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Panel Unloading Hira Pce Final Chennai

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M/S- Power Control Equipments

minor injuries such as
small cuts and bruises, first Hazard must be avoided (or the level of risk reduced significantly and reliably by PROBABILITY
close to zero probability Improbable aid cases, negligible
Negligible additional controls)
EXTREME Negligible (1) Minor (2) Severe(3) Extreme (4)


injury with short term

Hazard should be avoided (or the level of risk reduced significantly and reliably
unlikely but conceivable Remote effect, minor / short term Minor by additional controls)
HIGH Improbable (1) L(1) L(2) L(3) L(4)
environmental impact
ill health with long- term
effect reportable under
Risk to be controlled as far as reasonably practicable (existing control to be
may occur, could well occur Possible single fatality,
Severe monitored strictly, additional control not MEDIUM Remote (2) L(2) L(4) M(6) H(8)
environmental pollution
with major / prolonged
may occur several times, not
multiple fatalities, Risk is controlled as far as reasonably practicable – No further control measure
surprising, occurs frequently, to be Probable environmental catastrophe
Extreme necessary
LOW Possible (3) L(3) M(6) H(9) E(12)
expected, likely

Probable (4) L(4) H(8) E(12) E(16)


Project: Prepared by: Vaisakh Pradeep Date 21.12.2022

Work Title: Reviewed by Date

ResidualRPN (F x
Risk Category

Risk Category
Likelihood (F)

Likelihood (F)
Category of

Severity (S)

Severity (S)
RPN (F x S)
Category of
Hazard Suggested additional Control
Activity Activity Person
Sr. No. Description of Hazard (Normal Related Risk Existing Control measure measure Remarks

(In Sequence) (Routine/Non - Exposed
/Abnormal)/ (if required)
Routine/ Legal)

Health Hazard Transmission of COVID-19 to the 1. Workers should be screend before entering in to 1. Awareness and implementation of
(Respiratory illness employee (fever, cough, the site. COVID prevention procedure for all
caused by COVID-19 difficulty in breathing) 2. Travel history of the employee/ workers should employees who came back from
Infection that may lead be checked. vacation.
3. Ceck for Medical clearence certificate if he 2. Should declare/notify travel history
to fatality) travelled form to Manager/supervisor. 3Before
contaminated zones / contact with the affected entering to site, visitor should obey
personnel. site security checks like screening of
4. Awareness training on COVID 19 preacutions body temperature through thermal
should be given. scanner(allow if <37.3 C / 99.14 F), use
5. Additional PPE'S should be used while travelling of hand sanitizer, use of mask etc.
to site such as (Nose mask, Hand Gloves).
6. Avoid touching the freequent contacted surfaces
1 Covide- 19 precaution Non-routine Yes Abnormal to prevent the virus. 7.Vaccsination 1st doce 4 3 12 High 1 3 3 Low
completed before enering the site. 8.Use
sanitizer,saperate drinking bottle use,social distance
maintaing at work location. 9.Communicating and
implementing COVID-19 Guidelines (Either from
local govt, client etc)
• Deployment of •Minor of major injuries, •All workers should hold valid gate pass issued by •The entire team must undergo the
untrained workmen •Dizziness, fainting, blurred STT. EHS Induction training program
• Unfit Worker vision, Heart attack •Ensure all undergone medical fitness assessment covering EHS Plan, MSRA, Emergency
•Stress or strain, & certification. escape route, evacuation procedure,
•Viral diseases, •Person under influence of alcohol or drug will be assembly point, site safety rules,
•Health issues, not allowed to enter site. regulations and Enforcement actions.
•Damage to property •Deploy workmen on task by considering •Cross checking of manpower to
ergonomic aspects, i.e. fitting the right worker on insure all people are underwent
right job. induction Submitted medical records
•Provide safety posters and signage for easy •Behaviour basic safety training
understanding and to reach at Assembly point in should be provided
case of any emergency.
Mobilization of •Visitors entering to the site must undergo site EHS •Only inducted person strictly allowed
Manpower briefing and they should be accommodated by a to this campus
2 Routine Yes Normal responsible person of the project until they come 4 3 12 Low 1 3 3 Low
out of the site. .
•To conduct night work separate manpower to be
deployed and necessary approvals to be obtained
prior by obtaining Night work permit.
•Sufficient illumination to be provided at work
locations including emergency light arrangements.

•Slip Trip & Fall, a)Incompetent driver •All documents related to vehicle are must be valid. •Before entering the vehicle at site
•Entanglement.traffic •Uneven surface •Only trained operator holding valid license shall explained the site safety rules &
Loose soil •No pedestrian accesses operate the vehicles. regulations
•Oil leakage •Banks men shall be provided with highly visible •Instruct to the driver wearing PPEs/
•Topple of vehicle jackets and whistle shall guide the vehicle. Importance of PPEs
•Over speeding of vehicle •Banks man shall keep a safe distance from the •Explained route for safe vehicle
Site traffic controlling, •Vehicle or Break failure trailer. movement
Movement of trailer, •Hit against pedestrian, railing, •Hydraulic mobile crane shall be operated only in •After entering into the site the
Hydraulic mobile or any structure even surfaces. vehicle’s speed is restricted to 10
3 crane. Non-routine Yes Normal •Caught in between vehicle Flag must be provide for banksman 4 3 12 Medium Km/Hr for safe movement. 1 3 3 Low
•Dust or smoke, Fire & explosion Area barricaded .safe access to maintain

Stocking position of
trailer & Hydraulic
mobile crane for
unloading operations
•Slips trip & fall •Uneven surface •Once vehicle is parked wheel stoppers shall be •After lifting the container from the
•Uneven surface •No pedestrian accesses provided on all wheels trailer to a safe height, the trailer
a)Oil leakage •Trailer shall be parked in the area where the slowly moved forward and then the
b)Topple of vehicle unloaded container need to be placed. container shall be unloaded to firm
Over speeding Safe distance has to maintain between two vehicle. ground.
4 Non-routine Yes Normal Out rigger must be on even surface. 3 3 9 Medium •Once the container unloaded to the 1 3 3 Low
firm ground small alignment activities
can be performed by using hydra by
lifting up to 2 to 3 ft height.

•Slip Trip & Fall, •Cut injury, Bruise, laceration, or •Inspected Aluminium ladder shall be used for •One person should secure the ladder
•Fall of material Sprain access and egress to the container from the opposite side of climbing &
•Blood clot •All others in the vicinity will keep a safe distance of three point of contact shall be
Access to Container •Spinal injury, 5 mts from the lifting area. maintained.
for attaching D •Bone •The person who climbs the ladder
5 Non-routine Yes Normal Fracture, Fatality 3 3 9 Medium shall use FBSH for fall protection and 1 3 3 Low
shackle and sling on
parked vehicle Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSD) temporary anchor on container’s
roof’s hook.
1.Lifting is done by competent rigger only.
2.Execution & HSE team should ensure that tag lines are
Unloading of Panel used to prevent swaying of loads while unloading by F-
1.Follow safe work procedure
2.Training to be provided for Lifting
6 Non-routine 3.flag man is maintained.
and shifting.
4.Continuous monitoring by site engineers & HSE Dept.
1. Property damage.
5.Adequate illumination to be provided at all times of the
Improper Lifting and Abnormal 2.Loss of body parts. 4 4 16 High 3. Mobile crane F15 operator should be 1 4 4 Low
Yes work activity.
shifting material 3 .Fatal injuries. aware of the site vehicle traffic
6.Visual / Manual Inspection of wire rope/web sling is
4.Bruises procedures.
4.Followed Lifting PTW and Lifting
7. Job specific PPE's
plan.5.Follow SLI of F-15 and it should
ne in on condition during loading
unloading and shifting.

1. Sharp edges are secured by foam material. 1.Adequate training &awareness is

Yes Normal Cuts & Bruises 2. Work is carried out by experienced personnel 4 4 16 High provided to the workmen. 1 4 4 Low
Sharp Edges
3.Job specific PPE's such as gloves are provided. 2.Work is carried out under supervision.

1.All the new purchased & existing lifting gears shall be

inspected internally before introducing to site 1.Follow safe work procedure
Non 4 4 16 High 1 4 4 Low
Yes Non standard use of lifting 2.All the lifting gears are color coded & documented. 2. Before start the work ensure visual
standard use of lifting
Gear/Accessories 3.Third party certificate of all lifting tools and tackles are inspection.
valid and readly available..

1.personal injury
2.Falling of load
Hitting & crushing of a load to
Panel Shifting to 1 Job specific TBT should be done 2,Proper 1.Follow safe work procedure
7 Service room Using HT non-routine Slip trip & Fall of normal existing facilities 2 3 6 medium 1 3 3 Low
yes communication to done before stat the work,ensure tpi 2.Training to be provided for Lifting
pallet truck meterial 4.High wind speed, Poor
for HT pallet,ensure even surface before shifting and shifting.
communication and poor visibility
5.Damage to underground utilities
of earth.

1 Heavy weight 1.Follow safe work procedure

2 Fall of material 2.Training to be provided for Lifting
3 Slip trip and fall hazards. and shifting.
•Ensure nobody is standing under the suspended load
4 Pinch point. 3.Adequate training &awareness is
8 Panel shifting by Non-routine Normal 2Job specific TBT 3 2 6 severe provided to the workmen. 2 2 4 Low
Hydruic trolley •Slip trip & fall Yes 5 Collapse of material over the
should be done 3,Proper communication to done
people. 4.Work is carried out under supervision.
before stat the work
6 Improper housekeeping 5, insepect
7 Stacking excessive height. troelly working condition .6, Ensure
8 Proper illumination proper platform for troelly movement
•Ensure nobody is standing under the suspended •Should maintain proper
load housekeeping surrounding the work
•Cut injury, Bruise, laceration, or •Ensure that the ground level is satisfactory. area
Placing of Panels on •Blood clot
9 the ground / Stocking Non-routine •Slip trip & fall Yes Abnormal •Spinal injury, 4 3 12 High 1 3 3 Low
area. •Bone
•Fracture, Fatality
Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSD)

•All the unwanted material from the identified •Area shall be kept neat and clean
location shall be removed after placing the chillers without any obstacles and proper
Housekeeping •Cut, Abrasion, bruises, bumps on ground/designated location as per the lifting barricading shall be provided
10 Routine •Slip trip & fall Yes Normal or laceration plan. 2 2 4 Low 1 2 2 Low
•Burn injuries •Area shall be kept neat and clean without any •Secure the
obstacles chillers with tarpouline after
placement on ground.
Likelihood includes Probability of Hazardous Event Occurring / may occur.
Severity means degree of consequences
Risk Control Measures Examples: (Technology / Physical improvement / Management Programs /Procedure/ Training/ Supervision or monitoring / usage of PPE / Competence / Signages / others including emergency preparedness).
RPN- Risk Priority Number
Likelihood(L) : Improbable (1), Remote (2), Possible (3), Probable (4)
Severity(S ): Negligible (1), Minor(2), Severe (3), Extreme (4)
Risk Category: Extreme (1), High(2), Medium (3), Low (4) ( < or = 4 is acceptable and > 4 additional control measures required)

Prepared By Reweived By Approved BY



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