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Transition Signals

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Republic of the Philippines

Bulacan State University

College of Education
City of Malolos, Bulacan

Field Study 1 (Experiential Observation)

1st Semester, A.Y. 2023-2024

Using Transition Signals

A Detailed Lesson Plan in Using Transition Signals

Prepared by:
ANGELES, Arrabela DC.
Field Study Student

BSED English 3E

Ms. Princess Gerbie C. Durante


Read Grade 8 English Quarter 1 – Module 4: Using Transition Signals

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the students will:
1. identify transition signals used in sentences and paragraphs;
2. classify the types of transition signals used in sentences and paragraphs;
3. scan texts rapidly for connecting words or expressions that signal sequence;
4. construct sentences using transition signals; and
5. write a paragraph using transition signals to achieve coherence.

II. Subject Matter

a) Topic: Noting Context Clues
b) Reading Text: Grade 8 English Quarter 1 – Module 4: Using Transition Signals
c) Reference: Grade 8 English Module: Quarter 1 – Module 4: Using Transition
d) Materials: Chalkboard, visual aids for (Discussion Proper)

Teacher’s Activities Student’s Activities

Routinary Activities

Good Afternoon, class!

(All students will stand up)
Good Afternoon, Madam Coronel! It’s nice to
see you!
Let’s pray.
(The teacher will lead the prayer)

Okay class, you may now sit down. How

many are absent today?

(The class president will answer)

There are four absentees, maam.
All right, list their names and pass it to me.

Pre-discussion Okay, ma’am!

Before we start our discussion, let’s have an

(The teacher will post the activity on the


Fill in the blanks with the appropriate

transition signals in each of the sentences
Choose the letter of the correct answer.
Write your answers on a separate sheet of
1. Walking can make people become more
aware of their surroundings, _____ the
cleanliness of the environment, and the
friendliness of the neighborhood.
A. consequently B. despite C. unfortunately
D. such as
2. Residents complain bitterly about the
trash thrown anywhere, _____ these same
people are the ones doing it.
A. although B. and C. moreover D. yet
3. Some city folks choose to live on a
farmland;_____, they have to adjust to its
slow pace, quietness, and the absence of
cable and Internet connectivity.
A. because B. consequently C. despite D.
such as
4. Teleconferencing is widely used
nowadays to establish communication
among those who
are in the work from home modality;
_____, this allows the participants to hear
or see each
other in a meeting.
A. after B. although C. during D. moreover
5. _____ most people are concerned about
COVID-19, they hope for a vaccine.
A. Because B. Still C. As a result D. Even
6. A lot of people ignored the reminder of
the government to stay at home to avoid
to the disease. _____, the number of cases
A. In fact B. Such as C. As a result D. In
7. The plan of a city-wide lockdown gained
many reactions from the people; _____,
positive and negative opinions were
A. despite B. however C. that is D. in
8. _____ the home quarantine period,
military and police forces are visible to
monitor strict bcompliance of the policies.
A. Because B. Consequently C. During D.
As a result
9. There are many things one can do at
home to be productive. _____, one can
listen to music while doing household
chores, do gardening, read books, watch
TV shows, and the like.
A. Because B. In fact C. In addition D. For
10. Grocery stores and wet markets require
a quarantine pass to control the number of
shoppers. _____, wearing of a face mask is
A. Because B. In fact C. In addition D. For

Write your answer on a piece of paper.

Answers only. You have 15 minutes to answer
this activity. You may start now.

(15 minutes have passed)

Times’s up! Exchange paper with your


(The teacher will write the answers on the


1. D.
2. D (The students will start answering)
3. B
4. D
5. A
6. C
7. C
8. C
9. D
10. C.

Are you all finished checking the papers of

your seatmates?

All right! Total the number of your correct

answers then pass it forward.

Discussion Proper
Let’s start our discussion for today. Our topic (The students will check the papers of their
is about transition signals. seatmates)

(The teacher will post the visual aids on the

board) (All students will answer)
Yes, ma’am!
Transition signals are words and phrases
that connect ideas of sentences and
paragraphs for coherence. They also (The students will pass the papers forward)
indicate building up new idea or thought or
compare ideas or draw conclusions.
Everyone, please read!

We use transition signals to connect ideas

and to indicate a new idea in the same
sentences. Transition signals serve as a
bridge between sentences or paragraphs,
making the overall composition more
cohesive and easy to follow. We have
different types of transition signals and each
type helps to make certain connections. Let’s
have the first one.

(The teacher will post the visual aids) (The students will read the visual aids)

1. Comparison/Contrast points out

alternatives or differences:
Comparison Contrast
as but
also despite
likewise however
similarly even though
in the same way on the contrary

Everyone, please read!

Comparison and contrast are ways of

showing similarities and differences between
ideas or concepts. When you want to
highlight similarities between two things, you
use transition signals that indicate a
comparison. Let’s have an example.

(The teacher will write the example on the


My mom loves pasta, but she dislikes

(The students will read the visual aids)
Everyone, please read!

What is the transition signal used in the

sentence? Yes, Angela?

Correct! In the sentence, the speaker used the

transition signal but. It served as a signal to
shift from a positive sentiment, her loving
pasta to a negative sentiment, her disliking
spaghetti. Is that clear?

Always remember that we use these transition

signals (The teacher will point to the visual
aids) when we are going to compare and
(The students will read the example)
contrast ideas. Is that clear?

Ma’am the transition signal used in the

All right! Let’s now proceed to the next
sentence is but.
function of transition signals.

(The teacher will post the visual aids on the


2. Chronology helps define time:

after before during first
(All students will answer)
later next simultaneously soon
Yes, ma’am!

Everyone, please read!

When we use chronological transition signals

in our sentence, it helps our audience to
follow the timeline of our narrative. What is
(All students will answer)
your routine every morning? What do you do
Yes, ma’am!
before going to school? Yes, Michaela?

(The teacher will write on the board)

My daily routine before going to school

First, I eat breakfast.

What do you do next?

My daily routine before going to school

(The students will read the visual aids)
First, I eat breakfast.
Next, I take a bath.

After taking a bath, what do you do next?

My daily routine before going to school

Ma’am after waking up, I go up and eat
First, I eat breakfast.
Next, I take a bath.
Finally, I go to school.

Very good, Michaela! What are the

chronological transition signals used in the
example? Yes, Bea?

Ma’am, after eating my breakfast, I take a

Correct! We used these transition signals to
guide our receiver through a step by step
progression of what is happening. Using
chronological transition signals makes it
easier to indicate which events happened first
that will avoid confusion. This will help us
create a smooth transition and flow. Is that After taking a bath, I go to school, ma’am.
clear to everyone?

All right! If that’s clear, let’s proceed to the

next type of transition signals.

(The teacher will post the visual aids on the


3. Cause/Effect - shows the consequences Ma’am the transition signals used in the
of an action: example are the transition signals first, next,
and finally.
Cause Effect
accordingly consequently
because as a result
due to therefore
since so

Everyone, please read!

Let’s have an example!

(The teacher will write the example on the (All students will answer)
board) Yes, ma’am!

The event was delayed due to technical


Everyone, please read!

What is the transition signal used in the

sentence? Yes, Jayvee?

Correct! What could be the cause or reason

the event was delayed? Yes, Leon?
Very good! What is the effect of the technical (All students will read the visual aids)
issue? Yes, Ken?

That’s correct! The cause is the technical

issues while the effect is the event was
delayed. We used the transition signal due to
to talk about or introduce the cause of the

(All students will read the visual aids)

If that’s clear, I want you to give an example
of a sentence that uses the cause and effect
transition signal. Will you please give an Ma’am the transition signal used in the
example? Yes, David? sentence is due to.

Very good, David! What is the transition

signal used in the sentence? Yes, Oliver? Ma’am the reason the event was delayed
because there were technical issues.
Correct! What is the cause in the sentence?
Yes, James?
The effect of the technical issue is because of
it, the event was delayed.
Excellent! What is the effect? Yes, Bianca?

That’s correct! The transition signal because

is used to introduce the cause or why the
situation happened. Is that understood by All students will answer)
everyone? Yes, ma’am!

All right! For your take home activity, please

copy what I will post on the board.

(The teacher will post the assignment on the I forgot to bring my lunch because I was
board) running late for school.

Are you all done? Because, ma’am.

Okay, that ends our discussion for today. Ma’am the cause is he was running late for
Good bye class! school.
Ma’am the effect is he forgot to bring his

(All students will answer)

Yes, ma’am!

(The students will copy the assignment)

(All students will answer)

Yes, ma’am!

(All students will stand up)

Good bye, Madam Coronel! Thank you for
teaching us!

On a separate sheet, construct sentences using the given transition signals.
1. likewise ______________________________________________
2. before ______________________________________________
3. because ______________________________________________
4. specifically ______________________________________________
5. also ______________________________________________
6. in other words ______________________________________________
7. almost ______________________________________________
8. given these points______________________________________________
Delivered by: Prepared by:


Cooperating Teacher Field Study Student

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