Es 2 06
Es 2 06
Es 2 06
Ans: C
Ans: C
Ans: A
Ans: C
Ans: D
Ans: a
Ans: D
Ans: c
Ans: c
Ans: D
Ans: c
Ans: b
Ans: d
Ans: b
Ans: c
Ans: b
Ans: d
Ans: b
Ans: a
Ans: a
Ans: d
Ans: b
Ans: a
Ans: d
Ans: b
Ans: d
Ans: b
Ans: a
Ans: b
Ans: a
Ans: b
Ans: c
Ans: c
Ans: c
Ans: b
Ans: d
Ans: b
Ans: e
Ans: c
Ans: b
Ans: a
Ans: b
Ans: d
Ans: d
Ans: b
Ans: d
Ans: a
Ans: a
Ans: a
Ans: a
Ans: a
Ans: d
Ans: d
Ans: a
Ans: d
Ans: a
Ans: a
Ans: b
Ans: a
Ans: b
Ans: e
Ans: a
Ans: c
Ans: b
66- What is runoff?
a) The process of sediment moving or being weathered away by wind or water.
b) Water that moves over Earth's surface, because it doesn't infiltrate the ground.
c) Water moving from the liquid state to the gaseous state.
d) Observations described in words or letters.
Ans: b
67- The steeper the slope, the ________ the stream.
a) Slower
b) Broader
c) Faster
d) Curvier
Ans: c
68- What is a tributary?
a) A competitor in the Hunger Games; eg, Katniss Everdeen volunteered as a
tributary in place of her sister.
b) A mass of frozen water slowly moving over land; eg, you can see tributaries in
Tributary National Park, in Montana.
c) A larger stream or river that flows into a smaller one; eg, the Mississippi River is
a tributary of the Kanawha River.
d) A smaller stream or river that flows into a larger one; eg, the Kanawha River is a
tributary of the Ohio River.
Ans: d
69- What is a floodplain?
a) The area near a river that floods when water levels get to be too high.
b) The area near a river that looks boring or dull.
c) The process of water levels going over a river or stream bank.
d) Water gathering on the surface of the Earth because it doesn't seep into the
Ans: a
70- Which of the following is NOT a variable or factor that might affect how much
runoff forms?
a) The slope of a hill where rain falls
b) The composition of the soil rain falls on
c) The volume of water or rain falling
d) The shape of the stream runoff flows into
Ans: d
71- The gradual movement or removal of sediment from a location by water is
called ...... .
a) erosion
b) runoff
c) slope
d) tributary
Ans: a
72- With a steeper slope, we would expect to see ….. .
A) less erosion
b) more erosion
c) the same amount of erosion
d) no erosion at all
Ans: b
73- Solution, suspension, and bed load are the three components of...
a) stream load
b) gravity
c) erosion
d) water
Ans: a
74- What scenario would you expect to find the most erosion due to runoff?
a) A shallow slope covered with grass
b) A shallow, bare slope
c) A steep slope covered with evergreen trees
d) A steep, bare slope
Ans: d
75- Which of the following statements is not true?
a) Water causes more erosion on slopes without plants
b) Water flows from higher to lower ground
c) Faster water erodes more sediment
d) As water slows, smaller particles are deposited first
Ans: d
76- When a stream or river starts to slow down, it:
a) Picks up more sediment
b) Erodes more rapidly
c) Deposits fine sediments, but continues carrying larger rocks
d) Deposits larger rocks, but continues carrying finer sediment
Ans: d
77- Which of these are traits of a stream’s floodplain?
a) It is nutrient poor
b) Is broader and deeper than its channel
c) Is where the stream deposits much of its sediment load
d) its elevation is usually higher than the river bed
Ans: c
78- Streams with steep gradients have a(n) _____ velocity than those with gentle
a) Greater
b) Lesser
c) Average
d) None of these
Ans: a
79- The diagram below shows a portion of a stream.
The sand bar formed as a direct result of
a) erosion due to a decrease in stream velocity
b) erosion due to an increase in stream velocity
c) deposition due to a decrease in stream velocity
d) deposition due to an increase in stream velocity
Ans: c
80- Sediments are deposited in a river delta because the
a) velocity of the river decreased
b) force of gravity decreased
c) volume of the river increases
d) gradient of the river increases
Ans: a
81- The entire area drained by a river and its tributaries is called a
a) Delta
b) Watershed
c) Valley
d) Floodplain
Ans: b
82- At which location is the greatest amount of sediment
most likely being deposited?
a) A
b) B
c) C
d) D
Ans: c
83- The diagram below shows a section of a
meander in a stream. The arrow shows the
direction of stream flow. The stream bank on the
outside of this meander is steeper than the stream
bank on the inside of this meander because the
water on the outside of the meander is moving
a) Slower, causing deposition
b) Faster, causing deposition
c) Slower, causing erosion
d) Faster, causing erosion
Ans: d
84- Sediment deposited as fast-flowing river reaches a flatter area of land is
a) river dleta
b) floodplain
c) alluvial fan
d) oxbow lake
Ans: c
85- When would a river form a delta?
when the river meanders across a plain
when the river leaves the mountains
when it is in the mountain
when it enters the ocean
Ans: d
86- What would be expected to remove the most sand from a barrier island during
a storm?
a) waves depositing debris on a island
b) currents moving sand along the island
c) large waves crashing across the island
d) strong winds blowing across the island
Ans: c
87- Deltas forming at the mouths of rivers
a) Weathering
b) Erosion
c) Deposition
Ans: c
88- The times in the past when continental glaciers covered large parts of Earth’s
land surface were the
a) Ice Age
c) Glaciers
d) Cambrian Period
e) Mesozoic Period
Ans: a
89- What causes dunes to form?
a) glacial deposits
b) mountain building
c) wind
d) deposits from streams
Ans: c
90- Waves dropping sand on the beach
a) Weathering
c) Erosion
d) Deposition
Ans: c
91- An area which drains into a common river system.
a) watershed
b) tributary
c) drainage divide
d) riparian zone
Ans: a
92- This force causes the movement of glaciers
a) pressure
b) ice age
c) gravity
d) firn
Ans: c
93- Alluvial fans are formed when:
a) Streams with low load suddenly spread out
b) Streams with a high gradient empty onto flat
c) Streams have very low discharge and dry up
d) Streams empty into a lake or ocean
Ans: b
94- What is the process by which a delta forms?
a) A stream slows & deposits its sediment before entering the ocean
b) A stream cuts a new channel during a flood
c) A river overflows its banks and deposits sediment
d) A river gains speed as it flows down a mountain
Ans: a
95- Deltas forming at the mouths of rivers
a) Weathering
b) Erosion
c) Deposition
Ans: c
96- Particles of rock, sand, soil, plant and animal remains
a) erosion
b) sediment
c) weathering
Ans: b
97- When rocks are broken down into smaller pieces
a) erosion
b) weathering
c) sediment
Ans: b
98- Streams are
a) bigger than brooks, but smaller than creeks
b) small rivers
c) water flowing out of a spring
d) bodies of water that have a current, including brooks, creeks, bayous, and rivers
Ans: d
99- Define tributaries
a) small rivers or streams that flow into a large river or stream
b) a natural stream of water of considerable volume
c) precipitation that flows over the land to streams
d) a continuous ridge that separates a watershed
Ans: A
100- The beginning of a stream or river is
a) lips
b) mouth
c) head
d) stream channel
Ans: c
101 A long, low area carved by a stream or glacier with higher areas on both sides.
a) channel
b) valley
c) gorge
d) plateau
Ans: b
102- The part of a river that flows into a lake, reservoir or ocean
a) Delta
b) Mouth
c) Deposition
d) Erosion
Ans: b
103- Riverbanks are changed due to erosion (wearing away).
a) True
b) False
Ans: a
104- It can take thousands of years but a river can carve a _____________ into
a) source
b) slope
c) canyon
d) slope
Ans: c
105- The course where moving water is
a) floodplain
b) drainage basin
c) channel
d) valley
Ans: c
106- A flat area next to the stream that gets sediment when the river overflows its
a) floodplain
b) drainage basin
c) tributary
d) channel
Ans: a
107- Land that supplies water to a river system.
a) wetlands
b) watershed
c) estuary
d) river system
Ans: b
108- As water flow increases, what happens to sediment size?
a) decreases and settles to the bottom
b) stops
c) floats
Ans: d
109- As water flow decreases, what happens to sediment?
a) increases
b) decreases and settles to the bottom
c) stops
d) floats
Ans: d
110- The smaller streams and rivers that feed into the larger river.
a) tributaries
b) estuary
c) wetlands
d) river system
Ans: a
111- Where fresh water from rivers meets salt water from the ocean. Also a large
nursery for baby animals.
a) watershed
b) estuary
c) wetlands
d) tributary
Ans: b
112- divide
a) a stream that flows into a lake or into a larger stream
b) the boundary between drainage areas that have streams that flow in opposite
c) the path that a stream follows
d) the upper surface of underground water; the upper boundary of the zone of
Ans: b
113- What is all of the land area whose water drains into a stream system?
a) Runoff
b) Watershed
c) Divide
d) Suspension
Ans: b
114- What is a meander?
a) A small lake that has been cut off from the main stream channel
b) A bend/curve in a river
c) The area of land drained by a river
d) A small stream that flows into a larger river
Ans: b
115- ______________________ is the steepness of the course of a stream
a) Load
b) Gradient
c) Discharge
d) Alluvium
Ans: b
116- The process in which sediments, soil and rocks are added to a land form or
land mass.
a) erosion
b) deposition
c) mouth
d) divide
Ans: b
117- ______________________ is the amount of water a river or stream can carry
in a given amount of time.
a) Load
b) Gradient
c) Discharge
d) Alluvium
Ans: c
118- Deposition is likely to occur in a river
a) on the outside bank, when the water speeds up
b) on the outside bank where the water slows down
c) along the inside bank where the water speeds up
d) along the inside bank where the water slows down
Ans: d
119- Which letter has a higher velocity?
a) A
b) B
Ans: a
120- Which letter has the lowest velocity?
a) A
b) B
Ans: b
121- Which letter has the most erosion occurring?
a) A
b) B
Ans: a
122- ______________________ is the total of dissolved and suspended sediments
and those that roll or bounce along the bed.
a) Load
b) Gradient
c) Discharge
d) Alluvium
Ans: a
123- What is the process during which a stream resumes downcutting toward its
base level, increasing its rate of flow?
a) Base Level
b) Meander
c) Delta
d) Rejuvenation
Ans: d
124- Soil with vegetation allows __________ water to infiltrate than soil without
a) more
b) less
c) the same amount
d) Multiple Choice
Ans: a
125- What are the conditions that cause runoff water?
a) Slope
b) Soil Composition
c) Rate of Precipitation
d) Vegetation
e) all of the above
Ans: e
126- How are materials carried in streams?
a) In Suspension
b) Bed Load
c) In Solution
d) all of the above
Ans: d
127- Carrying capacity depends on which two factors?
a) Velocity
b) Amount of Water
c) Slope
d) Temperature
e) Soil Composition
f) a&b
Ans: f
128- In a meander, the water on the outside ________________?
a) Erodes the Stream Bank
b) Deposits Sediment
Ans: a
129- In a meander, the water on the inside ________________?
a) Erodes the Stream Bank
b) Deposits Sediment
Ans: b
130- What land feature is an example of a stream that has experienced
a) Grand Canyon
b) Mount Rushmore
c) Lake Superior
d) Great Plains
Ans: a
131- What is the never-ending, natural circulation of water through Earth’s
a) Water Cycle
b) Carbon Cycle
c) Nitrogen Cycle
Ans: a
132- On a straight river, the fastest flowing water is...
a) at the surface
b) to the left
c) directly in the middle
d) on the outside bend
Ans: c
133- On a meander, the fastest flowing part of the river is...
a) the outside bend
b) the inside bend
c) the left hand side
d) the middle
Ans: a
134- Why do rivers become wider downstream? (Select all that apply)
a) There is more lateral erosion
b) Tributaries feed the rivers more water
c) There is more space for them to spread out
d) They carry more sediment
e) a&b
Ans: e
135- Which type of erosion is more common in the middle course of a river?
a) Vertical
b) Lateral
Ans: b
136- On the outside bend of a meander, what types of erosion cause the river cliff
to collapse into the river? (Select all that apply)
a) Abrasion
b) Attrition
c) Solution
d) Hydraulic action
e) a&d
Ans: e
137- What feature is being described here? The inside bank of a meander on a river
where sedimentary material is deposited as a result of the slower flow rate
a) Overhang
b) River cliff
c) Slip-off slope
d) Meander
Ans: c
138- When energy levels drop in a river, which type of sediments are deposited
a) Large, heavy sediments
b) Small, very fine sediments
c) Sand/silt sediments
d) Pebbles and small rocks
Ans: a
139- When a meander becomes very
pronounced, this feature is formed.
What is it called?
a) U bend
b) Horse shoe lake
c) Oxbow lake
d) An undercut
Ans: c
140- The arrows in the river
indicate where the maximum flow
of the river is. What concept
determines where it goes?
a) Inertia/centrifugal force
b) Slope
c) Gravity
d) Friction
Ans: a
141- What would the river channel look like from B to B'
a) b)
Ans: b
142- What would the river channel look like from A to A'
a) b)
Ans: c
143-What would the river channel look like from C to C'
a) b)
Ans: b
144- What factor(s) determine a river's ability to erode sediment?
a) Velocity
b) Gradient
c) Discharge
d) Stream Channel Shape
e) All of the above
Ans: e
145- What is Helicoidal Flow?
a) the fastest flow
b) corkscrew flow
c) slowest flow
d) turbulent water
Ans: b
146- What is the thalweg?
a) the inside bend
b) the line of fastest flow in a river
c) the fastest flow
d) deepest part of the meander
Ans: b
147-The following are modes of sediment transport in a stream.
a. saltation
b. traction
c. suspension
d. all of the above
Ans: d
148-The traction load in a river moves:
a. along the sides of the river during high flow
b. along the sides of the river during low flow
c. along the river bottom
d. in the water above the river bottom
Ans: c
149-The suspended load in a river moves:
a. along the sides of the river during high flow
b. along the sides of the river during low flow
c. along the river bottom
d. in the water above the river bottom
Ans: d
150-the saltation load in a river moves:
a. along the sides of the river during high flow
b. along the sides of the river during low flow
c. along the river bottom
d. in the water above the river bottom
Ans: c
151-The saltation load moves by:
a. sliding and rolling along the river bottom
b. hopping and skipping along the river bottom
c. transport within the moving water
d. hopping, skipping, sliding, and rolling along the river bottom
Ans: b
152-The traction load moves by:
a. sliding and rolling along the river bottom
b. hopping and skipping along the river bottom
c. transport within the moving water
d. hopping, skipping, sliding, and rolling along the river bottom
Ans: a
153-The suspended load moves by:
a. sliding and rolling along the river bottom
b. hopping and skipping along the river bottom
c. transport within the moving water
d. hopping, skipping, sliding, and rolling along the river bottom
Ans: c
154-This sediment load type is likely characterized by the coarsest (largest) sediment in the
a. creep
b. saltation
c. traction
d. suspension
Ans: c
155-This sediment load type is likely characterized by the finest (smallest) sediment in the
a. creep
b. saltation
c. traction
d. suspension
Ans: d
156-Most sediment is transported during _____.
a. low flow
b. high flow
c. neither low flow or high flow
Ans: b
157-Higher flow velocities are needed to move:
a. the smallest particles
b. the largest particles
c. the suspended load
d. the more angular particles
Ans: b
158-Compare the surface water conditions between low flow and high flow. When water moves
at higher velocity, it moves in a more chaotic fashion which is termed turbulent flow. Most of the
sediment is transported in the stream during what conditions?
a. slow-moving flow
b. disturbed or chaotic flow
c. quiet, tranquil flow
d. both (a) and (c)
Ans: b
159-When would you expect high flow in a stream?
a. during drought conditions
b. during periods of great snowfall
c. during periods of intense rains
d. during periods of light rains
Ans: c
160-Clay and silt particles are typically moved through this transport process.
a. suspension
b. saltation
c. traction
d. dissolved
Ans: a
161-When does most erosion of the margins take place?
a. during high flood
b. during low flood
Ans: a
162-If you construct a home near the margins of a river, you are more likely in danger due to
flooding during:
a. high flow
b. low flow
Ans: a
163-Friction influences flow velocities in a stream. Where water contacts the floor or banks of
the stream, friction is greater. Where would you expect the highest flow velocities?
a. near the sides of the river
b. near the floor of the river bed
c. in the middle of the channel
d. the velocities are similar everywhere in the channel
Ans: c
Ans: d
176-• Erosion of the landscape occurs:
Ans: b
177-Oxbow lakes form as a result of:
Ans: a
178-What happens to the length of a river after an oxbow lake develops?
a. it increases
b. it decreases
c. it stays the same
d. it increases, then decreases
Ans: b
179- The area over which the stream migrates is:
Ans: a
180-The timeframe for the development of the meandering stream is in the order of
_____________ years
a. days to weeks
b. 10s to 100s of years
c. 1000s of years
d. millions of years
Ans: b
181-What is a floodplain?
Ans: d
182- Floodplains form:
a. when meandering streams migrate side to side widening the plain via erosion
b. when the river erodes deeper into the landscape
c. during dry seasons
d. both (a) and (c)
Ans: a
183 -With time, what happens to the floodplain?
a. it narrows
b. it deepens
c. it is destroyed by flooding
d. it widens
Ans: d
184-The timeframe for the development of the floodplain widening is in the order of
_____________ years.
a. days-weeks
b. 10s or 100s of years
c. 1000s of years
d. millions of years
Ans: c
185- When a river floods, the sediments deposit on the floodplain. These sediments are termed:
a. fluvial deposits
b. alluvial deposits
c. lateral moraines
d. oxbow deposits
Ans: b
186- When a river floods, alluvial sediments are also deposited in oxbow lakes. What eventually
happens to the lakes?
Ans: a
187-When rivers overflow, what is being carried onto the floodplain?
a. sediment
b. oil
c. gas
d. algae
Ans: a
188- Through time, what happens to the meanders in the river?
Ans: b
189- The timeframe for the development of river flooding and alluvial deposition is in the
order_______ years.
a. days-weeks
b. 10s or 100s of years
c. 1000s of years
d. millions of years
Ans: a
190-Depending on the topography of the river basin, into how many classifications the river
reaches are divided?
a) 3
b) 4
c) 5
d) 1
Ans: a
191-Which stage of the river is formed by erosion?
a) Aggrading
b) Tidal Rivers
c) Boulder River Stage
d) Rocky River Stage
Ans: d
192-The rivers in hills are further classified into how many groups?
a) 4
b) 2
c) 3
d) 6
Ans: b
193-What type of river stage widens the bed?
a) Degrading
b) Incised River Stage
c) Boulder River Stage
d) Stable Type
Ans: c
194-In what reaches the river flows in a zigzag manner?
a) Boulder River Stage
b) Lower Reaches
c) Degrading
d) Tidal Rivers
Ans: b
195-Into how many groups the rivers in floodplains can further be divided?
a) 5
b) 6
c) 4
d) 3
Ans: a
196-In the meandering process on which side of the bank erosion takes place?
a) Convex Side
b) Bottom of the River
c) Concave Side
d) Due to Sediment Load
Ans: c
197-In which type of river building up of slope is present?
a) Deltaic
b) Stable type
c) Degrading Type
d) Aggrading Type
Ans: d
198-In which type of river there is a reduction of the available slope?
a) Braided
b) Stable Type
c) Aggrading Type
d) Degrading Type
Ans: d
199-What type
of river does the
a) Braided
b) Aggrading Type River
c) Degrading type River
d) Stable Type River
Ans: a
200-A river before joining the sea or ocean gets divided into branches.
a) False
b) True
Ans: b
201-A river which does not change its alignment, slope is called a stable river.
a) True
b) False
Ans: a
202-A dendritic stream pattern will tend to develop in __________ .
Ans: d
203-Point bars are deposited _____________ .
Ans: a
204-As a river overflows its banks during flood, it drops much of its coarser-grained load
immediately, forming landforms called ___________ .
b-alluvial fans
c-natural levees
d-point bars
Ans: c
205-A river flows into a quiet lake and begins to form a ____________ .
b-alluvial fans
c-natural levees
d-point bars
Ans: a
206-Which one of the following generally decreases downstream along the length of a stream?
a-channel width
b-channel depth
Ans: c
207-Which of the following statements about fluid flow is false?
a-as the velocity of a stream increases, laminar flow may change to turbulent flow
b-the viscosity of most fluids increases as temperature increases
c-most streams and rivers are turbulent
d-the more viscous the fluid, the more likely the flow is laminar
Ans: b
208-What type of flow can transport gravel and cobbles?
c-both A and B
d-neither A nor B
Ans: b
209-Particles that roll and slide along the river bottom are called _________ .
a-bed load
b-suspended load
c-dissolved load
d-none of the above
Ans: a
210-What type of material is most likely to be transported as suspended load?
d-depends on the "energy" of the stream
Ans: d
211-Suspended load includes material ___________ .
Ans: b
212-The speed at which suspended particles become part of the bed load of a stream is called the
____________ .
a-discharge velocity
c-settling velocity
Ans: c
213-Running water erodes solid rock by _________ .
b-chemical and physical weathering
c-undercutting action of currents
d-all of the above
Ans: d
214-At a bend in a river, _________ occurs on the outside of the bend and ________ occurs on
the inside of the bend.
a-erosion ..... deposition
b-deposition ...... erosion
c-erosion .......erosion
d-deposition ..... deposition
Ans: a
215-Which of the following does not determine whether a stream is straight, braided, or
a-flow volume
b-sediment load
c-riverbank erodibility
d-length of river
Ans: d
216-The volume of water flowing past a point in a given time is called the __________.
Ans: c
217-What is the probability of a 50-year flood occuring next year?
d-cannot be determined from the information given
Ans: a
218-The shape of the longitudinal profile of all streams is __________ .
Ans: c
219-If sea level were to rise, the slope of the longitudinal profile of many rivers would
_________ .
c-first increase, then decrease
d-first decrease, then increase
Ans: b
220-If a dam is built, sediment will ________ on the upstream side of the dam and sediment will
________ on the downstream side of the dam.
Ans: b
221-Terraces are remnants of former ___________ .
c-floodplain deposits
d-alluvial fans
Ans: a
222-What type of drainage pattern would you expect to find on a volcano?
Ans: c
223-What type of drainage pattern would you expect to find where rapid weathering along joints
in bedrock controls the course of streams?
Ans: b
224-A delta is made up of sediments ____________ .
a-deposited at the mouth of a river
b-deposited on the inside of a meander loop
c-deposited at a mountain front
d-deposited on the outside of a meander loop
Ans: a
225-Which of the following processes is the most important erosional force?
Ans: a
226-About how much dissolved materials do rivers transport each year?
Ans: c
227-Since humans began to actively affect their environment, how much has sediment transport
by streams increased?
Ans: c
228-Which of the following flows is most likely to be turbulent?
Ans: d
229-What type of material is most likely to be transported as suspended load?
a-clay particles
b-sand particles
c-gravel particles
d-all of these are equally likely to be transported as suspended load
Ans: a
230-Which of the following statements about streams is false?
a-for the same discharge, laminar flows generally carry more sediment than turbulent flows
b-faster currents can carry larger particles than slower currents
c-smaller particles settle more slowly than larger particles
d-the base level is the lowest level to which a stream can erods
Ans: c
231-Gravel-sized particles are transported by rivers as ________.
a-suspended load
b-bed load
c-dissolved load
d-all of these
Ans: b
232-The intermittent jumping motion of sand grains along a river bottom is called ______.
Ans : a
233-During turbulen flow, smaller grains will not _________.
Ans: c
234-Which of the following stream velocities will lead to the largest sand dunes?
d-very high
Ans: c
235-Potholes in river bottom bedrock are formed by _____.
a-the impacy of a large rock moved by a strong current which makes a "crater"
b-the grinding action of a pebble or cobble in a swirling eddy
c-cascading water from a waterfall which wears away the rock
d-none of the above
Ans: b
Ans: A
237-Of the choices show below, the most common mature cross-sectional river valley profile is _____?
Ans: C
238-What is the term for a curved sandbar that forms on the inside curve of a stream?
b-point bar
Ans: b
In this figure the arrow is pointing to a(n) _________?
b-point bar
c-natural levee
d-oxbow lake
Ans: d
240-Natural levees are made up of ___________.
Ans: b
241-Natural levees are built up by _________.
Ans: c
242-For a given river, which of the following floods would have the largest discharge?
a-a 5-year
b-a 20-year flood
c-a 100-year
d-one cannot be determined from the informaiton given
Ans: c
243-Which of the following statements regarding floods is true?
Ans: c
244-What is the primary reason sediment is deposited in large cone-shaped deposits at mountain
Ans: a
245-River terraces are composed of ________ and form as a result of rapid _______
Ans: d
246-If a stream breaks through a divide and captures drainage from the competing stream it is
a-competitive capture
b-competitive erosion
c-stream piracy
d-stream capture
Ans: c
Ans: a
248-In this map view, the stream is flowing _______
Ans: a
249-How far can large rivers, such as the Amazon, maintain a current out to sea?
b-tens of meters
c-hundreds of meters
d-many kilometers
Ans: d
250-Which of the following beds in a lake-delta consists of thin horizontal layers of mud?
c-bottomset beds
d-all of these
Ans: c
251-Why is the Missippi delta so large?
Ans: d
252-The east coast of North America lacks deltas because ________
Ans: a
253-The variously shaped depressions of different dimensions that are developed in the riverbed
are called __________
a) Potholes
b) Cavities
c) Dents
d) Craters
Ans: a
254-Every major river is associated with a valley of its own.
a) True
b) False
Ans: a
255-Magnificent jumps made by a stream or river water at certain specific parts of their course
where there is a sudden and considerable drop in the gradient of the channel are called
a) Streams
b) Hydraulic jumps
c) Waterfalls
d) Knick-jumps
Ans: c
256-The most common type of flood plains are __________
a) Flat flood plains
b) Simple flood plains
c) Compound flood plains
d) Complex flood plains
Ans: d
257-Alluvial deposits of roughly triangular shape that are deposited by major rivers at their
mouths are called __________
a) Deltas
b) Backwaters
c) Lakes
d) Streams
Ans: a
258-A typical delta is made of how many layers?
a) 2
b) 3
c) 5
d) 4
Ans: b
259-The fore-set beds are intermediate layers.
a) True
b) False
Ans: a
260-The condition not favouring the formation of delta is __________
a) Absence of strong sea currents
b) Presence of good quality of load
c) Slope of seashore where the stream enters must be gentle
d) Presence of strong sea currents
Ans: d
261-Places of steep drops in elevation in the course of a river are called __________
a) Depressions
b) Cavities
c) Knickpoints
d) Nickopoints
Ans: c
262-What is the stage when the bankfull stage is crossed?
a) Overflow stage
b) Flood stage
c) Dead stage
d) Excess stage
Ans: b
263-The distance water travels in a unit time is __________
a) Speed
b) Unit speed
c) Velocity
d) Acceleration
Ans: c
264-What is the term defining the capacity of a river to transport the material?
a) Gradient
b) Competence
c) Flow type
d) Fluvial
Ans: b
265-he term which is a function of cross-sectional area of the channel and flow velocity is
a) Gradient
b) Competence
c) Discharge
d) Stream line
Ans: c
266-The mechanical loosening and removal of the material from the rocks due to pressure
exerted by the running water is called __________
a) Gradient
b) Weathering
c) Hydraulic action
d) Cavitation
Ans: c
267-Which among the following is not true about cavitation?
a) It occurs everywhere
b) It is distinct process
c) It is a rare process
d) It is observed where river water acquires exceptionally high velocity
Ans: a
268-There is a spontaneous change from liquid to vapour state and back to liquid state at the
point of fall of waterfall.
a) True
b) False
Ans: a
269-What is the principal method of stream erosion and involves wearing away of the bedrocks?
a) Hydraulic action
b) Abrasion
c) Attrition
d) Corrosion
Ans: b
270-Factor which doesn’t affect velocity is __________
a) Gradient of the channel
b) Volume of the water in the stream
c) Type of water flowing
d) Roughness of the channel
Ans: c
271-The scouring and silting on the river banks raise the flood levels for the particular discharge.
a) True
b) False
Ans: a
272-The phenomenon of sediment transport increases maintenance work and sometimes leads to
huge economic loss.
a) True
b) False
Ans: a
273-Which of the following statement is wrong?
a) The design and execution of flood control scheme is chiefly governed by the peak flood levels
b) Silting of reservoirs and rivers is an important aspect of sediment control
c) The storage capacity of the reservoir is reduced by its silting
d) Natural rivers used for navigation rarely gets silted up posing no cost issues
Ans: d
274-BEAST Stands for _______________
a) Benthic Environmental Assessment Sediment Tool
b) Benthic Environmental Achievement Sediment Tool
c) Benthic Environment Achievement Sediment Task
d) Benthic Erosion Assessment Sediment tool
Ans: a
275- Which of the following best describes a stream “gradient”?
a) The increase in discharge of a stream per unit drop in elevation.
b) The water pressure at the bottom of the stream divided by the stream width.
c) The distance traveled by water in a channel times a drop in elevation.
d) The drop in elevation of a stream divided by the distance the water travels.
Ans: d
276- In general, as you move away from the headwaters of a stream, ........
a) Flood plain width decreases
b) Flood plain width increases
c) Discharge decreases
d) Elevation increases
Ans: b
277- The illustration shows meandering stream, the
erosion occurs on .........
a) The outside of the meander in (1)
b) The inside of the meander in (1)
c) The outside of the meander in (2)
d) The inside of the meander in (2)
Ans: c
278- The fastest stream flow either in the center of straight channels or on the outside of bends in
the stream because........
a) there is more interference to the flow in these places.
b) there is less interference to the flow in these places.
c) there is less interference to the flow in these places & water is forced to the outside of bends.
d) water is forced to the inside of bends.
Ans: c
279- The velocity of a stream increase in the downstream direction despite the gradient
decreasing in the downstream direction because............
a) there is more obstruction to flow in the low-gradient areas of the channel relative to the
slower-moving headwaters region of the flow.
b) there is less obstruction to flow in the headwaters region relative to the smaller, more
turbulent channels of the lower gradient region
c) There is much less obstruction to the flow in the headwaters region, and the channel is much
smaller, allowing the water to move faster
d) there is more obstruction to flow in the headwaters region relative to the larger, more placid-
flowing channels of the lower gradient region.
Ans: b
280- What conditions are required for a meandering channel to form?
a) low gradient, easily eroded banks
b) a fault or joint system
c) high gradient, deep water
d) high gradient, shallow water
Ans: a
281- Why can high-gradient streams move large sediment particles?
a) Because it makes the stream flow go faster.
b) Because it can make cupcakes
c) Because it can exert large forces on the stream bed.
d) Because of down cutting
Ans: c
282- Stream discharge is.........
a) a term used for a small stream.
b) the volume of water passing a point along the river in a unit of time.
c) an erosion of a valley by a stream.
d) the area of a river valley next to the channel
Ans: b
284- Sediment that are carried and deposited by low-gradient streams are........
a) gravel & sand
b) gravel & silt
c) silt & clay
d) sand & clay
Ans: c
285- What evidence can tell that a stream was once subjected to periods of
very high-velocity flow?
a) Clay & silt deposited in the streambed
b) sand deposited in the streambed
c) gravels deposited in the streambed
d) Large, rounded boulder in the streambed
Ans: d
286- When a river starts meandering, the sediment carrying capacity:
a) First increases and ultimately decreases
b) First decreases and ultimately increases
c) Remains unaffected as the plan shape changes continue
d) Changes erratically all the time leaving permanent braids
Ans: b
287- When compared to the lower parts of drainage basins, we can generalize that in the upper parts of
drainage basins the
a) Contour lines are typically spaced more closely
b) Streams have higher gradients
c) Streams have higher discharges
d) a&b
Ans: d
288- The faster the stream flow, the more the stream can erode sediment. Which of the following is NOT
a factor that influences velocity of a stream?
a) the discharge
b) the shape, size and roughness of the channel
c) the infiltration capacity
d) the gradient
Ans: c
Which of the following is the load size of the river in high-gradient stream (Diameter "mm")?
a) < 2 mm
b) 256 mm
c) 64- 256mm
d) 0,062- 2mm
Ahmed Essam
Ahmed Tolba
Beshoy Hany
Farah Bahaa
Magda Abdelaty