Using The MIR Bands in Vegetation Indice

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Advances in Space Research 41 (2008) 1764–1772

Using the MIR bands in vegetation indices for the estimation

of grassland biophysical parameters from satellite remote
sensing in the Alps region of Trentino (Italy)
Loris Vescovo *, Damiano Gianelle
Centro di Ecologia Alpina, Viote del Monte Bondone, Trento, Italy

Received 12 January 2007; received in revised form 4 July 2007; accepted 30 July 2007


Development of new methods for estimating biophysical parameters can be considered one of the most important targets for the
improvement of grassland parameters estimation at full canopy cover. In fact, accurate assessment methods of biophysical characteristics
of vegetation are needed in order to avoid the uncertainties of carbon terrestrial sinks.
Remote sensing is a valid tool for scaling up ecosystem measurements towards landscape levels serving a wide range of applications,
many of them being related to carbon-cycle models. The aim of this study was to test the suitability of satellite platform sensors in esti-
mating grassland biophysical parameters such as LAI, biomass, phytomass, and Green herbage ratio (GR). Also, we wanted to compare
some of the most common NIR and red/green-based vegetation indices with ones that also make use of the MIR band, in relation to
their ability to predict grassland biophysical parameters.
Ground-truth measurements were taken on July 2003 and 2004 on the Monte Bondone plateau (Italian Alps, Trento district) in grass-
lands varying in land use and management intensities. From satellite platforms, an IRS-1C-LISS III image (18/07/2003; 25 m resolution in
the visible-NIR and 70 m resolution in the MIR) and a SPOT 5 image (27/07/2004, 10 m resolution in the visible-NIR and MIR) were used.
LAI, biomass, and phytomass measurements showed logarithmic relationships with the investigated NIR and red/green-based indi-
ces. GreenNDVI showed the highest R2 values (0.59, IRS 2003; 0.60, SPOT 2004). Index saturation occurred above approximately 100–
150 g m2 of biomass (LAI 1.5–2). On the other hand, GR relationships were shown to be linear. MIR-based indices performed better
than NIR and red/green-based ones in estimating biophysical variables, with no saturation effect. Biomass showed a linear regression
with Canopy Index (MIR/green ratio) and with the Normalised Canopy Index (NCI) calculated as a normalised difference between
MIR and green bands (IRS: R2 = 0.91 and 0.90, respectively. SPOT: R2 = 0.63 and 0.64). Similar correlations could also be found
for LAI and phytomass, and GR predictability was shown to be higher than NDVI and GreenNDVI. According to these results obtained
in the investigated areas, phytomass, biomass, LAI, and GR are linearly correlated with the investigated MIR band indices and as a
result, these parameters could be estimated from the adopted satellite platforms with limited saturation problems.
 2007 COSPAR. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: MIR; Vegetation indices; Grassland; Biophysical parameters

1. Introduction Inversion of complex radiation transfer models is one of

the most promising methods and it is based on physical
Quantitative remote sensing tools follow different meth- processes description which allows drivers assessment.
ods to retrieve useful information from the observed vege- The numerical inversion of radiative transfer models on
tation targets. grasslands such as PROSPECT-SAIL has been demon-
strated by Zarco-Tejada and Ustin (2001), indicating that
Corresponding author. biophysical properties of grasslands could be theoretically
E-mail address: (L. Vescovo). acquired from one spectrum collected at nadir. Considering

0273-1177/$34.00  2007 COSPAR. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

L. Vescovo, D. Gianelle / Advances in Space Research 41 (2008) 1764–1772 1765

the high structural and spatial variability of grasslands, at grassland curing and vegetation fraction allows for a good
the satellite level there is a need of more complex models in estimation of grassland development and phenological sta-
order to incorporate the wide range of optical and struc- tus with no problems related to saturation effect.
tural parameters (Kuusk, 1998). The uncertainties involved with parameters estimation
More empirical and simpler methods such as the spec- at full canopy cover can result in frequent errors in the
tral vegetation indices approach have been used as a signif- application of the results. For instance, some ecosystem
icant source of information. Indices analysis is carried out models used NDVI estimates as surrogates for biomass
using ground measurements, satellite-derived data or (Box et al., 1989) and even though most of the recent mod-
model-generated datasets. When ground or satellite data- els use the well- know relationship between FAPAR and
sets are used, the indices approach is somewhat limited NDVI to derive biomass (Myneni and Williams, 1994)
because it focuses on homogeneous plant canopies param- some adjustments are necessary to include stress conditions
eters estimation (e.g., soybean crops, temperate grasslands, and phenology, because if carbon credit budgeting is to be
and conifer forests) and so indices evaluation is valid only adopted, accurate assessment of biophysical characteristics
for a specific vegetation type. On the other hand, the indi- of vegetation will be needed in order to avoid uncertainties
ces approach which uses simulated surface spectral data of carbon terrestrial sinks. A significant underestimate of
allows one to extend the observations to a large class of ter- carbon flux over regions of dense vegetation is expected
restrial environments. This approach, in any case, implies in high LAI forest, grassland, and crops ecosystems (Sell-
many assumptions (uniform distribution of leaf angle, no ers, 1985).
interaction between soil and vegetation), consequently Many multi-spectral sensors not only provide visible
models do not represent the full complexity of a real sur- and Near Infrared bands but also Medium Infrared ones
face (Leprieur et al., 1994). (Landsat ETM, 1550–1750 nm; IRS-LISS III, 1550–
Spectral vegetation indices calculated as a ratio or nor- 1700 nm; SPOT 5 1580–1750 nm, and Terra-ASTER
malized difference from Near Infrared (NIR) and visible 1500–1600 nm). The use of the medium-infrared (MIR)
bands have been widely used to retrieve biophysical param- region of the spectrum was proposed many years ago and
eters for over three decades (Colwell, 1974; Tucker, 1979; the good relationships obtained with biomass (Everitt
Sellers, 1985, 1987; Gitelson et al., 1996). Accurate esti- et al., 1989) suggest that indices using this spectral region
mates of biophysical parameters at full canopy cover have have probably been under-utilized. Such indices show that
still not been fully achieved from satellite sensors as broad- the sensitivity of canopy reflectance to water content in the
band spectral vegetation indices tend to saturate at full can- 1500–1750 nm region (a decrease in leaf water content
opy cover. For some biophysical parameters expressed as a causes an increase in MIR reflectance) can be used to
ratio (Green Ratio, the relative amount of live and dead develop indices which make use of greenness/chlorophyll-
material in herbage and fAPAR, the fraction of adsorbed based bands together with MIR bands. Huete and Liu
PAR) indices saturation seems not to be a major problem (1994) and Nemani et al. (1993) proposed to correct the
(Di Bella et al., 2004; Vescovo and Gianelle, 2006), but widely used Simple Ratio (SR; Jordan, 1969) and Norma-
for many other biophysical characteristics such as LAI, lised Difference Vegetation Index (Rouse et al., 1974) by
biomass (green herbage fraction), and phytomass (green means of MIR minimum and maximum reflectance values
and brown herbage fractions), the relationships with vege- detected in the ground-truth areas. In addition, Normalised
tation indices are in fact non-linear (Myneni et al., 1995; Difference Water Index (Hardisky et al., 1983) was intro-
Huete et al., 2002). duced to determine water content using the normalised dif-
Many indices have been introduced in order to linearize ference between NIR and MIR bands. Specific Leaf Area
the relationships with quantitative biophysical parameters Vegetation Index (SLAVI, Lymburner et al., 2000) also
(LAI, phytomass, and biomass), such as NLI (Non-Linear uses both NIR and MIR bands together with the red band.
Index, Goel and Quin, 1994), Renormalised Difference Ceccato et al. (2002), using reflectance values simulated
Index (RDI, Roujean and Breon, 1995), and Modified Sim- with PROSPECT, performed a sensitivity analysis at leaf
ple Ratio (MSR, Chen, 1996). The theoretical approach level showing that the MIR and NIR regions together are
behind the design of optimal spectral indices has been able to retrieve leaf equivalent water thickness, leaf internal
described in Verstraete and Pinty (1996) and applied in structure, and leaf dry matter content. On these bases, an
Gobron et al. (2000). Thanks to the modelling approach, index was created to optimise retrieval of vegetation water
optimal indices can be designed and optimised for specific content.
applications and particular sensors. The importance of using a water index for LAI estima-
On the other hand, relationships between indices and tion has been underlined by Ustin et al. (2004). Water con-
biophysical parameters expressed as a ratio, such as the tent determination, in fact, can be seen as a new approach
Green Ratio (GR, the relative amount of live and dead to estimate vegetation parameters from remote sensing
material in herbage) and the vegetation fraction (VF, the platforms, as canopy liquid water absorption has been
relative amount of area covered by vegetation and covered shown to be linearly related to LAI. Development of a
by bare soil) are shown to be linear (Gitelson et al., 2002; non-greeness/chlorophyll based method for estimating
Vescovo and Gianelle, 2006). The possibility of detecting LAI can be seen as complementary to other methods using
1766 L. Vescovo, D. Gianelle / Advances in Space Research 41 (2008) 1764–1772

other spectral regions and could be incorporated into eco- ranging from 2.7 C in January to 14.4 C in July.
system models. The mean annual rainfall is 1189 mm, with peaks in June
According to Dozier (1989) and Hall et al. (1995), the (132 mm) and October (142 mm). Snow cover occurs
Normalised Difference Snow Index (NDSI) allows a spec- between November and April. The vegetation of Monte
tral discrimination between snow, soil, rock, and cloud Bondone is dominated by a Sieverso-Nardetum strictae
cover to be made. NDSI is an index calculated from the association, and the main species are Nardus stricta,
normalised difference between the green and the MIR Trisetum flavescens, Festuca rubra, Brachypodium pinn-
bands. The use of similar indices obtained from the green atum, Koeleria piramidata, Avenella flexuosa, Trifolium
band (sensitive to chlorophyll content) and the MIR band pratense, and Alchemilla vulgaris. Meadows represent
(sensitive to water content) is of particular interest to veg- the principal land use on this plateau and they are tradi-
etation studies. For this reason, testing was conducted for tionally managed with low mineral fertilisation and cut
biophysical parameters estimation from IRS and SPOT once a year in mid-July. Biomass is commonly harvested
satellite imagery, within this study. Investigations were also as hay. Pastures are located on the southern parts of this
carried out on the MIR/Green ratio (Canopy Index, CI) area and grazed between June and September by cattle.
and the normalised difference between the MIR and the There are some areas that have been abandoned and
Green Band (Normalised Canopy Index, NCI). have been invaded by shrubs (Vaccinium sp., Rhododen-
The objectives of this study were to test the capability of drum sp., and Juniperus communis).
different vegetation indices to retrieve grassland biophysi- On July 8th, 2003, and July 17th, 2004, several different
cal parameters such as LAI, phytomass, biomass, and study sites (10 · 10 m; see Table 1) were investigated in
GR. Analysis was focused towards: order to assess spatial variability of biophysical parameters
such as phytomass, biomass, Leaf Area Index (LAI), and
– traditional spectral vegetation indices (using the green, Green Ratio (GR, the relative amount of live and dead
red, and NIR bands, such as SR, NDVI, SAVI, NLI, material in herbage). In each of the investigated ecosys-
MSR, and RDI). tems, two 10 m long and 0.1 m wide strips (representing
– spectral vegetation indices also using the MIR bands 1 m2) were cut to collect vegetation samples. The collected
such as SRc, NDVIc, NDWI, and SLAVI samples of phytomass were divided manually into biomass
– two new indices: the Canopy Index (CI = qmir  qgreen) (green herbage) and necromass (brown herbage). Biomass
and the Normalised Canopy Index (NCI = (qmir  qgreen)/ and necromass were both dried at 65 C for 48 h and
(qmir + qgreen) GR = (biomass/(biomass+necromass)) * 100 (Green Ratio,
– their ability to obtain a linear relationship with grass- GR) was calculated. Leaf Area Index was also measured
land biophysical parameters. using a Sunscan Canopy Analyzer ceptometer at five points
for each investigated area.
For the satellite data, an IRS (Indian Remote Sensing
2. Materials and methods Satellite, LISS III sensor; spatial resolution: 25 m in the
visible-NIR and 70 m resolution in the MIR) image was
In order to calibrate spectral measurements, a data- used in 2003 (July 18th), while a SPOT (Satellite Pour
base was compiled, which included different grasslands l’Observation de la Terre, SPOT 5 sensor; spatial resolu-
varying in land use, management intensities and produc- tion: 10 m in the visible-NIR and MIR) image was used
tivity. Data was collected on the Monte Bondone plateau in the 2004 campaign (July 27th). Both images were taken
(approximately 250 ha, 4600 0 N, 1102 0 E) located in the on a clear day. Image-to-image registration was per-
Trento province (Italy) at 1550 m a.s.l. (Table 1). The formed, using Trentino orthophotos (1 m spatial resolu-
Viote of Monte Bondone grassland eddy covariance site, tion) as a reference.
located on the plateau, belongs to the SpecNet Spectral Dark subtraction was applied in order to correct for
Network ( atmospheric scattering conditions. Dark pixel subtraction
done.html). The mean annual air temperature is 5.5 C, uses ‘black bodies’ in the image to measure the radiance

Table 1
Site localization, land use, and year of data collection
Location Landuse, management Abbreviation Year
Gervasi Abandoned Aband 2003, 2004
Marocche Pasture Pasture 1 2003, 2004
Marocche Pasture Pasture 2 2003, 2004
Pra de Elica Medium intensive, slightly fertilized, already cut Cut 2 2003, 2004
Pra de Elica Medium intensive, slightly fertilized, 1 cut per year Extensive 1 2003, 2004
Piani Extensive, not fertilized, already cut Cut 1 2003
Torbiera Peat bog, slightly utilized Peatbog 2003
Piani Medium intensive, slightly fertilized, 1 cut per year Extensive 2 2004
L. Vescovo, D. Gianelle / Advances in Space Research 41 (2008) 1764–1772 1767

due to atmospheric scattering. The dark pixel value is then 3. Results

subtracted from each of the bands The method considers
brightness values in an area of shadow or for a very dark The investigated grassland ground sites illustrated a
object (such as a large clear lake) and determines the min- large range (Fig. 1) in the canopy structure (LAI 0.4–
imum value. The correction is applied by subtracting the 5.3), botanical composition, phytomass (31–592 g m2),
minimum observed value, determined for each specific and GR (24–93%) during the two year period. Phytomass
band, from all pixel values in each respective band. Since levels and LAIs were significantly higher in 2003 than in
scattering is wavelength dependent, minimum values vary 2004. Also, necromass levels (and consequently Green
from band to band. No other corrections were applied, Ratio) varied considerably during 2003 and 2004, due to
considering the flat morphology and the limited dimensions the very dissimilar climatic conditions of the two summers
of the plateau (250 ha). (the 2003 summer was hot and dry while in 2004 it was
A 2 · 2 pixel region of interest was used to calculate the much cooler and wetter). As a result, the Monte Bondone
mean reflectance values for the grassland sites. Vegetation plateau grasslands were more cured in 2003 than in 2004.
indices (Table 2) using the infrared and red/green bands Interestingly, GR range was 24–74% in 2003 and 63–93%
were tested, such as normalized spectral vegetation indices in 2004. Necromass lelels were between 73 and 155 g m2
(NDVI, GreenNDVI) non-normalized ratio (SR), non-lin- in 2003 and between 10 and 65 g m2 in 2004.
ear (NLI, MSR, RDI), and soil adjusted indices (SAVI). To develop a vegetation index, it is very important to
Also, tested were indices which use the MIR band such understand how biophysical parameters (such as biomass,
as Corrected Simple Ratio (SRc), Corrected NDVI LAI, water, and nitrogen content) affect the signal mea-
(NDVIc), Normalised Difference Water Index (NDWI), sured at satellite level and which wavelengths can be used
Specific Leaf Area Vegetation Index (SLAVI), together for vegetation parameters retrieval. For this purpose,
with the proposed indices Canopy Index (CI), and Norma- reflectance values were measured on the different grassland
lised Canopy Index (NCI). Vegetation indices were calcu- ecosystems using a ASD Field Spec Pro spectroradiometer,
lated and correlated with investigated biophysical and the linear correlation coefficient between reflectance
parameters using Statistica software (release 7; http:// and the investigated parameters was calculated for all the different wavelengths as shown in Fig. 2. It is possible to

Table 2
Summary of the characteristics of the vegetation indices used
Index Acronym Algorithm Description and use References
SR: Simple Ratio SR = qnir/qred One of most simple indexes. Related to changes in Jordan (1969)
amount of green biomass, pigment content, and
NDVI: Normalized NDVI = (qnir  qred)/(qnir + qred) One of most used indexes for biomass estimation. Rouse et al. (1974)
Difference Vegetation The values are normalized for the amount of
Index incident radiation, reducing the impact of factors
such as slope and aspect
SAVI: Soil Adjusted SAVI: (1 + L) (qnir  qred)/ L ranges from 0 for very high vegetation cover to Huete (1988)
Vegetation Index (qnir + qred + L) 1 for very low vegetation cover; minimizes soil
brightness-induced variations
NLI: Non-Linear Index NLI ¼ ðq2nir  qred Þ=ðq2nir þ qred Þ Aims to linearize the relationships with surface Goel and Quin (1994)
parameters which tend to be non-linear
GNDVI: Green Normalized NDVI = (qnir  qgreen)/(qnir + qgreen) Uses the green channel and helps determine Gitelson et al. (1996)
Difference Vegetation nitrogen influences from the green colour of the
index leaf
MSR: Modified Simple Ratio MSR = (qnir/qred  1)/((qnir/qred)1/2 + 1) Aims to linearize the relationships between the Chen (1996)
index and biophysical parameters
RDI: Renormalized RDI = (qnir  qred)/((qnir + qred)1/2) Aims to linearize relationships with parameters Roujean and Breon
Difference Index which tend to be non-linear (1995)
SRc: Corrected Simple Ratio SRc = SR (1((qmir  qmir min)/ Aims to linearize relationships with parameters Brown et al. (2000)
(qmir max  qmir min)) using the MIR band
NDVIc: Corrected NDVI NDVIc = NDVI (1((qmir  qmir min)/ Aims to linearize relationships with parameters Nemani et al. (1993)
(qmir max  qmir min)) using the MIR band
NDWI: Normalised NDWI = (qnir  qmir)/(qnir + qmir) Aims to determine vegetation water As NDII in Hardisky
Difference Water Index et al. (1983); Gao (1996)
SLAVI: Specific Leaf Area SLAVI = qnir/(qred + qmir) Aims to determine Specific Leaf Area Lymburner et al. (2000)
Vegetation Index
CI: Canopy Index CI = qmir  qgreen Aims to linearize relationships with parameters Proposed in this study
using the MIR and the green bands
NCI: Normalized Canopy NCI = (qmir  qgreen)/(qmir + qgreen) Aims to linearize relationships with parameters Proposed in this study
Index using the MIR and the green bands
1768 L. Vescovo, D. Gianelle / Advances in Space Research 41 (2008) 1764–1772

Fig. 1. Grassland biophysical parameters measured during the ground campaigns of 2003 and 2004 summers.

see in Fig. 2 that water content shows high absolute r-val- lower for SR, NDVI, GNDVI, SAVI, NLI, MSR, and
ues both in the green (fromj0.97j to j0.95j) and in the MIR RDI (the NIR-visible bands-based vegetation indices;
region (from j0.93j to j0.95j). Also, there is a good correla- Fig. 3) because of the saturation tendency of the indices.
tion between those regions and other parameters such as In 2003, only the Green-NDVI GR linear correlation was
LAI and biomass. For these reasons, we were encouraged significant (p < 0.05; R2 = 0.65) while in 2004 only the
to select indices such as NCI and CI, obtained from the Green-NDVI LAI linear correlation was significant
green band (sensitive to chlorophyll content) and the (p < 0.05; R2 = 0.68).
MIR band (sensitive to water content). Quite surprisingly, considering that GR (the relative
From the satellite platforms, vegetation indices were sat- amount of live and dead material in herbage) normally pro-
urating at full canopy cover when quantitative biophysical duces a strong linear relationship (Tucker, 1980; Vescovo
parameters (LAI, phytomass, and biomass) reached a given and Gianelle, 2006; Gianelle and Vescovo, 2007), GR did
threshold (biomass values higher than 150 g m2, corre- not exhibit a significant linear correlation with any of the
sponding to LAI 1.8–2). This behaviour highlights the typ- NIR-visible investigated indices in 2004. This might be
ical asymptotic trends that occurred in both years. Within related to the very narrow GR range observed in 2004,
the investigated NIR and visible bands-based spectral veg- and to a lack of sensitivity of the NIR and visible bands-
etation indices, GreenNDVI demonstrated the highest log- based indices.
arithmic R2 values (0.59, IRS 2003; 0.78, SPOT 2004; The 2004 SPOT 5 higher spatial resolution and the sub-
p < 0.05). R2 values of linear relationships between vegeta- sequent lower mixed-pixel effect (due to the high spatial
tion indices and biophysical parameters were considerably variability of grassland parameters) might play an
L. Vescovo, D. Gianelle / Advances in Space Research 41 (2008) 1764–1772 1769

Fig. 2. Correlation coefficient between biophysical parameters and ground reflectance. R absolute values above 0.705 (indicated by the two horizontal
lines) are significant to p < 0.05.

Fig. 3. R2 obtained from linear regressions for the different vegetation indices (calculated using the NIR and visible bands) and biophysical parameters. R2
values in bold in the table are significant to p < 0.05.

important role for these indices as R2 values tended to be reflectance values within the 2 · 2 pixel region of interest,
generally higher in 2004 than in 2003 (Fig. 3). Higher spa- resulting in a more accurate index calculation for the inves-
tial resolution, in fact, allows a more precise calculation of tigated ground sites (Gianelle and Vescovo, 2007).
1770 L. Vescovo, D. Gianelle / Advances in Space Research 41 (2008) 1764–1772

Another important factor to consider is the fact that the NDWI, SRc, and NDVIc did not produce satisfactory
noticeably higher GR values were observed in 2004. Accord- results in 2003 but they were significantly-correlated with
ing to the analysed data, vegetation indices and biophysical LAI in 2004 data. No significant correlation was found
parameters correlations tend to show higher R2 values in between SLAVI and any of the parameters investigated.
2004, when GR values are considerably higher. Standing A marked shift in the 2003 and 2004 fit lines between CI
dead necromass rates were much higher in 2003 (Fig. 4), so and biomass were observed (Fig. 5a), due to the higher
a shading effect of the senescent leaves can be expected on reflectance of 2003 ground points in the MIR band. This
the indices values (as demonstrated by Di Bella et al., 2004) was probably related to drier conditions in 2003, higher
and consequently on the correlation coefficients values. necromass rates and lower water content. CI was well cor-
Considering the vegetation indices that used the MIR related with GR (Fig. 5b) even in 2004, when the GR range
band (Fig. 4), CI and NCI showed very good linear corre- was narrower. As seen for biomass, there is a clear shift in
lations with most of the investigated parameters. CI and the 2003 and 2004 fit lines probably due to the different
NCI correlation coefficients were generally higher in 2003 vegetation conditions and to the different MIR bands used
than in 2004 (despite the much lower spatial resolution of to calculated CI index.
the MIR band of IRS sensor vs. SPOT 5). This may again
indicate that the predictability of quantitative biophysical 4. Conclusion
parameters by CI and NCI is more efficient when the var-
iable ranges are higher. In 2003, very high correlations Different results were obtained in 2003 and 2004 from
(p < 0.01) were found with all the parameters investigated IRS and SPOT satellite sensors, which seemed to be mostly
(Fig. 4): phytomass (CI R2 = 0.91; NCI R2 = 0.92), bio- related to the different phenology status (dealing to very
mass (CI R2 = 0.91; NCI R2 = 0.90), LAI (CI R2 = 0.85; different GR values) and climatic conditions of the Monte
NCI R2 = 0.88), and GR (CI R2 = 0.73; NCI R2 = 0.82). Bondone grasslands during these two years. For many indi-
In 2004, significant (p < 0.01) correlations were found ces, R2 values tended to be generally higher in 2004 than in
between CI and phytomass, biomass and GR (Fig. 4) while 2003. SPOT higher spatial resolution in 2004 is one of the
NCI was correlated only with the two first biophysical important factors to consider to explain such inter-annual
parameters (Fig. 4). variability, but another important factor to consider is the

Fig. 4. R2 obtained from linear regressions for the different vegetation indices (calculated using also the MIR band) and biophysical parameters. R2 values
in bold in the table are significant to p < 0.05.
L. Vescovo, D. Gianelle / Advances in Space Research 41 (2008) 1764–1772 1771

Fig. 5. Canopy Index relationships with biomass and Green Ratio in 2003 and 2004.

fact that the noticeably higher GR values were observed in for Ecological Analysis & Synthesis (NCEAS, Santa
2004, so a shading effect of the senescent leaves can also Barbara, California) for their valuable scientific and logis-
explain the differences between the 2003 and 2004 the cor- tic support.
relation coefficients values.
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