2010 Nototriton Tomamorum Texiguat
2010 Nototriton Tomamorum Texiguat
2010 Nototriton Tomamorum Texiguat
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4 authors, including:
James D. Austin
University of Florida
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All content following this page was uploaded by Josiah Townsend on 16 December 2018.
School of Natural Resources and Environment, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida 32611
Instituto Regional de Biodiversidad (IRBio), Centro Zamorano de Biodiversidad, Escuela Agrícola Panamericana Zamorano,
Departamento de Francisco Morazán, Honduras
Department of Wildlife Ecology and Conservation, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida 32611
Corresponding author. E-mail: jtwnsnd@ufl.edu
A new species of Nototriton is described from Refugio de Vida Silvestre Texiguat in northern Honduras, and is presented
in a new phylogenetic hypothesis for the genus Nototriton. This species differs from all other congeners by a number of
morphological characteristics, including but not limited to large nares, syndactylous hands and feet with pointed toe tips,
and a pale ventral surface with light mottling. Mitochondrial sequence divergence distinguishes this species from all
other Nototriton (3.6–6.0% at 16S and 10.2–15.1% at cytochrome b). Refugio de Vida Silvestre Texiguat harbors a
remarkable herpetofauna, including 20% of all endemic amphibian and reptile species in Honduras, among which are
five species (one anuran, one lizard, and three snakes) known only from the immediate vicinity of the type locality of the
new species. Despite the evolutionary and conservation importance of this reserve, it remains one of the most imperiled
cloud forests in Honduras due to persistent illegal logging and forest clearing.
Key words: Bolitoglossinae, conservation, cloud forest, endemic, Nototriton tomamorum sp. nov., Nuclear Central
America, tropical salamanders, Texiguat, mtDNA, 16S, cytochrome b
Se describe una nueva especie de Nototriton del Refugio de Vida Silvestre Texiguat en el Norte de Honduras, y es
presentada en una nueva hipótesis filogenética para el genero Nototriton. Esta especie se diferencia de todos sus
congéneres por un número de características morfológicas, incluyendo, pero no limitadas a, fosas nasales grandes, manos
y pies sindáctilos con las puntas los dedos en punta y superficie ventral pálida con ligeras manchas. Las secuencias
mitocondriales demuestran la diferencia entre esta especie y todas las demás especies en el género Nototriton (3.6–6.0%
en 16S y 10.2–15.1% en citocromo b). El Refugio de Vida Silvestre Texiguat alberga una herpetofauna endémica
destacable, incluyendo 20% de las especies anfibios y reptiles endémicos en Honduras, entre los cuales hay cinco
especies (un anuros, una lagartija, y tres serpientes) que ocurren únicamente en las inmediaciones de la localidad tipo de
la nueva especie. A pesar de la importancia evolutiva y para conservación de esta reserva, sigue siendo uno de los
bosques nublados en mayor peligro en Honduras debido a la persistente tala ilegal y desforestación del bosque.
Palabras claves: Bolitoglossinae, conservación, bosque nublado, endémico, Nototriton tomamorum sp. nov.,
Centroamerica Nuclear, salamandras tropicales, Texiguat, ADNmt, 16S, citocromo b
The highlands of Central America are home to a suite of small lungless salamanders (Plethodontidae:
Cryptotriton, Dendrotriton, Nototriton, Oedipina) characterized by conserved morphology that has masked
considerable evolutionary diversification (Wake 1987). Adding to the challenge posed by the often
Taxa and samples utilized in this study, with their associated locality and museum and GenBank accession
numbers, are summarized in Table 1. Institutional abbreviations follow those standardized by the American
Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists (http://www.asih.org/codons.pdf); numbers from the field series
of the first author (JHT) and Ileana R. Luque (IRL) represent voucher specimens deposited at UF in May
2009. Morphological measurements were taken with precision digital calipers and a stereomicroscope with an
optical micrometer; measurements are rounded to the nearest 0.1 mm. Abbreviations used for morphological
measurements are as follows: snout to posterior edge of vent, SVL; axilla–groin length, AG; trunk width at
midbody, TW; head length from tip of snout to gular fold, HL; head width taken at maximum, HW; tail length,
TL; hind limb length, HLL; forelimb length, FLL; combined forelimb and hind limb lengths, CLL; hind foot
length, HFL; hind foot width, HFW; and nares length, NL. Morphological comparisons of the aforementioned
characters are presented in Table 2. Comparative morphological data for other species of Nototriton,
Cryptotriton, and Dendrotriton are taken from Good & Wake (1993), Campbell & Smith (1998), Lynch &
Wake (1978), McCranie et al. (1998), Ehmcke & Clemen (2000), McCranie & Wilson (2002), Savage (2002),
Vásquez-Almazán et al. (2009), and Wake & Campbell (2000).
Template DNA was extracted from muscle tissue using the QIAGEN PureGene DNA Isolation Kit
following manufacturer’s instructions. Two mitochondrial gene fragments were amplified: a 692 base pair
segment of cytochrome b (cob) gene using primers MVZ15-L and MVZ18-H (Moritz et al. 1992) and a 550
base pair fragment of the 16S large subunit RNA (16S) using 16Sar-L and 16Sbr-H (Palumbi et al. 1991).
Unincorporated nucleotides were removed from PCR product with ExoSAP-IT, and product was sequenced
using forward and reverse primers following standard sequencing protocols and sequences electrophoresed on
an ABI 3130xl (Applied Biosystems, Inc.).
Sequence data for 16S and cob was combined with available samples of Nototriton from GenBank (Table
1) and used in sequence divergence analysis. Sequences were aligned and pairwise comparisons of corrected
sequence divergence were generated using Mega 4.0 (Tamura et al. 2007), using the Kimura-2 parameter
(K2p; Kimura 1980) to provide relatively conservative estimates of pairwise sequence divergence. A dataset
limited to taxa with data available for both 16S and cob and one outgroup taxon (Oedipina gephyra) was used
for phylogenetic analyses. Sequences were trimmed to 497 bp for 16S and 385 bp for cob to match the length
of available sequences from multiple genera.
Bayesian and maximum likelihood (ML) phylogenetic analyses were performed on the 882 bp combined
dataset. We partitioned the dataset by gene (16S) and codon position (1st, 2nd, 3rd), with best-fit models for
each partition determined using the Akaike Information Criterion implemented in MrModeltest2.2 (Nylander
2004). The model GTR+I+Γ was selected for 16S; for cob GTR+Γ was selected for 1st position, K(80)+I+Γ
for 2nd position, and HKY for 3rd position. Bayesian analysis was performed using MrBayes 3.1.2
(Huelsenbeck and Ronquist 2001), and consisted of two parallel runs of four Markov chains (three heated, one
cold) run for 20 x 106 generations and sampled every 1000 generations, with a random starting tree and the
FIGURE 1. Distribution of Nototriton in eastern Nuclear Central America; shaded areas >1000 m elevation; open star =
type locality of N. tomamorum sp. nov., N. sp.; solid star = N. stuarti; open triangles = N. brodiei; closed triangles = N.
limnospectator; solid square = N. barbouri; open diamonds = N. lignicola; solid diamond = N. saslaya.
Environmental Vulnerability Scores (EVS) were calculated using the methodology developed and refined
by Wilson & McCranie (1992, 2003, 2004a), were generated by taking the total of three rankings: 1) extent of
geographic range, 2a) degree of specialization of reproductive mode for amphibians or 2b) the degree of
persecution by humans for reptiles, and 3) extent of ecological distribution in Honduras; EVS scores from 10–
13 indicate medium vulnerability, and scores from 14–19 are high vulnerability (Wilson & McCranie 2003).
Proposed Red List categorization follows the criteria utilized by the IUCN (2001; 2009). Definitions of forest
formations follow Holdridge (1967) and McCranie & Wilson (2002).
Holotype: A female (UF 155377) from 2.5 km NNE of La Fortuna (15°25.965’N, 87°18.556’W), 1550 m,
Refugio de Vida Silvestre Texiguat, Departamento de Yoro, Honduras, collected 9 April 2008 by J. Slapcinsky
and the field team of J. M. Butler, L. P. Ketzler, N. M. Stewart, J. H. Townsend, and L. D. Wilson. Original
field number JHT 2437.
Diagnosis. A small member of the genus Nototriton (SVL=26.9 mm; Table 2) based on having 13 costal
grooves (>16 costal grooves in Oedipina), hands and feet longer than broad (hands and feet broader than long
in Bolitoglossa), and nares that are smaller than most Cryptotriton and Dendrotriton (Fig. 3A, B; 0.018 NL/
SVL; 0.020–0.029 NL/SVL in Cryptotriton [except some individuals of C. veraepacis] and Dendrotriton).
Cryptotriton veraepacis has nares ranging from 0.017–0.027 NL/SVL (mean 0.022), and can be differentiated
from N. tomamorum by having a uniformly dark gray ventral surface (ventral surface pale with gray flecks in
N. tomamorum; Fig. 2). Generic placement in Nototriton is also strongly supported by sequence data from the
mitochondrial genes 16S and cob (Table 3; Fig. 4). This new species is distinguished from all other
Nototriton, except N. richardi and N. tapanti, by having syndactylous hands and feet (Fig. 3C, D; hands and
feet with free, differentiated toes in all other species) and relatively large nares (Fig. 3A, B; 0.018 NL/SVL
versus 0.010–0.016 in N. picadoi, 0.003–0.014 in N. abscondens, 0.012 in N. stuarti, 0.005–0.011 in N.
barbouri, 0.006–0.009 in N. lignicola, 0.004–0.009 in N. guanacaste, 0.004–0.005 in N. brodiei, 0.003 in N.
limnospectator, 0.003 in N. major, and 0.002–0.003 in N. saslaya). Nototriton tomamorum can be further
differentiated from members of the N. barbouri group by having a broader head (0.145 HW/SVL versus 0.138
in N. stuarti, 0.104–0.132 in N. barbouri, 0.120 in N. brodiei, 0.103–0.118 in N. lignicola, and 0.095–0.118 in
N. limnospectator) and fewer maxillary teeth (26, versus 36 in N. stuarti, 41–54 in N. barbouri, 42–55 in N.
limnospectator, 46–54 in N. lignicola, and 60–62 in N. brodiei), from members of the N. picadoi group by
having a relatively shorter tail (0.911 TL/SVL, versus 1.441 in N. major, 1.123–1.344 in N. picadoi, 1.013–
1.365 in N. abscondens, 1.210–1.337 in N. guanacaste, and 1.10–1.30 in N. gamezi) and narrower feet (0.037
HFW/SVL, versus 0.058–0.071 in N. abscondens, 0.059 in N. major, 0.060–0.070 in N. picadoi, and 0.066–
0.072 in N. guanacaste), and from N. saslaya by having shorter forelimbs (0.160 FLL/SVL, versus 0.194–
0.210 in N. saslaya) and hind limbs (0.197 HLL/SVL, versus 0.217–0.244 in N. saslaya) and narrower feet
(0.037 HFW/SVL, versus 0.075–0.091 in N. saslaya). The new species also differs from N. richardi and N.
tapanti in having a pale ventral surface mottled with gray chromatophores (ventral surface brown with dark
flecks in N. richardi and dark brown in N. tapanti), by having a tail that is shorter than the snout-vent length
(0.91 TL/SVL, versus 1.072–1.482 in N. richardi and 1.205 in N. tapanti), longer forelimbs (0.160 FLL/SVL,
versus 0.140–0.146 in N. richardi and 0.147 in N. tapanti), longer hind limbs (0.197 HLL/SVL, versus 0.174–
0.187 in N. richardi and 0.174 in N. tapanti), and narrower feet (0.037 HFW/SVL, versus 0.044–0.050 in N.
FIGURE 2. Dorsal and ventral aspects of the holotype of Nototriton tomamorum sp. nov.
FIGURE 3. Dorsal (A) and lateral (B) views of the head, and dorsal (C) and ventral (D) aspects of the right hind foot of
Nototriton tomamorum sp. nov., showing the lack of separation or differentiation in the toes, and lack of subdigital pads.
FIGURE 4. Bayesian phylogram based on combined dataset of cob and 16S, showing phylogenetic hypothesis for
Nototriton and placement of N. tomamorum (bold) as a weakly support sister taxon to the N. barbouri group. Bayesian
posterior probability values shown above and maximum likelihood bootstrap support values shown below branches;
bootstrap values less than 50% are not shown.
Sequence data from the holotype of Nototriton tomamorum are at least 12.5% (16S) and 20.6% (cob)
divergent from representatives of morphologically-similar genera of Central American plethodontids
(Cryptotriton, Dendrotriton, and Oedipina), but less than 6.0% (16S) and 15.1% (cob) divergent from other
species of Nototriton, supporting placement of N. tomamorum in this genus (Table 3). Within the genus
Nototriton, the new species demonstrates differing patterns of sequence divergence on the two genes sampled.
For 16S, N. tomamorum is closest to N. limnospectator (3.6–3.8%), a biogeographically-logical situation
given the relative geographical proximity of RVS Texiguat to the type locality of N. limnospectator,
approximately 100 airline km to the WSW in Parque Nacional Montaña de Santa Bárbara; however N.
tomamorum is 12.4% divergent from N. limnospectator for cob, and for that gene is closer to the Costa Rican
species N. abscondens (10.2%) and N. gamezi (11.5%) than to any other member of the N. barbouri group
(Table 3).
Given the morphological differentiation and lack of strong phylogenetic support, we refrain from
assigning N. tomamorum to any recognized species group pending acquisition and analysis of additional
molecular data from mitochondrial and nuclear genes.
Our phylogenetic analyses included taxa and populations of Nototriton not available in previous studies
(García-París & Wake 2000; Wiens et al. 2007), including a sample from the vicinity of the type locality of N.
barbouri (“Portillo Grande, Yoro, Honduras” [Schmidt 1936]). Inclusion of these data reveals the taxon N.
barbouri to be paraphyletic (Fig. 4), with strong support for N. barbouri sensu stricto as the sister species of
TABLE 4. Summary of conservation priority amphibian and reptiles from Reserva de Vida Silvestre Texiguat; distribution is
characterized as Endemic (restricted to Honduras), NCA (restricted to Nuclear Central America), or Widespread (range extending
outside of NCA); IUCN Red List status abbreviations are CR (Critically Endangered), EN (Endangered), VU (Vulnerable); methods
for calculating Environmental Vulnerability Score are detailed in the Materials and Methods section.
The herpetofauna of the RVS Texiguat is characterized by a remarkable degree of endemism (McCranie &
Castañeda 2004a; Wilson & McCranie 2004b). Currently, 39 species are known from 1550 m in elevation and
• Carry out intensive reconnaissance of RVS Texiguat on the Caribbean side of Cerro Texiguat and Cerro San
Francisco, to search for and identify previously unknown areas supporting populations of conservation
priority species. The majority of work in RVS Texiguat has taken place in the vicinity of La Fortuna,
which is accessed by means of a logging road established sometime before 1991. The Caribbean slope of
RVS Texiguat remains virtually unexplored and has no known access routes, and so exploratory work is
needed immediately to determine if this areas supports target species.
• Establish a habitat and species monitoring program led by Honduran biologists and local guardarecursos.
This program has been initiated in cooperation with PROLANSATE (the organization tasked with
managing RVS Texiguat). Initial plans are to hire six guardarecursos in early 2010 and begin training and
capacity building for development of long-term monitoring teams.
If these steps are not taken, it is likely that this significant center of herpetofaunal endemism will succumb
to the pressures of severe, and largely unnecessary, environmental degradation. Given that fully one-fifth of
Honduras’ endemic herpetofauna occurs in RVS Texiguat, this simply cannot be allowed to happen.
Fieldwork was supported by a grant from the Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund. Centro Zamorano de
Biodiversidad provided us with a vehicle and other logistical support in 2008, and we especially thank Jorge
Iván Restrepo, Arie Sanders, José Mora, Suyapa Meyer, and Fredy Membreño for facilitating this support.
Research and exportation permits were furnished by Carla Cárcamo de Martínez and Iris Acosta O.
(Departamento de Areas Protegidas y Vida Silvestre) and fieldwork was completed under permits AFE-
COHDEFOR Resolucion GG-MP-055-2006 and Dictamen DAPVS 0091-2006. Field assistance in April
2008 was provided by Lorraine Ketzler, John Slapcinsky, and Nathaniel Stewart. We thank Mario García-
París and David Wake for providing unpublished sequence data for Nototriton saslaya for use in our
comparative dataset, Ileana Luque-Montes for translating the abstract, and John Slapcinsky for assisting with
photography of the holotype. We also thank David Wake and an anonymous reviewer, whose
recommendations helped to greatly improve this paper.
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