District: Mineral Foundation, Keonjhar
District: Mineral Foundation, Keonjhar
District: Mineral Foundation, Keonjhar
Description of Essential
Sl. No. Vacancv Consolidated
Posts Qualification remuneration
I Anaesthetist 4 2,00,000/-
2 Cardiologist 2 DM-Cardiology 30,000/- per visit
3 ENT Surgeon 2 MS-ENT I,50,000/-
4 Endocrinology 2 DM-Endocrinology 30,000/- per visit
5 Gastroenterologist I 30,000/- per visit
https://go.nrnater'.coldmf kir doc req / htlps:l/fcrnns.gle/faWzNqDl]AkYf)m9knr7 The
consolidated remuneration as mentioned above is negotiable and will be finalised during the
counselling session to be held o, .1.9.,.J.J..,,.4..0.a.2.......(Date) x ..1..Q.:.1.Q..h.\...trime) at
the Durbar Hall, Collectorate, Keonjhar. Commensurately higher consolidated remuneration will be
offered to the candidates passed out from Govt. Medical Colleges, candidates with higher experience
and those willing to serve in rural areas (SDHS/CHCS/PHCs only).
The jobs offered are contractual for a tenure of I year only from the date ofjoining &
agreement executed with the CDM & PHO. Thereafter, the contract may be renewed for another year
after the successful completion of the agreement period upon mutual consent and by the performance
appraisal. The general transfer rules of the State Government will not be applicable and on deployment,
no subsequent transfer will be administered except on mutual consent.
The appointed doctors will be entitled to avail leave as par with regular employees of
Govt. of Odisha. Other conditions of service shall be as such, as has been provided in the relevant
recruitment Interested candidates are requested to report at lA.rP.0.h.l/J.(Time)
on .1..?r..lJ.r.?*Q.ffi..(Date) at Collectorate, Keonjhar for the above walk-in-interview along with
their updated C.V., original and one set of self-attested copies of all certificates and testimonials.
Candidates who are presently working in Health & Family Welfare Department either on a
regular/Adhoc or contractual basis must submit a "No Objection" certificate from the employer at the
time of the walk-in interview.
The undersigned reserves the right to cancel or reject the advertisement without
assigning any reason thereof. For any enquiry, candidates can also contact the following mobile
numbers during offi ce hours -89 I 7 5 83 37 6I75 88497 I | 1
Chief Executive Officer,
District Mineral Foundation, Keonjhar.
(2nd Floor, DRDA Building, Keonjhar, ODISHA-758001)
E - mai I : dr1rlli-s$:!i.!tLu!tg!a!-c-eu
Port Applicd for
Wttttng to Work ln :
11. Mucrtlsn: Illgh rchool {clerrl0t}} onrpffdr' Plcat. lirt ell your qudillcetiolr
Years of e'xlrerience in Government Sector:
15 A. Current Eaplo5rnentsl
location of li)mployment
Location of Employment
.. l',
Declxretloa- I hereby derlare that all the inforrnation furnished above are correct t* the best of my
knowiedge & belief.
Ttre sellattestetl photo copies of following documents are to bc cnclosed
along with the application.
a) All marks sheets and certificate$ in proof of ttre ciaim made by the
candidates reiating to their educational qualification,
b) Experiencef Service Certificate issued by the Competent Authority.
c) Copy of Registration C*rtificate issued by Medical Council of respectivc
States / MCI
Not to be oublished:
Editions), for information and necessary action. They are requested to publish the advertisement in their
esteemed dailies, immediately within minimum size and submit bills as per Gow. the approved rate with
complimentary copies for early payment of bills.
. o fuk',, 6LFLd"
",.0" Trustee, D.M.F., Keonj har.
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t'fltiPtu' tdlr"lu
Chairpersoi-cum-Chairmdn & Managing
Trusteeo D.M.F., Keonj har.
A;r* 1(l1,rt7
Chairperson-cum-Chaiiman & Managing
Trustee, D.M.F.' Keonjhar.