Remote Sensing of Environment
Remote Sensing of Environment
Remote Sensing of Environment
Generating vegetation leaf area index earth system data record from multiple
sensors. Part 1: Theory
Sangram Ganguly a,⁎, Mitchell A. Schull a, Arindam Samanta a, Nikolay V. Shabanov b, Cristina Milesi c,
Ramakrishna R. Nemani c, Yuri Knyazikhin a, Ranga B. Myneni a
Department of Geography and Environment, Boston University, 675 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston, MA 02215, USA
NOAA/NESDIS, 5200 Auth Rd., Camp Springs, MD 20746, USA
Ecosystem Science and Technology Branch, NASA Ames Research Center, Mail Stop 242-4, Mofett Field, CA 94035, USA
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: The generation of multi-decade long Earth System Data Records (ESDRs) of Leaf Area Index (LAI) and Fraction
Received 28 February 2008 of Photosynthetically Active Radiation absorbed by vegetation (FPAR) from remote sensing measurements of
Received in revised form 28 July 2008 multiple sensors is key to monitoring long-term changes in vegetation due to natural and anthropogenic
Accepted 29 July 2008
influences. Challenges in developing such ESDRs include problems in remote sensing science (modeling of
variability in global vegetation, scaling, atmospheric correction) and sensor hardware (differences in spatial
Leaf area index
resolution, spectral bands, calibration, and information content). In this paper, we develop a physically based
Spectral invariant approach for deriving LAI and FPAR products from the Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR)
Recollision probability data that are of comparable quality to the Moderate resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) LAI and
Radiative transfer FPAR products, thus realizing the objective of producing a long (multi-decadal) time series of these products.
Long-term data record The approach is based on the radiative transfer theory of canopy spectral invariants which facilitates
AVHRR parameterization of the canopy spectral bidirectional reflectance factor (BRF). The methodology permits
MODIS decoupling of the structural and radiometric components and obeys the energy conservation law. The
approach is applicable to any optical sensor, however, it requires selection of sensor-specific values of
Single scattering albedo
configurable parameters, namely, the single scattering albedo and data uncertainty. According to the theory
Data uncertainties
of spectral invariants, the single scattering albedo is a function of the spatial scale, and thus, accounts for the
variation in BRF with sensor spatial resolution. Likewise, the single scattering albedo accounts for the
variation in spectral BRF with sensor bandwidths. The second adjustable parameter is data uncertainty,
which accounts for varying information content of the remote sensing measurements, i.e., Normalized
Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI, low information content), vs. spectral BRF (higher information content).
Implementation of this approach indicates good consistency in LAI values retrieved from NDVI (AVHRR-
mode) and spectral BRF (MODIS-mode). Specific details of the implementation and evaluation of the derived
products are detailed in the second part of this two-paper series.
© 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
0034-4257/$ – see front matter © 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
4334 S. Ganguly et al. / Remote Sensing of Environment 112 (2008) 4333–4343
(Murphy, 2006). Other long-term sources of data for vegetation ergistic approach for LAI and FPAR ESDR retrievals from measure-
monitoring include the Sea-viewing Wide Field-of-view Sensor (Sea- ments of multiple satellite sensors. The theoretical aspects of the
WiFS), Systeme Pour l'Observation de la Terre (SPOT) VEGETATION, and approach are presented in this paper, while results from evaluation of
ENVISAT Medium Resolution Imaging Spectrometers (MERIS). the quality of the generated data series are presented in the second
The challenges underlying the generation of continuous time paper. This paper is organized as follows. The criteria for ensuring
series of land products from data of multiple instruments include both consistency between retrievals from different sensors are formulated
remote sensing science and sensor-related issues. The scientific chal- in Section 2. The next section introduces the theoretical basis of a
lenges include modeling highly variable radiative properties of global multi-sensor retrieval algorithm, namely, parameterization of the
vegetation, scaling, and atmospheric correction of data. Traditionally, canopy spectral reflectance using the radiative transfer theory of
the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) has been used for spectral invariants. Methods for accounting differences in sensor
long-term global vegetation monitoring (Myneni et al., 1997). Bio- spatial resolution and spectral bands are presented in Sections 4 and 5.
physical parameters (LAI and FPAR) have been retrieved from NDVI The following section describes an approach to adjust the retrieval
using empirical relationships (Sellers et al., 1996). However, those re- technique for handling variations in the information content of the
lationships are site-, time-, and biome-specific and their use in global satellite data. Finally, the concluding remarks are given in Section 7.
operational production may be limited (Baret & Guyot, 1991; Wang
et al., 2004). Scaling issues (mixture of different vegetation types) in- 2. Criteria for ensuring consistency
troduce an additional bias as vegetation classes with relatively low
pixel fractional coverage are under-represented in coarse resolution Generation of ESDRs from observations of multiple instruments
retrievals (Tian et al., 2002; Steltzer & Welker, 2006; Shabanov et al., requires deriving an inter-sensor consistent product which also matches
2007). Finally, the retrieval of biophysical parameters require surface well with ground truth measurements. A one-to-one relationship
reflectances, however, a complete atmospheric correction of AVHHR between remote observations and a land parameter of interest can be
data was not performed in the past due to limited availability of req- achieved only in the case of error-free measurements delivering suf-
uisite ancillary data. ficient information content (Choulli & Stefanov, 1996). In practice, the
The hardware issues include differences in sensor spectral char- retrieval of LAI and FPAR from satellite data should be treated as an ill-
acteristics, spatial resolution, calibration, measurement geometry and posed problem; that is, small variations in input data due to un-
data information content. Differences in sensor spectral bands (central certainties in measurements can result in a change in the relationship,
wavelength and bandwidth) result in differential sensitivity of the leading not only to non-physically high variations in the retrieved values
sensor's spectral response functions (SRF) to the impact of Rayleigh but also to the loss of a true solution, since it may not satisfy the altered
scattering, ozone, aerosol optical thickness, water vapor content and relationship (Wang et al., 2001; Combal et al., 2002; Tan et al., 2005).
reflection from the ground (Vermote & Saleous, 2006; Van Leeuwen Input data and their uncertainties are, “in general, the minimal in-
et al., 2006). The variation in spatial resolution involves the impact of formation necessary to construct approximate solution for ill-posed
sensor-dependent Point Spread Function (PSF), such that radiometric problems” (Tikhonov et al., 1995, p.3). The inclusion of more measured
measurements for a particular pixel are partially mixed with those of information (spectral and/or angular variation) tends to improve the
adjacent pixels and re-sampling to the common resolution almost relationship between satellite observations and the desired parameters.
always results in a bias (Tan et al., 2006). At- and post-calibration This however not only increases the overall data information content but
results in varying sensitivity of satellite image Digital Numbers (DN) to also increases their overall uncertainty. The former enhances the quality
recorded radiation (Vermote & Saleous, 2006). The calibration issues of retrievals while the latter suppresses it. Therefore, the specification of
are further complicated by orbital drift and related changes in illumi- an optimal combination of data information content and overall un-
nation/observation geometry (Gutman, 1998). Finally, the information certainty is a key task to achieving continuity in the multi-sensor time
content of measurements will vary between sensors, e.g. due to series of LAI and FPAR products.
different number of bands, view angles, etc., and retrieval techniques In general, the information conveyed by surface reflectances is not
should take advantage of available multi-angular, multi-spectral, high sufficient to retrieve a unique LAI value. For example, different com-
spatial or temporal resolution measurements. binations of LAI and soil types can result in the same value of canopy
The two widely used NDVI time series data are the Pathfinder spectral reflectances; or different spectral reflectances can correspond
AVHRR Land (PAL) and Global Inventory Monitoring and Modeling to the same LAI value but for different vegetation types (Diner et al.,
Studies (GIMMS) (Tucker et al., 2005). These data sets cover nearly the 2005). A particular observation of surface reflectance is therefore
entire record (July 1981 to the present) at 8-km spatial resolution as associated with a set of canopy parameter values. We refer to these as
15-day temporal composites (PAL is 10-day composite). The data pro- the set of acceptable solutions (Knyazikhin et al., 1998a). This set of
cessing included calibration, interpolation of missing data, and partial solutions depends on the properties of measured surface reflectances:
atmospheric correction with statistical techniques. Several studies absolute values and uncertainties, spectral characteristics, spatial
reveal significant trends in NDVI over the Northern high latitudes resolution, and observation geometry. In general, a larger volume and
(Myneni et al., 1997; Zhou et al., 2001); however, the accuracy of the higher accuracy of the measured information corresponds to a better
assessment was questioned (Gutman, 1998). The Canadian Center for localized set of solutions. The solution set “size” can, therefore, be
Remote Sensing is routinely generating Canada-wide time series of LAI used as a measure of the data information content. We use this
and FPAR from AVHRR and VEGETATION at 1-km resolution as 10-day concept to formulate the following requirements for a multi-sensor
composites using empirical algorithms (Chen et al., 2002). Likewise, algorithm to generate consistent LAI and FPAR retrievals from AVHRR
the Joint Research Center is currently developing time series of FPAR and MODIS sensors:
from SeaWiFS, MERIS, and VEGETATION (Gobron et al., 2006).
Multi-decadal global data sets of LAI and FPAR of known accuracy (a) The algorithm should generate a set of acceptable solutions giv-
and produced with a physically based algorithm are currently not en AVHRR NDVI;
available. Efforts are underway to perform rigorous physically based (b) This set should include all acceptable solutions generated by
calibration and atmospheric correction to achieve consistency with the MODIS algorithm when given the corresponding AVHRR
the reference MODIS NDVI records (Vermote & Saleous, 2006). These spectral reflectances;
efforts should result in higher quality surface reflectance data ideally (c) The algorithm should also be capable of admitting AVHRR spec-
suited for producing LAI and FPAR ESDRs. Thus, the objectives of this tral reflectances, in addition to NDVI, and generate the same set
research are to formulate and demonstrate the performance of a syn- of acceptable solutions as the MODIS algorithm.
S. Ganguly et al. / Remote Sensing of Environment 112 (2008) 4333–4343 4335
In the above formulation, Terra MODIS LAI and FPAR products reflectance factor, BRFBS,λ(Ω), for a vegetation canopy bounded below
serve as the benchmark. It should be noted that the above technique by a non-reflecting surface can be expanded in a series of successive
falls into the category of the “probability approach to ill-posed prob- orders of scattering (Huang et al., 2007).
lems” which is close to the decoding problem of information theory
BRFBS;λ ðXÞ ¼ ρ1 ðXÞωλ i0 þ ρ2 ðXÞω2λ p1 i0 þ : : :
(Lavrentiev, 1967, pp. 8–9). It therefore naturally incorporates the no- : : :pm−1 Þi0 þ : : ::
þ ρm ðXÞωm λ ðp1 p2 ð1Þ
tions “uncertainty” and “information”.
Here i0 is the probability of initial collision, or canopy interceptance,
3. Parameterization of canopy spectral reflectance defined as the proportion of photons from the incident beam that are
intercepted, i.e., collide with foliage elements for the first time. This
Retrievals of the LAI/FPAR ESDR from multiple sensors require parameter gives the proportion of shaded area on the ground which in
parameterization of the retrieval algorithm that can be adjusted for turn is directly related to the proportion of the sunlit leaf area. Canopy
the specific features of the Bidirectional Reflectance Factor (BRF) mea- interceptance does not depend on the wavelength and is a function of
surements by a particular sensor (spatial resolution, bandwidth, cali- the direction of the incident beam and canopy structure.
bration, atmospheric correction, information content, etc., cf. Section In the general case, the recollision and escape probabilities vary with
1). The radiative transfer theory of canopy spectral invariants provides the scattering order m. For m = 1, the directional escape probability
the required BRF parameterization via a small set of well-defined coincides with the bi-directional gap probability. These probabilities,
measurable variables that specify the relationship between the spec- however, reach plateaus as the number of interactions m increases.
tral response of vegetation canopy bounded below by a non-reflecting Monte Carlo simulations of the radiation regime in 3D canopies suggest
surface to the incident radiation at the leaf and canopy scales (Wang that the probabilities saturate after 2 to 3 interactions for low to mod-
et al., 2003; Huang et al., 2007; Lewis & Disney, 2007; Smolander & erate LAI canopies (Lewis & Disney, 2007) with the recollision prob-
Stenberg, 2005). ability exhibiting a much faster convergence (Huang et al., 2007).
Neglecting variations in pm with m (i.e., pm ≈ const =p) and in ρm(Ω) for
3.1. Canopy spectral invariants m N 1 (i.e., ρm(Ω) ≈ const =ρ2(Ω) for m ≥ 2) in Eq. (1), one obtains the first
order approximation for the BRFBS,λ (Huang et al., 2007)
Photons that have entered the vegetation canopy undergo several
interactions with leaves before either being absorbed or exiting the BRFBS;λ ðXÞ ¼ ωλ R1 ðXÞ þ R2 ðXÞ: ð2Þ
medium through its upper or lower boundary (Fig. 1). Interacting
photons can either be scattered or absorbed by a phytoelement. The Here R1(Ω) =ρ1(Ω)i0 and R2(Ω) =ρ2(Ω)pi0 are the escape probabilities
probability of a scattering event, or leaf single scattering albedo, ωλ, expressed relative to the number of incident photons. The accuracy of
depends on the wavelength and is a function of the leaf biochemical this first order approximation depends on the difference between suc-
constitution. If objects are large compared to the wavelength of the cessive approximation to p multiplied by the factor ð ωλ pÞ2 =ð1−ωλ pÞ
radiation, e.g., leaves, branches, etc., the photon free path between (Huang et al., 2007).
two successive interactions is independent of the wavelength. The Under the above assumption regarding dependence of the rec-
interaction probabilities for photons in a vegetation media, therefore, ollision probability on the scattering order, the spectral absorptance,
are determined by the structure of the canopy rather than photon aBS,λ of the vegetation canopy with non-reflecting background can be
frequency or the optical properties of the canopy. To quantify this expressed as (Fig. 1)
feature, Smolander and Stenberg (2005) introduced the notion of
recollision probability, p, defined as the probability that a photon aBS;λ ¼ i0 : ð3Þ
scattered by a foliage element in the canopy will interact within the
canopy again. This spectrally invariant parameter is a function of The corresponding FPAR is a weighted integral of Eq. (3) over the
canopy structural arrangement only (Huang et al., 2007; Lewis & PAR spectral region (Knyazikhin et al., 1998a). According to Smolander
Disney, 2007). Scattered photons can escape the vegetation canopy and Stenberg (2005) Eq. (3) provides an accurate estimate of canopy
either through the upper or lower boundary. Their angular distribu- spectral absorptance. A detailed analysis of the approximations given
tion at the upper boundary is given by the directional escape prob- by Eqs. (2) and (3), their accuracies as well as how the recollision
ability, ρ(Ω) (Huang et al., 2007). Given recollision, pm, and escape, ρm probability and canopy interceptance can be accurately measured in
(Ω), probabilities as a function of scattering order, m, the bidirectional the field are discussed in Huang et al. (2007).
Fig. 1. Schematic plot of the photon-canopy interactions. Photons incident on the vegetation canopy will be intercepted by phytoelements with probability i0. This probability of
initial collision, or canopy interceptance, does not depend on wavelength and is a function of the direction of incident beam and canopy structure. The intercepted photons will be
scattered by the foliage elements with probability ωλ, and, in turn, will either interact again or escape the canopy with probabilities p and ρ, respectively. Given pm and ρm as a
function of scattering order m, the probability that photons from the incident beam will escape the vegetation after m interactions is ρmωm λ (p1p2⋯pm − 1)i0. The probability of
absorption after m interactions is (1 − ωλ)ωmλ (p1p2⋯pm − 1)i0. The proportion of absorbed or exiting photons is equal to the sum of corresponding probabilities for scattering order m.
4336 S. Ganguly et al. / Remote Sensing of Environment 112 (2008) 4333–4343
3.2. Canopy-ground interactions required to fully describe the spectral response of a vegetation canopy
to incident solar radiation. This set includes spectrally varying soil
The three-dimensional radiative transfer problem with arbitrary reflectance (ρsur,λ), single-scattering albedo (ωλ), spectrally invariant
boundary conditions can be expressed as a superposition of some canopy interceptances (i0 and i0,S), recollision probability (p) and the
basic radiative transfer sub-problems with purely absorbing bound- directional escape probability (ρ1 and ρ2) and their hemispherically
aries and to which the notion of spectral invariant can be directly averaged values.
applied (Knyazikhin & Marshak, 2000). These two problems are: (1)
the black soil problem, “BS-problem”, specified by the original illu- 3.3. Generation of structural parameters
mination conditions at the top of the canopy and a completely ab-
sorbing soil at the bottom; (2) the soil problem, “S-problem”, specified The global classification of canopy structural types utilized in the
by no input energy at the top, but Lambertian energy sources at the Collection 5 MODIS LAI/FPAR algorithm was adopted in this study
bottom. This decomposition technique was implemented in the (Shabanov et al., 2005; Yang et al., 2006). According to this classification,
MODIS LAI/FPAR operational algorithm (Knyazikhin et al., 1998a). Ac- global vegetation is stratified into eight canopy architectural types or
cording to this approach, the spectral BRF and canopy spectral ab- biomes: (1) grasses and cereal crops, (2) shrubs, (3) broadleaf crops, (4)
sorptance are approximated as savannas, (5) evergreen broadleaf forests, (6) deciduous broadleaf
ρsur;λ forests, (7) evergreen needle leaf forests and (8) deciduous needle leaf
BRFλ ðXÞ ¼ BRFBS;λ ðXÞ þ tBS;λ JS;λ ðXÞ; ð4Þ forests. The structural attributes of these biomes are parameterized in
1−ρsur;λ rS;λ
terms of variables that the transport theory admits (Knyazikhin et al.,
ρsur;λ 1998a). The stochastic radiative transfer equation was used to generate
aλ ¼ aBS;λ þ tBS;λ aS;λ : ð5Þ the Collection 5 Look-up-Tables (LUT) — a set of tabulated BRF values as a
1−ρsur;λ rS;λ
function of biome type, LAI, view/illumination geometry, etc. (Shabanov
The second term on the right hand side of Eqs. (4) and (5) describes et al., 2000; Huang et al., 2008). According to our strategy we first
the contribution to the BRF and absorptance from multiple interac- generate the spectrally invariant parameters for which the spectral BRF
tions between the ground and vegetation (cf. Appendix). Here, ρsur,λ is and absorptance coincide with corresponding entries of the Collection 5
an effective ground reflectance, and tBS,λ is the transmittance of the MODIS LUTs for all combinations of LUT entries. Next, given these
vegetation canopy for the BS-problem. Variables rS,λ, aS,λ, and JS,λ(Ω) parameters, the BRF and absorptance for specific wavelengths can be
represent solutions to the “S-problem”. The expansion in successive calculated using Eqs. (2)–(5) and (A2)–(A4) with varying single
order of scattering as given by Eq. (1) and illustrated in Fig. 1 is also scattering albedo which is used as the tuning parameter to adjust the
applicable to the “S-problem”, with the only difference that i0 is re- LUTs for data spatial resolution and spectral band characteristics (cf.
placed with i0,S, the proportion of photons from sources below the Sections 4 and 5).
canopy that are intercepted (i.e., those that collide with foliage ele- The canopy interceptances can be directly calculated using the
ments for the first time). A full set of equations describing canopy- stochastic radiative transfer equation. Fig. 2 shows i0 and i0,S as a
ground interaction is given in the Appendix. function of LAI for one example vegetation type (savannas). Isotropic
Thus, a small set of well defined measurable variables provide an diffuse sources below the canopy are used to specify the interceptance
accurate parameterization of canopy optical and structural properties i0,S. Notably, i0,S is greater than i0, that is, interception is higher under
Fig. 2. Canopy interceptances i0 and i0,S as a function of LAI. The latter is the proportion of photons from isotropic sources below the canopy that is intercepted by the vegetation.
Calculations were performed for a vegetation canopy consisting of identical cylindrical “trees” uniformly distributed in the canopy layer bounded from below by both a non-reflecting
(black soil problem) and reflecting (soil problem) surface. The canopy structure is parameterized in terms of the leaf area index of an individual tree, Lo, ground cover, g, crown height,
H, and crown diameter D. The LAI varies with the ground cover as LAI = gLo. The stochastic radiative transfer equation was used to derive canopy spectral interaction coefficient i(λ) for
both reflecting and non-reflecting surfaces. The interceptances i0 and i0,S are obtained by fitting the spectral invariant approximation to i(λ). The crown diameter, height and plant
LAI are set to 1(in relative units), 2 and 10, respectively. The solar zenith angle and azimuth of the incident beam are 30° and 0°. The view zenith angle is nadir.
S. Ganguly et al. / Remote Sensing of Environment 112 (2008) 4333–4343 4337
Fig. 3. Recollision probabilities calculated by fitting equations for the black soil (BRFBS, aBS and tBS) and “S” (aS, rS, and tS) problems to their simulated values. Here pBS and pS are specified by
fitting aBS and aS; pt and pS by fitting tBS and tS; pr and prs by fitting BRFBS and rS. Calculations were performed for the 3D vegetation canopy described in Fig. 2. The crown height, diameter
and plant LAI are set to 1(in relative units), 2 and 10, respectively. The solar zenith angle and azimuth of the incident beam are 30o and 0o. The view zenith angle is nadir.
diffuse illumination conditions (Min, 2005; Gu et al., 2002), which is culated by fitting solutions for the “BS-problem” and “S-problem” to
captured by our simulations. their simulated values. As expected, these variables are close to each
The stochastic radiative transfer equation is used to simulate the other (Huang et al., 2007).
solutions of the “BS-problem” (BRFBS, aBS and tBS) and “S-problem” (aS, Given spectrally invariant parameters, the reflectances (rBS and rS),
rS, and tS) as a function of the single scattering albedo, ω, for various transmittances (tBS and tS), and absorptances (aBS and aS) are calculated
LAI and sun-view geometries. For given LAI and sun-view geometry, for varying LAI and single scattering albedo values using the spectral
the spectrally invariant parameters are obtained by fitting the ana- invariant approximations and checked for validity of the energy con-
lytical approximations (cf. Eqs. (2), (3) and Appendix) to their simu- servation law, r +t +a = 1, for both the “BS-” and “S-” problems (Fig. 4).
lated counterparts. The parameters thus obtained are functions of LAI Note that the accuracy of r +t +a = 1 follows the accuracy of the first order
and sun-view geometry. Fig. 3 shows the recollision probabilities cal- approximation given by the factor (ωλp)2 / (1−ωλp) (Section 3.1); that is,
Fig. 4. Values of the energy conservation relationships rBS + tBS + aBS as a function of single scattering albedo and LAI. Calculations were performed for the 3D vegetation canopy
described in Fig. 2. Parameters rBS, tBS and aBS are obtained from the spectral invariant approximation to the reflectance, transmittance and absorption values as derived from the
stochastic radiative transfer simulations.
4338 S. Ganguly et al. / Remote Sensing of Environment 112 (2008) 4333–4343
the closer p and ωλ to 1, the lower the accuracy is. Finally, BRFs at red and is an explicit function of the spectrally varying single scattering albedo
NIR spectral bands corresponding to values of single scattering albedo of ωλ(V) at the tree crown scale V and the spectrally invariant recollision
Collection 5 MODIS LUT are calculated as a function of the effective probability p(V → V0). The latter is a scaling parameter that accounts
ground reflectances at red and NIR wavelengths, LAI and sun-view for the cumulative effect of canopy structure from tree crown to pixel
geometry. The BRF values are compared with corresponding values scales. Both ωλ(V) and p(V → V0) vary with scale V. For example, the
stored in the Collection 5 MODIS LUTs to ensure consistency (Fig. 5). single scattering albedo and the recollision probability associated with
needle, shoot, branch, tree crown, etc., are different (Smolander &
4. Algorithm adjustment for the sensors spatial resolution Stenberg, 2003). However since the left-hand side of Eq. (6) does not
depend on V, the algebraic expression on the right-hand side of this
Our scaling approach is based on the scale dependence of the equation should also be independent of the scale V. Based on this
single scattering albedo. This variable is defined as the probability that property, Smolander and Stenberg (2005) specified variation in the
a photon intercepted by foliage elements in volume V will escape V. leaf single scattering albedo and the recollision probability with the
The volume V is associated with the scale at which the single scat- scale V as follows.
tering albedo is defined, e.g., single leaf, clump of leaves, tree crown, Consider the scale V (e.g., tree crown) which in turn consists of
patch, or even a satellite pixel. The theory of canopy spectral invariants smaller objects (e.g. clump of leaves) distributed in V. Let V′ and ωλ(V′)
provides an accurate description of variations in the single scattering represent the scale of the object and its single scattering albedo. Eq. (6)
albedo with scale V (Smolander & Stenberg, 2005; Lewis & Disney, can also be applied to the volume V, i.e.,
2007). In our approach, BRF is an explicit function of the single
scattering albedo and thus this theory can be applied to imbue scale 1−pðV VYV Þ
ωλ ðV Þ ¼ ωλ ðV VÞ : ð7Þ
dependence to the algorithm. The aim of this section is to demonstrate 1−ωλ ðV VÞpðV VYV Þ
how the canopy spectral invariant relationships can be employed to
Substitution of this equation into Eq. (6) results in the same equation
adjust solutions of the “BS” and “S” problems for sensor resolutions. for ωλ(V0) with the only difference that ωλ(V) is replaced with ωλ(V′)
Consider two volumes, V0 and V, representing pixel and tree crown
and p(V →V0) is replaced with a new recollision probability p(V′ →V0)
scales. Their single scattering albedos ωλ(V0) and ωλ(V) quantify the calculated as
scattering properties of the pixel V0 and its constituent objects of
volume V. The latter are distributed within V0 in a certain fashion. It pðV VYV0 Þ ¼ pðV VYV Þ þ ½1−pðV VYV ÞpðVYV0 Þ: ð8Þ
follows from Eq. (3) that the pixel single scattering albedo, ωλ(V0), can
be estimated as (Smolander & Stenberg, 2005; Lewis & Disney, 2007) One can see the probability p(V′ → V0) that a photon scattered by a
volume V′ (e.g., clump of leaves) will interact within the pixel V0 again
i0 ðV0 Þ−abs;λ ðV0 Þ 1−pðVYV0 Þ follows the Bayes' formula given by Eq. (8). The recollision probability,
ωλ ðV0 Þ ¼ ¼ ωλ ðV Þ : ð6Þ
i0 ðV0 Þ 1−ωλ ðV ÞpðVYV0 Þ therefore, is a scaling parameter that accounts for the cumulative
effect of multi-level hierarchical structure in a vegetated pixel.
Here i0(V0) is the proportion of photons intercepted by the volume
Smolander and Stenberg (2003, 2005) demonstrated the validity of
V0 (Fig. 1), and p(V → V0) is the recollision probability, defined as the
the scaling relationships for needle (V′ = needle) and shoot (V′ = shoot)
probability that a photon scattered by volume V (e.g., by a tree crown)
scales. Lewis and Disney (2007) found that Eqs. (6)–(8) are applicable
resident in the pixel V0 will hit another volume V (e.g., another tree
to the within leaf (V′ = a within-leaf scattering object) and leaf (V′ =
crown) in the same pixel. Its value is determined by the distribution of
leaf) scales, implying that scaling equations provide a framework
volumes V (e.g., tree crowns) within V0.
through which structural information can be maintained in a con-
Eq. (6) links canopy spectral behavior at the pixel and tree crown
sistent manner across multiple scales from within-leaf to canopy level
scales. Indeed, the canopy single scattering albedo ωλ(V0) (pixel scale)
scattering. Tian et al. (2002) used a semi-empirical approach to ac-
count for biome mixtures within a coarse resolution pixel.
The scaling properties of the scattering process underlie our ap-
proach for developing scale-dependent formulation of the radiative
transfer process in vegetation canopies. First, one defines a base scale, V,
in a canopy-radiation model, e.g., tree crown, patch, etc. The structure-
dependent coefficients that appear in the radiative transfer equation are
parameterized in terms of the distribution of objects in the volume V
within the pixel V0 and thus are independent of the structure that exists
within V. The concepts of the pair-correlation function (Huang et al.,
2008) and biome mixtures (Shabanov et al., 2007) are used to obtain
these coefficients. Second, the single scattering albedo ωλ(V) of the
object (which also appears in the equation) is calculated using Eqs. (7)
and (8). The radiative transfer equation describes the interaction
between photons and objects of the volume V while multiple scattering
within V is accounted by the single scattering albedo ωλ(V).
In our parameterization (cf. Section 3), canopy reflectance and
absorptance are explicit functions of structural parameters and single
scattering albedo. The accuracy of the approximation depends on [ωλ
(V)p(V → V0)]2/[1 − ωλ(V)p(V → V0)]; that is, the smaller the p value, the
Fig. 5. The spectral invariant approximation to the BRF superimposed on the MODIS LUTs more accurate the approximation is (Huang et al., 2007). It follows
entries for the BRF. The effective ground reflectance patterns for the MODIS LUT are from Eqs. (7) and (8) that the single scattering albedo and the rec-
restricted to dark and intermediate brightnesses for illustration purpose, while the spectral ollision probability are decreasing functions of V, i.e., ωλ(V) ≤ ωλ(V′)
invariant simulation includes backgrounds ranging from dark to bright soils. The red-NIR and p(V → V0) ≤ p(V′ → V0) if V′ ⊂ V. In other words, the smaller the base
spectral space is displayed for the broadleaf forest vegetation class, characterized by the
single scattering albedos at the NIR(ωnir =0.84) and red (ωred = 0.14) bands. Calculations
scale, the more hierarchical levels of the vegetation in a pixel are
were performed for the 3D vegetation canopy described in Fig. 2. The solar zenith angle and involved, and more accurately the contributions of scattering orders
azimuth of the incident beam are 30° and 0°. The view zenith angle is nadir. should be accounted to estimate canopy absorptive and reflective
S. Ganguly et al. / Remote Sensing of Environment 112 (2008) 4333–4343 4339
properties (Knyazikhin et al., 1998b). The base scale therefore should The measured reflectance, BRFM,λ, is a weighted integral of Eq. (2)
be chosen sufficiently large to minimize the number of hierarchical over a spectral interval α ≤ λ ≤ β, i.e.,
levels and to achieve a good accuracy in the first order approximation. 2
In our approach, the structural variables are calculated for a ho- ω̄ λ
BRFM;λ ðXÞ ¼ R1 ðXÞ ω̄λ þ γð pÞ R2 ðXÞ: ð9Þ
mogeneous pixel of a single vegetation type only. The base scale 1−p ω̄λ
represents an individual plant (e.g., tree in a woody vegetation class)
Here ω̄λ ¼ ∫αβ ωλ f ðλÞdλ is the mean single scattering albedo; f(λ),
or a group of plants (e.g., in grasses). When the spatial resolution of
∫αβ f ðλÞdλ
¼ 1, is the spectral response function, and
the imagery decreases (i.e., the volume V0 increases), the degree of
vegetation mixing within the pixel increases. It means that different !−1
structures can exist at the base scale and consequently more hier- ω2λ ω̄ 2λ
γð pÞ ¼ ∫αβ f ðλÞdλ : ð10Þ
archical levels of the canopy structure may be present in the imagery. 1−pωλ 1−p ω̄λ
This directly follows from Eq. (8), i.e., p(V′ → V0) ≥ p(V′ → V) if V0 ⊃ V.
Assuming p(V → V0) varies continuously with the base scale V and the Note that ω2λ / (1 − pωλ) in the integral term of Eq. (10) is a convex
resolution V0, an increase in the recollision probability due to increase function with respect to values of the single scattering albedo. It
in V0 can be compensated by an increase in V such that p(V, V0) = p( V , follows from the Jensen's inequality (Gradshteyn & Ryzhik, 1980) for
V 0) where V ⊃ V and V ⊃ V0. Thus, the structural parameters can be convex functions that the numerator in Eq. (10) is no less than the
pre-calculated for a fixed base scale. The spectral BRFBS,λ (and denominator, and thus, γ(p) ≥ 1.
solutions to the “S” problem) can be adjusted for the resolution by Values of ω λ and γ(p) depend on the variation of the single scat-
using the single scattering albedo ωλ(V ) at a scale V . The single tering albedo ωλ with wavelength. If the single scattering albedo is
scattering albedo therefore allows us to scale up the simulated BRF to a constant in the interval α ≤λ ≤β, then ω λ =ωλ and γ(p) = 1 and no
coarser resolution. adjustment is needed. Such a situation is typical for NIR spectral bands in
which the single scattering albedo is almost flat with respect to
5. Algorithm adjustment for the sensors spectral bandwidth wavelength. The single scattering albedo exhibits much stronger varia-
tion at wavelengths between 580 nm and 680 nm. In this interval, ωλ is a
For a given spectral band, the observed BRF is a weighted integral decreasing function with a local minimum at about 680 nm. The
of the spectral BRF over a spectral interval, i.e., the bandwidth. The averaging of ωλ over the red AVHHR spectral band results in a higher
weight is the spectral response function that describes the sensitivity value of ω λ than over the narrower spectral interval of the red MODIS
of the sensor to a particular wavelength in the spectral interval. Both band. This effect tends to increase the measured AVHRR surface reflec-
the weight and the interval are sensor specific and vary with the tances at red compared to the corresponding MODIS values.
spectral band. Fig. 6 shows spectral response functions for red The variation of ωλ causes the ratio γ(p) to deviate from unity
(580 nm ≤ λ ≤ 680) and NIR (725 nm ≤ λ ≤ 1100) spectral bands for the which enhances the measured reflectance. Fig. 7 shows γ(p) for red
NOAA 16 AVHRR sensor (WWW1). The corresponding MODIS spectral and NIR spectral bands for AVHRR and MODIS. The ratio is an in-
bands, 620 nm ≤ λ ≤ 670 nm and 841 nm ≤ λ ≤ 876, are much narrower creasing function with respect to the recollision probability. For the
and shapes of the response functions (WWW2) differ from their NIR spectral band, γ(p) is very close to unity, with maximum deviation
AVHHR counterparts (Fig. 6). The difference in the spectral band being less than 0.5%. For the red spectral band, values of the ratio are
characteristics is a factor that changes spectral signatures of pixels higher and can deviate from unity by 8%. However, the overall var-
measured by two sensors. In our parameterization, the structural and iation in the ratio does not exceed 2%. In this example, the ratio was
radiometric components of the measured signal are separated. This calculated using a typical single scattering albedo of an individual leaf
feature gives us a simple way to adjust the algorithm for sensor band and thus its values correspond to the leaf scale. Recall that the single
characteristics. Since the solution of the “BS-problem” is a major scattering albedo and the recollision probability are decreasing func-
source of information about the intrinsic canopy properties, we focus tions of the base scale. It follows from Eq. (10) that the change in the
on this component of the signal. single scattering albedo by a factor k alters the ratio from γ(p) to
Fig. 6. Relative spectral response function in the red and NIR spectral intervals for the NOAA AVHRR-16 and MODIS sensors.
4340 S. Ganguly et al. / Remote Sensing of Environment 112 (2008) 4333–4343
Fig. 7. The ratio γ(p) for red and NIR spectral bands for AVHRR and MODIS. Spectral response functions shown in Fig. 6 for AVHRR-16 and MODIS and mean single scattering albedo of
spruce needles (Huang et al., 2007) are used to calculate the ratio (“std” in the figure refers to standard deviation of γ(p)).
γ(k·p). The adjustment of the reflectance for a coarser data resolution, 6. Data information content and observation uncertainty
therefore, lowers its variation due to decreases in both the single
scattering albedo (k ≤ 1) and the recollision probability. The difference in information content of MODIS surface reflec-
To summarize, the problem of accounting for differences in tance and AVHRR NDVI can be quantified as follows. The spectral
spectral characteristics between sensors can be reduced to finding reflectance of a surface can be depicted as a point in the red-NIR
band dependent values of the single scattering albedo that compen- spectral space. The location of the point in the polar coordinate
sate for changes in ω λ due to differences in the bandwidths and de- system is given by the polar angle, α = tan− 1(NIR / RED) = tan− 1(SM),
viation of γ(p) from unity due to variation in ωλ, where the latter is and the radius r ¼ NIR2 þ RED2 . Here RED and NIR represent BRF
dependent on the base scale. The single scattering albedo therefore is values at red and NIR spectral bands. Pixels with the same NDVI are
the basic configurable parameter to adjust the simulated MODIS BRF located on a straight line (red line in Fig. 8). This line intersects the
for the spatial resolution and spectral band composition of the AVHRR origin of the spectral plane at an angle α. In the case of MODIS, the
sensor. Its value can be specified by fitting the simulated BRF to the surface reflectance data provide both the angle and location on the
observed BRF values over different vegetation types during the green line, while the AVHRR NDVI data provide the angle only.
peak season (Hu et al., 2003; Shabanov et al., 2005). This technique The MODIS LAI/FPAR algorithm exploits the location information
will be demonstrated in the second paper of this series. by attributing each point in the spectral space to a specific physical
state that is characterized by a background brightness and LAI. A pixel
Fig. 8. Reflectance of vegetated surface in the red-NIR spectral plane. The cross symbols
mark the spectral space of the MODIS LAI/FPAR LUTs for a range of simulated LAI and
soil background brightnesses. The line with circles intersects the origin at an angle Fig. 9. Distribution of acceptable LAI values corresponding to the full range of possible
defining the Simple Ratio. This line depicts different possible combinations of red and values of the radius (squares) and to a specific value of the radius (triangles). The mean
near-infrared reflectances corresponding to different LAI values and soil spectral LAI values and their dispersions are taken as the LAI retrievals and their uncertainties.
reflectance patterns. The ellipse represents the inequality criterion for which the The AVHHR and MODIS modes were applied to the MODIS surface reflectance using the
solution set is obtained. MODIS LUT.
S. Ganguly et al. / Remote Sensing of Environment 112 (2008) 4333–4343 4341
can have a background ranging from dark to bright soils, and the LAI erates similar mean LAI values given data from the same instrument.
can vary over a range for each specific instance of background bright- The corresponding dispersions, however, can differ significantly, in-
ness. In order to meet consistency requirements formulated in Section dicating varying information content of retrievals. Recently, Hu et al.
2, we implemented a specific mode in the MODIS algorithm (“AVHRR (2007) compared MODIS and MISR LAI seasonal profiles retrieved
mode”), in which the angle, α, and a range (rmin ≤ r ≤ rmax) of valid radii from data which have the same accuracy but different information
are taken as inputs. This range corresponds to variations of r for given content (Fig. 4 in the cited paper). The use of multi-angle and spectral
α as given by Collection 5 MODIS LUTs. While executing the algorithm information allows capturing seasonal LAI variations that are not
in the AVHRR mode, the following situations are possible (cf. Fig. 8): detected by single-angle views. We will explore the impact of the
information content on retrievals with respect to MODIS and AVHRR
• If rmin = rmax, the set of acceptable solutions coincides with that
retrievals in the second paper of this series.
generated by the operational MODIS LAI/FPAR algorithm.
• If rmin b rmax, the set of acceptable solutions includes as subset
7. Concluding remarks
standard MODIS retrievals (Fig. 9).
The following merit function is used to select the set of acceptable This research introduces a physically based approach for generat-
solutions in the MODIS-algorithm, ing LAI and FPAR ESDRs (this paper) and its application to developing a
2 2 long time series of these products from MODIS and AVHRR data
NIR⁎ −NIR RED⁎ −RED (second paper in this series). In general, ESDR algorithms ingesting
Δ ¼ þ : ð11Þ data from different instruments should account for differences in
σ 2NIR σ 2RED
spatial resolution, spectral characteristics, uncertainties due to atmo-
Here NIR⁎ and RED⁎ denote values of measured surface reflectances, spheric effects and calibration, information content, etc. Our approach
while NIR and RED correspond to values of simulated reflectances. The to this problem is based on the radiative transfer theory of spectral
dispersions σNIR and σRED quantify combined model and observations invariants. Accordingly, the canopy spectral BRF is parameterized in
uncertainties at NIR and red spectral bands and are configurable pa- terms of a compact set of parameters — spectrally varying soil reflec-
rameters in our approach (Wang et al., 2001). The dispersions are rep- tances, single-scattering albedo, spectrally invariant canopy intercep-
resented as, σNIR =εNIRNIR⁎ and σRED =εREDRED⁎, where εNIR and εRED tance, recollision probability and the directional escape probability. The
are the corresponding relative uncertainties (Wang et al., 2001). The approach ensures energy conservation and allows decoupling the
variable Δ2 characterizing the proximity of measured surface reflec- structural and radiometric components of the BRF. According to this
tances to simulated values has a chi-square distribution with two de- theory, the single scattering albedo accounts for the dependence of BRF
grees of freedom. A value of Δ2 ≤ 2 indicates good proximity between on sensor's spatial resolution and spectral bandwidth. The parameter
observations and simulations (Wang et al., 2001). All LAI and soil characterizing data uncertainty accounts for variation in the information
reflectance values satisfying this criterion constitute the set of acceptable content of the remote measurements. Thus, the single scattering albedo
solutions for a particular MODIS observation (NIR⁎ and RED⁎). and data uncertainty are two key configurable parameters in our
In the AVHRR-mode, the criteria Δ2 ≤ 2 is appliedpto each ffipoint
ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi algorithm. The algorithm supports two modes of operation: the
for NIRffi⁎ ¼ r sin α ¼ r SM⁎ = 1 þ SM⁎ , and
on the line (Fig. 8), i.e., MODIS mode (retrievals from BRF) and the AVHRR mode (retrievals
RED ¼ r cos α ¼ r= 1 þ SM⁎ . Here, SM⁎ is the input simple ratio
⁎ 2 from NDVI). In both cases, the algorithm simulates similar mean LAI
from AVHRR, and the radius r varies between rmin and rmax. Note that values, if input data from the same instrument are used. The
the AVHRR mode does not increase computation time since in the corresponding dispersions, however, differ significantly, indicating
MODIS mode the inequality Δ2 ≤ 2 is checked for all combinations of varying input information content and related uncertainties (MODIS
LAI and soil patterns. BRF vs. AVHRR NDVI). Overall, the problem of generating LAI/FPAR is
Fig. 10 shows correlation between LAI retrievals using MODIS and reduced to the problem of finding values of data uncertainty and
AVHHR modes of the algorithm. In both modes, the algorithm gen- single scattering albedo for which: a) the consistency requirements
for retrievals from MODIS and AVHRR are met; b) the difference
between MODIS and AVHRR LAI/FPAR is minimized; c) the probability
of retrieving LAI/FPAR is maximized. The implementation of this
algorithm and evaluation of the derived product will be detailed in
the second paper of this two-part series.
The second term on the right hand side of Eqs. (4) and (5) describes
the contribution of multiple interactions between the ground and the
canopy to the total canopy BRF and absorptance. Let the downward
flux at the surface level be tBS,λ in the case of a black surface. The
incoming flux after interacting with the ground will act as the initial
source at the surface. The reflected radiation flux (tBS,λ ρsur,λ) will
Fig. 10. Correlation between LAI values retrieved using the MODIS (horizontal axis) and interact with the canopy further and return to the surface (tBS,λ ρsur,λ
AVHHR (vertical axis) modes of the algorithm for dark (ρsur,RED = ρsur,RED = 0.05), medium rS,λ), where ρsur,λ and rS,λ are the hemispherically integrated ground
(ρsur,RED = ρsur,RED = 0.16) and bright (ρsur,RED = ρsur,RED = 0.26) backgrounds. Surface
reflectances shown in Fig. 8 that correspond to selected backgrounds and simple
and canopy reflectance, respectively. Let JS,λ(Ω) be the radiance
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uncertainties at red and NIR spectral bands were set to 0.3 and 0.15. into account that the intensity of sources at the first interaction is
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