FGS 23 Task Infopack
FGS 23 Task Infopack
FGS 23 Task Infopack
1. Deadlines:
- For the policy memo, the deadline is Tuesday
(Aug 8th, 2023) 9:00 PM CEST
- For the presentation, you’ll have to present your
work on Wednesday/Thursday/Friday (you can
see the presentation order if you scroll down in
this document)
2. Breakout rooms: You have to discuss your work on
the solutions to the policy memo. Each time you
should select the Breakout room in accordance with
the name of your group and go there. The more
active work you will do there, the better it will be for
3. Presentation order:
1. Team Oscar
2. Team Delta
3. Team Foxtrot
4. Team India
5. Team Kilo
6. Team Uniform
7. Team Bravo
8. Team Hotel
9. Team Golf
10. Team Mike
11. Team Papa
12. Team Tango
13. Team Lima
14. Team Alpha
15. Team Charlie
16. Team Juliet
17. Team
18. Team Quebec
19. Team Romeo
20. Team Sierra
21. Team Echo
4. Teamwork: Virtual Teams
- You will decide on the roles and tasks for each
team member.
- How can you split the work, give roles?
1. Split by report section (STEM, policy)
2. Split by function (coordination,
researcher, writing, presentation)
- Choose a team leader
- Communication is key! - Telegram group chat
- You’ll have to include each team member’s:
- Name
- Email address
- Role (if someone didn’t participate write
“Did Not Participate”)
- Country
link to the presentation
Scenario Background:
Your recommendations should take into account the perspectives of
multiple stakeholders, including Kazakhstan, Ukraine, NATO member
countries, international organizations, and Russia.