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DIS 2023 - PDF Agenda

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11TH & 12TH MAY

K I S TA M Ä S S A N , S T O C K H O L M


From Data & AI Transformation to
Decentralised Data & AI Value Creation
A new hybrid event edition bringing all the Data, Analytics, and AI stakeholders in one place to
showcase and discuss ways to realise value while accelerating Data, Analytics, and AI transformation.

Summit at Glance

In-Person & Two days of 2000+ Nine 250+ Six workshop

Online Innovation Delegates Stages + DO Sessions Rooms
The days of one format events are Two days of amazing world leading Meet and network with more than Choose between presentations on What’s hottest on the market. View Workshops are back! Choose between
gone. Book your ticket and choose case studies from some of the leading 2000 delegates from some of the nine stages. Check the map and the and replay hundreds of cutting-edge eighteen 100 min workshops divided
between attending onsite and online experts and practitioners in the area. most innovative companies in the schedule in the next pages to learn all presentations, demos, panels, tech in 6 parallel tracks. All workshops are
experience. A lot of pre- and post-event activities. world. the new things happening this year. news and much more. limited to 24 delegates.

180 90 300+ Expo DIS23 AW & On-Demand

TIP Sessions Exhibitors Speakers Crawl Data after dark Period
Get first-hand insight into the latest Meet the best Data, Analytics and AI The best of the best Data, Analytics Stop by the exhibition area, get some The Data and AI party you have been You missed a session or two during
cutting edge Data, Analytics and AI technology and service providers in on and AI speakers in one place. This year refreshments and bites, and enjoy waiting for so long. This year's edition is the summit days? No worries. Replay
technology solutions and updates. place. Some of them presented for the in company of outside-the-industry meaningful discussions, in-depth enriched with new performances and the entire event in Agorify for five
choose between 180 demos. first time in the Nordics. motivational speakers and experts. product reviews and expert advices. artists from the Nordics and beyond. weeks after the event.

2 www.datainnovationsummit.com DISummit2030 3
Get Inspired. A clear signal for
Enterprise AI maturity shift
Get Engaged. "Jerome Pesenti identified that while the centralized nature
of the organization gave us leverage in some areas it also
made it a challenge to integrate as deeply as we would hope.
transformational and operationalisation phase is too big to
happen in an instant. To crossover, we first need to create
a systematic approach to data and technology, which only

Get Involved.
In the new model, we will distribute the ownership of these happens when it is available to everyone. Wide adoption of
AI systems back to Meta’s product groups. But we do so with AI across the enterprise on departmental and individual
the caveat that they must invest in a balanced portfolio that levels requires reinvention of roles and responsibilities.
supports existing systems while also advancing the state of This means that the immediate focus should be on people,
the art in AI. We believe that this will accelerate the adoption organisation and creating new business models.
of important new technology across the company while
allowing us to continue to push the envelope. The teams With this eighth edition of the event, it feels like we are
tasked with driving AI advancements and best practices into back to where we started. A full infinite loop of people,
the products they support will be known as AI Innovation technology and processes focused on data in the center of
Welcome! The Data Innovation Summit is the largest and the most influential Centers.". This is an extract from a recent press release the Venn diagram. To reflect the current ambition but also
annual Data and AI event in the Nordics and beyond, bringing together the from Meta, where the company's CTO Andrew Bosworth provide a practical guide to what is needed, we carefully
most innovative minds, enterprise practitioners, technology providers, start- presents the basis of the decision to decentralise AI across crafted this edition concept and fine tuned it to provide
up innovators and academics, working with Applied Data Innovation, Data the organisation. It is a great and very simple example to immediately actionable takeaways for all participants
Science, Big Data, ML, AI, Data Management, Data Engineering, Architecture, summarise the recent discussions with senior decision- attending the summit. We found that we were missing
Databases and IoT, in one place to discuss ways to accelerate AI-Driven makers from the Nordics and beyond. some areas that can not be neglected like databases,
Transformation throughout companies, industries and public organisations. architecture, modern tech stack, ML Ops, advanced analytics
There is a great signal that the Data and AI maturity sight is strategy, AI ethics, and responsible AI so we created new
shifting towards the final transformational stage where AI is stages to accommodate these finesses. We have also
embedded and it is part of the company's DNA and everyday calibrated the experience design and calibrated the floor
processes. Where data access and AI innovation capabilities plan and all the various features to boost the feeling of
are democratised and decentralised across all organisation community, networking, and celebration. When it comes to
functions and where AI provides a huge competitive the celebration we are preparing one of the most ambitious
advantage. editions yet in terms of activities and celebrations
happening with various performances and art exhibitions
It is a refreshing and exciting indication but also an elusive across the two days.
one, as not all companies are in the same maturity curve
as Meta. We can probably place most of the traditional So take your team and join us. It is our 8th edition. The loop
companies today in the middle of the Gatner maturity curve, is closed. Let's celebrate together!
the Operationalisation phase, with ML infrastructure set
up and using ML to improve some operational processes
and enhance the customer experience - hence the Artificial
Information Processing approach to measuring value.
We can for certain say that the gap between the

Practical Information
11th & 12th May 2023

Agorify Kistamässan
27/01/2023 28/04/2023 www.agorify.com Arne Beurlings Torg 5, 164 40
Kista, Stockholm, Sweden
GROUP TICKE T 3990 SEK 4490 SEK 4990 SEK
Visit the summit website:
www.datainnovationsummit.com Goran Cvetanovski
Editorial Director
Register by phone:
ONLINE TICKET ONLY 2390 SEK Tel: +46 (0) 855 11 1194
Contact Information
ONLINE TO ONSITE TICKET UPGRADE 2600 SEK Send us an email: goran.cvetanovski@hyperight.com
events@hyperight.com Tel: +46 (0) 73 741 3442
4 www.datainnovationsummit.com DISummit2030 5
The Stages
Data Innovation Summit is a multi-format and multi-stage hybrid event that enables you to create your own event agenda and experience from any place in the world. No matter if attending onsite or online, you will be able to get access to the entire cutting-edge content, meet
and engage with peers and find solutions to your most pressing challenges. The event platform is released way before the event, allowing you to explore the schedule, plan your agenda during the event days, engage in in-platform discussions, see who else is attending, but
most importantly you can start the discussion way before the event with the delegates attending and create connections before you even join the event. To add more value to you, every Friday 11:00 AM CET before the event, in the platform we replay some of the presentations
from the previous event editions as well as some new presentations, panels and interviews. The platform is open 5 weeks after the event as well which means you will be able to replay all the presentations from this edition and continue networking with the audience.

Keynotes/ Machine Learning & Engineering & Modern Data

P1 Opening and
Closing Stage
M1 MLOps
M2 DataOps
M3 Platform
The keynote presentations are the pillars of the entire Technical presentations on deploying, running and Technical stage focusing on the tech stack, software Strategy and technical stage focusing on developing
conference and the most memorable presentations of scaling Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Natural infrastructure and ways to architect and implement disruptive modern data platform that supports shifting
the event. As opening plenary talks, they set the tone of Language processing, Generative Adversarial Network, on-premise, hybrid or cloud-native data pipelines and business models, adapts to changing workforce
the entire conference, tie all themes together and provide Transformers and Artificial Intelligence into production. infrastructure to enable analytics and machine learning operations, and dynamically and intelligently connects the
excitement on the presentations that are about to come. This year focusing also on MLOps techniques to improve on rich and quality datasets. Focus on DataOps, MLOps, enterprise. Focus on the building blocks of a Modern Data
This year’s keynote list includes visionaries and leading delivery time, reduce defects, and make machine Auto ML, Cloud ML, Fast Data, Feature Extraction and Platform, including sources, ingestion, storage, query and
expert names in Data, Analytics and AI. learning more productive. much more. processing, transformation, analyses, and output.

Modern Data Business & Data Data Science & Industrial

M4 Strategy
M5 Analytics
M6 Advanced Analytics
Strategy Stage
M7 Analytics
A strategy and technical track focusing on ways to Strategy and technical presentations on how companies Strategy and business stage focusing on ways to enable a Strategy and technical stage focusing on how heavy
create a future-proof and agile Modern Data strategy for can improve their business and data analytics capabilities world class analytics delivery platform, lead and manage asset organisations and manufacturers can develop and
enterprise grade application of Advanced Analytics and while maintaining balance between control and agility of highly deliverable Data Science & Advanced Analytical use machine data and application-oriented AI products
AI, from ownership to implementation. This year’s focus is their enterprise available platforms adapted for various teams, manage advanced analytics product life-cycles, to improve operational processes, detect and classify
on the Data Fabric, Data & Information Governance, Big user personas, analytics capabilities, data and use provide and extend insights and business value to internal anomalies, thereby effectively reduce downtimes and
Data Quality, Data Mesh, Data Foundation, Master Data, cases. Focus on Governance, Data Preparation, Catalogs, and external stakeholders and much more. optimise production and everyday operation.
Warehousing, Data Lake, and much more Automated Insights, Augmentation, Data Visualisation,
NLQ, Data Storytelling, Reporting and much more.

6 www.datainnovationsummit.com DISummit2030 7
The Stages
Data Innovation Summit is a multi-format and multi-stage hybrid event that enables you to create your own event agenda and experience from any place in the world. No matter if attending onsite or online, you will be able to get access to the entire cutting-edge content, meet
and engage with peers and find solutions to your most pressing challenges. The event platform is released way before the event, allowing you to explore the schedule, plan your agenda during the event days, engage in in-platform discussions, see who else is attending, but
most importantly you can start the discussion way before the event with the delegates attending and create connections before you even join the event. To add more value to you, every Friday 11:00 AM CET before the event, in the platform we replay some of the presentations
from the previous event editions as well as some new presentations, panels and interviews. The platform is open 5 weeks after the event as well which means you will be able to replay all the presentations from this edition and continue networking with the audience.

New New
Applied & Human- Databases & Workshop Expo
M8 Centric AI
Innovation Stage
M9 Architecture
Wx Session
Exx Booths
Business and strategy stage focusing on application- On this new stage this year, we are bringing technical Several rooms for short workshops and crash-courses. In the expo area you will have the opportunity to meet
centric AI innovation to enhance customer experience, presentations on how to manage enterprise databases The sessions are 100 minutes long and will provide local and global data management, analytics and
improve business process, reinvent business models, to keep data quality high and database performance training on various organisational, business, and automation software, hardware and service providers.
and create new ones, as well as human-centric AI on target, as well as data, streaming and enterprise technical topics. The rooms are the lower part of the A time in the program is dedicated for live demos and
innovation including explainable AI, trustworthy AI, architecture to architect a blueprint for a modern data venue and limited to 24 people per crash-course session. presentations on the exhibitor booths (technology in
digital ethics, AI for Good and much more. environment that creates, manages and supports data practice sessions).
collection, processing, analytical and ML workloads.

Data Lounge &
DO Octagon
AA Activity
Live streamed program providing insight into current data Events are much more than just educational platforms.
practices, trends, challenges and opportunities, as well as They are an excellent place for forging new contacts
give overview of the latest technological breakthroughs, and strengthening relationships with colleagues and
and glimpse into the future of data management, peers. Therefore across the expo area we are placing a
analytics and automation. This free program consists of 45 number of lounge and activity areas where you can enjoy
minute panels and product overviews and is live-streamed conversing, working, playing and competing with the
online on Hyperight youtube and twitter channel. other attendees while having a fresh cup of barista-made

8 www.datainnovationsummit.com DISummit2030 9
Agenda structure | Day 1 Day 2
2 Days of Keynotes, Talks, Workshops, Tutorials Legend
/ Delivered by the best in the field of Data, Analytics and AI
Data Innovation Summit is constructed so it equally addresses all the elements of data-driven and AI-ready business: data,
people, processes and technology. The event is built to be both business and technical, practical and inspirational, realistic M1 M AC H INE LEARNING & M LOP S STAGE M7 INDU STRIAL ANALY TIC S S TAGE
and futuristic, educational and exciting, regional and global, live and digital, general and niched, inspiring and influential. It is
showcasing some of the best data-driven innovative projects, products, business ideas and technologies, presented by some of M2 DATA E NGINEE RING & DATAOP S STAGE M8 AP P LIE D & H U M AN-C ENTRIC AI INNOVATIO N STAGE
the world's most advanced and innovative organisations in the world.

Explore the agenda and build your own schedule based on topics and sessions you would like to attend across all stages and
crash-course workshop rooms.





Track sessions Track sessions

M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 M7 M8 M9 DO Wx M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 M7 M8 M9 DO Wx


Track sessions Track sessions

M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 M7 M8 M9 DO Wx M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 M7 M8 M9 DO


Track sessions
M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 M7 M8 M9 DO


Expo Crawl & Data After Dark

10 www.datainnovationsummit.com DISummit2030 11
Machine Learning & Stage Partner Stage Moderator
MLOps Stage Errol
Technical presentations on deploying, running and scaling Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Natural Language processing,
Generative Adversarial Network, Transformers, and Artificial Intelligence into production. This year focusing also on MLOps
techniques to improve delivery time, reduce defects, and make machine learning more productive.

DAY 1 All session timings are in CEST (Central European Summer Time). DAY 2 All session timings are in CEST (Central European Summer Time).

8:00 Registration Opens 8:00 Registration Opens

8:30 Welcoming Notes and Orientation 8:40 [ P1 ] Chairman's Opening remarks | Henrik Göthberg - Founder | Dairdux

8:40 [ P1 ] Chairman's Opening remarks | Henrik Göthberg - Founder | Dairdux 9:00 [ P1 ] Keynote | AI: From offline & centralized to online & federated | Jan Bosch - Professor of Software Engineering
Director Software Center | Software Center @ Chalmers University of Technology
9:00 [ P1 ] Opening Keynote | The Secret to AI Innovation - Cassie Kozyrkov - Chief Decision Scientist | Google
9:25 [ P1 ] Keynote | Data Lakehouses, Moneyball, and Raoul Wallenberg: a Journey in Data and AI | Ari Kaplan - Head of
9:20 [ P1 ] Keynote | Design For Use, Deliver Value: Data Products Start From The Outside In | Dr. Jennifer Belissent - Principal Evangelism | Databricks
Data Strategist | Snowflake
9:45 [ P1 ] Data Café & Peer-to-Peer Meetings
9:45 [ P1 ] Value creation and value capture for AI business models
10:15 [ EXPO ] Technology in practice | Round 2
10:05 [ EXPO ] Networking Coffee & Peer-to-Peer Meetings
10:55 [ M1 ] Moderator's Opening Remarks - Errol Koolmeister - Founder | The AI Framework
10:30 [ M1 ] Moderator's Opening Remarks - Errol Koolmeister - Founder | The AI Framework
11:00 [ M1 ] The Journey Out of Data Science Dysfunction
10:40 [ M1 ] Python is the new excel: Unlock the value of your data investments with a code-first analytics strategy | Kjell
Carlsson - Head of Data Science Strategy & Evangelism | Domino Data Lab 11:30 [ M1 ] A Tale of MLOps and Explainability - Do You Dare to Deploy a Credit Scoring Model to Prod

11:10 [ M1 ] Review of large scale video ranking and recommendation | Aditya Guglani - Senior Machine Learning Engineer | Meta 12:00 [ M1 ] Enhanced automation by integrating AI in robotic processes | Anders Dræge - Team lead AI/ML,
Data Scientist | Frende Forsikring
11:40 [ M1 ] Clean Your Mess: How to not go from MVP to Production in ML Project
12:20 [ EXPO ] Networking Lunch
12:10 [ M1 ] Creating Business Value with Advanced Analytics | Peter Nord Andersson - Actuarial Data Scientist & Business
Advisor | Northinsight AB 13:30 [ M1 ] Generative models - a way forward towards truly intelligent AI

12:30 [ EXPO ] Networking Lunch 14:00 [ M1 ] When machine learning meets fashion | Celine Xu - Lead Data Scientist | H&M Group

13:40 [ M1 ] TBA | Leonard Aukea - Head of Machine Learning Engineering & Operations | Volvo Cars 14:30 [ M1 ] Mastering the Art of Recommender System Evaluation | Amey Porobo Dharwadker - Machine Learning
Technical Lead | Meta
14:10 [ M1 ] A practical approach to MLOps for the Enterprise | Anurag Sahay - Global Lead of Data Science & ML | Nagarro
15:00 [ M1 ] How to manage zero touch closed loop AI Ops when the goalposts are constantly moving | Kai Chaza -
14:40 [ M1 ] Technical Focus: Image & Object Recognition Automation & AI Ops Lead – IoT aaS | Ericsson AB

15:10 [ EXPO ] Networking Coffee & Peer-to-Peer Meetings 15:30 [ M1 ] How bandits and Angry Birds go together - Using Bayesian bandits for user acquisition | Aappo Pulkkinen - Lead
Data Scientist | Rovio
15:40 [ EXPO ] Technology in practice | Round 1
16:00 [ M1 ] Building Conviction and Credibility in ML Based Solutions | Armin Catovic - Senior Machine Learning Engineer | EQT
16:10 [ M1 ] Regulatory data science at the Swedish Medical Products Agency | Gabriel Westman - Head of
Artificial Intelligence | Swedish Medical Products Agency 16:30 [ P1 ] Chairman's Closing Remarks in the Expo Area | Henrik Göthberg - Founder | Dairdux

16:40 [ M1 ] Engineering scalable AI/ML continuous training pipelines in production | Dogukan Sonmez - Project Lead: Machine
Learning Platform | BMW AG

17:10 [ P1 ] Chairman's Closing Remarks in the Plenum Area | Henrik Göthberg - Founder | Dairdux

17:20 [ EXPO ] Expo Crawl

Apply to present
17:40 [ EXPO ] Data after Dark program
The speaker list of Data Innovation Summit 2023 consists of high-level EMAIL EDITORIAL
executives from both public and private organisations, and covers many
industries in both B2B and B2C sector. If you are interested in speaking
12 Join The Most Influential Data, AI and Advanced Analytics Event! BUY TICKETS contact: Saranda Arifi, Editorial Director at saranda@hyperight.com 13
Data Engineering & Stage Partner Stage Moderator
DataOps Stage Lotte Ansgaard
Technical stage focusing on the tech stack, software infrastructure and ways to architect and implement on-premise, hybrid or
cloud-native data pipelines and infrastructure to enable analytics and machine learning on rich and quality datasets. Focus on
Data-Ops, ML Ops, Auto ML, Cloud ML, Fast Data,Feature Extraction and much more.

DAY 1 All session timings are in CEST (Central European Summer Time). DAY 2 All session timings are in CEST (Central European Summer Time).

8:00 Registration Opens 8:00 Registration Opens

8:30 Welcoming Notes and Orientation 8:40 [ P1 ] Chairman's Opening remarks | Henrik Göthberg - Founder | Dairdux

8:40 [ P1 ] Chairman's Opening remarks | Henrik Göthberg - Founder | Dairdux 9:00 [ P1 ] Keynote | AI: From offline & centralized to online & federated | Jan Bosch - Professor of Software Engineering
Director Software Center | Software Center @ Chalmers University of Technology
9:00 [ P1 ] Opening Keynote | The Secret to AI Innovation - Cassie Kozyrkov - Chief Decision Scientist | Google
9:25 [ P1 ] Keynote | Data Lakehouses, Moneyball, and Raoul Wallenberg: a Journey in Data and AI | Ari Kaplan - Head of
9:20 [ P1 ] Keynote | Design For Use, Deliver Value: Data Products Start From The Outside In | Dr. Jennifer Belissent - Principal Evangelism | Databricks
Data Strategist | Snowflake
9:45 [ P1 ] Data Café & Peer-to-Peer Meetings
9:45 [ P1 ] Value creation and value capture for AI business models
10:15 [ EXPO ] Technology in practice | Round 2
10:05 [ EXPO ] Networking Coffee & Peer-to-Peer Meetings
10:55 [ M2 ] Moderator's Opening Remarks | Lotte Ansgaard Thomsen - Lead Data Architect at AI Solution | Grundfos
10:30 [ M2 ] Moderator's Opening Remarks | Lotte Ansgaard Thomsen - Lead Data Architect at AI Solution | Grundfos
11:00 [ M2 ] Implementing agile data infrastructure strategy for your Data
10:40 [ M2 ] Lifting the lid on the hidden data integration problem | Simon Ambridge - Solutions Engineer | StreamSets & Saleem
Pothiwala - Founder | Kermit Tech 11:30 [ M2 ] How to structure a modern DataOps Team

11:10 [ M2 ] Would you like to start with MLOps? Lessons learned from Trustpilot | Stefano Bosisio - 12:00 [ M2 ] Data robustness – Important lessons on running data in production | Olof Granberg - Director of Data and
Machine Learning Engineer | Trustpilot Advanced Analytics Technology | ICA Gruppen

11:40 [ M2 ] Modernising Data Movement for Real-Time Analytics at EasyPark | Erkki Pärna - Head of Data Platform | EasyPark 12:20 [ EXPO ] Networking Lunch

12:10 [ M2 ] A revolutionary journey towards the Data Governance shift left | Paolo Platter - CTO | Agile Lab & Stefano Patti - Head of 13:30 [ M2 ] Deep data observability in a world of both structured and semi-structured data | Patrik Liu Tran, PhD - CEO &
Data Architecture & Technology | UniCredit Co-founder | Validio

12:30 [ EXPO ] Networking Lunch 14:00 [ M2 ] Building a modern Self-Service Data Platform | Anders Butzbach Christensen - Senior Manager, Data
Engineering Global | The LEGO Group
13:40 [ M2 ] How to Data Product | Max Schultze - Data Engineering Manager | Zalando
14:30 [ M2 ] How to leverage DataOps and MLOps to Operationalize ML and A
14:10 [ M2 ] Data Mesh for event driven applications | Nikola Sever - Principal Consultant | Syntio
15:00 [ M2 ] Data Science Platform for Data-Driven Manufacturing in Northvolt Gigafactories | Marcus Ulmefors - Director
14:40 [ M2 ] Feature Store - Integrating Infrastructure as code into a continuous delivery of pipeline Data & Machine Learning Platforms | Northvolt
15:10 [ EXPO ] Networking Coffee & Peer-to-Peer Meetings 15:30 [ M2 ] Envisioning the Financial Close – The Need for Financial Data Quality in accounting | Deepak Yadav - Engineering
Manager, Data | Amazon
15:40 [ M2 ] Technology in practice | Round 1
16:00 [ M2 ] Building a modern data architecture: Presto for the open data lakehouse | Girish Baliga - Engineering Manager &
16:10 [ M2 ] Sculpting Data for Machine Learning | Jigyasa Grover & Rishabh Misra - Senior Machine Learning Engineers | Twitter
Chair, Presto Foundation | Uber & Tim Meehan - Software Engineer & Chair, Presto Technical Steering Committee | Meta
16:40 [ M2 ] ML Journey unification at Expedia Group | Hisham Mohamed - Director, Machine Learning Engineering | Expedia Group
16:30 [ P1 ] Chairman's Closing Remarks in the Expo Area | Henrik Göthberg - Founder | Dairdux
17:10 [ P1 ] Chairman's Closing Remarks in the Plenum Area | Henrik Göthberg - Founder | Dairdux

17:20 [ EXPO ] Expo Crawl

17:40 [ EXPO ] Data after Dark program

Apply to present
The speaker list of Data Innovation Summit 2023 consists of high-level EMAIL EDITORIAL
executives from both public and private organisations, and covers many
industries in both B2B and B2C sector. If you are interested in speaking
14 Join The Most Influential Data, AI and Advanced Analytics Event! BUY TICKETS contact: Saranda Arifi, Editorial Director at saranda@hyperight.com 15
Modern Stage Partner Stage Moderator
Data Platform Stage Iiris
Strategy and technical stage focusing on developing disruptive modern data platform that supports shifting business models,
adapts to changing workforce operations, and dynamically and intelligently connects the enterprise. The building blocks of a
modern data platform include sources, ingestion, storage, query and processing, transformation, analyses, and output.

DAY 1 All session timings are in CEST (Central European Summer Time). DAY 2 All session timings are in CEST (Central European Summer Time).

8:00 Registration Opens 8:00 Registration Opens

8:30 Welcoming Notes and Orientation 8:40 [ P1 ] Chairman's Opening remarks | Henrik Göthberg - Founder | Dairdux

8:40 [ P1 ] Chairman's Opening remarks | Henrik Göthberg - Founder | Dairdux 9:00 [ P1 ] Keynote | AI: From offline & centralized to online & federated | Jan Bosch - Professor of Software Engineering
Director Software Center | Software Center @ Chalmers University of Technology
9:00 [ P1 ] Opening Keynote | The Secret to AI Innovation - Cassie Kozyrkov - Chief Decision Scientist | Google
9:25 [ P1 ] Keynote | Data Lakehouses, Moneyball, and Raoul Wallenberg: a Journey in Data and AI | Ari Kaplan - Head of
9:20 [ P1 ] Keynote | Design For Use, Deliver Value: Data Products Start From The Outside In | Dr. Jennifer Belissent - Principal Evangelism | Databricks
Data Strategist | Snowflake
9:45 [ P1 ] Data Café & Peer-to-Peer Meetings
9:45 [ P1 ] Value creation and value capture for AI business models
10:15 [ EXPO ] Technology in practice | Round 2
10:05 [ EXPO ] Networking Coffee & Peer-to-Peer Meetings
10:55 [ M3 ] Moderator's Opening Remarks | Iiris Lahti - Founder | AI Roots
10:30 [ M3 ] Moderator's Opening Remarks | Iiris Lahti - Founder | AI Roots
11:00 [ M3 ] Re-Thinking Trusted Data
10:40 [ M3 ] Modernize Your Data Integration Architecture for Better Analytics | Ted Orme - Head of Data Integration Strategy
EMEA | Qlik 11:30 [ M3 ] TBA | Lars-Ingvar Nilsson - IT Product Manager Enterprise BI | Nederman Holding AB | Group IT

11:10 [ M3 ] Scaling Advanced Analytics at Enterprise Level - Dual Operating Model Approach | Vineeth Menon - Head of Data 12:00 [ M3 ] The business value-centric modern data platform | Jens Gyllving | Tietoevry Care & Niklas Lundmark | Folksam
Lake Engineering & Sandeep Ramachandran - Investment Lead Architect – Enterprise Analytics Platform | Swedbank
12:20 [ EXPO ] Networking Lunch
11:40 [ M3 ] From data silos to automated and streamlined data-driven decision making with Data Orchestration
13:30 [ M3 ] Transforming the Data Infrastructure: From legacy EDW to Modern Cloud Data Warehouse with the Power of DW
12:10 [ M3 ] Cloud Tactics | Hamik Sevan - Chief Architect Analytics Telia NO & DK | Telia Automation | Mikko Ollila - Head of Data Platforms | Kesko

12:30 [ EXPO ] Networking Lunch 14:00 [ M3 ] Modernising Pandora’s Data Platform | Goran Vuksic - Engineering Manager | Pandora

13:40 [ M3 ] Modernizing the data infrastructure at Swedbank: Dig where you stand, aim for the clouds | Håkan Jonsson - 14:30 [ M3 ] Unlocking Data’s Value: How to Strike the Efficiency-Security Balance | Bart Koek - Field CTO, EMEA APJ | Immuta
Lead Architect | Swedbank
15:00 [ M3 ] The Fundamentals of a successful Data Mesh | Søren Christensen - Chief Cloud Architect | Novo Nordisk
14:10 [ M3 ] Leverage 1st party data to act with agility & precision to deliver personalization | Alex Dean - CEO | Snowplow
15:30 [ M3 ] Model Employee – Barona’s roadmap to data success | Kristiina Juurmaa - Data Development Manager & Janne
14:40 [ M3 ] How to Build a Modern Data Infrastructure Using a Lakehouse Heikkilä - Information Architec | Barona Oy

15:10 [ EXPO ] Networking Coffee & Peer-to-Peer Meetings 16:00 [ M3 ] Building a business-critical data platform to process over £34bn in card transactions | Sandeep Mehta -
Engineering Lead Data Platforms | Dojo
15:40 [ EXPO ] Technology in practice | Round 1
16:30 [ P1 ] Chairman's Closing Remarks in the Expo Area | Henrik Göthberg - Founder | Dairdux
16:10 [ M3 ] Lessons learned implementing a Data Mesh for Data Access Acceleration at Volkswagen Group | Christoph
Spohr - Lead Architect Big Data Platforms | Volkswagen AG

16:40 [ M3 ] Harvesting data products for better business decisions | Dr. Maria Papastathi - Chief Data Officer - Technology,
Jacques Vosloo - Lead Architect - Surveillance & Anja Visser - Senior Data Architect – Asset | Shell

17:10 [ P1 ] Chairman's Closing Remarks in the Plenum Area | Henrik Göthberg - Founder | Dairdux

17:20 [ EXPO ] Expo Crawl Apply to present

17:40 [ EXPO ] Data after Dark program The speaker list of Data Innovation Summit 2023 consists of high-level EMAIL EDITORIAL
executives from both public and private organisations, and covers many
industries in both B2B and B2C sector. If you are interested in speaking
16 Join The Most Influential Data, AI and Advanced Analytics Event! BUY TICKETS contact: Saranda Arifi, Editorial Director at saranda@hyperight.com 17
Modern Stage Partner Stage Moderator
Data Strategy Stage Henrik
A strategy and technical track focusing on ways to create a future-proof and agile modern data strategy for enterprise grade
application of Advanced Analytics and AI, from ownership to implementation. This year’s focus is on the Data Fabric, Data &
Information Governance, Big Data quality, Data Mesh, Data Foundation, master data, warehousing, Data Lake, and much more.

DAY 1 All session timings are in CEST (Central European Summer Time). DAY 2 All session timings are in CEST (Central European Summer Time).

8:00 Registration Opens 8:00 Registration Opens

8:30 Welcoming Notes and Orientation 8:40 [ P1 ] Chairman's Opening remarks | Henrik Göthberg - Founder | Dairdux

8:40 [ P1 ] Chairman's Opening remarks | Henrik Göthberg - Founder | Dairdux 9:00 [ P1 ] Keynote | AI: From offline & centralized to online & federated | Jan Bosch - Professor of Software Engineering
Director Software Center | Software Center @ Chalmers University of Technology
9:00 [ P1 ] Opening Keynote | The Secret to AI Innovation - Cassie Kozyrkov - Chief Decision Scientist | Google
9:25 [ P1 ] Keynote | Data Lakehouses, Moneyball, and Raoul Wallenberg: a Journey in Data and AI | Ari Kaplan - Head of
9:20 [ P1 ] Keynote | Design For Use, Deliver Value: Data Products Start From The Outside In | Dr. Jennifer Belissent - Principal Evangelism | Databricks
Data Strategist | Snowflake
9:45 [ P1 ] Data Café & Peer-to-Peer Meetings
9:45 [ P1 ] Value creation and value capture for AI business models
10:15 [ EXPO ] Technology in practice | Round 2
10:05 [ EXPO ] Networking Coffee & Peer-to-Peer Meetings
10:55 [ M4 ] Moderator's Opening Remarks | Henrik Göthberg - Founder | Dairdux
10:30 [ M4 ] Moderator's Opening Remarks | Henrik Göthberg - Founder | Dairdux
11:00 [ M4 ] Hybrid data usage is stressing data governance and compliance. Are you confident that your data is used as it
10:40 [ M4 ] The Sky is the Limit - Tackling Cloud Complexity | Matt Turner - Director, Partner and Industry Marketing | Alation is supposed to be? | Dennis Lauwers - CTO Hybrid Cloud EMEA | IBM
11:10 [ M4 ] Introduction to Data Federation -A modern outlook on Data Strategies | David Dadoun - CDO | BRP 11:30 [ M4 ] How To Up Your Data Strategy To Support Business Growth And Data Monetisation
11:40 [ M4 ] The hidden importance of data management in business cases | Fredrik Ekman - Senior Specialist & Ida Eriksdotter - 12:00 [ M4 ] Case Study: How Yle democratized data & analytics | Samuli Pöntinen - Head Of Data | Yle, The Finnish
Senior Principle | Valcon Broadcasting Company

12:10 [ M4 ] Driving Digital Services and Analytics with Konecranes’ Data Platform | Gohar Shah - Data Platform Owner | Konecranes 12:20 [ EXPO ] Networking Lunch

12:30 [ EXPO ] Networking Lunch 13:30 [ M4 ] Tips and tricks to build your Data Knowledge workplace | Laurent Dresse - Chief Evangelist | DataGalaxy

13:40 [ M4 ] Oda’s six principles for value creation from Data & Insight | Nina Walberg - Head of Data & Insight & Maria 14:00 [ M4 ] Creating a data foundation to drive change | Johanna Kruckenberg Turén - Head of Data Management Office &
Nørgaard - Data Analyst | Oda Deputy Chief Data Officer | Handelsbanken

14:10 [ M4 ] Fastest time to insights using a business model-driven Data Warehouse automation approach | Petr Beles - 14:30 [ M4 ] From 0 to full stack data observability | Salma Bakouk - Co-founder and CEO | Sifflet
Senior Consultant | Datavault Builder
[ M4 ] Becoming a data centric organisation: the data management strategy at the Bank of Lithuania | Edita
14:40 [ M4 ] Powering Fingrid’s Digital Transformation with Alation Data Catalog | Joona Säynevirta - Data Architect | Fingrid Oyj Lukaševičiūtė - Head of Data Governance Division & Ignas Aničas -Manager of Data Management Maturity
Programme | Bank of Lithuania
15:10 [ EXPO ] Networking Coffee & Peer-to-Peer Meetings
15:30 [ M4 ] Putting Your Data To Work With A Modern Data Strategy | Alwyn Thomas - Head of Data Strategy | Financial Times
15:40 [ EXPO ] Technology in practice | Round 1
16:00 [ M4 ] How AI-Powered Data Management Can Enable Operational Efficiencies, Automation And Accelerated AI
16:10 [ M4 ] Data Mesh in Practice at Unity: A Case Study | Emil S. Jørgensen - Head of Data & Analytics, Application Development
Core Creation Suite | Unity Technologies
16:30 [ P1 ] Chairman's Closing Remarks in the Expo Area | Henrik Göthberg - Founder | Dairdux
16:40 [ M4 ] How To Leverage AI For Data Integration, Data Quality, And Metadata Management

17:10 [ P1 ] Chairman's Closing Remarks in the Plenum Area | Henrik Göthberg - Founder | Dairdux

17:20 [ EXPO ] Expo Crawl

Apply to present
17:40 [ EXPO ] Data after Dark program
The speaker list of Data Innovation Summit 2023 consists of high-level EMAIL EDITORIAL
executives from both public and private organisations, and covers many
industries in both B2B and B2C sector. If you are interested in speaking
18 Join The Most Influential Data, AI and Advanced Analytics Event! BUY TICKETS contact: Saranda Arifi, Editorial Director at saranda@hyperight.com 19
Business and Data Stage Partner Stage Moderator
Analytics Stage Dacil
Strategy and technical presentations on how companies can improve their analytics capabilities while maintaining balance between
control and agility of their enterprise available platforms adapted for various user personas, analytics capabilities, data and use
cases. Focus on governance, connectivity, data preparation, catalogs, automated insights, augmentation, data visualisation, NLQ...

DAY 1 All session timings are in CEST (Central European Summer Time). DAY 2 All session timings are in CEST (Central European Summer Time).

8:00 Registration Opens 8:00 Registration Opens

8:30 Welcoming Notes and Orientation 8:40 [ P1 ] Chairman's Opening remarks | Henrik Göthberg - Founder | Dairdux

8:40 [ P1 ] Chairman's Opening remarks | Henrik Göthberg - Founder | Dairdux 9:00 [ P1 ] Keynote | AI: From offline & centralized to online & federated | Jan Bosch - Professor of Software Engineering Director
Software Center | Software Center @ Chalmers University of Technology
9:00 [ P1 ] Opening Keynote | The Secret to AI Innovation - Cassie Kozyrkov - Chief Decision Scientist | Google
9:25 [ P1 ] Keynote | Data Lakehouses, Moneyball, and Raoul Wallenberg: a Journey in Data and AI | Ari Kaplan - Head of
9:20 [ P1 ] Keynote | Design For Use, Deliver Value: Data Products Start From The Outside In | Dr. Jennifer Belissent - Principal Evangelism | Databricks
Data Strategist | Snowflake
9:45 [ P1 ] Data Café & Peer-to-Peer Meetings
9:45 [ P1 ] Value creation and value capture for AI business models
10:15 [ EXPO ] Technology in practice | Round 2
10:05 [ EXPO ] Networking Coffee & Peer-to-Peer Meetings
10:55 [ M5 ] Moderator's Opening Remarks | Dacil Hernandez - Director Data/AI practices | Nagarro
10:30 [ M5 ] Moderator's Opening Remarks | Dacil Hernandez - Director Data/AI practices | Nagarro
11:00 [ M5 ] Decision Intelligence: What is it and why?
10:40 [ M5 ] Building blocks of a modern analytics platform
11:30 [ M5 ] Top 10 Analytics Mistakes | Adam Greco - Product Evangelist | Amplitude
11:10 [ M5 ] Six Essential Business Skills for Analytics Professionals | David Stephenson - Founder DSI Analytics and
Author “Big Data Demystified” | DSI Analytics and University of Amsterdam 12:00 [ M5 ] How we support and optimize self-service analytics, in a transformative business environment | Jonas
Blomqvist - Head of Analytics & Data | Scandinavian Airlines
11:40 [ M5 ] How Business Analytics and Data Governance can ensure sustainable success
12:20 [ EXPO ] Networking Lunch
12:10 [ M5 ] Leveraging the Data Platform for Expanded Value Generation: Beyond Analytics and Reporting | Mikko
Ollila - Head of Data Platforms | Kesko 13:30 [ M5 ] How Data Lineage Streamlines Regulatory Deadlines for Large Enterprise Data Environments | Marek Pikna -
Manager of Professional Services | Manta
12:30 [ EXPO ] Networking Lunch
14:00 [ M5 ] Navigating the Analytics Transformation: From Vision to Reality - A Journey through Analytics Harmonization &
13:40 [ M5 ] Doing More with Less | Linda Rothan-Cederberg - Analytics & Data Manager | Electrolux Data Democratization | Camilla Sternberg - Head of Common Analytics & Malinda Phillips - Head of Insight &
Data Office | Telia Company
14:10 [ M5 ] So you think you know data automation? | Anja Loug Helland - Head of Advisory & Co-founder & Terje Vatle - Chief
Technology Officer | BI Builders 14:30 [ M5 ] Emotions – a game changer in data visualization?
14:40 [ M5 ] Embedded AI & ML: Modern Approach to Data Visualisation & Storytelling
15:00 [ M5 ] Maximizing value extraction with data as product practices | Sandra Real - Data as a product lead | Adevinta
15:10 [ EXPO ] Networking Coffee & Peer-to-Peer Meetings
15:30 [ M5 ] How to Build Your Growth Forecasting Machine | Henrik Landgren - Co-founder & CPTO | Ark Kapital
15:40 [ EXPO ] Technology in practice | Round 1
16:00 [ M5 ] Rethinking the Value of Analytics | Ibrahim Elawadi - Global Director, Digital Analytics | Philips
16:10 [ M5 ] Innovation and Data-drivenness in large companies: Differences and Similarities | Marisa Leysen Jestin - Head of
16:30 [ P1 ] Chairman's Closing Remarks in the Expo Area | Henrik Göthberg - Founder | Dairdux
Data Insights – Global Online Experience | Volvo Cars

16:40 [ M5 ] How to improve customer data quality with unified digital identity | Eija Moisala - Head of Digital Identity, Data and
Design System | Elisa & Joonatan Henriksson - Vice CEO | Haidion

17:10 [ P1 ] Chairman's Closing Remarks in the Plenum Area | Henrik Göthberg - Founder | Dairdux

17:20 [ EXPO ] Expo Crawl Apply to present

17:40 [ EXPO ] Data after Dark program The speaker list of Data Innovation Summit 2023 consists of high-level EMAIL EDITORIAL
executives from both public and private organisations, and covers many
industries in both B2B and B2C sector. If you are interested in speaking
20 Join The Most Influential Data, AI and Advanced Analytics Event! BUY TICKETS contact: Saranda Arifi, Editorial Director at saranda@hyperight.com 21
Data Science & Advanced Stage Partner Stage Moderator
Analytics Stategy Stage Bjorn
Strategy and business stage focusing on ways to enable a world class analytics delivery platform, lead and manage highly
deliverable Data Science & Advanced Analytical teams, manage advanced analytics product life-cycles, provide and extend
insight and business value to internal and external stakeholders.

DAY 1 All session timings are in CEST (Central European Summer Time). DAY 2 All session timings are in CEST (Central European Summer Time).

8:00 Registration Opens 8:00 Registration Opens

8:30 Welcoming Notes and Orientation 8:40 [ P1 ] Chairman's Opening remarks | Henrik Göthberg - Founder | Dairdux

8:40 [ P1 ] Chairman's Opening remarks | Henrik Göthberg - Founder | Dairdux 9:00 [ P1 ] Keynote | AI: From offline & centralized to online & federated | Jan Bosch - Professor of Software Engineering
Director Software Center | Software Center @ Chalmers University of Technology
9:00 [ P1 ] Opening Keynote | The Secret to AI Innovation - Cassie Kozyrkov - Chief Decision Scientist | Google
9:25 [ P1 ] Keynote | Data Lakehouses, Moneyball, and Raoul Wallenberg: a Journey in Data and AI | Ari Kaplan - Head of
9:20 [ P1 ] Keynote | Design For Use, Deliver Value: Data Products Start From The Outside In | Dr. Jennifer Belissent - Principal Evangelism | Databricks
Data Strategist | Snowflake
9:45 [ P1 ] Data Café & Peer-to-Peer Meetings
9:45 [ P1 ] Value creation and value capture for AI business models
10:15 [ EXPO ] Technology in practice | Round 2
10:05 [ EXPO ] Networking Coffee & Peer-to-Peer Meetings
10:55 [ M6 ] Moderator's Opening Remarks | Bjorn Hertzberg - Founder | Algorete
10:30 [ M6 ] Moderator's Opening Remarks | Bjorn Hertzberg - Founder | Algorete
11:00 [ M6 ] Breaking Down Data Science Language Barriers: Build Agile, Future-proof Analytics Implementations | Christian
10:40 [ M6 ] How to scale AI with confidence | Ann-Elise Delbecq - Data and AI Expert Leader, Northern and Central Europe | IBM Andersen - Regional Director Data Analytics Nordic Region | Altair Engineering
11:10 [ M6 ] 5 Things I have learned from Continuous Explore Exploit Applications at Netflix | Sophia Liu - Staff 11:30 [ M6 ] The Benefit of Low Code and Decentralized Data Teams
Data Scientist | Netflix
12:00 [ M6 ] Transforming Footwear Industry by Using Big Data and AI | Ales Jurca - VP Footwear Research | Volumental
11:40 [ M6 ] Data Mesh: the decentralized data paradigm - real value or mostly hype? | Jussi Ritola - Head of
Data & AI | Thoughtworks Finland 12:20 [ EXPO ] Networking Lunch

12:10 [ M6 ] Scaling data & analytics functions at hyper-growth organisations 13:30 [ M6 ] Getting advanced analytics out of the lab and into production

12:30 [ EXPO ] Networking Lunch 14:00 [ M6 ] Data Science for Expansions: Lessons from Viaplay | Jeff Chen - VP, Data Science | Viaplay Group

13:40 [ M6 ] Combining data science and design to maximize customer experience | Annika Nordbo - Head of 14:30 [ M6 ] Building Data Science and Advanced Analytics teams in fast-paced environment
eCommerce Data and Analytics | S Group
15:00 [ M6 ] Break the black box; Human learning from machine learning | Emil Pedersen - Staff Data Scientist | Spotify
14:10 [ M6 ] Machine Learning in production — how to operate a Model Factory
15:30 [ M6 ] Self-Supervised Learning on Ad Graphs | Levan Tsinadze - Machine Learning Researcher | Eyeo GmbH
14:40 [ M6 ] How to apply agile principles to DS /ML projects
16:00 [ M6 ] Driving successful AI-based digital transformation in a non-tech company | Kriti Paliwal - Data Science Manager |
15:10 [ EXPO ] Networking Coffee & Peer-to-Peer Meetings Securitas Intelligent Services

15:40 [ EXPO ] Technology in practice | Round 1 16:30 [ P1 ] Chairman's Closing Remarks in the Expo Area | Henrik Göthberg - Founder | Dairdux

16:10 [ M6 ] Preparing to scale trustworthy AI in a large enterprise | Mattias Fras - Head of AI Hub | Nordea

16:40 [ M6 ] Statistics in the wild: how to keep calm and carry on | Aleksandrs Gehsbargs - Director of
the Games Data Science | Product Madness, an Aristocrat Company

17:10 [ P1 ] Chairman's Closing Remarks in the Plenum Area | Henrik Göthberg - Founder | Dairdux

17:20 [ EXPO ] Expo Crawl

17:40 [ EXPO ] Data after Dark program

Apply to present
The speaker list of Data Innovation Summit 2023 consists of high-level EMAIL EDITORIAL
executives from both public and private organisations, and covers many
industries in both B2B and B2C sector. If you are interested in speaking
22 Join The Most Influential Data, AI and Advanced Analytics Event! BUY TICKETS contact: Saranda Arifi, Editorial Director at saranda@hyperight.com 23
Industrial Stage Partner Stage Moderator
Analytics Stage Somil
Strategy and technical stage focusing on how heavy asset organisations and manufacturers can develop and use machine data
and application-oriented AI applications to improve operational processes, detect and classify anomalies, thereby effectively
reducing downtimes and optimize production and everyday operation.

DAY 1 All session timings are in CEST (Central European Summer Time). DAY 2 All session timings are in CEST (Central European Summer Time).

8:00 Registration Opens 8:00 Registration Opens

8:30 Welcoming Notes and Orientation 8:40 [ P1 ] Chairman's Opening remarks | Henrik Göthberg - Founder | Dairdux

8:40 [ P1 ] Chairman's Opening remarks | Henrik Göthberg - Founder | Dairdux 9:00 [ P1 ] Keynote | AI: From offline & centralized to online & federated | Jan Bosch - Professor of Software Engineering
Director Software Center | Software Center @ Chalmers University of Technology
9:00 [ P1 ] Opening Keynote | The Secret to AI Innovation - Cassie Kozyrkov - Chief Decision Scientist | Google
9:25 [ P1 ] Keynote | Data Lakehouses, Moneyball, and Raoul Wallenberg: a Journey in Data and AI | Ari Kaplan - Head of
9:20 [ P1 ] Keynote | Design For Use, Deliver Value: Data Products Start From The Outside In | Dr. Jennifer Belissent - Principal Evangelism | Databricks
Data Strategist | Snowflake
9:45 [ P1 ] Data Café & Peer-to-Peer Meetings
9:45 [ P1 ] Value creation and value capture for AI business models
10:15 [ EXPO ] Technology in practice | Round 2
10:05 [ EXPO ] Networking Coffee & Peer-to-Peer Meetings
10:55 [ M7 ] Moderator's Opening Remarks | Somil Gupta - Founder and CEO | Algorithmic Scale
10:30 [ M7 ] Moderator's Opening Remarks | Somil Gupta - Founder and CEO | Algorithmic Scale
11:00 [ M7 ] Maximizing the ROI of Data Science Projects – How to design and lead cost-effective data science
10:40 [ M7 ] Leading an agile manufacturing enterprise in the age of AI initiatives | Nicola Holmes - Principal Data Scientist | Kaito Insight

11:10 [ M7 ] Industrial metaverse as social platform for digital twins: A service-oriented approach | Diego Galar, PhD - 11:30 [ M7 ] Monetizing Digital Twins: Leveraging Data and AI to develop profitable service-oriented business models for
Professor | Luleå University of Technology industrial products

11:40 [ M7 ] Engineering for the enterprise: Should you add the metaverse to your toolkit? | Umang Garg - Global Practice 12:00 [ M7 ] Data profiling done right from the start | Thomas Hütter - Senior Developer for ERP,SQL and BI | Swecon
Leader - Industry and Automation | Nagarro Baumaschinen GmbH

12:10 [ M7 ] The role of an AUTOMATED data platform in setting a new world standard for sustainable mining | Daniel 12:20 [ EXPO ] Networking Lunch
Nordvall - Group Manager Data & Analytics | LKAB
13:30 [ M7 ] Data-driven approach to reaching sustainability goals | Nils Pålsson - Global Practice Leader - Industry and
12:30 [ EXPO ] Networking Lunch Automation | IBM

13:40 [ M7 ] Game-changing potential of AI for industrial companies | Tal Katzav - Manager, Machine Learning & 14:00 [ M7 ] AI classification for maintenance | Peter Kertys - Chief data scientist | SE, a.s.
Advanced Analytics | Wärtsilä Corporation
14:30 [ M7 ] Boosting Smart Manufacturing with Machine Learning & AI
14:10 [ M7 ] How data & analytics can help to create a more efficient and dynamic power grid | Lars Meinich Andersen - Partner,
Data & Analytics | PwC Norway 15:00 [ M7 ] SORDI-next: BMW's iconic industrial dataset with dynamic assets and industrial metadata | Chafic Abou Akar -
Computer Vision Researcher | BMW Group
14:40 [ M7 ] Deep learning for time series data
15:30 [ M7 ] Trial and Error Method: Approaching Big Data Project for Mini EEV Lifetime Prediction | Egor Kolpakov - Project
15:10 [ EXPO ] Networking Coffee & Peer-to-Peer Meetings Engineer | Danfoss

15:40 [ EXPO ] Technology in practice | Round 1 16:00 [ M7 ] Case Study on Inventory Optimisation: How the European mobility super-app solves one of the oldest problems
in Supply Chain | Abdullah Zia - Senior Data Analyst | Bolt Technology OÜ
16:10 [ M7 ] Digital Twins to Optimize Supply Chains | Danffer Navarro - Head of Group Supply Digitalization | Ericsson AB
16:30 [ P1 ] Chairman's Closing Remarks in the Expo Area | Henrik Göthberg - Founder | Dairdux
16:40 [ M7 ] Transforming a digitally non-native construction company | Øyvinn Lossius - Head of Data & Analytics &
Shuang Wu - Lead Data Engineer | Mesta

17:10 [ P1 ] Chairman's Closing Remarks in the Plenum Area | Henrik Göthberg - Founder | Dairdux
Apply to present
17:20 [ EXPO ] Expo Crawl
The speaker list of Data Innovation Summit 2023 consists of high-level EMAIL EDITORIAL
17:40 [ EXPO ] Data after Dark program executives from both public and private organisations, and covers many
industries in both B2B and B2C sector. If you are interested in speaking
24 Join The Most Influential Data, AI and Advanced Analytics Event! BUY TICKETS contact: Saranda Arifi, Editorial Director at saranda@hyperight.com 25
Applied & Human-Centric Stage Partner Stage Moderator
AI Innovation Stage Giovanni
Business and strategy stage focusing on application-centric AI innovation to enhance customer experience, improve business
process, reinvent business models, and create new ones, as well as human-centric AI innovation including explainable AI,
trustworthy AI, digital ethics, AI for Good and much more.

DAY 1 All session timings are in CEST (Central European Summer Time). DAY 2 All session timings are in CEST (Central European Summer Time).

8:00 Registration Opens 8:00 Registration Opens

8:30 Welcoming Notes and Orientation 8:40 [ P1 ] Chairman's Opening remarks | Henrik Göthberg - Founder | Dairdux

8:40 [ P1 ] Chairman's Opening remarks | Henrik Göthberg - Founder | Dairdux 9:00 [ P1 ] Keynote | AI: From offline & centralized to online & federated | Jan Bosch - Professor of Software Engineering
Director Software Center | Software Center @ Chalmers University of Technology
9:00 [ P1 ] Opening Keynote | The Secret to AI Innovation - Cassie Kozyrkov - Chief Decision Scientist | Google
9:25 [ P1 ] Keynote | Data Lakehouses, Moneyball, and Raoul Wallenberg: a Journey in Data and AI | Ari Kaplan - Head of
9:20 [ P1 ] Keynote | Design For Use, Deliver Value: Data Products Start From The Outside In | Dr. Jennifer Belissent - Principal Evangelism | Databricks
Data Strategist | Snowflake
9:45 [ P1 ] Data Café & Peer-to-Peer Meetings
9:45 [ P1 ] Value creation and value capture for AI business models
10:15 [ EXPO ] Technology in practice | Round 2
10:05 [ EXPO ] Networking Coffee & Peer-to-Peer Meetings
10:55 [ M8 ] Moderator's Opening Remarks | Giovanni Leoni - Head of Business Strategy & Development | Credo AI
10:30 [ M8 ] Moderator's Opening Remarks | Giovanni Leoni - Head of Business Strategy & Development | Credo AI
11:00 [ M8 ] AI at the Edge to mitigate legal and privacy risks
10:40 [ M8 ] Creating a Value with Ethical and Trustworthy Data and AI Innovation
11:30 [ M8 ] The Swedish Government Assignment on AI for public sector | David Magård - Senior Advisor | Bolagsverket/
11:10 [ M8 ] Extreme Digital Transformation | Patrick Eckemo - Cheif Digital & Innovation Officer | Bolagsverket Swedish Companies Registration Office
11:40 [ M8 ] Foster trust in AI – Improve transparency and governance with AI Fact sheets 12:00 [ M8 ] Employing AI to detect insurance fraud | Fredrik Thuring - Head of Operational Analytics | Tryg Forsikring
12:10 [ M8 ] Ethical AI Governance 12:20 [ EXPO ] Networking Lunch
12:30 [ EXPO ] Networking Lunch 13:30 [ M8 ] Shared Everything, low cost NVMe All-Flash Data Platform - built for Next Generation AI | Jason Hammons - VP
Systems Engineering, EMEA APJ | VAST Data
13:40 [ M8 ] Customer service demand forecasting using Machine Learning | Prasanta Bhowmik - Enterprise Architect – Data
& Analytics | ASSA ABLOY AB 14:00 [ M8 ] QA for AI systems | Serg Masis - Climate & Agronomic Data Scientist | Syngenta
14:10 [ M8 ] Foundational models, can I trust you? | Dasha Simons - Managing Consultant Trustworthy AI | IBM 14:30 [ M8 ] Understanding the upcoming European AI Act and how it will impact Data and AI Innovation
efforts across industries and functions
14:40 [ M8 ] Don’t let your insights get stuck in the data lab! A guide to Decision Intelligence | Andreas Westling - CEO | Ignize
15:00 [ M8 ] AI-by-Design: A Framework for building Human-Centred AI | Ioannis Zempekakis - Head of Global AI | OLX Group &
15:10 [ EXPO ] Networking Coffee & Peer-to-Peer Meetings
Serena Westra - Senior Strategic Experience Designer | IKEA / AI-by-Design
15:40 [ EXPO ] Technology in practice | Round 1
15:30 [ M8 ] Panel | Responsible Analytics Governance
16:10 [ M8 ] Panel | AI Regulation Impact on Enterprises - Anna Felländer - Founder and CEO | anch.AI
- Dr. Andreas Theodorou - Research Fellow | Umeå University - David Magård - Senior Advisor | Bolagsverket/Swedish Companies Registration Office
- Alex Moltzau - AI Policy, Governance, Ethics and International Partnerships | NORA.ai - Meeri Haataja - CEO & Co-Founder | Saidot
- Pernille Tranberg - Founder, Advisor and Speaker | Digital Identity
16:30 [ P1 ] Chairman's Closing Remarks in the Expo Area | Henrik Göthberg - Founder | Dairdux
17:10 [ P1 ] Chairman's Closing Remarks in the Plenum Area | Henrik Göthberg - Founder | Dairdux

17:20 [ EXPO ] Expo Crawl

17:40 [ EXPO ] Data after Dark program

Apply to present
The speaker list of Data Innovation Summit 2023 consists of high-level EMAIL EDITORIAL
executives from both public and private organisations, and covers many
industries in both B2B and B2C sector. If you are interested in speaking
26 Join The Most Influential Data, AI and Advanced Analytics Event! BUY TICKETS contact: Saranda Arifi, Editorial Director at saranda@hyperight.com 27
Databases & Stage Partner
Architecture Stage
On this new stage this year we are brining technical presentations on way to manage enterprise databases in order to keep data
quality high and database performance on target as well as data, streaming and enterprise architecture to architect a blueprint
for a modern data environment that creates, manages and supports data collection, processing, analytical and ML workloads.

DAY 1 All session timings are in CEST (Central European Summer Time). DAY 2 All session timings are in CEST (Central European Summer Time).

8:00 Registration Opens 8:00 Registration Opens

8:30 Welcoming Notes and Orientation 8:40 [ P1 ] Chairman's Opening remarks | Henrik Göthberg - Founder | Dairdux

8:40 [ P1 ] Chairman's Opening remarks | Henrik Göthberg - Founder | Dairdux 9:00 [ P1 ] Keynote | AI: From offline & centralized to online & federated | Jan Bosch - Professor of Software Engineering
Director Software Center | Software Center @ Chalmers University of Technology
9:00 [ P1 ] Opening Keynote | The Secret to AI Innovation - Cassie Kozyrkov - Chief Decision Scientist | Google
9:25 [ P1 ] Keynote | Data Lakehouses, Moneyball, and Raoul Wallenberg: a Journey in Data and AI | Ari Kaplan - Head of
9:20 [ P1 ] Keynote | Design For Use, Deliver Value: Data Products Start From The Outside In | Dr. Jennifer Belissent - Principal Evangelism | Databricks
Data Strategist | Snowflake
9:45 [ P1 ] Data Café & Peer-to-Peer Meetings
9:45 [ P1 ] Value creation and value capture for AI business models
10:15 [ EXPO ] Technology in practice | Round 2
10:05 [ EXPO ] Networking Coffee & Peer-to-Peer Meetings
10:55 [ M9 ] Moderator's Opening Remarks
10:30 [ M9 ] Moderator's Opening Remarks
11:00 [ M9 ] Data Contract in Practice: from definition to enforcing | Andrea Gioia - CTO | Quantyca
10:40 [ M9 ] How to set up an actionable, targeted database management strategy
11:30 [ M9 ] How ABB Ability™ Genix applies AI and analytics to unlock the value of industrial data with CrateDB | Marko
11:10 [ M9 ] How Uber manages one hundred thousand databases | Egor Grishechko - Software Engineer II | Uber Sommarberg - Lead, Digital Strategy and Business Development | ABB & Christian Lutz - Founder | CrateDB
11:40 [ M9 ] What is a graph database and why use one 12:00 [ M9 ] Modern Architecture in the Cloud of 2023 | Marius Zaharia - Cloud Solutions Architect | Société Générale
12:10 [ M9 ] Enabling Analytics and Data Mesh in the world of sports betting | Joel Lidström - Head of Product Development, 12:20 [ EXPO ] Networking Lunch
Data Platform | Kambi
13:30 [ M9 ] Unlock your Data Warehouses with APIs | Smit Shah - Director, Technical Evangelism | Hasura
12:30 [ EXPO ] Networking Lunch
14:00 [ M9 ] Robust Foundation For Data Pipelines At Scale
13:40 [ M9 ] How I stopped worrying and learned to love decentralized transformation | Oskar Roman - Head of
architecture and domain architect | SEB 14:30 [ M9 ] Helping Retailers Gain Valuable Business Insights with Automated Data Movement | Jani Kykyri - Head of Product
Business | Woolman
14:10 [ M9 ] Real-time, Scalable Applications powered by the Redis Modern Data Platform | Alexandre Vasseur - Director -
Solution Architects & Ruurd Keizer - Solution Architect | Redis 15:00 [ M9 ] Building Highly Available, Scalable and Resilient MySQL Architectures | Jesus Alejandro Sanchez Davila - Senior
Database Administrator and Online Infrastructure Engineer | Massive Entertainment | A Ubisoft Studio
14:40 [ M9 ] Multi-databases and Database Federation
15:30 [ M9 ] Using modern AI in production systems | Jon Bratseth - VP Architect | Yahoo
15:10 [ EXPO ] Networking Coffee & Peer-to-Peer Meetings
16:00 [ M9 ] How To Design A Data Fabric For Augmented Data Management And Integration
15:40 [ EXPO ] Technology in practice | Round 1
16:30 [ P1 ] Chairman's Closing Remarks in the Expo Area | Henrik Göthberg - Founder | Dairdux
16:10 [ M9 ] Integrated data architecture for 360 BI, Analytics & Data Science | Alessandro Pregnolato - VP Data | Preply

16:40 [ M9 ] Setting up an actionable, targeted database management strategy | Lars Hove Goswami-Christiansen - Head of
Data at PFA | PFA

17:10 [ P1 ] Chairman's Closing Remarks in the Plenum Area | Henrik Göthberg - Founder | Dairdux

17:20 [ EXPO ] Expo Crawl

17:40 [ EXPO ] Data after Dark program

Apply to present
The speaker list of Data Innovation Summit 2023 consists of high-level EMAIL EDITORIAL
executives from both public and private organisations, and covers many
industries in both B2B and B2C sector. If you are interested in speaking
28 Join The Most Influential Data, AI and Advanced Analytics Event! BUY TICKETS contact: Saranda Arifi, Editorial Director at saranda@hyperight.com 29
Data Stage Moderator
Octagon Stage Robert
Built as an independent program consisting of 30 to 45-minute panels and 20-minute product reviews, this technology-oriented
program will present insight into current data policies, trends, challenges and opportunities, as well as an overview of the latest
technological breakthroughs and a glimpse into the future of data management, analytics and AI.

DAY 1 All session timings are in CEST (Central European Summer Time). DAY 2 All session timings are in CEST (Central European Summer Time).

8:30 [ DO ] Data Octagon Opening Remarks | Robert Luciani - Senior Data and AI Adviser | The AI Framework 8:30 [ DO ] Data Octagon Day 2 Opening Remarks | Robert Luciani - Senior Data and AI Adviser | The AI Framework

8:40 [ P1 ] Chairman's Opening remarks | Henrik Göthberg - Founder | Dairdux 8:40 [ P1 ] Chairman's Opening remarks | Henrik Göthberg - Founder | Dairdux

9:00 [ P1 ] Opening Keynote | The Secret to AI Innovation - Cassie Kozyrkov - Chief Decision Scientist | Google 9:00 [ P1 ] Keynote | AI: From offline & centralized to online & federated | Jan Bosch - Professor of Software Engineering
Director Software Center | Software Center @ Chalmers University of Technology
9:20 [ P1 ] Keynote | Design For Use, Deliver Value: Data Products Start From The Outside In | Dr. Jennifer Belissent - Principal Data
Strategist | Snowflake 9:25 [ P1 ] Keynote | Data Lakehouses, Moneyball, and Raoul Wallenberg: a Journey in Data and AI | Ari Kaplan - Head of
Evangelism | Databricks
9:45 [ P1 ] Value creation and value capture for AI business models
9:45 [ P1 ] Data Café & Peer-to-Peer Meetings
10:30 [ DO ] Panel | Decentralized Data and Artificial Intelligence and Future of Business
- Antti Loukiala - Technical Lead Data Platforms | Solita 10:40 [ DO ] Product Review with IBM | Ronny Kerkhofs - Geo EMEA Sales Leader, IBM Data&AI | IBM

11:30 [ DO ] Product Review with Snowflake | Henrik Norhøj Nielsen - Principal Sales Engineer | Snowflake 11:00 [ DO ] Panel | The 2023 Modern Data Platform Blueprint– Components, Capabilities, Tools.
- Mats Stellwall - Field CTO | Snowflake
12:00 [ DO ] Product Review with Alation | Data Intelligence + Human Brilliance: Transforming Data Culture with the Alation Data - Heine Krog Iversen - CEO & Founder | TimeXtender
Catalog | Tom Codling - EMEA Sales Engineering Manager | Alation
12:00 [ DO ] Product Review with Cloudera | Wim Stoop - Senior Director, Hybrid Data Platform | Cloudera
13:30 [ DO ] Panel | Modern Data Strategy – 2023 Trends and Challenges
- Steve Neat - GM EMEA | Alation 13:30 [ DO ] Panel | Beyond ML Models – How to build capabilities and a culture that embraces data and AI

14:30 [ DO ] Product Review with Databricks | Thorsten Jacobs - Sr Solutions Architect | Databricks 14:30 [ DO ] Product Review

15:00 [ DO ] Panel | Scaling AI – The link between AI Governance, MLOps, and Responsible AI 15:00 [ DO ] Product Review
- Jesse McCrosky - Head of Sustainability and Social Change & Principal Data Scientist | Thoughtworks
- Kjell Carlsson - Head of Data Science Strategy & Evangelism | Domino Data Lab 15:50 [ DO ] Data Octagon Day 2 Closing Remarks | Robert Luciani - Senior Data and AI Adviser | The AI Framework
- Ann-Elise Delbecq - Data and AI Expert Leader, Northern and Central Europe | IBM
16:30 [ P1 ] Chairman's Closing Remarks in the Expo Area | Henrik Göthberg - Founder | Dairdux
16:00 [ DO ] Panel | DataOps, Data in Motion, and Event-Driven Architectures – 2023 Trends and challenges in data engineering
- Keith Bolam - Director, Strategic Initiatives | Actian

16:50 [ DO ] Data Octagon Day 1 Closing Remarks | Robert Luciani - Senior Data and AI Adviser | The AI Framework

17:00 [ P1 ] Chairman's Closing Remarks in the Plenum Area | Henrik Göthberg - Founder | Dairdux

The program is available as an independent one stream stage in the event platform and streamed live for free to our Apply to present
community online through YouTube and other social media channels.
The speaker list of Data Innovation Summit 2023 consists of high-level EMAIL EDITORIAL
executives from both public and private organisations, and covers many
industries in both B2B and B2C sector. If you are interested in speaking
30 Join The Most Influential Data, AI and Advanced Analytics Event! BUY TICKETS contact: Saranda Arifi, Editorial Director at saranda@hyperight.com 31
Data After Dark A little party
never hurt
What is a great event without a great party? After the official end of the first summit day, this year we are organizing a Data After

Dark networking party at the venue for the delegates attending the event. This is a great opportunity for the delegates to network
in an informal environment and makes meaningful connections and memories. The Data After Dark program will take place in
the plenum area. It will start after the end of the Expo Crawl and will last until 22:30 CET. Refreshments and finger food can be
found in several locations in the expo area.

Official Programme

17:40 [ P1 ] Data After Dark Opening words

18:00 [ P1 ] Artist Performance 1

19:00 [ P1 ] Artist Performance 2

21:00 [ P1 ] Artist Performance 3

22:30 End of Data after Dark

32 www.datainnovationsummit.com DISummit2030 33
All workshop timings are in CEST (Central European Summer Time).


Wx DAY 1

10:30 [ W4 ] Data Management ain’t Rocket Science | Alex Van Wijnen - Solution Specialist Lead & Stefan Ahlbom - Solution
Specialist | TimeXtender

13:30 [ W4 ] Unleash Hybrid MLOps with Domino Data Labs | Bryan Prosser - Sales Engineering Manager & Petter Olsson - Sales
Engineer | Domino Data Lab
To provide a deeper insight into specific topics, on request by our delegates, we will have six workshop rooms, each dedicated to a
unique domain area: Advanced Analytics Strategy, Business Analytics & Visualization, Machine Learning, Industrial Analytics,
Modern Data Strategy and Data Engineering. The workshops are 100 minutes each and limited to a maximum of 24 participants. DAY 2
The places are on first-come first-served basis and require pre-booking. Once the room capacity is reached, a waiting list will be
open. The room capacity is indicated in the agenda, web page and the event app. Delegates can add the workshops as a free add- 10:30 [ W4 ] The Secret to Data Cloud Migration? A Strong Governance Foundation! | Tom Codling - EMEA Sales Engineering
on to their hybrid tickets. Manager & Christian Herzog - Senior Sales Engineer | Alation

10:30 [ W5 ] Building Production Machine Learning Systems with the Hopsworks Feature Store | Jim Dowling - CEO & Fabio
10:30 [ W1 ] Make Unifying Data Easy | Peter Lydon - Director of Sales Engineering | Actian Buso - VP of Engineering | Hopsworks
13:30 [ W1 ] Workshop by SqlDBM 13:30 [ W5 ] How to find your organization’s data development bottlenecks with the Data-Driven Business Puzzle | Minna
Kärhä - Data Strategy Lead & Tero Kallioinen - Business Lead, Data Driven Business | Solita oyj

10:30 [ W1 ] The Responsible AI Board Game – play your way toward Responsible AI readiness | Josefin Rosén - Nordic
leader AI & Analytics | SAS Institute
10:30 [ W5 ] Dataiku DSS Workshop | Makoto Miyazak - Lead Data Scientist | Dataiku

10:30 [ W2 ] Workshop by Databricks
10:30 [ W6 ] From the beginning - the journey from data to governance | Ab Initio
13:30 [ W2 ] Hands-on lab: Starburst , Data Lakes, Iceberg and Data Federation | Graham Martin - Solution Architect, EMEA &
Richard Persaud - Field Engineering Manager, Northern Europe | Starburst 13:30 [ W6 ] Workshop by Neo4J


10:30 [ W2 ] Workshop by SODA 10:30 [ W6 ] Applying responsible tech tools to power your organization | Jesse McCrosky - Principal Data Scientist and Head of
Sustainability and Social Change & Aili Asikainen - Senior Data Scientist | Thoughtworks Finland

10:30 [ W3 ] Workshop by Proact IT / NetApp
10:30 [ W7 ] Uncomplicate your data storage, reduce time to results and improve your ESG scores with Pure Storage | Jean-Baptiste
13:30 [ W3 ] Workshop by Monte Carlo Thomas - Principle Field Solution Architect EMEA & Luis Lozano - Field Solution Architect EMEA North | Pure Storage

13:30 [ W7 ] Accelerate, Predict and Act on Business Insights with Process Mining and Data & AI | Dag Sagfors - Technical
Lead | IBM Business Automation & Oscar Schnell - Technical Lead | IBM Integration and Automation

10:30 [ W3 ] Get Your Head Around Data Product Thinking | Dr. Jennifer Belissent - Principal Data Strategist | Snowflake DAY 2

10:30 [ W7 ] Coalesce Hands-On Lab: Supercharge Your Data Transformations | Mark van der Heijden - Lead Engineer & Glen
Dawson - Senior Solutions Architect | Coalesce

34 www.datainnovationsummit.com Join The Most Influential Data, AI and Advanced Analytics Event! BUY TICKETS DISummit2030 35
Make Unifying Data Easy Hands-on lab: Starburst , Data Lakes, Iceberg and Data Federation

DAY 1 | W1 | 10:30 - 12:10 DAY 1 | W2 | 13:30 - 15:10 IN T ER M EDIAT E

Is your data currently stuck in silos? Are you having trouble bringing together multiple data sources to provide a 360-degree view Join our Field Engineering Manager, Northern Europe Richard Persaud, and our Solution Architect, EMEA Graham Martin for a
of your business? Then join this workshop to see how easy it can be to unifying your data regardless of the data source. Through live and hands-on workshop to learn how Starburst Enterprise can enable you to unlock siloed data by providing fast access to
a mixture of live demonstrations and active labs, you will learn how simple it can be to build and run an integration of multiple any data source. In this hands-on and interactive workshop you’ll see how Starburst acts as a single point of access connecting
data sources unifying millions of lines of data. to any source of data – whether it’s located on-premise, in the cloud, or across a hybrid cloud environment – Starburst lets
your team use the analytics tools they already know & love while accessing data that lives anywhere. You will get hands-on
experience with Starburst cluster, all through your browser, with a single click of a button – no downloads or setup needed.
- Create a Cloud Data Warehouse on the Actian Avalanche Cloud Data Platform
- Load data into that warehouse from a Cloud Storage Budget and investigate that data KEY TAKEAWAYS REQUIREMENTS
- Create an integration to load additional data
- Data Mesh enabled with Distributed Data Locations – see how Starburst operates as Attendees taking part will need to bring own laptops to the workshop
- Connect a 3rd party tool to analyse the data being used
the SQL-based query engine that federates across a data mesh architecture
- Iceberg Data Lake– access , create and maintain Iceberg data lakes via Starburst SQL
-Security – learn how starburst creates a controlled and query engine to access your
data where it lives.

Peter Lydon Graham Martin Richard Persaud

Director of Sales Engineering | Actian Solution Architect, EMEA | Starburst Field Engineering Manager,
Peter (Pete) Lydon is the EMEA Director of Sales Engineering at Actian where he leads a team that specializes Graham works for as a Starburst Solutions Northern Europe | Starburst
in data warehousing and analytics both in the cloud and on-premises. With more than 30 years of experience Architect. Designing, Building, and Deploying Richard Persaud leads a very talented team
in both programming and consulting, Pete has a wealth of knowledge in all things data after having worked Starburst-based solutions to yield the of Solution Architects at Starburst Data
for Barclays PLC and a database consultancy, Sandyx Systems where he supported and maintained business most value for their Business. Graham has He has been in the data industry for many
systems for large blue chip global institutions and government. Pete is passionate about the opportunities been working with Databases and Big Data years. Delivering data solutions for large
that the adoption of data and analytics technology offer to companies of all sizes and works to transform Solutions for over 25 years, and has worked Financial Services , Telecommunications
businesses to become more data driven. across multiple Industries and Regions. and Retail throughout EMEA

The Responsible AI Board Game – play your way toward Get Your Head Around Data Product Thinking
Responsible AI readiness.
DAY 2 | W1 | 10:30 - 12:10 INT ER M E D I ATE DAY 2 | W3 | 10:30 - 12:10

This workshop is the perfect mix between attending a round table discussion and playing a classic board game. The Responsible Companies reinvent themselves in dynamic business environments by using data to look more deeply into their own operations.
AI board game is developed as a classic boardgame, where the game board, game piece, dice and hour glass are size XL. The They take a closer look at their existing customers and scan horizons for new customers. They not only monetize their data by
game facilitates in a fun and playful way an important discussion and exchange around Responsible AI. using it internally but they begin to commercialize their data externally. All of this starts with data products. This workshop will
introduce the notion of data as a product and explore how to develop product thinking. Join us to for this interactive session to:
- Ideas and inspiration for, and a deeper understanding around the importance, of a You don’t have to bring anything more than your experiences, an open mindset, and KEY TAKEAWAYS
Responsible AI strategy willingness to share. This is for those of you that have come a bit on your AI journey. You - Understand the principles of data as a product, a foundational principle of Data Mesh
- Insights around how other organizations are working responsibly with AI are preferably involved in setting strategy, readiness and/or creating awareness around - Explore cross-industry examples of innovative data products
- Improved Responsible AI readiness. Responsible AI in your organization. - Identify use cases and alternative types of data products
- A playful mood. - Discover ways to introduce product thinking through tools, training and incentives
- Learn best practices in data monetization and commercialization, including pricing, placement and promotion of your data products

Josefin Rosén Dr. Jennifer Belissent

Nordic leader AI & Analytics | SAS Institute Principal Data Strategist | Snowflake
Josefin Rosén was awarded the AI Ethics professional of the year at the 2021 Nordic DAIR Awards. She has 20 Speaker bio coming soon...
years of experience in AI and Advanced Analytics and a PhD in Chemometrics from the Faculty of Pharmacy at
Uppsala University. In her current role as Nordic Leader AI & Analytics at SAS Institute she is leading a team of
highly skilled and experienced AI experts providing e.g. strategic guidance to organizations cross industry on
how to unleash insight and value from data, and how to operationalize Responsible AI from data to decision.
She frequently speaks at public events and in media about how AI offers an incredible competitive edge but
how we also have a responsibility to ensure that it is ethical and sustainable.
36 www.datainnovationsummit.com DISummit2030 37
Data Management ain’t Rocket Science The Secret to Data Cloud Migration? A Strong Governance Foundation!

DAY 1 | W4 | 10:30 - 12:10 A D VA N C E D DAY 2 | W4 | 10:30 - 12:10 IN T ER M EDIAT E

We are going to connect to a new data source, load and structure the data into a Data Lake, and transform it into a Data Alation supports your cloud migration by giving you access to data to deliver cloud migration results faster, detailing what data
Warehouse in 100 minutes. The new data will be stored in a datamart and used in visualization tools. you have so you can migrate what matters, providing a central place to manage and apply policy, effectively scaling governance
All steps will be documented, have data lineage, be traceable, and have fully orchestrated execution. across all data and - last but not least - making data governance part of every data activity, which protects your data and
empowers your data stewards. Data governance can spell the difference between success or failure. If people can trust data,
and know how to use it, they will make better decisions based on the correct data. Better decisions drive value and mitigate risk.
- You’ll learn how to build a modern data estate 10x faster PC with remote desktop (RDP) capability
- How to use drag-and-drop for data ingestion and preparation Therefore, the processes that define how data is used — data governance — is foundational to business success.
- How to reduce build costs by 70%, frees data teams from manual, repetitive KEY TAKEAWAYS REQUIREMENTS
tasks, and empower you to easily create your own data products
- How to easily transfer/transform your data and build a data mart - Understand how a data intelligence platform can be leveraged to support your data Attendees need to bring their own laptop.
modernisation efforts
- understand the purpose of data discovery and governance in the cloud and why
this should be a priority
- calculate the cost of inaction or delaying embedding data governance, and
- prove the value of data governance with specific calculations for your organization!

Alex Van Wijnen Stefan Ahlbom Tom Codling Christian Herzog

Solution Specialist Lead | TimeXtender Solution Specialist | TimeXtender EMEA Sales Engineering Manager | Alation Senior Sales Engineer | Alation
Technical sales lead with a strong aptitude Solution Specialist with an appetite to Tom's career has been focussed around data Christian has spent much of his career in the
for data technologies and a passion for help organizations add value through data. - from protection and availability, through to business intelligence and corporate performance
connecting people with solutions. Proven track Helping people understand the need for the creation, consumption and virtualisation. Tom management environment. Throughout all of his
record of successfully demonstrating and right solutions to effectively and quick get joined Alation 3 years ago, as the 4th member projects, he has encountered similar challenges:
implementing complex solutions to customers. access to the data needed. of a fledgling EMEA team, and as our first Sales Where do I find the data I need? What do they
Skilled in product demonstrations, customer Engineer in the region. mean? Can I trust them? .. That's why he now helps
presentations, and technical presentations. overcome those very challenges as a Senior Sales
Engineer at Alation.

Unleash Hybrid MLOps with Domino Data Labs Building Production Machine Learning Systems with the
Hopsworks Feature Store
DAY 1 | W4 | 13:30 - 15:10 A D VA N C E D DAY 1 | W5 | 10:30 - 12:10 B EG I N N ER

Modern enterprise data science teams need access to a wide variety of data and infrastructure across different clouds, regions, In this workshop, we will build a complete serverless ML system, including a feature pipeline, a training pipeline, an inference
on-premises clusters, compute frameworks, and databases. See how Domino can run data science and machine learning pipeline and a UI (Gradio on Hugging Face Spaces) with monitoring. We will use the Hopsworks platform as a data layer for
workloads across any compute cluster — in any cloud, region, or on-premises. managing your features and models, and Modal as a serverless compute platform for the pipelines. We will introduce the key
principles of MLOps and how they are realized in this feature store centric system.
- Leverage multiple clouds without configuring infrastructure Bring your own laptop KEY TAKEAWAYS REQUIREMENTS
- Training models using code in different geographies/clouds A basic understanding of Python (ability to read and modify rather than write - Learn what a feature store is, and how it can improve developer productivity and You should know how to program in Python. Experience with ML is a plus, but
- How to leverage Domino’s Low Code Assistant for code generation, accelerating code from scratch) collaboration not a prerequisite. You should have a laptop with Internet access. You can
development through point and click - Learn key principles of MLOps and how we implement them (versioning, testing, prepare ahead of time by registering for an account on www.hopsworks.ai,
upgrades) with Hopsworks www.modal.com, and www.huggingface.co/spaces
- Build a complete end-to-end serverless ML system in only 1 hour, without rushing

Bryan Prosser Petter Olsson Jim Dowling Fabio Buso

Sales Engineering Manager | Domino Data Lab Sales Engineer | Domino Data Lab CEO | Hopsworks VP of Engineering | Hopsworks
Bryan leads the Sales Engineering function in Petter Olsson joined Domino Data Lab as a Jim Dowling is CEO of Hopsworks and an Fabio Buso is VP of Engineering at
EMEA at Domino. Following his PhD in Computer Technical Support Engineer in 2018, moved Associate Professor at KTH Royal Institute of Hopsworks, leading the Feature Store
Vision he has more than 10 years experience to Sales Engineering in the fall of 2021, Technology. He is one of the main developers development team. Fabio holds a master’s
architecting complex IT solutions. Bryan has and has over 20 years of experience in the of the open-source Hopsworks platform, degree in Cloud Computing and Services
worked with a broad set of organisations in industry working in 4 different countries a horizontally scalable data platform for with a focus on data intensive applications.
Europe to help them improve their model velocity across three continents. machine learning that includes the industry’s
through the use of data science platforms. first Feature Store.
38 www.datainnovationsummit.com DISummit2030 39
How to find your organization’s data development bottlenecks with From the beginning - the journey from data to governance
the Data-Driven Business Puzzle
DAY 1 | W5 | 13:30 - 15:10 INT ER M E D I ATE DAY 1 | W6 | 10:30 - 12:10 ADVAN CED

Every organization aims to get more business value from their data, but many struggle with slow progress and underwhelming An interactive overview of the Ab Initio Product suite. Demonstrating our capabilities in data processing at scale, through to data
business impact from their data investments. By using Solita’s Data-Driven Business Puzzle you can identify the most governance with Metadata Hub - covering Data Catalog, Data Quality, Semantic Discovery, Easy Data and Technical Lineage.
significant data development bottlenecks and focus your efforts on doing the right things!
KEY TAKEAWAYS REQUIREMENTS - Ab Initio provides a complete solution for Data Governance
- How to connect your data development initiatives to your business objectives Strong interest (and hopefully some experience) in using data and analytics to - Ab Initio is the most scalable data processing platform
- How to create a holistic overview of your data capabilities that combines the create business value. For example, working in data & analytics development - Ab Initio has the ability to deliver a Data Governance solution quickly
technological, business and human perspectives projects as a business case owner, product owner, stakeholder or project member.
- How to identify and focus on the key bottlenecks in your data capabilities
- How to find the crucial gaps between the current state and target state of your data

Minna Kärhä Tero Kallioinen TBA

Data Strategy Lead | Solita oyj Business Lead, Data Driven Ab Initio
Minna is a data-culture ambassador and Business | Solita oyj Workshop leader coming soon...
builder, who believes that data literacy is a citizen Tero is a seasoned professional with
skill everyone needs. She has over 20 years of extensive experience in data-driven
experience from the intersection of business and business. He thrives at the intersection
data, building and leading teams, developing and of analytics, business modeling, user
transforming ways of working, utilising design experience design and digital services.
thinking, and building a business driven, actionable
data strategy that leads to concrete activities.

Dataiku DSS Workshop Applying responsible tech tools to power your organization

DAY 2 | W5 | 10:30 - 12:10 INT ER M E D I ATE DAY 2 | W6 | 10:30 - 12:10 B EG I N N ER

In this session, we’ll use Dataiku DSS to build a data pipeline and machine learning model to detect fraud from credit card Join us to gain a holistic view of the tools and practices that Thoughtworks applies to the socially responsible development of
transactions data, without writing a single line of code. Once you feel comfortable playing with the tool, we’ll try something a data-driven solutions. Feel free to bring your questions or ideas as we will work through a sample of the tools using participant-
little more advanced - building a deep learning model for classifying images! Join us for this session to try out Dataiku DSS and suggested scenarios.
experience how easily these painpoints can be solved!
KEY TAKEAWAYS REQUIREMENTS - Why is social responsibility important for data-driven technology? - If possible, take a look at the Responsible Tech Playbook and bring your
Laptop - Gain a holistic perspective on how to design and build in a responsible way. questions or scenarios you’d like to explore.
- How to build data pipelines without coding on Dataiku DSS
- Learn to use practical tools that you can immediately apply in your own work.
- How to deploy models using Dataiku DSS
- Network with like minded practitioners.
- How to collaborate with teammates on Dataiku DSS

Makoto Miyazaki Jesse McCrosky Aili Asikainen

Lead Data Scientist | Dataiku Principal Data Scientist and Head of Sustaina- Senior Data Scientist | Thoughtworks Finland
Makoto is a Lead Data Scientist at Dataiku based in Amsterdam. Prior to joining Dataiku, Makoto worked for data bility and Social Change | Thoughtworks Finland Aili is a Senior Data Scientist for Thoughtworks
analytics solutions with companies in various industries including Automobile, Pharmaceutical and Energy. Makoto Jesse is Thoughtworks’ Head of Sustainability Finland. She has experience in using supervised
also has experience in financial journalism, and was a contributing writer for O’Reilly’s “Introducing MLOps”. and Social Change for Finland and a Principal and unsupervised machine learning methods
Data Scientist. He has worked with data and to solve business problems and building the
statistics since 2009 including with Mozilla, end-to-end solutions that support them. Aili
Google, and Statistics Canada. has a MSc in theoretical physics and a strong
interest in science and mathematics.
40 www.datainnovationsummit.com DISummit2030 41
Uncomplicate your data storage, reduce time to results and Coalesce Hands-On Lab: Supercharge Your Data Transformations
improve your ESG scores with Pure Storage
DAY 1 | W7 | 10:30 - 12:10 A D VA N C E D DAY 2 | W7 | 10:30 - 12:10 B EG I N N ER

Understand how to get more value from your data with an easy-to-deploy, high-performance, agile data platform which enables Learn how you can tackle your toughest data transformations in no time with Coalesce, the first cloud-native solution built for
real-time, modern analytics and AI. We will share and discuss real use cases from leading companies like Meta and ServiceNow. Snowflake that blends the flexibility of code, the efficiency of automation and the speed of an intuitive GUI. This guided hands-
On top of this we will run live demonstrations and hands-on lab to show the possibilities. Let’s Uncomplicate the Journey to on lab session is the perfect opportunity to take Coalesce for a test drive and learn how to build and use common data patterns,
Modern Analytics! apply column-level transformations, manage changes across data projects and more.

- A practical guide of the components of how to modernize your infrastructure, - How to navigate the Coalesce interface - Laptop
operations, and applications. - How to build out Stage, Dimension and Fact Nodes - Access to a Snowflake account (either a trial account or access to an existing
- Gain an understanding of how leading companies are implementing these - How to apply column-level transformations account)
modern infrastructures. - How to make changes to your data and propagate changes across pipelines - Access to a Coalesce trial account (created either through Snowflake Partner
- Direct access to Industry experts with the Q&A Connect or access to an existing account)
- Basic knowledge of SQL, database concepts, and objects

Jean-Baptiste Thomas Luis Lozano Mark van der Heijden Glen Dawson
Principle Field Solution Architect Field Solution Architect Lead Engineer | Coalesce Senior Solutions Architect | Coalesce
EMEA | Pure Storage EMEA North | Pure Storage Mark is lead engineer and part of the EMEA Glen is a Senior Solutions Architect at
20+ years working in IT within both global 20+ years working in IT within both global founding team at Coalesce.io. He started his career Coalesce, based in EMEA. He has over 20 years’
companies and IT vendors. From trainer to companies and IT vendors. in data 18 years ago with an internship at Oracle, experience working with data, from studying
solutions architect currently focused on solution and later graduated at Getronics where he received for his degree in I.T. at University, through to
integrations around AI, analytics and HPC. a thesis award from Accenture. Since then, Mark his current role at Coalesce
has covered roles across the data lifecycle and
across all parts of the data ecosystem.

Accelerate, Predict and Act on Business Insights with Process

Mining and Data & AI
DAY 1 | W7 | 13:30 - 15:10 INT ER M E D I ATE

In this talk, we will explore the intersection between Automation and AI with special focus on Process Mining and Integration. Process
Mining is a technique for analyzing business processes by extracting event logs from business systems. Machine learning algorithms
can be applied on the event data to extract insights and enable process improvements. We will discuss how Kafka can be used to
collect and process the event data from various sources in near real-time and analyzed using process mining to identify process
Register for free
inefficiencies, and potential improvements. Case studies will be shared on how a bank and a fashion retailer were able to boost speed
and efficiency with IBM Process Mining and Automation. After this session attendees will have gained a deeper understanding of how The workshops are 100 minutes each and limited to a maximum of 24 participants.
business process insights can be accelerated from near real-time events data leveraging Kafka, Process Mining and ML.
The places are on first-come first-served basis and require pre-booking.

Once the room capacity is reached, a waiting list will be open.

Dag Sagfors Oscar Schnell

Technical Lead | IBM Business Automation Technical Lead | IBM Integration and Automation
Dag Sagfors belongs to the Technology arm Oscar Schnell is a IBM techie within the
of IBM with particular focus on AI-Powered system integration and API Management
Business Process Automation. area with focus on Automation. With many *Only registered delegates can add the workshops as a free add-on to their hybrid tickets.
Dag has 20+ yrs of experience in the IT years of experience in the tech industry, he
industry across various roles and domains has is skilled at identifying and implementing
such as Consulting, Business Operations solutions that drive business value by
and Software. removing IT friction.
42 www.datainnovationsummit.com DISummit2030 43
Keynote Speakers

Cassie Dr. Jennifer

Kozyrkov Belissent
Chief Decision Scientist Principal Data Strategist

Google Snowflake

DAY 1 | P1 | 9:00 - 9:20 DAY 1 | P1 | 9:20 - 9:40

The Secret to AI Innovation Design For Use, Deliver Value: Data Products Start From
Machine learning and artificial intelligence are no longer science fiction, but what does it take to be the kind of innovator that The Outside In
is able to harness their potential at scale? Let's strip away the jargon in machine learning and AI to take a look at what’s easy,
As Thomas Edison said, “The value of an idea lies in the use of it.” The same is true with data. Or, provocatively, your data is worth
what’s hard, how to spot opportunities to improve your business and the world around you
nothing unless you use it. With product thinking, companies can ensure that their data is used to deliver business value. Data
teams collaborate with business users to understand use cases and the requirements for data products. Come join the keynote,

Cassie Kozyrkov
to hear what it takes to design and deliver a data product that will deliver value to your organization

As Chief Decision Scientist at Google Cloud, Cassie Kozyrkov advises leadership teams on decision process, AI strategy, and
building data-driven organizations. She works to democratize statistical thinking and machine learning so that everyone - Dr. Jennifer Belissent
Google, its customers, the world! - can harness the beauty and power of data. She is the force behind bringing the practice of
Speaker bio coming soon..
Decision Intelligence to Google and she has personally trained over 15,000 Googlers in machine learning, statistics, and data-
driven decision-making. Before her current role, she served in Google's Office of the CTO as Chief Data Scientist. Prior to joining
Google, Cassie worked as a data scientist and consultant. She holds degrees in mathematical statistics, economics, psychology,
and cognitive neuroscience. When she’s not working, you’re most likely to find Cassie at the theater, in an art museum, exploring
the world, or curled up with a good novel.

Apply to present
The speaker list of Data Innovation Summit 2023 consists of high-level EMAIL EDITORIAL
executives from both public and private organisations, and covers many
industries in both B2B and B2C sector. If you are interested in speaking
contact: Saranda Arifi, Editorial Director at saranda@hyperight.com
44 www.datainnovationsummit.com DISummit2030 45
Keynote Speakers

Jan Ari
Bosch Kaplan
Professor of Software Engineering Director Software Center Head of Evangelism

Software Center @ Chalmers University of Technology Databricks

DAY 2 | P1 | 9:00 - 9:20 DAY 2 | P1 | 9:25 - 9:45

AI: From offline & centralized to online & federated Data Lakehouses, Moneyball, and Raoul Wallenberg: a
Digitalization is concerned with software, data and AI as enabling technologies. It changes the company and business Journey in Data and AI
ecosystem in which it operates from transactional to continuous, i.e. XOps. This requires fundamental changes in how we work
with technology from offline and centralized to online and federated. Hear first-hand how data, analytics, and AI is innovating every business industry - from "Moneyball" sports analytics, to the
analytical independent investigation into the fate of Swedish hero Raoul Wallenberg. Having helped lead the adoption of data
science throughout baseball, including creating the Chicago Cubs analytics department, Ari will lead a lively discussion on the
Jan Bosch importance of collaboration among humans and their data, performing analytics at scale and velocity to stay ahead of the curve.
This keynote will bring you on a journey on why EVERY company will be adopting a data lakehouse.
Jan Bosch is professor at Chalmers University Technology in Gothenburg, Sweden and director of the Software Center (www.
software-center.se), a strategic partner-funded collaboration between 17 large European companies (including Ericsson, Volvo
Cars, Volvo Trucks, Saab Defense, Scania, Siemens and Bosch) and five universities focused on digitalization. Earlier, he worked Ari Kaplan
as Vice President Engineering Process at Intuit Inc where he also led Intuit's Open Innovation efforts and headed the central
mobile technologies team. Before Intuit, he was head of the Software and Application Technologies Laboratory at Nokia Research Ari is Databrick's Global Head of Evangelism, and a leading influencer in AI, databases, and sports analytics. “The Real Moneyball
Center, Finland. Prior to joining Nokia, he headed the software engineering research group at the University of Groningen, The guy”, the popular movie was partly based on Ari’s analytical and scouting experiences innovating Major League Baseball, and
Netherlands. He received a MSc degree from the University of Twente, The Netherlands, and a PhD degree from Lund University, later creating the Cubs and Dodgers analytics departments. He is President of the Independent Investigation into the Fate of
Sweden. Raoul Wallenberg, Sweden's humanitarian hero. His background in data includes having been President of the worldwide Oracle
users group when they acquired MySQL, Java, and Peoplesoft. He traveled the world with McLaren Formula 1, assisting the racing
His research activities include digitalisation, evidence-based development, business ecosystems, artificial intelligence and strategy team to bring AI models to production. Ari was named Caltech’s “Alumni of the Decade”, Crain Chicago’s “40 Under
machine/deep learning, software architecture, software product families and software variability management. He is the author 40”, and IBM’s “Data Science Celebrity”.
of several books including "Design and Use of Software Architectures: Adopting and Evolving a Product Line Approach" published
by Pearson Education (Addison-Wesley & ACM Press) and ÒSpeed, Data and Ecosystems: Excelling in a Software-Driven WorldÓ
published by Taylor and Francis, editor of several books and volumes and author of hundreds of research articles. He is editor
for Journal of Systems and Software as well as Science of Computer Programming, chaired several conferences as general and
program chair, served on numerous program committees and organised countless workshops. Jan is a fellow member of the
International Software Product Management Association (ISPMA) and a member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering

Jan serves on the boards of Burt Intelligence, Shelfplanner and Strawberry planet and on the advisory boards of Assia Inc. in
Redwood City, CA and Pure Systems GmbH (Germany). Earlier he served on the boards of IVER and Peltarion and was chairman
of the boards of Auqtus, Fidesmo and Remente. In the startup space, Jan is an angel investor in several startup companies. He
also runs a boutique consulting firm, Boschonian AB, that offers its clients support around the implications of digitalization
including the management of R&D and innovation. For more information see his website: www.janbosch.com.

46 www.datainnovationsummit.com DISummit2030 47
Meet the Speakers
Henrik Göthberg David Dadoun
Founder | Dairdux CDO | BRP
Introduction to Data Federation -A modern outlook on Data Strategies

DAY 1 | M4 | 11:10 - 11:30 MO DE R N DATA S T R AT E GY S TA GE

DAY 1 | M4 | 10:30 - 10:40 MODE R N DATA STR ATE G Y STAG E
International keynote speaker, university lecturer and Chief Data Officer for BRP (Bombardier
DAY 2 | M4 | 10:55 - 11:00 MODE R N DATA STR ATE G Y STAG E S TA G E M O D E R ATO R Recreational Products), David is data obsessed and has been for the last 20 years! Over that time, he’s
led large data teams and data modernization projects internationally for global organizations.
● 10 years of leading infusion of core business with data-AI-tech teams at Vattenfall and Scania as David specializes in finding the optimal organizational model to leverage and benefit from data and
manager, closing the Biz-IT Chasm. analytics. He’s also spent a significant portion of his time developing data governance frameworks,
● 10 years of consulting experience across industries and continents. migrating legacy data warehouses and lakes to unified cloud data platforms as well as developing data
● Founder of Dairdux, a Data/AI Readiness Consortium. literacy programs to help his companies and clients embrace the data revolution.
● Community builder (incl. resident chairman of the Data Innovation Summit and host of the “AIAW'' podcast).

Robert Luciani Olof Granberg

Senior Data and AI Adviser | The AI Framework Director of Data and Advanced Analytics Technology | ICA Gruppen
Data robustness – Important lessons on running data in production

Robert is first and foremost a jazz-fusion composer, but with a deep background in formal logic and DAY 2 | M2 | 12:00 - 12:20 DATA E N GIN E E R IN G & DATA O P S S TA GE

computer science. He has worked on everything from open-source Unix kernel programming, to 16+ years ago, Olof started out as a developer, architect and various other roles in a large consultancy
architecting enterprise cloud environments at Microsoft, and developing original AI-driven products and quickly found his calling in Analytics. He had the opportunity to work with both small and large
as an entrepreneur. With nearly two decades of experience in hands-on development of disruptive customers to help them modernise their analytics and processes around analytics until in 2010 when he
technologies in enterprise environments, Robert currently provides executive advisory services through joined ICA for the first time. At the ICA Group, he leads the technical side of delivering data and machine
The AI Framework to help others make a successful leap into the future. learning solutions to give the business the greatest possible value and make every day a little easier for
the customers.

Jigyasa Grover Annika Nordbo

Senior Machine Learning Engineer | Twitter Head of eCommerce Data and Analytics | S Group
Sculpting Data for Machine Learning Combining data science and design to maximize customer experience

DAY 1 | M2 | 16:10 - 16:30 DATA E NG INE E R ING & DATAOPS STAG E I N TE R M E D I ATE DAY 1 | M6 | 13:40 - 14:00 DATA S CIE N CE & A DVA N CE D A N A LY T ICS S T R AT EG Y S TA G E ADVAN CED

Speaker Bio coming soon. I have 15 years of experience in data and analytics, form which 7 years in a lead position in three different
large companies. I have a PhD from the Physics department in Helsinki, hands on experience in Data
Science and Advanced analytics, built three teams, led building a data and analytics platform from
scratch, led strategy work, changed the way companies utilize data for maximizing customer experience
and operational excellence.

Rishabh Misra Max Schultze

Senior Machine Learning Engineer | Twitter Data Engineering Manager | Zalando
Sculpting Data for Machine Learning How to Data Product

DAY 1 | M2 | 16:10 - 16:30 DATA E NG INE E R ING & DATAOPS STAG E I N TE R M E D I ATE DAY 1 | M2 | 13:40 - 14:00 DATA E N GIN E E R IN G & DATA O P S S TA GE IN T ER M EDIAT E

Rishabh Misra is a Senior Machine Learning Engineer at Twitter, Inc, and co-author of the book Sculpting Max Schultze is a data engineering manager working on building a data infrastructure platform
Data for ML. He has many years of experience engineering low-latency massive-scale recommender at Zalando, Europe’s biggest online platform for fashion. His focus is on building data pipelines at
systems and has published and refereed publications at top Machine Learning conferences. His past petabytes scale, productionizing distributed processing engines like Spark and Trino, and providing
experiences have allowed him to identify impactful problems, design effective solutions, and deploy services and tooling for data management to hundreds of teams across the company. As an early
them in production, and he is currently utilizing these experiences to develop distributed Machine adopter of the data mesh paradigm, he is frequently advocating its usage through conference
Learning relevance systems at Twitter. In his downtime, he enjoys watching sci-fi shows, gaming, and appearances and online trainings. Max originally graduated from Humboldt University of Berlin, actively
spending time with his family. taking part in the university’s initial development of Apache Flink

48 www.datainnovationsummit.com Join The Most Influential Data, AI and Advanced Analytics Event! BUY TICKETS DISummit2030 49
Meet the Speakers
Giovanni Leoni Dacil Hernandez
Head of Business Strategy & Development | Credo AI Director Data/AI practices | Nagarro

DAY 1 | M8 | 10:30 - 10:40 APPLIE D & HUMAN-C E NTR IC AI INNOVATION STAG E DAY 1 | M5 | 10:30 - 10:40 B US IN E S S A N D DATA A N A LY T ICS S TA GE


Giovanni Leoni has been the Global Head of Algorithm and AI Ethics at Inter IKEA Group, responsible Dacil has over 20 years of experience in data analytics, with a strong focus on innovation and
to develop, implement and lead operationalisation of responsible analytics across Inter IKEA Group of digitalisation. And currently, she is focusing in the growth of the Data and AI practices at Nagarro in the
companies. This concerns all algorithmic processes, including administrative processes, operational Nordic and UK market.
processes, analytics and AI. He is an active contributor to the global AI ethics community, engaging in
legislative industry consultations and various forums and bodies, among them being on the Board of
Directors for Ethical Artificial Intelligence Governance Group.

Aditya Guglani Kai Chaza

Senior Machine Learning Engineer | Meta Automation & AI Ops Lead – IoT aaS | Ericsson AB
Review of large scale video ranking and recommendation How to manage zero touch closed loop AI Ops when the goalposts are constantly moving

DAY 1 | M1 | 11:10 - 11:30 MAC HINE LE AR NING & MLOPS STAG E I N TE R M E D I ATE DAY 2 | M1 | 15:00 - 15:20 MA CH IN E L E A R N IN G & ML O P S S TA GE IN T ER M EDIAT E

Aditya is an experienced Machine Learning engineer specializing in end-to-end large-scale ranking Kai leads the strategy and implementation of automation and AI Ops tools onto Ericsson's global
and recommendation systems. In his current role, he is working at Meta doing video ranking and IoT as a Service platform, which has over 30 million active IoT devices worldwide in vehicles and
recommendation for Facebook's watch tab with focus on creator videos. He wants to help make machines across the world for several gloabl flagship mobile operators. We provide a 24/7 connectivity
Facebook the platform of choice for creators to make a living by finding relevant audience for their videos management service for IoT devices with a wide range of use-case needs, from critical infrastructure to
low-power devices with infrequent connections, and we manage the service reliability using AI Ops.

Emil S. Jørgensen Bjorn Hertzberg

Head of Data & Analytics, Core Creation Suite | Unity Technologies Founder | Algorete
Data Mesh in Practice at Unity: A Case Study
DAY 1 | M6 | 10:30 - 10:40 DATA S CIE N CE & A DVA N CE D A N A LY T ICS S T R AT EG Y S TA G E

DAY 1 | M4 | 16:10 - 16:30 MODE R N DATA STR ATE G Y STAG E


Emil leads Data & Analytics for the Core Creation Suite at Unity Technologies. His team is responsible
for building and managing data products within a larger data mesh context, and for scaling product Björn is a Data Scientist with 20+ years of industry experience and 10+ years of leading data and AI
insights and metrics to 150 teams. Before Unity, Emil played a central role in scaling the global Data & transformations at companies such as Nasdaq and H&M. He is currently an industry advisory in the
Analytics team at Ingka Group (IKEA) from 1 person, to 150 analysts, engineers, scientists and more. area of Data Science and AI - specializing in bridging the gap between conceptual and commercial
value. Björn’s work spans Statistics, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Algorithms and Product &
Organizational Development.

Lotte Ansgaard Thomsen Celine Xu

Lead Data Architect at AI Solution | Grundfos Lead Data Scientist | H&M Group
When machine learning meets fashion
DAY 1 | M2 | 10:30 - 10:40 DATA E NG INE E R ING & DATAOPS STAG E

DAY 2 | M1 | 14:00 - 14:20 MA CH IN E L E A R N IN G & ML O P S S TA GE IN T ER M EDIAT E

DAY 2 | M2 | 10:55 - 11:00 DATA E NG INE E R ING & DATAOPS STAG E S TA G E M O D E R ATO R

Celine is the lead data scientist from H&M group, who is passionate about leveraging machine learning
I have previously worked as a researcher at Yale University investigating and analyzing data from the and new technologies to support decisions, to improve company performance and to drive company
research organization CERN. My tasks at CERN included: triggers to filter for relevant data to store, data digitalization. Celine has 9+ years’ experience in AI and advance analytics, focusing on fashion, retail, and
quality and data analysis. In these tasks I have used different analyze strategies and ML/AI methods to banking industry. She has an applied mathematics degree from China and MBA from UK.
achieve the desired results. A few years ago I switched from my career in academia to a job at Grundfos.
I wanted to apply my knowledge in an area that can help solve climate issues. At Grundfos I have
contributed to the digitalization transformation by creating guidelines for data pipelines, data quality
and data architecture.

50 www.datainnovationsummit.com Join The Most Influential Data, AI and Advanced Analytics Event! BUY TICKETS DISummit2030 51
Meet the Speakers
Somil Gupta Linda Rothan-Cederberg
Founder and CEO | Algorithmic Scale Analytics & Data Manager | Electrolux
Doing More with Less
DAY 1 | M7 | 10:30 - 10:40 INDUSTR IAL ANALY TICS STAG E

DAY 1 | M5 | 13:40 - 14:00 B US IN E S S A N D DATA A N A LY T ICS S TA GE B EG IN N ER


Linda has been working with large-scale IT-transformation projects, analytics and BI solutions in
Speaker bio coming soon. international manufacturing companies for the past 15 years in France and Sweden. She has experience
from chemical, automotive, and latest white goods industry, always with the aim of balancing the needs
of people, process and tools to achieve efficient decision making and operational excellence driven by
data. She is currently leading the work around Analytics for Electrolux Industrial Operations Europe,
creating visibility of the complex supply chain in one of the world’s leading appliances companies.

Tal Katzav Anders Dræge

Manager, Machine Learning & Advanced Analytics | Wärtsilä Corporation Team lead AI/ML, Data Scientist | Frende Forsikring
Game-changing potential of AI for industrial companies Enhanced automation by integrating AI in robotic processes

DAY 1 | M7 | 13:40 - 14:00 INDUSTR IAL ANALY TICS STAG E DAY 2 | M1 | 12:00 - 12:20 MA CH IN E L E A R N IN G & ML O P S S TA GE IN T ER M EDIAT E

Leading a team of data scientists and ML engineers which develop and productize Machine Learning & Anders Dræge has a PhD in Petroleum Geophysics (2006). He has been working as a researcher in
Advanced Analytics solutions for the enterprise. Equinor for thirteen years, with focus on hydrocarbon exploration, later integrated with machine learning.
He has received the Falcon Award (2007) and the Nigel Anstey Award (2019) for best papers in Petroleum
Geoscience and First Break respectively. Anders has been working in Frende Insurance since 2019, and is
currently head of the team for AI and machine learning.

Leonard Aukea Danffer Navarro

Head of Machine Learning Engineering & Operations | Volvo Cars Head of Group Supply Digitalization | Ericsson AB
TBA Digital Twins to Optimize Supply Chains

DAY 1 | M1 | 13:40 - 14:00 MAC HINE LE AR NING & MLOPS STAG E DAY 1 | M7 | 16:10 - 16:30 IN DUS T R IA L A N A LY T ICS S TA GE IN T ER M EDIAT E

Leonard is currently driving Machine Learning Engineering & Operations at Volvo Cars, leading the Speaker bio coming soon.
discovery and delivery of ML products. Volvo Cars uses a Cloud-Native ML Product Platform built on top
open-source solutions. His background is Data Science and ML Engineering. He lives in Gothenburg with
his wife and two kids. Master’s degree in Applied Mathematics from DTU, and a PhD in Probability Theory
from University of Copenhagen.

Fredrik Thuring Mattias Fras

Head of Operational Analytics | Tryg Forsikring Head of AI Hub | Nordea
Employing AI to detect insurance fraud Preparing to scale trustworthy AI in a large enterprise


Fredrik Thuring has 15 years of technical experience developing, implementing and tracking Mattias has spent 20+ years working with change in enterprise settings, divided between 12 years in
mathematical algorithms. He holds a M.Sc. in engineering physics and a Ph.D. in mathematics. As Head management consulting, 4 years as CFO and 8 years driving new tech adoption in Nordea. He has worked
of Operational analytics, he has the general responsibility for machine learning models as support on bringing in and scaling up new technologies like software robotics, virtual agents, machine learning /
or substitution for manual processes in Tryg Forsikring (Scandinavia’s largest insurer). The work has deep learning and natural language processing. Currently he is leading the AI Hub which is a group unit
generated innovative solutions, significant savings and more efficient and rigorous working processes. driving AI strategy, governance, technology enablers, and operating model, as well as supporting the
business in utilizing data, leveraging technology, changing culture and establishing a new mindset.

52 www.datainnovationsummit.com Join The Most Influential Data, AI and Advanced Analytics Event! BUY TICKETS DISummit2030 53
Meet the Speakers
Ales Jurca Christoph Spohr
VP Footwear Research | Volumental Lead Architect Big Data Platforms | Volkswagen AG
Transforming Footwear Industry by Using Big Data and AI Lessons learned implementing a Data Mesh for Data Access Acceleration at Volkswagen Group


Ales Jurca, VP Footwear Research at Volumental, has been applying 3D foot scanning technology to the Christoph Spohr is lead architect of Volkwagen’s on-prem Big Data Platforms. He is a seasoned IT
footwear industry since 1999. He started as Chief R&D Manager at Alpina, the world’s largest cross- architect with 15 years of experience and a focus on Big Data Architecture and supporting DataOps
country boots producer, where he introduced 3D foot scanning into the shoe-last design process and processess. Currently, he concentrates on Distributed Data Sharing Architectures and helping shape
into footwear retail. As one of Volumental’s early employees, Ales has contributed to the development of Volkswagen’s new Data strategy.
Volumental’s 3D foot scanners and AI-based footwear recommendation system.
Christoph Spohr lives in Nuremberg, Germany, together with his wonderful wife, three kids and dog Erika.

Gabriel Westman Prasanta Bhowmik

Head of Artificial Intelligence | Swedish Medical Products Agency Enterprise Architect – Data & Analytics | ASSA ABLOY AB
Regulatory data science at the Swedish Medical Products Agency Customer service demand forecasting using Machine Learning

DAY 1 | M1 | 16:10 - 16:30 MAC HINE LE AR NING & MLOPS STAG E I N TE R M E D I ATE DAY 1 | M8 | 13:40 - 14:00 A P P L IE D & H UMA N - C E N T R IC A I IN N OVAT IO N S TA G E IN T ER M EDIAT E

Infectious disease specialist and associate professor (MD, PhD), member of EMA/HMA Big Data Steering Prasanta Bhowmik, as customer-focused Enterprise Architect, has expertise in designing and enabling
Group and EMA Methodology Working Party. MSc in Engineering with experience in bioinformatics, AI sustainable strategic enterprise architectures, capability and portfolio roadmaps, security and framework for
and big data applications within medicine and pharmaceutics. Currently building regulatory AI/data software and modern data management applications in cloud data platform, big data platform and business
science capacity and competence at the Swedish Medical Products Agency, exploring use of real-world intelligence area. He has profound hands-on experience (24+) in driving cloud enablement, conducting
data, and hoping for a better and data-driven world. enterprise-wide assessments, application design, migration, digital transformation, tools evaluation and
solution architecture with advanced analytical systems as well as Enterprise Data Warehouse and data
platform in hybrid environments covering various ingestion patterns for large data sets at an Enterprise level.

Serg Masis David Stephenson

Climate & Agronomic Data Scientist | Syngenta Founder DSI Analytics and Author “ Big Data Demystified” | DSI Analytics and University of Amsterdam
QA for AI systems Six Essential Business Skills for Analytics Professionals


Serg Masís has been at the confluence of the internet, application development, and analytics for the last David Stephenson has over 20 years of experience leading analytics initiatives across a wide range
two decades. Currently, he's a Climate and Agronomic Data Scientist at Syngenta, a leading agribusiness of industries, including as Head of Global Business Analytics at eBay Classifieds Group. In addition to
company with a mission to improve global food security. Before that role, he co-founded a search engine consulting for dozens of companies, including Adidas, Miro, ABN Amro, and Sky Germany, Dr. Stephenson
startup, incubated by Harvard Innovation Labs, that combined the power of cloud computing and also serves as part time faculty at the University of Amsterdam Business School, has published two
machine learning with principles in decision-making science to expose users to new places and events books, and has developed and delivered data science trainings for hundreds of analytics professionals
efficiently. around the globe

Aappo Pulkkinen Jonas Blomqvist

Lead Data Scientist | Rovio Head of Analytics & Data | Scandinavian Airlines
How bandits and Angry Birds go together - Using Bayesian bandits for user acquisition How we support and optimize self-service analytics, in a transformative business environment

DAY 2 | M1 | 15:30 - 15:50 MAC HINE LE AR NING & MLOPS STAG E I N TE R M E D I ATE DAY 2 | M5 | 12:00 - 12:20 B US IN E S S A N D DATA A N A LY T ICS S TA GE

Ignacio is a data scientist with data engineering and managerial skills. He approaches projects with Jonas Blomqvist has been in the data industry for over 20 years and has vast experience in data
a business mentality and always tries to bridge the gap between technical and business leaders from warehousing, business intelligence and analytics. He worked as a consultant for many years before
different teams. Right now, he is working in the mobile gaming sector where he leads the Machine he joined ICA Sweden as a line manager and for the last three years, he has led Scandinavian Airlines’
Learning Engineer team at Rovio, which focuses on creating Machine Learning solutions for the games, journey to the cloud.
ads and user acquisition teams.

54 www.datainnovationsummit.com Join The Most Influential Data, AI and Advanced Analytics Event! BUY TICKETS DISummit2030 55
Meet the Speakers
Armin Catovic Samuli Pöntinen
Senior Machine Learning Engineer | EQT Head Of Data | Yle, The Finnish Broadcasting Company
Building Conviction and Credibility in ML Based Solutions Case Study: How Yle democratized data & analytics

DAY 2 | M1 | 15:30 - 15:50 MAC HINE LE AR NING & MLOPS STAG E A D VA N C E D DAY 2 | M4 | 12:00 - 12:20 MO DE R N DATA S T R AT E GY S TA GE IN T ER M EDIAT E

Armin works as a Senior ML Engineer at EQT Partners with focus on delivering ML driven insights to Samuli is a data professional with a background of building data platforms and data management
investment professionals within private capital. Prior to joining EQT, Armin worked as a Senior Data practices for different organizations. For the past two years Samuli has been in charge of data strategy
Scientist at Schibsted within contextual advertising, and prior to that, at Ericsson as an ML Engineer and work and the data development of Yle, the Finnish Broadcasting Company.
various other engineering roles over a 13 year career. Despite only having bachelor degrees, Armin has
published several papers at prestigious conferences and has presented at top universities. When not
working, he spends time with his kids, and he’s also an avid jazz listener.

Errol Koolmeister Goran Vuksic

Founder | The AI Framework Engineering Manager | Pandora
Modernising Pandora’s Data Platform
DAY 1 | M1 | 10:30 - 10:40 MAC HINE LE AR NING & MLOPS STAG E

DAY 2 | M3 | 14:00 - 14:20 MO DE R N DATA P L AT F O R M S TA GE IN T ER M EDIAT E

DAY 2 | M1 | 10:55 - 11:00 MAC HINE LE AR NING & MLOPS STAG E S TA G E M O D E R ATO R

Goran works as an Engineering manager for Pandora, leading the Data Infrastructure team. He
With 10+ years of experience from a wide variety of industries Errol has been able to reach an expert is Microsoft AI MVP, he has 20 years of work experience in IT and wide knowledge about various
level in working with and extracting value from data. Both hands on in the data and from a strategic technologies. Goran is a tech enthusiast, he writes technical blog posts and he likes to share his wide
perspective by creating data products and leading large teams. He does so by leveraging, in the majority knowledge on different conferences, workshops and talks.
of the cases, open source technologies such as Spark, R, Python and Tensorflow with BI tools such as
Shiny, Tableau and Qlik.

Thomas Hütter Stefano Bosisio

Senior Developer for ERP, SQL and BI | Swecon Baumaschinen GmbH Machine Learning Engineer | Trustpilot
Data profiling done right from the start Would you like to start with MLOps? Lessons learned from Trustpilot

DAY 2 | M7 | 12:00 - 12:20 INDUSTR IAL ANALY TICS STAG E I N TE R M E D I ATE DAY 1 | M2 | 11:10 - 11:30 DATA E N GIN E E R IN G & DATA O P S S TA GE IN T ER M EDIAT E

Thomas holds a degree in Business Economics, but has been a data explorer and a developer at I am a Machine Learning Engineer at Trustpilot, based in Edinburgh. In my role I create and develop new
heart ever since the days of dBase and Turbo Pascal. He touched his first SQL Server at V6.5 and used ML infrastructures, enforcing robust MLOps practices and principles. In particular, I am helping data
covering indexes before they became a feature. Thomas has been developing in Navision/Dynamics/ scientists and analysts make the best of Trustpilot’s data, allowing rapid model and query prototyping,
Business Central systems for quite some time (since 2001, one year before MS acquired Navision), joined a quick model deployment, and easy access to data. This approach drastically improved the entire
PASS in 2006, got his hands on R in 2014 (the year before MS bought Revolution Analytics) and on the Trustpilot data science model journey, lowering models development issues and shipping efficiently new
Power Platform from 2020 on. He has worked for ISVs as well as end-user companies, as a developer, models to production.
consultant, accidental DBA and is an author for data-related articles as well as a speaker at data events
across Europe.

Aleksandrs Gehsbargs Peter Kertys

Director of the Games Data Science | Product Madness, an Aristocrat Company Chief Data Scientist | SE, a.s.
Statistics in the wild: how to keep calm and carry on AI classification for maintenance


Since I was a teenager I was passionate about mathematics and helping people to learn and improve Peter is data scientist at Slovenské elektrárne at department of Improvement and Digitalization mainly
their skills. I studied in-depth mathematics and in parallel worked as a teacher for younger folks. After focusing on nuclear power plants. During past years in Energy industry he delivered several AI/ML
university I became excited about machine learning and worked in the field for many years, building projects in areas of improving safety, predicting trading capabilities and equipment reliability. With
various predictive and descriptive models. It was a great journey into the world of using advanced colleagues they are currently enhancing digital transformation including IoT and predictive maintenance
machine learning methods to improve business processes. AI solutions.

56 www.datainnovationsummit.com Join The Most Influential Data, AI and Advanced Analytics Event! BUY TICKETS DISummit2030 57
Meet the Speakers
Oskar Roman Øyvinn Lossius
Head of architecture and domain architect | SEB Head of Data & Analytics | Mesta
How I stopped worrying and learned to love decentralized transformation Transforming a digitally non-native construction company

DAY 1 | M9 | 13:40 - 14:00 DATABASE S & AR C HITE C TUR E STAG E I N TE R M E D I ATE DAY 1 | M7 | 16:40 - 17:00 IN DUS T R IA L A N A LY T ICS S TA GE IN T ER M EDIAT E

I have spent my whole professional carrier in the financial service area and for the last 6 years as a Øyvinn is currently the Head of Data & Analytics in Mesta and is running a team responsible for
domain architect at SEB with focus on various data and process related question. My primary focus transforming Mesta into a data driven company. He has analytical experience from various roles
areas are Master Data Management, Financial Crime Prevention, Customer and Product on-boarding in Mesta previously such as production management tender management, risk management and
and Data and Process Management. I also head the architecture function within the domain and holding project management, and has been involved in numerous IT-projects. Øyvinn holds a MSc of Industrial
together the domain’s architectural transformation agenda and practice. I live in Stockholm with my Economics and Technology Management from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology.
family and spend way too much time on tinkering with technology.

Alessandro Pregnolato Shuang Wu

VP Data | Preply Lead Data Engineer | Mesta
Integrated data architecture for 360 BI, Analytics & Data Science Transforming a digitally non-native construction company

DAY 1 | M9 | 16:10 - 16:30 DATABASE S & AR C HITE C TUR E STAG E I N TE R M E D I ATE DAY 1 | M7 | 16:40 - 17:00 IN DUS T R IA L A N A LY T ICS S TA GE IN T ER M EDIAT E

Alessandro is the VP of Data at Preply, the online language tutoring marketplace. Best known for building Shuang is the Lead Data Engineer in Mesta responsible for overseeing the technical development of
and scaling the data function at Typeform, Marfeel, and Preply, he’s been also advising several tech Mesta’s data platform and advanced analytics.She has experience within Data Science and software
unicorns such as Moonpay and Paack. He teaches SaaS product analytics at EADA Business School in engineering from various industries such as finance, oil & gas and telecom. Shuang holds a Bachelors
Barcelona, where he is currently based. His previous career was as a professional musician. degree in Software Engineering from Xiamen University, and a MSc in Global Technology Management
from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology.

Johanna Kruckenberg Turén Patrick Eckemo

Head of Data Management Office & Deputy Chief Data Officer | Handelsbanken Cheif Digital & Innovation Officer | Bolagsverket
Creating a data foundation to drive change Extreme Digital Transformation

DAY 2 | M4 | 14:00 - 14:20 MODE R N DATA STR ATE G Y STAG E A D VA N C E D DAY 1 | M8 | 11:10 - 11:30 A P P L IE D & H UMA N - C E N T R IC A I IN N OVAT IO N S TA G E IN T ER M EDIAT E

As Head of Data Management office and Deputy CDO, Johanna is responsible for leading the work Patrick is one of Sweden's foremost leaders and experts in digitization and digital transformation with 25
to develop the data foundation needed to stay truly customer centric in a digital world. She joined years of experience from both private and public businesses. In the last years Patrick has been focusing on
Handelsbanken in 2021 to further accelerate the data driven transformation. Johanna has extensive the public sector and has a background at Agency for digital government (DIGG) in Sweden. He is responsible
experience from FSI, heading units in areas such as Business Development, Sales, Strategy and and has been responsible for several government assignments regarding the use of AI and blockchains in the
Transformation. For almost 10 years she has had leading roles in the FSI data area – building data, public sector and is passionate about changing the way we digitize the public sector. He sits on a number of
analytics and data science teams, platforms and developing new ways of working. She is still passionate international and national working groups and in 2021 was nominated for AI Swede of the year. Patrick will talk
about the transformational power of data – bringing business, tech and people together about why digital transformation is crucial for our future competitiveness and welfare in Sweden and what we
need to do.

Diego Galar, PhD Marisa Leysen Jestin

Professor | Luleå University of Technology Head of Data Insights – Global Online Experience | Volvo Cars
Industrial metaverse as social platform for digital twins: A service-oriented approach Innovation and Data-drivenness in large companies: Differences and Similarities

DAY 1 | M7 | 11:10 - 11:30 INDUSTR IAL ANALY TICS STAG E DAY 1 | M5 | 16:10 - 16:30 B US IN E S S A N D DATA A N A LY T ICS S TA GE

Dr. Diego Galar is Full Professor of Condition Monitoring in the Division of Operation and Maintenance Innovation & Data Business Leader with international experience, driving cultural change and creating
Engineering at LTU, Luleå University of Technology where he is coordinating several H2020 projects new data-driven businesses. With a background within product management in the Telecom industry,
related to different aspects of cyber physical systems, Industry 4.0, IoT or Industrial AI and Big Data. He Marisa started her story with data in 2015 at Telia Company’s innovation hub, where she incubated
was also involved in the SKF UTC centre located in Lulea focused on SMART bearings and also actively Telia Crowd Insights based on anonymised and aggregated mobile network, taking it from concept to
involved in national projects with the Swedish industry or funded by Swedish national agencies like established business unit and launched across the Nordics. Marisa joined Volvo Cars in September 2021
Vinnova. He is also principal researcher in Tecnalia (Spain), heading the Maintenance and Reliability on their truly exciting transformation journey to become a tech company, as Head of Data Insights for
research group within the Division of Industry and Transport. Global Online Experience, on a mission to unleash the power of data to shape a great consumer experience
and a strong customer relationship.

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Meet the Speakers
Ioannis Zempekakis Edita Lukaševičiūtė
Head of Global AI | OLX Group Head of Data Governance Division | Bank of Lithuania
AI-by-Design: A Framework for building Human-Centred AI Becoming a data centric organisation: the data management strategy at the Bank of Lithuania


Data Science Leader focuses on delivering data science products that maximize positive impact on Edita is currently the Head of Data Governance Unit at the Bank of Lithuania. She is one of key persons
all stakeholders. Empower and assemble teams to start with the customer first and solve pain points behind the Bank’s Data Management Strategy. She is working on defining and setting the new data
responsibly and ethically. Currently, developing an AI-by- Design framework to develop human-centred governance framework in the Bank of Lithuania. Edita has over 10 years’ experience in the banking
and resilient AI considering both positive and negative externalities. My own personal interests include sector, from which 5 years in central banking. Before being appointed as Head of Data Governance Unit,
discussing and learning about (A)Intelligence, the human mind, and understanding what it even means to be Edita worked on the implementation of the new national Central Credit Register and on the project of
human. analytical credit datasets (AnaCredit). Before that, she was heading the Loan Administration Unit in one
of the small private banks in Lithuania.

Serena Westra Ignas Aničas

Senior Strategic Experience Designer | IKEA / AI-by-Design Manager of Data Management Maturity Programme | Bank of Lithuania
AI-by-Design: A Framework for building Human-Centred AI Becoming a data centric organisation: the data management strategy at the Bank of Lithuania


Serena is on a mission to bridge the gap between AI/ML and Design, to cater for better AI solutions. She does Currently responsible for Data Management Maturity programme implementation at the Bank of
so while working on future innovations and digital ethics at IKEA Digital, but also in her passion project AI-by- Lithuania. 5+ years in Big4 Management Consulting (Intern to Senior Manager). Worked with clients
Design. In the white paper “AI-by-Design: A 6-Step Approach for Building Human-Centred AI Solutions” she ranging from small companies to global banks, governmental institutions and large state-owned
builds on her time working in the AI innovation team of OLX Group. At this global marketplace, she worked enterprises delivering projects with varying scope and complexity locally as well as in countries such
closely with data scientists, engineers, researchers, and (UX) designers on solutions for 3-5 years in the as Denmark, Kazakhstan, Georgia and Albania. Recently engaged in development of a regional digital
future. Serena has made a name for herself as strategic designer for companies like ING Bank, Philips, and innovation hub from the ground up while also delivering digitisation advisory services to manufacturing
SGS. In 2021 she was nominated as Service Design Network finalist for her work in inclusive design with the SMEs. Raised over 3m EUR investment for R&D infrastructure and advisory services development.
municipality of Amsterdam.

Jens Gyllving Chafic Abou Akar

Tietoevry Care Computer Vision Researcher | BMW Group
The business value-centric modern data platform SORDI-next: BMW's iconic industrial dataset with dynamic assets and industrial metadata

DAY 2 | M3 | 12:00 - 12:20 MODE R N DATA PLATFOR M STAG E I N TE R M E D I ATE DAY 2 | M7 | 15:00 - 15:20 IN DUS T R IA L A N A LY T ICS S TA GE

Jens has 26 years of profound experience in leading positions within Data & Analytics, from a wide range As a BMW researcher in Synthetic Data for Industry 4.0, Chafic is dedicated to driving AI innovation and
of industries. He has a strong business acumen through working in line organizations, consultancy, and applied practices at SORDI.ai! He is responsible for the simulation and generation pipeline, and is deeply
the enterprise software industry. During his career he has continuously delivered business value from committed to democratizing AI and making it accessible to all. Chafic is a passionate advocate for the
data together with driving change management to establish and develop data-driven organizations to transformative power of AI, and believes in its ability to bring about positive change in the industry.
build a culture around data, increasing literacy and understanding.

Niklas Lundmark Egor Grishechko

Folksam Software Engineer II | Uber
The business value-centric modern data platform How Uber manages one hundred thousand databases

DAY 2 | M3 | 12:00 - 12:20 MODE R N DATA PLATFOR M STAG E I N TE R M E D I ATE DAY 1 | M9 | 11:10 - 11:30 DATA B A S E S & A R CH IT E CT UR E S TA GE IN T ER M EDIAT E

Niklas has more than 20 years of experience from working with data and analytics. He has acted as the Hello! I am a Software Engineer at Uber. I am part of the Stateful Platform team there. The platform is the
lead architect in many large Swedish companies. His focus throughout all the years has been to enable critical piece of the company's infrastructure that manages stateful workloads at Uber.
business value and prove to business stakeholders how technology, data and architecture can enable
business value.

60 www.datainnovationsummit.com Join The Most Influential Data, AI and Advanced Analytics Event! BUY TICKETS DISummit2030 61
Meet the Speakers
Dr. Maria Papastathi Jeff Chen
Chief Data Officer - Technology | Shell VP, Data Science | Viaplay Group
Harvesting data products for better business decisions Data Science for Expansions: Lessons from Viaplay

DAY 1 | M3 | 16:40 - 17:00 MODE R N DATA PLATFOR M STAG E DAY 2 | M6 | 14:00 - 14:20 DATA S CIE N CE & A DVA N CE D A N A LY T ICS S T R AT EG Y S TA G E IN T ER M EDIAT E

Maria is accountable for guiding executive teams on programmes, where data, technology and culture Jeff Chen is the VP of Data Science at Viaplay Group where he leads the Data Science organization that
are key change drivers to improve the Business Gap to potential. Maria is responsible for multimillion enables data analytics and data product development in all parts of the company. Jeff has contributed
Operations Data Management investments. Maria has over 26 years of business leadership experience to data initiatives in over 35 domains, from climate change at NASA and the White House (Obama) to
in Energy Business, Operations, IT and multibillion Acquisitions / Divestments. She has worked in fire risk prediction and hurricane disaster response at the NYC Fire Department and NYC Mayor’s Office
multinational environments, having lived, and held senior executive positions on four continents. During (Bloomberg) to machine learning for reducing error in the US' Gross Domestic Product at the US Bureau
her career, she has built a reputation for operational excellence, innovative strategic thinking, enormous of Economic Analysis.
integrity, and commitment to developing high performing cross-business talented teams.

Jacques Vosloo Anna Felländer

Lead Architect - Surveillance | Shell Founder and CEO | anch.AI
Harvesting data products for better business decisions Panel | Responsible Analytics Governance

DAY 1 | M3 | 16:40 - 17:00 MODE R N DATA PLATFOR M STAG E DAY 2 | M8 | 15:30 - 16:20 A P P L IE D & H UMA N - CE N T R IC A I IN N OVAT IO N S TA G E

Jens has 26 years of profound experience in leading positions within Data & Analytics, from a wide range Anna Felländer is one of Sweden’s leading experts on the effects of digitalization on organisations,
of industries. He has a strong business acumen through working in line organizations, consultancy, and society and the economy. She has long been passionate about making meaning from data. As Head of
the enterprise software industry. During his career he has continuously delivered business value from Financial Analysis at the crisis management office of the Prime Minister of Sweden during the financial
data together with driving change management to establish and develop data-driven organizations to crisis of 2008, Anna learned that a multidisciplinary perspective can uncover insights and concealed
build a culture around data, increasing literacy and understanding. patterns that traditional statistics can’t. Later, as an advisor to the Swedish government and as the
Chief Economist at Swedbank, her key research analysed the hidden values of digitalization from an
economic, societal and business perspective.

Anja Visser David Magård

Senior Data Architect – Asset | Shell Senior Advisor | Bolagsverket/Swedish Companies Registration Office
Harvesting data products for better business decisions The Swedish Government Assignment on AI for public sector

DAY 1 | M3 | 16:40 - 17:00 MODE R N DATA PLATFOR M STAG E DAY 2 | M8 | 11:30 - 11:50 A P P L IE D & H UMA N - CE N T R IC A I IN N OVAT IO N S TA G E

As the data architect for Asset in Shell, Anja supports the Powering Progress strategy to accelerate Panel | Responsible Analytics Governance
the transition of the business to net-zero emissions, by driving the development and maintenance of
DAY 2 | M8 | 15:30 - 16:20 A P P L IE D & H UMA N - CE N T R IC A I IN N OVAT IO N S TA G E
data architecture artifacts for the Asset segment architecture. This ensures that the business value
of IT solutions and of enterprise data is maximized by applying knowledge of the business needs and One of Sweden’s foremost AI policy experts with a background at the Government Offices with a portfolio
opportunities, the business processes, the existing portfolio of IT applications, and the current and focused on new technologies. Among the few in Sweden with deep knowledge about the AI act. Co-lead
emerging technology and IT service capabilities, but most of all, the actual data used by all of these. of the Swedish National Assignment on public AI and lead on the trust model for AI in public sector.
Nominated (winner yet to be decided) to AI Ethics professional of the year.

Jesse McCrosky Emil Pedersen

Head of Sustainability and Social Change & Principal Data Scientist | Thoughtworks Finland Staff Data Scientist | Spotify
Panel | Scaling AI – The link between AI Governance, MLOps, and Responsible AI Break the black box; Human learning from machine learning.

DAY 1 | DO | 15:00 - 15:45 DATA OC TAG ON STAG E DAY 2 | M6 | 15:00 - 15:20 DATA S CIE N CE & A DVA N CE D A N A LY T ICS S T R AT EG Y S TA G E IN T ER M EDIAT E

Jesse is Thoughtworks’ Head of Sustainability and Social Change for Finland and a Principal Data Emil Pedersen got his PhD from the Technical University of Denmark in 2015. Since then he worked in
Scientist. He has worked with data and statistics since 2009 including with Mozilla, Google, and Stockholm for large Swedish tech companies; Klarna, Telia and Spotify. He is now back in Denmark and
Statistics Canada. With Thoughtworks, Jesse is helping our clients build socially responsible AI systems, works from Spotify’s Danish Office as a Staff Data Scientist specialised in improving the core media
including new solutions for sustainability. His approach to the intersection of tech and sustainability steaming experience and playback through data driven development.
is broad, including greening-of-tech, greening-by-tech, and how technology can support the social
alignment needed to tackle the climate emergency.

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Meet the Speakers
Abdullah Zia Eija Moisala
Senior Data Analyst | Bolt Technology OÜ Head of Digital Identity, Data and Design System | Elisa
Case Study on Inventory Optimisation: How the European mobility super-app solves one of the oldest problems How to improve customer data quality with unified digital identity
in Supply Chain
DAY 1 | M5 | 16:40 - 17:00 B US IN E S S A N D DATA A N A LY T ICS S TA GE IN T ER M EDIAT E


Eija has extensive experience in turning companies’ data assets into meaningful business and customer
I have a bachelor's degree in Industrial Engineering and almost 4 years of experience in manufacturing benefits. Eija is a visionary leader and hands-on doer who has developed customer data and machine
and supply chain working for Fortune 500 companies such as P&G(Procter & Gamble) and GSK learning capabilities, digital services, and digital identities, to mention a few areas. She has worked in
(GlaxoSmithKline) before switching to Tech and working across Operations and Strategy at Careem (a different domains, many years in a media company with the biggest streaming service in Finland, and
subsidiary of Uber in the MEA) and now product analytics at Bolt Technology OÜ. since 2021 in Finland's leading telecom and digital service company.

Jussi Ritola Joonatan Henriksson

Head of Data & AI | Thoughtworks Finland Vice CEO | Haidion
Data Mesh: the decentralized data paradigm - real value or mostly hype? How to improve customer data quality with unified digital identity


Jussi Ritola is a data professional and leader with 10+ years experience in delivering results in various Joonatan has over 15 years of experience in the digital identity management domain. Innovative business
settings, ranging from government sector initiatives to a multinational business environment. He loves consultant with experience in private and public sector digital identity and data sharing programs.
to connect with people on the topics of AI, ML, data engineering, and how organizations should use their
data more efficiently. Jussi thrives when constantly learning new things. His current interests lie in data
ops team building and designing and building production-grade reinforcement learning systems.

Sandeep Mehta Marius Zaharia

Engineering Lead Data Platforms | Dojo Cloud Solutions Architect | Société Générale
Building a business-critical data platform to process over £34bn in card transactions Modern Architecture in the Cloud of 2023

DAY 2 | M3 | 16:00 - 16:20 MODE R N DATA PLATFOR M STAG E I N TE R M E D I ATE DAY 2 | M9 | 12:00 - 12:20 DATA B A S E S & A R CH IT E CT UR E S TA GE IN T ER M EDIAT E

Sandeep is the Data Platform Engineering Lead at Dojo, where he is responsible for designing and When cloud computing was taking off in the late 2000s, Marius perceived its enormous potential. From
building self-serve data platforms in a data mesh architecture. Previously he was building real-time then, he follows up closely the evolution of the cloud technologies, with focus on IaaS, PaaS or hybrid
distributed data processing solutions at Babylon, Funding Circle and Worldpay. In his spare time, he likes architectures, and particularly in Azure, Microsoft's cloud. He has a mixed background of developer and
to learn and write about new technologies. IT professional, allowing him to position himself in architecting complex applications or infrastructure
projects, as well as training and coaching teams on developing, administering and architecting cloud
solutions. As Azure MVP, Marius Zaharia works closely with Microsoft product teams on giving feedback
and insights on various Azure services and technologies.

Meeri Haataja Andreas Westling

CEO & Co-Founder | Saidot CEO | Ignize
Panel | Responsible Analytics Governance Don’t let your insights get stuck in the data lab! A guide to Decision Intelligence

DAY 2 | M8 | 15:30 - 16:20 APPLIE D & HUMAN-CE NTR IC AI INNOVATION STAG E DAY 1 | M8 | 14:40 - 15:00 A P P L IE D & H UMA N - CE N T R IC A I IN N OVAT IO N S TA G E IN T ER M EDIAT E

Meeri is the CEO and Co-Founder of Saidot, a Finnish company providing technology and services Speaker bio comign soon
to help enterprises build and deploy responsible AI. Saidot’s SaaS platform for AI Governance and
Transparency is used by major public and private organizations to apply systematic AI governance and
to communicate transparently about their AI. Meeri is also the Chair of the IEEE's AI Impact Use Cases
Initiative, an Affiliate of the Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University, and a
former chair of the ethics working group in Finland's national AI program. With extensive experience in
responsible AI and analytics and AI transformations, Meeri is an active advocate for responsible and
human-centric AI and regularly speaks at international conferences and writes about AI policy and ethics

64 www.datainnovationsummit.com Join The Most Influential Data, AI and Advanced Analytics Event! BUY TICKETS DISummit2030 65
Meet the Speakers
Dr. Andreas Theodorou Wim Stoop
Research Fellow | Umeå University Senior Director, Hybrid Data Platform | Cloudera
Panel | AI Regulation Impact on Enterprises Product Review with Cloudera

DAY 1 | M8 | 16:10 - 17:00 APPLIE D & HUMAN-CE NTR IC AI INNOVATION STAG E DAY 2 | DO | 12:00 - 12:20 DATA O CTA GO N S TA GE

Dr. Andreas Theodorou is a researcher in the department of Computer Science at Umeå University, the Wim Stoop is Senior Director, Hybrid data Platform for Cloudera. In this role, he leads the marketing
CEO of VeRAI AB, and an affiliated WASP faculty, where he is the co-lead of the area cluster on Ethical, direction and strategic vision for Cloudera’s mission to let organizations make sense of every bit of
Legal and Societal Aspects of AI. He is looking into the techniques and tools needed for the responsible their data to harness insights and drive business outcomes at scale. Prior to Cloudera, Wim spent more
design, implementation, and deployment of intelligent systems. Andreas is an active member of various than 20 years helping blue-chip companies such as IBM, BP, and HSBC solve their most data-intensive
AI policy and standarisation initiatives. challenges in the context of their business objectives and usage scenarios. Wim is a regular speaker
at industry events where organisations are deciding and defining their enterprise data and analytics
strategy. Wim holds a masters degree in Chemical Process Technology from the Eindhoven University of
Technology in the Netherlands.

Sophia Liu Alwyn Thomas

Staff Data Scientist | Netflix Head of Data Strategy | Financial Times
5 Things I have learned from Continuous Explore Exploit Applications at Netflix Putting Your Data To Work With A Modern Data Strategy

DAY 1 | M6 | 11:10 - 11:30 DATA SCIE NC E & ADVANCE D ANALY TIC S STR ATE G Y STAG E DAY 2 | M4 | 15:30 - 15:50 MO DE R N DATA S T R AT E GY S TA GE B EG I N N ER

Sophia Liu is a Staff Data scientist at Netflix. She leads the data science initiatives for Netflix games Alwyn is the Head of Data Strategy for the Financial Times since June 2021, based in London with a remit
offerings. She specializes in online controlled experimentation (A/B tests), causal inferences and to work across the enterprise. Tasked with defining innovative data strategies to resolve the barriers
analytics. Before Netflix, she was a senior data scientist in the Analysis and Experimentation (A&E) team across the organisation. Alwyn is a massive advocate for people, enabling them to engage and utilise
at Microsoft. Dr. Liu received her M.S. and PhD degrees in Electrical Engineering from Columbia University data to answer business questions creating further business value. He is a senior data leader with over
and Northwestern University in 2012 and 2016, respectively. During her graduate study, she has won two 20 years experience working in Financial Service, Motor Manufacturing, Law and Media, all with different
best paper awards out of 14 international publications. siloed data challenges. Alwyn is a keen advocate of sharing knowledge, engaging the learner, and has
actively participated, presented or chaired panels in national and international conferences.

Nina Walberg Lars-Ingvar Nilsson

Head of Data & Insight | Oda IT Product Manager Enterprise BI | Nederman Holding AB | Group IT
Oda’s six principles for value creation from Data & Insight TBA

DAY 1 | M4 | 13:40 - 14:00 MODE R N DATA STR ATE G Y STAG E A D VA N C E D DAY 2 | M3 | 11:30 - 11:50 MO DE R N DATA P L AT F O R M S TA GE IN T ER M EDIAT E

Nina Walberg was brought on to establish Data & Insight as a discipline and take a more impactful part Lars Ingvar Nilsson has 2 decades of experience in various IT-positions. He has worked in and
of the company in early 2019. She has built up Data & Insight from 3 to 75 people. The organizational implemented several systems such as Dynamics AX in an international environment. He now holds a
growth, but also the phases of going from one fulfillment center in one market to multiple markets, have position as Enterprise BI Product Manager with the task to enable the next generation of BI tools on Azure
given many interesting learnings. She is currently in Berlin as Oda has launched there this winter. Nina
has a Master of Technology from NTNU in Industrial Economics and Technology Management. She has
experience both from consulting (BearingPoint) and leadership roles in media (Schibsted and VG) before
joining Oda.

Maria Nørgaard Hisham Mohamed

Data Analyst | Oda Director, Machine Learning Engineering | Expedia Group
Oda’s six principles for value creation from Data & Insight ML Journey unification at Expedia Group

DAY 1 | M4 | 13:40 - 14:00 MODE R N DATA STR ATE G Y STAG E A D VA N C E D DAY 1 | M2 | 16:40 - 17:00 DATA E N GIN E E R IN G & DATA O P S S TA GE ADVAN CED

Maria Nørgaard is a Data Analyst at Oda, working with enabling data users from the Data & Insight Hisham Mohamed is a director of machine learning engineering at Expedia Group. He has a Ph.D. degree
Platform. She has experience with a variety of data topics like data governance, metadata management, in computer science, with several years of experience in developing large-scale software solutions and
data ethics, data strategy and more from the financial sector and retail. She is passionate about building high-performing teams. With his team, they are on a mission to unify and simplify the ML
increasing data literacy and the importance of building competency around handling data. This was the journey across Expedia Group.
motivation for her to start the Norwegian DAMA chapter, Data Management Association Norway, with
some data friends a few years back.

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Meet the Speakers
Egor Kolpakov Søren Christensen
Project Engineer | Danfoss Chief Cloud Architect | Novo Nordisk
Trial and Error Method: Approaching Big Data Project for Mini EEV Lifetime Prediction The Fundamentals of a successful Data Mesh

DAY 2 | M7 | 15:30 - 15:50 INDUSTR IAL ANALY TICS STAG E BEGINNER DAY 2 | M3 | 15:00 - 15:20 MO DE R N DATA P L AT F O R M S TA GE

I am a project engineer at Danfoss, working on end-to-end machine learning and data science projects Speaker bio coming soon..
in the factory. My technical expertise and passion for innovation drive my work to deliver results and add
value to the company.

Sandra Real Kjell Carlsson

Data as a product lead | Adevinta Head of Data Science Strategy & Evangelism | Domino Data Lab
Maximizing value extraction with data as product practices Python is the new excel: Unlock the value of your data investments with a code-first analytics strategy

DAY 2 | M5 | 15:00 - 15:20 BUSINE SS AND DATA ANALY TICS STAG E I N TE R M E D I ATE DAY 1 | M1 | 10:40 - 11:00 MA CH IN E L E A R N IN G & ML O P S S TA GE IN T ER M EDIAT E

Data lover working in the data industry for 20 years. Data journey from managing large production Panel | Scaling AI – The link between AI Governance, MLOps, and Responsible AI
Oracle servers at HP for a bank, moving to a fintech world to develop large and performance data loading
processes, switching to the sustainability environment at Adevinta to design data models and curated DAY 1 | DO | 15:00 - 15:45 DATA O CTA GO N S TA GE

data workflows. Currently, focus on maximizing data value extraction by applying and evangelizing data Dr. Kjell Carlsson is the head of data science strategy and evangelism at Domino Data Lab where he
as product principles. advises organizations on how to drive business outcomes with artificial intelligence (AI) and data
science. Previously, he covered AI, ML, and data science as a Principal Analyst at Forrester Research where
he wrote reports on topics ranging from computer vision, MLOps, AutoML, and conversation intelligence
to augmented intelligence, next-generation AI technologies, and data science best practices.

Adam Greco Lars Hove Goswami-Christiansen

Product Evangelist | Amplitude Head of Data at PFA | PFA
Top 10 Analytics Mistakes Setting up an actionable, targeted database management strategy

DAY 2 | M5 | 11:30 - 11:50 BUSINE SS AND DATA ANALY TICS STAG E DAY 1 | M9 | 16:40 - 17:00 DATA B A S E S & A R CH IT E CT UR E S TA GE ADVAN CED

Adam Greco is one of the leaders of the analytics industry. As one of the earliest customers and employees Have been working professionally with Microsoft SQL Server for 20+ years, with many years in the
at Omniture, he has helped thousands of organizations improve their digital properties through the use financial sector. Head of Data at PFA – One of the largest pension funds in Europe. Also the founder of So
of data. Adam has blogged extensively about analytics and authored the preeminent book on Adobe Sequel.
Analytics. Adam has served as a board member to several analytics organizations and has won several
awards from the Digital Analytics Association. Adam is currently a product evangelist for Amplitude where
he helps leading organizations strategize around using data to accelerate growth.

Mats Stellwall Andrea Gioia

Field CTO | Snowflake CTO | Quantyca
Panel | The 2023 Modern Data Platform Blueprint– Components, Capabilities, Tools Data Contract in Practice: from definition to enforcing

DAY 2 | DO | 11:00 - 11:45 DATA OC TAG ON STAG E DAY 2 | M9 | 11:00 - 11:20 DATA B A S E S & A R CH IT E CT UR E S TA GE IN T ER M EDIAT E

Mats Stellwall is working at Snowflake as a Field CTO where he advises customers on Data Science with As the CTO of Quantyca, a leading Italian consulting firm in data management, and co-founder of
Snowflake. He has been working with analytics and information centric systems since the mid nineties blindata.io, an innovative SaaS Data Governance Platform, I bring over 25 years of expertise in the ever-
in various roles. evolving world of data. From BI and DWH projects to navigating the complexities of Big Data, AI, and
Cloud, I have witnessed it all, and my passion for technology and data has only deepened over time.
The practice of data engineering has long been a bottleneck in the IT industry, but the ongoing data
management revolution, fueled by the growing significance of data in all aspects of life, is changing this.
I am thrilled to contribute to this transformation and eagerly anticipate what the future holds for the
world of data.

68 www.datainnovationsummit.com Join The Most Influential Data, AI and Advanced Analytics Event! BUY TICKETS DISummit2030 69
Meet the Speakers
Heine Krog Iversen Henrik Landgren
CEO & Founder | TimeXtender Co-founder & CPTO | Ark Kapital
Panel | The 2023 Modern Data Platform Blueprint– Components, Capabilities, Tools How to Build Your Growth Forecasting Machine

DAY 2 | DO | 11:00 - 11:45 DATA OC TAG ON STAG E DAY 2 | M5 | 15:30 - 15:50 B US IN E S S A N D DATA A N A LY T ICS S TA GE IN T ER M EDIAT E

Heine Krog Iversen founded TimeXtender in 2006 to dedicate his time to develop and market a platform Henrik is the Co-founder & CPTO at Ark Kapital - changing the future growth trajectory for founders and
that automates the data management cycle. The cost savings are evident as the platform has proven to tech companies through groundbreaking scaleup loans and frontier growth forecasting. Prior to Ark,
be more than 10 times faster than the traditional approach. Heine has led TimeXtender from its founding Henrik built EQT’s Ventures funds I and II from the first to over 100 investments, specialising in analytics,
through its joining forces with leading investment firm, Monterro. Through it all, one constant remains: data and machine learning. In parallel, he was the main product owner of the AI-driven, self-learning
TimeXtender’s—and Heine’s—core purpose. To empower the world with data, mind, and heart. Because investment platform, Motherbrain, which formed the data driven approach to sourcing, prioritising and
time matters. deciding. Henrik was also the first VP of Analytics at Spotify, and holds a Master of Science in Industrial
Engineering and Management.

Alex Moltzau Sandeep Ramachandran

AI Policy, Governance, Ethics and International Partnerships | NORA.ai Investment Lead Architect – Enterprise Analytics Platform | Swedbank
Panel | AI Regulation Impact on Enterprises Scaling Advanced Analytics at Enterprise Level - Dual Operating Model Approach


Alex Moltzau has led the coordinating work on policy and ethics in the largest national research Sandeep Ramachandran is Investment Lead Architect for Enterprise Analytics Platform on cloud at
collaboration in Norway for the last few years. During this time he has seen the development of a general Swedbank. In his current role, Sandeep is responsible for architecting, designing, and implementing
approach to AI policy towards more specialised frameworks in different domains, in particular within secure and sustainable solutions on cloud to address challenging analytical needs within the bank.
healthcare. As part of his work Alex has mapped out the research labs and projects in AI on a national His area of expertise lies in providing Enterprise solutions for Big data and Cloud transformation
level while doing the same for the Norwegian government with AI, both on a detailed project-level. Last engagements. Sandeep has worked with a number of Fortune 100 organizations in key industries such
year he joined the committee under the Ministry of Research and Education managing the bilateral as Banking, Retail and Travel spread across Asia, Europe and North America.
agreement on collaboration on AI Norway has signed with the United States Department of Energy.

Vineeth Menon Camilla Sternberg

Head of Data Lake Engineering | Swedbank Head of Common Analytics | Telia Company
Scaling Advanced Analytics at Enterprise Level - Dual Operating Model Approach Navigating the Analytics Transformation: From Vision to Reality - A Journey through Analytics Harmonization &
Data Democratization
DAY 1 | M3 | 11:10 - 11:30 MODE R N DATA PLATFOR M STAG E I N TE R M E D I ATE

DAY 2 | M5 | 14:00 - 14:20 B US IN E S S A N D DATA A N A LY T ICS S TA GE B EG I N N ER

Vineeth Menon has over 19 years of consulting and delivery experience across Financial Services,
Insurance & Telecommunication sectors. He has successfully delivered complex transformation 20+ years of experience from different positions within Telco business and during the last 7 years heading
& cloud migration programs for large organizations. Most recently, he serves as the Head of Data up a central Analytics unit at Telia for supporting Telia’s product and network analytics transformation.
Lake Engineering at Swedbank,and has been responsible for growing & developing their Data Lake Camilla is dedicated to leveraging the power of data to drive innovation, bridge the gap between business
Engineering team to build a center of excellence to deliver data & analytics driven services in the bank and analytics and empower organizations to make data-driven decisions that accelerate their growth and

Pernille Tranberg Malinda Phillips

Founder, Advisor and Speaker | Digital Identity Head of Insight & Data Office | Telia Company
Panel | AI Regulation Impact on Enterprises Navigating the Analytics Transformation: From Vision to Reality - A Journey through Analytics Harmonization &
Data Democratization
DAY 2 | M5 | 14:00 - 14:20 B US IN E S S A N D DATA A N A LY T ICS S TA GE B EG I N N ER
Pernille Tranberg is an independent speaker and advisor in data democracy, data ethics, data
understanding and digital self-defense. She’s a former journalist and speaks to school kids and Malinda Phillips is an driven data advocate with 15+ years of experience within the areas of Analytics, BI
teachers, politicians, public officials, NGOs, and business leaders. She is the co-founder of the and Data Enablement. Malinda is leading the Insight and Data Office within Analytics at Telia Company.
European think tank DataEthics.eu and has written several books on tech and ethics, the latest is ‘A This is a central unit with responsibility for BI and Data Enablement capabilities. The unit is pivotal in the
Data Democracy Comes With Individual Data Control’ (2021) and ‘DataEthics – The new Competitive strategy and execution for the Data Democratization agenda. Malinda is passionate about creating value
Advantage’ (2016). through data and is a true advocate for the transformative potential of data-driven insights.

70 www.datainnovationsummit.com Join The Most Influential Data, AI and Advanced Analytics Event! BUY TICKETS DISummit2030 71
Meet the Speakers
Patrik Liu Tran, PhD Laurent Dresse
CEO & Co-founder | Validio Chief Evangelist | DataGalaxy
Deep data observability in a world of both structured and semi-structured data Tips and tricks to build your Data Knowledge workplace

DAY 2 | M2 | 13:30 - 13:50 DATA E NG INE E R ING & DATAOPS STAG E DAY 2 | M4 | 13:30 - 13:50 MO DE R N DATA S T R AT E GY S TA GE IN T ER M EDIAT E

Patrik Liu Tran, PhD, is CEO & Co-founder of Validio, a Deep Data Observability platform. With his Laurent Dresse, Chief Evangelist, brings his expert industry knowledge, experience, and determined
business-data hybrid background, he has 10+ years’ experience as an advisor on data strategy and energy to the table to help solve your company's challenges. Holding a graduate degree in SME
implementation to top management teams as well as angel investing. Management, Laurent began his career at Stefanini as a Solution Engineer. After six years, he became
the Manager of European IT Support at Coca-Cola Enterprises, where he was a key player in establishing
state-of-the-art support in manufacturing and office operations. Today, Laurent is Datagalaxy's top
evangelist and thought leader, using his market expertise and observations to educate the public on key
data governance topics.

Marek Pikna Ann-Elise Delbecq

Manager of Professional Services | Manta Data and AI Expert Leader, Northern and Central Europe | IBM
How Data Lineage Streamlines Regulatory Deadlines for Large Enterprise Data Environments Panel | The 2023 Modern Data Platform Blueprint– Components, Capabilities, Tools

DAY 2 | M5 | 13:30 - 13:50 BUSINE SS AND DATA ANALY TICS STAG E DAY 1 | DO | 15:00 - 15:45 DATA O CTA GO N S TA GE

Marek Pikna is a Professional Services Manager at MANTA, working with MANTA customers to provide How to scale AI with confidence
them with technical guidance and support during and after deployment of the platform in their
environments. Prior to joining MANTA, he worked for Profinit as an IT consultant on the business DAY 1 | M6 | 10:40 - 11:00 DATA S CIE N CE & A DVA N CE D A N A LY T ICS S T R AT EG Y S TA G E IN T ER M EDIAT E

intelligence team, where he was responsible for developing ETL-related tools. Marek has a Master’s in
System Programming from the Czech Technical University in Prague. Ann-Elise is currently leading Data and AI in the Northern, Central and Eastern Europe market. Previously she led
the Data Science and AI Elite team at IBM EMEA. She is focused on Data Science, Machine Learning and Artificial
Intelligence for IBM enabling clients to successfully apply Data Science and deploy governed, scalable and resilient
AI into business processes. Ann-Elise has wide industry experience, in sectors ranging from Telco to Finance.

Jason Hammons Anurag Sahay

VP Systems Engineering, EMEA APJ | VAST Data Global Lead of Data Science & ML | Nagarro
Shared Everything, low cost NVMe All-Flash Data Platform - built for Next Generation AI A practical approach to MLOps for the Enterprise

DAY 2 | M8 | 13:30 - 13:50 APPLIE D & HUMAN-C E NTR IC AI INNOVATION STAG E I N TE R M E D I ATE DAY 1 | M1 | 14:10 - 14:30 MA CH IN E L E A R N IN G & ML O P S S TA GE IN T ER M EDIAT E

Jason has spent 20 years as a technical leader in Enterprise storage with experience from Dell HPC, EMC An industry veteran with experience of more than 26 years in global organizations including IBM,
and Pure storage all flash systems, Isilon and FlashBlade scale out systems, Cloud native and Enterprise Microsoft, Nokia Networks, and has helped in founding two AI startups in the areas of Education and
workloads. He leads a talented team of Solution Architects & Field Engineers who are building next Healthcare. Anurag has been leading the Data Science and AI endeavors at Nagarro since 2016. His
generation data centres with All Flash, high speed networks, and GPU/DPU's. This team is focused on focus resides in developing and executing Nagarro’s business strategies to attain goals, exploring
building next generation architectures for AI/ML/DL and helping customers find competitive advantages and analyzing market trends and identifying new opportunities for AI, Data, Analytics, managing
in areas such as: Lifescience HPC/Genomics, Data Lakehouse, Streaming/Real time analytics, Database, relationships with clients and partners, and ensuring continuous performance improvement in all areas
Seismic & Meteorology, Oil & Gas, Threat Detection/Fraud prevention, Data protection, Media & of the business.
Entertainment, the Space economy, and more.

Nikola Sever Umang Garg

Principal Consultant | Syntio Global Practice Leader - Industry and Automation | Nagarro
Data Mesh for event driven applications Engineering for the enterprise: Should you add the metaverse to your toolkit?

DAY 1 | M2 | 14:10 - 14:30 DATA E NG INE E R ING & DATAOPS STAG E DAY 1 | M7 | 11:40 - 12:00 IN DUS T R IA L A N A LY T ICS S TA GE IN T ER M EDIAT E

Experienced and certified Google Cloud Data and Security Engineer with more than 8 years of experience Umang is passionate about helping industrial and manufacturing companies transform into a
working with data and data feeds. Currently working as a Consultant for a large clothing retailer in a Connected Enterprise. In his present role as the Global Practice Leader of the Industry and Automation
field of implementation of Data Mesh architecture and custom components to establish decentralized Practice at Nagarro he is keenly focussed on enabling Industry 4.0 and digital solutions across the
platform for data consumption. Eager security enforcer and Blue Team member. MTBer in heart. value chain of a cross section of industrial companies. In this journey he has engaged with 150+
companies across Europe, North America, and Asia. He specializes in product development, creating
high performance teams and building partnerships. Umang has a MBA from Indian School of Business
(India), Master of Science (Advanced Computing) from Imperial College (U.K.) and Bachelors in
Engineering (Computer Systems) from University of Sussex.

72 www.datainnovationsummit.com Join The Most Influential Data, AI and Advanced Analytics Event! BUY TICKETS DISummit2030 73
Meet the Speakers
Petr Beles Dennis Lauwers
Senior Consultant | Datavault Builder CTO Hybrid Cloud EMEA | IBM
Fastest time to insights using a business model-driven Data Warehouse automation approach Hybrid data usage is stressing data governance and compliance. Are you confident that your data is used as it is
supposed to be?
DAY 1 | M4 | 14:10 - 14:30 MODE R N DATA STR ATE G Y STAG E I N TE R M E D I ATE

DAY 2 | M4 | 11:00 - 11:20 MO DE R N DATA S T R AT E GY S TA GE IN T ER M EDIAT E

Petr Beles has profound experience in data warehouse projects in the telecommunications, financial
and industrial sectors. For several years he has been successfully implementing projects with Data Vault Dennis Lauwers is Distinguished Engineer and CTO for Hybrid Cloud in Europe, Middle East, and Africa,
as a Senior Consultant. After recognizing the need of automation with Data Vault, he and his colleagues focused on bringing new hybrid cloud & Data/AI technologies and solutions to market.
started to develop an automation tool, culminating in the creation of the Datavault Builder. He is a recognized technical leader in various domains such as cloud solutions, complex IT
infrastructures, IT architecture and business/IT alignment. Having more than 20 years of experience in IT
with a broad spectrum of technical and leadership skills, he shares his experiences across teams driving
sustainable business in the hybrid cloud, data, and AI arena.

Nicola Holmes Nils Pålsson

Principal Data Scientist | Kaito Insight Global Practice Leader - Industry and Automation | IBM
Maximizing the ROI of Data Science Projects – How to design and lead cost-effective data science initiatives. Data-driven approach to reaching sustainability goals

DAY 2 | M7 | 11:00 - 11:20 INDUSTR IAL ANALY TICS STAG E I N TE R M E D I ATE DAY 2 | M7 | 13:30 - 13:50 IN DUS T R IA L A N A LY T ICS S TA GE IN T ER M EDIAT E

I employ my dual skillsets as a Data Scientist and a Mechatronics Engineer to help clients in Industry With a long background in systems engineering, requirements management and compliance I am
find the solutions they need from Advanced Analytics, ML & AI. now applying that experience in helping clients across NCEE region on their sustainability journey by
harnessing the power of data and analytics for ESG Reporting and finding the best pathways to low
carbon goals.

Christian Andersen Dasha Simons

Regional Director Data Analytics Nordic Region | Altair Engineering Managing Consultant Trustworthy AI | IBM
Breaking Down Data Science Language Barriers: Build Agile, Future-proof Analytics Implementations Foundational models, can I trust you?


Christian has +20 years of commercial experience within the fields of Business Intelligence and Data Dasha Simons, managing consultant trustworthy AI at IBM, is passionate about bringing the human heartbeat
Analytics and has been responsible for selling and delivering projects and services to a broad variety of into technology development by creating more trustworthy AI by design. She uses her creativity and human-
verticals, including BFSI, Manufacturing, Public and Aerospace. He has held various positions, including centred perspective to find new ways how we can make AI more trustworthy, by making it more explainable,
being Managing Partner/CEO for 9 years at Bridgeconsulting, a partner-driven company that was 100% transparent and fairer. At IBM, she is advising various industries ranging from financial institutions, public
focused on Data Analytics and 5 times awarded by Microsoft Denmark as the best Business Intelligence sector and consumer goods from operational to C-level. As well as enabling our own teams in creating trusted
partner in Denmark. In his different roles Christian has been working with both seasoned developers as AI. Examples include: setting-up the global CoE for Trustworthy AI at IBM, leading the training initiatives on this
well as young graduates and has extensive “hands-on” experience in “bridging the generations” and topic for all EMEA consultants. Additionally, Dasha is a frequent speaker at events and has co-authored various
getting the best of both worlds. publications in the field of design and trend forecasting.

Iiris Lahti Jesus Alejandro Sanchez Davila

Founder | AI Roots Senior Database Administrator and Online Infrastructure Engineer | Massive Entertainment | A Ubisoft Studio
Building Highly Available, Scalable and Resilient MySQL Architectures
DAY 1 | M3 | 10:30 - 10:40 MODE R N DATA PLATFOR M STAG E

DAY 2 | M9 | 15:00 - 15:20 DATA B A S E S & A R CH IT E CT UR E S TA GE IN T ER M EDIAT E

DAY 2 | M3 | 10:55 - 11:00 MODE R N DATA PLATFOR M STAG E S TA G E M O D E R ATO R

Hello! I am a Senior DBA and Online Infrastructure Engineer at Massive Entertainment. I’m part of the
For the past 15 years I have been helping different companies find the most relevant data, refine it to team taking care of Ubisoft Connect’s backend infrastructure for the 24/7 online gaming platform, the
a strategic asset, integrate it to their business processes and generate value from it. I am especially main entrypoint for all Ubisoft games.
excited to configure how to use data, machine learning, customer insight and design thinking together
to create better customer and employee experiences, optimize operational performance and innovate
new data-enabled services. As a co-founder of AI Roots, I am focused on connecting data entrepreneurs
with companies in need of senior data talent. Together with our freelancer network we are helping
companies to evolve their data driven culture, scale up and modernize their data platforms and gain
sustainable business value from intelligent use of data and AI.

74 www.datainnovationsummit.com Join The Most Influential Data, AI and Advanced Analytics Event! BUY TICKETS DISummit2030 75
Meet the Speakers
Håkan Jonsson Salma Bakouk
Lead Architect | Swedbank Co-founder and CEO | Sifflet
Modernizing the data infrastructure at Swedbank: Dig where you stand, aim for the clouds From 0 to full stack data observability

DAY 1 | M3 | 13:40 - 14:00 MODE R N DATA PLATFOR M STAG E DAY 2 | M4 | 14:30 - 14:50 MO DE R N DATA S T R AT E GY S TA GE B EG I N N ER

Håkan started out in the area of cognitive science and natural language processing for many Salma Bakouk is the CEO and co-founder of Sifflet, a Full Data Stack Observability platform. Before
years, and likes to say “I did AI before it was cool”. Since 2014, Håkan has worked in various Sifflet, Salma was an Executive Director at Goldman Sachs in Sales & Trading in Asia, where she led key
architect roles around analytics, data and data management platforms. He has had the role of Data & Analytics initiatives. Salma holds an Engineering Degree from École Centrale Paris in Applied
lead architect for several such initiatives in large banking and insurance enterprises. Mathematics and a Master's degree in Statistics and Data Scien.

Alex Dean Antti Loukiala

CEO | Snowplow Technical Lead Data Platforms | Solita
Leverage 1st party data to act with agility & precision to deliver personalization Panel | Decentralized Data and Artificial Intelligence and Future of Business

DAY 1 | M3 | 14:10 - 14:30 MODE R N DATA PLATFOR M STAG E I N TE R M E D I ATE DAY 1 | DO | 10:30 - 11:15 DATA O CTA GO N S TA GE

Alexander Dean is Co-founder and Chief Executive Officer at Snowplow Analytics. Alexander is a keen Antti Loukiala is working as a Technical Lead Data Platforms specialist helping customers design and
technologist with a passion for functional programming, cloud-based architectures and big data implement cloud-based data platforms for various industries to get the most out of their data. He has
technologies. He also has a passion for innovation and organizational change. Before co-founding supported many clients with knowledge of data management, data science, business intelligence, and
Snowplow, Alexander worked in technology roles at OpenX and in the Business Intelligence department software development to act as a bridge between business and tech.
at Deloitte Consulting, as well as strategy roles at Fathom Partners and Keplar LLP. Alexander holds a BA
in History from the University of Cambridge.

Anja Loug Helland Amey Porobo Dharwadker

Head of Advisory & Co-founder | BI Builders Machine Learning Technical Lead | Meta
So you think you know data automation? Mastering the Art of Recommender System Evaluation

DAY 1 | M5 | 14:10 - 14:30 BUSINE SS AND DATA ANALY TICS STAG E DAY 2 | M1 | 14:30 - 14:50 MA CH IN E L E A R N IN G & ML O P S S TA GE IN T ER M EDIAT E

Anja is Head of Advisory and co-founder of BI Builders and has worked with data warehousing and Amey Porobo Dharwadker is a Machine Learning Technical Lead at Meta (Facebook), where he leads the
data platforms for over 15 years. With experience from a range of different clients, Anja is an expert in Video Recommendations Core Ranking team responsible for developing personalization models used
understanding our customers' needs and mapping those needs to data and data models to achieve by billions of users globally. He has over a decade of experience in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine
business value. Learning (ML), both from an academic and industrial standpoint. At Facebook, he has been instrumental
in driving a significant increase in user engagement and revenue for the company through his work on
News Feed, Ads and Videos ranking organizations. He is an active researcher and has published several
international publications and patents in the fields of recommender systems and machine learning. He
has also served as a program committee member and reviewer for top-tier ML conferences and journals.

Terje Vatle Peter Nord Andersson

Chief Technology Officer | BI Builders Actuarial Data Scientist & Business Advisor | Northinsight AB
So you think you know data automation? Creating Business Value with Advanced Analytics

DAY 1 | M5 | 14:10 - 14:30 BUSINE SS AND DATA ANALY TICS STAG E DAY 1 | M1 | 12:10 - 12:30 MA CH IN E L E A R N IN G & ML O P S S TA GE

Terje is Chief Technology Officer at BI Builders following global market trends within data & analytics. Academics
With a background in data & analytics advisory and development, Terje focuses on how to make · Master in Data science/statistics + Actuarial science
organizations more data-driven and the journey toward a modern data platform in the cloud. · Published research papers in Medical Statistics (Epidemiometrics)
· Qualified Actuary (Sweden, non-life)
· Current: Actuarial management consultant
· 10+ years as an Actuary (insurance mathematician)
· Head of pricing and analytics, chief Actuary, consultant
· Data scientist, modeller, leader, lecturer
76 www.datainnovationsummit.com Join The Most Influential Data, AI and Advanced Analytics Event! BUY TICKETS DISummit2030 77
Meet the Speakers
Mikko Ollila Henrik Norhøj Nielsen
Head of Data Platforms | Kesko Principal Sales Engineer | Snowflake
Leveraging the Data Platform for Expanded Value Generation: Beyond Analytics and Reporting Product Review with Snowflake

DAY 1 | M5 | 12:10 - 12:30 BUSINE SS AND DATA ANALY TICS STAG E DAY 1 | DO | 11:30 - 11:50 DATA O CTA GO N S TA GE

Transforming the Data Infrastructure: From legacy EDW to Modern Cloud Data Warehouse with the Power of DW Henrik Nielsen joined Snowflake in February 2019, with focus on building the Danish market in his role
Automation as a Sales Engineer. Henrik is now focusing on working with strategic customers in the Nordics, and is a
frequent speaker at events, focusing on topics relevant to Snowflake: Data Architecture topics like Data
DAY 2 | M3 | 13:30 - 13:50 MODE R N DATA PLATFOR M STAG E I N TE R M E D I ATE
Vault, Data Modeling, Data Mesh, Data Collaboration, as well as general Snowflake Product Innovations.
Mikko Ollila is the Head of Data Platforms for Kesko. In addition, he’s responsible for data solutions for the Prior to joining Snowflake, Henrik has worked at different vendors since 2001 in the Data Management and
Grocery and Car Trade lines of businesses. Mikko has spent his career working with different aspects of Analytics field, ranging from a niche startup in the oil & gas, energy, and utilities sector to implementing
data across multiple industries including manufacturing, financial services, aviation, and retail. large data warehouse projects in various industries as an implementation consultant at Oracle.

Daniel Nordvall Ibrahim Elawadi

Group Manager Data & Analytics | LKAB Global Director, Digital Analytics | Philips
The role of an AUTOMATED data platform in setting a new world standard for sustainable mining Rethinking the Value of Analytics

DAY 1 | M7 | 12:10 - 12:30 INDUSTR IAL ANALY TICS STAG E DAY 2 | M5 | 16:00 - 16:20 B US IN E S S A N D DATA A N A LY T ICS S TA GE IN T ER M EDIAT E

Speaker bio coming soon Speaker bio coming soon

Paolo Platter Levan Tsinadze

CTO | Agile Lab Machine Learning Researcher | Eyeo GmbH
A revolutionary journey towards the Data Governance shift left Self-Supervised Learning on Ad Graphs

DAY 1 | M2 | 12:10 - 12:30 DATA E NG INE E R ING & DATAOPS STAG E I N TE R M E D I ATE DAY 2 | M6 | 15:30 - 15:50 DATA S CIE N CE & A DVA N CE D A N A LY T ICS S T R AT EG Y S TA G E IN T ER M EDIAT E

After a master’s degree in Telecommunications Engineering at the Politecnico di Torino in Italy, Paolo Levan Tsinadze is a Machine Learning Researcher at eyeo where he works on developing Machine
focused on innovative distributed technologies, achieving top-level certifications and a notable Learning models for ad detection and filtering. Prior to eyeo, he has spent several years working on
curriculum in software development. He is the co-founder (2014) and CTO of Agile Lab, a fast-growing machine learning projects since 2013, including chatbot assistants for financial services and insurance,
company focused on scalable technologies, Big Data and AI in production. Within the organization, Paolo adaptive scene encoding, image super-resolution, NSFW content detection, face avatar generation,
explores emerging technologies, evaluate new concepts and technological solutions, leading Operations etc. He is also a part-time lecturer and researcher at Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University on
and Architectures. In the years he has been involved in very challenging Big Data projects around Europe the theoretical foundation of statistical learning, particularly the generalization of model fitting and
with top enterprise companies. In 2017, Paolo has also started a collaboration as a software mentor inference using abstract algebraic and topological structures.
within the European Innovation Academy, a recognized leader in tech entrepreneurship education.

Stefano Patti Keith Bolam

Head of Data Architecture & Technology | UniCredit Director, Strategic Initiatives | Actian
A revolutionary journey towards the Data Governance shift left Panel | DataOps, Data in Motion, and Event-Driven Architectures – 2023 Trends and challenges in data
DAY 1 | M2 | 12:10 - 12:30 DATA E NG INE E R ING & DATAOPS STAG E I N TE R M E D I ATE

DAY 1 | DO | 16:00 - 16:45 DATA O CTA GO N S TA GE

Stefano Patti is the Head of Data Architecture & Technology. His mission is to develop the innovative
UniCredit Data Platform as fully cloud native and based on the Data Mesh paradigm, defining Keith Bolam serves as Director of Development Projects with Avalanche Engineering. He has more than
technological solutions for the entire lifecycle of data products to enable a self-serve data platform, 35 years of experience in both small and large application deployments. For the last 10 years, Keith has
standardized and interoperable data products, data quality by design and federated computational worked with Actian Vector and Actian Avalanche Cloud Platform using BI tools Looker, Tableau, Qlik and
policies. Additionally, he is responsible for the evolution of Data & Intelligence applications’ landscape PowerBI, and many other ETL solutions. In addition, he has worked in Cloud Managed Database Solutions,
towards cloud transformation and DevOps adoption. Stefano joined UniCredit in 2015 mainly working working with Actian to launch Avalanche on AWS, Azure, and GCP. Keith is passionate about learning and
across Governance Functions (Financial Risk and Group Functions Architecture) and most recently held inspired by the rate of progress in his industry.
the role of Head of Data Architecture & Technology leading the implementation and delivery of the Data
Mesh Platform.
78 www.datainnovationsummit.com Join The Most Influential Data, AI and Advanced Analytics Event! BUY TICKETS DISummit2030 79
Meet the Speakers
Joel Lidström Kristiina Juurmaa
Head of Product Development, Data Platform | Kambi Data Development Manager | Barona Oy
Enabling Analytics and Data Mesh in the world of sports betting Model Employee – Barona’s roadmap to data success

DAY 1 | M9 | 12:10 - 12:30 DATABASE S & AR C HITE C TUR E STAG E DAY2 | M3 | 15:30 - 15:50 MO DE R N DATA P L AT F O R M S TA GE IN T ER M EDIAT E

I'm passionate about data; getting people access to data and crunching it to create insights and value People first, data will follow! With a background in cognitive science, psychology and human-centred
for the business. I'm an experienced leader with a developer background. My current responsibility is to design, Kristiina is passionate about how people data can be used for a better world while respecting the
lead the product development, vision, and strategy for Kambi's Data Platform. privacy of individuals. Previously Kristiina has worked in the academia as well as in the humanitarian
field with similar questions. At Barona, she leads the data team that provides working life data as a
service. With roots in staffing business, Barona has been reforming Nordic working life for over 20 years.

Deepak Yadav Janne Heikkilä

Engineering Manager, Data | Amazon Information Architec | Barona Oy
Envisioning the Financial Close – The Need for Financial Data Quality in accounting Model Employee – Barona’s roadmap to data success

DAY 2 | M2 | 15:30 - 15:50 DATA E NG INE E R ING & DATAOPS STAG E I N TE R M E D I ATE DAY2 | M3 | 15:30 - 15:50 MO DE R N DATA P L AT F O R M S TA GE IN T ER M EDIAT E

Hi, I am Deepak Yadav, an experienced leader with 15+ years of experience in data engineering and Building the bridge between business and Information Architecture by providing solutions for analytics
data science with a demonstrated history of leading innovation and change, as well as building strong and big data for future exploration. Data evangelist to help build up evolving data platforms to support
teams. Skilled in Big Data, Data Warehousing and gaining experience in Data Science. Strong business data driven business decisions. Making data technology understandable for business and business
development professional with a Bachelors in Electronics and Communication. needs for data developers. Experienced on building data solutions in various businesses in different
I am talking here from Seattle, Washington and really excited to take part in the Data Innovation Summit industries like Insurance, Finance, Retail and HR. Used to tackling and solving major challenges in IT
2023. I will be talking about The Need for Financial Data Quality in accounting. Now, how can we make when related to data and its usage. Privacy and security have been and is a major skill that has helped
sure the Month-End financial close is clean with no issues? How, where and what kinds of checks, you designing compliant solutions and processes.
should incorporate to avoid the risk of material misstatement in reporting.

Girish Baliga Lars Meinich Andersen

Engineering Manager & Chair, Presto Foundation | Uber Partner, Data & Analytics | PwC Norway
Building a modern data architecture: Presto for the open data lakehouse How data & analytics can help to create a more efficient and dynamic power grid.

DAY 2 | M2 | 16:00 - 16:20 DATA E NG INE E R ING & DATAOPS STAG E I N TE R M E D I ATE DAY 1 | M7 | 14:10 - 14:30 IN DUS T R IA L A N A LY T ICS S TA GE IN T ER M EDIAT E

Presto Governing Board Chair Girish Baliga is director of engineering at Uber, where he manages the Lars has worked as a strategic advisor and technical consultant throughout the majority of his career.
core platform that powers search for all of Uber’s products. Baliga holds a Ph.D. and a master’s degree His main focus is on how data & analytics can be used to improve decision-making and create more
in computer science, as well as a master’s degree in math, from the University of Illinois Urbana- efficient work processes. At the moment Lars is working with several clients on how data products and
Champaign. technology can be used to enable a more efficient power distribution to ensure that we can create a
morte stable energy system.

Tim Meehan Thorsten Jacobs

Software Engineer & Chair, Presto Technical Steering Committee | Meta Sr Solutions Architect | Databricks
Building a modern data architecture: Presto for the open data lakehouse Product review with Databricks

DAY 2 | M2 | 16:00 - 16:20 DATA E NG INE E R ING & DATAOPS STAG E I N TE R M E D I ATE DAY 1 | DO | 14:30 - 14:50 DATA O CTA GO N S TA GE

Tim works as a Software Engineer at Facebook, where he works on Presto, focusing on resource Speaker bio coming soon..
management and reliability. He also chairs the Technical Steering Committee at the Presto Foundation.
He’s spent a lot of his career wrangling data, and chooses to work on Presto because of its versatility,
extensibility and performance.

80 www.datainnovationsummit.com Join The Most Influential Data, AI and Advanced Analytics Event! BUY TICKETS DISummit2030 81
Meet the Speakers
Ted Orme Kriti Paliwal
Head of Data Integration Strategy EMEA | Qlik Data Science Manager | Securitas Intelligent Services
Modernize Your Data Integration Architecture for Better Analytics Driving successful AI-based digital transformation in a non-tech company

DAY1 | M3 | 10:40 - 11:00 MODE R N DATA PLATFOR M STAG E I N TE R M E D I ATE DAY 2 | M6 | 16:00 - 16:20 DATA S CIE N CE & A DVA N CE D A N A LY T ICS S T R AT EG Y S TA G E B EG I N N ER

Ted is Head of Data Integration Strategy for EMEA at Qlik, supporting all parts of the business. Ted directly Kriti is a Data Science manager in Securitas with more than 10 years of experience leading analytics
works with sales, marketing, alliances, and product management to support Qlik’s vision of accelerating initiatives across consulting and technology space. She is a passionate advocate for data-first product
business value through data. With over 20 years of industry experience, he is a leading spokesperson strategy and currently leading the work of building state of the art data capabilities such as 'Crime
within the data integration space. Prior to his work in the tech industry, he obtained a BSc in Economics and Risk prediction for dynamic security planning', 'Using NLP to extract 360 degree information from
from the University of Kent. Security reports' and many more to transform the Security industry with her teams in Securitas.

Smit Shah Bart Koek

Director, Technical Evangelism | Hasura Field CTO, EMEA APJ | Immuta
Unlock your Data Warehouses with APIs Unlocking Data’s Value: How to Strike the Efficiency-Security Balance

DAY 2 | M9 | 13:30 - 13:50 DATABASE S & AR C HITE C TUR E STAG E I N TE R M E D I ATE DAY2 | M3 | 14:30 - 14:50 MO DE R N DATA P L AT F O R M S TA GE IN T ER M EDIAT E

Smit is the director of technical evangelism at Hasura; previously, he was director of product/tech at Bart has a unique and varied career in data that spans from enhancing and analyzing race car
Udaan, leading the transport function in the supply chain. He has been a core contributor to Bundler performance before, during and after races for the Scuderia Toro Rosso F1 Team, to being the technical
(Ruby Package Manager) and contributor to JRuby in the past while he was at the Flipkart infra team. director of the Nuon Solar Team, where he stretched the limits of race car speeds and distances by solar
He was also part of Google Summer of Code during college and has spoken at conferences like RailsConf energy. In recent years, Bart has worked for a number of Data Science platform providers, supporting
2015. Though his crowing achievement is his morning coffee, he makes freshly ground beans at home customers on their journey to leveraging data in the cloud. Bart joined Immuta in 2021 and has been
using his trusty Moccamaster. working with some of their largest brands in Europe to support their data security and access control

Patrik Eriksson Anders Butzbach Christensen

CDO | Securitas Senior Manager, Data Engineering Global | The LEGO Group
From Quick and Dirty to Robust and Scalable: The Evolution of AI Models Building a modern Self-Service Data Platform

DAY 2 Eriksson
Patrik | M9 | 13:30
joined- Securitas
group as
S &Chief dataC TUR
AR C HITE officer andE head of Data & connectivityI Nplatform
TE R M E D I ATE DAY 2 | M2 | 14:00 - 14:20 DATA E N GIN E E R IN G & DATA O P S S TA GE IN T ER M EDIAT E

February 2021. During 2022 he also served as Head of Enterprise architect for the group. Before this role
he has been focusing on the Oil & Gas industry as well as within the Finance industry in the last years. Anders Butzbach Christensen has been in the LEGO Group for 4 years working in all corners of the data
Example of recent roles has been Vice President for Data & Information management at an Operator. space. For the past 2 years he has been heading up the Data Engineering space and building up the
Enterprise Architect Nordics for a global financial institution. He has also worked with the Digitalization, teams in there.
Data platform, Subsurface Data platform & Data Management as MDM , Data governance for another
operator within oil & gas industry. His consultant background comes from Gartner, EY & Capgemini to
mention some.

Daniel Sandberg Marcus Ulmefors

Director of Artificial Intelligence | Securitas Director Data & Machine Learning Platforms | Northvolt
From Quick and Dirty to Robust and Scalable: The Evolution of AI Models Data Science Platform for Data-Driven Manufacturing in Northvolt Gigafactories

Daniel Sandberg is the Director of Artificial Intelligence at Securitas, based in Malmo, Sweden. With over DAY 2 | M2 | 15:00 - 15:20 DATA E N GIN E E R IN G & DATA O P S S TA GE ADVAN CED

20 years of experience across a wide range of industries, he has proven leadership in large organizations
and complex management teams. Throughout his career, Daniel has worked on multiple business Marcus Ulmefors is Director of Data & Machine Learning Platforms at Northvolt. The Northvolt Factory
transformation programs, with extensive experience in digitalization and advanced analytics. His Data Platform is a decisive business advantage and a critical enabler for fast and flexible scaling of
specialties include data science, IIoT, Internet of Things, Industry 4.0, data analytics, machine learning, Northvolt's next-generation battery cell gigafactories, battery systems manufacturing and recycling
engineering management, change management, among others. Prior to joining Securitas Group, Daniel plants. Marcus has a background in the design and analytics of renewable energy systems where solar
was the CEO of Artefact Technologies AB and held various management positions at Tetra Pak, including and wind power sources are combined with battery backup. Prior to joining Northvolt, Marcus worked
Manager of Advanced Analytics and Data Science Manager. He has also worked within Telecom in with the application of Data Science to Li-ion battery technology in the context of off-grid Solar Home
various roles. Daniel holds a Master of Science in Engineering Physics from Lund University. Systems in East Africa.

82 www.datainnovationsummit.com Join The Most Influential Data, AI and Advanced Analytics Event! BUY TICKETS DISummit2030 83
Meet the Speakers
Marko Sommarberg Steve Neat
Lead, Digital Strategy and Business Development | ABB GM EMEA | Alation
How ABB Ability™ Genix applies AI and analytics to unlock the value of industrial data with CrateDB Panel | Modern Data Strategy – 2023 Trends and Challenges

DAY 2 | M9 | 11:30 - 11:50 DATABASE S & AR C HITE C TUR E STAG E I N TE R M E D I ATE DAY 1 | DO | 13:30 - 14:15 DATA O CTA GO N S TA GE

Marko is leading strategic development of ABB Process Automation digital business with focus on Steve Neat, GM EMEA at Alation, is a software industry executive and sales leader with over 30 years of
industrial analytics and AI under Genix portfolio. He is responsible for driving strategic business plans, experience helping leading global enterprises to maximise the business value of their IT investments
GTM strategies and strategic partnership programs globally and also business development activities and data assets. Steve successfully assisted high-growth companies like Oracle and Siebel to establish
in Europe. He has experience from digital business, data analytics and AI/ML across process industries, their UK sales operations, transformed the commercial sales organisations at SAP and SAS, and
energy industries and maritime industries. successfully scaled early-stage, VC-backed start-ups like Roambi and Collibra in the EMEA market.
Moreover, he is experienced in building and managing direct (enterprise and inside) and indirect sales
teams by attracting, motivating and leading some of the best talent in the industry.

Christian Lutz Tom Codling

Founder | CrateDB EMEA Sales Engineering Manager | Alation
How ABB Ability™ Genix applies AI and analytics to unlock the value of industrial data with CrateDB Product Review with Alation | Data Intelligence + Human Brilliance: Transforming Data Culture with the Alation
Data Catalog
DAY 2 | M9 | 11:30 - 11:50 DATABASE S & AR C HITE C TUR E STAG E I N TE R M E D I ATE

DAY 1 | DO | 12:00 - 12:20 DATA O CTA GO N S TA GE

Christian Lutz is a Co- Founder of Crate.io. He has 20+ years of experience as a startup entrepreneur, with
a strong track record in enterprise software. In 2013, Christian co-founded Crate.io to build CrateDB, the Tom's career has been focussed around data - from protection and availability, through to creation,
enterprise-grade multi-model database, enabling data insights at scale. consumption and virtualisation. Tom joined Alation 3 years ago, as the 4th member of a fledgling
EMEA team, and as our first Sales Engineer in the region. During his time with Alation, Tom has guided
numerous organisations as to how a data catalogue could become the entry point to realising their
longer term data strategy; whether reducing risk through better data governance practices, or through
leveraging data for making better and faster business decisions through increased productivity of
analytic and data science teams.

Joona Säynevirta Hamik Sevan

Data Architect | Fingrid Oyj Chief Architect Analytics Telia NO & DK | Telia
Powering Fingrid’s Digital Transformation with Alation Data Catalog Cloud Tactics

DAY 1 | M4 | 14:40 - 15:00 MODE R N DATA STR ATE G Y STAG E A D VA N C E D DAY1 | M3 | 12:10 - 12:30 MO DE R N DATA P L AT F O R M S TA GE

Joona Säynevirta is a Data Architect at Fingrid Oyj, Finland's transmission system operator. His focus Hamik is an experienced analytics specialist. Since the start of his work life he has worked on a large
is on development work of common data architecture and data management that utilizes Fingrid’s specter of solutions as a consultant. In later years he has worked internally with Telia Analytics and
data platform. He is currently leading the implementation of their data platform including Alation data gained a lot of experiences leveraging cloud
catalog solution. Joona holds a Master of Science (Technology), from Helsinki University of Technology
currently Aalto University.

Matt Turner Erkki Pärna

Director, Partner and Industry Marketing | Alation Head of Data Platform | EasyPark
The Sky is the Limit - Tackling Cloud Complexity Modernising Data Movement for Real-Time Analytics at EasyPark

DAY 1 | M4 | 10:40 - 11:00 MODE R N DATA STR ATE G Y STAG E A D VA N C E D DAY 1 | M2 | 11:40 - 12:00 DATA E N GIN E E R IN G & DATA O P S S TA GE

As Director of Industry Strategy and Partner Marketing at Alation, Matt. Turner is working closely with Speaker bio coming soon..
customers and partners to help them bring data intelligence and data culture to their organizations
and realize the value of data in their industries. He is also an advisor to MESA Alliance and the Bronx
Digital Equity Coalition. Previously, as strategic advisor to UCBOS, GitHub and other clients he developed
messaging, content and enterprise strategy.

84 www.datainnovationsummit.com Join The Most Influential Data, AI and Advanced Analytics Event! BUY TICKETS DISummit2030 85
Meet the Speakers
Dogukan Sonmez Jon Bratseth
Project Lead: Machine Learning Platform | BMW AG VP Architect | Yahoo
Engineering scalable AI/ML continuous training pipelines in production Using modern AI in production systems

DAY 1 | M1 | 16:40 - 17:00 MAC HINE LE AR NING & MLOPS STAG E I N TE R M E D I ATE DAY 2 | M9 | 15:30 - 15:50 DATA B A S E S & A R CH IT E CT UR E S TA GE IN T ER M EDIAT E

Dogukan Sonmez is Project Lead of the Machine Learning Platform developed at BMW research Speaker bio coming soon...
department. He has 15 years of industry experience in the domain of software engineering, big data, and
machine learning. He joined BMW in 2017 in the division for Autonomous Driving. He worked on different
projects ranging from developing scalable image processing solution to building MLOps ecosystem for
autonomous driving project. Since 2021 he has been working on a research project to develop advanced
architectural concepts for AI/ML production platforms.

Gohar Shah Jani Kykyri

Data Platform Owner | Konecranes Head of Product Business | Woolman
Driving Digital Services and Analytics with Konecranes’ Data Platform Helping Retailers Gain Valuable Business Insights with Automated Data Movement

DAY 1 | M4 | 12:10 - 12:30 MODE R N DATA STR ATE G Y STAG E I N TE R M E D I ATE DAY 2 | M9 | 14:30 - 14:50 DATA B A S E S & A R CH IT E CT UR E S TA GE

Gohar Shah is currently the Konecranes’s Data Platform Owner. He has approximately a decade of Speaker bio coming soon...
experience of driving transformations in the technology industry. As an engineer, he has helped to
drive cloud transformation at Konecranes and has been deeply involved in delivering data to the data
scientists and other data consumers.

Simon Ambridge Alexandre Vasseur

Solutions Engineer | StreamSets Director - Solution Architects | Redis
Lifting the lid on the hidden data integration problem Real-time, Scalable Applications powered by the Redis Modern Data Platform

DAY 1 | M2 | 10:40 - 11:00 DATA E NG INE E R ING & DATAOPS STAG E I N TE R M E D I ATE DAY 1 | M9 | 14:10 - 14:30 DATA B A S E S & A R CH IT E CT UR E S TA GE

Speaker bio coming soon.. Alexandre Vasseur is the Director of Solution Architects at Redis in EMEA where he helps enterprise
organisations reimagine how quickly they can process, analyze, predict, and take data-driven actions.
He and his team are in charge of technical awareness and solution architecture for real-time data
platform with Redis. He has broad technical and business experience with a specialization in application
modernization, cloud native architecture and Open Source. Alexandre holds a major in computer science
from École des Mines and previously worked at Oracle, Pivotal and VMware Tanzu.

Saleem Pothiwala Ruurd Keizer

Founder | Kermit Tech Solution Architect | Redis
Lifting the lid on the hidden data integration problem Real-time, Scalable Applications powered by the Redis Modern Data Platform

DAY 1 | M2 | 10:40 - 11:00 DATA E NG INE E R ING & DATAOPS STAG E I N TE R M E D I ATE DAY 1 | M9 | 14:10 - 14:30 DATA B A S E S & A R CH IT E CT UR E S TA GE

Speaker bio coming soon.. Ruurd Keizer is a Solution Architect at Redis, working closely with organizations to advance their
mission through real-time data. Prior to Redis, Ruurd had a leadership role (VP cloud) at a well known
consultancy, helping to make things work for enterprises across the industry. He brings extensive
field experience as a practitioner (developer, architect, DevOps engineer), consultant (cloud, developer
platforms) and technologist. Ruurd earned a PhD in (quantum) Physics at Delft University of Technology.

86 www.datainnovationsummit.com Join The Most Influential Data, AI and Advanced Analytics Event! BUY TICKETS DISummit2030 87
Meet the Speakers
Fredrik Ekman
Senior Specialist | Valcon
The hidden importance of data management in business cases


A technical data consultant with a strategic flair. Has three years of consulting experience combined,
working for both a startup and Valcon. Hands-on experience from back and front end BI and data
platform projects. Skilled in technical aspects of data, but also in how to apply it to business cases and
communicate complex topics

Ida Eriksdotter
Senior Principle | Valcon
The hidden importance of data management in business cases


Energetic professional with several years of experience helping organisations to become data-driven and
with an acknowledged ability to drive modernisation on a global level. Skilled communicator with the
ability to explain complex systems and concepts to any level of the organisation. Excellent interpersonal
and networking skills.

Ronny Kerkhofs
Geo EMEA Sales Leader, IBM Data&AI | IBM
Product Review with IBM

DAY 2 | DO | 10:40 - 11:00 DATA OC TAG ON STAG E

As Geo EMEA Sales Leader at IBM Data&AI, Ronny Kerkhofs advises client’s leadership teams on their Data
Strategy and on their transformation into data-driven organizations. He works across the Geo with teams
in order the ensure our clients can harness the beauty and power of data. Before his current role, he served
in various leadership positions within IBM, but always with a focus on ‘data’ . Prior to joining IBM over 20
years ago, Ronny worked as a senior consultant for Informix and Kodak. He holds degrees in economics
& civil engineer. When he’s not working, you’re most likely to find Ronny doing watersports, in an art
museum, travelling the world discovering different cultures, or driving an old-timer car.


Data Innovation Summit is the leading data and

advanced analytics event in the Nordics, constructed
so it equally addresses all the elements of data-driven
and AI-ready business: data, people, processes,
technology and provides a holistic insight to the entire
spectre of the data-to- insight-to-action process
from data collection to visualisation and automation.
88 www.datainnovationsummit.com DISummit2030 89
Event Co-Host Partner Event Powered by

Snowflake Databricks
www.snowflake.com www.databricks.com
Snowflake delivers the Data Cloud — a global network where thousands of organizations mobilize data with near-unlimited scale, Databricks’ mission is to accelerate innovation for its customers by unifying Data Science, Engineering and Business.
concurrency, and performance. Inside the Data Cloud, organizations unite their siloed data, easily discover and securely share Founded by the original creators of Apache Spark™, Databricks provides a Unified Analytics Platform for data science teams
governed data, and execute diverse analytic workloads. Wherever data or users live, Snowflake delivers a single and seamless to collaborate with data engineering and lines of business to build data products. Users achieve faster time-to-value with
experience across multiple public clouds. Snowflake’s platform is the engine that powers and provides access to the Data Cloud, Databricks by creating analytic workflows that go from ETL and interactive exploration to production.
creating a solution for data warehousing, data lakes, data engineering, data science, data application development, and data
sharing. Join Snowflake customers, partners, and data providers already taking their businesses to new frontiers in the Data Cloud.

Stage Partners
Machine Learning & Data Engineering & Modern Modern Business & Data
[ M1 ] MLOps [ M2 ] DataOps [ M3 ] Data Platform [ M4 ] Data Strategy [ M5 ] Analytics

Domino Data Lab StreamSets Qlik Alation Google Cloud

www.dominodatalab.com www.streamsets.com www.qlik.com www.alation.com www.cloud.google.com
Domino powers model-driven businesses with The StreamSets DataOps Platform is an end- Qlik’s vision is a data-literate world, where Alation is the leader in enterprise data intelligence Google Cloud accelerates organizations' ability
its leading Enterprise MLOps platform that to-end data integration platform to build, run, everyone can use data and analytics to solutions including data search & discovery, data to digitally transform their business with
accelerates the development and deployment of monitor and manage data pipelines. Only improve decision-making and solve their governance, data stewardship, analytics, and the best infrastructure, platform, industry
data science work while increasing collaboration StreamSets lets you build the smart data most challenging problems. Qlik provides digital transformation. Alation’s initial offering solutions and expertise. We deliver enterprise-
and governance. More than 20 percent of the pipelines needed to power modern analytics an end-to-end, real-time data integration dominates the data catalog market. Thanks to grade solutions that leverage Google's cutting-
Fortune 100 count on Domino to help scale data across hybrid and multi-cloud architectures. and analytics cloud platform to close the its powerful Behavioural Analysis Engine, inbuilt edge technology – all on the cleanest cloud
science, turning it into a competitive advantage. gaps between data, insights and action. By collaboration capabilities, and open interfaces, in the industry. Customers in more than 200
Founded in 2013, Domino is backed by Sequoia transforming data into active intelligence, Alation combines machine learning with human countries and territories turn to Google Cloud
Capital and other leading investors. businesses can drive better decisions, insight to successfully tackle even the most as their trusted partner to enable growth and
improve revenue and profitability, and demanding challenges in data and metadata solve their most critical business problems.
optimise customer relationships. management.

Data Science & Advanced Industrial Applied & Human-Centric Databases &
[ M6 ] Analytics Strategy [ M7 ] Analytics [ M8 ] AI Innovation [ M9 ] Architecture

IBM Hewlett Packard Enterprise Informatica Cloudera

www.ibm.com www.hpe.com www.informatica.com www.cloudera.com
IBM is the global leader in business Synopsis coming soon.. At Informatica, we believe data is the soul At Cloudera, we believe that data can make what is
transformation through an open hybrid of business transformation. That’s why we impossible today, possible tomorrow. We empower
cloud platform and AI, serving clients in more help you transform it from simply binary people to transform complex data from everywhere
than 170 countries around the world. Today information to extraordinary innovation with into clear and actionable insights anywhere. Only
47 of the Fortune 50 Companies rely on the the Informatica Intelligent Data Management Cloudera delivers a hybrid data platform with
IBM Cloud to run their business, and IBM Cloud. Built on an API-driven and AI-powered secure data management and portable cloud-
Watson enterprise AI is hard at work in more platform, our cloud automates core business native data analytics. Powered by the relentless
than 30,000 engagements. IBM is also one functions that offer intelligence across every innovation of the open source community,
of the world’s most vital corporate research environment your data resides in, and at every Cloudera advances digital transformation for
organizations, with 28 consecutive years of level of your organization. companies around the world, making data and
patent leadership. analytics easy and accessible for everyone.

90 www.datainnovationsummit.com DISummit2030 91
Thoughtworks Finland Starburst
www.thoughtworks.com www.starburst.io
Thoughtworks is a leading global technology consultancy that integrates strategy, design and software Starburst is the analytics engine for the data mesh. We unlock the value of distributed data by making
engineering to enable enterprises and technology disruptors across the globe to thrive as modern it fast and easy to access, no matter where it lives. Starburst queries data across any database, making
digital businesses. Thoughtworks invented the concept of distributed agile and we know how to it instantly actionable for data-driven organizations. With Starburst, teams can lower the total cost of
harness the power of global teams to deliver software excellence at scale. Today, we help our clients their infrastructure and analytics investments, prevent vendor lock-in, and use the existing tools that
create their own path to digital fluency and to build organizational resilience to navigate the future. work for their business. Trusted by companies like Comcast, Zalando, EMIS and Condé Nast, Starburst
helps companies make better decisions faster on all data.

www.ataccama.com Denodo
Ataccama reinvents the way data is managed to create value on an enterprise scale. Unifying Data www.denodo.com
Governance, Data Quality, and Master Data Management into a single, AI-powered fabric across hybrid Denodo is the leader in data virtualization providing agile, high performance data integration, data
and Cloud environments, Ataccama gives your business and data teams the ability to innovate with abstraction, and real-time data services across the broadest range of enterprise, cloud, big data, and
unprecedented speed while maintaining trust, security, and governance of your data. unstructured data sources at half the cost of traditional approaches. Denodo’s customers across every
major industry have gained significant business agility and ROI by enabling faster and easier access
to unified business information for agile BI, big data analytics, Web, and cloud integration, single-view
applications, and enterprise data services.
As the leader in data governance and catalog software, Collibra helps organizations across the world gain
competitive advantage by maximizing the value of their data across the enterprise. Collibra is the only
Datavault Builder
solution purpose-built to address the gamut of data stewardship, governance, and management needs www.datavault-builder.com
of the most complex, data-intensive industries. Our flexible and configurable cloud-based or on-premises Datavault Builder is a fourth-generation model-driven, end to end Data Warehouse automation tool
solution empowers every data citizen to find, understand and trust the data to unlock business value. that covers all aspects and phases of a Data Warehouse, including design & development, lifecycle
management and operations. Datavault Builder helps organizations around the globe to improve their
data infrastructure to make the right decisions, minimize risks, reduce time and therefore costs.

Agile Lab
Agile Lab creates value for its Clients in data-intensive environments through customizable solutions to
establish performance driven processes, sustainable architectures, and automated platforms driven by www.fivetran.com
data governance best practices. Since 2014 we have implemented 60+ successful Elite Data Engineering Fivetran, the global leader in modern data integration, powers high-volume data movement for
initiatives and used that experience to create Witboost: a technology agnostic, modular platform, the enterprise. Built for the cloud, our mission is to make access to data as simple and reliable as
that empowers modern enterprises to discover, elevate and productize their data both in traditional electricity. We enable data teams to effortlessly centralize and transform data from hundreds of SaaS
environments and on fully compliant Data Mesh architectures. With a high-skilled team of more than 130 and on-prem data sources into high-performance cloud destinations. Fast-moving startups and the
Data Engineers located in Europe, Agile Lab helps companies in their Data-Driven transformation. world’s largest companies use Fivetran to accelerate modern analytics and operational efficiency,
fueling data-driven business growth.

www.kaito.fl Neo4j
Kaito is a partner in data-driven business for large Finnish and Nordic companies. Our goal is to www.neo4j.com
grow into Finland’s leading expert in data architecture, analytics, and artificial intelligence. With Neo4j is the leader in graph database technology. As the world’s most widely deployed graph database,
solid expertise and background in data-driven decision making, we tackle the four elements of we help global brands – including Comcast, NASA, UBS and Volvo – to reveal and predict how people,
transformation: People, Processes, Technologies, and Data. Kaito’s customers include enterprise processes and systems are interrelated. Using this relationships-first approach, applications built with
companies in forest, retail, energy, and wholesale industries. Kaito’s mission and value promise is "We Neo4j tackle connected data challenges such as analytics and artificial intelligence, fraud detection,
give meaning to information". real-time recommendations and knowledge graphs.

XpertBI by BI Builders www.bizone.co.th
www.bi-builders.com BizOne is a Data & Analytics consultancy and industry leader in providing businesses with modern
Xpert BI is the data automation software that helps organizations accelerate their journey to become data platform solutions. We are partners with Microsoft and Databricks, and specialize in cloud
data-driven. Our software enables organizations to automate and modernize the steps from raw data to solutions. Established in 2002, BizOne has a long history of empowering organizations to make
proactive business decisions. Xpert BI is delivered by BI Builders. informed decisions by unlocking the value of their data.

92 www.datainnovationsummit.com DISummit2030 93
www.cgit.com www.hp.com
Since 2017 CGit has built, designed, and supported some of the largest AI Specialized datacenters in Our vision is to create technology that makes life better for everyone, everywhere — every person, every
Scandinavia. In 2020 we launched our first ML Ops software called AiQu – making it easier than ever organization, and every community around the globe. This motivates us — inspires us — to do what we
for our customers to schedule and manage their GPUs and Deep Learning teams. In 2021 CGit started do. To make what we make. To invent, and to reinvent. To engineer experiences that amaze. We won’t
the next step in its AI journey: AI as a Service. To be able to offer this in the best possible way CGit has stop pushing ahead, because you won’t stop pushing ahead. You’re reinventing how you work. How you
partnered with the market leader and disruptor of both the gaming industry and the AI field, NVIDIA. play. How you live. With our technology, you’ll reinvent your world.
Come visit CGit and Nvidia in booth B24!

Dataiku www.snowplow.io
www.dataiku.com Snowplow is the best-in-class data collection pipeline for data teams who want to track, process and
Dataiku is the platform for Everyday AI, systemizing the use of data for exceptional business results. At model their rich, granular event-level data from all their platforms and products. Your data is available
its core, Dataiku allows companies to leverage one central solution to design, deploy, and manage AI and in real-time and is delivered to your data warehouse of choice where it can easily be joined with other
analytics applications, and it’s accessible for everyone (whether technical and working in code or on the data sets and used to power BI tools, custom reports or machine learning models.
business side and low- or no-code).

Agile Data Engine

Solita www.agiledataengine.com
www.solita.fi Agile Data Engine provides data warehouse automation at an enterprise scale.From day one to the last
Solita is the data company. Our focus is to renew companies core IT landscape, scale their digitalization one, we make sure your cloud data platform stands the test of constant change: changing business
solutions and on top of that find new innovative ways to accelerate their growth. We focus on a requirements, changing technologies and source systems, and changing team members.
combination of tech, data and human insights to make IT driven business transformation a reality.
We work with the market-leading tech partners such as Snowflake, AWS, GCP, Microsoft Azure, Tableau

and Semarchy. Our unique service portfolio seamlessly combines expertise from strategic consulting
to service design, software development, AI & analytics, cloud and integration services. We are a fast
growing community of over 1,500 experts in Finland, Sweden, Denmark, Estonia, Belgium and Germany. www.validio.io
Validio’s mission is to help data teams eliminate bad data. Their next generation data quality platform
gives data teams complete trust in all their data, regardless of location in data warehouses, data lakes
NVIDIA and streams. Unlike traditional data observability tools, Validio can not only catch bad data, but also
fix it in real-time with automatic resolutions, e.g. fixing misformatted datapoints. In addition, Validio
www.nvidia.com features smart, seasonal alerts and dynamic segmentation—all in real-time.
NVIDIA’s (NASDAQ: NVDA) invention of the GPU in 1999 sparked the growth of the PC gaming market,
redefined modern computer graphics and revolutionized parallel computing. More recently, GPU

deep learning ignited modern AI — the next era of computing — with the GPU acting as the brain of
computers, robots and self-driving cars that can perceive and understand the world.
Reinsight offers consulting services in data storage, analytics and AI as well as platform services and
Random Forest SaaS solutions based on cloud technology. Through a data-driven way of working, increased degree of
automation and efficient technical solutions, we help our customers be at the forefront and achieve
www.randomforest.se higher profitability. We offer everything from consulting on architecture and setting up Proof of
We are experienced consultants that seek new ways to apply Business Intelligence for greater value. Concepts (PoC) to full-scale implementations of analytics solutions and training.
We help organizations add perspective to their business by gathering and analyzing their business
information using the Microsoft platform, on-premise or in the cloud.

Coalesce www.timextender.com
TimeXtender is an automated data management platform that helps implement and operate data
www.coalesce.io lakes, data warehouses, and data marts – without writing code – automating the process of getting
Founded in 2020, Coalesce is the only data transformation tool built for scale. Its code-first, GUI-driven data for analysis. TimeXtender helps organizations to simplify, automate and execute on Data
approach provides the speed, flexibility, and governance to automate data transformations at an Integration, Data Warehouse Automation, cloud migration and Data Warehouse Modernization, 10x
enterprise level. Coalesce aims to improve the lives of data professionals by helping them transform faster. TimeXtender is trusted by more than 3200 customers in over 95 countries.
data as efficiently as possible, and at scale. Coalesce is backed by 11.2 Capital and GreatPoint Ventures
and supports customers worldwide.

94 www.datainnovationsummit.com DISummit2030 95
SAS Institute Altair
www.sas.com www.altair.com
SAS is the leader in analytics. Through innovative software and services, SAS empowers and inspires As the pace of innovation accelerates, Altair is driving the future of smart, connected everything
customers around the world to transform data into intelligence. Some people see data as facts and through the convergence of simulation, HPC, and AI solutions. Altair enables organizations across broad
figures. But it’s more than that. It’s the lifeblood of your business. It contains your organization’s industry segments to compete more effectively by operationalizing data analytics and AI with secure,
history. And it’s trying to tell you something. SAS helps you make sense of the message. As the leader governed, and scalable strategies. Combining our decades of cloud HPC-powered data science and
in business analytics software and services, SAS transforms your data into insights that give you a simulation solutions, we deliver best-in- class self-service analytics solutions for data preparation,
fresh perspective on your business. You can identify what’s working. Fix what isn’t. And discover new predictive modeling, stream processing, visualization, and more.

Data Galaxy
Knowit www.datagalaxy.com
When data knowledge is shared and easy to understand, innovation follows. Data Galaxy goes beyond
Knowit – Makers of a sutainable future. At Knowit, we have gathered cutting-edge expertise that data catalogs by providing a unique data knowledge platform where data stakeholders, from data
helps our customers become better at being data driven. Here we combine employees with heavy engineers to analytics consumers, can share a common vision and cultivate their metadata as
competence and passion for “Business Analytics, Data Governance and Information Management” with valuable living assets. Our collaborative approach to capturing data insights, combined with AI and
Creativity that creates strong user experiences, Strategy for the organization of the future, and not least a unanimously recognized user experience, breaks down team silos and spreads data governance
Technology that enables our customers’ vision. culture. Data Galaxy unlocks the value of data Knowledge for the entire organization and empowers
data people to improve business efficiency.

www.wherescape.com Soda
WhereScape – Leader in Data Platform Automation. WhereScape helps IT organizations of all sizes www.soda.io
leverage automation to design, develop, deploy, and operate data platforms faster. Thousands of Soda is the data reliability company that provides Open Source (OSS) and SaaS tools to enable data
users worldwide rely on WhereScape automation to eliminate hand-coding and other repetitive, time- teams to discover, prioritize, and resolve data issues. Soda’s mission is to bring everyone in the digital
intensive aspects of data infrastructure projects to deliver data warehouses, vaults, lakes and marts in world closer to their data, resulting in data products and analytics that everyone can use to confidently
days or weeks rather than in months or years. make data-informed decisions. The Soda global data community already counts Disney, HelloFresh,
and Udemy as major contributors to have deployed Soda’s data reliability tools.

www.syntio.net DAIN Studios
Syntio is a data engineering company specialized in data integration and event driven architecture. www.dainstudios.com
Its solutions enable businesses to make operational decisions in real time. Syntio is trusted by some DAIN Studios is a Finnish-German data and AI consulting firm founded in 2016. We develop and realize
of the world’s most recognized brands on their journey of digital transformation. Syntio’s Dataphos, data and AI strategies and implement practical machine learning solutions, data platforms and data
enterprise-class data platform enables transactional, operational and analytic business applications. applications. In addition, we offer training courses on all aspects of machine learning. Our customers
Dataphos allows for focus on business outcome instead of underlying technology. It runs anywhere - on are active in various industries such as telecommunications, pharmaceuticals, manufacturing,
any cloud or on-prem. banking, insurance and media. DAIN Studios believes in the principle of sharing best practices across
companies and industries. We’re regularly holding lectures and presentations at universities, events
and meetups.

Nexer Group
Nexer is a global tech company with strong roots in the Swedish heritage of entrepreneurship and
Ab Initio
innovation. In a world gone digital, we keep our customers one step ahead. Some of the world’s largest www.abinitio.com
and most demanding businesses rely on our dedication and expertise within digital transformation, Ab Initio (meaning “from first principles”) is a global software company headquartered in Lexington,
artificial intelligence, IT, Modern Work and R&D. We secure their progress by exploring cutting- Massachusetts. For more than 25 years, Ab Initio has worked with the largest and most sophisticated
edge tech, pushing ourselves to innovate, and sharing our skills within strategy, technology and organisations across verticals such as Telecom, Retail, Financial Services, Healthcare, High-Tech,
communication. Transportation, Manufacturing and Government, among others, to assure their business success.

96 www.datainnovationsummit.com DISummit2030 97
VirtusLab Proact
virtuslab.com www.proact.eu
We are global leaders in the field of technology consulting and we continuously strive for our customers Proact is Europe's leading specialist in data and information management with a focus on cloud
to be able to achieve more with software. Establishing long-term cooperation with each and every services and data center solutions. Proact helps their customers store, connect, protect, secure and
customer allows us to create state-of-the-art solutions and high tech innovations, boosting the value create value through data, with a focus on improved flexibility, productivity and efficiency. Proact
they create for the modern world. We believe valuable company data insights are key elements of was founded in 1994 and since then the company has completed thousands of successful projects
competitive advantage. We have extensive knowledge about Scala, FinTech, Dev tooling and Data. Visit worldwide, have more than 4,000 customers and manage hundreds of petabytes of information in the
virtuslab.com for more! cloud. The Proact Group has more than1,000 employees with operations in 13 countries in Europe and
the USA. In Sweden, Proact has local offices in Stockholm, Gothenburg, Malmö, Linköping and Örebro.

www.confluent.io Alteryx
Confluent, founded by the original creators of Apache Kafka®, pioneered the enterprise-ready event www.alteryx.com
streaming platform. With Confluent, organizations benefit from the first event streaming platform Alteryx (NYSE: AYX) powers analytics for all by providing the leading Analytics Automation Platform.
built for the enterprise with the ease-of-use, scalability, security and flexibility required by the most Alteryx delivers easy end-to-end automation of data engineering, analytics, reporting, machine learning,
discerning global companies to run their business in real time. Companies leading their respective and data science processes, enabling enterprises everywhere to democratize data analytics across
industries have realized success with this new platform paradigm to transform their architectures their organizations for a broad range of use cases.
to streaming from batch processing, spanning on-premises and multi-cloud environments. Backed
by Benchmark, Index Ventures and Sequoia, Confluent is headquartered in Palo Alto and London with
offices globally.
Manta Quantyca is a technology consulting company specialized in Data and MetadataManagement. We
work with all business and IT functions to help our customers become more competitive, exploiting the
www.getmanta.com potential made available by new data technologies. All the services we offer are designed to extract the
MANTA is the central hub of all data flows in the organization, and with its lineage capabilities, it maximum value from the data realizing data platforms that are responsive, resilient, and able to evolve
enables digital transformation. The platform allows information users, operations, and technology to over time. With over 100 active successful projects, we build together with our customers solutions that
understand how data flows through all their systems and delivers actionable intelligence to accelerate can grow and reliably produce value over time.
development, shorten time-to-market, speed up the modernization process, boost governance efforts,
ensure data quality, and enforce data security.

Ignize www.rebtech.se
“Rebtech provide clients with access to thousands of consultants experienced in analytics, data
www.ignize.com science, data engineering, machine learning, AI and IOT with expertise across all technology platforms.
Ignize helps companies make better business decisions thanks to our advanced Decision Intelligence We are a Swedish BI Consulting company collaborating with partners in Eastern Europe to provide
platform, the Ignizer. Our intuitive approach enables companies to leverage the predictive analytics clients with the best option to establish a high-performance nearshore development team for cost-
capabilities within a matter of weeks. The Ignizer is designed to stimulate cross-functional effective analytics projects”
collaboration and enable customers to turn insights into actions and results quickly, based on three
key steps - Track: Understand the drivers and dependencies, - Predict: Identify the financial impact of

business decision options, - Act: Implement decisions and monitor the outcomes.


Net App Zeenea is the Data Discovery Platform built for everyone to find, trust, and unlock the value of enterprise
data. The cloud platform features two modern user experiences: Zeenea Studio is the application
www.netapp.com designed for data experts to save time managing, documenting, and governing data with maximum
NetApp is a global, cloud-led, data-centric software company that empowers organizations to lead with automation; while Zeenea Explorer enables business users to gain productivity by finding the data
data in the age of accelerated digital transformation. The company provides systems, software and assets they need across all enterprise information. The built-in scanners and APIs enable organizations
cloud services that enable them to run their applications optimally from data center to cloud, whether to automatically collect, consolidate, and link metadata from their data ecosystem. With a powerful
they are developing in the cloud, moving to the cloud, or creating their own cloudlike experiences on knowledge graph and smart search engine, data teams can activate all enterprise metadata through a
premises. With solutions that perform across diverse environments, NetApp helps organizations build single source of truth.
their own data fabric and securely deliver the right data, services, and applications to the right people—
anytime, anywhere.

98 www.datainnovationsummit.com DISummit2030 99
Vertica Telia Company
www.vertica.com www.teliacompany.com
Vertica is the analytical database with the best value for the highest performance on any data analytics, Telia Company is the leading operator in the Nordics & Baltics. We proudly serve 24 million customers
at any scale. Vertica powers data-driven businesses with predictive insights based on advanced AI and in one of the most digitalized regions in the world – requiring us to have best-in class digital customers
machine learning, at blazing speed and at petabyte scale. Available in a fully managed SaaS option, or experience. Last year, Telia embarked onto one of the industry’s most ambitious digital transformations
as a customer-managed platform, Vertica allows you to combine data siloes without moving the data to open a new chapter for Telia becoming a lean and agile digital connectively, entertainment and
for analytics. You can manage analytic workloads in the public clouds, on-premises, on Hadoop, or ICT service provider. AI & Analytics is a center-pillar of this transformation to enable Telia’s entire
any hybrid combination. And with separation of compute and storage, Vertica allows teams to spin up organization for data driven decisioning and to unlock value from data for operations and end
storage and compute resources as needed, then spin down afterwards to reduce costs. Experience the customer experiences.
market-leading analytical database that gets you any data, any scale, anywhere.

O’Reilly www.nagarro.com
www.oreilly.com Nagarro, a global digital engineering leader, helps clients become innovative, digital-first companies
O’Reilly gives your teams on-demand access to live events, in-depth learning paths, interactive coding and thus, win in their markets. The company is distinguished by its entrepreneurial, agile, and global
environments, certification prep materials, instant answers to tough tech problems—and a vast character, its CARING mindset, and its approach of "Thinking Breakthroughs". We believe that the value
collection of titles and videos from O’Reilly and nearly 200 other publishers. of Artificial Intelligence and Machine learning is best realised when it is human centric. We can help you
automate and augment workflows with hyperautomation and enable intelligent decision-making with AI.

www.microstrategy.com Pwc
MicroStrategy provides powerful software solutions and expert services that empower every www.pwc.com
individual with actionable intelligence, helping enterprises unleash the full potential of their people PwC Sweden is the market leader within auditing and advisory services with 2,700 employees across
and investments. From enterprise reporting and data discovery to mobile productivity and real-time Sweden – we are where you are! Our purpose is to build trust in society and solve important problems
telemetry, only MicroStrategy gives organizations the full breadth of capabilities they need to transform and our values permeate everything we do. We are proactive advisors who are driven by understanding
their data into real-world intelligence. MicroStrategy is built to enable organizations to you and our other 30,000 clients' real needs and finding solutions to complex business challenges – no
quickly deploy sophisticated analytical and security applications at scale. matter what phase your business is in. What makes us unique is that we combine the latest technology
with collaboration between our specialists. We are a community of solvers who stay with you all the way!
PwC Sweden is an independent legal entity that is part of the global PwC network with 328,000 employees

Synergy Codes
in 152 countries. This allows us to share knowledge and experiences globally and deliver relevant solutions
together that create trust and long-term sustainable value for our clients as well as society at large.
For over a decade, Synergy Codes has helped our clients and their products stand out from the
competition by merging exceptional design, user experience, and powerful visualizations. With a ready-
to-reuse visual framework, we build and deploy advanced visual apps, reducing development costs
and shortening product time to market. Companies worldwide create outstanding diagrams, graphs, www.siffletdata.com
charts, and visual apps powered by intelligence technologies with Synergy Codes. Sifflet is a Full Data Stack Observability platform acting as an overseeing layer to the Data Stack, ensuring
that data is reliable from ingestion to consumption. Whether the data is in transit or at rest, Sifflet can
detect data quality anomalies, assess business impact, identify the root cause, and alert data teams'
on their preferred channels. All thanks to 50+ quality checks, extensive column-level lineage, and 30+
Amplitude connectors across the Data Stack. In addition, data discovery is made easy through Sifflet's information-
rich data catalog with a powerful search engine and real-time health statuses. Sifflet is founded by ex Data
Leaders from Goldman Sachs, Uber, and Amazon and backed by top-tier investors, including Mangrove
Amplitude is the Digital Analytics Platform that gives teams self-service visibility into the entire Capital Partners and Bessemer Venture Partners, as well as industry pioneers from Datadog and BigID.
customer journey. More than 1,400 customers, including Atlassian, Instacart, NBCUniversal, Shopify,
and Under Armour rely on Amplitude to help them innovate faster and smarter by answering the
strategic question: "How do our digital products drive our business?".
With Amplitude, teams: Dell Technologies
- Gain visibility across the end-to-end product and customer journey
- Access self-service insight to drive product and growth strategy
- Take action with that data to build great experiences Technology drives human progress. This tenet is the core of our business and vision. Our customers and
team members are integral to our continuing success as we provide the essential infrastructure for
Amplitude is the best-in-class product analytics solution, ranked #1 by G2. Learn how to optimize your organizations to transform their digital futures.
digital products and business at amplitude.com.

100 www.datainnovationsummit.com DISummit2030 101

Redis Crate.io
www.redis.com www.crate.io
Data is the lifeline of every business, and Redis helps organizations reimagine how fast they can CrateDB is a real-time analytics database solution that enables companies to access data insights
process, analyze, make predictions, and take action on the data they generate. Redis provides a at scale. The flexible, distributed database solution combines the performance of NoSQL with the
competitive edge to any business by delivering open source and enterprise-grade data platforms to power and simplicity of standard SQL. Optimized for large data volumes with high compute and data
power applications that drive real-time experiences at any scale. Developers rely on Redis to build versatility requirements, CrateDB runs in the cloud, on the edge and on-premise.​We are a VC and
performance, scalability, reliability, and security into their applications. corporate funded global technology company, recognized as cutting edge by both Forbes and Gartner.
Born in the cloud-native era, Redis uniquely enables users to unify data across multi-cloud, hybrid and CrateDB was named as an Honorable Mention in the 2021 Gartner Magic Quadrant for Cloud Database
global applications to maximize business potential. Management Systems. CrateDB is well funded with $14M+ capital raised in our latest financing round
in 2021. We are gearing up for hyper-growth, with offices in the US, Germany, Switzerland and Austria.

Vast Data
www.vastdata.com Matillion
VAST Data delivers the data platform at the heart of the AI-powered world, accelerating time-to-insight www.matillion.com
for workload-intensive applications. The performance, scalability, ease of use and cost efficiencies of Matillion is The Data Productivity Cloud.
VAST’s software helps enterprise organizations overcome the historic barriers to building all-flash data Matillion helps teams get data business-ready, faster — accelerating time-to-value and increasing the
centers. Launched in 2019, VAST is the fastest-selling data infrastructure startup in history. impact data can have.Thousands of enterprises including Cisco, DocuSign, Pacific Life, Slack, and TUI
trust Matillion to load, transform, sync, and orchestrate their data for a wide range of use cases from
insights and operational analytics, to data science, machine learning, and AI. Native integration with
popular cloud data platforms lets data teams at every skill level automate management, refinement,
Ellie.ai and data delivery for every data integration need. See Matillion for yourself, and follow us on Linkedin or
www.ellie.ai Twitter

Ellie.ai is a product design and collaboration platform for data teams. It helps enterprises grasp their
business needs and validate product ideas before committing to building complicated and costly
data pipelines. Leading companies from Healthcare, and Telco, to Energy and IT, use Ellie to gather and
understand their requirement fast and ensure that the data initiatives bring tangible business value.
The company is headquartered in Helsinki, Finland, and serves customers all over the world from www.actian.com
Canada to New Zealand. Actian transforms business by simplifying how people connect, manage and analyze data. The
Avalanche Cloud Data Platform provides a flexible and comprehensive solution enabling fast
innovation through real time insights, leveraging native data integration and deploying anywhere.
Avalanche offers maximum interoperability by combining data integration, management and analytics
Immuta solutions across systems. Customers benefit from its always- support that proactively detects and
www.immuta.com solves potential issues, a crucial feature for data-intensive enterprises.
Immuta is the universal cloud data access control platform, providing data engineering and operations
teams one platform to control access to analytical data sets in the cloud. Only Immuta can automate
access control for any data, on any cloud service, across all compute infrastructure. Data-driven
organizations around the world rely on Immuta to speed time to data, safely share more data with more
users, and mitigate the risk of data leaks and breaches. Founded in 2015, Immuta is headquartered in www.hopsworks.ai
Boston, MA. Hopsworks Enterprise Feature Store is the leading enterprise Machine Learning platform for the full
lifecycle of AI projects. It offers best in-class performances and an effective collaborative layer for all
data teams, allowing them to leverage any data source for any application, at any performance or scale

and across any environment.

Keboola is a cloud-based Data Platform as a Service. We provide the first complete solution for data engineers,
data analysts, and analytics engineers to take care of all data demands – from data ingestion to full automation.
Keboola’s low-code platform provides more than 250 integrations for building ETL/ELT and other pipelines, www.toloka.ai
automations, one-click workflows with integrated business case templates, as well as enterprise-grade data Toloka is a global tech company that offers a data-centric environment to support fast and scalable AI
governance across the entire stack. Stop wasting time and resources on maintaining your crumbling modern data development with the help of human insight gathered in a responsible and secure way
stack. Focus on the value of data, make data-driven decisions and leave everything else to Keboola.

SqlDBM www.hasura.io
Hasura is helping to build the modern world of globally relevant, data-driven applications and APIs.
www.sqldbm.com Hasura’s range of data access solutions helps organizations accelerate product delivery by instantly
connecting data and services to applications with GraphQL APIs.

102 www.datainnovationsummit.com DISummit2030 103

PureStorage www.kubicle.com
www.purestorage.com Kubicle is a company specializing in making online data analytics training accessible to everyone. Our
Pure Storage gives technologists their time back. Pure delivers a modern data experience that mission is to enable all people to thrive in the modern workplace by providing data literacy solutions
empowers organizations to run their operations as a true, automated, storage as-a-service model that are both affordable and effective. We understand that data literacy is becoming increasingly
seamlessly across multiple clouds. One of the fastest-growing enterprise IT companies in history, important in today's rapidly changing world. Understanding, analyzing, and making data-based
Pure helps customers put data to use while reducing the complexity and expense of managing the decisions is essential for success in many industries.
infrastructure behind it. And with a certified customer satisfaction score in the top one percent of B2B
companies, Pure’s ever-expanding list of customers are among the happiest in the world.

The world’s most innovative companies use ThoughtSpot to empower their organizations with
www.scaleoutsystems.com actionable data insights using Live Analytics in the Modern Analytics Cloud. ThoughtSpot is simple
Scaleout Studio: The federated learning platform enough for anyone to use, yet built to handle large, complex data, wherever it resides. Customers like
The most valuable data in the Enterprise can often not be pooled in a central cloud for regulatory or T-Mobile, Hulu, and Booking.com are transforming their decision-making cultures with ThoughtSpot.
practical reasons. By leveraging data distributed in multiple data silos or over large numbers of devices, See for yourself and try ThoughtSpot today.
better predictions can be achieved. Scaleout's software platform gives your data scientists the central
cloud's unified development experience without the need to centralize data. This greatly reduces

dbt Labs
security risk in industrial machine learning.


Tom Sawyer Software Company description: Since 2016, dbt Labs has been on a mission to help data practitioners create and
disseminate organizational knowledge. dbt Labs pioneered the practice of analytics engineering, built
www.tomsawyer.com the primary tool in the analytics engineering toolbox, and has been fortunate enough to see a fantastic
Tom Sawyer Software is the leading graph technology platform provider that enables organizations community coalesce to help push the boundaries of the analytics engineering workflow. Today there are
to build highly scalable and flexible graph and data visualization and analysis applications. These 20,000 companies using dbt every week, 65,000 practitioners in the dbt Community Slack, and 3,000+
applications are used by enterprises, systems integrators, technology providers, and government companies paying for dbt Cloud.
agencies to discover hidden patterns, complex relationships, and key trends in complex datasets. The
platform includes a SDK and low-code development environment which is used to create applications

to transform data into beautiful, accurate, and readable graph and data visualizations with analysis.
These visualizations and analysis can be in a stand-alone web application or embedded into an
existing application. www.billigence.com
We are a Business Intelligence & Data Analytics consultancy with a global reach bringing insights
to our customers and delivering the best business outcomes using data. We provide professional
Calvin Risk services in areas including data governance, cloud analytics, data architecture, data warehousing,
data visualization, predictive modelling, data consolidation & enrichment, data quality and more. Our
www.calvin-risk.com mission is to transform the way people work with data.
Calvin Risk is a Swiss-based start-up helping companies create and manage trustworthy AI that is
aligned with humanity. Founded in 2022 as an ETH Zurich spin-off, the company is building the most
advanced platform for assessing risks associated with AI in commercial use and managing them
throughout the entire product lifecycle. The Calvin platform creates a much-needed framework for Precisely
transparency, governance, and standardization for enterprises to manage their AI portfolios while www.precisely.com
ensuring that AI remains safe and compliant with the highest ethical standards and impending
regulatory requirements. Precisely is the global leader in data integrity, providing accuracy, consistency, and context in data
for 12,000 customers in more than 100 countries, including 99 of the Fortune 100. Precisely’s data
integration, data quality, data governance, location intelligence, and data enrichment products power
better business decisions to create better outcomes.
Exmon is a comprehensive data governance platform that helps organizations manage and monitor
their data assets, ensure compliance and minimise operational risks, and improve data quality. It
centralizes data management processes, enables collaboration, and provides a unified view of the
state of your data across the enterprise. Exmon serves a variety of industries including healthcare,
manufacturing, and technology. Multinational companies such as Teva, Össur, and Marel have www.adsotech.com
successfully utilized Exmon to streamline their data governance processes to improve data quality and
drive business outcomes

104 www.datainnovationsummit.com DISummit2030 105

Crosser Pyramid Analytics
www.crosser.io www.pyramidanalytics.com
Crosser designs and develops a hybrid-first and All-in-One Stream Analytics & Integration software The award-winning Pyramid Decision Intelligence Platform delivers insights for making faster,
for any Cloud, on-premise or Edge. The Crosser Platform enables real-time processing of streaming, optimized decisions by providing direct access to any data, enabling governed self-service for any
event-driven or batch data for Intelligent Pipelines & Automations and for Industrial IoT. All managed person, and meeting any analytics need in a no-code environment. The Pyramid Platform uniquely
from a single Control Center and powered by a low-code and low-effort experience. After early success combines Data Prep, Business Analytics, and Data Science in a single environment with AI guidance,
in industrial segments for Edge Stream Analytics & Industrial Data Integration, the Crosser Platform reducing cost and complexity while accelerating growth and innovation. This enables a strategic,
has evolved and is now ideally suited for any Stream Analytics & Integration use cases, independent of enterprise-wide approach to Business Intelligence and Analytics, from the simple to the sophisticated.
industry vertical and company size.

Monte Carlo
Weights & Biases www.montecarlodata.com
www.wandb.ai/site As businesses increasingly rely on data to power digital products and drive better decision making,
The developer-first MLOps platform Weights & Biases makes it easy to track your experiments, it’s mission-critical that this data is accurate and reliable. Monte Carlo’s Data Observability Platform
manage & version your data, and collaborate with your team so you can focus on building the best is an end-to-end solution for your data stack that monitors and alerts for data issues across your data
models. W&B helps your ML team unlock their productivity by optimizing, visualizing, collaborating on, warehouses, data lakes, ETL, and business intelligence. The platform uses machine learning to infer
and standardizing their model and data pipelines – regardless of framework, environment, or workflow. and learn your data, proactively identify data issues, assess its impact, and notify those who need
Used by ML engineers at OpenAI, Lyft, Pfizer, Qualcomm, NVIDIA, Toyota, GitHub, and MILA, W&B is part to know. By automatically and immediately identifying the root cause of an issue, teams can easily
of the new standard of best practices for machine learning. W&B is free for personal use and academic collaborate and resolve problems faster. Monte Carlo also provides automatic, field-level lineage and
projects, and it's easy to get started centralized data cataloging that allows teams to better understand the accessibility, location, health,
and ownership of their data assets, as well as adhere to strict data governance requirements.

Twilio Segment
www.segment.com S&P Global
Twilio Segment’s Customer Data Platform (CDP) provides companies with the data foundation that www.spglobal.com
they need to put their customers at the heart of every decision. Per IDC, it’s the world’s #1 CDP for 2021 At S&P Global Market Intelligence, we understand the importance of accurate, deep and insightful
market share. Using Twilio Segment, companies can collect, unify and route their customer data into information. Our experts deliver unrivaled insights and leading data and technology solutions,
any system where it’s needed to better understand their customers and create seamless, compelling partnering with customers to expand their perspective, operate with confidence, and make decisions
experiences in real-time. Tens of thousands of companies, including FOX, IBM, Intuit, and Levi’s use with conviction. S&P Global Market Intelligence is a division of S&P Global, the world’s foremost
Twilio Segment to make real-time decisions, accelerate growth and deliver world-class customer provider of credit ratings, benchmarks, analytics and workflow solutions in the global capital,
experiences commodity, and automotive markets.

Anonos Lenovo
www.anonos.com www.lenovo.com
Anonos is a global software company that provides the only technology capable of protecting data Synopsis coming soon
in use with 100% accuracy, even in untrusted environments, making otherwise restricted assets
accessible to expand and expedite data-driven initiatives. Its patented Data Embassy platform
transforms source data into Variant Twins: non-identifiable yet 100% accurate data assets for specific
use cases. Because multi-level data privacy and security controls are embedded into the data and Devoteam
technologically enforced, Variant Twins can travel anywhere – across departments, outside the www.devoteam.com
enterprise, or around the globe. Therefore, projects for capturing valuable insights can advance without
compromising privacy, security, accuracy, or speed. Devoteam Data Driven is the Data specialist arm of the Devoteam group. We are a cross-functional
team that understands and focuses on the importance of data in the business world and helps
organisations turn data insights into business impact.
With our +900 specialists located across EMEA, we leverage both our technical expertise on top of
Apmlifi the most innovative technology platforms and our business knowledge with the best combination
of experts to support firms in their quest for agility, competitiveness, and sustainable growth, while
www.amplifi.com nurturing data-driven culture within the organisation.
Amplifi is the go-to consultancy for Enterprise organizations that want their success to be driven
by data. We empower our customers to innovate, grow and succeed by establishing and delivering
strategies across all elements of the data value chain. From the governance and management of data
through to analytics and automation, our integrated approach to modern data ecosystems delivers
measurable results through a combination of expert consultancy and best-in-breed technology.

106 www.datainnovationsummit.com DISummit2030 107

Synopsis coming soon..

Passio Consulting
Synopsis coming soon..

Nextron is a leading supplier of customized servers, storage systems and workstations in the Nordic
region. Established in 2000, Nextron offers scalable solutions, from IOT, edge computing and rack
servers, to supercomputers used for artificial intelligence. With over 3,000 server deliveries annually, we
gain early access to the latest technology at competitive prices. Our team of certified advisors deliver
tailored IT equipment to both resellers and end-customers. Nextron is a priority partner to leading
hardware manufacturers such as Supermicro, AMD, Intel, NVIDIA and Samsung.

Media Partners


Data Innovation Summit is the leading data and

advanced analytics event in the Nordics, constructed
so it equally addresses all the elements of data-driven
and AI-ready business: data, people, processes,
technology and provides a holistic insight to the entire
spectre of the data-to- insight-to-action process
from data collection to visualisation and automation.
108 www.datainnovationsummit.com DISummit2030 109
Who & Why should you attend
If you are working with the following topics and you are interested in learning how to accelerate data and AI innovation in your
organisation then visiting Data Innovation Summit will offer you an insight into innovative solutions and radical ideas that are
already proven to provide ROI in other innovative organisations.

• Data Science • Data Quality

• Business Analytics • Data Engineering
• Machine Learning • CDO
• Customer Analytics • Information Management
• Business Intelligence • Big Data
• Deep Learning • Data Warehousing
• Data Mining • Data Architecture
• Predictive Modelling • BI Architecture
• Artificial Intelligence • IOT
• Data Governance

By attending this event you will have the chance to get an insider view on the latest developments in Data
Science, Machine Learning, Data Engineering, Analytics, Cloud Computing, AI and much more, including:

How to enable your organisation to successfully transition into an algorithmic business

How to scale your Advanced Analytics and AI projects into production
Insight into applied Data Science, Machine Learning and AI practical case studies with clear ROI
Latest research, technology and enterprise advancements and innovations in the area
How to create the needed infrastructure to supply fast, reliable and easy-to-access data for Advanced
Analytics and ML
How to bypass the increasing challenge with preparing large scale data for training models
Feature Store & Infrastructure as a code
Ethical AI and challenges between
Insight into the latest data management and cloud computing practices
Insight into the latest technology advancements presented by leading technology in the area.
How to make AI profitable

The Data Innovation Summit is a great opportunity not only to learn but to meet your peers from other
organisations, industries and sectors in the Nordic and beyond.


Data Innovation Summit is the leading data and

advanced analytics event in the Nordics, constructed
so it equally addresses all the elements of data-driven
and AI-ready business: data, people, processes,
technology and provides a holistic insight to the entire
spectre of the data-to- insight-to-action process
from data collection to visualisation and automation.
110 www.datainnovationsummit.com
Prices & Ticket options hyperight.com
According to Swedish tax regulation, there is no VAT for guests based outside of Sweden, if the organisation has a valid VAT
We look forward to seeing you at the summit!

SINGLE TICKET - 1 PARTICIPANT | GROUP TICKET - 2-4 PARTICIPANTS | BRANDED TICKET - 5+ PARTICIPANTS Buy your DIS 2023 onsite ticket and get one year free access to
1000+ case study presentations by some of the most leading
experts and practitioners recorded on our events including all
upcoming this year
27/01/2023 28/04/2023







Hybrid Ticket
- Price is without VAT (not applicable for international customers).
- The ticket includes
• Onsite & online conference entrance on both days;
• Access to the event platform, delegate community and all networking tools;
• Access to all presentations, Data Octagon program and Technology in Practice sessions, workshops,
entertainment program, and more;
• On-Demand access and access to additional pre-event and post-event content via the event platform

*Online tickets only include all of the above except the onsite entrance.
**Workshops are limited to 24 participants each. They require pre-registration and are on first-come first-served basis.

Online Only Ticket

If you are uncertain that you can attend onsite, you are welcome to purchase your online ticket and upgrade when and if possible.
- Price is without VAT (not applicable for international customers).
- The ticket includes
• online conference entrance both days;
• access to the event platform, delegate community and all networking tools;
• access to all presentations, Data Octagon Program and Technology in Practice Sessions;
• On-Demand access and access to additional pre-event and post-event content via the event platform.

*Online ticket upgrade to Hybrid (onsite) costs 2600 SEK

Prices are excluding VAT. All bookings are binding. You may substitute a delegate at any time. Please note that substitutions are not permitted unless approved
by the organizers. For all cancellations (without an approved substituted delegate) received in writing within 30 Days after the booking to the Ticket a 1000 SEK
(+VAT) administrative fee per ticket will be deducted from the ticket amount paid or due to be paid.. The rest of the amount will be refunded. For cancellations
after 30 days after the date of booking, the full amount of the delegate pass is non-refundable. Full payment is due 10 days upon invoice and no later than 5
business days prior to the event. Any penalty interest under the Swedish Interest Act will be applied with a surcharge of eight (8) percentage points. In case of
pandemic or any other "act of god" where the situation, authorities and governmental institutions prohibit the execution of the physical format of the event, the
event will be executed as a 100% online event. Delegates who have purchased a Hybrid Ticket will be then entitled to reimbursement for the physical experience
part of the ticket, valued in total of 1200 SEK. The rest of the fee paid is not refundable.

112 www.datainnovationsummit.com
Get your Enterprise Corner Venue & Platform
Data Innovation Summit brings together experts and practitioners from
more than 50 countries and 700+ companies. Taking the time to network
with your industry peers at an exhibition might open up invaluable
collaboration, learning and business possibilities you would never have
otherwise come across. It is an unparalleled opportunity to showcase and
benchmark your projects, learnings and strategies with your peers, network
or collaborate.

This year in the expo hall we have allocated an area/corner where

enterprises can have their own fully equipped exhibition stands welcoming
peers attending the summit. We warmly welcome you to be one of them.

Here is why you should exhibit:

• Present your thought leadership
• Position your organisation as an innovation leader and community builder
• Showcase your products or upcoming projects
• Get Direct Feedback from Your Target Audience
• Meet and connect with like minded people in your industry
• Network and Collaborate Venue: Kistamässan | Stockholm
• Find New Business Partners ARNE BEURLINGS TORG 5, 164 40 KISTA, SVERIGE
• Create more brand awareness
• Get listed as one of the Enterprise Partners Kistamässan is an accessible and innovative venue for personal encounters, experiences and exchange of knowledge, ideas and
• Align your organisation and brand with the leading Data, Analytics, and AI experiences. Our objective is to create a meeting place that makes visions and ideas come true, regardless of the assigment.
event in the Nordics and beyond
Learn more: www.kistamassan.se

Secure your Enterprise Corner!

Contact us today and learn how you can secure your ALL IN ONE PLACE
Enterprise Corner at the upcoming Data Innovation Summit. CONTACT KENAN

Kenan Bouzo, VP Sales

kenan.bouzo@hyperight.com | +46737618338

Event Platform: Agorify


As the event is planned as a hybrid event, the event platform

becomes a central planning, communication, and execution
event tool. Once registered, through the platform you will
be able to follow all updates regarding the event, browse
and communicate with the delegates in chat or video
format, book meetings, collaborate, discuss, create your
personalized agenda, book session, participate in pre-event
and post event activities, ask questions during the summit,
replay all the sessions, and much more.

114 DISummit2030 115


D82 D83 D84 D85 D86 D87 D88 D89 CS BAR
C91 C92

D72 D73 D74 D75 D76 D77 D78 D79 D80 D81

D54 DELL &
For this year's edition, we decided to go with a design we call "Drones". The design is ACTIVITY


an improved version of the 2022 "Agora" floor plan with an open round stage in the AREA AREA

middle of the expo area and 8 wide corridors connecting the central plenum stage EMERGENCY
with all the track stages. With the "Drone" design, we moved all the track stages to LOUNGE AREA 2
A11 A17
C44 C45 C55 C57 C63 C65

the corners of the venue area to create more space for more exhibitors, lounge and A12

C42 C43 C54 C56 C62 C64

activity areas for improved networking, and most importantly, space for two new BUFFET BUFFET

stages. The central stage from last year's edition has been moved to the top corner BUFFET

B18 B20 B22 B24

of the venue but now connected to a minor central stage where Data Octagon

C39 C41 C51 C53

sessions and the Data After Dark Artist performances will take place. The minor


C38 C40 C50 C52 M2

A02 A04 A06 A08
central stage is surrounded by lounge tables and large central scenes on which DO BUFFET
the visitors can follow the presentations on the P1, M8 and Data Octagon stages.

To provide bigger catering and beverage options during the event days, on this BUFFET BUFFET
C35 C37 C47 C49 C59 C61

years event we are activating the two coffee shops available in the venue where MAIN LOUNGE &
C34 C36 C46 C48 C58 C60
delegates can buy products of their choice. EMERGENCY

B17 B19 B21 B23 EXIT


A15 A16

B27 B25 B26

C71 C70 C66 C67 C68 C69

B29 B30 B31 B32 B33

Exx - Exhibitions WS

Towards the
Ab Initio AREA

5 meters 10 meters 15 meters 20 meters



NÖDUT 68 platser

Mx - Multi Stage REG
P1 - Keynotes




M A C H I N E L E A R N I N G & M L O P S S TA G E


DO - Panels NÖDUT






Wx - Workshops AA - Activity Areas A P P L I E D & H U M A N - C E N T R I C A I I N N OVAT I O N S TA G E

116 www.datainnovationsummit.com DISummit2030 117

The True Hybrid Experience
The future of events is hybrid. At least for the Data Innovation Summit. The True Hybrid Event format provides us the possibility to provide you with an interchangeable, immersive, and continuous event experience, as opposite to a transient experience that we are used
to. The hybrid format also allows us to prolong the event experience for a much longer period than just the two physical days planned and make your attendance more personal and meaningful. With such power, we can now make the two main days of the event to be a
culmination of the event, where you actually physically meet people that you already communicated with and exchanged experience through the platform during the pre-event period.




See who is attend- AND ONSITE | IN ONE SINGLE PLATFORM See all the presentations
ing, network, share either onsite or online.
contacts, book The entire program is
onsite and online synced through the plat-
video meetings form with 30 sec delay.
via the platform. EVENT DAYS


Browse through
the exhibitor list, Ask questions to the
learn more about speakers through the
their offerings and app or vote for your
involvement in the favorite question from
event, book meet- the audience.
ings and download


Create your per- Create or join onsite or

sonal agenda by online roundtables
selecting sessions separately, join or slack
from the event channel and much
schedule. more.


Paperless and Replay all the content

Smooth presented on the event
Self Check-in via the platform and
experience. continue networking.

118 www.datainnovationsummit.com DISummit2030 119

11TH & 12TH MAY
K I S TA M Ä S S A N , S T O C K H O L M

Hyperight AB
111 39 Stockholm, Sweden
© 2023 hyperight.com | All rights reserved.
Phone: +46 (0) 840 80 4497
For more information, email info@datainnovationsummit.com Email: info@hyperight.com
or visit www.datainnovationsummit.com www.hyperight.com

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