alumina bar was not measurements—the fundamental frequency and the smallest
machined and varied from 4.5 to 4.8 mm in thickness along its dimension (thickness/diameter) of the test bars. If a fundamen-
length. The variations in the alumina bar thickness were tal resonant frequency of 6000 Hz is measurable to an accuracy
deliberate; it provided a test of the robustness of the frequency of 18 Hz/(0.3 %) and a 3-mm thick bar is parallel and measured
measurement technique. to an accuracy of 0.01 mm (0.3 %), the error in the thickness
12.2.2 Torsional frequency measurements were not per-
measurement will have the greater effect on the modulus
formed because the width-thickness ratio of the bars was not
calculation (0.9 % for thickness error versus 0.6 % for
suitable for torsional frequency measurements.
frequency error).
12.2.3 The bars were tested in flexural vibration at eight
laboratories using ten combinations of different frequency
analyzer test systems, impulsers, contact and non-contact 13. Keywords
transducers, and supports systems. For the alumina bar, the 13.1 advanced ceramics; dynamic; elastic modulus; elastic
mean measured flexural frequency for the ten tests was 6581 properties; impulse; Poisson’s ratio; shear modulus; Young’s
Hz, with a standard deviation of 20 Hz. This corresponds to a modulus
coefficient of variation of 0.3 %. For the silicon nitride bar, the
mean measured flexural frequency for the ten tests was 11 598
Hz, with a standard deviation of 34 Hz. This corresponds to a
coefficient of variation of 0.3 %.
12.2.4 The intralaboratory study did show that individuals
with experience in using the impulse test method for a given TABLE 1 Within- and Between-Laboratory Precision
specimen geometry produced data sets with smaller standard
Test Bar No. and Type Al2O3 Si3N4
deviations. For example, with the alumina test bar, the coeffi-
Measured fundamental flexural frequency (Hz) 6581 11.598
95 % repeatability limit (within laboratory) 2.8 CV, %rA 0.8% 1.1%
95 % reproducibility limit (between laboratories) 2.8 CV, %RA 1.2% 1.4%
8 A
Grindosonic instrument, available from J. W. Lemmens, 10801 Pear Tree Lane, Calculated in accordance with Practice E 691, Section 21, and reported in
St. Louis, MO 63074. accordance with Practice E 177, Section 28.

C 1259
TABLE 2 Effects of Variable Error on Modulus Calculation
Variable Exponent in Calculation
Variable Measurement Error
Modulus Equation Error
Frequency (f ) 0.1% f2 0.2%
Length (L) 0.1% L3 0.3%
Mass (m) 0.1% m 0.1%
Width (b) 0.1% b –1 0.1%
Thickness (t ) 0.1% t –3 0.3%
Diameter (D) 0.1% D –4 0.4%


(Mandatory Information)


A1.1 Scope that is parallel to the flat of the disc) are normal to the plane and
A1.1.1 In testing advanced ceramic disc specimens for symmetrical around two orthogonal diameters in the plane of
Young’s modulus, shear modulus, and Poisson’s ratio, the disc the disc, producing a twisting of the disc. This is an orthogonal
geometry requires a significantly different set of equations and anti-flexural mode of vibration (7). For the first natural
method of calculation and some minor changes in procedures. vibration mode, the nodes are located along two orthogonal
This annex describes those variations as they relate to termi- diameters, offset 45° from the point where the vibration was
nology, test specimens, procedures and calculations for the disc induced. The anti-nodes are located along two orthogonal (90°
geometry specimens. However, the general methods, refer- offset) diameters in the disc, with one diameter intersecting the
ences, terminology, significance, interferences, apparatus, point where the vibration was induced. See Fig. A1.1, which
specimen requirements, and procedures described in the main shows a finite element map of anti-flexural displacement in a
body of the test method are still pertinent to the test procedure disc and a schematic of the nodal and antinodal lines for the
and the results. first natural vibration of the disc).
A1.2.1.3 nodes, n—one or more locations that have a
A1.2 Terminology constant zero displacement in an unconstrained resonant speci-
A1.2.1 Description of Terms Specific to this Annex for men.
Disc-Shaped Specimens: A1.2.1.4 second natural vibration, n—the vibrations that
A1.2.1.1 anti-nodes, n—two or more locations that have occur when the displacements in the cross-sectional plane (the
local maximum displacements in an unconstrained resonant plane that is parallel to the flat of the disc) are normal to the
specimen. plane and are uniform in displacement for a given radial
A1.2.1.2 first natural vibration, n—the vibrations that occur distance from the center point through the entire 360° arc. This
when the displacements in the cross-sectional plane (the plane is an axisymmetric flexural vibration (7). For the second

FIG. A1.1 Displacement Diagram for Disc-Shaped Specimen in First Natural Vibration

C 1259
natural vibration mode of a disc, the nodes are located in a
circle concentric with the center of the disc with a fractional
radius of 0.681 of the disc radius. The anti-nodes are located at
the center and around the circumference of the disc specimen.
See Fig. A1.2, which shows a finite element map of axisym-
metric flexural displacement in a disc and a schematic of the
nodal circle and the antinodal points and line for the second
natural vibration of the disc. FIG. A1.3 Diameter Measurement Locations

A1.3 Test Specimen

A1.3.1 Fabricate the specimens so that they are disc-shaped four measurements. Ensure that the diameter of the disc is
with a diameter to thickness ratio of at least 4, with a value of uniform to within 0.01 mm or 6 0.1 %, whichever is greater.
10-20 recommended for experimental simplicity. Resonant (The value of the radius is used to determine the Poisson’s
frequencies for a given specimen are a function of the ratio.)
specimen dimensions as well as its mass and moduli; therefore, A1.3.5 Measure the flatness of the disc resting on an surface
dimensions should be selected with this relationship in mind. plate with a dial gauge, taking measurements at nine locations
By using approximate specimen dimensions and estimated (one at the center, four at the outer edge, and four at the 1⁄2
values for the moduli and Poisson’s ratio, nominal resonant radius) on the disc. Turn the disc over and repeat the measure-
frequencies can be calculated with the formulas in A1.5. By ment on the opposite face. The maximum difference between
adjusting the size of the specimen, the resonant frequencies can any two measurements on a face must not exceed 0.1 % of the
be “tuned” into the measurement range of the transducers and diameter.
electronics. The dimensional tolerances for the thickness, A1.3.6 Determine the specimen mass to the nearest 10 mg
diameter, and flatness are given in A1.3.2-A1.3.5. or 0.1 % of the total weight, whichever is greater.
A1.3.2 Measure the specimen thickness within 0.002 mm or A1.3.7 All other specimen requirements and recommenda-
0.1 % (whichever is greater) at five locations (one at the center, tions as described in Section 8 of the main body of this
two at the outer edge, and two at the 1⁄2radius). Determine the standard are pertinent to the disc-shaped specimens.
average of the five measurements for a specimen thickness.
A1.3.3 Ensure that the thickness of the disc is uniform so A1.4 Procedure
that opposite plane surfaces of the disc are parallel to within A1.4.1 Activate and allow all electrical equipment to stabi-
0.002 mm or 6 0.1 % of the thickness, whichever is greater. lize according to manufacturer’s recommendations.
For larger discs where precision machining of the thickness to A1.4.2 Use a test specimen established as an “in-house”
those tolerances is difficult, an alternative tolerance of 0.01 mm verification standard to check the operation of the test system.
or 6 0.5 % is allowed, with proper allowances for the resulting The in-house standard can also be used to verify the operation,
loss of precision in the calculated modulus. The use of the less repeatability and precision of the system and the operator. The
precise tolerance for the thickness should be noted in the standard specimen should have a geometry similar in size and
report. shape to the experimental specimens.
A1.3.4 Measure the specimen diameter within 0.01 mm or A1.4.3 First Natural Resonant Frequency:
0.1 % at four locations (45° intervals around the circumfer- A1.4.3.1 Specimens can be supported either on soft poly-
ence, as shown in Fig. A1.3.) Determine an average from the urethane foam strips or on four hard support points. Specimens

FIG. A1.2 Displacement Diagram for Disc-Shaped Specimen in Second Natural Vibration Mode

C 1259
with a low (< 10) diameter-to-thickness ratio may be supported — the alignment of the support points with the specimen nodal points to fa-
on flat strips of soft polyurethane foam set in an x-pattern. vor the desired vibration mode and to minimize interference
— the location of the strike point at the antinode of the desired vibration
Experience has shown that foam supports are more compliant mode and an elastic (rapid with short duration contact) method of striking
than hard supports and markedly reduce rattling and extraneous — the positioning of the detection transducer at a point where the desired
vibration mode is active, but where there is minimal interference from
vibrations in the test. If foam supports are not available, place competitive vibrations
the specimen on four hard support points located at the
With a minimal amount of experience and practice on a suitable
intersections of the nodal diameters of the first natural vibration specimen geometry, most operators can obtain repeatability and accuracy
with the nodal circle of the second natural vibration (See Fig. on the order of 1 % or better in a series of repeated test strikes. For a
A1.4). Generally, visual positioning is sufficiently accurate for specific specimen, the first test strikes are a means of determining the
larger specimens (diameter > 75 mm). Specimens with a high appropriate locations and methods of specimen support, striking, and
(> 20) diameter-to-thickness ratio or a smaller diameter (< 75 signal pick-up. By slight shifts in those positions and repeated test strikes,
the proficient operator can find the appropriate locations to achieve the
mm) will require more accurate positioning. consistent 1 % repeatability in a series of five consecutive readings. This
NOTE A1.1—For precise support location, the nodal circle diameter of is an iterative process for every new specimen; but can be done quickly by
those operators who have experience with specimens of different sizes and
the test specimen can be calculated as 0.681 of the geometrical mean
diameter. Then draw, or otherwise define, the nodal circle of this diameter
on a piece of paper so that it is concentric with a circle drawn slightly A1.4.6 After repeatability of the test procedure has been
larger than the diameter of the test piece specimen. Locate four equally demonstrated, take and record at least five (5) readings. Use the
disposed positions around the nodal circle to define the support points (see average of these five readings to determine the first natural
Fig. A1.4). Place the supports at these positions and then place the test frequency ( f1). If readings repeat with a variation greater than
specimen on the supports so that the specimen is visually concentric with 1 %, the operator shall review the measurement technique
the second larger drawn circle. (supports, tap/sensor location, tapping mode) and the integrity/
A1.4.4 Follow 9.3.2 in the main body for orienting and geometry of the test specimen.
using contact and non-contact transducers. Determine the NOTE A1.3—Adjustments and improved consistency in technique may
direction of maximum sensitivity for the transducer. Orient the improve the repeatability. Measurement technique can also be checked for
transducer so that it will detect the desired vibration. consistency by taking measurements on “in-house” calibration standards.
If technique adjustments do not improve the repeatability for the experi-
A1.4.5 For the first natural vibration Fig. A1.5 shows the mental specimens, the operator should determine what the source of the
impulse and sensor points. Locate the transducer on a point (S1 variation is. There are two possible causes for this variation:
in Fig. A1.5) on a second mode nodal circle on the flat of the — a geometry in which two vibration modes exist with similar frequen-
disc and offset by 45° from a support point. Strike the specimen cies that interfere during the measurement.
— inhomogeneities/flaws in the test specimens which produce spurious
on the flat of the disc (X1 in Fig. A1.5) 90° away from the vibrations or very rapid damping.
transducer point. Striking at the second mode nodal circle will
In the case of specimens with vibration modes that are similar in
minimize the possibility of exciting that particular mode of frequency, a frequency spectrum analyzer (which displays multiple
vibration. frequencies) is particularly useful in isolating the desired vibration mode.
With the analyzer showing the competitive vibration frequencies, the
NOTE A1.2—Accuracy and repeatability in the impulse excitation test harmonic vibration of interest can be enhanced and the undesirable
depend upon developing and detecting a single vibration mode in the test vibration can be diminished, based on iterative changes in technique
specimen, without introducing and detecting alternative vibration modes (support/ tap/sensor location, tapping mode).
in the specimen. Exciting and detecting a singular vibration mode for a A1.4.7 Second Natural Resonant Frequency:
simple geometry of suitable size depends on three experimental variables:
A1.4.7.1 The specimen is supported at the same points used

FIG. A1.4 Supports Points for 1st and 2d Natural Vibrations in Discs

C 1259

FIG. A1.5 Impulse and Sensor Points for 1st and 2d Natural Vibration in Discs

for the first natural frequency support–the intersection of the A1.4.7.3 After repeatability of the test procedure has been
first natural frequency nodal diameters with the second natural demonstrated, the operator takes at least five (5) readings. Use
frequency nodal circle (Fig. A1.4). the average of these five readings to determine the second
A1.4.7.2 Position the transducer on the flat of the disc close natural frequency (f2). If the readings vary by more than 1 % of
to the outer circumference. (S2 in Fig. A1.5). Then strike the each other, the operator shall review the measurement tech-
disc specimen lightly at the center of the specimen (X2 in Fig. nique. [See Note A1.2 and Note A1.3 following sections A1.4.5
A1.5). and A1.4.6]

TABLE A1.1 Poisson’s Ratio (µ) Values (as a function of f2/f 1 and t/r) [interpolated from Ref. A3]
f2/f1 1.350 1.375 1.400 1.425 1.450 1.475 1.500 1.525 1.550 1.575 1.600
t/r Ratio POISSON’S RATIO (µ)
0.00 0.015 0.043 0.070 0.094 0.118 0.141 0.163 0.184 0.205 0.226 0.247
0.05 0.018 0.044 0.070 0.094 0.118 0.141 0.164 0.185 0.206 0.226 0.247
0.10 0.020 0.045 0.070 0.094 0.118 0.141 0.164 0.185 0.206 0.227 0.247
0.15 0.023 0.049 0.075 0.100 0.124 0.148 0.171 0.192 0.212 0.233 0.254
0.20 0.025 0.053 0.080 0.105 0.130 0.154 0.178 0.198 0.218 0.239 0.260
0.25 0.033 0.060 0.088 0.114 0.139 0.162 0.186 0.206 0.227 0.247 0.268
0.30 0.040 0.068 0.096 0.122 0.148 0.171 0.193 0.214 0.235 0.255 0.275
0.35 0.051 0.078 0.105 0.130 0.155 0.179 0.203 0.224 0.245 0.264 0.284
0.40 0.062 0.088 0.113 0.138 0.162 0.187 0.212 0.234 0.255 0.274 0.292
0.45 0.070 0.096 0.123 0.148 0.173 0.197 0.221 0.242 0.263 0.281 0.300
0.50 0.078 0.105 0.132 0.158 0.183 0.206 0.229 0.250 0.270 0.289 0.307

f2/f1 1.625 1.650 1.675 1.700 1.725 1.750 1.775 1.800 1.825 1.850 1.875 1.900
t/r Ratio POISSON’S RATIO (µ)
0.00 0.265 0.282 0.297 0.312 0.329 0.346 0.362 0.378 0.394 0.409 0.424 0.438
0.05 0.265 0.283 0.298 0.314 0.331 0.347 0.363 0.378 0.394 0.409 0.424 0.438
0.10 0.265 0.283 0.300 0.316 0.332 0.348 0.363 0.378 0.394 0.409 0.424 0.438
0.15 0.271 0.289 0.306 0.322 0.338 0.354 0.368 0.383 0.398 0.413 0.427 0.442
0.20 0.278 0.295 0.312 0.328 0.344 0.359 0.374 0.388 0.403 0.417 0.431 0.445
0.25 0.286 0.304 0.320 0.336 0.351 0.366 0.380 0.395 0.409 0.423 0.437 0.451
0.30 0.294 0.312 0.328 0.344 0.358 0.372 0.387 0.402 0.415 0.428 0.442 0.456
0.35 0.302 0.320 0.336 0.352 0.367 0.382 0.398 0.414 0.428 0.442 0.456 0.471
0.40 0.310 0.328 0.344 0.360 0.376 0.392 0.409 0.425 0.440 0.455 0.470 0.485
0.45 0.318 0.337 0.354 0.370 0.387 0.403 0.420 0.437 0.452 0.468 0.485 0.503
0.50 0.327 0.346 0.363 0.380 0.397 0.414 0.431 0.448 0.464 0.480 0.500 0.520

C 1259
TABLE A1.2 K1 VALUES (as a function of t/r and µ) [From Ref. 9]
t/r 0.000 0.050 0.100 0.150 0.200 0.250 0.300 0.350 0.400 0.450 0.500
µ K1 Value
0.000 6.170 6.144 6.090 6.012 5.914 5.800 5.674 5.540 5.399 5.255 5.110
0.050 6.076 6.026 5.968 5.899 5.816 5.717 5.603 5.473 5.331 5.178 5.019
0.100 5.962 5.905 5.847 5.782 5.705 5.613 5.504 5.377 5.234 5.079 4.915
0.150 5.830 5.776 5.720 5.657 5.581 5.490 5.382 5.256 5.115 4.962 4.800
0.200 5.681 5.639 5.587 5.524 5.446 5.351 5.240 5.114 4.975 4.826 4.673
0.250 5.517 5.491 5.445 5.380 5.297 5.197 5.083 4.957 4.822 4.681 4.537
0.300 5.340 5.331 5.290 5.223 5.135 5.030 4.913 4.787 4.656 4.523 4.390
0.350 5.192 5.156 5.120 5.052 4.961 4.853 4.734 4.610 4.483 4.358 4.234
0.400 4.973 4.964 4.931 4.865 4.775 4.668 4.551 4.429 4.306 4.186 4.070
0.450 4.781 4.756 4.723 4.661 4.576 4.476 4.365 4.249 4.131 4.013 3.899
0.500 4.540 4.525 4.490 4.436 4.365 4.280 4.182 4.075 3.960 3.841 3.720

TABLE A1.3 K1 VALUES (as a function of t/r and µ) [From Ref 9]

t/r 0.100 0.110 0.120 0.130 0.140 0.150 0.160 0.170 0.180 0.190 0.200
µ K1 Value
0.14 5.746 5.739 5.722 5.710 5.696 5.683 5.670 5.654 5.642 5.629 5.608
0.16 5.694 5.687 5.670 5.664 5.645 5.632 5.619 5.602 5.590 5.576 5.556
0.18 5.641 5.634 5.617 5.606 5.592 5.579 5.566 5.549 5.537 5.523 5.502
0.20 5.587 5.576 5.563 5.551 5.538 5.524 5.510 5.495 5.479 5.463 5.446
0.22 5.531 5.524 5.507 5.495 5.481 5.468 5.455 5.439 5.427 5.411 5.388
0.24 5.474 5.467 5.450 5.438 5.424 5.410 5.396 5.379 5.366 5.351 5.328
0.26 5.415 5.408 5.391 5.379 5.364 5.350 5.336 5.318 5.304 5.289 5.266
0.28 5.354 5.347 5.330 5.317 5.301 5.287 5.273 5.255 5.241 5.225 5.201
0.30 5.290 5.279 5.266 5.253 5.238 5.223 5.207 5.190 5.173 5.154 5.135
0.32 5.224 5.217 5.200 5.187 5.172 5.157 5.142 5.123 5.108 5.091 5.067
0.34 5.156 5.148 5.131 5.118 5.103 5.088 5.073 5.053 5.037 5.020 4.997

TABLE A1.4 K2 VALUES (as a function of t/r and µ) [From Ref 9]

t/r 0.000 0.050 0.100 0.150 0.200 0.250 0.300 0.350 0.400 0.450 0.500
µ K2 Value
0.000 8.240 8.226 8.151 8.027 7.863 7.670 7.455 7.227 6.991 6.754 6.520
0.050 8.378 8.339 8.252 8.124 7.963 7.777 7.570 7.350 7.120 6.885 6.649
0.100 8.511 8.459 8.364 8.233 8.071 7.885 7.679 7.459 7.228 6.991 6.751
0.150 8.640 8.584 8.485 8.349 8.182 7.990 7.779 7.553 7.316 7.074 6.830
0.200 8.764 8.712 8.611 8.469 8.294 8.092 7.871 7.635 7.390 7.141 6.889
0.250 8.884 8.840 8.738 8.589 8.403 8.189 7.954 7.706 7.450 7.191 6.931
0.300 9.000 8.962 8.860 8.705 8.508 8.280 8.030 7.767 7.497 7.226 6.960
0.350 9.111 9.081 8.977 8.814 8.605 8.363 8.098 7.819 7.535 7.253 6.979
0.400 9.219 9.193 9.085 8.913 8.692 8.436 8.157 7.865 7.569 7.276 6.991
0.450 9.321 9.292 9.178 8.997 8.766 8.499 8.208 7.905 7.598 7.295 7.001
0.500 9.420 9.376 9.252 9.063 8.824 8.550 8.252 7.940 7.625 7.313 7.010

TABLE A1.5 K2 VALUES (as a function of t/r and µ) [From Ref 9]

t/r 0.100 0.110 0.120 0.130 0.140 0.150 0.160 0.170 0.180 0.190 0.200
µ K2 Value
0.14 8.460 8.443 8.411 8.385 8.355 8.326 8.297 8.262 8.234 8.202 8.160
0.16 8.510 8.493 8.460 8.433 8.403 8.373 8.343 8.308 8.279 8.248 8.205
0.18 8.560 8.542 8.509 8.482 8.451 8.421 8.391 8.356 8.327 8.294 8.249
0.20 8.611 8.586 8.559 8.530 8.500 8.469 8.437 8.403 8.368 8.331 8.294
0.22 8.662 8.646 8.613 8.582 8.548 8.517 8.487 8.454 8.425 8.390 8.338
0.24 8.712 8.694 8.660 8.630 8.597 8.565 8.534 8.498 8.467 8.432 8.382
0.26 8.762 8.743 8.708 8.678 8.645 8.612 8.580 8.542 8.510 8.474 8.425
0.28 8.811 8.791 8.755 8.726 8.692 8.659 8.625 8.585 8.551 8.515 8.467
0.30 8.860 8.833 8.804 8.772 8.739 8.705 8.668 8.630 8.591 8.550 8.508
0.32 8.907 8.885 8.848 8.818 8.784 8.750 8.716 8.675 8.640 8.601 8.548
0.34 8.954 8.932 8.894 8.863 8.827 8.793 8.758 8.717 8.681 8.641 8.586

A1.5 Calculations rial properties, and the specimen dimensions is given in (8) as:
A1.5.1 The derivation and use of the equations for calcu-
lating the Poisson’s ratio and moduli from disc-shaped speci- f1 5
rt (A1.1)
mens are described in detail in two references (8 and 9).
Reference (8) gives the derivation and procedures for the where f1 is the resonant frequency of interest, K1 is the
baseline calculation. The fundamental equation defining the geometric factor for that resonant frequency, r is the radius of
relationship between the natural resonant frequency, the mate- the disc, A is the plate constant (A = Et3/[12 (1– µ2)]), t is the

C 1259
disc thickness, r is the density of the disc, E is Young’s E1 5 @37.6991 f 21 D2 m ~12µ2!# / ~K12 t3! (A1.2)
modulus of elasticity, and µ is the Poisson’s ratio for the disc
material. This is a general equation which is valid for both the E2 5 @37.6991 f 22 D2 m ~12µ2!# / ~K22 t3! (A1.3)
first natural and second natural vibrations. Ref (9) supplements
the (8) with more extensive tables for the geometric factors Ki
E 5 ~E1 1 E2! /2 (A1.4)
and for determining Poisson’s ratio. The overall method for
calculating the Poisson’s ratio, Young’s modulus, and the shear where:
modulus from the first natural and second natural frequencies E = Young’s Modulus (Pa)
is described in (8) and (9) and as the following three-step E1 = First Natural Calculation of Young’s Modulus
procedure. E2 = Second Natural Calculation of Young’s Modulus
(1) Determine the Poisson’s ratio from the experimental f1 = First Natural Resonant Frequency (Hz) of the disc
values for the first and second natural resonant frequencies. f2 = Second Natural Resonant Frequency (Hz) of the disc
(2) Calculate two independent values for E (Young’s D = Diameter (mm) of the disc
modulus of elasticity) using the Poisson’s ratio from step 1 and m = Mass (g) of the disc
the first natural and second natural resonant frequencies. µ = Poisson’s ratio for the specimen as determined in
Determine E as the average of the two independent calcula- A1.5.2
tions. K1 = First Natural Geometric Factor from Tables A1.2 and
(3) Calculate the value of G (Shear Modulus) using the A1.3 (using linear interpolation as necessary)
Poisson’s ratio from Step 1 and the calculated value of E from K2 = Second Natural Geometric Factor from Tables A1.4
step 2. and A1.5 (using linear interpolation as necessary)
t = thickness (mm) of the disc
The details for each calculation are given in the following
r = radius (mm) of the disc
A1.5.2 Poisson’s Ratio Refs. (8 and 9)—For the disc-
NOTE A1.4—The two tables in sets A-II and A-III give two different
shaped specimen Poisson’s ration (µ) can be determined
ranges for the independent variables t/r and µ. The first table gives the full
directly from the experimental values of the first natural range (t/r = 0.0 to 0.50 and µ = 0 to 0.50), while the second table in each
resonant frequency (f1) and the second natural resonant fre- set gives a smaller range with smaller increments (t/r = 0.1 to 0.2 and µ =
quency (f2). This is done by the use of Table A1.1 in which the 0.14 to 0.34). The determination of a value for Ki from the tables is done
value for Poisson’s ratio (µ) is interpolated from the table using in a similar manner to the method used for Poisson’s ratio in Table A1.1.
the ratio of the second natural resonant frequency to the first NOTE A1.5—The constant 37.6991 in the equation is from (9) and is the
natural resonant frequency (f2/f1) correlated with the ratio of numerical value of 12p.
the specimen thickness to the specimen radius (t/r). For
example, if the ratio ( f2/f1) of the two experimental resonant A1.5.4 Dynamic Shear Modulus (9)
frequencies is 1.55 and the thickness of the disc is 3 mm and A1.5.4.1 The shear modulus is determined from the calcu-
the diameter is 30 mm (giving a t/r ratio of 0.20), then the lated Young’s modulus value and the Poisson ratio.
Poisson’s ratio is 0.218 from the 9th column and 5th row of the G 5 E / @2~11 µ!# (A1.5)
A1.5.3 Dynamic Young’s Modulus (8, 9) where:
A1.5.3.1 For the Young’s modulus of a disc, two calcula- G = Shear Modulus (Pa)
tions of E (E1 and E2) are made independently from the two E = Young’s Modulus (Pa) calculated in section A.5.3
resonant frequency measurements, and then a final value E is µ = Poisson’s ratio determined in section A.5.2
determined by averaging the two calculated values E1 and E2.


A2.1 Introduction A2.1.2 This annex provides a simple means to modify Eq 2

to correct the calculated Young’s modulus for the two types of
A2.1.1 This modulus standard uses a rectangular specimen
edge treatments. This analysis and corroborative experimental
with a simple prismatic cross section for calculating the
data are from reference (10). The corrections to E are signifi-
dynamic Young’s modulus using Eq 2. In actual practice,
cant (0.5 % or greater) for narrow specimens which are typical
rectangular specimens with edge chamfers or radii, as illus-
of flexure strength test configurations, (for example C 1161).
trated in Figs. A2.1 and A2.2, are frequently used for mechani-
The corrections are less significant for wide specimens (w/t >5)
cal testing. (The edge treatment is used with flexure strength
such as those recommended in 8.2. These adjustments are only
specimens to reduce or eliminate the sensitivity to edge applicable for flexural modes of resonance and are not appro-
damage). The modulus equation (Eq 2) in the standard does not priate for the longitudinal resonance mode or for torsional
account for the effect of such edge treatments on the moment resonance.
of inertia and the density, and subsequent effects on the
dynamic Young’s modulus. A2.2 Measurement Procedure

C 1259
mens. The moment of inertia, Ib, for a rectangular cross section
beam of thickness, t, and width, b, (with no chamfer) is:
Ib 5 12 (A2.2)

A2.3.3 The true moment of inertia, It, for a beam with four
45° chamfers of size c along the long edges is (Refs. 11, 12):
bt3 c2
S 1
It 5 12 2 9 c2 1 2 ~3t 2 2c!2 D (A2.3)

where the second term on the right hand side shows the
reduction due to the chamfers. It is assumed that the four
chamfers are identical in size.
A2.3.4 The true moment of inertia, It, for a beam with four
FIG. A2.1 Specimen Cross Section for a Rounded-Edge Beam identical rounded edges of radius r is (Ref. 12)
b~t 2 2r!3 ~b 2 2r!r3 ~b 2 2r! ~t 2 r!2 r
It 5 12 1 6 1 2
p 4
1 4r4 16 2 9pS D
t 4
1 pr2 2 2 r 1 2 3p DD

The true Young’s modulus, Ecor, may be determined from Eq

A2.3.5 For standard 3 mm 3 4 mm rectangular cross
section flexure strength specimens (C 1161 size B) Eq A2.1
may be expressed:
Ecor 5 FEb (A2.5)
Correction factors F for a standard 3 mm 3 4 mm specimen
with four chamfered edges are given in Table A2.1. Analogous
values of F for standard 3 mm 3 4 mm specimens with four
rounded edges, r, are given in Table A2.2
FIG. A2.2 Specimen Cross Section for a Chamfered-Edge Beam
A2.4 Density Correction
A2.2.1 Measure the chamfer size, c, or the rounded edges, r, TABLE A2.1 Correction factors, F and P, for chamfered standard
3mm 3 4mm strength test specimens for ASTM C 1161. A
of the rectangular specimen by any convenient method to the
chamfer size of 0.150 mm is the maximum value allowed for this
same accuracy used for the overall dimensions. A traversing geometry by ASTM C 1161 and ISO 14704.
stage under a microscope, a traveling microscope, or an optical Chamfer Moment Correction factor, Density Correction factor,
comparator may be suitable. Use the average c, or r, for the Dimension, c F P
correction. The correction factors and equations below may be (mm) b = 4 mm, t = 3 mm b = 4 mm, t = 3 mm
0.080 1.0031 1.0011
less accurate if the chamfers or rounded edges are uneven or 0.090 1.0039 1.0014
dissimilar in size. The correction factors only applicable if all 0.100 1.0048 1.0017
four long edges are treated. 0.110 1.0058 1.0020
0.115 1.0063 1.0022
0.118 1.0066 1.0023
A2.3 Moment of Inertia Correction 0.120 1.0069 1.0024
A2.3.1 The true Young’s modulus, Ecor, for symmetrically 0.122 1.0071 1.0025
0.124 1.0073 1.0026
chamfered specimens may be calculated as follows: 0.126 1.0076 1.0027

Ecor 5 I Eb
where Eb and Ib are the calculated Young’s modulus and 0.134 1.0085 1.0030
0.136 1.0088 1.0031
moment of inertia assuming the beam is a simple rectangular 0.138 1.0090 1.0032
beam, uncorrected for chamfers or rounds, respectively. It is the 0.140 1.0093 1.0033
true moment of inertia of a beam with four symmetric chamfers 0.150 1.0106 1.0038
0.160 1.0121 1.0043
or edge radii applied to the long edges of the beam. 0.170 1.0136 1.0048
A2.3.2 Chamfers reduce the moment of inertia, I, and 0.180 1.0152 1.0054
slightly alter the radius of gyration. The effect upon I previ- 0.190 1.0169 1.0061
0.200 1.0186 1.0067
ously has been quantified in connection with work to minimize 0.210 1.0205 1.0074
experimental error in flexure strength testing (Refs. 11, 12, 13). 0.220 1.0224 1.0081
Even a small chamfer can alter I a meaningful amount. For 0.230 1.0244 1.0089
0.240 1.0265 1.0097
example, a 45° chamfer of 0.15 mm size will reduce I by 1 % 0.250 1.0287 1.0105
for common 3 mm 3 4 mm ceramic flexure strength speci-

C 1259
TABLE A2.2 Correction factors, F and P, for edge rounded A2.4.2 However, edge treatments alter the relationship be-
standard 3mm 3 4mm strength test specimens for ASTM C 1161. tween the density, mass and physical dimensions of the test
A rounded edge of 0.200 mm is the maximum value allowed for
this geometry by ASTM C 1161 and ISO 14704. piece. If an edge treated beam is used to determine the dynamic
Radius Moment Correction factor, Density Correction factor,
Young’s modulus, then Eq A2.6 is invalid and an additional
Dimension, r F P correction should be made to E as follows.
(mm) b = 4 mm, t = 3 mm b = 4 mm, t = 3 mm
0.080 1.0013 1.0005
The correct density, rt, of a chamfered beam is:
0.090 1.0017 1.0006
rt 5 m/@L ~bt 2 2c2!# (A2.7)
0.100 1.0021 1.0007
0.110 1.0025 1.0009
0.120 1.0030 1.0010
The correct density, rt, for an edge-rounded beam is:
0.130 1.0035 1.0012
rt 5 m/@L ~bt 2 r2 ~4 2 p!!# (A2.8)
0.140 1.0041 1.0014
0.150 1.0046 1.0016
0.160 1.0053 1.0018
and then:
Ecor 5 r Eb 5 PEb

0.200 1.0082 1.0029

0.210 1.0090 1.0032
where P is the correction factor for the change in the r
0.220 1.0098 1.0035 relationship due to the edge treatment. Values of P for standard
0.230 1.0107 1.0038 3 mm 3 4 mm specimens with either four chamfered or
0.240 1.0116 1.0041
0.250 1.0126 1.0045 rounded edges are listed in Tables A2.1 and A2.2.
0.260 1.0136 1.0049
0.270 1.0146 1.0052 A2.5 Combined Correction
0.280 1.0157 1.0056
0.290 1.0168 1.0061 A2.5.1 To correct E for both the change in moment of
0.300 1.0180 1.0065
inertia and density due to edge treatments on a standard 3mm
3 4 mm cross section specimens:
A2.4.1 An additional correction, but of lesser magnitude,
may also be incorporated. Eq 2 in this standard contains an S DS D
Ecor 5 I
rb Eb 5 FPEb (A2.10)
assumption (References 1 and 3) that the density is related to
NOTE A2.1—This standard calculates E using Eq 2 which requires the
the mass and physical dimensions of the rectangular beam
beam mass and physical dimensions. Other standards and equipment may
following Eq A2.6: use alternative equations that use the material’s density (measured by
m Archimedes water displacement or a similar technique) to calculate E. In
rb 5 btL (A2.6) such cases, only the moment of inertia correction, Eq A2.5, is necessary.


(1) Spinner, S., and Tefft, W. E.,“ A Method for Determining Mechanical (7) Colwell, R.C. and Hardy, H.C., “The Frequencies and Nodal Systems
Resonance Frequencies and for Calculating Elastic Moduli from These of Circular Plates,” Phil. Mag. S., 7, Vol 24, N. 165, 1937, pp.
Frequencies,” Proceedings, ASTM, 1961, pp. 1221–1238. 1041–1055.
(2) Spinner, S., Reichard, T. W., and Tefft, W. E., “A Comparison of (8) Martincek, G.,“ The Determination of Poisson’s Ratio and the Dy-
Experimental and Theoretical Relations Between Young’s Modulus namic Modulus of Elasticity from the Frequencies of Natural Vibration
and the Flexural and Longitudinal Resonance Frequencies of Uniform in Thick Circular Plates,” Journal of Sound Vibration, Vol 2, # 2, 1965,
Bars,” Journal of Research of the National Bureau of Standards—A. pp. 116–127.
Physics and Chemistry, Vol 64A, No. 2, March-April, 1960. (9) Glandus, J.C., “Rupture Fragile et Résistance aux Choes Thermiques
(3) Spinner, S., and Tefft, W. E., “A Method for Determining Mechanical de Céramiques a Usages Mecaniques”, Thesis, University of Limoges,
Resonance Frequencies and for Calculating Elastic Moduli from These France, 1981.
Frequencies,” Proceedings, ASTM, 1961, pp. 1221–1238.
(10) G. Quinn and J. Swab, “Elastic Modulus by Resonance of Rectan-
(4) Pickett, G., “Equations for Computing Elastic Constants from Flexural
gular Prisms: Corrections for Edge Treatments,” J. Amer. Ceram.
and Torsional Resonant Frequencies of Vibration of Prisms and
Soc., 83 (2) 317-320 (2000).
Cylinders,” Proceedings, ASTM, Vol 45, 1945, pp. 846–865.
(5) Shear modulus correction taken from Spinner, S., and Valore, R. C., (11) F. Baratta, “Requirements for Flexure Testing of Brittle Materials,
“Comparisons Between the Shear Modulus and Torsional Resonance U.S. Army TR 82-20, U.S. Army Materials and Mechanics Research
Frequencies for Bars and Rectangular Cross Sections,” Journal of Center, Watertown, MA, 02172, April 1982.
Research, NIST, JNBAA, Vol 60, 1958, RP2861, p. 459. (12) F. Baratta, G. Quinn, and W. Matthews, “Errors Associated with
(6) Smith, John S., Wyrick, Michael D., and Poole, Jon M., “An Flexure Testing of Brittle Materials,” U.S. Army MTL TR 87-35,
Evaluation of Three Techniques for Determining the Young’s Modulus U.S. Army Materials Technology Laboratory, Watertown, MA 02172,
of Mechanically Alloyed Materials,” Dynamic Elastic Modulus Mea- July 1987
surement in Materials, ASTM STP 1045, Alan Wolfenden, Ed., ASTM, (13) W. H. Duckworth, “Precise Tensile Properties of Ceramic Bodies,” J.
Philadelphia, PA, 1990. Amer. Ceram. Soc., 34 [1] 1-9 (1951).

C 1259
The American Society for Testing and Materials takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection
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This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the responsible
technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should make your
views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.

This standard is copyrighted by ASTM, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above address or at
610-832-9585 (phone), 610-832-9555 (fax), or service@astm.org (e-mail); or through the ASTM website (www.astm.org).


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