November 2023 Online Version

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The Villages of Skelton, Shipton, Overton, Newton-on-Ouse, Linton-on-Ouse & Beningbrough

The Revd Trevor Gant, 6 Lumley Road, York, YO30 6DB Tel: 01904 654784 (evenings)
The Revd Catherine Toase, 07777 672400,
Enquiries for Weddings and Baptisms should be sent to:
CHURCH WARDENS: Online version at
Skelton Shipton Newton
Carolyn Evans 01904 470125 Church Warden Vacancy Church Warden Vacancy
Ian Holbrook 01904 470674 November 2023

WORSHIP CALENDAR A s the pace of the nature slows down for winter, we are given a
glorious display of every different colour from the leaves of
individual trees and shrubs. Showing us the beauty that can exist in
Sunday 5th November Trinity 22 the world.
However, it would seem our lives don’t slow down, they
Skelton 9:30am Holy Communion get increasingly busier to a point where we no longer see the
beauty in the world we live in first hand, but through the media,
Shipton 10:00am Family Worship which often comes with a catch phrase.
We are bombarded with words and pictures be it in the
Newton 11:00am Holy Communion
news, songs, kindle, tv or online texting. To the point we either
Easingwold 4:00pm Evensong become hardened to the images or words or ignore them because
they don’t concern us.
How often do we really take a moment to think what is
Sunday 12th November Remembrance day actually being said? Words are such powerful things but in the
wrong hands can be harmful. Proverbs 18:21 says “The tongue has
Skelton 9:30am Remembrance service the power of life and death, those who love it will eats its fruit”
As children we had fun playing a whispering game, where a
Linton cairn 10:00am Remembrance service message was passed quietly from one person to another, only to
discover how that message had changed dramatically being
Newton 10:20am Remembrance service transformed by the time it reached the end of the line, often or not
back-lane is was rubbish, so changed that we could even recognise the
original sentence.
Gossip which we often unwittingly get muddled up in can
Newton 10:50am Remembrance service be the same, but unlike the harmless children’s game gossip can
Shipton 10:50am Remembrance service become far more harmful. Proverbs 11:9 “with their mouths the
godless destroy their neighbours, but through knowledge the
righteous escape”
Gossip can lead to animosity and disagreements between
Sunday 19th November 2nd before Advent
people, families, communities and even countries.
Skelton 9:30am Morning Prayer Words are so important; they can prevent break down in
relationships. Prevent wars and build up friendships in communities
Shipton 10:00am Holy Communion if we just stop to think what we are saying or writing. Ephesians
4:29 “ Do not let any in wholesome talk come out of your mouths,
Newton 11:00am Morning Prayer but only what is helpful for building others up according to their
needs, that it may benefit those who listen.”
Having spent a lifetime being associated with the military
Sunday 26th November Christ the King who often go into very difficult situations; where wars and
aggressive factions are fighting. They are sent in to bring about
Skelton 9:30am Family Worship space for negotiations to take place and help the civilian
population. I realised through their training they learned about
Shipton 10:00am Holy Communion understanding people situations and how to communicate with
them. This was so vital for their future roles to help neutralise
Linton 11:00am Celtic Café Church conflict.
We give thanks for all who in the military, who have
sacrificed their lives, so we have the freedom to voice our opinions
Sunday 3rd December Advent Sunday openly and live in peace.
As Christians we pray for peace as Jesus commanded us “to
Skelton 9:30am Holy Communion love our neighbours as ourselves.” Matthew 22:37–39
Shipton 10:00am Family Worship This is perhaps a simplified outlook on the complexities that
surround any conflict, but being careful what we talk about and say
Newton 11:00am Holy Communion and pass onto others in our family, to our friend and neighbour is
defiantly a good starting point to live in a peaceful beautiful world.
We are all individuals, all have different ideas and opinions about
how we should live, so while we journey through life may we be
careful about what we say, how we say it.
NOTICES FOR THE NEWSLETTER We pray for all the areas where there is conflict and
should be received by the 15th of November for the December issue. suffering, asking God to give wisdom to the leaders and
All notices emailed to: understanding, so we can live in harmony with each other.
FOR ADVERTISING QUERIES please contact God Bless, Rev Catherine Toase

GENERAL NOTICES Supporting St Giles’ Church If you would like to donate to St
Giles’ Church York you can do so via the Parish Giving Scheme
Discussion Group: 7:00pm on Wednesday 8th website ( or by
November. Venue will be Tanglewood Cottage, scanning the QR code here. Thank you for
your generosity in helping to preserve our
Cherry Tree Avenue, Newton-on-Ouse, YO30 2BN. wonderful 13th century church
Adam Thomas will be leading us in Lectio Divina.
Please register your interest, with Rev Catherine
T o a s e , 0 7 7 7 7 6 7 2 4 0 0 ,

Enquiries for Weddings & Baptisms should

Broadacres Housing Association will be hosting a public
as per top of front page. consultation at the Community Centre on Thursday, 5th October
from 3pm until 6:30pm for anyone interested in finding out more
SKELTON NEWS about the proposed affordable housing development on Station
Facebook: St Giles Church, Skelton, York Lane in Shipton.
Shipton by Beningbrough Parish Council Meetings are held in
Skelton Parish Council Next meeting is on Thursday 23rd person in the main room of the Community Centre at 7:30pm on
November 2023 in Skelton Village Hall at 7:30pm and the fourth Thursday of the month. Members of the public are
subsequently on 23rd November. A Christmas party will be held on welcome. The agenda is published online (https://
9th Dec at 1:00pm. & on the Parish
St. Giles Opening: Daily between 10:00am and 4:00pm. Council notice board (at the bus stop opposite the pub) at least 3
Skelton Gardening Club: Our next meeting is on Thursday days before a meeting. To contact the Parish Council please
November 16th at 2pm in the village hall. This month's speaker is email
Chris Cade whose talk is titled Scrooge! We are a friendly group Shipton Café: A warm welcome for everyone awaits you at this
where visitors and new members are always very welcome. For Café. It provides a place to meet new people and old friends. The
further details phone Janet on 628388, email usual delicious cakes and scones go with the tea & filter coffee. We also play TABLE TENNIS and Darts. Just a short walk
Skelton Walking Group: Please meet at the village green on across the football pitch is the NEW Shipton Wild Flower Woods –
Saturday 4th November at 9.30am for an easy 5.5 mile walk near The trees will be planted soon. Open every Tuesday from 2pm –
Fountains Abbey. Packed lunch required for this walk. For any 4:30 Tea / Coffee cakes and scones. Help keep the community
further information ring 01347 823843. ticking, especially while the pub is closed.
Mandy’s Community Café We are open for coffee & lunches from Shipton Cinema is on every 1st Friday. Doors open at 7 pm for
10:30am until 1:30pm 1st Friday of the month. Come and enjoy a 7.30. Bring your drinks & nibbles. If you have any questions about
warm place with good company, good food & drinks and good the show, please text Branwen on 07986 244599
books. If you are unable to make your own way to the Village Hall, *NB. There will not be a film in January, but there
we can come and pick you up from home. Contact Carolyn L – is a Panto. If you want to join the Cinema & Café
470528/ Carolyn E – 470125 email group, ring John 07906 890 465 or 01904
Skelton WI: 9th November in the village hall at 7:30pm. This is our 470187 scan this QR code
Annual Meeting and Members Evening. Visitors are very welcome. Shipton By Beningbrough Playground 100 Club
Please ring 470113 for further information. Congratulations to the winners of the Shipton By Beningbrough
Mobile Library in Skelton. The Mobile Library visits Skelton every Playground September 2023 100 Club draw, drawn at the Parish
two weeks. Borrow books, update your library card or York Card, Council meeting on Thursday, 28th September: 1st Prize £53.13
return books from any other York library, & request books to be Sue and Dave Beckington (Ticket 5), 2nd Prize £26.56 Mary
brought to Skelton. The library stops in Fairfields Drive from Johnson (Ticket 49), 3rd Prize £26.56 Steve Reynolds (Ticket 85).
2:40pm to 3:10pm and Brecksfield from 3:15pm to 3:50pm. If you would like details of how to join the 100 Club, at a cost of
Alternate Mondays. Contact 01904 552655, email £32.50 per year, please contact us by email on or go to The money raised
Gentle Yoga Class Every Thursday, 1:30-3:00pm, now online. from the Shipton Playground 100 club goes towards the
Contact Nestor on 07503 157361 or maintenance running costs and new equipment for our playground.
Aum Yoga York Yoga for fitness, strength and wellbeing at Thanks again everyone, the next draw will be 26 October.
Skelton Village Hall. New Summer Classes begin Monday 15 May Councillor Vacancy: Are you passionate about your community?
2023, 7:00pm-8:30pm. Dynamic Intermediate Yoga. Six classes for Do you want to help make a long-lasting change? Do you have
£66. Booking essential. Contact Sharon on 07961 585806 or innovative ideas for the council? Do you have concerns about a
email specific issue and want to do something about it? If this is you, then
Skelton Village Trust Speaker Evening Thursday 2nd November we need you. We need people from all backgrounds and
7.30pm in the Village Hall. Speaker Eric Jackson. " Stand and experiences who reflect their community to put themselves forward
Deliver - the story of Highwaymen in the 17th and 18th for co-option to the Parish Council. If you think you would like to
centuries" Tickets available from committee members and the join the Parish Council or would like to know more, please see the
village shop. post on the community website which has details and links to

r e l e v a n t f o r m s f o r t h e BENINGBROUGH NEWS (continued)
application: (scroll
Newton on Ouse Parish Hall, Linton on Ouse Village Hall, The
down to 'Latest News and Events'). If you want any further details
Dawnay Arms, The Blacksmiths Arms, Home Farm Cafe,
g e t i n t o u c h w i t h t h e c l e r k
Beningbrough Hall, We’re very grateful to all these venues for
( or call the Clerk
kindly offering their help and support. If you, or anyone you know,
on 07814 550125.
is housebound or unable to collect a Newsletter for any other
Shipton Wildflower Woods Tea Towels for Sale (in time for
reason, please email the church
Christmas). Charming design by the committee and FOG school
Secretary,, and we will happily
children. All proceeds will go to the Shipton Wildflower Woods.
deliver to that person in the usual way. We would welcome any
Purchase from Ivy House Main St. Shipton Egg stall or the
feedback, which can be posted on the church Facebook page
Tuesday pm Café. Tel 07986244599 for details.
@allsaintsnewton. Thank you so much for your cooperation during
this trial period.
NEWTON, LINTON & Friends of All Saints: Thursday, 2nd November at 7 pm -
BENINGBROUGH NEWS Alexander McCallion, Director of Works & Precinct, York Minster
will give a talk on how to navigate complex heritage estates
Linton on Ouse Parish Council Meetings are held in person in through the planning process to deliver significant change in the
the main room of the Village Hall at 7:00pm on the third Thursday context of sustainability. Alexander will talk about York Minster’s
of the month. Members of the public are welcome. The agenda is recently adopted Neighbourhood Plan, the first of its kind in the
published online: & on the country and how he has crafted specific planning policy to deliver
Parish Council notice board (outside the Village Hall) at least 3 change within the 2000 year old estate. Alexander will also talk
days before a meeting. To contact the Parish Council please about York Minster’s Centre of Excellence for Heritage Craft Skills
email & Estate Management which will start on site in 2023.
Craft and Chat We meet every 2nd and 4th Wednesday in each Gift Day 2023: Please join us at All Saints church for our annual
month except August. Cost is £3.00 per session from 1pm. Bring fundraiser on Saturday, 4th November between 10:00am and
your own crafts. Enjoy a cuppa with like minded people. Coffee 12noon. Refreshments, bake sale, raffle and selection of
mornings have restarted in the village hall Linton Coffee Mornings stalls. This will be instead of our monthly Café.
in the VH Every 3rd Saturday of the month from 10am. Join us for a All Saints Carol Service: Thursday, 14th December at 6 pm -
bacon/sausage sandwich. Good company! A warm welcome Please keep this date so that we can welcome you to our service of
awaits! Thank you very much Pat Hunter 01347 848629 carols & readings in celebration of Christmas.
Newton on Ouse Parish Hall 100 Club Ring Bill for details on All Saints Christingle: Christmas Eve, Sunday 24th December at
01347 844001. 3:30 pm - Please keep this date. We look forward to welcoming
Church opening hours: All Saints’ church is currently open from everyone to join us for our annual Nativity & Christingle, whether
11am to 3pm daily. resident in the parish, coming home for Christmas or visiting friends
Foodbank Collection: Items for the York Foodbank can be left and family in our villages. If any children would like to participate in
inside at the rear of the church during any of the daily opening the Nativity and dress up please contact either Stephanie
hours of 11am to 3pm. Groceries of all kinds are welcome, but no (07885 616747) or Gillian (01347 848219).
home-baked or other fresh food please. We will ensure the items
reach the Foodbank as soon as possible. Thank you for helping
those in need.
Linton-on-Ouse Village Hall in conjunction with North East
Productions proudly presents Alice in Wonderland on Saturday 25
November @ 1pm. Fun for all the family. Tickets are very Adverts:
reasonably priced at £4 per adult and children are free. If you have
any questions or require further information then please contact Please mention the Parish & Community Newsletter
Mark on 07961 361 048. when contacting advertisers
Poppies for Remembrance: With thanks to Little Bear and Bird
Florists in Haxby, All Saints Church will again host a large display
of poppies in early November. Each member of the community, Advertising space available.
including children at Linton School, will be invited to provide a
knitted, crochet, painted or paper-crafted poppy to feature in the
Help support the parish newsletter.
display (waterproof paints only please). Poppies can also be Please contact:
sponsored for £1 each. All proceeds will be divided between the
Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal and All Saints Church. Keep an
eye on the church noticeboard on Cherry Tree Avenue and on
church and community social media for all the details in the next
few weeks, including patterns and drop-off points for completed Would you like a helping hand to keep your
poppies. Everyone welcome to participate. Let’s join together to garden beautiful?
make this a real community effort! Thank you.
 weeding  garden tidying  lawn edging
Parish & Community Newsletter delivery: A new scheme for
delivery of the Newsletter will be on trial from this month. Instead Call Alex on:
of letterbox delivery, the Newsletter will be available for pick-up at Tel: 01347 848060 GARDEN BEAUTIFUL
the following locations: The small Lych Gate at All Saints Church, Mob: 07905 102702 garden maintenance

Please mention the Parish & Community Newsletter when contacting advertisers

Helen Manders BSc (Hons) MCSP HCPC

Pain Free Start Physiotherapy Practice

20 years experience treating: Advertising space available.

- Sports injuries - Rehabilitation Help support the parish newsletter.
- Back and neck problems - Joint problems
- Pregnancy related problems - Nerve pain Please contact:
- Arthritis management - Headaches,
01347 844013, 8 Parkside, Newton-On-Ouse.

Aspire Advertising space available.

Built-in and Freestanding Help support the parish newsletter.
Ovens – Cookers – Microwave ovens
Dishwashers – Washing machines Please contact:
Tumble Dryers - Fridge freezers
All leading brands - 40 years experience
Tel 07764 160654

Cundall Computers
Repairs & Support – Virus Removal – Tuition
JDC Quartz Watch Repairs
Battery & strap Replacement / Bracelets Sized Your Local Firewood Log Supplier
Ultrasonic Cleaning & Much More
For Both The Above Services Tel: 01904647823 Based at Overton Free Delivery
10 Manor Park Road, York, YO30 5UD. EST 30YRS Seasoned and Kiln Dried Logs
Call 01904 470327 or order online
D Salmons Fencing and Gardening
All types of fencing & shed construction
Patios, decking, pressure washing, hedge cutting.
Ethical waste disposal, professional, friendly, fully
insured, Numerous references available
Tel: 07831 258 855

Advertising space available.

Advertising space available. Help support the parish newsletter.
Help support the parish newsletter. Please contact:
Please contact:

ADVERTISEMENTS Please contact to enquire about advertising opportunities

Celtic Café

All are Welcome

Every fourth Sunday of the month
At Linton Village Hall - 11:00am

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