Reference Document - Perimeter Fence - Design Calculations

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Biggleswade 400kV Substation

Main Compound

Substation Perimeter Fence

Design Calculations

Date 21/08/2023

RCL Contract No 23030

RCL Document No 23030-C-001

NG Document No 96_OMX_0053

Revision A

Date Revised First Issue

Rogers Clarke Lander Ltd

RCL House
1 Celanese Road
Derby DE21 7BN
T +44 (0)1332 664747
Rogers Clarke Lander Limited
Registered Number 1745576 England.
V.A.T. Registration Number 395 501833
Contract No 23030 Sheet No.

Client Electrafence

Made By JO Date 21/08/2023

Biggleswade 400kV Substation Substation Perimeter Fence

Project Section
Main Compound Design Calculations

1. Details Of Structural Design .............................................................................................................................................. 5
1.1. Project Overview ..................................................................................................................................................... 5
1.2. Description of Structure ........................................................................................................................................... 7
1.3. Subsoil Conditions .................................................................................................................................................... 7
1.4. Review of Supplied Information .............................................................................................................................. 8
1.5. References ............................................................................................................................................................... 8
1.6. Other References..................................................................................................................................................... 8
1.7. Computer Software ................................................................................................................................................. 9
1.8. General Notes .......................................................................................................................................................... 9
1.9. Steel Grades ............................................................................................................................................................. 9
1.10. Concrete Grades..................................................................................................................................................... 9
1.11. Reinforcement Notes............................................................................................................................................... 9
1.12. Design Scope / Philosophy.................................................................................................................................... 10
2. Material Properties and Safety Factors ......................................................................................................................... 11
2.1. Concrete Properties .............................................................................................................................................. 13
2.2. Load Factors .......................................................................................................................................................... 13
3. Geometry ........................................................................................................................................................................ 14
3.1. Electrification Wires ................................................................................................................................................ 14
3.2. Site Specific Information - Ice thickness ............................................................................................................... 14
3.3. Category 2 Mesh Fence Panel ............................................................................................................................. 15
3.3.1 Standard Geometry ....................................................................................................................................... 15
3.3.2 Design Areas in Non-Iced Condition ............................................................................................................ 15
3.3.3 Design Areas in Iced Condition..................................................................................................................... 16
3.4. Braced Straining Post (Propped Cantilever) ........................................................................................................ 17
3.5. 1.2m Pedestrian Gate to Category 2 Mesh Fence ............................................................................................. 18
3.5.1 Standard Geometry ....................................................................................................................................... 18
3.5.2 Design Areas in Non-Iced Condition ............................................................................................................ 18
3.5.3 Design Areas in Iced Condition..................................................................................................................... 18
3.6. 7m Double Gate to Category 2 Mesh Fence...................................................................................................... 19
3.6.1 Standard Geometry ....................................................................................................................................... 19
3.6.2 Design Areas in Non-Iced Condition ............................................................................................................ 19
3.6.3 Design Areas in Iced Condition..................................................................................................................... 19
3.7. 7m Double Gate to Category 3 Fence................................................................................................................ 20
3.7.1 Standard Geometry ....................................................................................................................................... 20
3.7.2 Design Areas in Non-Iced Condition ............................................................................................................ 20
3.7.3 Design Areas in Iced Condition..................................................................................................................... 20
4. Loading Schedule........................................................................................................................................................... 21
4.1. Site Specific Information - Wind Loading ............................................................................................................. 21
4.2. Electrified Wire Forces............................................................................................................................................ 22
4.3. Category 2 Mesh Fence Panel Loads .................................................................................................................. 22
4.5. 1.2m Pedestrian Gate Loads (Gate to Category 2 Mesh Fence) ...................................................................... 22
4.6. 7m Gate Loads (Gate to Category 2 Mesh Fence) ........................................................................................... 23
4.7. 7m Gate Loads (Gate to Category 3 Fence) ..................................................................................................... 23
5. Category 2 Mesh Fence Post & Foundation Design ..................................................................................................... 24
5.1. Load Combinations ............................................................................................................................................... 24
5.2. Applied Loads ........................................................................................................................................................ 24
5.3. Post Design ............................................................................................................................................................. 24
5.4. Planted Foundation for Category 2 Mesh-Backed Post ..................................................................................... 27
5.5. Gravity Foundation ................................................................................................................................................ 28
5.5.1 Gravity Foundation – Standard Post ............................................................................................................. 28
5.5.2 Gravity Foundatoin - Demountable Post ...................................................................................................... 30
5.6. Baseplate and Resin Anchor Design for Demountable Fence Post .................................................................. 32
5.6.1 Loading ........................................................................................................................................................... 32
5.6.2 Resin Anchor Design ...................................................................................................................................... 35
5.6.3 Resin Anchor Proof Test .................................................................................................................................. 45
6. Straining Post & Foundation Design ............................................................................................................................... 47
6.1. Straining Post Design .............................................................................................................................................. 47
6.2. Strut Design ............................................................................................................................................................. 53
6.3. Foundation Design................................................................................................................................................. 57
6.3.1 Foundation Design for 135° Posts .................................................................................................................. 57
6.3.2 Foundation Design for 180° Posts .................................................................................................................. 61
6.3.3 Foundation Design for 90° Posts .................................................................................................................... 65

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96_OMX_0053 - Rev A Biggleswade Substation Perimeter Fence - Design Calculations
Contract No 23030 Sheet No.

Client Electrafence

Made By JO Date 21/08/2023

Biggleswade 400kV Substation Substation Perimeter Fence

Project Section
Main Compound Design Calculations

7. 7M DOUBLE GATE TO CATEGORY 2 MESH FENCE - POST & FOUNDATION DESIGN ...................................................... 69
7.1. Post Design ............................................................................................................................................................. 69
7.2. Strut Design ............................................................................................................................................................. 73
7.3. Foundation Design................................................................................................................................................. 75
7.3.1 Planted foundation ........................................................................................................................................ 75
7.3.2 Gravity foundation ......................................................................................................................................... 77
8. 7M DOUBLE GATE TO CATEGORY 3 FENCE - POST & FOUNDATION DESIGN ................................................................ 85
8.1. Post Design ............................................................................................................................................................. 85
8.2. Foundation Design................................................................................................................................................. 89
8.2.1 Planted foundation ........................................................................................................................................ 90
8.2.2 Gravity foundation ......................................................................................................................................... 91
9. Badger Requirements ..................................................................................................................................................... 93
9.1. North & West Boundary ......................................................................................................................................... 93
9.2. South & East Boundary .......................................................................................................................................... 93
10. Design Summary ............................................................................................................................................................. 95

Printed 21/08/2023
96_OMX_0053 - Rev A Biggleswade Substation Perimeter Fence - Design Calculations
Contract No 23030 Sheet No.

Client Electrafence

Made By JO Date 21/08/2023

Biggleswade 400kV Substation Substation Perimeter Fence

Project Section
Main Compound Design Calculations



John Olabiyi Pegah Behinaein
Peter Duncan
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2023.08.23 10:30:54 +01'00'
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96_OMX_0053 - Rev A Biggleswade Substation Perimeter Fence - Design Calculations
Contract No 23030 Sheet No.

Client Electrafence

Made By JO Date 21/08/2023

Biggleswade 400kV Substation Substation Perimeter Fence

Project Section
Main Compound Design Calculations


These calculations should be read in conjunction with drawings:

34_OMX_0001 – Site Layout CAT2 & CAT3 Mesh Fence

34_OMX_0002 – Fabrication Details and External Elevations CAT2 Mesh Fence
34_OMX_0003 – Foundation Details CAT2 & CAT3 Mesh Fence

1.1. Project Overview

Biggleswade 400 kV substation is to have a new perimeter fence. The fence comprises of the following:

▪ Approximately 590m of CAT2 Mesh Fencing to the perimeter of the 400kV Substation.
▪ Approximately 160m of CAT3 Mesh Fence internally to separate the HV section from the operations area
▪ 1 No. CAT2 7m wide double-leaf manually operated gates to the 400kV Substation perimeter fence.
▪ 1 No. CAT3 7m wide double-leaf manually operated gate to the internal fence.

Printed 21/08/2023
96_OMX_0053 - Rev A Biggleswade Substation Perimeter Fence - Design Calculations
Contract No 23030 Sheet No.

Client Electrafence

Made By JO Date 21/08/2023

Biggleswade 400kV Substation Substation Perimeter Fence

Project Section
Main Compound Design Calculations

Fence Posts, Gate Posts and Straining Posts are included within this document. The Foundations for Fence, Straining
and Gate Posts are included within this document, Planted and Gravity design solutions have been provided to allow
suitable application dependent on the decision regarding utilities.
Removeable fence posts are to be installed along the internal CAT3 fence to allow crane access as shown below
(highlighting in RED)

Unreinforced foundations will be used where feasible to reduce shuttering and reinforcement on site. In order to
comply with National Grid requirements, all new fence will be designed and detailed as CAT2 according to the latest
TS documents TS 2.10.02.

Printed 21/08/2023
96_OMX_0053 - Rev A Biggleswade Substation Perimeter Fence - Design Calculations
Contract No 23030 Sheet No.

Client Electrafence

Made By JO Date 21/08/2023

Biggleswade 400kV Substation Substation Perimeter Fence

Project Section
Main Compound Design Calculations

1.2. Description of Structure

This calculations document covers the design and detailing of fence components (Posts and associated Foundations)
for installing the new perimeter fence at Biggleswade 400KV Substation All new perimeter fences are to be 2.4m high
CAT2 358 Mesh with 1m electrification extending above. The 1 No. 7m double-leaf gate to the perimeter fence will be
designed to provide the same (minimum) level of security as the CAT2 fences. All new internal fences are to be 2.4m
high CAT3 358 Mesh without electrification. The 1 No. 7m double-leaf gate to the internal fence will be designed to
provide the same (minimum) level of security as the CAT3 fences. All new foundations will be designed as planted or
gravity bases to resist loads in accordance with TS 2.10.02. These foundations are interchangeable and will be selected
to suit the ground conditions and proximity to services, existing or future.

1.3. Subsoil Conditions

The geological condition has been assessed with reference to the Factual Ground Investigation Report undertaken at
the proposed Biggleswade 400kV Substation site, conducted by Dunelm.

The report specified a geology top layer of topsoil 200mm thick underlain by a slightly sandy slightly gravelly CLAY to
around 1.3m bgl (below ground level). Below this level there is a band of slightly clayey SAND to around 1.7m bgl
followed by stiff to very stiff clays below this to significant depths.
The sand band is not present at all borehole locations.

Ground water was encountered at around 1.4-1.5m bgl in only one of the boreholes within the sand layer. It is assumed
this would be perched water above the clay layer below. All other boreholes were dry throughout the full depth. It is
not anticipated for ground water to adversely affect the foundation design.

The foundations are expected to found in the stiff clays at a round 1m below finished substation level.
The planted foundations will pass through the top layers into the stiff clays below. The top soils are to be removed and
replaced with standard substation surfacing of 300mm compacted Type 3 with 75mm chippings. It is therefore
expected that the resisting strata for planted foundations will be in good ground
Based upon the above, the ground conditions for planted foundations will be considered as “Average”, in accordance
with the ground descriptions in Appendix A of TS 2.10.02.

On the basis of the formation level for the concrete bases being located within the clay an allowable ground bearing
pressure of 100kPa will be adopted

From the above information, the following properties will be considered as a conservative approach for all gravity

Allowable Bearing Pressure Pbearing = 100 kN/m2

Friction Angle ' = 21 °
Soil Bulk Density soil = 20 kN/m3

A Design Sulphate Class (DS) of DS-1 and an Aggressive Chemical Environment for Concrete (ACEC) classification of
AC-1 have been determined.

Printed 21/08/2023
96_OMX_0053 - Rev A Biggleswade Substation Perimeter Fence - Design Calculations
Contract No 23030 Sheet No.

Client Electrafence

Made By JO Date 21/08/2023

Biggleswade 400kV Substation Substation Perimeter Fence

Project Section
Main Compound Design Calculations

1.4. Review of Supplied Information

Specifications: National Grid
TS 1 Issue 7 Ratings & General Requirements for Plant, Equipment &
Apparatus for the NG System
TS 2.1 Issue 6 Substations
TS 2.10 Civil Design Manual:
.02 Issue 2 Perimeter Security
.03 Issue 1 Piling & Foundations
.12 Issue 1 Structural Steelwork & Aluminium
TS 3.10 Issue 2 General technical specification

Documents: Dunelm

Drawings: Omexom Drawings


1.5. References
Structural Design General BS EN 1990:2002+A1:2005 (EC0)
Loads Permanent & variable loads BS EN 1991-1-1:2002 (EC1-1-1)
Wind loads BS EN 1991-1-4:2005+A1:2010 (EC1-1-4)
Loads on Bridges BS EN 1991-2:2003 (EC1-2)
Ice loads BS EN 1993-3-1:2006 (EC3-3-1
Materials Concrete BS EN 206:2013
Cement BS EN 197-1:2011
Reinforcement BS EN 10080:2005
Steel – hot rolled sections BS EN 10025-2:2004
Concrete Structural design BS EN 1992-1-1:2004 (EC2-1-1)
Specification BS 8500-1:2015
Steel Structural design BS EN 1993-1-1:2005+A1:2014 (EC3-1-1)
Geotechnical Design BS EN 1997-1:2004+A1:2013 (EC7-1)
Foundations General BS 8004:2015
Post-Installed Anchors BS 8539:2012
Fences Specification BS 1722-12:2016

1.6. Other References

NCCI: Elastic Critical Moment of Cantilevers (SN006), Galea, Y. (2006) CTICM. Available on
CFA Guidance Note – Procedure for Site Testing Construction Fixings - 2022

Printed 21/08/2023
96_OMX_0053 - Rev A Biggleswade Substation Perimeter Fence - Design Calculations
Contract No 23030 Sheet No.

Client Electrafence

Made By JO Date 21/08/2023

Biggleswade 400kV Substation Substation Perimeter Fence

Project Section
Main Compound Design Calculations

1.7. Computer Software

The following programs have been used in the analysis and design of the proposed structure
Tekla TEDDS 2023 - Documents and General Design
Hilti PROFIS Engineering 3.0.79 – Baseplate and Resin Anchor Design

1.8. General Notes

All setting out dimensions to be taken from drawings and specification. Dimensions in calculations are for design
purposes only. All members designed by Rogers Clarke Lander should be regarded as essential to the strength and
stability of the structure and should not be removed or modified without written approval from ourselves or a suitably
qualified Structural Engineer.

1.9. Steel Grades

All steel to be grade S275 J0 UNO
All hollow section steel to be hot rolled grade S355J2H UNO.

1.10. Concrete Grades

All concrete to be grade C30/37 UNO. For full details see the concrete specification in section 2.1.

1.11. Reinforcement Notes

All reinforcement to be high yield with a yield strength of 500 N/mm2.
All reinforcement to be type 2 deformed bars including any specified mesh.
Nominal cover to all reinforcement to be 50 UNO.
Allowable deviation to nominal cover to be ±10mm UNO.
All reinforcement laps to be full tension laps UNO.

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96_OMX_0053 - Rev A Biggleswade Substation Perimeter Fence - Design Calculations
Contract No 23030 Sheet No.

Client Electrafence
10 / A

Made By JO Date 21/08/2023

Biggleswade 400kV Substation Substation Perimeter Fence

Project Section
Main Compound Design Calculations

1.12. Design Scope / Philosophy

The wind load will be calculated using the methods set out in BS EN 1991-1-4:2005+A1:2010 to obtain the design wind
pressure. This will then be applied to the fence and gates in conjunction with the applied electrification wire forces
where appropriate to give a design overturning moment. Iced wind loads will be calculated in accordance with the
requirements of TS 2.10.02. Where the gap between components when not iced is less than 75 mm, it will be assumed
to be completely filled by ice under ice conditions. Otherwise, additional ice thickness will be considered while
calculating the design areas for iced wind load. Then, a reduced wind load of 50% characteristic iced wind load will
be used for combinations of wind and ice, in accordance with the National Annex to BS EN 1993-3-1.

The standard fence post is designed for the most critical conditions (wind only or wind + ice) applied to one fence
panel - 2440mm. The tension load applied to the wires is 25kg/wire. These forces are applied only to the straining posts
and gate posts for CAT 2 fences.

The site will be flat with a platform level of 40.3 AOD. The height of the fence will be 2.4 above sill level (40.325 AOD)
with the electrification extending to 3.4m

The fence is to have an anti-burrow strip to the full perimeter in accordance with TS2.10.02 cl.4.1.4. Due to the presence
of badgers the southern and eastern boundaries of the fence shall extend 1m below ground and 0.5m below ground
on the north and west.

All straining posts and straining post foundations will be designed for the worst load combination. The gate posts and
foundations are designed for the critical load combination considering two scenarios: gate open and gate closed.
The weight of one person standing at the end of the gate leaf is also added, as per BS 1722-12:2016, cl. 8.5.

The standard fence posts will be supported by planted foundations designed in accordance with the guidance set
out in TS 2.10.02 - Issue 2 (reproduced from Highways Agency Guidance BD 94/07) along with the gravity foundation in
case required due to underlying utilities. The bases will be analysed assuming "Average" ground. For the straining posts
and double gate posts gravity foundations will be designed. These are to be mass concrete bases with no
reinforcement. The design also, offers the option for planted foundations, in case those are required.

For designing planted foundations, a minimum depth of foundation equal to 800mm below ground level will be
adopted for the 2.5m high standard fence posts, following the guidance in cl.4.1.1 of TS 2.10.02 - Issue 2. Similarly, for
the 3.5m high straining posts and gate posts, a minimum depth of 1150mm will be considered.

All the standard fence posts must be fully fitted, lined, levelled and plumbed before both the fence panels and the
electrification wire is fitted.

The entrance gate posts could potentially have vehicle loading encroached upon the foundations, as such wheel
loading as per TS 2.10.08 will be considered in section

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96_OMX_0053 - Rev A Biggleswade Substation Perimeter Fence - Design Calculations
Contract No 23030 Sheet No.

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11 / A

Made By JO Date 21/08/2023

Biggleswade 400kV Substation Substation Perimeter Fence

Project Section
Main Compound Design Calculations



In accordance with BS8500-1:2015 + A2:2019 incorporating corrigenda No.1 and No.2

Tedds calculation version 1.1.01

Element definition
Element description Perimeter Fencing Concrete
Intended working life At least 50 years
Type of concrete Unreinforced, normal weight
Maximum aggregate size 20 mm

Exposure classes

Chemical attack (XA classes) - Table A.10

ACEC class AC-1
Section width t = 5 mm
Hydraulic gradient (note B) Less than or equal to 5
Design chemical class DC-1

Concrete requirements and specification

Consistence class S3

Minimum strength class

For design chemical class DC-1 - Table A.12 No minimum specified in code
Specified strength class C30/37
PASS - The specified strength class is adequate

Maximum water/cement ratio with C30/37 concrete

For design chemical class DC-1 - Table A.12 No maximum specified in code
Specified maximum water/cement ratio 0.55
PASS - The specified maximum water cement ratio is acceptable

Minimum cement content with C30/37 concrete

For design chemical class DC-1 - Table A.12 No maximum specified in code
For water/cement ratio of 0.55 - Table A.7 300 kg/m3
Specified minimum cement content 300 kg/m3
PASS - The specified minimum cement content is adequate

Recommended cements/combinations with C30/37 concrete

For design chemical class DC-1 - Table A.12 No maximum specified in code
Recommended cement/combinations types CEM I, CEM I-SR0, CEM I-SR3, IIA, IIB-M, IIB-S, IIB-P, IIB-Q, IIB-V, IIB-P
Specified cement/combination designation IIIA
PASS - The specified cement/combination is adequate

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96_OMX_0053 - Rev A Biggleswade Substation Perimeter Fence - Design Calculations
Contract No 23030 Sheet No.

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Made By JO Date 21/08/2023

Biggleswade 400kV Substation Substation Perimeter Fence

Project Section
Main Compound Design Calculations

Designed concrete specification for Perimeter Fencing Concrete

The concrete shall be produced in accordance with BS8500-2.
Compressive strength class C30/37
Maximum water/cement ratio 0.55
Minimum cement/combination content 300 kg/m3
Cement and combination designation IIIA
Maximum aggregate size 20 mm
Consistence class S3

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96_OMX_0053 - Rev A Biggleswade Substation Perimeter Fence - Design Calculations
Contract No 23030 Sheet No.

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13 / A

Made By JO Date 21/08/2023

Biggleswade 400kV Substation Substation Perimeter Fence

Project Section
Main Compound Design Calculations

2.1. Concrete Properties

Concrete density conc = 30 kN/m3 Table A.1, Annex A – BS EN 1991-1-1:2002

Concrete class C30/37

Cement class 42.5N (Class N) cl. 3.1.2(6) – BS EN 1992-1-1:2004
Cylinder strength fck = 30 N/mm2
Mean compressive cylinder strength fcm = fck + 8N/mm2 = 38.00 N/mm2 Table 3.1 – BS EN 1992-1-1:2004
Mean axial tensile strength fctm = 0.3  fck2/3 = 2.90 N/mm2 Table 3.1 – BS EN 1992-1-1:2004
Strength coefficient s = 0.25 cl. 3.1.2(6) – BS EN 1992-1-1:2004
Mean compressive cylinder strength at 3 days fcm,3 = exp(s(1-(28/3)))fcm = 22.73 N/mm2 (3.1) – BS EN 1992-1-1:2004
Axial tensile strength at 3 days fct,eff,3 = exp(s(1-(28/3)))fctm = 1.73 N/mm2 (3.4) – BS EN 1992-1-1:2004
Mean compressive cylinder strength at 7 days fcm,7 = exp(s(1-(28/7)))fcm = 29.59 N/mm2 (3.1) – BS EN 1992-1-1:2004
Axial tensile strength at 7 days fct,eff,7 = exp(s(1-(28/7)))fctm = 2.26 N/mm2 (3.4) – BS EN 1992-1-1:2004
Ambient relative humidity RH = 80 % Typical outside conditions in the UK
RH = 1.55  (1 – (RH/100%)3) = 0.76 (B.12) – BS EN 1992-1-1:2004
Basic shrinkage strain coefficients ds1 = 4 ds2 = 0.12 Annex B.2(1) – BS EN 1992-1-1:2004
Basic drying shrinkage strain cd,0 = 0.85(220+110ds1)exp(-ds2(fcm/10))10-6RH = 269.010-6
(B.11) – BS EN 1992-1-1:2004
Autogenous shrinkage strain:
Ultimate autogenous shrinkage strain ca,ult = 2.5  (fck – 10)  10-6 = 50.010-6 (3.12) – BS EN 1992-1-1:2004
3 day autogenous shrinkage strain ca,3 = (1 – exp(-0.2  30.5))  ca,ult = 14.610-6
28 day autogenous shrinkage strain ca,28 = (1 – exp(-0.2  280.5))  ca,ult = 32.610-6
(3.11) and (3.13) – BS EN 1992-1-1:2004
Type of aggregate used Chert / Flint (agg = 1.2) cl. 3.1.3(2) – BS EN 1992-1-1:2004
Secant modulus of elasticity Ecm = agg  22kN/mm2(fcm /10)0.3 = 39.40 kN/mm2
Table 3.1 – BS EN 1992-1-1:2004
Secant modulus of elasticity at 3 days Ecm,3 = (fcm,3 / fcm)0.3  Ecm = 33.78 kN/mm2 (3.5) – BS EN 1992-1-1:2004
Secant modulus of elasticity at 7 days Ecm,7 = (fcm,7 / fcm)0.3  Ecm = 36.56 kN/mm2 (3.5) – BS EN 1992-1-1:2004
Coefficient of thermal expansion for concrete T,conc = 1.210-5 C-1
Table 4.6, CIRIA C766 in accordance with cl. 3.1.3(105) – BS EN 1992-3:2006 (value based on aggregate used)
Material safety factor for concrete C = 1.5 Table 2.1N, cl. – BS EN 1992-1-1:2004

2.2. Load Factors

Permanent actions (ULS) G = 1.35 Table A1.2(B) – EC0

Variable actions (ULS) Q = 1.50 Table A1.2(B) – EC0

Combination factor for wind in iced condition w = 0.50 cl. 2.3.3 - TS 2.10.02 - Issue 2

For Serviceability Limit States (SLS) the partial factors for actions should be taken as 1.0 as stipulated in A1.4.1(1) – EC0.

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Contract No 23030 Sheet No.

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Biggleswade 400kV Substation Substation Perimeter Fence

Project Section
Main Compound Design Calculations


3.1. Electrification Wires

Diameter of electric wires ew = 2.5 mm
Wire centres crsew = 91 mm
Number of electric wires above fence new_t = 12
Number of electric wires within fence height new_b = 26
Total number of electric wires new = new_t + new_b = 38 cl. 4.9.6 - NG TS 2.10.02 - Issue 2

3.2. Site Specific Information - Ice thickness

- ICE LOADING TO BS EN 1993-3-1:2006

Altitude of site above sea level Aalt = 42 m

Altitude at top of fence  = Aalt + 3.4m = 45.4 m 3.4m = maximum height of fence components

Radial ice thickness without wind ro = 55 mm Fig. NA.2 - NA to EC3-3-1

Radial ice thickness with wind rw = 5 mm Fig. NA.2 - NA to EC3-3-1

Ki coefficient for round electric wires Ki = min(2/3 + 4/(ew/1mm),1.2) = 1.20 cl. NA.2.33 - NA to EC3-3-1

Basic ice thickness without wind rb = max(Kiro, Ki(ro + (-200m)/25)) = 66 mm c l. NA.2.33 - NA to EC3-3-1

Basic ice thickness with wind rb_w = max(Kirw, Ki(rw+(-200m)/25)) = 6 mm cl. NA.2.33 - NA to EC3-3-1

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96_OMX_0053 - Rev A Biggleswade Substation Perimeter Fence - Design Calculations
Contract No 23030 Sheet No.

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Made By JO Date 21/08/2023

Biggleswade 400kV Substation Substation Perimeter Fence

Project Section
Main Compound Design Calculations

3.3. Category 2 Mesh Fence Panel

3.3.1 Standard Geometry

Height of fence panel hfp_mb = 2400 mm cl. 4.3.1 - NG TS 2.10.02 - Issue 2

Height of straining posts hsp_mb = 3400 mm cl. 4.3.2 & cl. 4.9.6- NG TS 2.10.02 - Issue 2

Width of fence panel wfp_mb = 2440 mm cl. 5.3 - BS 1722-12:2016

Width of wire mesh panel wfp_wm = 2519 mm Typical. Oversized to allow for overlap at posts

Intermediate support column size RHS 100x50x3.0

Width of column Bp = 50 mm
Diameter of vertical wires w_v = 4.0 mm
‘weldmesh 358’ 75x12x4mm - 358 mesh standard & cl. 4.4.5 – TS 2.10.02-2
Centres of vertical wires crsw_v = 76.2 mm
Number of vertical wires nw_v = (wfp_wm / crsw_v) + 1 = 34

Number of vertical wires for use in calculations nw_v.d = nw_v

Area of vertical wires for use in calculations Aw_v = w_v  nw_v.d  hfp_mb = 326954 mm2

Diameter of horizontal wires w_h = 4.0 mm

‘weldmesh 358’ 75x12x4mm - 358 mesh standard & cl. 4.4.5 – TS 2.10.02-2
Centres of horizontal wires crsw_h = 12.7 mm
Number of horizontal wires nw_h = 190 (hfp_mb / crsw_h) +1 = 190

Area of horizontal wires for use in calculation Aw_h = w_h  nw_h  wfp_wm = 1914440 mm2

3.3.2 Design Areas in Non-Iced Condition

Mesh Fence Panel

Gross surface area of panel Afp_mb_g = hfp_mb  wfp_mb = 5856000 mm2
Net surface area of panel Afp_mb_n = Aw_v + Aw_h = 2241394 mm2
Solidity ratio sratio_fp_mb = Afp_mb_n / Afp_mb_g = 0.38
Ratio  0.8 - From cl. 7.4(1) use cl 7.11 n EC1-1-4
Area of fence panel for use in design Afp_mb_d = 2.241 m2 (Afp_mb_d = Afp_mb_n) cl. 7.4(1) - EC1-1-4

Electric Wires Above Panel

Gross surface area of electric wires above Aew_mb_g = (hsp_mb – hfp_mb)  wfp_mb = 2440000 mm2
Net surface area of panel Aew_mb_n = (ewnew_t  (wfp_mb-Bp)) + (Bp (hsp_mb - hfp_mb))
Aew_mb_n = 121700 mm2
Solidity ratio sratio_ew_mb = Aew_mb_n / Aew_mb_g = 0.05
Ratio  0.8 - From cl. 7.4(1) use cl 7.11 in EC1-1-4
Area of electric wires for use in design Aew_mb_d = 0.122 m2 (Aew_mb_d = Aew_mb_n) cl. 7.4(1) - EC1-1-4

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3.3.3 Design Areas in Iced Condition

In accordance with TS 2.10.02 - Issue 2 cl. 2.3.3, where the gap between components in the non-iced condition is less
than 75mm, this should be assumed to be completely filled by ice under iced condition.

Mesh Fence Panel

Minimum gap between fence wires crsmin = min(crsw_v, crsw_h) = 12.7 mm  75mm - consider solid panel
Area of fence panel for use in design Afp_mb_d.i = Afp_mb_g.i = (hfp_mb + rb_w)  (wfp_mb  2)= 11.741 m2
cl. 2.3.3 – TS 2.10.02-2

Electric Wires Above Panel

Minimum gap between electric wires crsew = 91 mm > 75mm - consider iced geometry

Area for design (ice + wind)

Diameter of iced wires with wind ew.i = ew + 2  rb_w = 14.5 mm
Gross surface area of electric wires above Aew_mb_g.i = (hsp_mb + rb_w – hfp_mb)  (wfp_wm  2) = 5.068 m2
Net surface area of panel Aew_mb_n.i = (ew.i  new_t)  (wfp_mb - (Bp + 2  rw)) + ((Bp + 2  rw)  (hsp_mb
+ rw - hfp_mb)) = 0.474 m2
Solidity ratio sratio_ew_mb.i = Aew_mb_n.i / Aew_mb_g.i = 0.09
Ratio  0.8 - From cl. 7.4(1) use cl 7.11 in EC1-1-4
Area of electric wires for use in design Aew_mb_d.i = 0.474 m2 (Aew_mb_d.i = Aew_mb_n.i) cl. 7.4(1) - EC1-1-4

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3.4. Braced Straining Post (Propped Cantilever)




a3 = hpl

Distance between supports Lpc = 2250 mm

Height of applied loading hpl = 1100 mm cl. 5.1.2 - BS 1722-14:2006

Distance between strut and top of fence a1 = hfp_mb - Lpc = 150 mm

Ratio of spans (top of fence) p1 = a1 / Lpc = 0.067
Distance between strut and top of electric a2 = hsp_mb - Lpc = 1150 mm
Ratio of spans (top of electrification) p2 = a2 / Lpc = 0.511
Distance to personnel load from base a3 = hpl = 1100 mm
Distance between strut and personnel load b3 = Lpc - a3 = 1150 mm

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3.5. 1.2m Pedestrian Gate to Category 2 Mesh Fence

In accordance with TS 2.10.02 - Issue 2, cl 4.7.2, the gate will be designed as Category 2, to provide the same
(minimum) level of security as the associated fence either side. Similar for any additional gates to Category 2 fence.

3.5.1 Standard Geometry

Gate post centres wg_1_mb = 1220 mm
Gate height hg_1_mb = 2400 mm
Gate post height hgp_1_mb = 3400 mm

3.5.2 Design Areas in Non-Iced Condition

Gate Leaf & Frame

By inspection solidity ratio is similar to that of the standard Category 2 fence panel. Allow 10% extra for hinge cover
plates etc.
Solidity ratio sratio_g_1_mb = sratio_fp_mb  1.10 = 0.42
Ratio  0.8 - From cl. 7.4(1) use cl 7.11 in EC1-1-4
Area of gate leaf for use in design Ag_1_mb_d = wg_1_mb  hg_1_mb  sratio_g_1_mb = 1.233 m2 cl. 7.4(1) - EC1-1-4
(Ag_1_mb_d = design area of single gate leaf)

Electric Wires Above Gate

No variation in electric wire solidity above gate leaf. Consider reduced centres of posts:
Area of electric wires for use in design Aew_g_1_mb_d = Aew_mb_d  wg_1_mb / wfp_mb = 0.061 m2

3.5.3 Design Areas in Iced Condition

Gate Leaf & Frame

Minimum gap between fence wires crsmin = min(crsw_v, crsw_h) = 12.7 mm  75mm - consider solid panel
Area of gate leaf for use in design Ag_1_mb_d.i = wg_1_mb  (hg_1_mb+rw) = 2.934 m2

Electric Wires Above Gate

Area of electric wires for use in design Aew_g_1_mb_d.i = Aew_mb_d.i  wg_1_mb / wfp_mb = 0.237 m2

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3.6. 7m Double Gate to Category 2 Mesh Fence

3.6.1 Standard Geometry

Gate post centres wg_7_mb = 7000 mm
Gate height hg_7_mb = 2400 mm
Gate post height hgp_7_mb = 3400 mm

3.6.2 Design Areas in Non-Iced Condition

Gate Leaf & Frame

By inspection solidity ratio is similar to that of the standard Category 2 fence panel. Allow 10% extra for hinge cover
plates etc.
Solidity ratio sratio_g_7_mb = sratio_fp_mb  1.10 = 0.42
Ratio  0.8 - From cl. 7.4(1) use cl 7.11 in EC1-1-4
Area of gate leaf for use in design Ag_7_mb_d = (wg_7_mb  hg_7_mb )/2 = 8.400 m2

Electric Wires Above Gate

No variation in electric wire solidity above gate leaf. Consider increase centres of posts:
Area of electric wires for use in design Aew_g_7_mb_d = (Aew_mb_d  wg_7_mb /2) / wfp_mb = 0.175 m2

3.6.3 Design Areas in Iced Condition

Gate Leaf & Frame

Minimum gap between fence wires crsmin = min(crsw_v, crsw_h) = 12.7 mm  75mm - consider solid panel
Area of gate leaf for use in design Ag_7_mb_d.i = wg_7_mb  (hg_7_mb+rw) / 2 = 8.417 m2

Electric Wires Above Gate

Area of electric wires for use in design Aew_g_7_mb_d.i = (Aew_mb_d.i  wg_7_mb/2) / wfp_mb = 0.681 m2

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3.7. 7m Double Gate to Category 3 Fence

3.7.1 Standard Geometry

Gate post centres wg_7_CAT3 = 7000 mm
Gate height hg_7_CAT3 = 2400 mm

3.7.2 Design Areas in Non-Iced Condition

Gate Leaf & Frame

By inspection solidity ratio is similar to that of the standard Category 3 fence panel. Allow 10% extra for hinge cover
plates etc.
Solidity ratio sratio_g_7_CAT3 = sratio_fp_CAT3  1.10 = 0.52
Ratio  0.8 - From cl. 7.4(1) use cl 7.11 in EC1-1-4
Area of gate leaf for use in design Ag_7_CAT3_d = wg_7_CAT3  hg_7_CAT3  sratio_g_7_CAT3 / 2 = 4.339 m2
cl. 7.4(1) - EC1-1-4
(Ag_7_CAT3_d = design area of one gate leaf)

3.7.3 Design Areas in Iced Condition

Gate Leaf & Frame

Solidity ratio sratio_g_7_CAT3.i = sratio_fp_CAT3.i  1.10 = 0.66
Ratio  0.8 - From cl. 7.4(1) use cl 7.11 in EC1-1-4
Area of gate leaf for use in design Ag_7_CAT3_d.i = wg_7_CAT3  (hg_7_CAT3+rw)  sratio_g_7_CAT3.i/ 2 = 5.514 m2
cl. 7.4(1) - EC1-1-4

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4.1. Site Specific Information - Wind Loading

- WIND LOADING TO BS EN 1991-1-4:2005 + A1:2010

Basic Values
Wind speed velocity vb,map = 22.0 m/s Fig. NA.1 – NA to EC1-1-4

Distance to shore Lshore = 88.0 km

Altitude above sea level Aalt = 42.0 m
Maximum reference height z = hsp = 3.4 m cl. NA.2.5 – NA to EC1-1-4

Altitude factor calt = 1.042 (NA.2a) and (NA.2b) – NA to EC1-1-4

Fundamental basic wind velocity vb,0 = vb,map  calt = 22.9 m/s (NA.1) – NA to EC1-1-4

Direction factor cdir = 1.00 cl. NA.2.6 – NA to EC1-1-4

Season factor cseason = 1.00 cl. NA.2.7 – NA to EC1-1-4

Shape parameter K = 0.2 cl. NA.2.8 – NA to EC1-1-4

Exponent n = 0.5 cl. NA.2.8 – NA to EC1-1-4

Annual probability of exceedance p = 0.02 cl. 1.6.1 – EC1-1-4

Probability factor cprob = [(1-Kln(-ln(1-p)))/(1-Kln(-ln(0.98)))]0.5 = 1.00 (4.2) – EC1-1-4

Basic wind velocity vb = cdir  cseason  cprob  vb,0 = 22.9 m/s (4.1) – EC1-1-4

Density of air air = 1.226 kg/m3 cl. NA.2.18 – NA to EC1-1-4

Reference mean velocity pressure qb = 0.5  air  vb2 = 0.322 kN/m2 (4.10) – EC1-1-4

Orography factor co = 1.00 cl. NA.2.13 – NA to EC1-1-4

Terrain category "Country"

Peak velocity pressure
Exposure factor ce = 1.7 for z = 3.4m from Fig. NA.7 – NA to EC1-1-4

Peak velocity pressure qp = ce  qb = 0.55 kN/m2 (NA.3a) – NA to EC1-1-4

Structural factor
Structural factor cscd = 1.00 cl. 6.2 – EC1-1-4

Force Coefficient for Lattice Members

Solidity ratio of fence panel sratio_fp_mb = 0.38
Force coefficient for lattice members cf,0 = 1.60 Fig. 7.33 – EC1-1-4

End effect factor  = 1.00 Conservative given complexity. Fig. 7.36 – EC1-1-4

Force coefficient for lattice members cf = cf,0   = 1.60 (7.25) – EC1-1-4

Force Coefficient for Solid Members cp,net = 1.8 Table 7.9 – EC1-1-4

Overall Wind Pressure

Wind pressure acting on fence (lattice) Wp1 = cscd  cf  qp = 0.88 kN/m2 (5.3) - EC1-1-4

Wind pressure acting on fence (solid) Wp2 = cscd  cp,net  qp = 0.99 kN/m2 (5.3) - EC1-1-4

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4.2. Electrified Wire Forces

Maximum tension applied to wires gew = 25 kg Advised by contractors for similar projects

Straining force in each wire Gk_ew = gew  gacc = 0.25 kN

4.3. Category 2 Mesh Fence Panel Loads

Approximate weight of mesh fence panel (+Electrification) gfp = 100 kg
Applied dead load from mesh fence panel (+Electrification) Gk_fp = gfp  gacc = 1.0 kN
Steel wire density w = SEC3  gacc = 76.98 kN/m3
Applied dead load from weldmesh Gk_wm = ((nw_hwfp_wmw_h2) +
(nw_vhfp_mbw_v2))    w /4 = 0.542 kN
Adopt for design Gk_fp_mb = Gk_fp + Gk_wm = 1.5 kN

Wind Loading (No Ice)

Horizontal loading at base of post Fh_fp_mb_w = Wp1  (Afp_mb_d + Aew_mb_d) = 2.1 kN
Moment at base of post
Mfp_mb_w = Wp1  (Afp_mb_d  hfp_mb/2 + Aew_mb_d  (hfp_mb+ (hsp_mb – hfp_mb)/2)) = 2.7 kNm

Wind Loading (With Ice)

Horizontal loading at base of post Fh_fp_mb_w.i = w  Wp2  (Afp_mb_d.i + Aew_mb_d.i) = 6.0 kN
Moment at base of post
Mfp_mb_w.i = w  Wp2  (Afp_mb_d.i  (hfp_mb+rw)/2 + Aew_mb_d.i (hfp_mb+ (hsp_mb – hfp_mb+rw)/2)) = 7.6 kNm
50% wind load for ‘wind + ice’ load combinations. From cl. 2.3.3 - TS 2.10.02 - Issue 2

4.4. Personnel Loads

Applied personnel load (horizontal) qkpl = 700 N/m cl. 5.1.2 - BS 1722-14:2017

Height of applied loading hpl = 1100 mm cl. 5.1.2 - BS 1722-14:2017

4.5. 1.2m Pedestrian Gate Loads (Gate to Category 2 Mesh Fence)

Approximate weight of gate leaf without mesh (+Electrification) gg_1 = 120 kg
Applied dead load from gate leaf without mesh (+Electrification) Gk_g_1 = gg_1  gacc = 1.2 kN
Applied dead load from weldmesh Gk_wm_g_1 = Gk_wm  wg_1_mb /wfp_mb = 0.271 kN
Adopt for design Gk_g_1_mb = Gk_g_1 + Gk_wm_g_1 = 1.4 kN

Wind Loading (no ice)

Horizontal loading at base of gate post Fh_g_1_mb_w = Wp1  (Ag_1_mb_d + Aew_g_1_mb_d) = 1.1 kN
Moment at base of gate post Mg_1_mb_w = Wp1  (Ag_1_mb_d  hg_1_mb /2 + Aew_g_1_mb_d  (hg_1_mb+
hgp_1_mb) /2) = 1.5 kNm

Wind Loading (with ice)

Horizontal loading at base of gate post Fh_g_1_mb_w.i = w  Wp2  (Ag_1_mb_d.i + Aew_g_1_mb_d.i) = 1.6 kN
Moment at base of gate post Mg_1_mb_w.i = w  Wp2  (Ag_1_mb_d.i (hg_1_mb+rw)/2 + Aew_g_1_mb_d.i
(hg_1_mb+hgp_1_mb+rw)/2) = 2.1 kNm
50% wind load for ‘wind + ice’ load combinations. From cl. 2.3.3 - TS 2.10.02 - Issue 2

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4.6. 7m Gate Loads (Gate to Category 2 Mesh Fence)

Approximate weight of gate leaf without mesh (+Electrification) gg_7_mb = 350 kg
Applied dead load from gate leaf without mesh (+Electrification) Gk_g_7_mb = gg_7_mb  gacc = 3.4 kN
Applied dead load from weldmesh Gk_wm_g_7_mb = Gk_wm(wg_7_mb/2)/wfp_mb = 0.778 kN
Applied dead load from mesh-backed gate leaf Gk_g_7_mb = Gk_g_7_mb + Gk_wm_g_7_mb = 4.210 kN
Adopt for design Gk_g_7_mb = 4.2 kN

Wind Loading (no ice)

Horizontal loading at base of gate post Fh_g_7_mb_w = Wp1  (Ag_7_mb_d + Aew_g_7_mb_d) = 7.5 kN
Moment at base of gate post
Mg_7_mb_w = Wp1  (Ag_7_mb_d  hg_7_mb /2 + Aew_g_7_mb_d  (hg_7_mb+ hgp_7_mb) /2) = 9.3 kNm

Wind Loading (with ice)

Horizontal loading at base of gate post Fh_g_7_mb_w.i = w  Wp2  (Ag_7_mb_d.i + Aew_g_7_mb_d.i) = 4.5 kN
Moment at base of gate post
Mg_7_mb_w.i = w  Wp2  (Ag_7_mb_d.i (hg_7_mb+rw)/2 + Aew_g_7_mb_d.i (hg_7_mb+hgp_7_mb+rw)/2) = 6.0 kNm
50% wind load for ‘wind + ice’ load combinations. From cl. 2.3.3 - TS 2.10.02 - Issue 2

4.7. 7m Gate Loads (Gate to Category 3 Fence)

Approximate weight of gate leaf gg_7_CAT3 = 300 kg
Applied dead load from gate leaf Gk_g_7_CAT3 = gg_7_CAT3  gacc = 2.9 kN

Wind Loading (no ice)

Horizontal loading at base of gate post Fh_g_7_CAT3_w = Wp  Ag_7_CAT3_d = 4.1 kN
Moment at base of gate post Mg_7_CAT3_w = Fh_g_7_CAT3_w  hg_7_CAT3 /2 = 4.9 kNm

Wind Loading (with ice)

Horizontal loading at base of gate post Fh_g_7_CAT3_w.i = w  Wp  Ag_7_CAT3_d.i = 2.6 kN
Moment at base of gate post Mg_7_CAT3_w.i = Fh_g_7_CAT3_w.i  (hg_7_CAT3 +rw) /2 = 3.1 kNm
50% wind load for ‘wind + ice’ load combinations. From cl. 2.3.3 - TS 2.10.02 - Issue 2

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5.1. Load Combinations

Load combinations from NG TS 2.10.02 – Issue 2 and BS 1722-14:2017:
▪ Dead + Wind
▪ Dead + Ice + Wind

By inspection of the loadings in section 4.3, load combination “Dead + Wind (with ice)” is the most onerous.

5.2. Applied Loads

Applied dead load from 1No. CAT2 fence panel Gfp = Gk_fp_mb = 1.5 kN
Max. forces applied by wind (normal to fence) Fh_w = Max(Fh_fp_mb_w, Fh_fp_mb_w.i) = 6.0 kN
Mw = Max(Mfp_mb_w, Mfp_mb_w.i) = 7.6 kNm

Load Combination: Dead + Wind (no ice) SLS ULS

Applied axial load N = Gfp = 1.5 kN NEd = G  N = 2.1 kN
Applied shear Vy = 0.0 kN VEd,y = 0.0 kN
Vz = Fh_w = 6.0 kN VEd,z = Q  Vz = 9.0 kN
Applied moments My = Mw = 7.6 kNm MEd,y = Q  My = 11.5 kNm
Mz = 0.0 kNm MEd,z = 0.0 kNm

5.3. Post Design

Geometry and Section properties

Size of support post RHS 100x50x4.0
Section properties Wpl.y = 35.24103 mm3 Wpl.z = 21.47103 mm3
Iy = 1.396106 mm4 Iz = 461.9103 mm4
Iw = 1.987109 mm6 It = 1.128106 mm4
Steel properties E = 210103 N/mm2 G = 80.8103 N/mm2
Torsional bending constant a = ((E Iw)/(G It)) = 0.068 m
Cross Sectional Area A = 1119 mm2
Section size b = B = 50 mm h = D = 100 mm
tf = T = 7.6 mm t = 4.00 mm
Grade S355
Yield strength fy = 355 N/mm2 Table 7 – BS EN 10025-2:2004

Steel factors M0 = 1.00 M1 = 1.00

Design loads
Design axial load NEd = 2.1 kN
Design moments MEd,y = 11.5 kNm MEd,z = 0.0 kNm
Design shear VEd,y = 0.0 kN VEd,z = 9.0 kN

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Section classification
Section classification Class 1 Table 5.2 – BS EN 1993-1-1:2005+A1:2014

Cross sectional resistance – Shear resistance

Design shear force parallel to z axis VEd,z = 9.0 kN
Shear area of post Avz = (D-2tf)t= 339 mm2 cl. 6.2.6(3) – BS EN 1993-1-1:2005+A1:2014

Shear resistance Vpl.Rd,z = (Avz fy/(3)) / M0 = 69.5 kN (6.18) – BS EN 1993-1-1:2005+A1:2014

Utilisation utvz = VEd,z/Vpl.Rd,z = 0.13  1.0 (6.12) – BS EN 1993-1-1:2005+A1:2014

PASS - Shear Resistance

Cross sectional resistance – Axial resistance

Axial capacity without buckling Npl.Rd = A  fy / M0 = 397 kN (6.10) – BS EN 1993-1-1:2005+A1:2014

By inspection, the fence post has the same effective length for flexural buckling about both axes and therefore the
buckling about the minor axis (z) will be critical for design.
Critical length (cantilever) Lcr,z = Lcr,y = 2 hfp_mb = 4800 mm
Elastic critical load Ncr,z =   E  Iz / Lcr,z2 = 42 kN
Non-dimensional slenderness bar,z = (A  fy / Ncr,z) = 3.09 cl. – BS EN 1993-1-1:2005+A1:2014

Buckling curve curvez = a Table 6.2 – BS EN 1993-1-1:2005

Buckling parameters z = 0.21 Table 6.1 – BS EN 1993-1-1:2005

z = 0.5  [1 + z  (bar,z – 0.2) + bar,z = 5.58 2] cl. – BS EN 1993-1-1:2005

Reduction factor z = min(1, 1/[z + (z - bar,z

2 2)]) = 0.10 (6.49) – BS EN 1993-1-1:2005

Axial resistance Nb.Rd,z = z  Npl.Rd  M0 / M1 = 39 kN (6.47) – BS EN 1993-1-1:2005

Utilisation utfb,z = NEd/Nb.Rd,z = 0.05  1.0 (6.12) – BS EN 1993-1-1:2005

PASS - Axial Resistance

Biaxial Bending
Applied shear is less than half the shear capacity (0.13) thus no reduction due to shear.
cl. 6.2.8(2) – BS EN 1993-1-1:2005+A1:2014
Plastic moment capacity y-y Mpl.Rd,y = Wpl.y  fy / M0 = 13 kNm (6.13) – BS EN 1993-1-1:2005+A1:2014

Plastic moment capacity z-z Mpl.Rd,z = Wpl.z  fy / M0 = 8 kNm (6.13) – BS EN 1993-1-1:2005+A1:2014

Axial utilisation n = NEd/Npl.Rd = 0.005 cl. – BS EN 1993-1-1:2005+A1:2014

Web area factor aw = min((A-2Btf)/A,0.5) = 0.32 cl. – BS EN 1993-1-1:2005+A1:2014

Moment capacity y-y MN.Rd,y = Mpl.Rd,y  min((1-n)/(1-0.5aw),1) = 13 kNm

(6.36) – BS EN 1993-1-1:2005+A1:2014
Moment capacity z-z MN.Rd,z = Mpl.Rd,z = 8 kNm (n<=aw) (6.37), (6.38) – BS EN 1993-1-1:2005+A1:2014

Biaxial bending exponents  =2  = max(5n,1) = 1.0 cl. – BS EN 1993-1-1:2005+A1:2014

Utilisation y-y utbb,y = MEd,y/MN.Rd,y = 0.92  1.0 (6.31) – BS EN 1993-1-1:2005+A1:2014

Utilisation z-z utbb,z = MEd,z/MN.Rd,z = 0.00  1.0 (6.31) – BS EN 1993-1-1:2005+A1:2014

Biaxial bending interaction inbb = utbb,y + utbb,z = 0.84  1.0 (6.41) – BS EN 1993-1-1:2005+A1:2014

PASS - Biaxial Bending Interaction

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Main Compound Design Calculations

Lateral Torsional Buckling

Using the process in NCCI SN006: 'Elastic critical moment of cantilevers' to determine Mcr:
Length of cantilever L = hfp_mb + 100mm = 2.5 m Allowing for 25mm above chippings, 75mm
Critical moment for simply supported beam Mcr,0 = (/L)  (EIzGIt) = 118.142 kNm (2) -
Determine C factor from tables:
wt factor wt = (1/L)  ((EIw)/(GIt)) = 0.027 (3) - SN006

Destabilising factor =0 load applied at shear centre of post

Assuming warping free (conservative) C = 2.03 interpolating in Table 3.1, SN006

Elastic critical buckling moment Mcr = C  Mcr,0 = 239.58 kNm (1) - SN006

Slenderness ratio for lateral torsional buckling LT = [Wpl.y  fy / Mcr] = 0.229 cl. BS EN 1993-1-1:2005+A1:2014

Limiting slenderness ratio LT,0 = 0.4 cl. NA.2.17 – BS EN 1993-1-1:2005+A1:2014

LT < LT,0 - LTB can be ignored

Strut curve D / B = 2.00, curve b cl. NA.2.17 – BS EN 1993-1-1:2005+A1:2014

Imperfection factor LT = 0.34 Table 6.3 – BS EN 1993-1-1:2005+A1:2014

LT = 0.5[1+LT(LT-LT,0)+(0.75LT2)] = 0.49

cl. – BS EN 1993-1-1:2005+A1:2014
LTB reduction factor LT = min(1,(1/LT2),1/(LT+(LT2-(0.75LT2)))) = 1.00
(6.57) – BS EN 1993-1-1:2005+A1:2014
Buckling resistance moment Mb.Rd = LTWpl.yfy/M1 = 12.51 kNm (6.55) – BS EN 1993-1-1:2005+A1:2014

Maximum applied moment to major axis MEd,y = 11.46 kNm

PASS - Lateral Torsional Buckling Resistance

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Project Section
Main Compound Design Calculations

5.4. Planted Foundation for Category 2 Mesh-Backed Post


Planted depth of foundation below ground level Pbgl = 1200 mm Below base of chippings

Maximum allowable width of footing Wb = Pbgl / 2.5 = 480 mm For calculation purposes only

Embedment of fence post into foundation ep = Pbgl - 50mm = 1150 mm

Size of post RHS 100x50x4.0
Depth of chippings dc = 75mm + 25mm = 100 mm
75mm chippings below, 25mm above substation level
Depth to fulcrum Df = Pbgl (1/(2)) = 849 mm
Fulcrum taken at 1/2 multiplied by the planted depth below ground level as stipulated in BD 94/07

Maximum horizontal load applied to fence post Fh_max = Fh_w = 6.0 kN
Maximum moment applied to fence post Mm_max = Mw = 7.6 kNm
Factor of safety against overturning Fos_ot = 2.0 Appendix A - TS 2.10.02 - Issue 2

Maximum applied moment to base Mmax = Fos_ot  (Mm_max + Fh_max  (dc+Df)) = 26.70 kNm

Foundation Design
Soil Type ST = "Average"
Ground strength factor G = 390.0 kN/m2/m
Value taken from Appendix A - NG TS 2.10.02 - Issue 2

Check Moment Capacity

Moment of resistance of foundation Mg = G  Wb  Pbgl3 / 10 = 32.35 kNm
Pass - Moment Capacity

Therefore use
500x500x1200mm square foundation min
500mm dia x 1200mm bored foundation min

- The depth given is from the underside of chippings layer
- The embedded fence post must extend to the bottom of the foundation
- Fence post excavations should always be backfilled with mass concrete
- The effective diameter of the post may be assumed to be equal to the minimum diameter of the excavated
- The concrete backfill shall extend from the base of the post to the base of the concrete sill.

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Project Section
Main Compound Design Calculations

5.5. Gravity Foundation

5.5.1 Gravity Foundation – Standard Post

Length of pad footing Lb = 1300 mm Parallel with the fence

Width of pad footing Wb = 1300 mm

Area of pad footing A = Lb  Wb = 1.690 m2
Embedment hembed = 325 mm For 300mm wide x 350mm deep anti-burrow sill

Depth of footing h = 700 mm

Total depth of footing Db = hembed + h = 1025 mm
Eccentricity of column in y ecy = 0 mm
Eccentricity of column in z ecz = 0 mm
Density of concrete conc = 24 kN/m3 Gravity bases to be with mass concrete (no reinforcement)

Soil details
Density of soil soil = 21.00 kN/m3 Fig. 1 - BS 8004:2015 based on Geotechnical Description

Design shear strength ' = 34.00 (4) - BS 8004:2015 based on Geotechnical Description

Design base friction  = ' = 34.0 For concrete cast against soil - cl. 6.5.3(10) - EC 7-1

Allowable bearing pressure Pbearing = 75.00 kN/m2 Assumption based on Geotechnical Description

Additional loads
Pad footing self-weight Fswt = h  A  conc + hembed  A  soil = 39.9 kN

Vertical load applied from the post Fx = 0 kN

(this load is considered null, due to the insignificant effect on foundation design)
Vertical load FV = Fx + Fswt = 39.9 kN
Shear load in y Fy = Vy = 0.0 kN
Shear load in z Fz = Vz = 6.0 kN
Moment about y My = Mw = 7.6 kNm
Moment about z Mz = 0.0 kNm

Foundation Design
Bending about y
Eccentricity about y ey = (FzDb + My + Fxecz)/FV = 346 mm
ey’ = Wb/6 = 217 mm Centroid of load outside middle third
Bearing length from edge by = min(Wb,3(Wb/2-ey)) = 912 mm
Bearing factors ky = if(ey’>ey, 6ey/Wb, 4Wb/(3(Wb-2ey))-1) = 1.85
ky’ = if(ey’>ey, -6ey/Wb, -1) = -1.00
Bending about z
Eccentricity about z ez = (FyDb + Mz + Fxecy)/FV = 0 mm
ez’ = Lb/6 = 217 mm Centroid of load within middle third
Bearing length from edge bz = min(Lb,3(Lb/2-ez)) = 1300 mm
Bearing factors kz = if(ez’>ez, 6ez/Lb, 4Lb/(3(Lb-2ez))-1) = 0.00

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Main Compound Design Calculations

kz’ = if(ez’>ez, -6ez/Lb, -1) = 0.00

Bearing pressure
Maximum ground bearing pressure GBP = (1+ky+kz)FV/(WbLb) = 67.3 kN/m2
Minimum ground bearing pressure GBP’ = max(0kN/m2,(1+ky’+kz’)FV/(WbLb)) = 0.0 kN/m2
Pass - Bearing Capacity

Sliding check
Resultant horizontal force Fh = (Fy2 + Fz2) = 6.0 kN
Permanent vertical force Rv = FV = 39.9 kN
Resistance to sliding due to base friction Rh.f = Rv  tan() = 26.9 kN
Resistance to sliding Rh = Rh.f = 26.9 kN
Factor of Safety FOSsliding = Rh/max(Fh,1kN) = 4.47  1.5 - PASS

Overturning about y
Restoring moment ROTMy = Fswt  Wb/2 + Fx  (Wb/2 - ecz) = 26.0 kNm
Overturning moment OTMy = FzDb + My = 13.8 kNm
Factor of Safety FOSOTM_y = ROTMy / max(OTMy,1kNm) = 1.88  1.5 - PASS

Overturning about z
Restoring moment ROTMz = Fswt  Lb/2 + Fx  (Lb/2 - ecy) = 26.0 kNm
Overturning moment OTMz = Fy  Db + Mz = 0.0 kNm
Factor of Safety FOSOTM_z = ROTMz / max(OTMz,1kNm) = 25.95  1.5 - PASS

Reinforcement Design
Check if reinforcement is required in base:
Allowable tensile stress in concrete ts = fct,eff,3 = 1.73 N/mm2
Assessment based on early age concrete tensile strength

Bending about y
Max outstand of foundation in z lout,z = Wb/2 + ecz = 650.00 mm
Elastic modulus of base (y) Zbase,y = Lb  h2 / 6 = 106166667 mm3
Stress in concrete (y) conc,y = Qmax(My,GBPLblout,z2/2) / Zbase,y = 0.26 N/mm2
PASS - Section uncracked, no transverse reinforcement required

Bending about z
Max outstand of foundation in y lout,y = Lb/2 + ecy = 650.00 mm
Elastic modulus of base (z) Zbase,z = Wb  h2 / 6 = 106166667 mm3
Stress in concrete (z) conc,z = Qmax(Mz,GBPWblout,y2/2) / Zbase,z = 0.26 N/mm2
PASS - Section uncracked, no longitudinal reinforcement required

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Main Compound Design Calculations

5.5.2 Gravity Foundatoin - Demountable Post

Length of pad footing Lb = 1300 mm Parallel with the fence

Width of pad footing Wb = 1300 mm

Area of pad footing A = Lb  Wb = 1.690 m2
Embedment hembed = 0 mm
Depth of footing h = 700 mm
Total depth of footing Db = hembed + h = 700 mm
Eccentricity of column in y ecy = 0 mm
Eccentricity of column in z ecz = 0 mm
Density of concrete conc = 24 kN/m3 Gravity bases to be with mass concrete (no reinforcement)

Soil details
Density of soil soil = 21.00 kN/m3 Fig. 1 - BS 8004:2015 based on Geotechnical Description

Design shear strength ' = 34.00 (4) - BS 8004:2015 based on Geotechnical Description

Design base friction  = ' = 34.0 For concrete cast against soil - cl. 6.5.3(10) - EC 7-1

Allowable bearing pressure Pbearing = 100.00 kN/m2 Assumption based on Geotechnical Description

Additional loads
Pad footing self-weight Fswt = h  A  conc + hembed  A  soil = 28.4 kN

Vertical load applied from the post Fx = 0 kN

(this load is considered null, due to the insignificant effect on foundation design)
Vertical load FV = Fx + Fswt = 28.4 kN
Shear load in y Fy = Vy = 0.0 kN
Shear load in z Fz = Vz = 6.0 kN
Moment about y My = 7.6 kNm
Moment about z Mz = 0.0 kNm

Foundation Design
Bending about y
Eccentricity about y ey = (FzDb + My + Fxecz)/FV = 417 mm
ey’ = Wb/6 = 217 mm Centroid of load outside middle third
Bearing length from edge by = min(Wb,3(Wb/2-ey)) = 698 mm
Bearing factors ky = if(ey’>ey, 6ey/Wb, 4Wb/(3(Wb-2ey))-1) = 2.73
ky’ = if(ey’>ey, -6ey/Wb, -1) = -1.00
Bending about z
Eccentricity about z ez = (FyDb + Mz + Fxecy)/FV = 0 mm
ez’ = Lb/6 = 217 mm Centroid of load within middle third
Bearing length from edge bz = min(Lb,3(Lb/2-ez)) = 1300 mm
Bearing factors kz = if(ez’>ez, 6ez/Lb, 4Lb/(3(Lb-2ez))-1) = 0.00
kz’ = if(ez’>ez, -6ez/Lb, -1) = 0.00

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Project Section
Main Compound Design Calculations

Bearing pressure
Maximum ground bearing pressure GBP = (1+ky+kz)FV/(WbLb) = 62.6 kN/m2
Minimum ground bearing pressure GBP’ = max(0kN/m2,(1+ky’+kz’)FV/(WbLb)) = 0.0 kN/m2
Pass - Bearing Capacity

Sliding check
Resultant horizontal force Fh = (Fy2 + Fz2) = 6.0 kN
Permanent vertical force Rv = FV = 28.4 kN
Resistance to sliding due to base friction Rh.f = Rv  tan() = 19.2 kN
Resistance to sliding Rh = Rh.f = 19.2 kN
Factor of Safety FOSsliding = Rh/max(Fh,1kN) = 3.18  1.5 - PASS

Overturning about y
Restoring moment ROTMy = Fswt  Wb/2 + Fx  (Wb/2 - ecz) = 18.5 kNm
Overturning moment OTMy = FzDb + My = 11.9 kNm
Factor of Safety FOSOTM_y = ROTMy / max(OTMy,1kNm) = 1.56  1.5 - PASS

Overturning about z
Restoring moment ROTMz = Fswt  Lb/2 + Fx  (Lb/2 - ecy) = 18.5 kNm
Overturning moment OTMz = Fy  Db + Mz = 0.0 kNm
Factor of Safety FOSOTM_z = ROTMz / max(OTMz,1kNm) = 18.45  1.5 - PASS

Reinforcement Design
Check if reinforcement is required in base:
Allowable tensile stress in concrete ts = fct,eff,3 = 1.73 N/mm2
Assessment based on early age concrete tensile strength

Bending about y
Max outstand of foundation in z lout,z = Wb/2 + ecz = 650.00 mm
Elastic modulus of base (y) Zbase,y = Lb  h2 / 6 = 106166667 mm3
Stress in concrete (y) conc,y = Qmax(My,GBPLblout,z2/2) / Zbase,y = 0.24 N/mm2
PASS - Section uncracked, no transverse reinforcement required

Bending about z
Max outstand of foundation in y lout,y = Lb/2 + ecy = 650.00 mm
Elastic modulus of base (z) Zbase,z = Wb  h2 / 6 = 106166667 mm3
Stress in concrete (z) conc,z = Qmax(Mz,GBPWblout,y2/2) / Zbase,z = 0.24 N/mm2
PASS - Section uncracked, no longitudinal reinforcement required

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Main Compound Design Calculations

5.6. Baseplate and Resin Anchor Design for Demountable Fence Post

5.6.1 Loading
Vertical Load (Null) Fv_BP = 0kN = 0.0 kN
(this load is considered null, due to the insignificant effect on foundation design)
Shear load in y Fy_BP = VEd,y = 0.0 kN
Shear load in z Fz_BP = VEd,z = 9.0 kN
Moment at base of post y My_BP = MEd,y = 11.5 kNm
Moment at base of post z Mz_BP = Mz = 0.0 kNm

Design Summary
Item Combination Utilisation Status
Base plate 1 0.910 Pass
Weld 1 0.952 Pass

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Project Section
Main Compound Design Calculations

Basic Details
Shear Force Axial Load Moment
No. Combination Name [kN] [kN] [kNm]
1 1 0.0 0.0 0.0
Shear Force Axial Load Moment Fire Base
No. Combination Name [kN] [kN] [kNm] Condition
1 1 9.0 0.0 11.5 No
Item Value Units Remarks
RHS 100x50x4.0
Design strength, fy 275.0 N/mm2
Eccentricity to base plate, ebp -55.0 mm
Base plate
Width, W 250.0 mm
Thickness, T 15.0 mm
Length, L 260.0 mm
Design strength, fy 355.0 N/mm2
Eccentricity to concrete base, ecb 0.0 mm
Concrete base
Size of base unknown
Shear key
Length 0.0 mm
Depth 0.0 mm
Design Combination: 1
Base Plate
Item Value Units Remarks
Min. concrete strength, fcu 20.0 N/mm2
Concrete bearing strength, fcbg 12.0 N/mm2
Compression Side Bending [Elastic Properties]
Tension bolt group centroid, hg 15.0 mm
Stress block length, x 63.8 mm
Stress block centroid, xbar 75.8 mm
Compressive force, C 126.7 kN
Effective cantilever, ec 42.3 mm
Moment, mc 0.0 kNm
Base plate thickness, tc reqd. 13.5 mm
Utilisation 0.898
Tension Side Bending [Elastic Properties]
Tension force, T 126.7 kN
Moment, mt 2.9 kNm
Base plate thickness, tt reqd. 13.6 mm
Utilisation 0.910
Item Value Units Remarks
Tension side weld Pass
Web Weld Pass
Tension side weld
Item Value Units Remarks
Force in column 119.8 kN
Capacity of column 46.2 kN
Force in weld 46.2 kN
Weld leg length [fillet] 6.0 mm
Weld length 42.0 mm
Force in weld, per mm 1.1 kN

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Main Compound Design Calculations

Item Value Units Remarks

Weld strength, per mm 1.2 kN
Utilisation 0.952
Web Weld
Item Value Units Remarks
Force in weld 9.0 kN
Weld leg length [fillet] 6.0 mm
Weld length 176.0 mm
Force in weld, per mm 0.1 kN
Weld strength, per mm 0.9 kN
Utilisation 0.055

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5.6.2 Resin Anchor Design

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Main Compound Design Calculations

5.6.3 Resin Anchor Proof Test

NG TS 2.10.03 cl. 3.2 states that each post-drilled system used shall be subjected to an approved testing regime which,
as a minimum, shall be in accordance with the Construction Fixings Association Guidance Note, ‘Procedure for Site
Testing Construction Fixings’. The Construction Fixings Association Guidance Note ‘Procedure for Site Testing
Construction Fixings’ 2022 specifies the requirement of a Proof Test to validate the quality of installation of the resin
anchors. Tests to meet this objective are called upon in BS 8539 Annex B.3. which recommends that the Proof Load (Np)
is calculated through Np = NEk  P,test.

NEk is to be the highest tensile load applied to an individual bolt obtained from the un-factored load combination in
Section 1.1 of the HILTI Resin Anchor design for the single bolt design.

P,test is the factor applied which is based upon the quantity of anchors tested (P,test = 1.5 when > 2.5% of all anchors
are tested, P,test = 1.25 when > 5% of all anchors are tested). By inspection 1.25 will be used as the factor.

Design Load
The resulting tension force on a single bolt will be obtained from Section 2 of the Hiilti report using the SLS load
combination considering all load cases.

Resulting Tensile Force (SLS) NEk = 20.21 kN

Number of bolts in Tension nbolt =2
Level Factor P,test = 1.25
Proof Load Np = NEk  P,test = 25.26 kN

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Project Section
Main Compound Design Calculations

Np should be limited to 1.5 times the manufacturer's recommended resistance (NMRR). In accordance with BS 8539
Annex A.2.2, NMRR is derived by dividing the capacity by the partial safety factor (F). The capacity is determined by
using the minimum capacity from section 3 of the HILTI Resin Anchor design (NC).
Anchor Tensile Capacity from HILTI Output - Section 3

Steel Failure Capacity NC1 = 44.933 kN

Combined Pullout-Concrete Cone Failure Capacity NC2 = 98.248 kN
Concrete Breakout Failure Capacity NC3 = 99.926 kN
Splitting Failure Capacity NC4 = 0.00 kN

Minimum Anchor Tensile Capacity NC = min(NC1, NC2/nbolt, NC3/nbolt)

NC = 44.933 kN

Partial Safety Factor F = 1.4

Manufacturers Resistance NMRR = N C / F = 32.095 kN
Manufacturers Resistance (Limit) NMRR_LIMIT = NMRR  1.5 = 48.143 kN

Test Load TL = Min(Np, NMRR_LIMIT) = 25.264 kN

Therefore, test each fixing to 25 kN.

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Project Section
Main Compound Design Calculations



6.1. Straining Post Design


Height of fence panel h1 = hfp_mb = 2400 mm
Height of straining post h2 = hsp_mb = 3400 mm

Load Combinations



° 180°

LC1: LC6: LC11:

Permanent + Permanent + Permanent +
Variable (one side) Variable (one side) Variable (one side)

Permanent +
Variable (both sides) LC7: LC12:
Permanent + Permanent +
Variable (both sides) Variable (both sides)

Permanent + Wind
LC8: LC13:
Permanent + Wind Permanent + Wind

Permanent + Wind + LC9: LC14:
Variable (one side) Permanent + Wind + Permanent + Wind +
Variable (one side) Variable (one side)

Permanent + Wind +
LC10: LC15:
Variable (both sides)
Permanent + Wind + Permanent + Wind +
Variable (both sides) Variable (both sides)

All load combinations have also an equivalent “with ice” combination, however the critical case will be for bending
rather than axial forces. As indicated in Section 4.3, the applied loads by wind under iced conditions are the most
critical, thus the ice conditions will be included for the purposes of these straining post calculations.

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Biggleswade 400kV Substation Substation Perimeter Fence

Project Section
Main Compound Design Calculations

Applied Loads
Applied dead load from 1No. fence panel Gfp = Gk_fp_mb = 1.5 kN
Maximum number of straining wires new = 38
Maximum tension per wire Gk_ew = 0.25 kN
Wires are equally spaced up the post:
Max. forces applied by straining wires Fh_ew = Gk_ew  new = 9.3 kN
Mew = Fh_ew  h2/2 = 15.8 kNm
Max. forces applied by wind (normal to fence) Fh_w = Max(Fh_fp_mb_w, Fh_fp_mb_w.i) = 6.0 kN
Mw = Max(Mfp_mb_w, Mfp_mb_w.i) = 7.6 kNm

Load Combinations
All loads are factored.
When the wind is applied to the fence post with straining wires in the direction of the wires, the resulting force on the
straining post will either reduce the tension on the wires equal to the amount of force applied by the wind or increase
the tension on the wires but counteract the applied moment to the post. Therefore, as long as the wind forces
generated are smaller than the tension in the wires, the load from the wind has no effect in the direction of the wires.

According to TS2.10.02, straining fence posts and their foundations shall be designed to resist 25% of the maximum
load effects due to the electric pulse fence wires. Corner posts should be designed for the 100% of the load

By inspection, load combinations 1, 4, 9 and 12 will be the most onerous.

Combination 1 – 135 Dead + Imposed (one side)
Axial load Fx1 = Gfp = 1.5 kN Fx,Ed,1 = G  Fx1 = 2.1 kN
Shear load Fy1 = Fh_ewcos(45)= 6.6 kN Fy,Ed,1 = Fh_ew  cos(45)= 6.6 kN
Fz1 = Fh_ewsin(45) = 6.6 kN Fz,Ed,1 = Fh_ew  sin(45) = 6.6 kN
Moment My1 = Fz1  h2/2 = 11.2 kNm My,Ed,1 = Fz,Ed,1  h2/2 = 11.2 kNm
Mz1 = Fy1  h2/2 = 11.2 kNm Mz,Ed,1 = Fy,Ed,1  h2/2 = 11.2 kNm
Combination 4 – 135° Dead + Wind+ Imposed (one side)
Axial load Fx4 = Gfp = 1.5 kN Fx,Ed,4 = G  Fx4 = 2.1 kN
Shear load Fy4 = Fh_ew  cos(45) = 6.6 kN Fy,Ed,4 = Fh_ew  cos(45) = 6.6 kN
Fz4 = Fh_ew  sin(45) + Fh_w = 12.6 kN Fz,Ed,4 = Fh_ew  sin(45) + Q Fh_w = 15.6 kN
Moment My4 = Fh_ew  sin(45)h2/2 + Mw = 18.8 kNm My,Ed,4 = Fh_ew  sin(45) h2/2 + QMw = 22.7 kNm
Mz4 = Fy4  h2/2 = 11.2 kNm Mz,Ed,4 = Fy,Ed,4  h2/2 = 11.2 kNm
Combination 9 – 180° Dead + Wind + Imposed (one side)
Axial load Fx9 = Gfp = 1.5 kN Fx,Ed,9 = G  Fx9 = 2.1 kN
Shear load Fy9 = Fh_ew  0.25 = 2.3 kN Fy,Ed,9 = Fh_ew  0.25 = 2.3 kN
Fz9 = Fh_w = 6.0 kN Fz,Ed,9 = Q  Fz9 = 9.0 kN
Moment My9 = Mw = 7.6 kNm My,Ed,9 = Q  My9 = 11.5 kNm
Mz9 = Mew  0.25 = 4.0 kNm Mz,Ed,9 = Mew  0.25 = 4.0 kNm
Combination 12 – 90° Dead + Imposed (both sides) + Wind
Axial load Fx12 = Gfp = 1.5 kN Fx,Ed,12 = G  Fx12 = 2.1 kN
Shear load Fy12 = Fh_ew = 9.3 kN Fy,Ed,12 = Fh_ew = 9.3 kN

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Project Section
Main Compound Design Calculations

Fz12 = Fh_ew = 9.3 kN Fz,Ed,12 = Fh_ew = 9.3 kN

Moment My12 = Mew = 15.8 kNm My,Ed,12 = Mew = 15.8 kNm
Mz12 = Mew = 15.8 kNm Mz,Ed,12 = Mew = 15.8 kNm

The straining posts will be designed for factored loads (ULS limit state).
By inspection, consider combinations 4, 9 and 12 for design.

Member Design
Size of support post SHS 120x120x5.0
Section properties Wpl.y = Wpl.z = 97590 mm3 Iy = Iz = 4977141 mm4
Cross Sectional Area A = 2273 mm2
Section size b = 120 mm h = 120 mm
Steel properties E = 210103 N/mm2 G = 80.8103 N/mm2
Grade S355
Yield strength fy = 355 N/mm2 Table 7 - BS EN 10025-2:2004
Steel factors M0 = 1.00 M1 = 1.00

Member Design - Combination 4

Design loads (ULS)

Design axial load NEd = Fx,Ed,4 = 2.1 kN
Design moments MEd,y = My,Ed,4 = 22.7 kNm MEd,z = Mz,Ed,4 = 11.2 kNm
Design shear VEd,y = Fy,Ed,4 = 6.6 kN VEd,z = Fz,Ed,4 = 15.6 kN

Section classification
Section classification Class 1 Table 5.2 – EC3-1-1

Cross sectional resistance – Axial resistance

Axial capacity without buckling Npl.Rd = A  fy / M0 = 807 kN (6.10) – EC3-1-1
Critical length (cantilever) Lcr,z = 2h2 = 6800 mm
Elastic critical load Ncr,z =   ESEC3  Iz / Lcr,z2 = 223 kN
Non-dimensional slenderness bar,z = (A  fy / Ncr,z) = 1.90 cl. – EC3-1-1
Applied load is less than 4% of critical load (0.9%), thus buckling can be ignored cl. – EC3-1-1
Axial capacity Npl.Rd = A  fy / M1 = 807 kN (6.47) – EC3-1-1
Utilisation utfb = NEd/Npl.Rd = 0.003  1.0 (6.12) – EC3-1-1
PASS - Axial Resistance

Cross sectional resistance – Shear resistance

Maximum shear applied to post VEd = (VEd,y2 + VEd,z2)0.5 = 17.0 kN
Shear area of post Av = Ah / (b+h) = 1137 mm2 cl. 6.2.6(3) – EC3-1-1
Shear resistance Vpl.Rd = (Av fy/(3)) / M0 = 233.0 kN (6.18) – EC3-1-1
Utilisation utv = VEd/Vpl.Rd = 0.07  1.0 (6.12) – EC3-1-1
PASS - Shear Resistance

Biaxial Bending
Applied shear is less than half the shear capacity (0.07) thus no reduction due to shear cl. 6.2.8(2) – EC3-1-1
Plastic moment capacity y-y Mpl.Rd,y = Wpl.y  fy / M0 = 35 kNm (6.13) – EC3-1-1
Plastic moment capacity z-z Mpl.Rd,z = Wpl.z  fy / M0 = 35 kNm (6.13) – EC3-1-1
Axial utilisation n = NEd/Npl.Rd = 0.003 cl. – EC3-1-1
Web area factor aw = min((A-2bt)/A,0.5) = 0.47 cl. – EC3-1-1
Flange area factor af = min((A-2ht)/A,0.5) = 0.47 cl. – EC3-1-1
Moment capacity y-y MN.Rd,y = Mpl.Rd,ymin((1-n)/(1-0.5aw),1) = 35 kNm (6.39) – EC3-1-1

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Project Section
Main Compound Design Calculations

Moment capacity z-z MN.Rd,z = Mpl.Rd,zmin((1-n)/(1-0.5af),1) = 35 kNm (6.40) – EC3-1-1

Biaxial bending exponents  =  = min(1.66/(1-1.13n2),6) = 1.7 cl. – EC3-1-1
Utilisation y-y utbb,y = MEd,y/MN.Rd,y = 0.65  1.0 (6.31) – EC3-1-1
Utilisation z-z utbb,z = MEd,z/MN.Rd,z = 0.32  1.0 (6.31) – EC3-1-1
Biaxial bending interaction inbb = utbb,y + utbb,z = 0.65  1.0 (6.41) – EC3-1-1
PASS - Biaxial Bending Interaction

Member Design - Combination 9

Design loads (ULS)

Design axial load NEd = Fx,Ed,9 = 2.1 kN
Design moments MEd,y = My,Ed,9 = 11.5 kNm MEd,z = Mz,Ed,9 = 4.0 kNm
Design shear VEd,y = Fy,Ed,9 = 2.3 kN VEd,z = Fz,Ed,9 = 9.0 kN

Section classification
Section classification Class 1 Table 5.2 – EC3-1-1

Cross sectional resistance – Axial resistance

Axial capacity without buckling Npl.Rd = A  fy / M0 = 807 kN (6.10) – EC3-1-1
Critical length (cantilever) Lcr,z = 2h2 = 6800 mm
Elastic critical load Ncr,z =   ESEC3  Iz / Lcr,z2 = 223 kN
Non-dimensional slenderness bar,z = (A  fy / Ncr,z) = 1.90 cl. – EC3-1-1
Applied load is less than 4% of critical load (0.9%), thus buckling can be ignored cl. – EC3-1-1
Axial capacity Npl.Rd = A  fy / M1 = 807 kN (6.47) – EC3-1-1
Utilisation utfb = NEd/Npl.Rd = 0.003  1.0 (6.12) – EC3-1-1
PASS - Axial Resistance

Cross sectional resistance – Shear resistance

Maximum shear applied to post VEd = (VEd,y2 + VEd,z2)0.5 = 9.3 kN
Shear area of post Av = Ah / (b+h) = 1137 mm2 cl. 6.2.6(3) – EC3-1-1
Shear resistance Vpl.Rd = (Av fy/(3)) / M0 = 233.0 kN (6.18) – EC3-1-1
Utilisation utv = VEd/Vpl.Rd = 0.04  1.0 (6.12) – EC3-1-1
PASS - Shear Resistance

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Project Section
Main Compound Design Calculations

Biaxial Bending
Applied shear is less than half the shear capacity (0.04) thus no reduction due to shear cl. 6.2.8(2) – EC3-1-1
Plastic moment capacity y-y Mpl.Rd,y = Wpl.y  fy / M0 = 35 kNm (6.13) – EC3-1-1
Plastic moment capacity z-z Mpl.Rd,z = Wpl.z  fy / M0 = 35 kNm (6.13) – EC3-1-1
Axial utilisation n = NEd/Npl.Rd = 0.003 cl. – EC3-1-1
Web area factor aw = min((A-2bt)/A,0.5) = 0.47 cl. – EC3-1-1
Flange area factor af = min((A-2ht)/A,0.5) = 0.47 cl. – EC3-1-1
Moment capacity y-y MN.Rd,y = Mpl.Rd,ymin((1-n)/(1-0.5aw),1) = 35 kNm (6.39) – EC3-1-1
Moment capacity z-z MN.Rd,z = Mpl.Rd,zmin((1-n)/(1-0.5af),1) = 35 kNm (6.40) – EC3-1-1
Biaxial bending exponents  =  = min(1.66/(1-1.13n2),6) = 1.7 cl. – EC3-1-1
Utilisation y-y utbb,y = MEd,y/MN.Rd,y = 0.33  1.0 (6.31) – EC3-1-1
Utilisation z-z utbb,z = MEd,z/MN.Rd,z = 0.11  1.0 (6.31) – EC3-1-1
Biaxial bending interaction inbb = utbb,y + utbb,z = 0.19  1.0 (6.41) – EC3-1-1
PASS - Biaxial Bending Interaction

Member Design - Combination 12

Design loads (ULS)

Design axial load NEd = Fx,Ed,12 = 2.1 kN
Design moments MEd,y = My,Ed,12 = 15.8 kNm MEd,z = Mz,Ed,12 = 15.8 kNm
Design shear VEd,y = Fy,Ed,12 = 9.3 kN VEd,z = Fz,Ed,12 = 9.3 kN

Section classification
Section classification Class 1 Table 5.2 – EC3-1-1

Cross sectional resistance – Axial resistance

Axial capacity without buckling Npl.Rd = A  fy / M0 = 807 kN (6.10) – EC3-1-1
Critical length (cantilever) Lcr,z = 2h2 = 6800 mm
Elastic critical load Ncr,z =   ESEC3  Iz / Lcr,z2 = 223 kN
Non-dimensional slenderness bar,z = (A  fy / Ncr,z) = 1.90 cl. – EC3-1-1
Applied load is less than 4% of critical load (0.9%), thus buckling can be ignored cl. – EC3-1-1
Axial capacity Npl.Rd = A  fy / M1 = 807 kN (6.47) – EC3-1-1
Utilisation utfb = NEd/Npl.Rd = 0.003  1.0 (6.12) – EC3-1-1
PASS - Axial Resistance

Cross sectional resistance – Shear resistance

Maximum shear applied to post VEd = (VEd,y2 + VEd,z2)0.5 = 13.2 kN
Shear area of post Av = Ah / (b+h) = 1137 mm2 cl. 6.2.6(3) – EC3-1-1
Shear resistance Vpl.Rd = (Av fy/(3)) / M0 = 233.0 kN (6.18) – EC3-1-1
Utilisation utv = VEd/Vpl.Rd = 0.06  1.0 (6.12) – EC3-1-1
PASS - Shear Resistance

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Project Section
Main Compound Design Calculations

Biaxial Bending
Applied shear is less than half the shear capacity (0.06) thus no reduction due to shear cl. 6.2.8(2) – EC3-1-1
Plastic moment capacity y-y Mpl.Rd,y = Wpl.y  fy / M0 = 35 kNm (6.13) – EC3-1-1
Plastic moment capacity z-z Mpl.Rd,z = Wpl.z  fy / M0 = 35 kNm (6.13) – EC3-1-1
Axial utilisation n = NEd/Npl.Rd = 0.003 cl. – EC3-1-1
Web area factor aw = min((A-2bt)/A,0.5) = 0.47 cl. – EC3-1-1
Flange area factor af = min((A-2ht)/A,0.5) = 0.47 cl. – EC3-1-1
Moment capacity y-y MN.Rd,y = Mpl.Rd,ymin((1-n)/(1-0.5aw),1) = 35 kNm (6.39) – EC3-1-1
Moment capacity z-z MN.Rd,z = Mpl.Rd,zmin((1-n)/(1-0.5af),1) = 35 kNm (6.40) – EC3-1-1
Biaxial bending exponents  =  = min(1.66/(1-1.13n2),6) = 1.7 cl. – EC3-1-1
Utilisation y-y utbb,y = MEd,y/MN.Rd,y = 0.46  1.0 (6.31) – EC3-1-1
Utilisation z-z utbb,z = MEd,z/MN.Rd,z = 0.46  1.0 (6.31) – EC3-1-1
Biaxial bending interaction inbb = utbb,y + utbb,z = 0.55  1.0 (6.41) – EC3-1-1
PASS - Biaxial Bending Interaction

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Project Section
Main Compound Design Calculations

6.2. Strut Design

Height of strut connection hs = Lpc = 2250 mm
Angle of strut from vertical s = 40
Length of strut Ls = hs / cos(s) = 2937 mm

Size of support strut EA 60x60x6

Section geometry b = 60 mm h = 60 mm
t = 6 mm
Cross sectional area A = 695 mm2
Distance to shear centre u0 = 0.0 mm v0 = 19.8 mm using §2.5 - SCI P385

Second moment of area Iu = 367856 mm4 Iv = 96380 mm4

I0 = I u + I v + A(u02 + v02) = 735617 mm4 §6.4 - SCI P363

Torsional constant IT = 8208 mm4

Grade S275
Yield strength fy = 275 N/mm2 Table 7 - EN 10025-2:2004

Steel factors M0 = 1.00 M1 = 1.00

Applied loads
Actions are taken for a single post from one side (i.e. a half panel):

Wind Actions
UDL acting on mesh fence (no ice) w1 = Wp1  (Afp_mb_d/2) / hfp = 0.41 kN/m
UDL acting on mesh fence (iced) w1i = w  Wp2  (Afp_mb_d.i/2) / hfp = 1.21 kN/m
UDL acting on electric wires (no ice) w2 = Wp1  (Aew_mb_d/2) / (hsp-hfp) = 0.05 kN/m
UDL acting on electric wires (iced) w2i = w  Wp1  (Aew_mb_d.i/2) / (hsp-hfp) = 0.10 kN/m

Electrification Actions
Electric wire force q1.e = Gk_ew  new / hsp = 2.74 kN/m

Personnel Actions
Personnel load Qpl = qkpl  wfp_wm / 2 = 0.88 kN

Notes: when considering the maximum reverse moment in the span between the base and prop support positions
(for a propped cantilever), the position of the maximum varies depending on the loading conditions. Conservatively,
the maximum reverse moments will be added together for design purposes, which will be onerous.
Where there is no reversal in the span, the moment will be taken at a point 5L pc/8 above the base, as this point (or
below) is the position of maximum reverse moment for all other loading configurations.

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Biggleswade 400kV Substation Substation Perimeter Fence

Project Section
Main Compound Design Calculations

Wind on Mesh Fence (No Ice)

Shear at base (unpropped) Vw1 = w1hfp = 0.98 kN
Shear at base (propped) VA.w1 = w1Lpc(5/8 - 3p12/4) = 0.57 kN
Shear at prop (propped) VB.w1 = w1Lpc(3p12/4 + p1 + 3/8) = 0.41 kN
Moment at base (unpropped) Mw1 = Vw1hfp/2 = 1.18 kNm
Moment at base (propped) MA.w1 = -w1(Lpc2-2a12)/8 = -0.26 kNm
Moment at prop (propped) MB.w1 = -w1a12/2 = 0.00 kNm
Maximum reverse moment in span (propped) Mm.w1 = w1Lpc2(36p14-28p12+9)/128 = 0.14 kNm

Wind on Mesh Fence (Iced)

Shear at base (unpropped) Vw1i = w1ihfp = 2.89 kN
Shear at base (propped) VA.w1i = w1iLpc(5/8 - 3p12/4) = 1.69 kN
Shear at prop (propped) VB.w1i = w1iLpc(3p12/4 + p1 + 3/8) = 1.21 kN
Moment at base (unpropped) Mw1i = Vw1ihfp/2 = 3.47 kNm
Moment at base (propped) MA.w1i = -w1i(Lpc2-2a12)/8 = -0.76 kNm
Moment at prop (propped) MB.w1i = -w1ia12/2 = -0.01 kNm
Maximum reverse moment in span (propped) Mm.w1i = w1iLpc2(36p14-28p12+9)/128 = 0.42 kNm

Wind on Electrification Wires (No Ice)

Shear at base (unpropped) Vw2 = w2(hsp-hfp) = 0.05 kN
Shear at base (propped) VA.w2 = -3w2(a2p2-a1p1)/4 = -0.02 kN
Shear at prop (propped) VB.w2 = w2[a2(1+3p2/4) - a1(1+3p1/4)] = 0.08 kN
Moment at base (unpropped) Mw2 = Vw2(hsp+hfp)/2 = 0.15 kNm
Moment at base (propped) MA.w2 = w2(a22 - a12)/4 = 0.02 kNm
Moment at prop (propped) MB.w2 = -2MA.w2 = -0.03 kNm
Maximum reverse moment in span (propped) Mm.w2 = 7MB.w2/16 = -0.02 kNm See note above

Wind on Electrification Wires (Iced)

Shear at base (unpropped) Vw2i = w2i(hsp-hfp) = 0.10 kN
Shear at base (propped) VA.w2i = -3w2i(a2p2-a1p1)/4 = -0.05 kN
Shear at prop (propped) VB.w2i = w2i[a2(1+3p2/4) - a1(1+3p1/4)] = 0.15 kN
Moment at base (unpropped) Mw2i = Vw2i(hsp+hfp)/2 = 0.30 kNm
Moment at base (propped) MA.w2i = w2i(a22 - a12)/4 = 0.03 kNm
Moment at prop (propped) MB.w2i = -2MA.w2i = -0.07 kNm
Maximum reverse moment in span (propped) Mm.w2i = 7MB.w2i/16 = -0.03 kNm See note above

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Biggleswade 400kV Substation Substation Perimeter Fence

Project Section
Main Compound Design Calculations

The straining wires are considered to impart a static tension at each connection point. However, the design tension is
essentially a maximum force that can be imparted, and the process of tensioning and subsequent post deflection
results in an uneven straining distribution across the post.

For design purposes, two loading distributions will be considered:

▪ straining below the prop position only - this will give the maximum reverse moment and the highest loading to
the base of the post for foundation designs
▪ straining for the full height - this will give the maximum axial compression in the support strut

Straining Below Prop Position Only

Shear at base VA.q1b = 5q1.eLpc/8 = 3.85 kN
Shear at prop VB.q1b = 3q1.eLpc/8 = 2.31 kN
Moment at base MA.q1b = -q1.eLpc2/8 = -1.73 kNm
Moment at prop MB.q1b = 0.00 kNm
Maximum reverse moment in span Mm.q1b = 9q1.eLpc2/128 = 0.98 kNm

Straining Over Full Height

Shear at base VA.q1f = q1.eLpc(5/8 - 3p22/4) = 2.65 kN
Shear at prop VB.q1f = q1.eLpc(3p22/4 + p2 + 3/8) = 6.67 kN
Moment at base MA.q1f = -q1.e(Lpc2-2a22)/8 = -0.83 kNm
Moment at prop MB.q1f = -q1.ea22/2 = -1.81 kNm
Maximum reverse moment in span Mm.q1f = q1.eLpc2(36p14-28p12+9)/128 = 0.96 kNm

Post Design
Shear at prop VB.q1 = max(VB.q1b,VB.q1f) = 6.67 kN
Moment at prop MB.q1 = min(MB.q1b,MB.q1f) = -1.81 kNm
Reverse moment in span Mm.q1 = max(Mm.q1b,Mm.q1f) = 0.98 kNm
Personnel Loading Effects
Shear at base (unpropped) VQ1 = Qpl = 0.88 kN
Shear at base (propped) VA.Q1 = Qpl[1 - a32(b3+2Lpc) / (2  Lpc3)] = 0.62 kN
Shear at prop (propped) VB.Q1 = Qpl - VA.Q1 = 0.26 kN
Moment at base (unpropped) MQ1 = Qpla3 = 0.97 kNm
Moment at base (propped) MA.Q1 = -Qplb3(Lpc2-b32)/(2Lpc2) = -0.37 kNm
Moment at prop (propped) MB.Q1 = 0.00 kNm
Maximum reverse moment in span (propped) Mm.Q1 = Qplb3[2-(3b3/Lpc)+(b3/Lpc)3]/2 = 0.30 kNm

Applied axial load NEd = (VB.q1f)/sin(s) = 10.4 kN

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Biggleswade 400kV Substation Substation Perimeter Fence

Project Section
Main Compound Design Calculations

Section classification (Table 5.2 - EC3-1-1)

Strain factor  = (235/fy) = 0.92
Check 1:
Width-thickness ratio h/t = 10.0
Class 3 limit 15 = 13.9 > 10.0 - Class 3
Check 2:
Width-thickness ratio (b+h)/(2t) = 10.0
Class 3 limit 11.5 = 10.6 > 10.0 - Class 3
Highest classification Class 3

Cross sectional resistance – Axial resistance

Axial capacity without buckling Npl.Rd = A  fy / M0 = 191 kN (6.10) – EC3-1-1

Single bolted connection - treat as simply supported as per cl. BB.1.2(2) EC3-1-1. As the section is class 3, according to
cl. 6.2.9 EC3-1-1 there is no requirement to consider the eccentricity effects. The angle is not restrained in any
direction other than at the supports, therefore by inspection the worst-case buckling calculations will be for the minor
principal axis (v-v):

Flexural buckling
Critical length Lcr,v = Ls = 2937 mm Consider simply supported (conservative)

Elastic critical load Ncr,v =   ESEC3  Iv / Lcr,v2 = 23 kN

Non-dimensional slenderness bar,v = (A  fy / Ncr,v) = 2.87 cl. – EC3-1-1

Torsional buckling
Elastic torsional buckling force Ncr,T = A  GSEC3  IT / I0 = 627 kN §6.4 - SCI P363

Non-dimensional slenderness bar,T = (A  fy / Ncr,T) = 0.55 (6.52) - EC3-1-1

Resultant buckling mode

Maximum non-dimensional slenderness bar = max(bar,v, bar,T) = 2.87
Buckling curve curve = b Table 6.2 – EC3-1-1

Buckling parameters  = 0.34 Table 6.1 – EC3-1-1

 = 0.5[1+(bar- 0.2)+bar2] = 5.08 cl. – EC3-1-1

Reduction factor  = min(1, 1/[ + (2 - bar2)]) = 0.11 (6.49) – EC3-1-1

Axial resistance Nb.Rd =   Npl.Rd  M0 / M1 = 21 kN (6.47) – EC3-1-1

Utilisation utN = NEd/Nb.Rd = 0.50  1.0 (6.12) – EC3-1-1

PASS - Axial Resistance

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Biggleswade 400kV Substation Substation Perimeter Fence

Project Section
Main Compound Design Calculations

6.3. Foundation Design


6.3.1 Foundation Design for 135° Posts

Foundation loads (SLS) – Use Combination 4

Vertical load applied from the post Fx = 0 kN
(this load is considered null, due to the insignificant effect on foundation design)
Shear load in y Fy = Fy4 = 6.6 kN
Shear load in z Fz = Fz4 = 12.6 kN
Moment about y My = My4 = 18.8 kNm
Moment about z Mz = Mz4 = 11.2 kNm Planted foundation

Planted depth of foundation below ground level Pbgl = 1500 mm Below base of chippings

Maximum allowable width of footing Wb = Pbgl / 2.5 = 600 mm For calculation purposes only

Embedment of fence post into foundation ep = Pbgl - 50 mm = 1450 mm

Size of post SHS 120x120x5.0
Depth of chippings dc = 75mm + 25mm = 100 mm
75mm chippings below, 25mm above substation level
Depth to fulcrum Df = Pbgl  (1/(2)) = 1061 mm
Fulcrum taken at 1/2 multiplied by the planted depth below ground level as stipulated in BD 94/07

Maximum horizontal load applied to fence post Fh_max = (Fy2+Fz2) = 14.23 kN
Max. moment applied to fence post Mm_max = (My2+Mz2) = 21.9 kNm
Factor of safety against overturning Fos_ot = 2.0 Appendix A - TS 2.10.02- Issue 2

Maximum applied moment to base Mmax = Fos_ot  (Mm_max + Fh_max  (dc+Df)) = 76.85 kNm

Foundation Design
Soil Type ST = "Average"
Ground strength factor G = 390.0 kN/m2/m
Value taken from Appendix A - TS 2.10.02 - Issue 2

Check Moment Capacity

Moment of resistance of foundation Mg = G  Wb  Pbgl3 / 10 = 78.97 kNm
Pass - Moment Capacity

Therefore use
600x600x1500mm square foundation min
600mm dia x 1500mm bored foundation min

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Biggleswade 400kV Substation Substation Perimeter Fence

Project Section
Main Compound Design Calculations

- The depth given is from the underside of chippings layer
- The embedded fence post must extend to the bottom of the foundation
- Fence post excavations should always be backfilled with mass concrete
- The effective diameter of the post may be assumed to be equal to the minimum diameter of the excavated
- The concrete backfill shall extend from the base of the post to the base of the concrete sill.

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Biggleswade 400kV Substation Substation Perimeter Fence

Project Section
Main Compound Design Calculations Gravity foundation

Length of pad footing Lb = 1750 mm Parallel with the fence

Width of pad footing Wb = 1750mm

Area of pad footing A = Lb  Wb = 3.063 m2
Embedment hembed = 325 mm For 300mm wide x 350mm deep anti-burrow sill

Depth of pad footing h = 650 mm

Total depth of footing Db = hembed + h = 975 mm
Eccentricity of column in y ecy = 0 mm
Eccentricity of column in z ecz = 0 mm
Density of concrete conc = 24 kN/m3 Gravity bases to be with mass concrete (no reinforcement)

Soil details
Density of soil soil = 21.00 kN/m3 Fig. 1 - BS 8004:2015 based on Geotechnical Description

Design shear strength ' = 34.00 (4) - BS 8004:2015 based on Geotechnical Description

Design base friction  = ' = 34.0 For concrete cast against soil - cl. 6.5.3(10) - EC 7-1

Allowable bearing pressure Pbearing = 100.00 kN/m2 Assumption based on Geotechnical Description

Additional loads
Pad footing self-weight Fswt = h  A  conc + hembed  A  soil = 68.7 kN
Vertical load FV = Fx + Fswt = 68.7 kN

Foundation Design
Bending about y
Eccentricity about y ey = (FzDb + My + Fxecz)/FV = 453 mm
ey’ = Wb/6 = 292 mm Centroid of load outside middle third
Bearing length from edge by = min(Wb,3(Wb/2-ey)) = 1265 mm
Bearing factors ky = if(ey’>ey, 6ey/Wb, 4Wb/(3(Wb-2ey))-1) = 1.77
ky’ = if(ey’>ey, -6ey/Wb, -1) = -1.00
Bending about z
Eccentricity about z ez = (FyDb + Mz + Fxecy)/FV = 257 mm
ez’ = Lb/6 = 292 mm Centroid of load within middle third
Bearing length from edge bz = min(Lb,3(Lb/2-ez)) = 1750 mm
Bearing factors kz = if(ez’>ez, 6ez/Lb, 4Lb/(3(Lb-2ez))-1) = 0.88
kz’ = if(ez’>ez, -6ez/Lb, -1) = -0.88
Bearing pressure
Maximum ground bearing pressure GBP = (1+ky+kz)FV/(WbLb) = 81.8 kN/m2
Minimum ground bearing pressure GBP’ = max(0kN/m2,(1+ky’+kz’)FV/(WbLb)) = 0.0 kN/m2
Pass - Bearing Capacity

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Biggleswade 400kV Substation Substation Perimeter Fence

Project Section
Main Compound Design Calculations

Sliding check
Resultant horizontal force Fh = (Fy2 + Fz2) = 14.2 kN
Permanent vertical force Rv = FV = 68.7 kN
Resistance to sliding due to base friction Rh.f = Rv  tan() = 46.3 kN
Resistance to sliding Rh = Rh.f = 46.3 kN
Factor of Safety FOSsliding = Rh/max(Fh,1kN) = 3.26  1.5 - PASS

Overturning about y
Restoring moment ROTMy = Fswt  Wb/2 + Fx  (Wb/2 - ecz) = 60.1 kNm
Overturning moment OTMy = FzDb + My = 31.1 kNm
Factor of Safety FOSOTM_y = ROTMy / max(OTMy,1kNm) = 1.93  1.5 - PASS

Overturning about z
Restoring moment ROTMz = Fswt  Lb/2 + Fx  (Lb/2 - ecy) = 60.1 kNm
Overturning moment OTMz = Fy  Db + Mz = 17.6 kNm
Factor of Safety FOSOTM_z = ROTMz / max(OTMz,1kNm) = 3.41  1.5 - PASS
Reinforcement Design
Check if reinforcement is required in base:
Allowable tensile stress in concrete ts = fct,eff,3 = 1.73 N/mm2
Assessment based on early age concrete tensile strength

Bending about y
Max outstand of foundation in z lout,z = Wb/2 + ecz = 875.00 mm
Elastic modulus of base (y) Zbase,y = Lb  h2 / 6 = 123229167 mm3
Stress in concrete (y) conc,y = Qmax(My,GBPLblout,z2/2) / Zbase,y = 0.67 N/mm2
PASS - Section uncracked, no transverse reinforcement required

Bending about z
Max outstand of foundation in y lout,y = Lb/2 + ecy = 875.00 mm
Elastic modulus of base (z) Zbase,z = Wb  h2 / 6 = 123229167 mm3
Stress in concrete (z) conc,z = Qmax(Mz,GBPWblout,y2/2) / Zbase,z = 0.67 N/mm2
PASS - Section uncracked, no longitudinal reinforcement required

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Biggleswade 400kV Substation Substation Perimeter Fence

Project Section
Main Compound Design Calculations

6.3.2 Foundation Design for 180° Posts

Foundation loads (SLS) – Use Combination 9

Vertical load applied from the post Fx = 0 kN
(this load is considered null, due to the insignificant effect on foundation design)
Shear load in y Fy = Fy9 = 2.3 kN
Shear load in z Fz = Fz9 = 6.0 kN
Moment about y My = My9 = 7.6 kNm
Moment about z Mz = Mz9 = 4.0 kNm Planted foundation

Planted depth of foundation below ground level Pbgl = 1500 mm Below base of chippings

Maximum allowable width of footing Wb = Pbgl / 2.5 = 600 mm For calculation purposes only

Embedment of fence post into foundation ep = Pbgl - 50 mm = 1450 mm

Size of post SHS 120x120x5.0
Depth of chippings dc = 75mm + 25mm = 100 mm
75mm chippings below, 25mm above substation level
Depth to fulcrum Df = Pbgl  (1/(2)) = 1061 mm
Fulcrum taken at 1/2 multiplied by the planted depth below ground level as stipulated in BD 94/07

Maximum horizontal load applied to fence post Fh_max = (Fy2+Fz2) = 6.46 kN
Max. moment applied to fence post Mm_max = (My2+Mz2) = 8.6 kNm
Factor of safety against overturning Fos_ot = 2.0 Appendix A - TS 2.10.02- Issue 2

Maximum applied moment to base Mmax = Fos_ot  (Mm_max + Fh_max  (dc+Df)) = 32.19 kNm

Foundation Design
Soil Type ST = "Average"
Ground strength factor G = 390.0 kN/m2/m
Value taken from Appendix A - NG TS 2.10.02 - Issue 2

Check Moment Capacity

Moment of resistance of foundation Mg = G  Wb  Pbgl3 / 10 = 78.97 kNm
Pass - Moment Capacity

Therefore use
600x600x1500mm square foundation min
600mm dia x 1500mm bored foundation min

- The depth given is from the underside of chippings layer
- The embedded fence post must extend to the bottom of the foundation
- Fence post excavations should always be backfilled with mass concrete

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Biggleswade 400kV Substation Substation Perimeter Fence

Project Section
Main Compound Design Calculations

- The effective diameter of the post may be assumed to be equal to the minimum diameter of the excavated
- The concrete backfill shall extend from the base of the post to the base of the concrete sill.

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Biggleswade 400kV Substation Substation Perimeter Fence

Project Section
Main Compound Design Calculations Gravity foundation

Length of pad footing Lb = 1600 mm Parallel with the fence

Width of pad footing Wb = 1600mm

Area of pad footing A = Lb  Wb = 2.560 m2
Embedment hembed = 325 mm For 300mm wide x 350mm deep anti-burrow sill

Depth of pad footing h = 650 mm

Total depth of footing Db = hembed + h = 975 mm
Eccentricity of column in y ecy = 0 mm
Eccentricity of column in z ecz = 0 mm
Density of concrete conc = 24 kN/m3 Gravity bases to be with mass concrete (no reinforcement)

Soil details
Density of soil soil = 21.00 kN/m3 Fig. 1 - BS 8004:2015 based on Geotechnical Description

Design shear strength ' = 34.00 (4) - BS 8004:2015 based on Geotechnical Description

Design base friction  = ' = 34.0 For concrete cast against soil - cl. 6.5.3(10) - EC 7-1

Allowable bearing pressure Pbearing = 100.00 kN/m2 Assumption based on Geotechnical Description

Additional loads
Pad footing self-weight Fswt = h  A  conc + hembed  A  soil = 57.4 kN
Vertical load FV = Fx + Fswt = 57.4 kN

Foundation Design
Bending about y
Eccentricity about y ey = (FzDb + My + Fxecz)/FV = 235 mm
ey’ = Wb/6 = 267 mm Centroid of load within middle third
Bearing length from edge by = min(Wb,3(Wb/2-ey)) = 1600 mm
Bearing factors ky = if(ey’>ey, 6ey/Wb, 4Wb/(3(Wb-2ey))-1) = 0.88
ky’ = if(ey’>ey, -6ey/Wb, -1) = -0.88
Bending about z
Eccentricity about z ez = (FyDb + Mz + Fxecy)/FV = 109 mm
ez’ = Lb/6 = 267 mm Centroid of load within middle third
Bearing length from edge bz = min(Lb,3(Lb/2-ez)) = 1600 mm
Bearing factors kz = if(ez’>ez, 6ez/Lb, 4Lb/(3(Lb-2ez))-1) = 0.41
kz’ = if(ez’>ez, -6ez/Lb, -1) = -0.41
Bearing pressure
Maximum ground bearing pressure GBP = (1+ky+kz)FV/(WbLb) = 51.3 kN/m2
Minimum ground bearing pressure GBP’ = max(0kN/m2,(1+ky’+kz’)FV/(WbLb)) = 0.0 kN/m2
Pass - Bearing Capacity

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Biggleswade 400kV Substation Substation Perimeter Fence

Project Section
Main Compound Design Calculations

Sliding check
Resultant horizontal force Fh = (Fy2 + Fz2) = 6.5 kN
Permanent vertical force Rv = FV = 57.4 kN
Resistance to sliding due to base friction Rh.f = Rv  tan() = 38.7 kN
Resistance to sliding Rh = Rh.f = 38.7 kN
Factor of Safety FOSsliding = Rh/max(Fh,1kN) = 6.00  1.5 - PASS

Overturning about y
Restoring moment ROTMy = Fswt  Wb/2 + Fx  (Wb/2 - ecz) = 45.9 kNm
Overturning moment OTMy = FzDb + My = 13.5 kNm
Factor of Safety FOSOTM_y = ROTMy / max(OTMy,1kNm) = 3.40  1.5 - PASS

Overturning about z
Restoring moment ROTMz = Fswt  Lb/2 + Fx  (Lb/2 - ecy) = 45.9 kNm
Overturning moment OTMz = Fy  Db + Mz = 6.2 kNm
Factor of Safety FOSOTM_z = ROTMz / max(OTMz,1kNm) = 7.37  1.5 - PASS

Reinforcement Design
Check if reinforcement is required in base:
Allowable tensile stress in concrete ts = fct,eff,3 = 1.73 N/mm2
Assessment based on early age concrete tensile strength

Bending about y
Max outstand of foundation in z lout,z = Wb/2 + ecz = 800.00 mm
Elastic modulus of base (y) Zbase,y = Lb  h2 / 6 = 112666667 mm3
Stress in concrete (y) conc,y = Qmax(My,GBPLblout,z2/2) / Zbase,y = 0.35 N/mm2
PASS - Section uncracked, no transverse reinforcement required

Bending about z
Max outstand of foundation in y lout,y = Lb/2 + ecy = 800.00 mm
Elastic modulus of base (z) Zbase,z = Wb  h2 / 6 = 112666667 mm3
Stress in concrete (z) conc,z = Qmax(Mz,GBPWblout,y2/2) / Zbase,z = 0.35 N/mm2
PASS - Section uncracked, no longitudinal reinforcement required

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Biggleswade 400kV Substation Substation Perimeter Fence

Project Section
Main Compound Design Calculations

6.3.3 Foundation Design for 90° Posts

Foundation loads (SLS) – Use Combination 12

Vertical load applied from the post Fx = 0 kN
(this load is considered null, due to the insignificant effect on foundation design)
Shear load in y Fy = Fy12 = 9.3 kN
Shear load in z Fz = Fz12= 9.3 kN
Moment about y My = My12 = 15.8 kNm
Moment about z Mz = Mz12 = 15.8 kNm Planted foundation

Planted depth of foundation below ground level Pbgl = 1500 mm Below base of chippings

Maximum allowable width of footing Wb = Pbgl / 2.5 = 600 mm For calculation purposes only

Embedment of fence post into foundation ep = Pbgl - 50 mm = 1450 mm

Size of post SHS 120x120x5.0
Depth of chippings dc = 75mm + 25mm = 100 mm
75mm chippings below, 25mm above substation level
Depth to fulcrum Df = Pbgl  (1/(2)) = 1061 mm
Fulcrum taken at 1/2 multiplied by the planted depth below ground level as stipulated in BD 94/07

Maximum horizontal load applied to fence post Fh_max = (Fy2+Fz2) = 13.18 kN
Max. moment applied to fence post Mm_max = (My2+Mz2) = 22.4 kNm
Factor of safety against overturning Fos_ot = 2.0 Appendix A - TS 2.10.02- Issue 2

Maximum applied moment to base Mmax = Fos_ot  (Mm_max + Fh_max  (dc+Df)) = 75.38 kNm

Foundation Design
Soil Type ST = "Average"
Ground strength factor G = 390.0 kN/m2/m
Value taken from Appendix A - NG TS 2.10.02 - Issue 2

Check Moment Capacity

Moment of resistance of foundation Mg = G  Wb  Pbgl3 / 10 = 78.97 kNm
Pass - Moment Capacity

Therefore use
600x600x1500mm square foundation min
600mm dia x 1500mm bored foundation min

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Biggleswade 400kV Substation Substation Perimeter Fence

Project Section
Main Compound Design Calculations

- The depth given is from the underside of chippings layer
- The embedded fence post must extend to the bottom of the foundation
- Fence post excavations should always be backfilled with mass concrete
- The effective diameter of the post may be assumed to be equal to the minimum diameter of the excavated
- The concrete backfill shall extend from the base of the post to the base of the concrete sill.

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Biggleswade 400kV Substation Substation Perimeter Fence

Project Section
Main Compound Design Calculations Gravity foundation

Length of pad footing Lb = 1850 mm Parallel with the fence

Width of pad footing Wb = 1850mm

Area of pad footing A = Lb  Wb = 3.423 m2
Embedment hembed = 325 mm For 300mm wide x 350mm deep anti-burrow sill

Depth of pad footing h = 650 mm

Total depth of footing Db = hembed + h = 975 mm
Eccentricity of column in y ecy = 0 mm
Eccentricity of column in z ecz = 0 mm
Density of concrete conc = 24 kN/m3 Gravity bases to be with mass concrete (no reinforcement)

Soil details
Density of soil soil = 21.00 kN/m3 Fig. 1 - BS 8004:2015 based on Geotechnical Description

Design shear strength ' = 34.00 (4) - BS 8004:2015 based on Geotechnical Description

Design base friction  = ' = 34.0 For concrete cast against soil - cl. 6.5.3(10) - EC 7-1

Allowable bearing pressure Pbearing = 100.00 kN/m2 Assumption based on Geotechnical Description

Additional loads
Pad footing self-weight Fswt = h  A  conc + hembed  A  soil = 76.7 kN
Vertical load FV = Fx + Fswt = 76.7 kN

Foundation Design
Bending about y
Eccentricity about y ey = (FzDb + My + Fxecz)/FV = 325 mm
ey’ = Wb/6 = 308 mm Centroid of load outside middle third
Bearing length from edge by = min(Wb,3(Wb/2-ey)) = 1801 mm
Bearing factors ky = if(ey’>ey, 6ey/Wb, 4Wb/(3(Wb-2ey))-1) = 1.05
ky’ = if(ey’>ey, -6ey/Wb, -1) = -1.00
Bending about z
Eccentricity about z ez = (FyDb + Mz + Fxecy)/FV = 325 mm
ez’ = Lb/6 = 308 mm Centroid of load outside middle third
Bearing length from edge bz = min(Lb,3(Lb/2-ez)) = 1801 mm
Bearing factors kz = if(ez’>ez, 6ez/Lb, 4Lb/(3(Lb-2ez))-1) = 1.05
kz’ = if(ez’>ez, -6ez/Lb, -1) = -1.00
Bearing pressure
Maximum ground bearing pressure GBP = (1+ky+kz)FV/(WbLb) = 69.7 kN/m2
Minimum ground bearing pressure GBP’ = max(0kN/m2,(1+ky’+kz’)FV/(WbLb)) = 0.0 kN/m2
Pass - Bearing Capacity

Sliding check
Resultant horizontal force Fh = (Fy2 + Fz2) = 13.2 kN
Permanent vertical force Rv = FV = 76.7 kN

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Project Section
Main Compound Design Calculations

Resistance to sliding due to base friction Rh.f = Rv  tan() = 51.8 kN

Resistance to sliding Rh = Rh.f = 51.8 kN
Factor of Safety FOSsliding = Rh/max(Fh,1kN) = 3.93  1.5 - PASS

Overturning about y
Restoring moment ROTMy = Fswt  Wb/2 + Fx  (Wb/2 - ecz) = 71.0 kNm
Overturning moment OTMy = FzDb + My = 24.9 kNm
Factor of Safety FOSOTM_y = ROTMy / max(OTMy,1kNm) = 2.85  1.5 - PASS

Overturning about z
Restoring moment ROTMz = Fswt  Lb/2 + Fx  (Lb/2 - ecy) = 71.0 kNm
Overturning moment OTMz = Fy  Db + Mz = 24.9 kNm
Factor of Safety FOSOTM_z = ROTMz / max(OTMz,1kNm) = 2.85  1.5 - PASS
Reinforcement Design
Check if reinforcement is required in base:
Allowable tensile stress in concrete ts = fct,eff,3 = 1.73 N/mm2
Assessment based on early age concrete tensile strength

Bending about y
Max outstand of foundation in z lout,z = Wb/2 + ecz = 925.00 mm
Elastic modulus of base (y) Zbase,y = Lb  h2 / 6 = 130270833 mm3
Stress in concrete (y) conc,y = Qmax(My,GBPLblout,z2/2) / Zbase,y = 0.64 N/mm2
PASS - Section uncracked, no transverse reinforcement required

Bending about z
Max outstand of foundation in y lout,y = Lb/2 + ecy = 925.00 mm
Elastic modulus of base (z) Zbase,z = Wb  h2 / 6 = 130270833 mm3
Stress in concrete (z) conc,z = Qmax(Mz,GBPWblout,y2/2) / Zbase,z = 0.64 N/mm2
PASS - Section uncracked, no longitudinal reinforcement required

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Project Section
Main Compound Design Calculations


7.1. Post Design


Height of gate leaf h1 = hg_7_mb = 2400 mm
Height of straining post h2 = hgp_7_mb = 3400 mm

Applied dead load from gate leaf Gk_g = Gk_g_7_mb = 4.2 kN
Applied dead load from half of fence panel Gk_f = Gk_fp_mb/2 = 0.8 kN
Maximum number of straining wires new = 38
Maximum tension per wire Gk_ew = 0.25 kN
Wires are equally spaced up the post:
Max. forces applied by straining wires Fh_ew = Gk_ew  new = 9.3 kN Mew = Fh_ew  h2 / 2 = 15.8 kNm
Wind loading (no ice):
Normal to fence Fh_wf = Fh_fp_mb_w / 2 = 1.0 kN Mwf = Mfp_mb_w / 2 = 1.3 kNm
Normal to gate Fh_wg = Fh_g_7_mb_w = 7.5 kN Mwg = Mg_7_mb_w = 9.3 kNm
Wind loading (with ice):
Normal to fence Fh_wf.i = Fh_fp_mb_w.i / 2 = 3.0 kN Mwf.i = Mfp_mb_w.i / 2 = 3.8 kNm
Normal to gate Fh_wg.i = Fh_g_7_mb_w.i = 4.5 kN Mwg.i = Mg_7_mb_w.i = 6.0 kNm
Max. moment applied by gate Mgt = Gk_g(wg_7_mb/2)/2 + 100kggacc(wg_7_mb/2) = 10.8 kNm
Allow for a person stood at the end of the gate - cl. 8.5 - BS 1722-12:2016

Load Combinations
For the gate post design, consider the following orientations:
▪ Orientation 1: Gate Open, wind blowing perpendicular to the fence
▪ Orientation 2: Gate Closed, wind blowing perpendicular to the fence

All load combinations have also an equivalent “with ice” combination, however the critical case will be for bending
rather than axial forces. As indicated by the calculated loadings above, the applied wind forces under non-iced
conditions are most critical, thus the ice conditions will be ignored for the purposes of these design calculations.

All loads are factored.

When the wind is applied normal to the open gate, when the fence panel has straining wires, the resulting force on
the straining post will either reduce the tension on the wires equal to the amount of force applied by the wind or
increase the tension on the wires but counteract the applied moment to the post. Therefore, as long as the wind
forces generated are smaller than the tension in the wires, the load from the wind has no effect.
By inspection, load combinations 3 & 6 (non-iced conditions) below will be the most onerous. In all cases, the straining
wires on the gate have no effect on the gate post as they are strained between the gate members.

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Project Section
Main Compound Design Calculations



LC1: LC4:
Dead + Imposed Dead + Imposed

LC2: LC5:
Dead + Wind Dead + Wind

LC3: LC6:
Dead + Wind + Dead + Wind +
Imposed Imposed

Partial Factors
Permanent actions (ULS) G = 1.35 Table A1.2(B) – EC0

Variable actions (ULS) Q = 1.50 Table A1.2(B) – EC0

Combination 3 – Gate Open: Dead + Wind (no ice) + Imposed

Applied axial load N3 = Gk_f + Gk_g = 5.0 kN NEd,3 = G  N3 = 6.7 kN
Applied shear Vy.3 = Fh_ew = 9.3 kN VEd,y.3 = 1.0  Fh_ew = 9.3 kN
Vz.3 = Fh_wf = 1.0 kN VEd,z.3 = Q  Vz.3 = 1.6 kN
Applied moments My.3 = Mwf + Mgt = 12.1 kNm MEd,y.3 = Q  Mwf + G  Mgt = 16.6 kNm
Mz.3 = Mew = 15.8 kNm MEd,z.3 = 1.0  Mew = 15.8 kNm

Combination 6 – Gate Closed: Dead + Wind (no ice) + Imposed

Applied axial load N6 = Gk_f + Gk_g = 5.0 kN NEd,6 = G  N6 = 6.7 kN
Applied shear Vy.6 = Fh_ew = 9.3 kN VEd,y.6 = 1.0  Fh_ew = 9.3 kN
Vz.6 = Fh_wf + Fh_wg = 8.5 kN VEd,z.6 = Q  Vz.6 = 12.8 kN
Applied moments My.6 = Mwf + Mwg = 10.6 kNm MEd,y.6 = Q  My.6 = 15.9 kNm
Mz.6 = Mew = 15.8 kNm MEd,z.6 = 1.0  Mew = 15.8 kNm

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Project Section
Main Compound Design Calculations

The gate posts will be designed for the ULS limit state. By inspection, load combination 6 - Gate Closed will be critical.

Member Design

Post Details
Size of support post SHS 200x200x6.3
Section properties Wpl.y = Wpl.z = 350327 mm3 Iy = Iz = 30111515 mm4
Cross Sectional Area A = 4839 mm2
Section size b = 200 mm h = 200 mm
Steel properties E= 210103 N/mm2 G = 80.8103 N/mm2
Grade S355
Yield strength fy = 355 N/mm2 Table 7 - BS EN 10025-2:2004

Steel factors M0 = 1.00 M1 = 1.00

Design loads (ULS)

Design axial load NEd = NEd,6 = 6.7 kN
Design shear VEd,y = VEd,y.6 = 9.3 kN VEd,z = VEd,z.6 = 12.8 kN
Design moments MEd,y = MEd,y.6 = 15.9 kNm MEd,z = MEd,z.6 = 15.8 kNm

Section classification
Section classification Class 1 Table 5.2 – EC3-1-1

Cross sectional resistance – Axial resistance

Axial capacity without buckling Npl.Rd = A  fy / M0 = 1718 kN (6.10) – EC3-1-1

Critical length (cantilever) Lcr,z = 2h2 = 6800 mm

Elastic critical load Ncr,z =   ESEC3  Iz / Lcr,z2 = 1350 kN
Non-dimensional slenderness bar,z = (A  fy / Ncr,z) = 1.13 cl. – EC3-1-1

Applied load is less than 4% of critical load (0.5%), thus buckling can be ignored cl. – EC3-1-1
Axial capacity Npl.Rd = A  fy / M1 = 1718 kN (6.47) – EC3-1-1
Utilisation utfb = NEd/Npl.Rd = 0.004  1.0 (6.12) – EC3-1-1
PASS - Axial Resistance

Cross sectional resistance – Shear resistance

Maximum shear applied to post VEd = (VEd,y2 + VEd,z2)0.5 = 15.8 kN
Shear area of post Av = Ah / (b + h) = 2419 mm2 cl. 6.2.6(3) – EC3-1-1

Shear resistance Vpl.Rd = (Avfy/(3)) / M0 = 495.9 kN (6.18) – EC3-1-1

Utilisation utv = VEd/Vpl.Rd = 0.03  1.0 (6.12) – EC3-1-1

PASS - Shear Resistance

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Project Section
Main Compound Design Calculations

Biaxial Bending
Applied shear is less than half the shear capacity (0.03) thus no reduction due to shear cl. 6.2.8(2) – EC3-1-1
Plastic moment capacity y-y Mpl.Rd,y = Wpl.y  fy / M0 = 124 kNm (6.13) – EC3-1-1
Plastic moment capacity z-z Mpl.Rd,z = Wpl.z  fy / M0 = 124 kNm (6.13) – EC3-1-1

Axial utilisation n = NEd/Npl.Rd = 0.004 cl. – EC3-1-1

Web area factor aw = min((A-2bt)/A,0.5) = 0.48 cl. – EC3-1-1
Flange area factor af = min((A-2ht)/A,0.5) = 0.48 cl. – EC3-1-1
Moment capacity y-y MN.Rd,y = Mpl.Rd,ymin((1-n)/(1-0.5aw),1) = 124 kNm (6.39) – EC3-1-1
Moment capacity z-z MN.Rd,z = Mpl.Rd,zmin((1-n)/(1-0.5af),1) = 124 kNm (6.40) – EC3-1-1
Biaxial bending exponents  =  = min(1.66/(1-1.13n2),6) = 1.7 cl. – EC3-1-1
Utilisation y-y utbb,y = MEd,y/MN.Rd,y = 0.13  1.0 (6.31) – EC3-1-1
Utilisation z-z utbb,z = MEd,z/MN.Rd,z = 0.13  1.0 (6.31) – EC3-1-1
Biaxial bending interaction inbb = utbb,y + utbb,z = 0.07  1.0 (6.41) – EC3-1-1
PASS - Biaxial Bending Interaction

Deflection Check
Deflection of post due to straining wires in y sw_y = Fh_ew  h23 / (8ESEC3Iz) = 7 mm
Deflection of post due to closed gate in y g_y = (Mgt  h12 / (2ESEC3Iz))(1+(2(h2-h1))/h1) = 9 mm
Conservatively assume that there is no counteracting of deflections. Consider only worst-case deflection:
Deflection of post in y _y = max (sw_y, g_y) = 9 mm
Deflection of post due to wind in z w_z = (Fh_wf + Fh_wg)  h13 / (8ESEC3Iy)(1+(4(h2-h1))/(3h1)) = 4 mm
Resultant deflection res = (_y2 + w_z 2) = 10 mm
Allowable deflection lim = h2 / 150 = 23 mm
PASS - Deflection

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Biggleswade 400kV Substation Substation Perimeter Fence

Project Section
Main Compound Design Calculations

7.2. Strut Design

Height of strut connection hs = Lpc = 2250 mm
Angle of strut from vertical s = 40
Length of strut Ls = hs / cos(s) = 2937 mm

Size of support strut EA 60x60x6

Section geometry b = 60 mm h = 60 mm
t = 6 mm
Cross sectional area A = 695 mm2
Distance to shear centre u0 = 0.0 mm v0 = 19.8 mm using §2.5 - SCI P385

Second moment of area Iu = 367856 mm4 Iv = 96380 mm4

I0 = Iu + Iv + A(u02 + v02) = 735617 mm4 §6.4 - SCI P363

Torsional constant IT = 8208 mm4

Grade S275
Yield strength fy = 275 N/mm2 Table 7 - EN 10025-2:2004

Steel factors M0 = 1.00 M1 = 1.00

Design loads (ULS)

Design axial load NEd = NEd,6 = 6.7 kN
Design shear VEd,y = VEd,y.6 = 9.3 kN VEd,z = VEd,z.6 = 12.8 kN
Design moments MEd,y = MEd,y.6 = 15.9 kNm MEd,z = MEd,z.6 = 15.8 kNm

Section classification (Table 5.2 - EC3-1-1)

Strain factor  = (235/fy) = 0.92
Check 1:
Width-thickness ratio h/t = 10.0
Class 3 limit 15 = 13.9 > 10.0 - Class 3
Check 2:
Width-thickness ratio (b+h)/(2t) = 10.0
Class 3 limit 11.5 = 10.6 > 10.0 - Class 3
Highest classification Class 3

Cross sectional resistance – Axial resistance

Axial capacity without buckling Npl.Rd = A  fy / M0 = 191 kN (6.10) – EC3-1-1

Single bolted connection - treat as simply supported as per cl. BB.1.2(2) EC3-1-1. As the section is class 3, according to
cl. 6.2.9 EC3-1-1 there is no requirement to consider the eccentricity effects. The angle is not restrained in any
direction other than at the supports, therefore by inspection the worst-case buckling calculations will be for the minor
principal axis (v-v):

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Project Section
Main Compound Design Calculations

Flexural buckling
Critical length Lcr,v = Ls = 2937 mm Consider simply supported (conservative)

Elastic critical load Ncr,v =   ESEC3  Iv / Lcr,v2 = 23 kN

Non-dimensional slenderness bar,v = (A  fy / Ncr,v) = 2.87 cl. – EC3-1-1

Torsional buckling
Elastic torsional buckling force Ncr,T = A  GSEC3  IT / I0 = 627 kN §6.4 - SCI P363

Non-dimensional slenderness bar,T = (A  fy / Ncr,T) = 0.55 (6.52) - EC3-1-1

Resultant buckling mode

Maximum non-dimensional slenderness bar = max(bar,v, bar,T) = 2.87
Buckling curve curve = b Table 6.2 – EC3-1-1

Buckling parameters  = 0.34 Table 6.1 – EC3-1-1

 = 0.5[1+(bar- 0.2)+bar2] = 5.08 cl. – EC3-1-1

Reduction factor  = min(1, 1/[ + (2 - bar2)]) = 0.11 (6.49) – EC3-1-1

Axial resistance Nb.Rd =   Npl.Rd  M0 / M1 = 21 kN (6.47) – EC3-1-1

Utilisation utN = NEd/Nb.Rd = 0.33  1.0 (6.12) – EC3-1-1

PASS - Axial Resistance

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Main Compound Design Calculations

7.3. Foundation Design


Foundation loads (SLS) – Use Combination 6

Vertical load applied from the post Fx = N6 = 5.0 kN
Shear load in y Fy = Vy.6 = 9.3 kN
Shear load in z Fz = Vz.6 = 8.5 kN
Moment about y My = My.6 = 10.6 kNm
Moment about z Mz = Mz.6 = 15.8 kNm

7.3.1 Planted foundation

Planted depth of foundation below ground level Pbgl = 1600 mm Below base of chippings

Maximum allowable width of footing Wb = Pbgl / 2.5 = 640 mm For calculation purposes only

Embedment of fence post into foundation ep = Pbgl - 50 mm = 1550 mm

Size of post SHS 200x200x6.3
Depth of chippings dc = 75mm + 25mm = 100 mm
75mm chippings below, 25mm above substation level
Depth to fulcrum Df = Pbgl  (1/(2)) = 1131 mm
Fulcrum taken at 1/2 multiplied by the planted depth below ground level as stipulated in BD 94/07

Maximum horizontal load applied to fence post Fh_max = (Fy2+Fz2) = 12.64 kN
Max. moment applied to fence post Mm_max = (My2+Mz2) = 19.1 kNm
Factor of safety against overturning Fos_ot = 2.0 Appendix A - TS 2.10.02- Issue 2

Maximum applied moment to base Mmax = Fos_ot  (Mm_max + Fh_max (dc+Df)) = 69.26 kNm

Foundation Design
Soil Type ST = "Average"
Ground strength factor G = 390.0 kN/m2/m
Value taken from Appendix A - NG TS 2.10.02 - Issue 2

Check Moment Capacity

Moment of resistance of foundation Mg = G  Wb  Pbgl3 / 10 = 102.24 kNm
Pass - Moment Capacity

Therefore use
650x650x1600mm square foundation min
650mm dia x 1600mm bored foundation min

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Main Compound Design Calculations

- The depth given is from the underside of chippings layer
- The embedded fence post must extend to the bottom of the foundation
- Fence post excavations should always be backfilled with mass concrete
- The effective diameter of the post may be assumed to be equal to the minimum diameter of the excavated
- The concrete backfill shall extend from the base of the post to the base of the concrete sill.

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Project Section
Main Compound Design Calculations

7.3.2 Gravity foundation

Length of pad footing Lb = 2000 mm Parallel with the fence

Width of pad footing Wb = 2000mm

Area of pad footing A = Lb  Wb = 4.000 m2
Embedment hembed = 325 mm For 300mm wide x 350mm deep anti-burrow sill

Depth of pad footing h = 650 mm

Total depth of footing Db = hembed + h = 975 mm
Eccentricity of column in y ecy = 150 mm
Eccentricity of column in z ecz = 0 mm
Density of concrete conc = 24 kN/m3 Gravity bases to be with mass concrete (no reinforcement)

Soil details
Density of soil soil = 20.00 kN/m3 Fig. 1 - BS 8004:2015 based on Geotechnical Description

Design shear strength ' = 21.00 (4) - BS 8004:2015 based on Geotechnical Description

Design base friction  = ' = 21.0 For concrete cast against soil - cl. 6.5.3(10) - EC 7-1

Allowable bearing pressure Pbearing = 100.00 kN/m2 Assumption based on Geotechnical Description

Additional loads
Pad footing self-weight Fswt = h  A  conc + hembed  A  soil = 88.4 kN
Vertical load FV = Fx + Fswt = 93.4 kN

Foundation Design
Bending about y
Eccentricity about y ey = (FzDb + My + Fxecz)/FV = 203 mm
ey’ = Wb/6 = 333 mm Centroid of load within middle third
Bearing length from edge by = min(Wb,3(Wb/2-ey)) = 2000 mm
Bearing factors ky = if(ey’>ey, 6ey/Wb, 4Wb/(3(Wb-2ey))-1) = 0.61
ky’ = if(ey’>ey, -6ey/Wb, -1) = -0.61
Bending about z
Eccentricity about z ez = (FyDb + Mz + Fxecy)/FV = 275 mm
ez’ = Lb/6 = 333 mm Centroid of load within middle third
Bearing length from edge bz = min(Lb,3(Lb/2-ez)) = 2000 mm
Bearing factors kz = if(ez’>ez, 6ez/Lb, 4Lb/(3(Lb-2ez))-1) = 0.82
kz’ = if(ez’>ez, -6ez/Lb, -1) = -0.82
Bearing pressure
Maximum ground bearing pressure GBP = (1+ky+kz)FV/(WbLb) = 56.8 kN/m2
Minimum ground bearing pressure GBP’ = max(0kN/m2,(1+ky’+kz’)FV/(WbLb)) = 0.0 kN/m2
Pass - Bearing Capacity

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Project Section
Main Compound Design Calculations

Sliding check
Resultant horizontal force Fh = (Fy2 + Fz2) = 12.6 kN
Permanent vertical force Rv = FV = 93.4 kN
Resistance to sliding due to base friction Rh.f = Rv  tan() = 35.8 kN
Resistance to sliding Rh = Rh.f = 35.8 kN
Factor of Safety FOSsliding = Rh/max(Fh,1kN) = 2.83  1.5 - PASS

Overturning about y
Restoring moment ROTMy = Fswt  Wb/2 + Fx  (Wb/2 - ecz) = 93.4 kNm
Overturning moment OTMy = FzDb + My = 18.9 kNm
Factor of Safety FOSOTM_y = ROTMy / max(OTMy,1kNm) = 4.93  1.5 - PASS

Overturning about z
Restoring moment ROTMz = Fswt  Lb/2 + Fx  (Lb/2 - ecy) = 92.6 kNm
Overturning moment OTMz = Fy  Db + Mz = 24.9 kNm
Factor of Safety FOSOTM_z = ROTMz / max(OTMz,1kNm) = 3.72  1.5 - PASS

Reinforcement Design
Check if reinforcement is required in base:
Allowable tensile stress in concrete ts = fct,eff,3 = 1.73 N/mm2
Assessment based on early age concrete tensile strength

Bending about y
Max outstand of foundation in z lout,z = Wb/2 + ecz = 1000.00 mm
Elastic modulus of base (y) Zbase,y = Lb  h2 / 6 = 140833333 mm3
Stress in concrete (y) conc,y = Qmax(My,GBPLblout,z2/2) / Zbase,y = 0.60 N/mm2
PASS - Section uncracked, no transverse reinforcement required

Bending about z
Max outstand of foundation in y lout,y = Lb/2 + ecy = 1150.00 mm
Elastic modulus of base (z) Zbase,z = Wb  h2 / 6 = 140833333 mm3
Stress in concrete (z) conc,z = Qmax(Mz,GBPWblout,y2/2) / Zbase,z = 0.80 N/mm2
PASS - Section uncracked, no longitudinal reinforcement required

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Project Section
Main Compound Design Calculations Vehicle Loading Check

As per TS 2.10.08, a typical 5 tonne wheel load will be analysed upon the foundation. By inspection it is deemed that
the top of the foundation is adequate for loading as concrete excels in compressive strength. As such, this
calculation will check the bottom of the foundation.

The dimensions of the wheel contact pressure are to be 320mm x 220mm as per BS EN 1991-2:2003 Table 4.8 –
Definition of Wheels and Axles.

Wheel Length Lw = 320 mm from BS EN 1991-2:2003 Table 4.8

Wheel Width Ww = 220 mm from BS EN 1991-2:2003 Table 4.8

Assuming the wheel is directly above the edge of the foundation and distributed over the foundation alone is
deemed the most onerous approach for checking.

Figure 1: Vehicle Load Distribution

Loading from Column

Vertical load applied from the post Fx = 5.0 kN
Shear load in y Fy = 9.3 kN
Shear load in z Fz = 8.5 kN
Moment about y My = 10.6 kNm
Moment about z Mz = 15.8 kNm

Loading from Wheel

Vertical load applied from wheel Fx_wheel = 5 ton  gacc = 49.820 kN

In accordance with TS 2.10.08, the dissipation through the fill is to be 1:2, resulting in the wheel dimensions upon the
foundation to equate to the following:
Height of Fill hfill = 325 mm
Wheel Loading Length Lw,eff = Lw + hfill = 645.0 mm
Wheel Loading Width Ww,eff = Ww + (hfill / 2) = 382.5 mm

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Project Section
Main Compound Design Calculations


Foundation analysis in accordance with EN1997-1:2004 + A1:2013 incorporating corrigendum February 2009 and
the UK National Annex incorporating corrigendum No.1
Tedds calculation version 3.3.05

Pad foundation details

Length of foundation Lx = 2000 mm
Width of foundation Ly = 2000 mm
Foundation area A = Lx  Ly = 4.000 m2
Depth of foundation h = 650 mm
Depth of soil over foundation hsoil = 325 mm
Level of water hwater = 0 mm
Density of water water = 9.8 kN/m3
Density of concrete conc = 24.5 kN/m3

Column no.1 details

Length of column lx1 = 200 mm
Width of column ly1 = 200 mm

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Project Section
Main Compound Design Calculations

position in x-direction x1 = 1000 mm

position in y-direction y1 = 1000 mm

Column no.2 details

Length of column lx2 = 383 mm
Width of column ly2 = 645 mm
position in x-direction x2 = 1809 mm
position in y-direction y2 = 1000 mm

Soil properties
Density of soil soil = 21.0 kN/m3
Characteristic cohesion c'k = 0 kN/m2
Characteristic effective shear resistance angle 'k = 25 deg
Characteristic friction angle k = 20 deg

Foundation loads
Self weight Fswt = h  conc = 15.9 kN/m2
Soil weight Fsoil = hsoil  soil = 6.8 kN/m2

Column no.1 loads

Permanent axial load FGz1 = 4.4 kN
Variable horizontal load in x-direction FQx1 = -9.3 kN
Variable horizontal load in y-direction FQy1 = 8.5 kN
Variable moment in x-direction MQx1 = -15.8 kNm
Variable moment in y-direction MQy1 = 10.0 kNm

Column no.2 loads

Permanent axial load FGz2 = 49.8 kN

Bearing resistance (Section 6.5.2)

Forces on foundation
Force in x-direction Fdx = FQx1 = -9.3 kN
Force in y-direction Fdy = FQy1 = 8.5 kN
Force in z-direction Fdz = A  (Fswt + Fsoil) + FGz1 + FGz2 = 145.2 kN

Moments on foundation
Moment in x-direction Mdx = A  (Fswt + Fsoil)  Lx / 2 + FGz1  x1 + FGz2  x2 + MQx1 + FQx1  h =
163.6 kNm
Moment in y-direction Mdy = A  (Fswt + Fsoil)  Ly / 2 + FGz1  y1 + FGz2  y2 + MQy1 + FQy1  h
= 160.7 kNm

Eccentricity of base reaction

Eccentricity of base reaction in x-direction ex = Mdx / Fdz - Lx / 2 = 127 mm
Eccentricity of base reaction in y-direction ey = Mdy / Fdz - Ly / 2 = 107 mm

Pad base pressures

q1 = Fdz  (1 - 6  ex / Lx - 6  ey / Ly) / (Lx  Ly) = 10.8 kN/m2
q2 = Fdz  (1 - 6  ex / Lx + 6  ey / Ly) / (Lx  Ly) = 34.1 kN/m2
q3 = Fdz  (1 + 6  ex / Lx - 6  ey / Ly) / (Lx  Ly) = 38.5 kN/m2

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Project Section
Main Compound Design Calculations

q4 = Fdz  (1 + 6  ex / Lx + 6  ey / Ly) / (Lx  Ly) = 61.8 kN/m2

Minimum base pressure qmin = min(q1, q2, q3, q4) = 10.8 kN/m2
Maximum base pressure qmax = max(q1, q2, q3, q4) = 61.8 kN/m2

Presumed bearing capacity

Presumed bearing capacity Pbearing = 100.0 kN/m2
PASS - Presumed bearing capacity exceeds design base pressure

Design approach 1

Partial factors on actions - Combination1

Partial factor set A1
Permanent unfavourable action - Table A.3 G = 1.35
Permanent favourable action - Table A.3 Gf = 1.00
Variable unfavourable action - Table A.3 Q = 1.50
Variable favourable action - Table A.3 Qf = 0.00

Partial factors for spread foundations - Combination1

Resistance factor set R1
Bearing - Table A.5 R.v = 1.00
Sliding - Table A.5 R.h = 1.00

Forces on foundation
Force in x-direction Fdx = Q  FQx1 = -13.9 kN
Force in y-direction Fdy = Q  FQy1 = 12.8 kN
Force in z-direction Fdz = G  (A  (Fswt + Fsoil) + FGz1 + FGz2) = 196.0 kN

Moments on foundation
Moment in x-direction Mdx = G  (A  (Fswt + Fsoil)  Lx / 2 + FGz1  x1 + FGz2  x2) + Q  MQx1
+ (Q  FQx1)  h = 217.6 kNm
Moment in y-direction Mdy = G  (A  (Fswt + Fsoil)  Ly / 2 + FGz1  y1 + FGz2  y2) + Q  MQy1
+ (Q  FQy1)  h = 219.3 kNm

Eccentricity of base reaction

Eccentricity of base reaction in x-direction ex = Mdx / Fdz - Lx / 2 = 110 mm
Eccentricity of base reaction in y-direction ey = Mdy / Fdz - Ly / 2 = 119 mm

Effective area of base

Effective length L'x = Lx - 2  ex = 1780 mm
Effective width L'y = Ly - 2  ey = 1762 mm
Effective area A' = L'x  L'y = 3.136 m2

Pad base pressure

Design base pressure fdz = Fdz / A' = 62.5 kN/m2

Sliding resistance (Section 6.5.3)

Forces on foundation
Force in x-direction Fdx = Q  FQx1 = -13.9 kN
Force in y-direction Fdy = Q  FQy1 = 12.8 kN
Force in z-direction Fdz = Gf  (A  (Fswt + Fsoil) + FGz1 + FGz2) = 145.2 kN

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Project Section
Main Compound Design Calculations

Sliding resistance verification (Section 6.5.3)

Horizontal force on foundation H = [Fdx2 + Fdy2]0.5 = 18.9 kN
Design friction angle d = atan(tan(k) / ') = 20 deg
Sliding resistance (exp.6.3a) RH.d = Fdz  tan(d) = 52.8 kN
H / RH.d = 0.358
PASS - Foundation is not subject to failure by sliding

Design approach 1

Partial factors on actions - Combination2

Partial factor set A2
Permanent unfavourable action - Table A.3 G = 1.00
Permanent favourable action - Table A.3 Gf = 1.00
Variable unfavourable action - Table A.3 Q = 1.30
Variable favourable action - Table A.3 Qf = 0.00

Partial factors for spread foundations - Combination2

Resistance factor set R1
Bearing - Table A.5 R.v = 1.00
Sliding - Table A.5 R.h = 1.00

Forces on foundation
Force in x-direction Fdx = Q  FQx1 = -12.1 kN
Force in y-direction Fdy = Q  FQy1 = 11.1 kN
Force in z-direction Fdz = G  (A  (Fswt + Fsoil) + FGz1 + FGz2) = 145.2 kN

Moments on foundation
Moment in x-direction Mdx = G  (A  (Fswt + Fsoil)  Lx / 2 + FGz1  x1 + FGz2  x2) + Q  MQx1
+ (Q  FQx1)  h = 157.1 kNm
Moment in y-direction Mdy = G  (A  (Fswt + Fsoil)  Ly / 2 + FGz1  y1 + FGz2  y2) + Q  MQy1
+ (Q  FQy1)  h = 165.4 kNm

Eccentricity of base reaction

Eccentricity of base reaction in x-direction ex = Mdx / Fdz - Lx / 2 = 82 mm
Eccentricity of base reaction in y-direction ey = Mdy / Fdz - Ly / 2 = 139 mm

Effective area of base

Effective length L'x = Lx - 2  ex = 1836 mm
Effective width L'y = Ly - 2  ey = 1722 mm
Effective area A' = L'x  L'y = 3.162 m2

Pad base pressure

Design base pressure fdz = Fdz / A' = 45.9 kN/m2

Sliding resistance (Section 6.5.3)

Forces on foundation
Force in x-direction Fdx = Q  FQx1 = -12.1 kN
Force in y-direction Fdy = Q  FQy1 = 11.1 kN
Force in z-direction Fdz = Gf  (A  (Fswt + Fsoil) + FGz1 + FGz2) = 145.2 kN

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Project Section
Main Compound Design Calculations

Sliding resistance verification (Section 6.5.3)

Horizontal force on foundation H = [Fdx2 + Fdy2]0.5 = 16.4 kN
Design friction angle d = atan(tan(k) / ') = 16.234 deg
Sliding resistance (exp.6.3a) RH.d = Fdz  tan(d) = 42.3 kN
H / RH.d = 0.387
PASS - Foundation is not subject to failure by sliding

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Project Section
Main Compound Design Calculations


8.1. Post Design

Height of gate leaf h1 = hg_7_CAT3 = 2400 mm

Applied dead load from gate leaf Gk_g = Gk_g_7_CAT3 = 2.9 kN
Applied dead load from half of fence panel Gk_f = Gk_fp_CAT3 /2 = 0.5 kN
Wind loading (no ice):
Normal to fence Fh_wf = Fh_fp_CAT3_w / 2 = 1.5 kN Mwf = Mfp_CAT3_w / 2 = 1.8 kNm
Normal to gate Fh_wg = Fh_g_7_CAT3_w = 4.1 kN Mwg = Mg_7_CAT3_w = 4.9 kNm
Wind loading (with ice):
Normal to fence Fh_wf.i = Fh_fp_CAT3_w.i / 2 = 0.9 kN Mwf.i = Mfp_CAT3_w.i / 2 = 1.1 kNm
Normal to gate Fh_wg.i = Fh_g_7_CAT3_w.i = 2.6 kN Mwg.i = Mg_7_CAT3_w.i = 3.1 kNm
Max. moment applied by gate Mgt = Gk_g(wg_7_CAT3/2)/2 + 100kggacc(wg_7_CAT3/2) = 8.6 kNm
Allow for a person stood at the end of the gate - cl. 8.5 - BS 1722-12:2016

Load Combinations




LC1: LC4:
Dead + Imposed Dead + Imposed

LC2: LC5:
Dead + Wind Dead + Wind

LC3: LC6:
Dead + Wind + Dead + Wind +
Imposed Imposed

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Project Section
Main Compound Design Calculations

For the gate post design, consider the following orientations:

▪ Orientation 1: Gate Open, wind blowing perpendicular to the fence
▪ Orientation 2: Gate Closed, wind blowing perpendicular to the fence

All load combinations have also an equivalent “with ice” combination, however the critical case will be for bending
rather than axial forces. As indicated by the calculated loadings above, the applied wind forces under non-iced
conditions are most critical, thus the ice conditions will be ignored for the purposes of these design calculations.
All loads are factored.
By inspection, load combinations 2 & 5 (non-iced conditions) will be critical. (The gate and the adjacent fence
panels will be non-electrified).

Partial Factors
Permanent actions (ULS) G = 1.35 Table A1.2(B) – EC0

Variable actions (ULS) Q = 1.50 Table A1.2(B) – EC0

Combination 2 – Gate Open: Dead + Wind (no ice)

Applied axial load N2 = Gk_f + Gk_g = 3.4 kN NEd,2 = G  N2 = 4.6 kN
Applied shear Vy.2 = 0.00kN = 0.0 kN VEd,y.2 = 0.00kN = 0.0 kN
Vz.2 = Fh_wf = 1.5 kN VEd,z.2 = Q  Vz.2 = 2.2 kN
Applied moments My.2 = Mwf + Mgt = 10.3 kNm MEd,y.2 = Q  Mwf + G  Mgt = 14.2 kNm
Mz.2 = 0.00kNm = 0.0 kNm MEd,z.2 = 0.00kNm = 0.0 kNm

Combination 5 – Gate Closed: Dead + Wind (no ice)

Applied axial load N5 = Gk_f + Gk_g = 3.4 kN NEd,5 = G  N5 = 4.6 kN
Applied shear Vy.5 = 0.00kN = 0.0 kN VEd,y.5 = 0.00kN = 0.0 kN
Vz.5 = Fh_wf + Fh_wg = 5.5 kN VEd,z.5 = Q  Vz.5 = 8.3 kN
Applied moments My.5 = Mwf + Mwg = 6.7 kNm MEd,y.5 = Q  My.5 = 10.0 kNm
Mz.5 = Mgt = 8.6 kNm MEd,z.5 = G  Mz.5 = 11.6 kNm

The gate posts will be designed for the ULS limit state. By inspection, load combination 5 - Gate Closed will be critical
due to the higher biaxial bending moment involved.

Member Design

Post Details
Size of support post SHS 200x200x6.3
Section properties Wpl.y = Wpl.z = 350327 mm3 Iy = Iz = 30111515 mm4
Cross Sectional Area A = 4839 mm2
Section size b = 200 mm h = 200 mm
Steel properties E = 210103 N/mm2 G = 80.8103 N/mm2
Grade S355
Yield strength fy = 355 N/mm2 Table 7 - BS EN 10025-2:2004

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Project Section
Main Compound Design Calculations

Steel factors M0 = 1.00 M1 = 1.00

Design loads (ULS)

Design axial load NEd = NEd,5 = 4.6 kN
Design shear VEd,y = VEd,y.5= 0.0 kN VEd,z = VEd,z.5 = 8.3 kN
Design moments MEd,y = MEd,y.5 = 10.0 kNm MEd,z = MEd,z.5 = 11.6 kNm

Section classification
Section classification Class 1 Table 5.2 – EC3-1-1

Cross sectional resistance – Axial resistance

Axial capacity without buckling Npl.Rd = A  fy / M0 = 1718 kN (6.10) – EC3-1-1

Critical length (cantilever) Lcr,z = 2h1 = 4800 mm

Elastic critical load Ncr,z =   ESEC3  Iz / Lcr,z2 = 2709 kN
Non-dimensional slenderness bar,z = (A  fy / Ncr,z) = 0.80 cl. – EC3-1-1

Applied load is less than 4% of critical load (0.2%), thus buckling can be ignored cl. – EC3-1-1
Axial capacity Npl.Rd = A  fy / M1 = 1718 kN (6.47) – EC3-1-1
Utilisation utfb = NEd/Npl.Rd = 0.003  1.0 (6.12) – EC3-1-1
PASS - Axial Resistance

Cross sectional resistance – Shear resistance

Maximum shear applied to post VEd = (VEd,y2 + VEd,z2)0.5 = 8.3 kN
Shear area of post Av = Ah / (b + h) = 2419 mm2 cl. 6.2.6(3) – EC3-1-1

Shear resistance Vpl.Rd = (Avfy/(3)) / M0 = 495.9 kN (6.18) – EC3-1-1

Utilisation utv = VEd/Vpl.Rd = 0.02  1.0 (6.12) – EC3-1-1

PASS - Shear Resistance

Biaxial Bending
Applied shear is less than half the shear capacity (0.02) thus no reduction due to shear cl. 6.2.8(2) – EC3-1-1
Plastic moment capacity y-y Mpl.Rd,y = Wpl.y  fy / M0 = 124 kNm (6.13) – EC3-1-1
Plastic moment capacity z-z Mpl.Rd,z = Wpl.z  fy / M0 = 124 kNm (6.13) – EC3-1-1

Axial utilisation n = NEd/Npl.Rd = 0.003 cl. – EC3-1-1

Web area factor aw = min((A-2bt)/A,0.5) = 0.48 cl. – EC3-1-1
Flange area factor af = min((A-2ht)/A,0.5) = 0.48 cl. – EC3-1-1
Moment capacity y-y MN.Rd,y = Mpl.Rd,ymin((1-n)/(1-0.5aw),1) = 124 kNm (6.39) – EC3-1-1
Moment capacity z-z MN.Rd,z = Mpl.Rd,zmin((1-n)/(1-0.5af),1) = 124 kNm (6.40) – EC3-1-1
Biaxial bending exponents  =  = min(1.66/(1-1.13n2),6) = 1.7 cl. – EC3-1-1
Utilisation y-y utbb,y = MEd,y/MN.Rd,y = 0.08  1.0 (6.31) – EC3-1-1
Utilisation z-z utbb,z = MEd,z/MN.Rd,z = 0.09  1.0 (6.31) – EC3-1-1
Biaxial bending interaction inbb = utbb,y + utbb,z = 0.03  1.0 (6.41) – EC3-1-1
PASS - Biaxial Bending Interaction

Deflection Check
Deflection of post due to wind in z w_z = (Fh_wf + Fh_wg)  h13 / (8ESEC3Iy) = 2 mm
Deflection of post due to closed gate in y g_y = Mgt  h12 / (2ESEC3Iz) = 3.91 mm
Resultant deflection res = (w_z2 + g_y2) = 4 mm
Allowable deflection lim = h1 / 150 = 16 mm
PASS - Deflection

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Main Compound Design Calculations

8.2. Foundation Design


Foundation loads (SLS) – Use Combination 5

Vertical load applied from the post Fx = N5 = 3.4 kN
Shear load in y Fy = Vy.5 = 0.0 kN
Shear load in z Fz = Vz.5 = 5.5 kN
Moment about y My = My.5 = 6.7 kNm
Moment about z Mz = Mz.5 = 8.6 kNm

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Main Compound Design Calculations

8.2.1 Planted foundation

Planted depth of foundation below ground level Pbgl = 1200 mm Below base of chippings

Maximum allowable width of footing Wb = Pbgl / 2.5 = 480 mm For calculation purposes only

Embedment of fence post into foundation ep = Pbgl - 50 mm = 1150 mm

Size of post SHS 200x200x6.3
Depth of chippings dc = 75mm + 25mm = 100 mm
75mm chippings below, 25mm above substation level
Depth to fulcrum Df = Pbgl  (1/(2)) = 849 mm
Fulcrum taken at 1/2 multiplied by the planted depth below ground level as stipulated in BD 94/07

Maximum horizontal load applied to fence post Fh_max = (Fy2+Fz2) = 5.54 kN
Max. moment applied to fence post Mm_max = (My2+Mz2) = 10.9 kNm
Factor of safety against overturning Fos_ot = 2.0 Appendix A - TS 2.10.02- Issue 2

Maximum applied moment to base Mmax = Fos_ot  (Mm_max + Fh_max (dc+Df)) = 32.23 kNm

Foundation Design
Soil Type ST = "Average"
Ground strength factor G = 390.0 kN/m2/m
Value taken from Appendix A - NG TS 2.10.02 - Issue 2

Check Moment Capacity

Moment of resistance of foundation Mg = G  Wb  Pbgl3 / 10 = 32.35 kNm
Pass - Moment Capacity

Therefore use
500x500x1200mm square foundation min
500mm dia x 1200mm bored foundation min

- The depth given is from the underside of chippings layer
- The embedded fence post must extend to the bottom of the foundation
- Fence post excavations should always be backfilled with mass concrete
- The effective diameter of the post may be assumed to be equal to the minimum diameter of the excavated
- The concrete backfill shall extend from the base of the post to the base of the concrete sill.

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96_OMX_0053 - Rev A Biggleswade Substation Perimeter Fence - Design Calculations
Contract No 23030 Sheet No.

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Made By JO Date 21/08/2023

Biggleswade 400kV Substation Substation Perimeter Fence

Project Section
Main Compound Design Calculations

8.2.2 Gravity foundation

Length of pad footing Lb = 1300 mm Parallel with the fence

Width of pad footing Wb = 1300mm

Area of pad footing A = Lb  Wb = 1.690 m2
Embedment hembed = 325 mm For 300mm wide x 350mm deep anti-burrow sill

Depth of pad footing h = 600 mm

Total depth of footing Db = hembed + h = 925 mm
Eccentricity of column in y ecy = 0 mm
Eccentricity of column in z ecz = 0 mm
Density of concrete conc = 24 kN/m3 Gravity bases to be with mass concrete (no reinforcement)

Soil details
Density of soil soil = 20.00 kN/m3 Fig. 1 - BS 8004:2015 based on Geotechnical Description

Design shear strength ' = 21.00 (4) - BS 8004:2015 based on Geotechnical Description

Design base friction  = ' = 21.0 For concrete cast against soil - cl. 6.5.3(10) - EC 7-1

Allowable bearing pressure Pbearing = 100.00 kN/m2 Assumption based on Geotechnical Description

Additional loads
Pad footing self-weight Fswt = h  A  conc + hembed  A  soil = 35.3 kN
Vertical load FV = Fx + Fswt = 38.8 kN

Foundation Design
Bending about y
Eccentricity about y ey = (FzDb + My + Fxecz)/FV = 304 mm
ey’ = Wb/6 = 217 mm Centroid of load outside middle third
Bearing length from edge by = min(Wb,3(Wb/2-ey)) = 1038 mm
Bearing factors ky = if(ey’>ey, 6ey/Wb, 4Wb/(3(Wb-2ey))-1) = 1.50
ky’ = if(ey’>ey, -6ey/Wb, -1) = -1.00
Bending about z
Eccentricity about z ez = (FyDb + Mz + Fxecy)/FV = 221 mm
ez’ = Lb/6 = 217 mm Centroid of load outside middle third
Bearing length from edge bz = min(Lb,3(Lb/2-ez)) = 1286 mm
Bearing factors kz = if(ez’>ez, 6ez/Lb, 4Lb/(3(Lb-2ez))-1) = 1.02
kz’ = if(ez’>ez, -6ez/Lb, -1) = -1.00

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Biggleswade 400kV Substation Substation Perimeter Fence

Project Section
Main Compound Design Calculations

Bearing pressure
Maximum ground bearing pressure GBP = (1+ky+kz)FV/(WbLb) = 80.9 kN/m2
Minimum ground bearing pressure GBP’ = max(0kN/m2,(1+ky’+kz’)FV/(WbLb)) = 0.0 kN/m2
Pass - Bearing Capacity

Sliding check
Resultant horizontal force Fh = (Fy2 + Fz2) = 5.5 kN
Permanent vertical force Rv = FV = 38.8 kN
Resistance to sliding due to base friction Rh.f = Rv  tan() = 14.9 kN
Resistance to sliding Rh = Rh.f = 14.9 kN
Factor of Safety FOSsliding = Rh/max(Fh,1kN) = 2.68  1.5 - PASS

Overturning about y
Restoring moment ROTMy = Fswt  Wb/2 + Fx  (Wb/2 - ecz) = 25.2 kNm
Overturning moment OTMy = FzDb + My = 11.8 kNm
Factor of Safety FOSOTM_y = ROTMy / max(OTMy,1kNm) = 2.14  1.5 - PASS

Overturning about z
Restoring moment ROTMz = Fswt  Lb/2 + Fx  (Lb/2 - ecy) = 25.2 kNm
Overturning moment OTMz = Fy  Db + Mz = 8.6 kNm
Factor of Safety FOSOTM_z = ROTMz / max(OTMz,1kNm) = 2.94  1.5 - PASS

Reinforcement Design
Check if reinforcement is required in base:
Allowable tensile stress in concrete ts = fct,eff,3 = 1.73 N/mm2
Assessment based on early age concrete tensile strength

Bending about y
Max outstand of foundation in z lout,z = Wb/2 + ecz = 650.00 mm
Elastic modulus of base (y) Zbase,y = Lb  h2 / 6 = 78000000 mm3
Stress in concrete (y) conc,y = Qmax(My,GBPLblout,z2/2) / Zbase,y = 0.43 N/mm2
PASS - Section uncracked, no transverse reinforcement required

Bending about z
Max outstand of foundation in y lout,y = Lb/2 + ecy = 650.00 mm
Elastic modulus of base (z) Zbase,z = Wb  h2 / 6 = 78000000 mm3
Stress in concrete (z) conc,z = Qmax(Mz,GBPWblout,y2/2) / Zbase,z = 0.43 N/mm2
PASS - Section uncracked, no longitudinal reinforcement required

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Biggleswade 400kV Substation Substation Perimeter Fence

Project Section
Main Compound Design Calculations


9.1. North & West Boundary

For the anti-badgers required at the northern and western boundaries of the fence, the blinding
under the anti-burrow sill to be increased to 175mm as shown in the figure below.

Figure 2 - Anit-Badger for North& West Boundary

9.2. South & East Boundary

For the southern and eastern boundaries where badgers are required up to 1m below ground
level, Chain links will be inserted in the concrete blinding under the anti-burrow sill and extends
1.250m from the edge of the sill to the edge of the anti-badger excavation. The sketch with a
typical soil failure pattern due to vertical load and moment from the planted foundation are
shown in Figure 3 and Figure 4 respectively. The chain links are placed such that the excavation
does not fall within the failure lines of the soil. This will ensure that the integrity of the planted
foundation Is not undermined by the excavation for the anti-badger and the undisturbed nature
of the lateral supporting soil is maintained.
Friction Angle ' = 21.00 °
45+ ' /2 = 55.50 °
45- ' /2 = 34.50 °

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96_OMX_0053 - Rev A Biggleswade Substation Perimeter Fence - Design Calculations
Contract No 23030 Sheet No.

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Biggleswade 400kV Substation Substation Perimeter Fence

Project Section
Main Compound Design Calculations

Figure 3 - Typical Soil Failure Profile from Vertical Loads

Figure 4 - Typical Soil Shear Failure - Horizontal Forces from Foundation

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96_OMX_0053 - Rev A Biggleswade Substation Perimeter Fence - Design Calculations
Contract No 23030 Sheet No.

Client Electrafence
95 / A

Made By JO Date 21/08/2023

Biggleswade 400kV Substation Substation Perimeter Fence

Project Section
Main Compound Design Calculations


Fence Posts & Foundations

Category 2
Mesh-backed Fence Post
Steel grade S355J2H

Size of the post RHS 100 x 50 x 4.0

Planted foundation 500 x 500 x 1200*

Gravity foundation 1300 x 1300

Depth of gravity foundation 600

Embedment of gravity foundation 325***

Straining Posts & Foundations

135° 180° 90°
Straining Post Straining Post Straining Post

Steel grade S355J2H S355J2H S355J2H

Size of the post SHS 120 x120 x 5.0 SHS 120 x120 x 5.0 SHS 120 x 120 x 5.0

Size of the strut braces EA 60 x 60 x 6 EA 60 x 60 x 6 EA 60 x 60 x 6

Planted foundation 600 x 600 x 1500* 600 x 600 x 1500* 600 x 600 x 1500*

Gravity foundation 1750x1750 1600x1600 1850x1850

Depth of gravity foundation 650 650 650

Embedment of gravity foundation 325*** 325*** 325***

Printed 21/08/2023
96_OMX_0053 - Rev A Biggleswade Substation Perimeter Fence - Design Calculations
Contract No 23030 Sheet No.

Client Electrafence
96 / A

Made By JO Date 21/08/2023

Biggleswade 400kV Substation Substation Perimeter Fence

Project Section
Main Compound Design Calculations

7m Double 7m Double Gate to

Gate to Category 3
Category 2

Steel grade S355J2H S355J2H

Size of the post SHS 200 x 200 x 6.3 SHS 200 x 200 x 6.3

Planted foundation 600 x 650 x 1600* 500 x 500 x 1200*

Gravity foundation 2000 x 2000 1300 x 1300

Depth of gravity foundation 650 600

Embedment of gravity foundation 325*** 325***

Planted & Individual Gravity Foundations
(Mass concrete)
Concrete Grade C30/37

Cement 300kg/m3 IIA

Maximum W/C Ratio 0.55

* Below chipping
*** For 300mm wide  350mm deep anti-burrow sill

Printed 21/08/2023
96_OMX_0053 - Rev A Biggleswade Substation Perimeter Fence - Design Calculations

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