Career Interest Inventory Handout
Career Interest Inventory Handout
Career Interest Inventory Handout
1 I’d rather make something than read a 9 I enjoy designing, inventing, and creating 16 I would choose working with things rather
book things than working with people
2 I enjoy problem-solving games and 10 I enjoy expressing myself through art, 17 I can usually persuade people to do things
working at puzzles music, or writing my way
3 I like helping others when they need it 11 I would like a job where I would deal with 18 I enjoy building and repairing things
people all day
4 I enjoy learning about new topics by 19 I enjoy the research part of my projects
reading about them 12 I like working with materials and
equipment 20 I like interacting with people
5 I like working with my hands
13 I enjoy learning new facts and ideas 21 I enjoy thinking up different ideas and
6 I like being a leader in a group of people ways to do things
14 I find cooperating with others comes
7 I prefer to know all the facts before I tackle naturally to me 22 I like hearing other people’s opinion
a problem
15 I like finding out how things work by taking 23 I enjoy learning how to use different tools
8 I like to take care of other people them apart 24 I find it easy to follow written instructions
Are you surprised with your strongest and deepest area of interest?
In the past, how have you used your interest to facilitate a great job match?
How can you use your interest to better assist your job seekers and employers?