Remotesensing 13 00705 v3
Remotesensing 13 00705 v3
Remotesensing 13 00705 v3
Canopy Top, Height and Photosynthetic Pigment Estimation
Using Parrot Sequoia Multispectral Imagery and the Unmanned
Aerial Vehicle (UAV)
Veronika Kopačková-Strnadová 1, * , Lucie Koucká 1 , Jan Jelének 1 , Zuzana Lhotáková 2 and Filip Oulehle 1
1 Czech Geological Survey, Klárov 3, 11821 Prague, Czech Republic; (L.K.); (J.J.); (F.O.)
2 Department of Experimental Plant Biology, Faculty of Science, Charles University, Viničná 5,
12844 Prague, Czech Republic;
* Correspondence:; Tel.: +420-257-089-481
Abstract: Remote sensing is one of the modern methods that have significantly developed over the
last two decades and, nowadays, it provides a new means for forest monitoring. High spatial and
temporal resolutions are demanded for the accurate and timely monitoring of forests. In this study,
multi-spectral Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) images were used to estimate canopy parameters
(definition of crown extent, top, and height, as well as photosynthetic pigment contents). The UAV
images in Green, Red, Red-Edge, and Near infrared (NIR) bands were acquired by Parrot Sequoia
camera over selected sites in two small catchments (Czech Republic) covered dominantly by Norway
spruce monocultures. Individual tree extents, together with tree tops and heights, were derived
from the Canopy Height Model (CHM). In addition, the following were tested: (i) to what extent can
Citation: Kopačková-Strnadová, V.; the linear relationship be established between selected vegetation indexes (Normalized Difference
Koucká, L.; Jelének, J.; Lhotáková, Z.; Vegetation Index (NDVI) and NDVIred edge ) derived for individual trees and the corresponding
Oulehle, F. Canopy Top, Height and
ground truth (e.g., biochemically assessed needle photosynthetic pigment contents) and (ii) whether
Photosynthetic Pigment Estimation
needle age selection as a ground truth and crown light conditions affect the validity of linear models.
Using Parrot Sequoia Multispectral
The results of the conducted statistical analysis show that the two vegetation indexes (NDVI and
Imagery and the Unmanned Aerial
NDVIred edge ) tested here have the potential to assess photosynthetic pigments in Norway spruce
Vehicle (UAV). Remote Sens. 2021, 13,
forests at a semi-quantitative level; however, the needle-age selection as a ground truth was revealed
rs13040705 to be a very important factor. The only usable results were obtained for linear models when using
the second year needle pigment contents as a ground truth. On the other hand, the illumination
Academic Editor: Luke Wallace conditions of the crown proved to have very little effect on the model’s validity. No study was found
to directly compare these results conducted on coniferous forest stands. This shows that there is a
Received: 12 January 2021 further need for studies dealing with a quantitative estimation of the biochemical variables of nature
Accepted: 12 February 2021 coniferous forests when employing spectral data that were acquired by the UAV platform at a very
Published: 16 February 2021 high spatial resolution.
Publisher’s Note: MDPI stays neutral Keywords: UAV; Parrot Sequoia multispectral camera; photosynthetic pigments; Norway spruce;
with regard to jurisdictional claims in
forest; linear models; ground truth; needle age; crown detection
published maps and institutional affil-
1. Introduction
Forests play a significant role in the Earth’s ecosystems and they contribute greatly
Copyright: © 2021 by the authors.
to reducing adverse climate change impacts. They provide a natural environment for
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.
many species of animals and plants, represent a significant carbon sink, and support an
This article is an open access article
effective hydrological cycle. In addition, forests serve as an important source of timber
distributed under the terms and
conditions of the Creative Commons
and other non-wood materials [1,2]. At the beginning of the 1980s forest health and the
Attribution (CC BY) license (https://
sustainability of their ecosystems became a highly discussed topic for politicians, the public,
and scientists due to the aforementioned functions of forests and the increasing level of
4.0/). damage they suffer [3].
In Europe, temperate forests are mainly affected by climate change and air pollu-
tion [4,5]. During the 20th century, the region on the Czech, Polish, and German borders
was influenced by extensive coal mining, which was linked to large emissions of SO2
and NOx from power plants [6,7]. In order to monitor the process of ecosystem recovery
after the reduction in pollution that started in the 1980s and accelerated in the 1990s, the
Geochemical Monitoring network of small catchments (GEOMON) was initiated across
the Czech Republic. Since 1993, when the GEOMON network began, the data that were
collected from observations of these catchments have been used for many studies [7,8]
mainly corresponding to catchment biogeochemistry (e.g., [6,9–13]). The recent study that
was published by Švik et al. [7] supplied the aforementioned research that was based
on field observations using remote sensing methods that have been also employed in
this study.
Remote sensing techniques have been frequently used to study forest areas for multiple
purposes over the last decade. They have been proven to be less costly and time-consuming
alternatives to ground level research [14]. Satellite and aerial imagery have offered an
opportunity to investigate forests at the regional scale, for example, to estimate forest
biomass, monitor forest cover changes, or classify types of biome [15–18]. The use of
airborne multispectral and hyperspectral sensors has led to closer forest observation, such
as the classification of tree species, monitoring forest health, or estimating chlorophyll
content [19–24]. The newly developed Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) complement the
established remote sensing (RS) methods. UAVs have increased the number of benefits,
such as acquiring extreme high-spatial resolution data, flexibility in usage and over time,
and the capacity to carry various sensors, such as a multispectral camera, to observe
vegetation health [25,26].
Most of the studies use a combination of UAV complemented by a multispectral
sensor to analyse agriculture crops for precision farming (e.g., tomato, vineyard, or wheat
production), where they usually employ Vegetation Indices (VIs), such as the Normalized
Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), the Green Normalized Difference Vegetation Index
(GNDVI), or the Soil Adjusted Vegetation Index (SAVI), to monitor crop health [27–32].
Authors monitoring vineyards described the use of multispectral and thermal sensors in
combination to obtain additional information about crop water status [33–35].
When assessing the foliage traits of forest trees, it is necessary to take the tree size,
branch geometry, and tree density, respectively, foliage clumping into account [36]. Dealing
with evergreens, particularly conifers, a higher level of complexity emerges as different
needle age generations contribute to the final signal received by the sensor. These might be
the main reasons why, despite the high potential of UAVs, not many studies have dedicated
an analysis of multispectral data for assessing forests. Recently, UAV-based multispectral
sensing has been used for high-throughput monitoring of the photosynthetic activity in a
white spruce (Picea glauca) seedling plantation [37]. A few more studies on forest health
assessment using the UAVs and multispectral cameras have been published so far. Dash
et al. [38] demonstrated the usefulness of such approaches for monitoring physiological
stress in mature plantation trees, even during the early stages of tree stress when using a
non-parametric approach for the qualitative classification. Chianucci et al. [39] used the true
colour images, together with a fixed-wing UAV, to quantify the canopy cover and leaf area
index of beech forest stands. Dash et al. [40] tested the sensitivity of the multispectral image
data time-series that were acquired by the UAV platform and satellite imagery to detect
herbicide-induced stress in a controlled experiment conducted on a mature Pinus radiata
plantation. Other successful qualitative forest classifications have been demonstrated
while using UAVs together with multispectral [41,42] and hyperspectral cameras [43,44]. A
pioneer approach for estimating tree-level attributes and multispectral indices using UAV
in a pine clonal orchard was recently published by Gallardo-Salazar and Pompa-García [45].
All of these studies listed above deal with qualitative forest classifications, so, a need for
quantitative approaches, focusing on forest biochemical variable estimations employing
UAV-based multispectral sensing, is clearly demanded.
Remote Sens. 2021, 13, 705 3 of 26
Figure 1.
Figure 1. Location
Location of
of the
the test
test sites Pluhův
sites Pluh ův Bor and Lysina
Bor and Lysina in
in the
the Czech
Czech Republic,
Republic, Europe:
Europe: (a)
(a) the
the test
test sites
sites displayed
displayed on
on aa
map of the Czech Republic; (b) maps of the Lysina and Pluhův Bor catchments with tree stands highlighted;
map of the Czech Republic; (b) maps of the Lysina and Pluhův Bor catchments with tree stands highlighted; an Orthophoto an
Orthophoto of the Czech Republic in the background [61].
of the Czech Republic in the background [61].
2.3. UAV
2.3. UAV Data
Data Acquisition
2.3.1. Equipment
2.3.1. Equipment
In this
experiment, an an unmanned
unmanned aerial
aerial vehicle
vehicle DJI
DJI Phantom
Phantom 44 (SZ
Co., Ltd. [65]) was employed (Figure 2b). It is a widely used quadcopter weighing1380
Ltd. [65]) was employed (Figure 2b). It is a widely used quadcopter weighing 1380gg
with RGB camera in 4K (4096 ×
with an RGB camera in 4K (4096 × 2160 px) [66]. The UAV was complemented by
an 2160 px) [66]. The UAV was complemented by aa
ParrotSequoia scanning
Sequoia scanning system (senseFly
system Inc. [67]).
(senseFly The camera
Inc. [67]). was
The camera
specially designed
was specially to support
designed vegetation
to support studies;
vegetation therefore,
studies; besidesbesides
therefore, Red and Green
Red andbands,
bands,is athere
bandisplaced in the
a band Red in
placed edge
theregion as well
Red edge as one
region asband
in the(NIR)
(Table 3).
infrared (NIR) (Table 3).
The Parrot Sequoia consists of two parts—the main camera and a sunshine sensor
The Parrot Sequoia consists of two parts—the main camera and a sunshine sensor
calibrating the measured
calibrating the measured spectral
spectral radiation
radiation by
by the
the main
sensor. These
These two
two parts
parts of
multispectral camera were attached to the drone by mounts that were designed
multispectral camera were attached to the drone by mounts that were designed by the by the
CGS team
CGS team (Figure
2a). The
The 3D
3D models
models ofofmounts
important to make a free space for the GPS sensor to ensure good signal reception. The
holder for the sunshine sensor had to be placed in a manner, so as not to have any contact
Remote Sens. 2021, 13, 705 6 of 26
with the propellers (Figure 2a). The mounts were printed using the Prusa i3 3D printer
(Prusa Research a.s. [68]).
First, the DMR 5G data (original spatial resolution 0.5 m) were resampled to a Seq
DSM spatial resolution of 16–25 cm, and Seq DSM was calibrated by DMR 5G elevation to
obtain proper results. The calibration was performed at each site by extracting the average
heights from the Seq DSM of a clearing or forest path, then it was possible to compare this
height value with the average site altitude derived from the DMR 5G. The elevation of the
Seq DSM was then corrected by this difference.
The following procedure was employed to derive tree tops. Focal statistics was
employed to the CHM raster to get rid of noisy pixels and a new dataset was created
(CHMfoc). The best results were achieved when using the maximum value and a 5 × 5-
pixel window, according to the empirical tests carried out [76]. A window with a smaller
size caused frequent double peak detection. On the other hand, a bigger window did not
identify a sufficient number of tree peaks. The tree tops were detected by identifying the
Remote Sens. 2021, 13, 705 7 of 2
Remote Sens. 2021, 13, 705 5x5-pixel window, according to the empirical tests carried out [76]. A window 7 of 26 with a
smaller size caused frequent double peak detection. On the other hand, a bigger window
did not identify a sufficient number of tree peaks. The tree tops were detected by
local maximathe local
in the maxima
CHMfoc in the
raster. The CHMfoc raster.
representative Thefor
pixels representative pixels for the
the highest CHMfoc
highest CHMfoc values were then identified in the original CHM raster,
values were then identified in the original CHM raster, as it was important to keep the as it wa
original topositions
pixel keep theandoriginal
valuespixel positions
and the treetop and
pointvalues andderived
layer was the treetop point layer
[49]. Figure 3 wa
shows the[49].
tree Figure 3 shows workflow.
height detection the tree height detection workflow.
Figure Workflowused in this
used study
in this to detect
study tree height,
to detect crown crown
tree height, and top.and top.
In order to delineate the tree crowns, the workflow described by Jaakkola et al. [50]
In order to delineate the tree crowns, the workflow described by Jaakkola et al. [50
was followed, which used watershed analysis to identify tree crown borders using the
was followed,
CHM which
derived from used watershed
UAV-based analysis
laser scanning. First,to identify
inverse CHMtree crownwas
(iCHM) borders using the
where trees were visualized as depressions and treetops represented the lowest points in created
CHM derived from UAV-based laser scanning. First, inverse CHM (iCHM) was
the trees
digital were visualized
elevation model: as depressions and treetops represented the lowest points in
the digital elevation model: iCHM = CHM * (−1) (2)
The iCHM, together with the tree peak iCHM layer
= CHMrepresenting
* (−1) pour points, were used to (2
compute watershed regions. The watershed analysis showed good results, even in the
case of iCHM,
splitting together
two withnearby
or multiple the tree peak layer
standing representing
trees (Figure 4a). Treepour points,
borders were used to
in places
compute watershed regions. The watershed analysis showed good results, 4b),
with no connection to another tree crown were defined using a height mask (Figure even in the
more specifically
case of splitting excluding such areas
two or multiple where
nearby the CHM
standing altitude
trees was4a).
(Figure at least
m lowerin place
noactual lowest detected
connection tree.tree
to another Thiscrown
allowed for the
were space under
defined using the tree crowns
a height maskto(Figure
be 4b)
removed. Consequently, to only visualise sunlit crown parts convenient for the following
more specifically excluding such areas where the CHM altitude was at least 3 m lowe
multispectral analyses, the shadow mask was derived by thresholding the Red band of
than the actual lowest detected tree. This allowed for the space under the tree crowns to
the multispectral mosaic (Seq Mosaic) and selecting values lower than 0.04 [77]. In the
be removed.
next Consequently,
step, the height to only
mask was merged withvisualise
the shadow sunlit
(Figureparts convenient
4c). The final tree for the
crown multispectral
boundaries analyses,
were obtained by the shadow
applying themask
mergedwas derived
mask to theby thresholding
watershed layer the Red
band of the multispectral mosaic (Seq Mosaic) and
(Figure 4d), as a result the individual tree crowns were extracted.selecting values lower than 0.04 [77]
In the next step, the height mask was merged with the shadow mask (Figure 4c). The
final tree crown boundaries were obtained by applying the merged mask to the
watershed layer (Figure 4d), as a result the individual tree crowns were extracted.
Remote Sens.2021, 13, 705
2021, 13, 705 8 of 26 8 of 2
Figure An example
example of tree
of tree crown
crown detection
detection (tree peaks
(tree peaks visualized
visualized by greenby green
dots): (a) dots): (a) watershed
surrounding treetops
treetops (white
(white line)line)
splitsplit nearby
nearby trees—the
trees—the bordersborders are highlighted
are highlighted in red;
in red; DSM on DSM o
the background; (b)(b)
thethe height
height mask mask (yellow
(yellow line)one
line) cuts cuts one
side of side of the
the tree treein
crowns crowns
a placein a place
with a with
high altitude difference
difference (red(red highlight);
highlight); (c) the(c) the shadow
shadow mask line)
mask (orange (orange line)
reduces thereduces theofdark par
dark parts
of tree
tree crowns
crowns and completes
and completes the tree
the tree crown crown
borders; borders; multispectral
multispectral imagery from the imagery from the Parro
Parrot Sequoia
sensor on the background (false-colour composition: Green, Red, Red edge); and, (d) final resultand,
Sequoia sensor on the background (false-colour composition: Green, Red, Red edge); of (d) fina
result of tree crown
tree crown detection. detection.
using the RGB ortho-photomosaics, which were provided at the highest spati
based on thefor
resolution visual inspection
all image when using the RGB ortho-photomosaics, which were
provided at the highest spatial resolution for all image products.
It was then possible to define three scenarios for further analysis of th
It was then possible to define three scenarios for further analysis of the multispectral
data (Figure 5): data (Figure 5):
• • Scenario
Scenario 1: all
1: all of the
of the pixels
pixels representing
representing the whole
the whole tree have
tree crown crownbeenhave been average
and used
used forfor further
further statistical
statistical analysis.
• • Scenario
Scenario 2: pixels representinghigher-illumination
2: pixels representing the the higher-illumination
top parttop partcrown
of the of thehave
crown hav
been averaged
been averaged andandusedused
for further statistical
for further analysis.
statistical analysis.
• • Scenario 3: pixels
Scenario thatthat
3: pixels represent the lower-illumination
represent part of the
the lower-illumination partcrown
of thehave beenhave bee
averaged and used for further statistical analysis.
averaged and used for further statistical analysis.
Figure 5. 5. Parrot
Parrot Sequoia
Sequoia multispectral
multispectral data processing
data processing workflow
workflow chart. chart.
Foreach scenario,
each a linear
scenario, model
a linear between
model the derived
between VI values
the derived VI and corresponding
values and correspondin
ground truth (needle photosynthetic pigment contents defined in the laboratory) was
ground truth (needle photosynthetic pigment contents defined in the laboratory) wa
individually constructed. Different needle age generations contribute to the final image
individually constructed. Different needle age generations contribute to the final imag
pixel reflectance; however, it is still not clear what the optimal ground truth age proportion
is,pixel reflectance;
as already however,
mentioned. it is still not
The recommendation clear
given what
by [60] wasthe optimal
followed ground
to include nottruth ag
proportion is, as already mentioned. The recommendation given by [60]
only current (first year) but also older needles as a ground truth and four ground truthwas followed
include not
validation only current
age groups (first
were thus year) but also older needles as a ground truth and fou
• ground truth included
all needles validation age groups were thus created:
• • first
allyear needles
needles included
• • second
first year needlesincluded
year needles included
• second year needles included
• mixed sample of fourth year and older needles (hereinafter referred to as four
year for simplicity)
To evaluate the linear models, the coefficient of determination (R2) was used:
Remote Sens. 2021, 13, 705 10 of 26
• mixed sample of fourth year and older needles (hereinafter referred to as fourth year
for simplicity)
To evaluate the linear models, the coefficient of determination (R2 ) was used:
R2 = 1 − (4)
where SSres represents the residual sum of squares and SStot represents total sum of
squares [84].
3. Results
3.1. Photosynthetic Pigments
Laboratory analyses of needles that were collected as a ground truth showed typical
chlorophyll and carotenoid values (Table 4) for non-stressed mature Norway spruce trees
in a similar region and at a similar altitude [60,85]. This was despite the fact that forest in
the PLB catchment showed evidence of suppressed growth due to the nutritional stress that
is caused by the extreme chemistry of the underlying bedrock [86]. This further indicated
that photosynthetic pigment content alone provided a somewhat limited indication of
stressed trees. At both of the study sites, almost all trees exhibited the usual accumulation
of chlorophyll and carotenoids in older needles in comparison with the first year needles
(Table 4) [22,85,87–90].
Table 4. Mean contents of photosynthetic pigments based on in-situ needle samples for both catchments.
Catchment All Needles 1st Year Needles 2nd Year Needles 4+ Years Needles
Total Chlorophyll Lysina (LYS) 52.580 35.756 56.055 65.399
(µg·cm−2 ) Pluhův Bor (PLB) 44.425 31.148 43.895 57.172
Chlorophyll a Lysina (LYS) 37.939 26.124 40.679 46.637
(µg·cm−2 ) Pluhův Bor (PLB) 32.071 22.810 31.989 40.672
Chlorophyll b Lysina (LYS) 14.641 9.631 15.373 18.761
(µg·cm−2 ) Pluhův Bor (PLB) 12.354 8.343 11.904 16.500
Carotenoids Lysina (LYS) 6.724 4.400 7.018 8.602
(µg·cm−2 ) Pluhův Bor (PLB) 5.596 3.451 5.284 7.591
Figure 6. Example 6. Example (LYSsurvey
2K) of the UAV 2K) of the UAV
products survey
used in products
this study: usedorthomosaic
(a) the RGB in this study: (a)from
obtained the the
orthomosaic obtained from the DJI camera; (b) the multispectral mosaic derived from the Parrot
camera; (b) the multispectral mosaic derived from the Parrot Sequoia sensor (false-colour composition: Green, Red, Red
edge); and, Sequoia sensor
(c) the digital (false-colour
surface composition:
models (DSM) derived fromGreen, Red,
the Parrot Red multispectral
Sequoia edge); and, data.
(c) the digital surface
models (DSM) derived from the Parrot Sequoia multispectral data.
Table 5. The resulting spatial resolution and photogrammetric model errors of multispectral and RGB data.
Table 5. The resulting spatial resolution and photogrammetric model errors of multispectral and RGB data.
Parrot Sequoia-Multispectral Camera DJI Camera-RGB
Parrot Sequoia - Multispectral Camera DJI Camera - RGB
DSM (cm/px)
Orthomosaic Total Error Orthomosaic Total Error
DSM Site(cm/px) (cm/px) Vertical Error (m) Error
Total Orthomosaic Total Error(m)
t Site (Seq DSM)(cm/px) (Seq Mosaic)
Vertical Error (m) (m) (cm/px)
(Seq DSM) (m) (cm/px) (m)
LYS 1K (Seq
23.95 Mosaic) 5.99 0.78 1.02 2.26 0.77
S 1K 23.95
LYS 2K 16.41 5.99 4.09 0.78 0.55 1.02 0.67 2.26 1.12 0.77 1.14
16.41 19.64 4.09 4.91 0.55 0.65 0.67 0.94 1.12 2.17 1.14 0.79
19.64 23.30 4.91 5.82 0.65 0.51 0.94 0.82 2.17 2.05 0.79 0.71
PLB 3K 24.47 6.11 0.53 0.74 2.36 1.27
B 2K 23.30
PLB 5K 23.00
5.82 5.74
0.51 0.61
0.82 0.72
2.05 1.87
0.71 0.83
B 3K 24.47 6.11 0.53 0.74 2.36 1.27
B 5K 23.00 5.74 0.61 0.72 1.87 0.83
3.3. UAV Tree Height, Crown and Top Detection
3.3. UAV Tree Height,
The Crown and Top Detection
tree characteristics—height, crown, and top—derived from the CHM raster
The tree(Figure 7) were compared with the in-situ measurements that were collected in 2015 [62].
characteristics—height, crown, and top—derived from the CHM raster
Table 6 summarizes the evaluation statistics. One stand—LYS 1K—showed very high
(Figure 7) were compared with the in-situ measurements that were collected in 2015 [62].
error; for the other stands, the success rate for the tree top identification varied between
Table 6 summarizes
72 and 87%.the When
evaluation statistics.
checking One
the in-situ stand—LYS
data for LYS 1K,1K—showed
it was found thatverythis
stand is
error; for the represented
other stands, the success rate for the tree top identification varied between
by significantly younger trees with the highest trees measured around 12 m.
72 and 87 %. At When checkingstand
this particular the in-situ
the treesdata
werefor LYS
very 1K,and
dense it was found
rather short,that this stand
therefore is
tree detection
represented by significantly
could younger
be problematic. trees
As this with
stand the
also highestvery
obtained trees measured
high errors in around
all other 12 m.
statistics, it
was defined as an outlier and excluded from further statistics.
At this particular stand the trees were very dense and rather short, therefore tree In the case of tree crown
detection could estimation, the comparable
be problematic. As this success
standrate achieved
also varied
obtained verybetween 76–94%in(Table
high errors 6). In two
all other
cases, PLB 3K and PLB 5K, the tree crown detection results showed a higher number of es-
statistics, it was defined as an outlier and excluded from further statistics. In the case of
timated numbers than those that were measured in the field. This could be possibly caused
tree crown estimation, the comparable success rate achieved varied between 76–94%
by false crown splitting when using the tree shadow mask in the detection algorithm.
(Table 6). In two cases, PLB 3K and PLB 5K, the tree crown detection results showed a
higher number of estimated numbers than those that were measured in the field. This
could be possibly caused by false crown splitting when using the tree shadow mask in
the detection algorithm.
Remote Sens. 2021, 13, 705 12 of 26
Remote Sens. 2021, 13, 705 12 of 28
Figure 7.
Figure 7. Example
Example of
of result
and crown
crown detection
detection process:
process: (a)(a)
1K 1K
testtest location;
location; (b) LYS
(b) LYS 2K
2K test
test location. Green dots represent estimated tree peaks, yellow polygons delineate detected tree crowns and red-line
location. Green dots represent estimated tree peaks, yellow polygons delineate detected tree crowns and red-line polygons
polygons show the three trees at each stand which were sampled for photosynthetic pigment contents. The background
show the three trees at each stand which were sampled for photosynthetic pigment contents. The background image is the
image is the Multispectral Parrot Sequoia mosaic (false-colour composition: Green, Red, Red edge).
Multispectral Parrot Sequoia mosaic (false-colour composition: Green, Red, Red edge).
Table 6. Comparison between the number of detected tree peaks and crowns (Canopy Height Model (CHM)-estimated)
Table 6. Comparison
and in-situ measuredbetween
data. the number of detected tree peaks and crowns (Canopy Height Model (CHM)-estimated) and
in-situ measured data.
Success Rate of
Success Rate of
No. of Trees Measured No. of Detected Tree No. of Detected Tree Detected
Success Tree
Success Tree
Rate of Tops (%) Crowns Based on UAV (%) (Compared to the
Test Site In-Situ
No. of Trees(Above Set Peaks Based on UAV No. of Detected Detected Tree
(Compared to the Trees
In-SituMask) No. of Detected
Data Detected Tree Tops Data
Tree Crowns Trees Measured
Crowns (%)
Test Site Tree Peaks Based Measured
(%) (Compared toIn-Situ)
(Above Set Height Based on UAV In-Situ)
(Compared to the
LYS 1K on UAV Data45 Trees Measured
Mask) 177 25.42 Data 61 34.46
Trees Measured
LYS 2K 67 49 In-Situ)73.13 57 85.07
LYS 4K 25 18 72.00 19 76.00
1K 2K 177 34 45 25 25.42 73.53 61 31 34.46
2K 3K 67 15 49 13 73.13 86.66 57 17 85.07
4K 5K 25 32 18 26 72.00 81.25 19 34 76.00
PLB 2K 34 25 73.53 31 91.18
PLB 3K 15 The box 13 plots showing 86.66 the distributions of 17 tree height values 86.67 for all
PLB 5K 32 stands—CHM-derived
26 and in-situ—are
81.25 displayed in 34 Figure 8. Furthermore, 93.75 either all
trees were validated (LYS 4K—18 trees and PLB 3K—13 trees) or a comparable yet
representative number—in this case, the 20 tallest trees—were selected to validate the
The box plots showing the distributions of tree height values for all stands—CHM-
derivedstands (LYS 2K, PLB
and in-situ—are 5K, and
displayed in PLB
Figure2K). The averagedeither
8. Furthermore, CHM-estimated
all trees weretree height
values were compared with the in-situ data. It can be concluded
(LYS 4K—18 trees and PLB 3K—13 trees) or a comparable yet representative number—in that the tree height
values that
this case, thewere derived
20 tallest for these selected
trees—were trees from CHM were
to validate alwaysstands
the bigger higher(LYS
measurements, the differences ranged between 1.54–2.36 m (Table
and PLB 2K). The averaged CHM-estimated tree height values were compared with the 7). These differences
are most
in-situ probably
data. It canabe combination
concluded of thatthethe
vertical error of
tree height the Seq
values thatDSM
derived for m; Table
5) and tree growth between the years 2015 and 2018. Based on a relationship
trees from CHM were always higher than the in-situ measurements, the differences ranged between the
tree diameter at breast height (DBH) and height [62], the 2015–2018
between 1.54–2.36 m (Table 7). These differences are most probably a combination of the average height
vertical error was estimated
of the Seq DSMto(0.51–0.78
be 1.1+-0.5 m at 5)Lysina
m; Table and
and tree 0.4+-0.2
growth m atthe
between Pluhův Bor.
years 2015
However, the correlation between the estimated heights of the
and 2018. Based on a relationship between the tree diameter at breast height (DBH) and 20 tallest trees using
heightand [62],in-situ measuredaverage
the 2015–2018 data was high increment
height (Figure 9), was
as the coefficients
estimated of 1.1
to be determination
± 0.5 m at
(R 2) obtained were higher than 0.90 in four out of five cases.
Lysina and 0.4 ± 0.2 m at Pluhův Bor. However, the correlation between the estimated
heights of the 20 tallest trees using CHM and in-situ measured data was high (Figure 9),
as the coefficients of determination (R2 ) obtained were higher than 0.90 in four out of
five cases.
Remote Sens. 2021, 13, 705 13 of 2
Remote Sens.2021,
Sens. 13, 705
2021,13, 705 13 of 26 13 of 2
Figure 8. Tree height distribution visualized by box plots. Blue boxes represent trees detected b
Figure 8.8.Tree
Tree algorithm
height from
distribution UAV-based
visualized CHM
by box by data
plots. plots. (2018)
boxesBlue and trees
represent orange
represent boxes
detectedtrees display
by the b
the automatic
automatic of the
algorithm tree heights
from frommeasured
UAV-based UAV-based
CHM datain-situ
CHM 2015.
orange(2018) and orange
boxes display boxes display
the distribution of th
the tree heightsofmeasured
the tree heights
in-situ inmeasured
2015. in-situ in 2015.
Table 7. Comparison of average tree heights of the 20 tallest trees for each stand: CHM-estimated
Table heights and theofsitu
Comparison measured
of average
average data.
treetree heights
heights of theof20the 20 tallest
tallest trees
trees for forstand:
each each CHM-estimated
stand: CHM-estimated
tree heights and
and thethe
situsitu measured
Average Tree Top Average Tree Top Difference of
Test Site Average
Height Tree
Top Average
- Top Height
Tree (m)Tree
Average TreeTop
BasedTopon Difference
Average of
Difference of
Test Site Height (m) Based on Average Tree
Test Site Height
Height (m) - DataHeight
(m)-In-Situ (m) Based
the CHM Data on Average
Heights Tree
the CHM Data Heights (m)
LYS 2K In-Situ
13.33Data the CHM
14.87 Data Heights
1.54 (m)
LYS 2K 13.33 14.87 1.54
4K 13.33
24.3424.34 14.87
26.62 1.54
2K 24.34
27.0827.08 26.62
29.44 2.28
PLB 3K 22.86 24.63 1.77
3K 27.08
22.86 29.44
24.63 2.36
PLB 5K 23.95 25.70 1.75
PLB 5K3K 22.86
23.95 24.63
25.70 1.77
PLB 5K 23.95 25.70 1.75
Figure Linear regression
regression andand coefficients
coefficients of determination (R2 ): the(R
of determination 2): the CHM-estimated heights of
CHM-estimated heights of the
20 20 highest
Figure 9. trees trees
at each
Linear at each stand
stand compared
regression compared to the
to the in-situ
and coefficients in-situ
of determinationdata.(R ): the CHM-estimated heights of
Table 8. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) statistics obtained for tree crowns analysed at the two
sites: Lysina (LYS) and Pluhův Bor (PLB) catchments.
PC Component Eigenvalue Variance Cumulative Variance
1 0.01602 98.6427 98.6427
2 0.00015 0.9405 99.5832
3 0.00006 0.3733 99.9566
4 0.00001 0.0434 100
PC Component Eigenvalue Variance Cumulative variance
1 0.021 99.0774 99.0774
2 0.00014 0.6383 99.7157
3 0.00005 0.2335 99.9493
4 0.00001 0.0507 100
3.5. Relationship between Selected Vegetation Indexes and the Ground Truth
Both of the tested catchment areas were characterized by comparable NDVIred edge
values; however, a bigger difference in the NDVI values could be seen between the LYS
and PLB catchments (Table 9). In the methodological chapter (Section 2.5), three differ-
ent scenarios were defined to assess the relationship between the spectral indices and
photosynthetic pigments: Scenario 1: the whole crown (all pixels); Scenario 2: the top
and the higher-illuminated part of the tree crown; and, Scenario 3: the lower-illuminated
part of the tree crown. When comparing the results that were obtained for Scenarios 1–3
(Table 9, Figure 11), the NDVI index showed an almost negligible differences among all
three Scenarios, while the NDVIred edge index showed minimally larger differences among
the defined scenarios.
The linear models were built between the VIs (NDVI and NDVIred edge ) and the
ground truth (in-situ needle chlorophyll and carotenoid contents). The LYS 1K stand was
identified as an outlier, as mentioned in Section 3.3. Besides the significant differences in
tree age (Table 2), this stand was also characterized by a much higher tree density (field
observations—LAI at LYS 1K = 4.47 in comparison to LYS 2K = 3.58 and LYS 4K = 3.70).
High tree density indicated high VIs values; however, it did not correspond with rather low
values of chlorophyll content. Therefore, LYS 1K was excluded from the further statistics.
As a result, there were nine trees in total from the PLB catchment and six trees from the
LYS catchment that were used for this statistical assessment. Three different scenarios
the tree crown and Figure 10c shows the mean reflectance derived for the two
illumination scenarios per watershed. Clearly, Scenario 2 contains pixels that receive
higher-illumination (overall higher reflectance, significantly higher mean, minimum,
and maximum values in the Red Edge-NIR region) and Scenario 3 includes pixels that
receive the lower illumination (overall lower reflectance, significantly lower mean,
minimum, and maximum values in the Red Edge-NIR region). Zhang et al. [92]
Remote Sens. 2021, 13, 705 15 of 26
described the same trend at the leaf level.
Table 8. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) statistics obtained for tree crowns analysed at the
two sites: Lysina (LYS) and Pluhův Bor (PLB) catchments.
were used (Figures 12 and 13), LYS for which the VIs were correlated with the ground truth
PC Componentanalysis of Chlorophyll a and
Eigenvalue b and carotenoids)
Variance using
Cumulative four different needle age
groups1 too—all needles 0.01602 98.6427
together included, 98.6427
first year needles included, second year needles
2 0.00015 0.9405 99.5832
and four year old needles included,
0.00006 0.3733
as already 99.9566
described (Tables 10 and 11). A
similar4 pattern was identified,
0.00001 for both Vis.
0.0434 It can be concluded
100 that the results differ
significantly depending on what needle age group was used as ground truth. The worst
PC Component
results were obtainedEigenvalue
when the first year Variance
needle group Cumulative variance
was used (no correlation), followed
1 0.021 99.0774 99.0774
by the2 four year old needle
0.00014 group and all age
0.6383 needle group used as ground truth (very
weak correlation).
3 On 0.00005
the other hand, for0.2335
both VIs, the best99.9493
results were obtained when the
second4 year needle group
0.00001was used as ground
0.0507 truth. 100
representing Scenario 2 (the top higher-illumination part of the crown) and Scenario 3 (the
lower-illumination part of the crown); and, (c) mean reflectance per two illumination scenarios.
Vertical bars represent minimum and maximum values for each band and scenario.
3.5. Relationship between Selected Vegetation Indexes and the Ground Truth
Both of the tested catchment areas were characterized by comparable NDVIred edge
values; however, a bigger difference in the NDVI values could be seen between the LYS
and PLB catchments (Table 9). In the methodological chapter (Section 2.5), three
different scenarios were defined to assess the relationship between the spectral indices
and photosynthetic pigments: Scenario 1: the whole crown (all pixels); Scenario 2: the
10. Scheme
of Tree of
22 atNo.
the 22
part of the
stand 5K stand
(a) Parrot
(a) Parrot
and, Scenario 3: the
Sequoia multispectral data
data in band combination part
4-2-1 of
(NIR, the
Red, tree
Green) crown. When
corresponding to comparing
Scenario 1; (b) two the
classes results
in band combination 4-2-1 (NIR, Red, Green) corresponding to Scenario 1; (b) two classes representing
that were
obtained for Scenarios 1–3 (Table 9, Figure 11), the NDVI index showed
Scenario 2 (the top higher-illumination part of the crown) and Scenario 3 (the lower-illumination
an almost
negligible differences among all three Scenarios, while the NDVI red edge index showed
part of the crown); and, (c) mean reflectance per two illumination scenarios. Vertical bars represent
minimally larger differences among the defined scenarios.
minimum and maximum values for each band and scenario.
Table 9.9.
Table Mean
values/Standard deviations of vegetation
deviations indices
of vegetation based
indices on on
based Sequoia optical
Sequoia data
optical perper
evaluatedScenarios forfor
Scenarios both catchments.
both catchments.
Catchment ScenarioScenario
1 1 Scenario 2
Scenario 2 Scenario 3 3
Lysina (LYS) 0.831/0.022 0.832/0.022 0.829/0.023
NDVI Lysina (LYS) 0.831/0.022 0.832/0.022 0.829/0.023
NDVI Pluhův Bor (PLB)
Pluhův Bor (PLB)0.782/0.056
0.772/0.055 0.770/0.059
Lysina (LYS)
Lysina (LYS) 0.138/0.022
0.130/0.019 0.149/0.025
NDVI red edge
red edge
Pluhův Pluh
Bor ův Bor (PLB)0.140/0.019
(PLB) 0.140/0.0190.121/0.018
0.121/0.018 0.146/0.020
Figure 11. Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), NDVIred edge : mean value and standard
Figure 11. Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), NDVIred edge: mean value and standard
deviation forfor two
two illumination
illumination Scenarios
Scenarios 2 and
2 and 3 (summarized
3 (summarized forfor each
each catchment
catchment area).
The linear models were built between the VIs (NDVI and NDVIred edge) and the
ground truth (in-situ needle chlorophyll and carotenoid contents). The LYS 1K stand
was identified as an outlier, as mentioned in Section 3.3. Besides the significant
differences in tree age (Table 2), this stand was also characterized by a much higher tree
Remote Sens. 2021, 13, 705 18 of 28
Remote Sens. 2021, 13, 705 16 of 26
Figure 12. Linear regression between NDVI index and second year needles photosynthetic pigment content for Scenarios 1–3.
Figure 12. Linear regression between NDVI index and second year needles photosynthetic pigment content for Scenarios
Remote Sens. 2021, 13, 705 19 of 28
Remote Sens. 2021, 13, 705 17 of 26
Figure 13. Linear regression between NDVIred edge index and second year needles’ photosynthetic pigment content for
Figure 13.
Scenarios 1–3.Linear regression between NDVIred edge index and second year needles’ photosynthetic pigment content for
Scenarios 1–3.
second year needle group was used as ground truth together with Scenario 3 for both
VIs. Using this setting for the NDVI index, the following R2 were obtained for
photosynthetic pigments (Table 10): total chlorophyll—R2 = 0.49, Chlorophyll a—R2 =
0.48, Chlorophyll b—R2 = 0.51, and Carotenoids—R2 = 0.50. Comparable results were
Remote Sens. 2021, 13, 705 then also obtained for the NDVIred edge index (Table 11): total chlorophyll—R2 = 0.46,
18 of 26
Chlorophyll a—R2 = 0.45, Chlorophyll b—R2 = 0.48, and Carotenoids—R2 = 0.52. The
NDVI index achieved a slightly higher R2 for Total chlorophyll, Chlorophyll a and b
contents, while NDVIred edge showed slightly better results for Carotenoids.
Table 10. Coefficients of determination (R2 ) for NDVI index and the four ground truth needle
Table 10. Coefficientsage groups.
of determination (R2) for NDVI index and the four ground truth needle age groups.
Legend: .
Legend: .
Legend: .
Legend: .
Assessing the different illumination crown conditions (Scenarios 1–3) in the case that the
second year needle group was selected as ground truth (Tables 10 and 11, Figures 12 and 13),
the worst results were surprisingly obtained for Scenario 2, where the top crown part
receiving the higher-illumination was assessed, followed by Scenario 1—the whole crown
Remote Sens. 2021, 13, 705 19 of 26
case; the best results were obtained for Scenario 3—where the lower illumination part
of the crown was assessed. For the NDVI index, the differences between Scenarios 1–3
are very small, slightly bigger differences could be found for the NDVIred edge index. It
can be concluded that the best results were achieved when the second year needle group
was used as ground truth together with Scenario 3 for both VIs. Using this setting for
the NDVI index, the following R2 were obtained for photosynthetic pigments (Table 10):
total chlorophyll—R2 = 0.49, Chlorophyll a—R2 = 0.48, Chlorophyll b—R2 = 0.51, and
Carotenoids—R2 = 0.50. Comparable results were then also obtained for the NDVIred edge
index (Table 11): total chlorophyll—R2 = 0.46, Chlorophyll a—R2 = 0.45, Chlorophyll
b—R2 = 0.48, and Carotenoids—R2 = 0.52. The NDVI index achieved a slightly higher R2
for Total chlorophyll, Chlorophyll a and b contents, while NDVIred edge showed slightly
better results for Carotenoids.
4. Discussion
Regarding the first part of this analysis—tree height, crown, and top detection—it
can be concluded that the obtained results satisfy the requirements of this study, which
was basically aimed at identifying individual tree crowns and masking the background
and shades. A relatively quick method was employed using Seq DSM and high resolution
DEM (DMR 5G), and reliable results were obtained achieving R2 = 0.90 and higher between
CHM-estimated heights and the in-situ tree measurements for most of the stands, with
the exception of PLB 2K (R2 = 0.7) (Figure 9). The accuracy of tree-height estimation was
comparable or even higher than in the case of Pinus ponderosa forest (R2 = 0.71; [36]), where
the same multispectral camera was used, although with a different type of UAV. The lower
accuracy that was obtained for PLB 2K can be explained by changes happening between
the time the in-situ data were collected (2015) and the UAV data acquisition (2018). In the
field. it was observed that tree cuts were common in this particular forest stand. It will be
interesting to test in the future, if this approach can be further employed or adjusted for
estimating the forest aboveground biomass in a similar way as airborne laser scanning has
been employed [62].
For both VIs a similar R2 was obtained between the index values and the laboratory
analysis of photosynthetic pigments, NDVI showed a slightly higher R2 for chlorophyll
content. while NDVIred edge had the highest R2 for carotenoid content. The Red edge is
commonly used for detecting vegetation stress [93] and, in this study, it was also a slightly
better index to estimate carotenoids—the vegetation stress indicators. The biggest influence
on linear models for both was the selection of the needle age group used as a ground truth.
As summarized in Tables 10 and 11, basically the only usable results were obtained when
using the second year needle pigment contents. The age-dependence of correlation strength
between vegetation indices and measured pigment contents were expectable. However, the
absence of a NDVI and NDVIred edge correlation to chlorophyll and carotenoids for the first
year needles was highly surprising. Such needles were already fully developed at the date
of sampling (August 4-5th), thus the immaturity of needles as a likely reason was excluded.
Moreover, first year needles are routinely and successfully used for taking ground truth for
a broad range of spectroscopic and remote sensing studies at various scales from leaf- to
stand level [89,93–97].
However, in some studies, second year needles, similarly as in this study, also proved
to be the best option for predicting needle traits [60,98], although the physiological and
optical causes have not been elucidated. The second year needles were also successfully
used as ground truth for pigment content estimation from multispectral UAV data in
mature Scots spine (Pinus sylvestris) [96]. The authors justified the selection of the second
year needles, literally as “avoiding non-representative outliers in current and mature nee-
dles” [96]. The absence of correlation between chlorophyll content in first year needles and
vegetation indices could be partly related to other interfering needle traits than chlorophyll
content itself. Although water has absorption features in near- and shortwave infrared
region, it sometimes shows an intercorrelation with chlorophyll content [99] and may
Remote Sens. 2021, 13, 705 20 of 26
influence its prediction from leaf spectral signal. The sampling year 2018 was rather dry
and the water content in needles exhibited the opposite (increasing) trend towards older
needles in comparison to previous season 2017 (Appendix A: Figure A2). We hypothesize
that lower water content in 1st year needles could also negatively influence chlorophyll
prediction from NDVI and NDVIred edge . The effect of leaf water content on relationship
among vegetation indices and leaf-level functional traits was observed in crops [100,101],
however not yet confirmed for conifers.
In addition, this study’s results showed that first year needles exhibited the lowest
chlorophyll contents (31–35 ug.cm2 , Table 4), and it can be hypothesized that such values,
in combination with coniferous canopy structure, may be below the detection limit of
the Parrot Sequoia multispectral camera. In a maize field case study [102], the authors
concluded that hemispherical-conical reflectance factors, NDVI, and the chlorophyll red-
edge index derived from the Sequoia sensor exhibit bias for high and low reflective surfaces.
In comparison to broadleaf trees, conifer canopy NIR reflectance is generally lower [103]
due to needle clustering within shoots and self-shading [104,105], and it is speculated that
the needle photosynthetic pigment contents of the first year needles were, in this case, too
low to be resolved by the Parrot Sequoia multispectral camera, which has limited spectral
resolution and sensitivity as compared to hyperspectral sensors.
In this study, the crown light condition showed to be much less important than the
needle age selection as a ground truth. Surprisingly the highest R2 for both VIs was
achieved when using the less sunlit, lower part of the crown (Scenario 3), followed by
Scenario 1 (full crown) and then Scenario 2 (the more sun-lit top part of the crown). It
seems that, at such a high spatial resolution, which was achieved when using the UAV
platform, the tree structure and needle/branch position can cause these differences. The
tree branches of the more sun-lit top part of the crown have a different position; they are
shorter and more pointed up, while the less sunlit lower part of the crown has wider and
flatter branches, thus the needles have a better position regarding the Sun, flight, and sensor
geometry, as shown in Figure A3 (Appendix A). Additionally, the more sunlit top part of
the crown is presented by a higher percentage of the first year needles, which were found to
be problematic for the reasons that are discussed above. To date, the effect of heterogeneous
light conditions within the crown on UAV-based leaf traits modelling was tested on broad
leaved apple and pear trees with similar result to those in this study: the full canopy spectra
provided, in some cases, more accurate models than only sunlit pixels [106]. The authors
suggest that including the signal from the whole crown results in a bigger sample size,
which may lead to model improvement. However, it can be concluded that very little
is known about this issue and a complex study on reflectance variations regarding the
tree/crown structure, needle configuration, and light conditions is still needed. It is also
important to emphasize that no study was found to directly compare these results that were
conducted on coniferous forest stands. This shows that building quantitative approaches
employing Multi-spectral Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) images is still challenging for
coniferous forests, in particular, those of natural origin. The number of the trees studied
in this research was limited (18 trees). Follow up research is needed that would allow for
extending the number of sampled trees to obtain generalizable results, especially for the
regression models.
5. Conclusions
The results show that there is a big potential in using UAVs together with affordable
multispectral cameras as a platform for monitoring forest status at a local scale, however,
at high resolution. Tree crown delineation and derivation of other parameters, such as
tree top and height, which was based on the Canopy Height Model (CHM) obtained
from two data sources—digital surface model derived from the Parrot Sequoia camera
multispectral images (Seq DSM) and high resolution Digital Elevation Model (DEM: DMR
5G), corresponded well with the in-situ data and it was satisfactory for the purposes of this
study. The results of the conducted statistical analysis show that the two tested VIs (NDVI
Remote Sens. 2021, 13, 705 21 of 26
and NDVIred edge ) have the potential to assess photosynthetic pigments in Norway spruce
forests at a semi-quantitative level; however, the selection of needle-age as a ground truth
was revealed to be a very important factor. The only usable results were obtained for linear
models when using the second year needle pigment contents as a ground truth.
On the other hand, the illumination conditions of the crown showed to have very
Remote Sens. 2021, 13, 705 little effect on the model’s validity, whereas slightly better results were obtained 22 of 28
assessing the less sunlit lower part of the crown, which is characterized by wider and more
flat branches. When compared to the whole crown Scenario, the improvement was very
However, and itthis
is proposed that the
effect might whole
have part ofimpact
a bigger the crown be used
on data withforasimplicity.
very highHowever,
resolution (e.g., hyperspectral data), and further systematic researchresolution
effect might have a bigger impact on data with a very high spectral (e.g.,
on reflectance
hyperspectral data), and further systematic research on reflectance variations
variations regarding the tree/crown structure, needle configuration, and light conditions regarding
the tree/crown
is still needed. No structure,
study wasneedle configuration,
found, in which itand waslight conditions
possible is still
to directly needed.these
compare No
resultswas found, inonwhich
conducted it was (Norway
coniferous possible to directly
spruce) compare
forest these
stands; results
this showsconducted
that thereonis
coniferous (Norway spruce) forest stands; this shows that there is also a
also a further need for studies dealing with a quantitative estimation of the biochemicalfurther need for
variables dealing with a quantitative
of coniferous forests when estimation
employing of the biochemical
spectral data thatvariables of coniferous
were acquired at the
forests when employing spectral data
UAV platform at a very high spatial resolution. that were acquired at the UAV platform at a very
high spatial resolution.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, V.K.-S.; methodology, V.K.-S.; software, L.K.;
Author Contributions:
validation, Conceptualization,
F.O., Z.L.; formal analysis, L.K., V.K.-S.;
J.J., Z.L.;methodology,
V.K.-S.,software, L.K.;
F.O., Z.L.; validation,
resources, J.J.,
F.O., Z.L.; writing—original draft preparation, L.K., V.K.-S., Z.L., J.J., F.O.; reviewing and F.O.,
Z.L.; formal analysis, L.K., J.J., Z.L.; investigation, V.K.-S., F.O., Z.L.; resources, J.J., Z.L.;
editing of
the first manuscriptdraft preparation,
version, V.K.-S.; L.K., V.K.-S.,
revision: Z.L.,visualization,
V.K.-S., J.J., F.O.; reviewing and
L.K., J.J.; editing of the
supervision, first
manuscript version, V.K.-S.;
project administration, revision:
V.K.-S.; V.K.-S.,
All authors havevisualization,
read and agreedL.K., J.J.; supervision,
to the publishedV.K.-S.;
of the
manuscript. V.K.-S.; All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This
Funding: This research
research was
was funded
funded byby Czech
Czech Science
Science Foundation
Foundation (grant
(grant number
number 17-05743S)
17-05743S) and
Czech Geological Survey, grant no. 310360.
Czech Geological Survey, grant no. 310360.
Institutional Review
Review Board Statement: Not
Board Statement: Not applicable.
Informed Consent Statement:Informed
ConsentStatement: Informedconsent was
consent obtained
was fromfrom
obtained all subjects involved
all subjects in the in
involved study.
Data Availability Statement: The data presented in this study are available on reasonable request
Data the corresponding
Availability author.The data presented in this study are available on reasonable request
from the corresponding
Acknowledgments: author.
We thank to Miroslav Barták for helping us with the chlorophyll analyses.
Acknowledgments: We thank to Miroslav Barták for helping us with the chlorophyll analyses.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
Appendix A
Appendix A
Figure A1.In-situ
In-situ ground
ground truth - biochemically
truth-biochemically assessed
assessed totaltotal chlorophyll
chlorophyll content
content in different
in different needle
needle age classes
age classes of studied
of studied
trees. In most cases chlorophyll content increased from 1st to 2nd year needles and usually the pigment further accumulated
trees. In most cases chlorophyll content increased from 1st to 2nd year needles and usually the pigment further accumulated
Remote Sens.Sens.
Remote 13, 705
2021,2021, 13, 705 22 of 26 23 of 28
Figure A3. 3D representation of a solitary growing coniferous tree with a Norway spruce-like
Figure A3. 3D representation of a3D
crown representation
solitary Sideof
architecture. a solitary
(a) growing
and nadir with coniferous
view a(b). tree with a Norway spruce-like crown
Norway spruce-like
architecture. Side (a) and
crown architecture. Side (a) and nadir view (b). nadir view (b).
Remote Sens. 2021, 13, 705 23 of 26
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