Digital Transformation Initiative - Accenture 2018
Digital Transformation Initiative - Accenture 2018
Digital Transformation Initiative - Accenture 2018
MAY 2018
The world is being transformed by new technologies, which are redefining customer expectations, enabling businesses to meet these new expectations, and changing
the way people live and work. Digital transformation, as this is commonly called, has immense potential to change consumer lives, create value for business and unlock
broader societal benefits.
The World Economic Forum launched the Digital Transformation Initiative in 2015, in collaboration with Accenture, to serve as the focal point for new opportunities and
themes arising from the latest developments in the digitalization of business and society. It supports the Forum’s broader activity around the theme of the Fourth
Industrial Revolution. Since its inception, the Initiative has analysed the impact of digital transformation across 13 industries and five cross-industry topics, to identify the
key themes that enable the value generated by digitalization to be captured for business and wider society. Drawing on these themes, we have developed a series of
imperatives for business and policy leaders that look to maximize the benefits of digitalization. We have engaged with more than 300 executives (both from leading
global firms and newer technology disruptors), government and policy leaders, and academics.
Every industry has its nuances and contextual differences, but they all share certain inhibitors to change. These include the innovator’s dilemma (the fear of
cannibalizing existing revenue models), low technology adoption rates across organizations, conservative organizational cultures, and regulatory issues. Business and
government leaders should continue to work towards addressing these challenges.
A notable outcome of this work is the development of our distinctive economic framework, which quantifies the impact of digitalization on industry and society. It can be
applied consistently at all levels of business and government to help unlock the estimated $100 trillion of value that digitalization could create over the next decade. We
have already started to leverage this framework for region-specific discussions with some governments.
We are confident that the findings from the Initiative will contribute to improving the state of the world through digital transformation, both for business and wider society.
Jonas Prising Jean-Yves Charlier Arne Sorenson T.V. Narendran Bob Dudley
ManpowerGroup VimpelCom Marriott International Tata Steel BP
4 Opportunities to Improve
the State of the World 5 Acknowledgements
1Includes updates made for the analysis conducted as part of DTI 2017-18. These updates include additional slides (slides 10-13) and updates to slides 8 and 29 4
In a world where game- The past 12 months have brought a series of exciting technological
breakthroughs. Self-driving Tesla cars can now be seen on the road;
changing innovation Uber is testing autonomous taxis in Pittsburgh; Google DeepMind’s
has become the norm, Alpha Go demonstrated a leap forward in artificial intelligence with a
famous victory at the board game Go; and augmented reality hit the
the DTI provides a mainstream with the success of Pokémon Go. Game-changing
unique insight into the innovation has become the norm.
impact of technology on Digital innovation is reshaping industries by disrupting existing
business and society business and operating models. But it is also having a profound impact
over the next decade. on society, presenting a series of opportunities and challenges for
businesses and policy-makers.
Mark Knickrehm
Group Chief Executive,
Accenture Strategy
is a defining As the cost of advanced technologies continues to fall, new Big Data, analytics,
characteristic of the applications will be opened for them, as well as opportunities to
combine them in innovative ways. This unleashes "combinatorial"
digital revolution. It is Web 2.0, cloud, mobile
Cumulative capability
effects, where the capability of technologies working in tandem far
playing a major role in exceed their capabilities when deployed separately.
Web 1.0 eCommerce
accelerating innovation. Take, for example, continuous liquid interface production (CLIP): it can
produce isotropic parts with mechanical properties and surface finish
similar to injection-moulded plastics. Carbon, a Technology Pioneer of and PCs
the World Economic Forum, is using CLIP, the cloud and analytics in a
platform-based business model to significantly advance what used to Mainframe
be a prototype technology into high-quality, scalable and low-cost
The combinatorial effects of base technologies, such as mobile, cloud, 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 Time
sensors, analytics and the Internet of Things (IoT), are accelerating
progress exponentially. Technology is the multiplier. Source: World Economic Forum/Accenture analysis
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White Paper
1Based on new technology spending estimates from IDC, excluding cross-industry spend ($80 billion in 2016 and $166 billion in 2020). Cognitive Technologies include AI and
Establish clear ownership Invest in use cases, Fail fast, fail Follow an outcome-
of digital investments not technologies cheap based approach
Execution principles
• Lower requirement for access to customer • Requires (repeat) access to customer data
data • Usage data can be captured without direct
• Requires more direct engagement from the customer intervention
customer (opt-in) at point of sale • Analytical capabilities to tailor personalized
• Robust and agile supply chains to provide offers and services
convenience and choice
the value of underused assets and improve resource efficiency. Construction
Luxury Apparel
Medical Equipment
allows hospitals to share equipment, reducing Energy
the need to buy assets and boosting utilization Sports Equipment
rates. Cohealo says that its service has saved
hospitals $1 million to $2 million each.
Personal Care Products
Food and Beverage
Disruption may not be bankrupting incumbents, but to succeed in the digital era, they will need to become
digital enterprises, rethinking every aspect of their business.
Usually most appropriate:
• When it is strategically imperative to “own” a • Allows for a close relationship to the funding
market company, enabling internal capabilities,
• If the market inflection point is close, and hiring infrastructure and resources to be deployed to
the right talent is not possible help the start-up
• If the new opportunity bears little relation to the • Benefits companies via increased deal flow in
company’s current business model business models and technologies
When there is no strategic need to own:
Click to • Learn more from a “digital native” about the
download market and the partner’s model
• Useful when deeper partnerships or future
White Paper acquisitions are required Source: World Economic Forum/Accenture Analysis
Front-line Net present
Makes customer lives easier and Decentralized Front Office Client first
emphasizes front-office processes. empowerment value
Uses machines intensively to increase Standardized Manufacturing Automation ‘Engineer’
productivity and flexibility in production. employee ratio
training programs to obtain automation capabilities.
necessary skills or hiring • Foster a digital culture
digital natives, companies from the top through • Prepare for the rise of the of CEOs cite skills
need to be aware of where communication, journey on-demand workforce but shortages as a threat
to their businesses
talent is headed and how they management, visible ensure that there is enough
can help. changes, and continuous of a balance to maintain
change monitoring. corporate culture.
Source: PwC, People Strategy for the
Digital Age
Incumbents and disruptors are creating new platform business models across industries and geographies:
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• The economic framework developed aims to quantify the impact • It provides a consistent base of evidence and set of definitions for
of digital transformation on industry and broader society. digital concepts, supporting a global, multistakeholder dialogue
• The framework is new and will be iterated further over the next about digitalization and its implications.
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year, but it can already be applied at all levels of government and • Proof of concept of the framework for 11 industries was achieved
download business, helping stakeholders to make the right decisions to and its application successfully piloted on a national/state level (in the
White Paper deliver the full potential of digital transformation. United Kingdom, Denmark, India, and the Indian state of Telangana).
Case studies:
Case studies:
The industry has a chance to move from incremental, digitally driven operational improvements to a broader embrace
of digital technologies. Four themes will play a leading role in this transformation.
Digital Asset Life Circular Collaborative Beyond the Barrel Energizing New
Cycle Management Ecosystem Energies
Connecting end-to-end Digitalization will help with Digital technologies open Digitalization promotes new
operations across the value advanced and innovative new avenues for customer energy sources and carriers,
stream can ensure that all collaboration models between engagement and provide and innovative models for the
systems, equipment, sensors and producers, suppliers and society, additional services that help optimization and marketing of
data are communicating and as well as making operations create new and innovative energy. The Oil and Gas
learning from actions. This will transparent and driving out business models. Important industry must understand the
lead to increasing efficiency, inefficient practices. Major initiatives are Digital full impact of this, and stay
productivity and compliance with initiatives are 3D Printing and Customer Services and connected with millennials.
health, safety and environmental Blockchain / Smart Contracts. Omnichannel Retail and Key initiatives include
standards. Key initiatives are New Experience-based Services. Consumer Energy Choices.
Era of Automation, Advanced
Analytics and Modelling and
Connected Worker.
Case studies:
Energizing New
70 500 570 900 35
Click to Uniquely human
download Note: The degree to which human capabilities are
being augmented by technology is indicated by the Appearance
White Paper ideograms next to each capability.
Case studies:
* The eight technologies are the IoT, autonomous vehicles/drones, robotics, 3D printing, artificial intelligence (AI), augmented reality / virtual reality, digital traceability and blockchain.
The industry is a key enabler of digital transformation across industries, but the value of digitalization has so far eluded
telecommunications operators. Four themes will be central to capturing it.
Case studies:
Case studies:
“Digitalization is creating
new types of economic
disruption … technological
progress may leave some
people – perhaps even
a lot – behind.”
The electricity sector is ripe for realizing value from rapid digital transformation. Value creation across the industry and
broader society will be driven by four major themes.
Recent technological and Shifting care closer to home The digital economy can now Advances in data collection,
scientific breakthroughs have can broaden access to deliver a wide range of "living storage and analytics have
propelled medicine into a new healthcare and reduce the services" – intelligent digital been accompanied by the
era of smart care. Precision strain on overstretched health services that respond proliferation of data – e.g.
Medicine, Robotics and Medical systems. The technology that contextually to the user’s from sensors and devices,
Printing are making healthcare has enabled the IoT to needs. These increase Patient clinical information systems
smarter and more personalized. proliferate will open up the Engagement at Scale and and electronic health
possibility of "Care Anywhere" empower citizens to manage records. Key initiatives are
through the Virtual Care and their own healthcare, Accessible Intelligence,
Connected Home initiatives. preventing the onset of chronic Connected Worker and
conditions, such as diabetes. Intelligent Devices.
Case studies:
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White Paper
Source: World Economic Forum/Accenture analysis
Initiatives such as Logistics Global trade will increase The need to move physical Shared warehouse and
Control Towers and Analytics through Digitally Enhanced goods from A to B endures, shared transport capabilities
as a Service put data at the Cross-border Platforms. but delivery methods are are expected to gain
heart of logistics businesses, Logistics firms can also satisfy changing. Crowdsourcing, prominence among logistics
helping to reduce operating growing demand for faster and innovations in firms, increasing asset
costs while improving Same-day Delivery, and manufacturing (3D Printing) utilization in the near future.
operational efficiency. promote the concept of City and technology (Drones,
Logistics, which will help them Autonomous Trucks) have
operate in "megacities". widened the range of options
and opened up logistics
Case studies: markets to new players.
400 in 2025. Total societal value at stake includes impacts on consumers, society
and the environment. The impact on external industries has not been
considered, and the impact on lives saved has not been quantified.
200 Shared Transport Logistics Control Towers Source:
Autonomous Trucks Capacity World Economic Forum/Accenture analysis
0 3D Printing Analytics as a Service
Drones Same-day
-200 Value at stake for industry
$ billion
-100 -50 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 650 700
Intellectual Property
-300 Value at stake for industry
-200 -100 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 $ billion
Diffusion of Ownership Reimagining Communication Fostering a Digital Environment Artificial Intelligence Consumer Energy Choices
Digital Services Modularizing Work Smart Sensors New Era of Automation Digital R&D
Autonomous Operations and Advanced Analytics
Smart Manufacturing Outside ‘In-novation’ Developing a Flexible Workforce Digital Plant
Robotics & Modelling
Intelligent Assets Training Talent 3D Printing Connected Worker Digital Supply Chain
Real-time Supply/Demand
Next Generation Workforce Software-differentiated Networks Investing In Smart Infrastructure Connected Worker Augmented Workforce
Balancing: 3D Printing
Digital Information Sharing and
Autonomous (Zero Touch) Designing the Employee
Remote Operations Centre Operational Transparency – Block
Networks Experience
Chain, Smart Contracts
Traveller Centricity Cyber-resilience Reimagining Hiring Asset Cybersecurity Accelerated Circular Economy
Transforming for a Digital Omnichannel Retail and Digitally Enabled Offerings and
Seamless Customer Journey IT/OT Convergence
Workforce Experience-based Services Business Models
Advanced Customer
End-to-end Propositions
Modern Security Environment Extending Connectivity Augmenting Human Intelligence Value Chain Collaboration
Ubiquitous Tourist Safety Delighting the Digital Customer Nurturing an Agile Culture
Integrated Sourcing, Data
Data Dilemma Brand Atomization
Exchange, Commerce
Personalized Content Analytics as a Service Usage-based Insurance Digital Customer Model Data Privacy and Transparency
"Advicetising": Advertising as Advice Robotics Autonomous Trucks Connected Supply Chain Industrial Services Physical Store Transformation
Accessible Intelligence Crowdsourcing Disrupted Retail Asset Performance Management Sharing Economy
The Digital Organization Intelligent Devices Shared Transport Capacity Transformed Digital Aftermarket Smart Asset Planning Talent Management
2 308 60 -670
(1) Total societal value at stake includes impact on customers, society and the environment; the impact on external industries has not been considered; (2)
Excludes the Extending Connectivity digital initiative; (3) Reduction in emissions for Oil and Gas refers to reduction in CO 2e emissions (4) Aviation refers to
Aviation, Travel and Tourism; Mining to the Mining and Metals industries and Chemistry refers to Chemistry and Advanced Materials.
Source: World Economic Forum/Accenture analysis
To find out more about the DTI project, visit 65
Overcoming the inhibitors to transformation will unlock significant value for business and society.
Key Inhibitors Examples
1. Lack of collaboration for societal gains • Telematics is not yet mandatory in new cars or trucks. Insurers are providing
Incentives primarily focus on meeting profit targets; investors are not yet optional add-ins, but the penetration rates are still relatively small.
adequately rewarding businesses for generating societal benefits. Do • While digital technology is increasing farming yields, not all technology is passing
organizations have a strategy for selecting investors that enables them to invest on benefits to farmers and workers.
in societal benefits?
2. Regulation and protection of consumer interests • Legal frameworks around intellectual property need to be revisited for the new
Innovation is taking place at a far greater speed than regulation. Is self-regulation generation of on-demand media consumers.
supported by independent oversight workable? • Issues have arisen with regulations on drones.
3. Cannibalization of existing revenue streams • Utilities fail to lead with decentralized renewable energy products and services.
Evolutionary (GM Super Cruise) versus revolutionary (Google Lidar) innovation is • Telcos have been "strengthening the pipe", while digital businesses such as Skype,
holding back incumbents, often due to cultural anchors. WhatsApp and Facebook have transformed communications.
4. Skills for tomorrow’s workforce • From top management to front-line managers, trust in the advice provided by
Skills gaps currently exist and are expected in the future for digital roles. intelligent systems is rapidly declining.
Displacement stats vary greatly, from net positive to net negative. • Various technologies have the potential to augment and/or replace human
5. Technology adoption rates • Bluetooth and radio frequency identification technologies (RFID) have existed for
While some think that innovative technologies can bring significant benefits, nearly 20 years, but have only recently become ubiquitous.
others are concerned or sceptical about the impact of technological advances,
and thus do not adopt technologies as and when they become available.
Localize efforts
The impact of digitalization can be substantial at the local level. For example, as stores
Community Impact close and the physical retail real-estate footprint shrinks over the next decade, what can
government at all levels do to preserve local communities and mitigate negative impacts?
Visit DTI
IONX Mitsubishi Chemical Holdings Prospectors & Developers Association Solvay Unilever
Jaguar Land Rover Corporation of Canada (PDAC) Song Saa Group United Nations Development
JCI Mjunction Services Proteus Southeast Asia Programme (UNDPa)
JetBlue Technology Ventures Monsanto Company Publicis Groupe Statkraft United Nations Economic Commission
JLR Nanosight QIAGEN Statoil for Africa (UNECA)
John Theurer Cancer Centre National Aviation Services Qualcomm Stratasys United Nations Population Fund
Jubilant Life Sciences National University of Singapore Qualcomm Life Suncor (UNFPA)
Juniper Networks Nestlé REMA 1000 Swarovski United States Steel Corporation (USS)
Keio University Newmont Mining Corporation RESOLVE Swiss University of Pennsylvania
KLM New York University Leonard N. Stern Reverse Logistics Group Synthace University of Queensland
Klockner School of Business Rio Tinto Tata Communications Limited UPL Limited
KPN Nielsen Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Tata Consultancy Services UPS
LetMeShip Nokia Royal Philips TATA Consulting Services US Government
Level 3 Nokia Networks Royal Vopak Tata Steel US Health & Life Sciences Industry
Liberty Global Novozymes RWE Technogym USC Marshall School of Business
Lockheed Martin Corporation Nucor Corporation Teck Resources USM Holdings Limited
LVNL (Air Traffic Control Netherlands) O3B Networks SAP Telecom Italia Vale International
Mahindra OEM Insights and Solutions Saudi Basic Industries Corporation Telefónica Vattenfall
Majid Al Futtaim Holdings Omnicom Group (SABIC) Telenor Verizon
Marriot International OneWeb Saudi Telecom Company Telia Company VimpelCom
MasterCard Ooredoo Schneider Electric The New York Times Visa
Matrixx Software Orange Severstal Thomson-Reuters Voxel8
Matternet Pearson Sharing Economy Transport Intelligence Walmart
Mayo Clinic Pemex Shell Travelport Wellness Holdings SRL
Microsoft Persistent Systems Shopkick Trip38 World Steel Association
Millicom Philips Sibur TrueCar WPP
MIT Center for Digital Business PhosAgro Sight Machine Tufts University Wyndham Hotels
MIT Energy Institute Platform Strategy Labs SiGNa Chemistry Turkcell Zebra Medical Vision
This initiative was led by Mark Spelman (Co-Head, System Initiative on Shaping the Future of Digital Economy and Society) and Bruce Weinelt
(Head of Digital Transformation). The initiative was developed in collaboration with Accenture, led by Peter Lacy (Managing Director, Accenture
Strategy) and Anand Shah (Engagement Partner, Accenture Strategy).
Sponsorship was provided by Jim Hagemann Snabe (Chairman, World Economic Forum USA), Cheryl Martin (Head of Industries, Member of
the Managing Board, World Economic Forum), Pierre Nanterme (Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Accenture), Mark Knickrehm (Group
Chief Executive, Accenture Strategy) and Paul Daugherty (Chief Technology Officer, Accenture).
Other contributors from the World Economic Forum include Mehran Gul, William Hoffman and Reema Siyam (DTI Project Leads), Isabelle
Mauro (Telecom), Sonja Patscheke (Professional Services), Juergen Keitel (Aviation, Travel and Tourism), Zara Ingilizian (Consumer Industries),
Ramya Krishnaswamy (Electricity), Wolfgang Lehmacher (Logistics), Gillian Davidson (Mining and Metals), Andrey Berdichevskiy (Automotive),
Arnaud Bernaert (Healthcare), Fernando Gomez (Chemistry and Advanced Materials) and Pedro G. Gomez Pensado (Oil and Gas).
Other contributors from Accenture include secondees to the World Economic Forum and DTI Project Leads: Harshdeep Jolly, Wolfgang Popp,
Margaret VanWinkle, Shishir Shroff, Alex Barrett and a number of additional contributors and subject matter experts.
The subject matter experts from Accenture include Trevor Gruzin, Chris Donnelly, Mark Pearson, Bernd Kreutzer, James Wildenburg, James
Collins, John Lichtenstein, Liselotte De Maar and Oliver Wright.
Other subject matter experts are referenced in the individual White Papers.