Paper-1 9 Ideologies
Paper-1 9 Ideologies
Paper-1 9 Ideologies
particular class.
Isaih Berlin in his book, ‘2 concepts of liberty’ has explained the 2 concepts of liberty found in
liberalism. He has mentioned the quote of Heine
I may not deserve to be remembered as a poet, but surely as a soldier in the battle for human
freedom- Heine
Classical Liberals (negative liberalism)
Absence of external
Absence of
Gramscian school: Will is manufactured Neo-liberals: Leads to authoritarianism
Habermas: Legitimation/governability crisis/contradictory Isaih Berlin: “Bird in a cage”
Assessment: Welfare state did lead to nanny state, corruption and overdeveloped states.
However, there is example of Nordic countries too.
We require institutions, transparency, accountability, substantive democracy, capacity (Amartya
Sen), HUMAN ACTION (Hannah Arendt)
Social Liberals: Not an extremely expanded state (unlike the modern liberals who wanted a
highly expanded state)
Classical liberalism + social justice through state intervention
Revival of welfare state
Failure of market and discontents.
Pvt - growth
State - capacity building
Civil Society - accountability
Socialism is like a hat which has lost its shape because everyone wears it – C.E.M Joad
It is an ideology of modern times and emerged against capitalism
Capitalism: profit, Socialism : need
Core Value is Equality
Relevance of Socialism/Marxism
Mode of analysis: Used by Gramsci, Althusser, Wallerstein
Political ideology: Used for mobilization; rise of left parties in Britain, France; anti
capitalism and anti-globalization movement.
Terry Eagleton (Why Marx is Thomas Piketty Immanuel Wallerstein
Capital in the 21st Century World systems Theory
Fashionable to say that Wealth grows faster than Nee-Liberal globalisation is coming
Marx is outdated and economic output to end.
irrelevant The more we change, the more Man has 2 options
we remain the same. o Socialism
Global inequalities are still
o Barbarianism
the same
Since the mode of exploitation has changed the marxist mode of analysis needs to
Capitalism has survived by promoting consumerist culture
They suggest to include the analysis of culture in analysis of capitalism
Culture is no longer the part of superstr - it has become part of the basic str
Role of technology in expansion of capitalism.
Criticized Lenin, welfare state, Marxism, modernity
Insights from Sigmund Freud -> “Unconscious”; repressive structures of society;
psychological aspects of social control
Max Weber: social stratification; multiple stratas exist; concept of bureaucratic rationality
Herbert Marcuse
Max Horkheimer
One dimensional Man
Unfortunately Negative Dialectics
Man is Multi-d, capitalism reduced him to 1D- consumer
has started
Science killed rationality; rejective of values; true/false rather than
Progress stopped and moving
towards our downfall. Instead of
No ethics - animals
getting better we are getting worse
Consumers of utility
Objective of critical school is
Herds of sheep and goats - after products like mindless consumers
emancipation from the
Classes to masses
circumstances which have enslaved
o ICT, Science
Not just freedom from necessities
o Advertisement
but freedom from all sorts of
o Music - Theodore Adorno
o Seismographically controlled traumatic shocks
Feminism is a radical notion that women are human beings – A feminist dictionary
I do not want women to have power over men, but power over themselves – Simone de Beauvoir
Socialist feminists
Overlap between patriarchy and capitalism
Females as reserve labour
Cushion to prevent alienation of man
Producing the next generation of workers.
Relieve men of the burden of household.
Idea of ‘economic man’, i.e. self-seeking man is
essentially masculinits.
Feminism has grown with time but has a long way to go in political discourse. Sweden’s feminist
foreign policy remains a bright spot in an otherwise dark world for women
End of Ideology
SM Lipset
David Bell Criticism
Did not enjoy wide acceptability
End of ideology
End of ideology
Consensus that western
Politics of development matter Marxists: Concealed defence
liberal democracy is the
rather than politics of MacIntyre: EoI as an ideology itself
best way of life and the
ideologies C Wright Mills - Wrong to assume that the conflict
debate is over
b/w labour and capital is over
Lost its appeal by 1970s,
Remerged as EoH post-cold war- Francis Fukuyama