Fi Pro Used Delta
Fi Pro Used Delta
Fi Pro Used Delta
ECN: 66350
Grant Prideco™
NOV Wellbore Technologies
Product Management Dept.
10100 Houston Oaks Dr.
Houston, TX 77064
+1 (281) 921‐3600 main
1.1 This document defines the field inspection procedure for used Delta and wDelta
2.1 The following procedure stipulates the equipment, inspection methods, and
acceptance/rejection criteria for field inspection, as well as repair of Delta and
wDelta connections. This inspection encompasses both visual and dimensional
methods. Any questions or concerns should be referred to Grant Prideco™ for
2.1.1 For instructions for the inspection of the connection attributes affected by
the installation of the IntelliServ™ components on wired connections,
please refer to the IntelliServ documentation. These attributes are not
covered by this procedure.
3.1 The latest edition or revision of the following specifications, standards, and
drawings shall form part of this specification:
4.1 Damage: Includes, but is not limited to, the following conditions: galls, nicks,
washes, fins, dents, scratches, pits, or cuts. Excludes discoloration or other
superficial anomalies that alter the appearance only.
4.2 Refacing Operation: All process(es) performed to remove material from the
make-up shoulders of a connection for refacing repair (this does not include
rethreading), from the time it is removed from service, until it is put back into
service. This may be performed in a single pass or multiple passes.
4.3 Licensed and Qualified Facilities: Grant Prideco™ facilities or third party
workshops, which are licensed and qualified to thread Grant Prideco connection
technologies. The following link (
locator/index.html) can be used to identify a nearby workshop and find out, in
real time, contact information and which technologies each facility is licensed and
qualified to thread, as well as confirm if the facility is current with its qualification
to thread.
4.4 Minimum service tool joint OD: The minimum service tool joint OD shall be
provided by the product user/owner, based on the drilling program requirements,
with the request for the inspection, and shall be equal to or greater than:
4.5 Thread Surfaces: The thread surfaces include roots, crests, and flanks.
4.6 Pit Free Zone: Area of the connection where pitting is not permitted in the
thread roots. Reference “Field Inspection Dimensions” drawing, latest revision.
4.7 Effective Tong Length: Effective Tong Length is the length of the cylindrical
section of the tool joint OD as measured from the primary make-up shoulder that
is free of hardbanding and/or raised features, as shown in Figure 1. Recessed
features, such as mill flats, grooves, RFID tags, etc. are disregarded for this
5.0 Procedure
5.1 Equipment: The equipment listed below shall be required to perform these
5.1.1 Generic 12” Steel Rule graduated in 1/64” Please address all inquiries to the applicable email address below:
5.2 Preparation: All thread, make-up shoulders, and seal surfaces shall be cleaned
sufficiently to allow for visual inspection. The starting threads of the pin and box
connections should be cleaned using a “soft wheel” or other buffing method.
5.2.1 NOTE: The cleaning should not buff off or remove the phosphate coating.
5.3.1 Refer to the latest revision of the appropriate “Field Inspection Dimensions”
drawing for terminology and shoulder locations.
5.3.2 Primary Make-up Shoulder (External Sealing Shoulder): The seal surface
shall be free of any damage that exceeds the limits of Sections,, or (below). Damage that exceeds 3/64” in depth is not acceptable. Any location where the seal surface has damage that cumulatively
covers more than 1/3 of the radial width (ref. Figure 2) is not
acceptable. See Figure 3 for a few examples of damage.
3 3
(Hw is not located at the same radial 𝐵 𝐶 𝐷
position as Gw and Iw, and is therefore not
added to the total width at this location) If the damage exceeds any of these limits, repair by refacing (per
Section 5.5.2) or rethreading (per Section 5.5.3), as applicable. Any metal protrusion above the surface is not acceptable and shall
be removed by filing, soft wheel, or other buffing method, and
protected by applying coating to the repaired areas per Section 5.5.4. If the damage exceeds any of these limits and cannot be repaired per
Section, repair by refacing (per Section 5.5.2) or rethreading
(per Section 5.5.3), as applicable.
5.3.4 Thread Surface: The thread surfaces shall be free of damage that exceeds
the limits of Sections,,, or (below). Any metal protrusion above the thread surface is not acceptable and
shall be removed using filing, soft wheel, or other buffing method,
and protected by applying coating to the repaired areas per Section
5.5.4. (Filing is not permitted in the thread roots.) Care shall be taken
to prevent damaging adjacent thread surfaces while attempting to
repair the damage. The thread flank surfaces shall be free of damage that exceeds 1/16”
in depth or 1/8” in diameter/width. (For damage that is not round, the
1/8” requirement applies to the width of the damage, and shall not
apply to the length of the damage along the circumference. See
Figure 4.) Any damage in the thread roots located within the Pit Free Zone
designated on the “Field Inspection Dimensions” drawing, latest
revision, is not acceptable. For thread roots outside the designated Pit Free Zone, damage that
exceeds 1/32” in depth or 1/8” in diameter/width is not acceptable.
(For damage that is not round, the 1/8” requirement applies to the
width of the damage, and shall not apply to the length of the damage
along the circumference.) If the damage exceeds any of these limits and cannot be repaired per
Section, repair by rethreading (per Section 5.5.3).
5.3.5 Thread Profile: The thread profile shall be verified along the length of the full
form threads in two locations at least 90° apart. The profile gauge shall
mesh evenly in the threads and show normal contact. If the profile gauge
does not mesh in the threads, lead measurements shall be taken (ref.
Section 5.4.2).
5.3.6 Cracks: Any cracks identified during the inspection process are not
acceptable. If possible, repair by rethreading (per Section 5.5.3).
5.4.1 Measurements shall not be taken in areas where surface condition prevents
accurate measurements.
5.4.2 Lead: The thread lead shall be measured, if required by Section 5.3.5. The
lead shall be measured over a 2” interval and shall not exceed 0.006”. If the
measured lead exceeds these limits, repair by rethreading (per Section
5.4.4 Box Counterbore Diameter: The inside diameter of the box counterbore
shall be verified in two locations 90° apart. Diameters shall not exceed the
limits of the “Field Inspection Dimensions” drawing, latest revision. If the
diameter exceeds these limits, repair by rethreading (per Section 5.5.3).
5.4.5 Box Counterbore Wall Thickness: The wall thickness between the “Box
Outside Diameter” and “Box Counterbore Diameter” shall be measured to
ensure that it exceeds the minimum dimension, as stated on the “Field
Inspection Dimensions” drawing, latest revision.
5.4.6 Box Connection Length: The distance between the primary and secondary
make-up shoulders shall be verified in two locations 180° apart. This
distance shall be compared to the requirement on the “Field Inspection
Dimensions” drawing, latest revision, to determine acceptance or rejection.
If the connection length exceeds these limits, repair by refacing (per Section
5.5.2) or rethreading (per Section 5.5.3), as applicable.
5.4.7 Pin Nose Diameter: The outside diameter of the pin nose shall be verified
in two locations 90° apart. Diameters shall not exceed the limits of the “Field
Inspection Dimensions” drawing, latest revision. If the diameter exceeds
these limits, repair by rethreading (per Section 5.5.3).
5.4.8 Pin Connection Length: The distance between the primary and secondary
make-up shoulders shall be verified in two locations 180° apart. This
distance shall be compared to the requirement on the “Field Inspection
Dimensions” drawing, latest revision, to determine acceptance or rejection.
If the connection length exceeds these limits, repair by refacing (per Section
5.5.2) or rethreading (per Section 5.5.3), as applicable.
5.4.9 Effective Tong Length: In order to ensure sufficient tong length, the
effective tong length is verified, rather than the overall tool joint tong length
as defined on new product (ref. Section 4.7). The minimum effective tong
length shall meet or exceed the requirements in Sections and The absolute minimum effective tong length requirement for boxes
shall be at least equal to a minimum of the connection length + 1”.
There is no absolute minimum effective tong length requirement for
pins. Users/owners shall establish the minimum effective tong lengths for
pins and boxes based on tonging equipment capabilities, accounting
5.5.1 Any repair operation shall be performed on connections that have been
cleaned as per standard industry practice.
5.5.2 Refacing: Repair by Refacing may only be used to attempt to repair make-
up shoulder damage less than or equal to 3/64” in depth, and/or connection
length discrepancies that are less than 1/32” out of spec. As typical of the rotary shoulder connection reface process, a
maximum of 1/32” of material may be removed from the primary
make-up shoulder during each refacing operation, after which the
joint shall be placed back into service prior to performing any
additional refacing repair. The cumulative total material removal from the primary make-up
shoulder for all refacing operations shall not exceed 3/32” before
rethreading is required. After the maximum reface allowance is met, any remaining damage
on the primary make-up shoulder shall not be deeper than 1/64” and
shall meet all other requirements of this procedure. If the connection cannot be brought back within the acceptable limits
outlined in this procedure without removing more than 1/32” of
material from the primary make-up shoulder, then rethreading shall
be required. If the portable field refacing unit method is used, the variability of face
flatness and squareness is introduced and shall be monitored by
5.5.3 Rethreading: This method shall be used to repair connections that fail to
meet the requirements stipulated in this inspection procedure, and shall be
performed by Grant Prideco™ or a qualified licensee of Grant Prideco.
Performance of this operation may not require complete removal of the
thread body, if sufficient material can be removed to comply with the new
product requirements. The connection does not have to be “reblanked”,
however both make-up shoulders and thread elements shall be machined to
100% “bright metal”. This is not necessary for cylindrical diameters. Benchmark: When the tool joint outer diameter has worn down to the
extent that a complete Xmark™ + benchmark can no longer be
remachined, it shall be replaced by a GPmark + benchmark.
5.6 Post Inspection and/or Post Repair Connection Protection: Following inspection
and/or repair, connections shall be prepared for use or storage, and protected
per product user/owner requirements.